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    这是一份2023-2024学年四川省宜宾市第四中学校高三上学期开学英语试题含答案,共1页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,B.$ 260, 只允许修改10处,多者不计分, 表达希望等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第 = 1 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT I卷 选择题(100分)
    1.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.A cuple.B.Dctr and patient.C.C-wrkers.
    2.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Neighbrs.B.Husband and wife.C.Grandfather and granddaughter.
    3.What des the man need t d next?
    A.Speed up his car. B.Slw dwn his car. C.Avid the rad sign.
    4.What are the speakers ding?
    5.What des the girl want t d?
    A.Walk her dg.B.Meet her mther.C.Get a dg.
    6.What will take up the mst in the financial budget?
    A.Transprtatin fee.B.Htel bills.C.Fd cst.
    7.What will the speakers d t limit the expense?
    A.Take public transprt. B.Chse cheaper htels. C.Eat at less expensive places.
    8.What happened t the wman?
    A.She didn’t find City Bus Cmpany. B.She missed the N. 22 bus yesterday.
    C.She left her handbag n the bus.
    9.What did the man tell the wman?
    A.They didn’t find anything like that. B.Smene fund it and gave it t them.
    C.It was certain that smene tk it away.
    10.What is Tina’s weakest part f learning English?
    A.Speaking. B.Writing. C.Reading.
    11.What matters mst in learning a language accrding t Clin?
    A.Being patient. B.Making friends with freigners. C.Living in an English-speaking cuntry.
    12.What des Clin suggest Tina d?
    A.Get up earlier t learn. B.Read newspapers every day. C.Practice English every mrning.
    13.When will the man check in?
    A.Next Tuesday.B.Next Wednesday.C.Next Saturday.
    14.What des the man want t d in the wman’s city?
    A.Visit friends.B.Take a trip.C.Attend a meeting.
    15.What is the man’s requirement fr the rm?
    A.Facing suth.B.Having a large table.C.Having a separate tilet.
    16.Hw much will the man pay the htel in ttal?
    A.$ 300.B.$ 260.C.$ 150.
    17.Hw lng is the lecture abut ants?
    A.60 minutes.B.45 minutes.C.30 minutes.
    18.Where will the film The Great Migratin be shwn?
    A.In Theater A.B.In Theater B.C.In Theater C.
    19.Wh will hst the event Encuraging Garden Wildlife?
    A.David Crcker.B.Mnica Chaddha.C.Jane Smith.
    20.When will the listeners leave the Exhibitin Rm?
    A.At 2:00 p. m.B.At 2:30 p. m.C.At 3:00 p. m.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    It ges withut saying that sitting at a desk fr a majrity f the day will hurt ur health. But dn’t wrry because there is a slutin! After spending much time investigating the different ffers when it cmes t exercise equipment suitable fr the ffice, I’d like t reveal sme f my tp recmmendatins.
    21.Wh are the intended readers f the text?
    A.Fitness trainers.B.Recvering patients.
    C.Office wrkers.D.Furniture designers.
    22.Which equipment prmises t imprve wrk efficiency?
    A.Stability Cushin and Fitness Tracker.
    B.Stability Cushin and Balance Ball Chair.
    C.Under-desk Elliptical and Fitness Tracker.
    D.Under-desk Elliptical and Balance Ball Chair.
    23.What may be the prblem f Fitness Tracker?
    A.It wears ut easily ver time.B.It may fail t get linked at times.
    C.It ffers few persnalized chices.D.It desn’t allw the use f ther apps.
    Grwing up in the Philippines,cnstructin wrker Jhnny Manlugay cmbs the beaches each night fr the eggs f sea turtles. He knws exactly what t lk fr,as he was trained as a child by his grandfather n hw t lcate the animals and their eggs. Back then,his family traded r ate them. It wasn’t abut getting rich as much as it was just a part f life.
    Manlugay has since turned ver a new leaf. Instead,he uses his tracking skills t prtect the sea turtles that visit the beaches he lives by.
    “I’ve learned t lve this wrk,”Manlugay acknwledged in an interview.“We didn’t knw paching(偷猎)was illegal and that we shuld nt eat turtle eggs and meat.”
    Manlugay delicately transferred each egg int a bucket he brught with him,as well as sme sand frm the turtle nests,t be handed ver t Castal Underwater Resurce Management Actins(CURMA),the grup leading the cnservatin prgram n the beaches.
    Established in 2009,the CURMA cnservatin effrt has gradually transfrmed sea turtle pachers int valuable allies(盟友). They manage this by ffering training t ultimately save thusands f turtles and keep their eggs frm ending up everywhere but their nests.
