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    KidsWrldFun Shrt Stry Crftest
    Calling all yung writers frm arund the wrld!It's time t release,yur creativity and share yur incredible stries with us.KidsWrldFun presents the ultimate Shrt Stry Cntest,pen t yung peple f all ages.
    Tw Mdes f Entry
    ·Free Entry:get the chance t win a certificate and have yur stry published n ur website.
    ·Entry Fee f $10:get the chance t receive a cash prize as well as a certificate and have/yurstry published.Payment links will be sent via email fr these entries.
    Amazing Prizes Await
    First Prize:$100,certificate and publicatin;
    Secnd Prize:$75,certificate and publicatin;
    Third Prize:$50,certificate and publicatin.
    Highly cmmented stries will als be published fr the wrld t enjy.
    Cntest Categries and Wrd Limits
    T ensure fairness,we have set three categries fr writers t chse frm and minimum and maximum wrd limits fr each categry.
    Submissin Guidelines·Include prf f age with yur entry(scan r take a pht f yur identity card).Entries withut prf f age will be disqualified.
    ·Yur stry must be riginal and unpublished.
    ·Type yur stry ut.
    Our judges will evaluate each stry based n cntent,language and writing style.Their decisin will be final.Fr mre infrmatin,please cntact us at enquiry a kids wrld 're here t assist yu every step f the way.
    Dn't miss this incredible pprtunity t shwcase yur talent and win amazing prizes!Enter the KidsWrldFun Shrt Stry Cntest tday!
    21.What may a free entry secnd prize winner get?
    Wrd Limits
    300 wrds
    1000 wrds
    500 wrds
    1000 wrds
    700 wrds
    1000 wrds
    A.A reward f $10.
    C.Prize mney and hnrs.
    B.A certificate and publicatin.
    D.$75,certificate and publicatin.
    22.Which f the fllwing meets the entry requirements?
    A.A handwritten draft.
    B,A science fictin df'1s00 wrds.
    C.An award-winning essay.
    D.A printut f a 900-wrd riginal stry.
    23.What is the main purpse f the text?
    A.T prmte a reading website.
    C.T explain an applicatin prcess.
    B.T appeal fr participatin.
    D.T teach kids writing principles.
    Paul O'Sullivan wandered arund his Baltimre apartment ne evening in 2014,feeling many thers,he lgged n t Facebk t find ut just hw many thers n the scial netwrk shared his name.Mments later,dzens f name twins frm arund the wrld filled his screen.On a whim(心血来潮),he decided t send friend requests t them all.
    Many f his fellw Paul O'Sullivans ignred him,but a few felt t curius t refuse his invitatin.As Baltimre Paul scrlled thrugh the ther Paul O'Sullivans' prfiles,he nticed smething fur f them had in cmmn:Theywere all musicians.Like Baltimre Paul.Rtterdam Paulsang and played guitar.Anther Paul in Manchester,England,played bass{低音(吉他)}.And Paul frm Pennsylvania was a drummer.Baltimre Paul had an idea.Wuldn't it be funny,he asked the ther musical Pauls,if they frmed a band called The Paul O'Sullivans?Yes,they all agreed,
    Starting a band acrss different time znes prved t be tricky.Shaky Wi-Fi and ther technical difficulties meant they were ften ut f sync(同步).And being even half a secnd ff frm ne anther ruined their sund.T fix this,they created a srt f musical assembly line.Baltimre Pauland Rtterdam Paul wrte and recrded a basic track(曲子),then e-mailed it t Manchester Paul.“I listen t the sng ver a few days,”says Manchester Paul,t get a feel fr what bass arrangement seems mst apprpriate.“Once he recrded a bass track,he e-mailed it back t Baltimre Paul,wh then built it int the main sng.Later,Pennsylvania Paul added the drumbeat.Rund and rund the track went,with each member adding n his wn layer until they achieved the sund they want.
    The Paul O'Sullivan Band released its first riginal sng,"Namesake",in March 2016,which was abut lng-distance relatinships.And when COVID-19 slwly shutdwn the wrld,the Pauls didn't miss a beat.After all,the band had already gt the hang(窍门)f remte wrk.They used their time during the pandemic t recrd their first EP(专辑)
    Titled Internet Famus:A Retrspective,it was released last April.
    “What are the dds,"says Baltimre Paul,"that a randm Facebk request wuld lead nt nly t new music but t lasting friendships as well?""Sme things are just mean t be."
