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    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman want the man t d?
    A. Help her email Emily.B. Prvide prper wrds.C. Teach her French
    【原文】W: Can yu help me? I’m wrking n the email t Emily and I can’t find the right wrds in French.
    M: I dn’t think my French is better, but I’ll try.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When will the speakers get there?
    A. At 9:45 amB. At 9:30 am.C. At 9:15 am.
    【原文】W: The bus will pick us up at 8:30 am, and then it’s an hur’s ride.
    M: S we can get there early enugh.
    W: Nt that early. There is a 15-minute break n the way.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A tight scheduleB. Prblems in papersC. Exam preparatins.
    【原文】W: We’ve just received a timetable fr the exams. We dn’t have much time t prepare.
    M: S let’s cver the imprtant tpics and review last year’s questin papers.
    W: Gd idea!
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where are the speakers?
    A. In a twnB. In a frestC. In a htel.
    【原文】M: A little farther and if we dn’t see the sign, I’m heading back int twn.
    W: Well, the desk clerk said the htel is hidden in the frest.
    M: There it is! I’ve sptted the sign.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.
    B. Shp assistant and custmer.
    C. Repairman and huse wner.
    【原文】M: I am tired f fixing the dishwasher.
    W: Why nt g shpping fr a new ne nw?
    M: Let’s g. But we can’t leave ur pet dg alne.
    W: We can keep it in the car.
    6. What is the man ding?
    A. Generating pwer.B. Creating new dishes.C. Decrating the huse.
    7. What is the wman’s attitude twards the man’s alternative?
    A. Interested.B. Disapprving.C. Supprtive.
    【答案】6. A 7. B
    【原文】W: Uh! What’s that smell?
    M: I’m wrking n my latest inventin: Turn ur ld fd int an energy surce fr ur car and ur huse.
    W: Why? There are already many such types f energy. And nne f them smells like this!
    M: Well, I think I’m nt a better alternative.
    W: Yu mean it wuld be mre efficient than wind pwer r slar energy?
    M: N, but I am using fd that wuld therwise be wasted.
    W: I hate t tell yu, but sme peple have fund a way t d it withut such smell.
    8. Hw ften can the man have pizzas?
    A. Twice a week.B. Once a week.C. Once a mnth.
    9. What will the speakers d n Saturdays?
    A. Jgging.B. Light walking.C. Hiking
    【答案】8. C 9. B
    【原文】M: I’m gaining weight. I’ll stp drinking sft drink frm nw n.
    W: And we’ll cut dwn n pizzas.
    M: I thught yu said pizzas culd be eaten nce a week.
    W: Nw nce a mnth. Once a week is ice cream.
    M: Yeah, ice cream is yur favrite.
    W: Peter, if yu want t lse weight, yu need t be disciplined, in bth what yu eat and what yu d, which brings us t the issue f exercise.
    M: OK. S, jgging twice a week, and hiking n Saturdays, right?
    W: N, hiking is n Sundays. Saturdays are fr the light walking exercise.
    10. Why des the man g t the wman?
    A. T brrw bks.B. T submit his wrk.C. T ask fr time extensin.
    11. Whse bk is the man reading nw?
    A. Oliver’s.B. Andrew’s.C. Billy’s.
    12. What will the man prbably d?
    A. Design a survey.B. Analyze research data.C. Interview prfessinals.
    【答案】10. C 11. B 12. C
    【原文】M: Prfessr, can I hand in my wrk late?
    W: Well, extensins are given nly fr medical reasns. What’s yur prblem?
    M: I can’t finish reading the reference bks.
    W: Yu d nt need t read them all. Chse sme helpful parts frm the bks. Fr example, yu need t read Oliver, whse arguments will give yu a lt f help.
    M: Fine. Shuld I read Billy’s bk?
    W: His wrk is gd, but yu needn’t read it nw. Yu can read Andrew’s.
    M: Yes. I am reading Andrew nw.
    W: Gd. His research methd is excellent. Hw is yur research wrk ging?
    M: I culdn’t find the data I needed. Wuld a survey wrk?
    W: I dn’t think yu will have enugh time t design it and then analyze yur research data. It’s better t interview sme prfessinals.
    M: Thank yu I’ll fllw yur advice.
    13. Which rm will the wman hire?
    A The Charltn Rm.B. The Main Hall.C. The Small Hall.
    14. Hw much shuld the wman pay fr the rm?
    A. £75.B. £115.C. £230.
    15. What needs an extra charge?
    A. Cameras.B. The parking lt.C. Tables
    16. Why is a black bx placed by the fire dr?
    A. T detect a certain sund level.
    B. T shw peple the escape way
    C. T recrd the band’s perfrmance
    【答案】13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A
    【原文】W: Hell. I want t hire a rm fr a charity event n Octber 1st and 2nd.
    M: Let me see … Yes, we have three rms available then. One is ur Main Hall-that’s gt seating fr 200 peple. The Charltn Rm fr up t 100. And the Small Hall fr 50.
    W: Well, we’re hping fr at least 150 peple. S the largest rm will be suitable. Hw much wuld that cst?
    M: £75 fr a weekday and £115 fr a weekend day.
    W: Our activity is n the weekends.
    M: OK.
    W: Des the charge include the use f tables, chairs and parking lt?
    M: Yeah, that’s all included. But yu’ll have t pay extra fr ur cameras.
    W: OK.
    M: Are yu having a band?
    W: Yes.
