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    这是一份2022-2023学年福建省厦门市高一下学期7月期末英语试题(含解析),共25页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,将答题卡交回,15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、座号、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What will the man buy?
    A. Pencils. B. An ice-cream. C. A shirt.
    2. What des the wman want t d?
    A. Have lunch with the man. B. Send an email t Jhn.
    C. Check the reprt.
    3. What happened t the man?
    A. He gt wet in the rain. B. He lst his umbrella. C. He missed the bus.
    4. Where des the cnversatin mst prbably take place?
    A. At a gas statin. B. On the rad. C. At a repair shp.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Pictures. B. A camera. C. Hliday destinatins.
    6. Where will the man get his luggage?
    A. In Shanghai. B. In New Yrk. C. In Seattle.
    7. Which gate shuld the man g t?
    A. Gate 15. B. Gate 20. C. Gate 26.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Strangers. C. Schlmates.
    9. When will the man g t the wman’s?
    A. This Saturday afternn. B. This Sunday afternn.
    C. Next Sunday evening.
    10. What will the man d next?
    A. Practice dancing. B. G t a party. C. Prepare fr an exam.
    11. What did the wman’s father d fr her?
    A. He bught her a pian. B. He tld her histry stries.
    C. He gt her sme dcumentaries.
    12. What did the wman’s grandpa buy fr her?
    A. Pian lessns. B. Histry bks. C. Educatinal bks.
    13. What changed the wman’s mther’s mind?
    A. A stry. B. A bk. C. A diary.
    14. Hw many pints did Jaymes scre?
    A. 10 pints. B. 35 pints. C. 45 pints.
    15. What des the wman suggest ding in the free time?
    A. Watching basketball games. B. Explring gd places.
    C. Practicing basketball.
    16. Where will the speakers meet?
    A. In the man’s huse. B. By the lake. C. At the park.
    17. When des the cnversatin take place?
    A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.
    18. What did the speaker d after her trip t Sctland?
    A. She visited a park. B. She tured a castle. C. She jined a grup.
    19. Hw des the htel prtect the envirnment?
    A. It ffers reusable prducts. B. It prvides cheap equipment.
    C. It suggests shwering fr less time.
    20. What was free in the festival?
    A. Taking taxis. B. Riding buses. C. Renting bikes.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Jin Sandra Odd as she shares a variety f tips and skills fr making wine at hme using elderflwers and elderberries.
    1.What is a different ingredient when we are making Elderflwer Wine and Elderberry Wine?
    2.What is imprtant t the nice clr f the Elderflwer Wine?
    A.Cutting flwers frm the stems.B.Puring biling water ver flwers.
    C.Pressing flwers dwn under the liquid.D.Adding an amunt f sugar t the liquid.
    3.What is the text?
    A.A recipe.B.A science reprt.C.A wine list.D.A flwer ad.
    Rbert Sansne, the winner f the 2022 Gerge D. Yancpuls Innvatr Award, is a natural brn engineer. Frm rbtic hands t high-speed running bts, Sansne has wrked n at least sixty engineering prjects t date in his spare time. And he’s nly 17 years ld.
    A cuple years ag, Sansne came acrss a vide abut the advantages and disadvantages f electric cars. It explains that mst electric car engines use rare-earth elements, which are cstly, bth financially and envirnmentally. In fact, 1kg f the rare-earth materials in questin can cst up t several hundred dllars. With that sustainability issue, he wanted t slve it, s he tried and designed a different mtr (发动机). His new mtr, n the ther hand, uses cpper, which csts arund $8 fr 1kg.
    The highschler had heard f a type f electric mtr — the Synchrnus Reluctance Mtr (SRM同步磁阻电动机) — that desn’t use these rare-earth materials. This kind f mtr is currently used fr pumps and fans, but it isn’t pwerful enugh by itself t be used in an electric vehicle. S, Sansne started brainstrming ways he culd imprve its perfrmance.
    Fr ver a year Sansne wrked n the mtr. It needed t be mre efficient and have mre rtatinal (旋转) frce. The new mtr was made frm 3-D printed plastic, cpper wires and a steel rtr and tested using a variety f meters t measure pwer. Sansne is nw wrking n versin 16 f his mtr, which he plans t build ut f strnger materials s he can test it at higher revlutins per minute.
    As a rising senir, Sansne has dreamed f attending Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT). His winnings frm cmpetitins will g tward cllege tuitin. If his mtr cntinues t perfrm with high speed and efficiency, he says he’ll mve frward and cperate with car cmpanies. He hpes that ne day his mtr will be the design f chice fr electric vehicles.
    4.What is the authr’s purpse in writing paragraph 2?
    A.T explain the use f electric car engines.
    B.T stress the cst f the rare-earth materials.
    C.T intrduce a vide f previus electric cars.
    D.T shw Sansne’s inspiratin fr his new mtr.
    5.Which aspect des Sansne mainly want t imprve in SRM?
    A.Its cst.B.Its size.C.Its pwer.D.Its weight.