    24.Hw can the fur Paul O'Sullivans be different?
    A.By the musical instruments they play.
    C.By the musical styles they like.
    B.By their e-mail addresses.
    D.By the place they cme frm.
    25.What des"this"refer t in paragraph three?
    A.The inaccessibility f Wi-Fi.
    C.Their being in different time znes.
    B.The existence f technical barriers.
    D.Their lack f experience.
    26.What can we infer frm the underlined sentence in paragraph flve?
    A.The band had t pause because f the pandemic.
    B.They gt inspired and cmpsed riginal sngs.
    C.The whle wrld was badly destryed by COVID-19.
    D.The band cntinued t wrk in spite f the pandemic.
    27.What can be the best title fr the article?
    A.Banding Tgether
    C.Lng-distance Friendships
    B.A Randm Facebk Request
    D.A Pure Cincidence
    Researchers have develped a material made f cllagen prtein(胶原蛋白)frm pig's skin,which is like the human crnea(眼角膜)and recvered visin t 20 peple.The prmising result f the trial brings hpe t peple suffering frm crneal blindness.
    An estimated 12.7 millin peple arund the wrld are blind due t their crneas being damaged r diseased.Their nly way f regaining visin is t receive a transplanted crnea frm a human dnr.But just ne in 70 patients receives a crnea transplant.Furthermre,mst f them live in lw and middle-incme cuntries in which access t treatments is very limited.
    T avid the abve disadvantages f traditinal crnea treatment,the researchers used cllagen prtein frm pig's skin."It is pssible t develp a bimaterial that meets all the criteria(标准)fr being used as human implants(移植物),which can be mass-prduced and reach mre peple with visin prblems,"said Prfessr Neil Lagali.While dnated crneas must be used within tw weeks,the biengineered crneas can be stred fr up t tw years befre use.The pig skin used is a byprduct f the fd industry,making it easy t access.
    The researchers have als develped a new surgical methd fr treating the disease.N stitches(缝针)are needed with this new methd.In a pilt study,14 f the 20 participants were blind befre the peratin.After tw years,all f the patients regained their sight.Three f the Indian participants wh had been blind had perfect visin after the peratin.
    The researchers als want t study whether the technlgy can be used t treat mre eye diseases,and whether the implant can be adapted t the individual fr even greater effectiveness.
    28.What is the disadvantage f traditinal crnea treatment?
    A.Serius side effects.
    C.Pr medical equipment.
    B.Lw availability rate.
    D.Cmplicated surgical prcess.
    29.What d we knw abut the bimaterial?
    A.It has higher prductin csts.
    B.It can be stred fr much lnger.
    C.It is able t be used fr several times.
    D.It can help peple prevent visin prblems.
    30.Which f the fllwing best describes the new surgical methd?
    31.What is the main purpse f the text?
    A.T spread knwledge abut crnea dnatin.
    B.T shw the difficulties f treating blindness.
    C.T call n peple t prtect their eyes prperly.
    D.T present a new breakthrugh in the medical field.
    The pssible explanatins fr the natural rts f envy are easy t imagine.Scial cmparisn is hw we judge ur relative place in sciety,and thus hw we knw what t achieve in rder t stay cmpetitive fr resurces.When we see that we fall behind thers,the pain we feel ften encurages us t build urselves up—r t tear thers dwn.
    Hw peple act in the face f this pain has led sme schlars t distinguish between kind envy and harmful envy.The frmer is miserable,but is met with a desire fr self-imprvement and t catch up with the envied persn.In cntrast,harmful envy leads t destructive actins,such as aggressive thughts and behavir intended t harm the ther persn.Kind envy ccurs when yu believe that admiratin fr the ther persn is deserved;harmful envy kicks in when yu believe it isn't.
    Envy—especially when harmful—is terrible fr yu.Scientists find that envying ther peple stimulates the brain,which is assciated with bth physical and mental pain.It can als spil yur future.Ordinarily,peple becme psychlgically healthier as they age;envy can prevent this trend.Even thugh ther studies have shwn that kind envy might encurage yur ambitin,this ne did nt find that envy predicted later ecnmic success at all.
    T feel envy,yu need t have expsure t peple wh appear mre frtunate than yu.That is simple enugh in rdinary interactins.But the cnditins f envy explde if we expse peple t a wide grup f strangers presenting their lives t lk as splendid,successful,and happy as pssible.Obviusly,I am describing scial medial In fact,academics have even used the term Facebk envy t capture the uniquely fertile(rich)circumstances that scial media creates fn this destructive emtin.