    M: Talking f bands, I’m sure I dn’t need t tell yu this, but make sure that n ne plays with the black bx by the fire dr – that’s a system that cuts in when the vlume reaches a certain level.
    W: Sure. Anyway, we want peple t be able t talk t ne anther s we dn’t want anything t lud.
    17. What led t Puri’s research?
    A. A wildlife exhibitin.B. Her family’s hpeC. A market visit.
    18. What’s the prblem with present mnitring systems?
    A. They aren’t accurate.
    B. They can’t catch pictures
    C. They can’t lcate hunters
    19. Hw des ELSa wrk?
    A. By using better visual recgnitin.
    B. By analyzing mvement patterns.
    C. By studying animals’ living situatins.
    20. What des Jasper think f ElSa?
    A. It is nt as gd as his system
    B. It will stp much illegal hunting.
    C. Its perfrmance needs t be prved.
    【答案】17. C 18. A 19. B 20. C
    【原文】When 17-year-ld Anika Puri visited India with her family fur years ag, she was surprised t see many prducts made f elephants still fr sale in the market, even thugh the ban n hunting elephants had been in place fr many years. As a wildlife lver, Puri wanted t d smething t help prtect the species. After research, Puri nticed that mnitring systems currently used are based n visual recgnitin. They can’t get clear images f animals and hunters, s they are nt quite accurate. Full f passin, Puri created ElSa, a machine learning sftware. Machine learning allws a prgram t “learn” by feeding n data, t then be able, fr example, t analyze situatins by itself. ElSa then can analyze mvement patterns f humans and elephants. It is fur times mre accurate than the existing detectin methds. Her inventin gt her a prize. Hwever, Jasper, a scientist wh is designing a system t detect illegal hunters using GPS trackers, pinted that Puri’s mdel still needs t be tested further t see hw well it can detect illegal hunters.
    Suthern Oregn University(SOU)husing is nt just a place t live. It is an educatinal envirnment in which we are cmmitted t helping yu learn utside f the classrm and preparing yu fr life beynd cllege. Every resident shares the respnsibility f knwing and understanding ur residence hall standards, s everyne can live in a psitive envirnment.
    Actins which endanger the health and safety f residents are nt permitted in the residence halls. Thrwing any bject frm windws, fighting with water, lighting candles and engaging in sprts r ther physical activities inside the residence halls are nt allwed.
    Small appliances are acceptable if the heating element is enclsed, such as cffee makers and rice ckers. Anything with an pen heating element is nt permitted. Yu are nt permitted t bring yur wn micrwaves r fridges int the residence halls. McLughlin Hall and Madrne apartments are equipped with fullsize fridges and micrwaves. Shasta and Greensprings residents have the ptin f renting a mini fridge fr the year fr a reasnable rate.
    There are bicycle stands cnveniently lcated all ver campus. Be sure t emply apprpriate lcks when parking utdrs. N mtr vehicles are allwed in the residence halls. Bicycles may nt be stred in hallways r any ther public hall lcatin, except Shasta and McLughlin Hall where bicycles can be stred within each rm.
    Quiet hurs in husing:
    ●Sunday thrugh Thursday frm 11 8 a.m.
    ●Friday and Saturday frm midnight t 10 a.m.
    Residents are expected t demnstrate cnsideratin fr thers at all times. If a neighbr requests a reductin in the nise, whether it is during r utside the quiet hurs, respect is expected.
    21. What is the intentin f the passage?
    A. T attract mre students.
    B. T intrduce SOU’s cmmitment.
    C. T prvide guide t residence life.
    D. T explain an educatinal envirnment.
    22. What is allwed if yu are a Shasta resident?
    A. Keeping yur bicycle in the rm.B. Renting a full-size fridge.
    C. Using a micrwave,D. String yur mtr in the hallway.
    23. Which time is prper fr a residence get-tgether?
    A. 7:30 B. 10
    C. 11:30 D. 9
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B
    推理判断题。根据文章第一段第三句“Every resident shares the respnsibility f knwing and understanding ur residence hall standards, s everyne can live in a psitive envirnment.”(每位居民都有责任去了解我们居民楼的标准,以便每个人都能有舒适的生活环境。)并结合后文的注意事项可知,文章主要说明了一些居民生活中应该注意的安全事项。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据“BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES”中“Bicycles may nt be stred in hallways r any ther public hall lcatin, except Shasta and McLughlin Hall where bicycles can be stred within each rm.”(自行车不能放在楼道或者其他公共位置,Shasta 和McLughlin除外,这两个地方自行车可以放在室内。)可知,在Shasta自行车可以放在室内。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据“NOISE&QUIET HOURS”中“Friday and Saturday frm midnight t 10 a.m”(周五和周六从午夜到上午10点)可知,这个时间段应该保证安静,所以周五晚上10.00可以举行聚会活动。故选B项。
    Let me start by stating that I am an sprey. As with many in the human ppulatin, I spend a great deal f time near the shres and castlines. Nw, many f my fellw wild creatures have asked me t cmmunicate with yu n a matter f great imprtance. We need yur help.
    It has cme t ur attentin that all f ur lives culd becme endangered by yur gvernment. One f the mst prtective wildlife laws ever put int actin is abut t be severely weakened:the Endangered Species Act.