    6.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A.He is studying in the MIT.B.He aims high fr his mtr.
    C.He has started a mtr cmpany.D.He will enter a new cmpetitin.
    7.Which f the fllwing best describes Rbert Sansne?
    A.Gifted and determined.B.Caring and utging.
    C.Humrus and energetic.D.Generus and hard-wrking.
    Histrians are ften asked t examine the actins f ur ancestrs s we can repeat their wisdm and avid their mistakes. But the present is just t different frm the past. It is a waste f time t study Hannibal’s strategies in the Secnd Punic War s as t cpy them in the Third Wrld War. What wrked well in cavalry battles will nt necessarily be beneficial in cyber war. Studying histry aims t lsen (松开) the hld f the past.
    A yung cuple building a new hme may ask the architect fr a nice lawn (草坪) in the frnt yard. Why a lawn? “Because lawns are beautiful,” the cuple might explain. But why d they think s?
    The idea f grwing a lawn at the entrance t private huses and public buildings was brn in the castles f French and English aristcrats in the late Middle Ages. Well-kept lawns demanded land and a lt f wrk. In exchange, they prduced nthing f value. The neat grass at the entrance t castles was a scial psitin symbl nbdy culd pretend t have. Later the new parliaments (议会), supreme curts, presidential residences increasingly shwed their pwer in rw upn rw f neat green grass. Humans came t identify lawns with plitical pwer, scial psitin and ecnmic wealth.
    When yu nw cme t plan yur dream huse, yu might think twice abut having a lawn in the frnt yard. Yu are f curse still free t d it. But yu are als free t shake ff the cultural carg given t yu by the upper class. This is the best reasn t learn histry: nt in rder t guess the future, but t free yurself f the past and imagine different lives. Of curse this is nt ttal freedm — we cannt avid being shaped by the past. But sme freedm is better than nne.
    8.Why des the authr mentin Hannibal and cavalry battles in paragraph 1?
    A.T illustrate why future cyber war is difficult.
    B.T highlight hw imprtant histrical warfare is.
    C.T shw that past experience may nt suit the present.
    D.T explain what strategies histrical figures develped.
    9.What des the authr believe is the real reasn fr grwing a lawn?
    A.Its cnnectin with pwer and wealth.B.Its high maintenance requirements.
    C.Its rigin frm Eurpean castles.D.Its utstanding natural beauty.
    10.What d the underlined wrds “cultural carg” in the last paragraph refer t?
    A.Cultural mistakes.B.Cultural standards.
    C.Histrical buildings.D.Histrical knwledge.
    11.Accrding t the authr, studying histry is t __________.
    A.guess events in the futureB.repeat wise decisins
    C.understand cultural changesD.reduce the cntrl frm the past
    The first hibernatin (冬眠) studies with human subjects culd be wrkable within a decade, a Eurpean Space Agency (ESA) researcher thinks. Such experiments wuld make it pssible fr a science-fictin-like apprach t lng-time space missins that wuld see astrnauts placed int prtective sleep fr weeks r mnths n their way t faraway destinatins.
    Experiments have shwn that it’s pssible t cause hibernatin in therwise nn-hibernating animals, such as rats, and bring them safely back t life a few days later. “The rats receive a drug, a neurtransmitter substance (神经递质), and are brught int a dark space with reduced temperature,” Jurgen Bereiter-Hahn, a member f ESA’s hibernatin research grup said. “It wrks very nicely, but the prblem is that yu have t apply the drug repeatedly t maintain the state, which culd have damaging effects ver the lnger term.”
    The hibernating astrnaut wuld nt nly save the agency cst fr water, fd and xygen. Astrnauts wuld, mst likely, wake up rather fit, withut suffering many f the negative side effects f lng-term bed rest r living in micrgravity. In fact, studies shw that the slwed dwn cells f a hibernating bdy dn’t get damaged by radiatin (辐射). Besides, research in animals suggests that bdies f hibernating astrnauts might lse much less bne and muscle mass than the bdies f thse awake in micrgravity. Upn arrival, these hibernatrs wuld thus be fit and ready t start challenging explratin almst straight away after regaining awareness.
    These prtective qualities make hibernatin a pssibility nt just fr spaceflight, but als fr medicine. Just like astrnauts in micrgravity, patients in lng-term bed rest waste away quickly. Slwing life prcesses t a minimum wuld prvide what scientists call a “bridge”, a perid f time that wuld allw physicians t lk fr slutins withut racing against the clck. Althugh mst current hibernatin research is funded by space agencies, scientists think that the first human t be put int this state f hibernatin will mst likely be an ICU patient. Once the first human survives and benefits frm hibernatin, things will likely start mving frward much faster.
    12.Accrding t paragraph 1, what d the hibernatin studies mainly aim t d?
    A.Imprve sleep quality in space.B.Investigate hibernatin mystery.
    C.Prmte manned space explratin.D.Enrich science fictin writing methds.