    If I culd snap(捻)my fingers and wipe ut envy frm my life,I wuld,and I bet yu wuld te.But envy is natural,and getting rid f it wuld be impssible fr all but perhaps the mst enlightened(开明的)peple.Lts f research shws that gratitude destrys envy.S,next time the dg f envy barks inside yu,quiet it with thughts f the peple wh lve yu,the things yu enjy,and the gd frtune yu have had.
    32.Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic?
    A.By making cmparisns.
    C.By making a judgement.
    B.By giving explanatins.
    D.By imagining a scene.
    33.What has been fund by scientists abut envy2
    A.Peple f kind envy usually live a miserable life.
    B.Harmful envy ccurs when peple deny their beliefs.
    C.Envy may cntribute t terrible suffering t peple.
    D.It prves that kind envy cntributes t great success.
    34.Why is the term Facebk envy used by academics?
    A.T refer t a phenmenn cmmn in scial media,
    B.T describe hw destructive the harmful emtin is.
    C.T shw hw splendid and happy peple's lives are.
    D.T illustrate the influence f rdinary interactins.
    35.What can prevent us frm being envius?
    A.Finger snaps and dg barks.
    C.Thughtfulness and cnfidence.
    B.Gratefulness and appreciatin.
    D.Self-imprvement and ptimism.
    Yur neighbrs are prbably the first line f defense in case f any prblematic situatin. 36 It gives yu an assurance that yu have peple clse by lking ut fr yu.Here are easily applicable tips n creating strnger neighbr relatinships.
    The first step is intrducing yurself when yu mve t a new neighbrhd r when a newcmer mves in.Leave them a nte under their dr t intrduce yurself. 37 It desn't have t cst yu a frtune and pting fr a ptted plant r baked biscuits will d.These actins present excellent pprtunities t cnnect with them.
    Be respectful f yur neighbrs.It's in pr taste t have regular insensitive parties at yur place causing disturbances.Befre yur party,it's gd practice t ntify yur neighbrs.Besides,avid chatting them up fr hyrs n end,which may be incnvenient,especially if yu dn't knw their schedules. 38 When yu brrw anything,return it in due time.If yu accidentally break their things,replace them withut being asked t.
    39 Yu culd ffer t babysit yur neighbrs' kids,help with snw remvals r even keep an eye n their hme when they're away.Such acts f reaching ut t yur neighbrs make fr strnger relatinships.
    As Emma Seppälä put it,“scial cnnectedness generates a psitive feedback lp(圈)f scial,emtinal and physical well-being."It feels s easy t just stay hme withut having t engage with yur neighbrs but cnnecting with them is wrth the effrt. 40
    A.Remember every small gesture cunts.
    B.A crisis is a test f cmmunicatin skills.
    C.It can actually bst yur md in the lng run.
    D.Slipping it in their mailbx further slidifies friendship.
    E.It's essential t ensure yu maintain prper relatinships with them.
    F.Alternatively,yu can give them a gift while making yurself knwn t them.
    G.Only by establishing healthy bundaries will yu achieve peaceful cexistence.
    White was dressed up as Captain America fr the annual Anti-Bullying(反霸凌)Superher Day.But when sptting 41 ne afternn;he culdn't 42 any superpwers.
    It was rush hur.White was 43 hme when he nticed a pickup(货车)n the ppsite side f the tw-way street.It was hard t 44 ,fr it was crashing int the curb(马路牙子)befre curse-crrecting,nly t hit it again.As the car drew clser,White gt a gd lk at the 45 :The driver appeared t be asleep.He had t46 that vehicle
    47 ,White made a U-turn,facing in the same directin as the pickup,but there were fur cars48 them.White pressed his hrn,hping the cars in frnt wuld mve aside.They didn' pulled his car ver.He 49 up the sidewalk,cut int the rad and ran arund t the driver's side.White 50 the frame(框)f the pen windw,his legs mving in step with the pickup,and with a pwerful 51 ,jumped in.
    DeAngelis,the man behind the 52 ,had unexpectedly faced dangerusly lw bld sugar,and just cme t.He was 53 by the dd sight f a stranger lying acrss his stmach.White immediately brught the pickup t a stp.DeAngelis was rushed t a hspital,where it was determined that had his bld sugar gne lwer,his life culd have been endangered.