    We knw this wuld be a disastrus mistake. We had a frightening brush with extinctin frm the 1950s t the 1970s.Humans realized that chemical pisns such as DDT were causing ur eggshells t thin. Other flying species were dying ff, t. In 1973, when they were prhibited accrding t the Act, ur ppulatin recvered, but it was nt easy and nt immediate.
    The law als prtected scres f ther animals and plants. It helped save yur natinal symbl, the bald eagle (秃鹰), frm extinctin. It allwed fr the re-intrductin f wlves t Yellwstne Natinal Park t restre a natural balance t that ecsystem. Right nw, the law prtects mre than 1,600 species in the United States. D yu really think it is a gd idea t weaken it?
    Yur gvernment is engaged in sme very dangerus, shrt-term and nnscientific thinking. Apparently, it is mre ecnmically accuntable. That means if saving ur lives invlves larger pssible ecnmic lsses, ur lives and the stability f all f the multiple ecsystems f which we are a part will be ignred. This will nt result in healthy, stable and sustainable ecsystems, which are what we all need t survive. Please help us and help yurselves. Keep the Endangered Species Act unbrken.
    24. Which nce made spreys in danger?
    A. The passing f a wildlife law.
    B. The ccupatin f ther species.
    C. The slw prcess f reprductin.
    D. The using f a pisnus substance.
    25. Hw is Paragraph 4 mainly develped?
    A. By analyzing results.
    B. By giving examples.
    C By fllwing time rder
    D. By making cmparisns.
    26. What des the last paragraph intend t say?
    A. The Act is nt perfect.
    B. The ecsystem is weak
    C. Ecnmy is wrsening gradually.
    D. The gvernment is lacking in visin.
    27. What is the “sprey” ding in the text?
    A. Making a request.
    B. Delivering a speech.
    C. Prpsing a slutin.
    D. Declaring determinatin.
    【答案】24. D 25. B 26. D 27. A
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Humans realized that chemical pisns such as DDT were causing ur eggshells t thin. Other flying species were dying ff, t.”(人类意识到像DDT这样的化学毒药正在使我们的蛋壳变薄。其他飞行物种也相继灭绝。)可知,使用有毒物质曾经使鱼鹰处于危险之中。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“The law als prtected scres f ther animals and plants. It helped save yur natinal symbl, the bald eagle, frm extinctin. It allwed fr the re-intrductin f wlves t Yellwstne Natinal Park t restre a natural balance t that ecsystem. Right nw, the law prtects mre than 1,600 species in the United States. D yu really think it is a gd idea t weaken it?”(该法律还保护了许多其他动植物。它帮助拯救了你们国家的象征,白头鹰,使之免于灭绝。它允许狼重新引入黄石国家公园,以恢复生态系统的自然平衡。目前,这项法律保护着美国1600多个物种。你真的认为削弱它是个好主意吗?)可推知,第四段主要是通过举例来展开的。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Yur gvernment is engaged in sme very dangerus, shrt-term and nnscientific thinking Apparently, it is mre ecnmically accuntable. That means if saving ur lives invlves larger pssible ecnmic lsses, ur lives and the stability f all f the multiple ecsystems f which we are a part will be ignred.”(你的政府正在进行一些非常危险的、短期的和不科学的思考。显然,它在经济上更负责任。这意味着,如果拯救我们的生命可能会带来更大的经济损失,那么我们的生命和我们所在的所有多元生态系统的稳定将被忽视。)可推知,最后一段想表达的是政府缺乏远见。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章大意以及第一段中“Let me start by stating that I am an sprey. As with many in the human ppulatin, I spend a great deal f time near the shres and castlines. Nw, many f my fellw wild creatures have asked me t cmmunicate with yu n a matter f great imprtance. We need yur help.”(让我先声明一下,我是一只鱼鹰。和许多人一样,我大部分时间都呆在海岸和海岸线附近。现在,我的许多野生动物同伴要求我与你们交流一件非常重要的事情。我们需要你的帮助。)和最后一段中“Please help us and help yurselves. Keep the Endangered Species Act unbrken.”(请帮助我们,也请帮助你们自己。保持《濒危物种法案》不被破坏。)可推知,“鱼鹰”在文中提出请求。故选A项。
    Teaching middle-schl children abut climate change may be ne f the mst imprtant things we can d t save the planet.It’s thse kids wh have the mst ptential, accrding t a new study
    It’s at this develpmental age that students can master cmplex cncepts like climate change and remain pen t new ideas,the researchers say.Middle schl is usually when we start t figure ut hw we really feel abut the wrld and t frm ur wn pinins.
    The researchers carried ut an experiment with students in Nrth Carlina.They gave specialized climate change training t middle schl teachers,sharing lessns that wuld specifically encurage the kids t interact with their parents and talk abut the tpic.Research has shwn that lessns n climate change that have the mst impact typically frame the tpic arund smething yu can ften see r experience,s.the lessns were fcused n these themes,such as hw the envirnment relates t animals r hw an individual can directly affect the envirnment.
    The researchers divided the students int tw grups:a cntrl grup that didn’t get the specialized lessns and an experiment grup wh did.They als surveyed parents befre, during and after the prgram,fllwing these grups fr tw years.
    After the prgram,the 357 students wh gt the special lessns and their parents shwed a larger change in their level f cncern abut climate change than the 224 students wh did nt get the training.The 357 kids,the study fund,can best reach adults and encurage them t act t fight climate change,regardless f their parents’ plitical beliefs.In fact,the researchers fund this methd has the greatest impact n the peple wh are therwise hardest t cnvince:cnservative (保守的) males.