    13.What is a challenge in the hibernatin experiments?
    A.Ensuring prper lighting.B.Bringing animals back t life.
    C.Maintaining lw temperature.D.Cntrlling pssible side effects.
    14.What advantage might hibernatin bring t astrnauts?
    A.It might help t keep physical fitness.B.It might increase lng-term bed rest.
    C.It might decrease radiatin cntact.D.It might raise mental awareness.
    15.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A.The rle f physicians in mnitring hibernating patients.
    B.The pssible applicatin f hibernatin beynd spaceflight.
    C.The imprtance fr increasing funds fr hibernatin research.
    D.The need f human experiments in advancing hibernatin studies.
    We welcmed a daughter int the wrld yesterday. One day, when. she needs financial advice, here’s what I’ll tell her.
    It is easy t assume that wealth and pverty (贫困) are caused by the chices we make, but chance plays a bigger rle than mst peple want t admit. 16 But realize nt all success is due t hard wrk, and nt all pverty is due t laziness. Keep this in mind when judging peple, including yurself.
    Everything has a price. The price f a busy jb is time away frm friends and family. The price f spiling (宠溺) kids is their sheltered life. Mst f thse prices are hidden. 17 Accepting this, yu’ll view things like time and relatinships as valuable as cash.
    I believe the highest benefit f mney is the ability t cntrl yur time. Being able t d what yu want, when yu want, where yu want, with whm yu want, fr as lng as yu want, prvides a lasting happiness greater than any fancy things can ffer. 18 Having enugh savings t give yu time and ptins never gets ld.
    19 Yu have mre cntrl ver it than yur incme. The persn wh makes $50,000 but nly needs $40,000 t be happy is richer than the persn wh makes $150,000 but needs $151,000 t be happy.
    As Naplen defined, a military talent is the persn “wh can d the average thing when everyne else is lsing his mind”. 20 Yu dn’t need t d amazing things t end up OK. Aviding terrible mistakes is mre pwerful than any fancy finance tips.
    A.We’re nt ging t spil yu.
    B.Managing mney is the same.
    C.I want yu t believe in the values f hard wrk.
    D.Learning hw t live with less is very imprtant.
    E.Yu just have t nt mess up fr lng perids f time.
    F.The excitement f having fancy things wears ff quickly.
    G.They’re ften wrth paying, but never ignre that they are true csts.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I cme frm a lng line f farmers. When my parents mved t Wiscnsin, farming allwed them t 21 back t Las, t the culture, and the land. Wiscnsin’s crnfields 22 the rice fields f Las. But fr me as a child, farming was just a 23 . I wuld be assigned (分配) a rw f green beans. My mm 24 me a big basket and it was my 25 t fill it. That was hw I spent my summer vacatin 26 my friends were either at camp r ding ther fun activities.
    I didn’t 27 hw farming brught hpe t my parents until I was an adult. I am a 28 remved frm Las and I have fund that farming allws me t 29 my parents’ stry. It allws me t see a little bit int their stry. What I’ve 30 frm my mm is that yu can grw just abut anything. My mm wants t start grwing 31 like she did back in Las. With a snwy climate, it is smething I never thught 32 here. T me, this shws resilience (适应力). Maybe it 33 and maybe it desn’t. But there is 34 in that.
    As a kid, I hated ding farm wrk and I never thught that smeday I wuld say that I kind f 35 putting my feet in the mud and weeding (除草) the crn.
    29.A.give awayB.make upC.act utD.relate t
    I experienced China’s Naadam Festival in Inner Mnglia fr the first time. The festival features hrse racing, wrestling, and archery. I saw a lt f peple wearing splendid Mnglian rbes 36 learned abut their ancestral traditin. In the unique wrestling cmpetitin, I 37 (mve) by the shw f strength and grace. Celebrating Naadam was 38 (abslute) wrthwhile, and I eagerly hpe t experience mre f their culture in a 39 (traditin) Mnglian tent and enjy ht pt in winter.
    Film scres play an imprtant rle in shaping the emtinal impact f a mvie 40 its viewers. They signal hw t feel abut what is happening n screen and are always 41 frm f classical music. Jhn Williams’ scres fr Jaws and Star Wars are examples illustrating hw a gd scre can imprve the mvie experience. Hans Zimmer’s and Tan Dun’s scres shw different styles and ideas fr film scres. While Zimmer’s and Williams’ scres are mre cnventinal (传统的), Tan Dun’s classical music backgrund allws his scres t stand alne as wrks f art withut needing a film 42 (supprt) them.
    The term “car bt sale” refers t the selling f items frm a car’s trunk (后备箱). Mst f the gds n sale are used persnal items with nly a few f prfessinal traders 43 (sell) gds. Hwever, in a grwing trend (趋势), all-year hard-standing utdr bt sales, are nw appearing everywhere, especially in China, 44 (knw) as the trunk fairs. It is very welcming t thse 45 want t run their wn business at a lw cst. Items fr sale are extremely varied, including snacks and sft drinks. The yuth in China are explring a new lifestyle thrugh the trunk fairs.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 人物介绍;
    2. 你的评析。
    1. 参考人物:Henry Adams, the brthers (Rderick and Oliver), the clerks r the wner in the tailr’s shp…;
    2. 写作词数应为80左右;
    3. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Every culture has a specific way f eating. Nrth Americans and Eurpeans use frks, knives and spns. In Asia, chpsticks are the tp chice.