    White 54 a superher,but his quick thinking and daring 55 made him a real-life her.
    41. A. barrier
    42. A. give way t
    43. A. cycling
    44. A. lcate
    45. A. utcme
    46. A. stp
    47. A. Mistakenly
    48. A. fllwing
    49. A. waved
    50. A. struck
    51. A. bug
    52. A. scene
    53. A. shcked
    54. A. prtected
    55. A. rescue
    B. unfairness
    B. turn t
    B. running
    B. miss
    B. tendency
    B. mve
    B. Sincerely
    B. separating
    B. escaped
    B. measured
    B. lift
    B. pickup
    B. ashamed
    B. encuntered
    B. visit
    C. vilence
    C. get arund
    C. driving
    C. search
    C. prcess
    C. reprt
    C. Decidedly
    C. threatening
    C. wandered
    C. grabbed
    C. blw
    C. steering wheel
    C. discuraged
    C. created
    C. guidance
    D. truble
    D. frget abut
    D. walking
    D. cntact
    D. pr6blem
    D. disable
    D. Hesitantly
    D. appraching
    D. faced
    D. brke
    D. kick
    D. seat
    D. amused
    D. played
    D. cmment
    Peng Ling,a cllege student,received numerus advertising messages n her phne in the weeks 56 (lead)up t this year's Duble Eleven shpping festival.The cnfusing thing was 57 sme nline shps were strange t her.When ur persnal infrmatin is leaked fr the purpse f marketing, 58 can be quite annying.But it wuld be even 59 (bad)if ur data isused fr much mre serius acts.
    On Persnal Infrmatin Prtectin Law came int effect in China,which has detailed rules t 60 (strng)the prtectin f persnal infrmatin. 61 law defines persnal infrmatin as any kind f infrmatin abut peple wh are r can be identified.There is als sme persnal infrmatin that 62 (regard)as sensitive,such as fingerprints,faces,religius 63 (believe),etc.
    64 individuals,it's imprtant t raise awareness f prtecting persnal infrmatin.If yu find yur persnal data has been used[v(legal),yu can reprt t cnsumers' assciatin with evidence.
    假如你是学校学生会主席李华,随着亚运会的成功举办和圆满结束,借着亚运会的余辉,本着“传承亚运精神、发扬亚运精神”,你所在城市开展了“全民健身运动(Natinal Fitness Prgram)”。请你代表学生会,给全校学生写一份倡议书,呼吁大家积极参与活动,内容包括:
    Dear fellw students,
    With the successful hlding and cmplete cnclusin f the Asian Games.the Natinal Fitness Prgram is prceeding with full vigr in ur city.
    After all,the greatest wealth is health.
    The Students’ Unin
    Rbbie lved swimming in the sea.When he was a little by,he had always dreamed f becming a prfessinal swimmer.And he mved well n his career jurney when he grew up.But ne day,unfrtunately,he gt badly injured while he was training fr a swimming cmpetitin.
    After mnths f treatment,his cnditin gt better.But the dctr strngly advised him never t g swimming again,r else his life wuld be in danger.This brke his heart.
    Despite the fact that he had t give up swimming,his lve fr swimming never died.S he rented a beach huse,which wuld allw him the cmfrt f being clse t the seawater.And t make ends meet,he tried t sell suvenirs(纪念品)t turists wh visited the beach.
    One early summer evening,Rbbie was making his way hme frm the beach when he heard a cry.It was reprted that it might rain that day,s mst peple had left the beach early.But Rbbie believed he had heard smething.The cry came again,and he had a quick lk arund.He fund the beach was empty.Suddenly,he heard a shut frm the sea.
    "Help!"a frightened and tired kid shuted.He learned later that the kid was 12 years ld,called Nicle,and lived in an rphanage(孤儿院).She lst her parents when she was a baby.Her parents were prfessinal swimmers and she dreamed abut becming a gd swimmer like them.That early summer evening,after dinner,she left the rphanage alne and went t the beach,hping t learn t swim n her wn.The girl almst drwned.When she was calling fr help that evening,Rbbie happened t hear it.
    He immediately called the plice.“But waiting fr help might be t late,”Rbbie thught.He thught f hw life-threatening it was fr him t swim."The kid is drwning!"but he thught as he fught his fear.“I must help.”
    Then,he jumped in.

    Feeling pity fr Nicle,Rbbie decided t teach her hw t swim.