    “Ireally think it is very timely and really speaks t the fact that we have t prepare kids fr climate change,”said study authr Danielle Lawsn.“Immediate actin is key.We have abut 12 years t take actin tgether t keep the glbal average temperature frm rising 1.5 degrees Celsius ver pre-industrial levels.Beynd that critical pint,climate change will have dne permanent damage.”
    28. Why d middle schlers have the mst ptential?
    A. They are free frm wrng ideas.
    B. They like t deal with cmplexity.
    C. They are interested in the utside wrld.
    D. They are at an age t frm their wn views.
    29. Hw can we describe the lessn tpic?
    A. Challenging.B. Familiar.C. CharmingD. Limited.
    30. What did the study find?
    A. Peple’s plitical beliefs are hard t change.
    B. The 357 kids are gd at cmmunicatin skills.
    C. Kids receiving the lessns influence their parents mre.
    D. N methd but this ne can cnvince cnservative males.
    31. What can be inferred frm Danielle Lawsn?
    A. We have enugh time t take actin.
    B. It’s urgent t deal with climate change
    C. The kids can slve the future climate challenge
    D. We can d nthing abut glbal warming after 2034.
    【答案】28. D 29. B 30. C 31. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段“It’s at this develpmental age that students can master cmplex cncepts like climate change and remain pen t new ideas,the researchers say.Middle schl is usually when we start t figure ut hw we really feel abut the wrld and t frm ur wn pinins.(研究人员表示,正是在这个发展阶段,学生才能掌握气候变化等复杂概念,并对新思想乐于接受。中学通常是我们开始了解自己对世界的真实感受并形成自己观点的时候)”可知,中学生在拯救地球这方面最有潜力是因为他们正处于形成自己观点的年龄。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段第二句话“Research has shwn that lessns n climate change that have the mst impact typically frame the tpic arund smething yu can ften see r experience,s.the lessns were fcused n these themes,such as hw the envirnment relates t animals r hw an individual can directly affect the envirnment.(研究表明,影响最大的气候变化课程通常围绕着你经常看到或体验到的东西来阐述这个话题,因此,这些课程侧重于这些主题,例如环境如何与动物相关或个体如何直接影响环境)”可推知,这些主题是围绕我们经常看到或体验到的东西来阐述的。所以我们对这些主题是熟悉的。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第五段第二、三句话“The 357 kids,the study fund,can best reach adults and encurage them t act t fight climate change,regardless f their parents’ plitical beliefs.In fact,the researchers fund this methd has the greatest impact n the peple wh are therwise hardest t cnvince:cnservative(保守的)males.(研究发现,这357个孩子不管他们父母的政治信仰如何,可以最好的与成年人联系,并鼓励他们采取行动应对气候变化。事实上,研究人员发现,这种方法对那些最难以说服的人——保守的男性——影响最大。)”可推知,接受课程的孩子对父母的影响更大。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段 Danielle Lawsn所说的话“Immediate actin is key.We have abut 12 years t take actin tgether t keep the glbal average temperature frm rising 1.5 degrees Celsius ver pre-industrial levels.Beynd that critical pint,climate change will have dne permanent damage.(立即采取行动是关键。我们有大约12年的时间共同采取行动,防止全球平均气温比工业化前水平上升1.5摄氏度。超过这一临界点,气候变化将造成永久性破坏)”可知,Danielle Lawsn认为我们现在必须采取行动来保护我们的地球,防止气候变化,否则气候变化将造成永久性破坏。由此可推知,应对气候变化是当务之急。故选B。
    Maitland Jnes Jr. is ne f the natin’s tp rganic chemistry prfessrs. He taught the subject fr decades, first at Princetn and then at New Yrk University, and wrte an influential textbk. He received awards fr his teaching, as well as recgnitin as ne f NYU’s clest prfessrs.
    But last spring, as the campus emerged frm pandemic restrictins, 82 f his 350 students signed a petitin (请愿书) against him. Students said the curse-negatively knwn fr ending many students’ dream f medical schl-was t hard, blaming Dr. Jnes fr their pr test scres. “We are very cncerned abut ur scres, and find that they are nt an accurate reflectin f the time and effrt put int this class,” the petitin said. “A class with such a high percentage f withdrawals and lw grades has failed t make students’ learning and well-being a pririty and reflects prly n the chemistry department.”
    Dr. Jnes, 84, wh pineered a new methd f instructin that relied mre n prblem slving, defended his standards. “Students were misreading exam questins at an astnishing rate,” he wrte t the university. Grades fell even as he reduced the difficulty f his exams. After several years f Cvid learning lss, the students nt nly didn’t study, they didn’t seem t knw hw t study.
    The fficials decided t end the cntract with Jnes and ffered the students a chance t review their grades and withdraw frm the class.
    The university’s handling f the petitin set ff equal and ppsite reactins frm bth the chemistry prfessrs and pr-Jnes students. “They are bviusly ging fr sme bttm line, and they want happy students wh are saying great things abut the university s mre peple apply and the U.S. News rankings keep ging higher,” said Paramjit Arra, a chemistry prfessr.
    “I dn’t want my jb back,” Dr. Jnes said, adding that he had planned t retire sn anyway.“I just want t make sure this desn’t happen t anyne else.”
    32. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Jnes’s secret t success.