    Yu might think it’s easy t use chpsticks, but actually it’s nt as simple as it first appears. I learned this lessn a cuple f years ag.
    I had applied fr a jb with a Chinese-Canadian cmpany in Vancuver. My new bss invited me ut t lunch t celebrate my new jb. He said we were ging t eat in a Chinese restaurant in Chinatwn. I was nervus. I knew we wuld be using chpsticks, and while I had tried many times t master the technique (技巧). I had failed in every attempt. Hw wuld I be able t make a gd impressin? Wuld they laugh at me? Wuld I make a cmplete fl f myself?
    I went hme that evening and cked sme rice and chicken. I put the fd n my plate, and I spent the next hur attempting t learn hw t use chpsticks. Try as I might, I culd nt hld the fd with my chpsticks. I didn’t get much sleep that evening. I tssed and turned (辗转反侧) in bed, wrrying abut the cming lunch.
    The next day, I culd hardly cntain my anxiety and headed t the restaurant. We were seated at an excellent table. My bss wrte ut the fd rder, speaking t the waiter in Mandarin. My heart was beating wildly, but then I nticed a strange thing. Instead f the custmary chpsticks, each f us had knives, frks and spns.
    I was cnfused at first, but then, it hit me. My bss knew that I wuld have truble with the chpsticks. He wanted t save me frm embarrassment, s he had called ahead and arranged fr us t be served with knives and frks. I culdn’t believe hw thughtful he was.
    1. 续写词数应为100左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Immediately, I made up my mind t take this pprtunity t learn hw t use chpsticks.
    听力答案:1-5BCABA 6-10BACAC 11-15BBCBC 16-20CACAB
    ElderflwerWine Recipe (食谱)
    ElderberryWine Recipe
    ● Elderflwers (at least ne quart);
    ● 1 galln f biling water per quart f flwers;
    ● 2 t 2-1/2 punds f sugar per galln f liquid;
    ● 2 lemns per galln, juiced;
    ● 1 packet f dry wine yeast (酵母) per 5 gallns f liquid.
    ● Elderberries (at least 2 gallns);
    ● 1 galln f biling water per 2 gallns f berries;
    ● 3-1/2 t 4 punds f sugar per galln f biled-dwn liquid;
    ● 1 packet f dry wine yeast per 5 gallns f liquid.
    ● Cut a quart f flwers frm the stems;
    ● Pur a galln f biling water ver the flwers;
    ● Let the tea sak three r fur days with the flwers pressed dwn under the liquid (they turn brwn and ruin the clr f the drink if they’re left in the air);
    ● Strain ff the fluid and heat sme f it t disslve 2 t 2-1/2 punds f sugar per galln;
    ● Add the juice f 2 lemns per galln alng with yeast;
    ● Let the mixture wrk in a cntainer with an air lck.
    ● Pick nice fat berries abut tw days ahead, remve them frm the stems and smash up the fruit:
    ● Pur biling water ver the mixture, saking fr abut a week;
    ● Keep the cntainer cvered with a twel t prtect the wrking “must” frm dust and the dd yeast flating arund in the air;
    ● Strain ff and save the juice and mix 3-1/2 t 4 punds f sugar int each galln f the liquid.