    “We talked t the pachers,and it turned ut paching was just anther means fr them t earn a living,”explained Carls Tamay,the directr f peratins.“They had n chice.”
    On average,sea turtles lay 100 eggs in a nest. The number f nests in the area ranges between 35and 40 each seasn,which runs frm Octber t February. Tamay nted that the figures had dubled during the first year f the COVID pandemic.“Last seasn alne,fr example,we had 75 nests and we released clse t 9,000 hatching,”he shared.
    Once cllected,the eggs are then transferred t CURMA’s hatchery(孵化场)t be reburied in prtected areas. Anther frmer pacher,Jessie Cabagbag,grew up eating turtle meat and eggs like many peple there.“I stpped paching when we underwent training and were taught that what we have been ding was illegal and that these species f turtles are endangered,”he explained. Nw,he admits,“I am truly prud. I am happy that I get t cntribute t the cnservatin f the turtles.”
    24.Why did Jhnny Manlugay hunt turtles as a child?
    A.T make a living. B.T make a frtune. C.T prtect them. D.T lcate them.
    25.Hw des Jhnny Manlugayc deal with the turtle eggs nwadays?
    A.T sell them. B.T hatch them.
    C.T hand them ver t a cnservatin rganizatin. D.T bury them under sme sand near the turtle nests.
    26.On average,hw many sea turtle eggs are laid in the area seasnally?
    A.Abut 7500.B.Clse t 9.000.
    C.Frm 3500 t 4000.D.Between 3500 and 10000.
    27.What’s the best title fr this passage?
    A.Sea Turtles are Well Prtected in the Philippines.
    B.Lcal Peple in the Philippines Search the Beaches fr Sea Turtle Eggs.
    C.The Cnservatin Prgram Aims t Save Endangered Turtles.
    D.Frmer Turtle Egg Pachers in the Philippines Turn Prtectrs.
    It’s called the Bank f Happiness, but it has nthing t d with mney. Funded a year ag in Estnia’s capital Tallinn, it’s a frum in which mre than 2,000 members frm Estnia and ther cuntries cnnect t ffer r receive services free f charge.
    The site carries mre than 500 ads in English, German and Estnian frm peple ffering r seeking all kinds f things, including teaching and tips n cking. The website is als translated int French and Spanish.
    Funder Airi Kivi says the gal is t make peple think and act with their hearts. “After the wrldwide utbreak f the pandemic, I thught, ‘Ww, ur bank is perfect fr the crisis and a lt f peple are unemplyed and they can use it t harvest what they need.’”
    S hw des it wrk? It’s simple: Yu sign up using yur real name and pst what yu are ffering r what yur need is, as lng as it desn’t invlve mney r prducts.
    Masseuse Terge Reintem says she signed up when she was unemplyed because she needed t imprve her skills by learning frm thers. But she stayed n even after finding a new jb because she says it feels gd t vlunteer. “If I discver a new technique, I want my bank custmers t first experience it,” Reintem says, adding they are ften nicer than the paying nes.
    Member Vernika Davel says she infringed the rules with her first request when she asked fr a prduct: a cmputer. But she did it unknwingly. Later, she began ffering services f her wn n the bank’s website. “The main thing I really culd ffer was English,” Davel explains. “There was a yung girl wh needed t have better English fr her jb and I gave her a hand.”
    The site has many mre ffers f help than requests fr it. That’s as it shuld be, Kivi says, adding that the bigger reward cmes frm giving.
    28.Hw can the Bank f Happiness benefit its members?
    A.They can help each ther at n cst.B.They can place ads fr their prducts.
    C.They can travel t many cuntries fr free.D.They can read much news abut happiness.
    29.What des the underlined wrd mean in paragraph 6?
    30.Why des Reintem keep serving the bank?
    A.T imprve her skills.B.T win mre custmers.
    C.T enjy the helpfulness.D.T learn new techniques.
    31.Hw des the writer intrduce the bank?
    A.By using specific data.B.By giving examples.
    C.By referring t cmmn knwledge.D.By using cmparisn and cntrast.
    Sulphur-crested cckats (葵花凤头鹦鹉) are cmmn in western Australia, where they nrmally live in wded areas. But as frests have been cut dwn, cckats have gtten used t living near peple. Scientists reprt that peple in Sydney, Australia are in a battle with these birds.
    Last year, scientists at the Max Planck Institute reprted that the cckats had learned hw t pen the cvers f trash bins. That’s nt an easy jb. The cckats must lift the heavy cver with their beaks (喙) and then walk alng, pushing the cver up until it falls ver.