    B. Jnes’s ignrance f awards.
    C. Jnes’s fruitful teaching career.
    D. Jnes’s recgnitin f fellw prfessrs.
    33. What is the main cncern frm the 82 students?
    A. A sharp decrease in study time.
    B. The department develpment.
    C. Schl pandemic restrictins.
    D. Their academic perfrmance.
    34. Why did the NYU dismiss Jnes accrding t Paramjit Arra?
    A. T satisfy the students.
    B. T make the headlines.
    C. T fllw the cllege rule.
    D. T warn the ther prfessrs.
    35. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Wh Was t Blame?
    B. Hw t Treat Teachers?
    C. What’s Wrng with Students?
    D. Where t Get a Better Educatin?
    【答案】32. C 33. D 34. A 35. A
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Maitland Jnes Jr. is ne f the natin’s tp rganic chemistry prfessrs. He taught the subject fr decades, first at Princetn and then at New Yrk University, and wrte an influential textbk. He received awards fr his teaching, as well as recgnitin as ne f NYU’s clest prfessrs.”(Maitland Jnes Jr是全国顶尖的有机化学教授之一。他先是在普林斯顿大学(Princetn),然后在纽约大学(New Yrk University)教授这门学科数十年,并撰写了一本颇具影响力的教科书。他的教学屡获殊荣,也被公认为纽约大学最酷的教授之一)可知,第一段主要讲的是琼斯卓有成效的教学生涯。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“We are very cncerned abut ur scres, and find that they are nt an accurate reflectin f the time and effrt put int this class,” the petitin said.”(请愿书中写道:“我们非常关注我们的分数,发现它们不能准确反映我们在这门课上投入的时间和努力。”)可知,82名学生最关心的是他们的学习成绩。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“They are bviusly ging fr sme bttm line, and they want happy students wh are saying great things abut the university s mre peple apply and the rankings keep ging higher,” said Paramjit Arra, a chemistry prfessr.”(他们显然是在追求某种底线,他们希望学生开心,对这所大学大加赞赏,这样就会有更多人申请,《美国新闻与世界报道》的排名就会不断提高,”化学教授帕拉姆吉特·阿罗拉(Paramjit Arra)说)可推知,根据Paramjit Arra的说法,纽约大学解雇琼斯是因为让学生满意。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第二段中“Students said the curse-negatively knwn fr ending many students’ dream f medical schl-was t hard, blaming Dr. Jnes fr their pr test scres.”(学生们说,这门课程太难了,他们把考试成绩差的原因归咎于琼斯教授)和第三段中“Dr.Jnes,84,wh pineered a new methd f instructin that relied mre n prblem slving, defended his standards.”(84岁的琼斯博士开创了一种新的教学方法,更多地依赖于解决问题,他为自己的标准进行了辩护)可知,主要讲述了纽约大学的学生认为他们的成绩下降和琼斯博士的课程有关,以及他本人和学校官员对此的看法。故文章最适合的标题是“该怪谁?”。故选A项。
    D yu remember what it is like t be a kid?____36____Wake up. Get dressed. Brush yur teeth. Eat yur breakfast. Get in the car. G t schl. Smetimes kids listen t the instructins, but smetimes they dn’t. And when they dn’t, that can be very depressing fr parents. S hw can parents get their kids t act accrdingly?
    One strategy widely recmmended by children’s health prfessinals is t engage yur child in “special time”. Fr at least 5 minutes a day, jin yur child in activities like playing with dlls-anything that desn’t have a right r wrng way t play. Dn’t ask questins r give cmmands. ____37____It gives yur child a chance t interact with yu withut the stress f having t fllw directins, which in turn strengthens the bnd between yu.
    Research has shwn that this kind f playtime can be helpful in treating disruptive (捣乱的) cnduct in children. Accrding t a 2017 review f literature, special time has lng been regarded as an “effective preventin fr many emtinal and behaviral difficulties” since it was develped in the 1970s. ____38____
    If yu’re ready t try special time with yur child, keep these in yur mind. Repeat back sme f what they say. If they say “and it crashes,” yu’re ging t say “and it crashes.” The repetitin shws yur child yu understand them and that yu’re listening. ____39____. Rather than saying “gd jb,” because kids hear that all day lng, say “I lve the way yu stack (堆) thse blcks high.”
    ____40____But give it a week r tw, and yu’ll find that yur child wn’t want it t end. The best way t find ut if smething is gd r successful is t test it yurself.