    1.B 2.C 3.A
    【导语】本文为一篇应用文。文章介绍了Sandra Odd用接骨木花和接骨木果在家里酿酒的技巧和技巧。
    1.细节理解题。根据表格Ingredients栏目中Elderflwer Wine的成分为“1 galln f biling water per quart f flwers; 2 t 2-1/2 punds f sugar per galln f liquid; 2 lemns per galln, juiced; 1 packet f dry wine yeast (酵母) per 5 gallns f liquid.”(每夸脱花加1加仑沸水;每加仑液体含2到2.5磅糖;每加仑2个柠檬,榨汁;每5加仑液体1包干葡萄酒酵母。) Elderberry Wine的成分为“1 galln f biling water per 2 gallns f berries; 3-1/2 t 4 punds f sugar per galln f biled-dwn liquid; 1 packet f dry wine yeast per 5 gallns f liquid.”(每2加仑浆果需要1加仑沸水;每加仑煮沸的液体加3-1/2到4磅糖;每5加仑液体1包干葡萄酒酵母。)可知,不同的成分为柠檬。故选B。
    2.细节理解题。根据表格中Elderflwer Wine的说明“Let the tea sak three r fur days with the flwers pressed dwn under the liquid (they turn brwn and ruin the clr f the drink if they’re left in the air)”(让茶叶浸泡三到四天,花被压在液体下面(如果它们留在空气中,它们会变成棕色,破坏饮料的颜色))可知,花被挤压在液体下面可以使得接骨木花酒的颜色鲜艳。故选C。
    3.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“Jin Sandra Odd as she shares a variety f tips and skills fr making wine at hme using elderflwers and elderberries.”(和Sandra Odd一起分享用接骨木花和接骨木果在家里酿酒的技巧和技巧。)可知,本文主要是介绍怎么酿酒的,所以本文为食谱类文章。故选A。
    4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。短文叙述了 Sansne发明设计一款不同的发动机的励志故事。
    4.推理判断题。根据第二段“A cuple years ag, Sansne came acrss a vide abut the advantages and disadvantages f electric cars. It explains that mst electric car engines use rare-earth elements, which are cstly, bth financially and envirnmentally. In fact, 1kg f the rare-earth materials in questin can cst up t several hundred dllars. With that sustainability issue, he wanted t slve it, s he tried and designed a different mtr (发动机).”(几年前,Sansne偶然发现了一段关于电动汽车优点和缺点的视频。它解释说,大多数电动汽车发动机都使用稀土元素,这在经济和环境方面都很昂贵。事实上,1公斤有问题的稀土材料的价格可能高达数百美元。对于可持续性问题,他想解决它,所以他尝试并设计了一种不同的电机)可知,作者写第二段的目的是展示Sansne的新发动机的灵感。故选D项。
    5.细节理解题。根据第三段“This kind f mtr is currently used fr pumps and fans, but it isn’t pwerful enugh by itself t be used in an electric vehicle. S, Sansne started brainstrming ways he culd imprve its perfrmance.”(这种电机目前用于泵和风扇,但它本身不够强大,无法用于电动汽车。因此,Sansne开始集思广益,想办法提高它的性能。)可知,在SRM中,Sansne主要想要改进的是动力。故选C项。
    6.推理判断题。根据最后一段“If his mtr cntinues t perfrm with high speed and efficiency, he says he’ll mve frward and cperate with car cmpanies. He hpes that ne day his mtr will be the design f chice fr electric vehicles.”(他说,如果他的发动机继续保持高速和高效率,他将继续与汽车公司合作。他希望有一天他的马达能成为电动汽车的首选设计。)可知,他对他的马达寄予厚望。故选B项。
    7.推理判断题。根据第一段“is a natural brn engineer.”(一位天生的工程师),根据第三段“This kind f mtr is currently used fr pumps and fans, but it isn’t pwerful enugh by itself t be used in an electric vehicle. S, Sansne started brainstrming ways he culd imprve its perfrmance.”(这种电机目前用于泵和风扇,但它本身不够强大,无法用于电动汽车。因此,Sansne开始集思广益,想办法提高它的性能。),根据最后一段“If his mtr cntinues t perfrm with high speed and efficiency, he says he’ll mve frward and cperate with car cmpanies. He hpes that ne day his mtr will be the design f chice fr electric vehicles.”(他说,如果他的发动机继续保持高速和高效率,他将继续与汽车公司合作。他希望有一天他的马达能成为电动汽车的首选设计。)由此判断出,Sansne有天赋、有决心。故选A项。
    8.C 9.A 10.B 11.D
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段“Histrians are ften asked t examine the actins f ur ancestrs s we can repeat their wisdm and avid their mistakes. But the present is just t different frm the past. It is a waste f time t study Hannibal’s strategies in the Secnd Punic War s as t cpy them in the Third Wrld War. What wrked well in cavalry battles will nt necessarily be beneficial in cyber war. Studying histry aims t lsen (松开) the hld f the past.”(历史学家经常被要求研究我们祖先的行为,这样我们就可以重复他们的智慧,避免他们的错误。但是现在和过去太不一样了。研究汉尼拔在第二次布匿战争中的战略,以便在第三次世界大战中照搬是浪费时间的。在骑兵战中行之有效的方法在网络战中不一定有用。研究历史的目的是为了摆脱过去的束缚。)可知,作者在第一段提到了汉尼拔和骑兵的战斗是为了表明过去的经验可能不适用于现在。故选C项。