    When scientists first began studying the cckats in 2018, nly three areas near Sydney had cver-pening cckats. A year and a half later, cckats in 44 different areas knew the trick. This time the scientists weren’t just studying cckats. They were als studying humans.
    The scientists spent weeks studying mre than 3,200 trash bins in fur different areas f Sydney. They wanted t see hw many bins were prtected and what methds were used.
    In ne area, ver half the bins were prtected. The mst cmmn way f prtecting the bins was t put a brick r sme ther heavy bjects n the cver. Sme peple put things like rubber snakes n the tp f their bins. The scientists discvered that the humans were teaching each ther tricks, t. In mst neighbrhds, many peple used the same cckat-stpping methds as their neighbrs.
    The researchers say it’s like a race between humans and cckats t learn new ways f ding things. Nw many cckats have learned hw t push heavy items ff the bins. As a result, humans have figured ut ways t attach the items t the tp f their bins. The scientists describe the situatin as a “human-wildlife cnflict”. They expect these cnflicts will becme mre cmmn as humans take ver mre areas that used t be wild.
    32.What can we infer abut the cckats frm the text?
    A.They like cpying humans’ behavir.
    B.They are newly fund in Australia.
    C.They dn’t like living with peple.
    D.They are very clever birds.
    33.What did the scientists want t knw in paragraph 4?
    A.Hw the cckats learned the trick.
    B.Why the birds in mre areas did the trick.
    C.Hw humans respnded t the birds’ trick.
    D.Why humans taught the birds t d the trick.
    34.What did the researchers find abut cckats in their research?
    A.They wanted their habitat back.
    B.They intended t make humans angry.
    C.They culd adpt new ways t pen bins.
    D.They disliked lking fr fd themselves.
    35.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.A battle ver trash bins between cckats and humans
    B.A human-wildlife cnflict all ver Australia
    C.A prblem caused by cckats t humans
    D.A big prblem f “hmeless” cckats
    Prductivity seems t be the hly grail(圣杯)f the wrking wrld. Imagine the perfect day—wrking frm dusk t dawn, a prductivity machine. Thankfully, a prductive lifestyle isn’t all that difficult t achieve. 36 In line with that, here are sme steps highly prductive peple d that yu can carry ut in yur wn life.
    There’s ne thing everyne must have in cmmn - listening t ur bdies. If we dn’t listen t ur bdies, prductivity isn’t sustainable. 37 They ntice signs such as lack f sleep and cnstantly feeling tired. But, mst imprtantly, they act. During the wrking day, highly prductive peple knw hw their bdies wrk and adapt their schedules. Fr example, by ding small tasks first, prductive peple set themselves up fr a successful afternn.
    38 Every minute is maximized t its full ptential, whether it’s relaxing after wrk r a perid f deep wrk. Fr starters, rganizatinal tls such as Trell are ppular, and with gd reasn. 39 Email marketers have mre attractive tls such as Cnvert-Kit that autmate the email sequence. Autmating may smetimes be annying t set up, but it saves s much time which better used elsewhere. When yu learn t maximize yur time as highly prductive peple d, maintaining lnger perids f efficient wrk becmes easier.
    The benefits f priritizing dwntime can nt be understated. Sleep, the ultimate rest, is vital t a prductive persn’s weapn. Fr example, a study fund that when yu sleep fr fur hurs r less cnsistently, yur thinking ability declines t the equivalent f adding abut eight years in age. Besides, as we knw, yur bdy needs time ff frm wrk. Think f the famus metaphr: yu can’t sht an arrw withut first pulling it back. 40 .
    A.Yu must rest befre yu g again.
    B.Yu dn’t need t get anything dne.
    C.The tls keep yur mind in check and fcus high.
    D.Highly prductive peple knw when they’re burning ut.
    E.All highly prductive peple manage their time effectively.
    F.Hwever, useful tls like Cnvert-Kit extend beynd Trell.
    G.T be a prductive persn, yu need simple and practical steps.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    A family in England rescued a baby hare and nw receives daily visits frm her after releasing her back int the wild. At the beginning f the lckdwn, Natasha and her family 41 a baby hare in their garden. Having 42 seen an adult hare that had died a day befre, the 43 realized it was an rphan (孤儿).
    Natasha 44 t take her t an animal rescue, 45 was unable due t the pandemic (疫情). Instead, they had t take care f the hare at their 46 . The family named her Clver, and 47 her fr eight weeks befre 48 her int fields nearby. But tw mnths n, Clver ften cmes int the family’s garden, and even takes 49 t break int the huse.