    A. This is yur child’s time t be in charge.
    B. S much f the day is directed by adults.
    C. Shw enthusiasm while playing with yur child.
    D. The practice ften feels awkward fr adults at first.
    E. Give yur child specific praise as yu play tgether.
    F. It increases the clseness between yur child and yu.
    G. It’s als been shwn t bst cncentratin and scial skills in children.
    【答案】36. B 37. A 38. G 39. E 40. D
    上文“D yu remember what it is like t be a kid? (你还记得小时候作为孩子是什么样子吗?)”为问句;下文“Wake up. Get dressed. Brush yur teeth. Eat yur breakfast. Get in the car. G t schl. Smetimes kids listen t the instructins, but smetimes they dn’t. (醒来。穿好衣服。刷牙。吃你的早餐。上车。去上学。孩子们有时会听从指示,但有时不会。)”讲述了作为孩子,一天中按照指示所做的具体事项。B项“S much f the day is directed by adults. (一天中的大部分时间都是由成年人指挥的。)”既是上文问句的回答,呼应下文的“Smetimes kids listen t the instructins, but smetimes they dn’t.”。故选B。
    上文“Fr at least 5 minutes a day, jin yur child in activities like playing with dlls-anything that desn’t have a right r wrng way t play. Dn’t ask questins r give cmmands. (每天至少花5分钟和你的孩子一起玩玩具娃娃——没有任何正确或错误的游戏方式。不要问问题,也不要发号施令。)”为祈使句,是建议;下文“It gives yur child a chance t interact with yu withut the stress f having t fllw directins, which in turn strengthens the bnd between yu. (这给了你的孩子一个与你互动的机会,而不必有听从指示的压力,这反过来又加强了你们之间的联系。)”为上文建议的意义和好处。A项“This is yur child’s time t be in charge. (这是你孩子做主的时候了。)”中“This”指代上文的建议,且与下文同为意义和好处。故选A。
    上文“Research has shwn that this kind f playtime can be helpful in treating disruptive (捣乱的) cnduct in children. (研究表明,这种游戏时间有助于治疗儿童的破坏性行为。)”为研究结果,说明这种游戏时间的好处。G项“It’s als been shwn t bst cncentratin and scial skills in children. (它还被证明可以提高儿童的注意力和社交能力。)”中“It”指代上文中的“this kind f playtime”,且“als”进一步说明另一研究结果:还可以提高儿童的注意力和社交能力。故选G。
    后文“Rather than saying “gd jb,” because kids hear that all day lng, say “I lve the way yu stack (堆) thse blcks high.” (不要说“干得好”,因为孩子们整天都听到这句话,而是说“我喜欢你把积木堆得这么高。”) ”为举例说明具体的建议。E项“Give yur child specific praise as yu play tgether. (当你们一起玩的时候,给孩子具体明确的表扬。)”为作者给出的建议。故选E。
    上文““Rather than saying “gd jb,” because kids hear that all day lng, say “I lve the way yu stack (堆) thse blcks high.” (不要说“干得好”,因为孩子们整天都听到这句话,而是说“我喜欢你把积木堆得这么高。”) ”为作者给出的建议;下文“But give it a week r tw, and yu’ll find that yur child wn’t want it t end. (但是过一两个星期,你就会发现你的孩子并不想结束。)”为转折句,孩子不想结束,说明是成功的。D项“The practice ften feels awkward fr adults at first. (一开始,这种做法通常会让成年人感到尴尬。)”中“The practice”指代上文的建议,且说明缺点,照应下文的转折句,即使成年人一开始会尴尬,但是孩子喜欢。故选D。
    I lve the idea f a marathn race with just simply having a beginning pint and an end gal. But what I lve mre abut it is all abut the____41____t my marathn.
    Befre I fund my appreciatin f running, ____42____ speaking, I was never a fan f it. As I gt lder, I had the ____43____t d things that I had never thught f ding-that was when I ____44____ myself.
    It was during late summer that I____45____ t jin a run. In every training sessin, I gt the ____46____t learn smething new abut myself and everything else that surrunded me. I fund my cnnectin t nature ____47____ and it made me much mre ____48____f everything-the wind, the rays f the sun and every step I take. During training, I passed by ____49____peple-sme eventually ran faster than I, and sme thers I _____50_____them. This reminded me everyne has different battles.
    If I hadn’t decided t get ready and just g fr it, I wuld have never knwn what running _____51_____fr me. But f curse with all these amazing feelings, there came _____52_____days when I felt terrible with aching muscles and hurting laps. Every aspect f life always cmes_____53_____ thse tw, desn’t it? Gd and bad, right and wrng. It all_____54_____ perspective-which side will yu let shine even mre?
    I hpe yu find yur wn marathn and_____55_____ it!
    41. A. jurneyB. eagernessC. invitatinD. admissin
    42. A. prudlyB. rughlyC. academicallyD. hnestly
    43. A. dutyB. tendencyC. permissinD. request
    44. A. challengedB. cmfrtedC. treatedD. expsed
    45. A. agreedB. learnedC. decidedD. needed
    46. A. energyB. rderC. abilityD. chance
    47. A. deepenedB. remainedC. failedD. brke
    48. A. cnfidentB. awareC. carefulD. free
    49. A. ddB. differentC. smartD. generus
    50. A. admiredB. influencedC. beatD. frgave
    51. A. statedB. attractedC. impressedD. had
    52. A. plainB. greatC. specialD. tugh
    53. A. inB. afterC. frD. under
    54. A. lks up tB. bils dwn tC. rlls dwn tD. adds up t
    55. A. intrduceB. examineC. experienceD. determine