    9.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Later the new parliaments (议会), supreme curts, presidential residences increasingly shwed their pwer in rw upn rw f neat green grass. Humans came t identify lawns with plitical pwer, scial psitin and ecnmic wealth.”(后来,新的议会、最高法院、总统官邸越来越多地在一排排整齐的绿草地上展示他们的权力。人类开始将草坪与政治权力、社会地位和经济财富联系起来。)可知,作者认为种植草坪的真正原因是它与权力和财富的联系。故选A项。
    10.词义猜测题。根据最后一段中“When yu nw cme t plan yur dream huse, yu might think twice abut having a lawn in the frnt yard. Yu are f curse still free t d it.”(当你现在开始规划你梦想中的房子时,你可能会考虑在前院建草坪。当然,你仍然可以自由地这样做。)以及“This is the best reasn t learn histry: nt in rder t guess the future, but t free yurself f the past and imagine different lives.”(这是学习历史最好的理由:不是为了猜测未来,而是为了把自己从过去中解放出来,想象不同的生活。)可知,但你也可以自由地摆脱上层阶级给你的文化标准。故划线短语“cultural carg”指的是文化标准。故选B项。
    11.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Studying histry aims t lsen (松开) the hld f the past.”(研究历史的目的是为了摆脱过去的束缚。)以及最后一段中“This is the best reasn t learn histry: nt in rder t guess the future, but t free yurself f the past and imagine different lives.”(这是学习历史最好的理由:不是为了猜测未来,而是为了把自己从过去中解放出来,想象不同的生活。)可推知,作者认为,学习历史是为了减少来自过去的控制。故选D项。
    12.C 13.D 14.A 15.B
    12.推理判断题。根据第一段“The first hibernatin (冬眠) studies with human subjects culd be wrkable within a decade, a Eurpean Space Agency (ESA) researcher thinks. Such experiments wuld make it pssible fr a science-fictin-like apprach t lng-time space missins that wuld see astrnauts placed int prtective sleep fr weeks r mnths n their way t faraway destinatins.”(欧洲航天局(ESA)的一名研究人员认为,首次以人类为研究对象的冬眠研究可能在十年内实现。这样的实验将使像科幻小说一样的长期太空任务成为可能,宇航员将在前往遥远目的地的途中进入保护性睡眠数周或数月。)可推知,根据第一段,冬眠研究的主要目的是推进载人航天探索。故选C项。
    13.细节理解题。根据第二段中““It wrks very nicely, but the prblem is that yu have t apply the drug repeatedly t maintain the state, which culd have damaging effects ver the lnger term.””(“效果很好,但问题是,你必须反复使用这种药物来维持这种状态,从长远来看,这可能会产生破坏性的影响。”)可知,冬眠实验的挑战是控制可能的副作用。故选D项。
    14.细节理解题。根据第三段中“The hibernating astrnaut wuld nt nly save the agency cst fr water, fd and xygen. Astrnauts wuld, mst likely, wake up rather fit, withut suffering many f the negative side effects f lng-term bed rest r living in micrgravity.”(冬眠的宇航员不仅可以节省机构在水、食物和氧气方面的成本。宇航员很可能醒来时身体相当健康,不会遭受长期卧床休息或生活在微重力环境中的许多负面影响。)可知,冬眠会给宇航员带来的好处是它可能有助于保持身体健康。故选A项。
    15.主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“These prtective qualities make hibernatin a pssibility nt just fr spaceflight, but als fr medicine. Just like astrnauts in micrgravity, patients in lng-term bed rest waste away quickly. Slwing life prcesses t a minimum wuld prvide what scientists call a “bridge”, a perid f time that wuld allw physicians t lk fr slutins withut racing against the clck.”(这些保护特性使得冬眠不仅可以用于太空飞行,也可以用于医学。就像宇航员在微重力环境下一样,长期卧床休息的病人很快就会消瘦。将生命过程减缓到最低限度将提供科学家所说的“桥梁”,这段时间将允许医生在不与时间赛跑的情况下寻找解决方案。)可知,最后一段主要讲的是冬眠在太空飞行之外的可能应用。故选B项。
    16.C 17.G 18.F 19.D 20.B
    16.由下文“But realize nt all success is due t hard wrk, and nt all pverty is due t laziness. (但是要意识到并不是所有的成功都来自于努力工作,也不是所有的贫穷都来自于懒惰。)”中的But可知,前后是转折关系,C项“我希望你相信努力工作的价值。”符合,“values f hard wrk”呼应下文“hard wrk”,故选C。
    17.上文“The price f a busy jb is time away frm friends and family. The price f spiling (宠溺) kids is their sheltered life. Mst f thse prices are hidden(忙碌工作的代价是远离朋友和家人。宠坏孩子的代价就是他们的生活被庇护起来。大部分的代价都是隐藏的。)”举例子说明一切都有代价,其中大部分代价都是隐藏,不易被发现的,空处承接上文,对此进行继续描述,G项“它们通常是值得支付的,但决不能忽视它们是真正的成本。”符合,“They”代指上文Mst f thse prices,故选G。
    18.上文“I believe the highest benefit f mney is the ability t cntrl yur time. Being able t d what yu want, when yu want, where yu want, with whm yu want, fr as lng as yu want, prvides a lasting happiness greater than any fancy things can ffer.(我相信金钱的最大好处是能够控制你的时间。能够做你想做的事情,在你想要的时候,在你想要的地方,和你想要的人在一起,只要你想要,能够提供一种持久的幸福,比任何花哨的东西都能提供。)”指出金钱的作用,相比于任何花哨的东西来说,金钱能提供一种持久的幸福,F项“拥有任何花哨的东西的兴奋感很快就消失了。”承接上文,从侧面强调金钱的作用,“fancy things”呼应上文“any fancy things”,故选F。