    21.B 22.D 23.B
    21.细节理解题。由文章第一个黑标题Tw Mdes f Entry·Free Entry:get the change t win a certificate and have yur stry published n ur website.·Entry Fee f $10:get the chance t receive a cash prize得知免费参赛者只能得到证书和出版的机会,付费参赛者才会有奖金。故选B。
    22.细节理解题。由文章四个黑标题Submissin Guidelines下第三行“Yur stry must be riginal and unpublished.(你的故事必须是原创的和未发表的。)”可知,参赛作品不能是一篇获奖文章。由文章四个黑标题Submissin Guidelines下第四行“Type yur stry ut.(把你的故事打出来。)”可知,参赛作品不能是手稿。由文章表格的最后一栏“Maximum”和“1000 wrds(1000字)”可知,文章字数不超过1000。故选D。
    23.推理判断题。由文章第一段中“Calling all yung writers frm arund the wrld!It's time t release yur creativity and share yur incredible stries with us.(号召来自世界各地的年轻作家!是时候释放你的创造力,和我们分享你不可思议的故事了。)”可知,文章主要是呼吁各地的年轻作家参与大赛。故选B。
    24.D 25.B 26.D 27.A
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文,讲述了Paul O'Sullivan在脸书上寻找和自己同名的人并向他们发送好友申请,然
    24.细节理解题。根据第二段“They were all musicians.Like Baltimre Panl,Rtterdam Paul sang and played guitar.Anther Paul in Manchester,England.played bass.And Paul frm Pennsylvania was a drummer."(他们都是音乐家。像巴尔的摩保罗,鹿特丹保罗唱歌和弹吉他。另一个在英国曼彻斯特的保罗是贝斯手。来自宾夕法尼亚州的保罗是个鼓手。)可知四人都玩音乐,但不同在于来自不同地区。故选D。
    25.词句猜测题。根据第三段“Shaky Wi-Fi and ther technical difficulties meant they were ften ut f sync.And being even half a secnd ff frm ne anther wrecked their sund.”(不稳定的Wi-Fi和其他技术问题意味着它们经常不同步。即使只有半秒钟的距离也会破坏他们的声音。)可知这个跨时区的乐队面临着网络延迟和卡顿的难题,因而“this”此处指代技术问题的障碍,选项B.“The existence f technical barriers.”(技术问题限制),符合题意,故选B。
    26.推理判断题。根据第五段“After all.the band had already gt the hang f remte wrk.They used their timeduring the pandemic t recrd their first EP.”(毕竟,乐队已经掌握了远程工作的窍门。他们利用大流行期间的时间录制了他们的第一张EP。)可知在疫情之下,他们克服了种种困难并完成了第一张专辑的制作。即尽管在大流行期间,这个乐队仍然继续着他们音乐的制作。故选D。
    28.B 29.B 30.A 31.D
    28.细节理解题。根据第二段“But just ne in 70 patients receives a crnea transplant.Furthermre,mst f them live in lw and middle-incme cuntries in which access t treatments is very limited.(但70名患者中只有1人接受了角膜移植。此外,他们大多数生活在低收入和中等收入国家,这些国家获得治疗的机会非常有限)”可知,只有七十分之一的患者能有机会接受眼角膜移植,而且大多数人还生活在低收入和中等收入国家。由此可知,在这些国家,获得治疗的途径非常有限。故选B。
    29.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“While dnated crneas must be used within tw weeks,the biengineered crneas can be stred fr up t tw years befre use.(虽然捐献的角膜必须在两周内使用,但生物工程角膜在使用前可以储存长达两年)”可知,生物材料可以储存更长的时间。故选B。
    30.推理判断题。根据第四段“N stitches(缝针)are needed with this new methd.In a pilt study,14 f the 20participants were blind befre the peratin.After tw years,all f the patients regained their sight.Three f the Indian participants wh had been blind had perfect visin after the peratin.(这种新方法不需要缝针。在一项初步研究中,20名参与者中有14人在手术前是盲人。两年后,所有的病人都恢复了视力。三名印度盲人在手术后恢复了完美的视力)”可推知,这项新的手术方法是成功的。故选A。
    31.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“Researchers have develped a material made f cllagen prtein(胶原蛋白)frm pig's skin,which resembles the human crnea(眼角膜)and restred visin t 20 peple.(研究人员开发出一种由猪皮肤胶原蛋白制成的材料,这种材料类以于人类角膜,并使20人恢复了视力)”和倒数第二段的“The researchers have als develped a new surgical methd fr treating the disease.(研究人员还开发了一种新的手术方法来治疗这种疾病)”可知,文章主要介绍了科研人员提取猪皮中的胶原蛋白,制成了人类角膜的替代品,并且还开发了一种新的治疗方法。由此推知,文章的目的是展示医学领域的新突破。故选D。