    【答案】41. A 42. D 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. D 47. A 48. B 49. B 50. C 51. D 52. D 53. A 54. B 55. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但我更喜欢的是我的马拉松之旅。A. jurney旅程;B. eagerness渴望;C. invitatin邀请;D. admissin许可。根据“I lve the idea f a marathn race with just simply having a beginning pint and an end gal.”可知,作者喜欢马拉松之旅。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:说实话,在我发现自己喜欢跑步之前,我从来都不是它的粉丝。A. prudly骄傲地;B. rughly粗略地;C. academically学业上;D. hnestly诚实地。根据“I was never a fan f it.”可知,说实话,作者之前并不喜欢跑步。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着年龄的增长,我倾向于做一些我从未想过要做的事情——那就是我挑战自我的时候。A. duty责任;B. tendency趋势;C. permissin允许;D. request请求。根据“I had never thught f ding-that was when I ____4____ myself.”可知,随着年龄的增长,作者倾向于做一些自己从未想过要做的事情,have the tendency t d sth.“有做某事的倾向”。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着年龄的增长,我倾向于做一些我从未想过要做的事情——那就是我挑战自我的时候。A. challenged挑战;B. cmfrted安慰;C. treated对待;D. expsed揭露。根据“I had never thught f ding”可知,随着年龄的增长,作者倾向于自我挑战。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在夏末的时候,我决定参加跑步。A. agreed同意;B. learned学习;C. decided决定;D. needed需要。根据“In every training sessin, I gt the ____6____t learn smething new abut myself and everything else that surrunded me.”可知,作者开始决定参加跑步。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在每次训练中,我都有机会了解自己和周围的一切。A. energy精力;B. rder订单;C. ability能力;D. chance机会。根据“learn smething new abut myself and everything else that surrunded me.”可知,通过跑步训练,作者有机会了解自己和周围的一切。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我发现我与自然的联系加深了,它让我更清楚地意识到一切——风、阳光和我走的每一步。A. deepened加深;B. remained剩余;C. failed失败;D. brke打破。根据“In every training sessin, I gt the ____6____t learn smething new abut myself and everything else that surrunded me.”可知,在跑步过程中,作者发现自己加深了与自然的联系。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我发现我与自然的联系加深了,它让我更清楚地意识到一切——风、阳光和我走的每一步。A. cnfident自信的;B. aware知道的;意识到的;C. careful仔细的;D. free自由的。根据前文“ I gt the 6 t learn smething new abut myself and everything else that surrunded me.”和“the wind, the rays f the sun and every step I take.”可知,作者有机会了解自己和周围的一切,感觉自然让自己更清楚地意识到一切。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在训练中,我遇到了不同的人——有的人最终比我跑得快,有的人被我打败了。A. dd古怪的;B. different不同的;C. smart时髦的;D. generus慷慨的。根据“sme eventually ran faster than I, and sme thers I ____10____them.”可知,在训练中,作者遇到了不同的人。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在训练中,我遇到了不同的人——有的人最终比我跑得快,有的人被我打败了。A. admired羡慕;B. influenced影响;C. beat打败;D. frgave原谅。根据“sme eventually ran faster than I,”可知,跑得慢的人被作者打败了。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我没有决定做好准备,全力以赴,我就永远不会知道跑步对我有什么意义。A. stated开始;B. attracted吸引;C. impressed影响;D. had有。根据“If I hadn’t decided t get ready and just g fr it,”可知,因为作者做好准备,全力以赴,所以作者知道了跑步对自己有什么意义。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当然,有了这些美妙的感觉,我也有过肌肉酸痛、膝盖疼痛的艰难日子。A. plain清楚的;B. great伟大的;C. special特别的;D. tugh艰难的。根据“when I felt terrible with aching muscles and hurting laps.”可知,因为跑步而肌肉酸痛、膝盖疼痛,是作者艰难日子。故选D。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:生活的方方面面都在这两方面,不是吗? A. in在……方面;B. after在……之后;C. fr为了;D. under低于。根据“Gd and bad, right and wrng.”可知,生活的方方面面都在好与坏,对与错这两方面。故选A。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这一切都归结为视角——你会让哪一面更闪耀? A. lks up t尊敬;B. bils dwn t简化为;归结为;C. rlls dwn t向下滚动到;D. adds up t合计达。根据“which side will yu let shine even mre?”可知,是好与坏还是对与错,这一切都归结为不同的视角。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:希望你能找到自己的马拉松,并亲身体验!A. intrduce介绍;B. examine检查;C. experience经历;体验;D. determine决心。根据“I hpe yu find yur wn marathn”可知,作者建议我们找到自己的马拉松,并亲身体验。故选C。
    China’s Zhurng rver(火星车)has fund evidence suggesting that water existed n Mars fr much lnger than expected.
    Zhurng landed in a large plain n Mars n May 15,2021. Since then it has been explring its landing site and sending infrmatin____56____ (cnstant) back t the Tianwen-1 rbiter circling the planet.
    Data____57____ (cllect) by the rver shws that the plain cntained water during a time____58____ many experts believed Mars t be dry and cld.
    “____59____came as a surprise t us researchers that at the landing site we fund sme minerals____60____ (indicate) water activities,” said Yang Liu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy f Sciences. “Previus bservatins didn’t uncver the signature f these minerals.”
    The minerals are cntained within bright-clred rcks and these rcks make up a hard surface. The surface can frm when a substantial amunt____61____water evaprates (蒸发) . The discvery f the hard surface suggests that the plain____62____ (have)active water circles millins f years ag.
    The rver will carry ut a____63____ (far) explratin in the plain in the fllwing perid f time____64____ (gain) mre insights abut the histry f water in the regin. The plain has been f interest t____65____ (scientist) because sme guess the regin nce hsted an cean.