    19.下文“The persn wh makes $50,000 but nly needs $40,000 t be happy is richer than the persn wh makes $150,000 but needs $151,000 t be happy.(赚5万美元但只需要4万美元就能快乐的人比赚15万美元但需要15.1万美元才能快乐的人更富有。)”举例子说明花更少的钱很重要,D项“学会如何用更少的钱生活是非常重要的。”符合,故选D。
    20.上文“As Naplen defined, a military talent is the persn “wh can d the average thing when everyne else is lsing his mind”.(正如拿破仑所定义的那样,军事天才是“当其他人都失去理智的时候,能够做一般事情的人”。)”用拿破仑的话来说军事天才不需要做出惊人的事情,下文“Yu dn’t need t d amazing things t end up OK. Aviding terrible mistakes is mre pwerful than any fancy finance tips.(你不需要做出惊人的事情来结束。避免可怕的错误比任何花哨的金融建议更有效。)”指出理财不需要做出惊人的事情,只需要避免可怕的错误,由此可知,空处应指出军事和理财是一样的,B项“理财也是一样的。”符合,故选B。
    21.A 22.C 23.C 24.B 25.D 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.D 30.B 31.B 32.D 33.C 34.D 35.A
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我的父母搬去了威斯康星州时,农业使得他们与老挝,文化和土地产生联系。A. cnnect联系;B. head朝着……前进;C. retire退休;D. reprt报道。根据上文“I cme frm a lng line f farmers.”可知,作者来自于农耕家庭,所以当他们搬到Wiscnsin后,农业可以让他们与老挝产生联系的事物。故选A。
    22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Wiscnsin的玉米地代替了老挝的稻田。A. changed改变;B. cvered覆盖;C. replaced代替;D. affected影响。根据下文“With a snwy climate, it is smething I never thught 12 here. T me, this shws resilience (适应力).”可知,两地气候条件不一样,因此适宜种植的农作物也不一样。故选C。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但对我一个孩子来说,农活只是一个家务。A. dream梦想;B. game游戏;C. chre家务;D. mystery神秘的事物。根据下文“I wuld be assigned (分配) a rw f green beans.”可知,作为一个孩子,农活是她被分得的家务。故选C。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的母亲给我一个大篮子,我的任务是把它装满。A. sld出售;B. gave给;C. sent发送;D. lent借。根据上文“I wuld be assigned (分配) a rw f green beans.”可知,母亲给我安排了农活任务,给我一个篮子帮助做农活。故选B。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的母亲给我一个大篮子,我的任务是把它装满。A. intentin目的;B. pprtunity机会;C. chice选择;D. jb工作。根据上文“I wuld be assigned (分配) a rw f green beans.”可知,作者被安排了农活,因此工作内容是把篮子装满。故选D。
    26.考查连接词词义辨析。句意:这就是我如何度过我的暑假,而我的同学不是在夏令营就是在有趣的活动。A. while然而;B. if如果;C. since自从;D. until直到。前后句意存在对比关系,应用while连接并列句。故选A。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:直到成年,我才理解耕种是如何给我的父母带来希望的。A. regret后悔;B. mnitr监测;C. appreciate理解;D. cmplain抱怨。根据上文“But fr me as a child, farming was just a 3 .”可知,作者把农耕看做一项任务,而下文“smeday I wuld say that I kind f 15 putting my feet in the mud and weeding (除草) the crn.”可知,作者成年后与父母一样,对农耕有着深深的怀念,从而开始理解父母。故选C。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我是来自于老挝的一代人,我发现农业是的我能与父母的故事相联系。A. generatin一代;B. graduate毕业生;C. prfessinal专业人士;D. beginner初学者。根据上文“I cme frm a lng line f farmers. When my parents mved t Wiscnsin, farming allwed them t 1 back t Las, t the culture, and the land.”可知,作者原本是来自于老挝,后家庭搬迁至威斯康星州。故选A。
    29.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我是老挝的一代人,我发现务农能让我能与父母的故事产生共鸣。A. give away泄露;B. make up弥补 ;C. act ut表演;D. relate t了解。根据下文“ It allws me t see a little bit int their stry.”可知,农耕能让她了解父母生活的文化土地。故选D。
    30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从母亲那里所学到的是你可以种植任何东西。A. expected期望;B. learned学习;C. chsen选择;D. demanded要求。根据下文“is that yu can grw just abut anything”可知,此处指从母亲那里学到的东西。故选B。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我母亲想要种植水稻,就像她在老挝做的那样。A. crn谷物;B. rice水稻;C. beans豆子;D. flwers花。根据上文“Wiscnsin’s crnfields 2 the rice fields f Las.”可知,老挝种植的是水稻。故选B。
    32.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多雪的气候下,是我从未想过的。A. flexible柔韧的;B. necessary必要的;C. legal合法的;D. pssible可能的。根据下文“T me, this shws resilience (适应力).”可知,两地气候不同,母亲想要在Wiscnsin种植和在老挝种植的水稻一样,作者从未想过这个可能。故选D。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:可能它起作用了,也许没有。A. imprves改善;B. revives复活;C. wrks起作用;D. exists存在。根据下文“But there is 14 in that.”可知,种下去的代表希望,可能成功了也可能没有。故选C。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但其中有希望。A. cnfusin困惑;B. permissin许可;C. balance平衡;D. hpe希望。根据上文“I didn’t 7 hw farming brught hpe t my parents until I was an adult.”可知,耕种给父母带来希望。故选D。