    32.B 33.C 34.A 35.B
    32.推理判断题。根据第一段中的"The pssible explanatins fr the natural rts f envy are easy t imagine.Scial cmparisn is hw we judge ur relative piace in sciety,and thus hw we knw what t achieve in rder tstay cmpetitive fr resurces.When we see that we fall behind thers,the pain we-fee!ften encurages us t build urselves up—r t tear thers dwn.(对嫉妒的自然根源的可能解释很容易想象。社会比较是我们如何判断我们在社会中的相对地位,从而我们如何知道为了保持对资源的竞争力应该取得什么成就。当我们看到自己落后于别人时,我们所感受到的痛苦往往会鼓励我们建立自己,或者贬低别人)”可推知,作者通过解释引入主题,即解释什么是妒嫉。故选B。
    33.细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Scientists find that envying ther peple stimulates the brain,which is assciated with bth physical and mental pain.(科学家们发现,嫉妒他人会刺激大脑,这与身体和精神上的痛苦有关)”可知,科学家们发现嫉妒可能会给人们带来可怕的痛苦。故选C。
    34.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“In fact,academics have even used the term Facebk envy t capture the uniquely fertile circumstances that scial media creates fr this destructive emtin.(事实上,学者们甚至用“Facebk嫉妒”这个词来描述社交媒体为这种破坏性情绪创造的独特肥沃环境)”可知,学术界会使用“Facebk嫉妒”这个词是为了提到社交媒体中常见的现象。故选A。
    35.最后一段中的“Lts f research shws that gratitude destrys envy.S,next time the dg f envy barks inside yu,quiet it with thughts f the peple wh lve yu,the things yu enjy,and the gd frtune yu have had.(许多研究表明,感恩可以摧毁嫉妒。所以,下次当嫉妒的狗在你心中狂吠时,想想爱你的人,你喜欢的东西,以及你所拥有的好运,让它安静下来)”可知,感激和感恩能阻止我们嫉妒。故选B。
    七选五36-40 E F G A C
    36.由上文“Yur neighbrs are prbably the first line f defense in case f any prblematic situatin.(万一出现问题,你的邻居可能是第一道防线。)”可知,下面要说跟“邻里关系很重要”有关的话题。故E选项"It's essential t ensure yu maintain decent relatinships with them.(确保你与他们保持良好的关系是至关重要的。)”能承接上文。E项中的“them”与空前的“Yur neighbrs”相对应。故选E。
    37.由下文“It desn't have t cst yu a frtune and pting fr a ptted plant r baked biscuits will d.(不用花很多钱,选择盆栽或烤饼干就可以了。)”可知,上面要说“给人的礼物”有关的话题。故F选项“Alternatively,yu can give them a gift while making yurself knwn t them.(或者,你可以给他们一份礼物,同时让他们知道你自己。)”能引起下文,符合题意。F项中的“a gift”与空后的“It”相对应。故选F。
    38.由上文“Be respectful f yur neighbrs.It's in pr taste t have regular insensitive parties at yur place causing disturbances.Befre yur party,it's gd practice t ntify yur neighbrs.Besides,avid chatting them up fr hurs n end,which may be incnvenient,especially if yu dn't knw their schedules.(尊重你的邻居。经常在你的住处举行麻木不化的聚会,引起骚乱,是很没品味的。在你的聚会之前,通知你的邻居是一个好习惯。此外,避免连续几个小时和他们聊天,这可能会很不方便,尤其是如果你不知道他们的日程安排。)”和后文“When yu brrw anything,return it in due time.If yu accidentally break their things.replace them withut being asked t.(当你借任何东西时,要及时归还。如果你不小心弄坏了他们的东西,不要被要求更换。)”可知,这些都是和邻居建立健康的边界的好处。故G选项“Only by establishing healthy bundaries will yu achieve peaceful cexistence.(只有建立健康的边界,你才能实现和平共处。)”能承上启下,符合题意。故选G。
    39.由后文“Yu culd ffer t babysit yur neighbrs' kids,help with snw remvals r even keep an eye n their hme when they're away.Such acts f reaching ut t yur neighbrs make fr strnger relatinships.(你可以帮忙照看邻居的孩子,帮他们扫雪,甚至在他们不在的时候帮他们照看一下房子。这种向邻居伸出援手的行为可以建立更牢固的关系。)”可知,这些善意的举动有助于搞好邻里关系。故A选项“Remember every small gesture cunts.(记住,每一个小举动都很重要。)”能引起下文,符合题意。故选A。