    50 she came thrugh the back dr int the huse and the family didn’t 51 her at all. She went upstairs and lked int the 52 n their wardrbe just like Natasha ften stands there lking at herself — it was like she’d turned up t 53 hw much she had grwn. The little bunny then happily hpped arund the lunge (起居室). When she saw Natasha, she stretched her legs t 54 her excitedly. And things were always very much n her terms — if she didn’t want yu t tuch her, that was it, but if she 55 having a little hug she’d 56 and jump up and sit n yur 57 . Obviusly, she likes Natasha and her family very much. It seems that she 58 the rm t be her hme. After the family released Clver twards the back f their garden, they 59 they might see her again nce r twice. But t their surprise she cmes back n a 60 basis pretty much t cme and say hi.
    47.A.cared frB.checked nC.searched frD.perated n
    第 = 2 \* ROMAN \* MERGEFORMAT II卷 非选择题(50分)
    Traveling t freign cuntries 61 (cnsider) exciting and educatinal. Nt nly can yu pick up new languages and have a taste 62 lcal cuisine, but yu can get t admire sme fthe wrld’s mst beauiful art and architecture.
    Since the crnavirus pandemic 63 (g) viral(传播), traveling has becme quite difficult. Very early in the first lckdwn, museums, theaters, and zs started hsting virtual turs, 64 (bring) the exhibits and perfrmances int peple’s living rms thrugh their high-speed internet cnnectins.
    Accrding t Frbes, Ggle 65 (search) fr the term virtual tur reached 1,300 in February 2020.The number increased t 66 (apprximate) 10,000 67 the first lckdwn began in March that year. And it kept rising as peple cntinued t stay at hme.
    Currently, the pandemic 68 prevents peple frm ging abrad is still prevailing (盛行) thrughut the wrld. S if yu heart wants t enjy the live cncert in Sydney, wander thrugh the 69 (crwd) alleys(胡同) in Beijing r check ut the magnificent funtains in Rme, yu can take 70 virtual city tur t explre t yur heart’s cntent.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    Last night, I saw tw hmeless men t cme in fr dinner in a restaurant. They sit there but didn’t rder nthing. S I decided t rder dinner fr them and pay fr it. Meanwhile, I asked the manager nt t telling them abut it. They were s surprised that they tried hardly t get my identity f the manager. After several unsuccessful try, they smiled, thanked him and left. Then the manager asked me that I knew them. My answer was n. He said it shuld be mre kindnesses like that in wrld.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72.假定你是李华,你校将要举办“美丽中国(Amazing China)”主题摄影展作品征集活动。你的交换生朋友Peter是一名摄影爱好者,请给他写一封英语邮件,邀请他投稿参展。内容包括:
    1. 写信事由;
    2. 投稿方式;
    3. 表达希望。
    1 .词数100左右;2 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    ☆ Stability Cushin
    These cushins are excellent t relieve back pain and shulder aches, stabilize jints and strengthen muscles.
    Prs & Cns
    Small and lightweight
    .Wrks well fr lwer back and psture
    · Inflating isn’t easy fr sme
    ☆ Under-desk Elliptical
    Keeping yur feet in mtin while seated can g a lng way t keep yu happier, reduce stress, and increase yur prductivity
    Prs & Cns
    Easy t carry like a briefcase
    Whisper quiet and easy t use
    ·The rubber arund the metal bar can wear ut ver time
    ☆ Fitness Tracker
    What gets measured gets managed, and ne great way t keep track f yur fitness data is a fitness tracker. A fitness tracker recrds yur energy levels, steps, distance, hurly activity and mre
    Prs & Cns
    ·Very cmfrtable t wear
    ·Lts f apps can be perated tgether
    ·Varius custmized ptins
    ·Smetimes there are cnnectivity issues
    ☆ Balance Ball Chair
    Sitting n a balance ball leads t increased energy and prductivity. In that way, it’s perfect fr cmpleting tasks at hme r in the ffice. This chair prmtes micr-mvements, cre strength, and stimulatin
    Prs & Cns
    ·Straightfrward t build
    ·A great slutin if yu experience back pain
    ·Needs t be reinflated ften

    四川省宜宾市第四中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题: 这是一份四川省宜宾市第四中学校2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题,文件包含宜宾四中高2021级高三下期开学考试英语试题docx、宜宾四中高2021级高三下期开学考试英语试题答案docx、听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。

    四川省宜宾市第四中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题: 这是一份四川省宜宾市第四中学校2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题,共8页。

    2023-2024学年四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校高三上学期开学英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校高三上学期开学英语试题含答案,文件包含四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题原卷版docx、四川省宜宾市叙州区第一中学校2023-2024学年高三上学期开学英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共48页, 欢迎下载使用。

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