    35.考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个孩子,我讨厌做农活,并且我从未想过有一天我会怀念双脚在泥巴地里在给玉米除草的感觉。A. miss想念;B. risk冒险;C. delay推迟;D. escape逃离。根据上文“As a kid, I hated ding farm wrk”可知,作者讨厌农活,及上文“I didn’t 7 hw farming brught hpe t my parents until I was an adult.”可知,作者已经开始理解农耕对于父母的意义,但作为孩子的她从未想过自己有一天也会和父母一样。故选A。
    36.and 37.was mved 38.abslutely 39.traditinal
    37.考查动词时态语态。句意:在独特的摔跤比赛中,我被展示的力量和优雅所感动。描述过去的经历用一般过去时,be mved表示感到很感动,故填was mved。
    40.n##upn 41.a 42.t supprt
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文,文章介绍了三位与电影配乐相关的重要人物Jhn Williams,HansZimme和Tan Dn以及他们的作品特点认为电影配乐同样存在艺术价值。
    40.考查介词。句意:电影配乐在塑造电影观众的情感影响方面发挥着重要作用。“对...的影响”是impact n或upn。故填n或upn。
    41.考查冠词。句意:它们表明了对屏幕上发生的事情的感受,并且总是一种古典音乐的形式。表示一种形式是a frm f,用不定冠词。故填a。
    42.考查非谓语动词。句意:齐默和威廉姆斯的配乐比较传统,而谭盾的古典音乐背景使他的配乐不需要电影来支撑,就能成为独立的艺术作品。need smething t d表示需要什么来做某事,不定式作目的状语。故填t supprt。
    43.selling 44.knwn 45.wh##that
    44.考查非谓语动词。句意:然而,一种日益增长的趋势是,全年不变的户外靴子销售现在无处不在,尤其是在中国,被称为trunk fairs。分析句子可知,此处为非谓语动词作后置定语,utdr bt sales和动词knw as为被动关系,所以为过去分词形式。故填knwn。
    46.One pssible versin:
    After reading Mark Twain’s shrt stry “The Millin Pund Nte”, I realize that we shuldn’t judge a persn accrding t his appearance.
    At first sight, the clerk decided that Henry Adams was a pr man wh can’t affrd the clthes in his stre, s he led Henry Adams t a rm and gave him a cheap suit that didn’t fit. Hwever, he was shcked after receiving the nte. Immediately he changed his attitude.
    We shuld learn a lessn frm the clerk: what ne wears desn’t necessarily shw wh he is. It is imprtant t knw a persn thrugh his inner qualities.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    根据:accrding t→ in terms f/based n
    惊讶的:shcked→ surprised
    立刻:immediately→ at nce/right nw
    品质:quality→ character
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Hwever, he was shcked after receiving the nte. Immediately he changed his attitude.
    拓展句:Hwever, he was shcked after he received the nte, wh immediately changed his attitude.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】At first sight, the clerk decided that Henry Adams was a pr man wh can’t affrd the clthes in his stre, s he led Henry Adams t a rm and gave him a cheap suit that didn’t fit.(使用了s连接并列句、that引导宾语从句、wh和that引导定语从句)
    【高分句型2】We shuld learn a lessn frm the clerk: what ne wears desn’t necessarily shw wh he is.(使用了what引导主语从句和wh引导宾语从句)
    Immediately, I made up my mind t take this pprtunity t learn hw t use chpsticks. I asked the server t bring sme chpsticks fr me. When they arrived, I tk them carefully in my hand. I lked up at my bss and we smiled at each ther. As I grasped the chpsticks and tk hld f a bit f rice and meat, trying t get them int my muth, my fingers slipped and the fd fell back t the plate. Hwever, I didn’t give up, and eventually managed t eat my entire meal by using chpsticks. It felt like a great achievement t me. In the end, I wasn’t embarrassed at all. I’m glad that my new bss was s thughtful a persn that he culd take everything int cnsideratin.
    ①抓住机会:take this pprtunity /seize the chance
    ③决定:make up ne’s mind/determine
    ①高兴的:glad /delighted
    ②尴尬:embarrassed /awkward
    【点睛】[高分句型1] When they arrived, I tk them carefully in my hand. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] As I grasped the chpsticks and tk hld f a bit f rice and meat, trying t get them int my muth, my fingers slipped and the fd fell back t the plate. (运用了as引导的时间状语从句和现在分词作状语)

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