    【答案】56. cnstantly
    57. cllected
    58. when 59. It
    60. indicating
    61. f 62. had
    63. further
    64. t gain
    65. scientists
    考查定语从句。句意:火星车收集的数据显示,在许多专家认为火星干燥寒冷的时候,平原上有水。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词a time,先行词在定语从句中作时间状语,所以用关系副词when引导。故填when。
    考查固定短语。句意:当大量的水蒸发时,表面就会形成。an amunt f“大量的”,是固定短语。故填f。
    考查时态。句意:坚硬地表的发现表明,数百万年前,该平原曾有活跃的水循环。分析句子结构可知,空处为宾语从句的谓语动词。根据时间状语 millins f years ag可知,句子为一般过去时态。故填had。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:火星车将在接下来的一段时间内对平原进行进一步的探索,以获得有关该地区水历史的更多见解。分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词,空处为非谓语动词作目的状语,所以用动词不定式。故填t gain。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 你校英语报举办以“A Dish fr My Family”为题短文竞赛。请你写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:
    【答案】A Dish fr My Family
    Every time I taste the dishes made by my mther, I’m always verwhelmed by the lve in them. I think I shuld d smething fr my family as well.
    This Saturday, I will make carrt and fish sup fr my mther and father. Their screen time has led t blurred visin and eye strain. Carrts are said t be an excellent surce f vitamin, which is gd fr eyes. Fish is a healthy fd, rich in essential nutrients like prtein.
    I can’t imagine hw happy my mther and father will be when the dish is served.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于开放性作文。要求考生以“A Dish fr My Family”为题,写一篇短文参赛。
    导致:lead t→result in
    极其重要的:essential→very imprtant
    对……有好处:be gd fr→be beneficial t
    原句:Fish is a healthy fd, rich in essential nutrients like prtein.
    拓展句:Fish is a healthy fd, which is rich in essential nutrients like prtein.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Carrts are said t be an excellent surce f vitamin, which is gd fr eyes. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Every time I taste the dishes made by my mther, I’m always verwhelmed by the lve in them. (运用了Every time引导的时间状语从句)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “I hpe Santa will bring me the dll fr Christmas,” Jenna Lee whispered. She and I pressed up ur faces t the ty stre windw that separated us frm the dll inside.
    Jenna was my neighbr. She and her family had nly arrived frm Suth Carlina a few mnths ag, withut her father. I didn’t knw the particulars, nly that they were under difficult circumstances. Mum ften gave them sme necessities and cmfrted her mther.
    “It’s Chatty Cathy dll. If yu pull the string n her neck, she’ll talk t yu,” I explained.
    “She can say 11 things like ‘I lve yu’and ‘Tell me a stry’.”
    “I’ve never seen anything like her,” Jenna said, rubbing (擦) the glass windw with ne finger. “She wuld be nearly as gd as having a real live friend like yu.”
    Chatty Cathy was n every girl’s Santa list. But I didn’t tell Jenna what I knew fr a fact: Santa wasn’t real. Knwing the truth abut Santa did have ne advantage. It gave me the idea t search the huse fr presents that might be hidden away fr me until Christmas mrning. In fact, deep in the back f mum’s clset (衣橱) I’d fund my Chatty Cathy dll. On Christmas mrning She wuld be mine! I culd hardly wait. Until then, Chatty Cathy wuld remain my secret.
    “She’s the nly thing I wrte dwn n my list fr Christmas. What’s n yur list this year?” I asked Jenna.
    “I dn’t make lists,” said Jenna, her eyes never leaving Chatty Cathy’s face. “We’re grateful fr whatever Santa leaves in ur stckings (长袜). I just hpe Santa can find us this year.”
    “Santa knws everything,” I cmfrted her. Walking hme, I thught abut what Jenna had said abut being grateful. My mum always tld me t be grateful fr whatever happened. Nw I was grateful fr having a Chatty Cathy dll in her pink and range bx, just waiting fr me t pen her up n Christmas mrning. The thught f it made me burst with excitement.
    On Christmas mrning, my family and I gathered arund the tree.
    Jenna skipped int my huse with a Chatty Cathy when I was seated in the sfa disappinted.
    【答案】On Christmas mrning,my family and I gathered arund the tree. “Ww, a cl mdel car!” Here came my brther’s cheerful vice. It was then that my sister Lucy als unwrapped her gift under my mther’s help. On seeing the beautiful dress, the fur-year-ld girl asked Mum t dress herself in it happily. A pink and range bx attracted my eye, n which there was a nte saying, “Fr dear Jane!” As I expected, it did belng t me. I pened the bx quickly and excitedly. I culdn’t wait t play with my chatty Cathy. Hwever, I culdn’t believe my eyes. In the pink and range bx lay nthing but a case f chclate and a card saying “Merry Christmas!” It must be mistaken.
    Jenna skipped int my huse with a Chatty Cathy when I was seated in the sfa disappinted. “Lk at my Cathy, Jane! Santa really fund us thugh we mved! Let’s play with her tgether.” Suddenly it ccurred t me that maybe my mther was the Santa wh fund Jenna. Thinking f what my mther always tld me, I cheered up and hugged Diana. Nw I was grateful that Jenna shared her dll and ty with me.
    ①.穿上:dress sb. in…/put n…
    ②.打开:unwrap the present/pen the bx f the present
    ③.找到:find/spt/put ne’s hands n
    ①.感谢:shw appreciatin/shw gratitude/be grateful
    ②.开心:becme happy/cheer up
    [高分句型1]. It was then that my sister Lucy als unwrapped her gift under my mther’s help.(使用了强调句型对时间状语进行强调)
    [高分句型2]. In the pink and range bx lay nthing but a case f chclate and a card saying “Merry Christmas!”(使用了倒装句和现在分词短语作后置定语)
    [高分句型3]. Suddenly it ccurred t me that maybe my mther was the Santa wh fund Jenna.(使用了that引导的主语从句)

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