    40.由上文“As Emma Seppäla put it,“scial cnnectedness generates a psitive feedback lp-(圈)f scial,emtinal and physical we!l-being."It feels s easy t just stay hme withut having t engage with yur neighbrs but cnnecting with them is wrth the effrt.(正如艾玛Seppala所说,“社会联系产生了社会、情感和身体健康的积极反馈循环。”呆在家里感觉很容易,不需要和邻居联系,但和他们联系是值得的。)”可知,和邻居相处的好,会产生社会、情感和身体健康的积极反馈循环。故C选项“It can actually bst yur md in the lng run.(从长远来看,它实际上可以提升你的情绪。)”能承承接上文,符合题意。C项中的“bst yur md”与空前的“a psitive feedback”相对应。故选C。
    完形填空41.D 42.B 43.C 44.B 45.D 46.A 47.C 48.B 49.D 50.C 51.B 52.C 53.A 54.D 55.A
    41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但有一天下午,当他发现有麻烦时,他不能求助于任何超能力。A.barrier屏障:B.unfairness不公平;C.vilence暴力:D.truble麻烦。根据后文的“The driver appeared t be asleep.He had t 6 that vehicle.”可知,那位司机情况危险,有麻烦,怀特想去帮助他。故选D项。
    42.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但有一天下午,当他发现有麻烦时,他不能求助于任何超能力。A.give wave t让位于;B.turn t求助于;C.get arund绕过:D:frget abut忘掉。根据后文的"any superpwers"可知。
    43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特正开车回家,这时候注意到在双行道的对面有一辆小货车。A.cycling骑自行车;B.running运行;C.driving驱动;D.walking行走。根据后文的“Trapped,White pulled his car ver.”可知,怀特停下自己的车,故他是开车回家的。故选C项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这很难看不见,因为它在调整路线之前撞到了路边,结果再次撞上了它。A.lcate定位;B.miss未看见;C.search搜索:D.cntact联系。根据前文的“when he nticed a pickup n the ppsite side f the tw-way street.”和后文"fr it was crashing int the curb(马路牙子)befre curse-crrecting,nly t hit it again.”可知,这辆车两次撞到路边,很难不去注意它。故选B项。
    45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当汽车越来越近时,怀特很清楚地看到了问题:司机似乎睡着了。A.utcme结果;B.tendency倾向;C.prcess过程;D.prblem问题。根据下文的“The driver appeared t be asleep.”可知,那辆车出现了问题,司机似乎睡着了。故选D项。
    46.句意:他不得不拦停那辆车。A.stp停止;B.mve移动;C.reprt报告;D.disable使残废。根据前文的“The driver appeared t be asleep.”可知,司机似乎睡着了,所以他必须去拦停那辆车。故选A项。
    47.考查副词词义辨析。句意:怀特果断地掉头,面对皮卡车的同一个方向,但有四辆车把他们隔开了。A.Mistakenly错误;B.Sincerely真诚的;C.Decidedly果断地;D.Hesitantly犹豫不决。根据前文的“The driverappeared t be asleep.He had t 6 that vehicle.”可知,那位司机情况危险,怀特果断决定去帮助他。故选C项。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特果断地掉头,面向皮卡车的同一个方向,但有四辆车把他们隔开了。Afllwing跟随;B.separating分离;C.threatening威胁;D.appraching接近。根据下文的“hping the cars infrnt wuld mve aside”可知,怀特按了按喇叭,希望前面的汽车能靠边站,故可推测怀特的车和那辆车之间有车把他们分开了。故选B项。
    49.句意:他快速跑上人行道,冲进马路,绕到驾驶座旁边。A.waved挥手;B.escaped逃逸;C.wandered偏离(正道);D.raced疾走;全速行进。根据前文“White pulled his car ver”和后文的"cut int the rad and ranarund t the driver's side"可知,怀特停下车,下车跑上人行道,跑向事故车辆的驾驶座旁边。故选D项。
    A.struck击中;B.measured测量;C.grabbed抓住:D.brke打破。根据后文的“the frame(框)f the pen windw”和“iumped in”可知,怀特抓住了开着的窗框,抬腿跳进车里。故选C项。
    A.bug错误;B.lift升力;C.blw吹:D.kick踢。根据后文的“iumped in”可知,有力地抬起腿。故选B项。
    52.句意:迪安吉利斯,开车的男人,出乎意料地面临着危险的低血糖,才醒过来。A.scene场景:B.pickup皮卡货车:C.wheel方向盘;D.seat座位。根据前文内容和下文的“He was 13 by he iht f astranger lying acrss his stmach."可知,这个人是开车的司机,behind the wheel“在驾驶中"。故选C项。
    53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:看到一个陌生人横跨在他的肚子上,他吓了一跳。A.shcked震惊;B.ashamed羞愧的;C.discuraged气馁的;D.amused好笑的。根据后文的"by the dd sight f a stranger lying acrss hisstmach”可知,看到这个场景,他吓了一跳。故选A项。
    54.句意:怀特扮演的是超级英雄,但他敏捷的思维和大胆的救援使他成为了现实生活中的英雄。A.prtected保护:B.encuntered遇到;C.created创造;D.played扮演。根据前文的“White dressed up as Captain America fr thc annual Anti-Bullying(反霸凌)Superher Day.”可知,怀特扮演的是超级英雄。故选D项。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:怀特扮演的是超级英雄,但他敏捷的思维和大胆的救援使他成为了现实生活中的英雄。A.rescue抢救;B.visit访问;C.guidance指导;D.cmment议论。根据前文的“White 10 the frame(框)f the pen windw,his legs mving in step with the pickup,and with a mighty 11,jumped in."可知,此处说的是他对于这位司机的救助。故选A项。
    62.is regarded
    56。考查现在分词。句意:在今年双士一购物节的前几周,大学生彭玲(音译)收到了大最的广告信息。分析句子结构可知,句中谓语是received,空格处用非谓语形式,weeks和lead up t之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词表主动,故填leading。
    61.考查定冠词。句意:该法律将个人信息定义为有关已经或可以被识别的人的仕何类型的信息。此处law特指前面的“the Persnal Infrmatin Prtectin Law”,因此空格处用定冠词表特指,故填The。
    62、考查时态,语态和主谓一致。句意:也有一些个人信息被认为是敏感的,如指纹、人脸、宗教信仰等。“个人信息被认为是敏感的”,句子用被动语态,由前面的There is可知,句子时态是一般现在时,因此空格处用一般现在时的被动语态,即is/are dne,主语that指代的是先行词“persnal infrmatin”,是单数概念。故填is regarded。
    66.Dear fellw students,
    With the successful hlding and cmplete cnclusin f the Asian Games.the Natinal Fitness Prgram is prceeding with full vigr in ur city.Here,n behalf f the Students' Unin,I strngly advcate that every student shuld take an active part in it.
    Initially,wrking ut fr ne hur every day tps the list f my recmmendatin,during which time yu can jg,walk r swim.Besides,it is als advisable t develp a sprt skill,such as playing table tennis and basketball.Yu are als suppsed t jin a sprt club in ur schl,where nt nly can yu make mre friends but als sharpen yur excellent skills.Let's wrk ut and keep mving.Yu can build up yur bdy,strengthen yur willpwer and fully appreciate the unique charm f sprts.
    After all,the greatest wealth is health.
    The Students’ Unin
    67.Then,he jumped in.Althugh Rbbie was terrified inside,at the thught f the distant call,he did his best t vercme his fear and swam tward the girl.The waves were s big that Rbbie was almst swallwed up in the spray(浪花).As sn as he reached the girl,he grabbed her hand and swam as fast as he culd t the shre.After many struggles,they finally reached the shre safely.Nicle expressed her gratitude t Rbbie and tld him abut her family and her wn dream.
    Feeling pity fr Nicle,Rbbie decided t teach her hw t swim.When she heard the news that Rbbie was ging t teach her t swim,Nicle was verjyed.With a brad smile n her face,she jumped fr jy and shuted,"I will realize my dream f becming a prfessinal swimmer!"In the mnths that fllwed,Rbbie patiently and rigrusly mentred(一丝不苟地指导Nicle,and they became clse cmpanins,Watching her prgress,Rbbie fund his wn value in life:helping thers achieve a dream that he culd nt,and mst imprtantly,a dream that they shared.

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