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    1. What shuld the man put int the mixer first?
    A. The water. B. The cffee. C. The milk.
    2. Why was the girl late fr schl this mrning?
    A. Her alarm clck didn’t g ff. B. She tk the wrng schl bus. C. She fell ill with an unusual disease.
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Bss and emplyee.
    4 What clr hat did the wman buy fr the man?
    A. Yellw. B. Red. C. Blue.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A famus band. B. The perfrmance f a band. C. Different instruments in a band.
    6. What des the girl have a prblem with?
    A. Chinese writing. B. Chinese vcabulary. C. Chinese prnunciatin.
    7. Hw will the speakers settle their prblems prbably?
    A By using flashcards. B. By studying tgether. C. By practicing every night.
    8. What can we learn abut the man?
    A He is t sick t make a phne call. B. He plans t sell his apartment. C. He has t lk after his mther.
    9. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Keep a psitive attitude. B. Shw cncern fr his friend. C. Learn t becme independent.
    10. What des the man drink?
    A. Orange juice. B. Red wine. C. Lemnade.
    11. Why can’t Paul make it t the dinner tnight?
    A. His car brke dwn. B. He desn’t feel well. C. He had an emergency meeting.
    12. Hw des the man feel abut the friends’ absence frm the dinner?
    A. Pitiful. B. Upset. C. Annyed.
    13. What was the height f the fld in 1966?
    A. 1.87 meters. B. 1.94 meters. C. 1.5 meters.
    14. What did experts d during the fld?
    A. They left the city. B. They helped with the clean-up wrk. C. They rescued the imprtant cultural relics.
    15. What is MOSE?
    A. A cultural relic built n a small island.
    B. A prject f prtecting the city frm high waves.
    C. An rganizatin frmed by sme envirnmentalists.
    Alan Mathisn Turing was brn in England in 1912. Like many talents wh g n t great things, Turing shwed his incredible intelligence frm a very yung age. In fact, by the time he was halfway thrugh primary schl, Turing’s teachers had already realized he was a mathematical genius. He culd d cmplex calculating in his head even thugh he had never been taught abut it.
    Frtunately, Turing was the ppsite f Hawking, and he abslutely lved schl. Prf f this is the extreme lengths he wuld g just t get t class. Fr example, n ne ccasin when there was a train strike, Turing even cycled 60 miles t attend. Nw that’s devtin!
    Hwever, in spite f Turing’s schlarly attitude and his bvius genius, his teachers had their cncerns abut his future. This is because well-knwn schls in Britain like the nes Turing attended regarded the Classics, such as Latin and Greek as the mst imprtant, nt subjects like maths and science. Turing’s prud teachers even wrte letters t his parents asking them t cnvince the yung man t fcus mre n the Classics. Imagine hw different the wrld might be if the yung Turing had listened t his teachers! Thankfully, his lve fr all things scientific and mathematical meant there was n chance f that.
    After finishing secndary schl, Turing cmpleted a degree in mathematics at King’s Cllege Cambridge, and then btained his PhD frm Princetn University in the USA. It was during these university years that he invented the Turing Machine, which is cnsidered by many peple t be the earliest versin f a cmputer prcessing unit. It sunds unbelievable that anybdy culd have invented smething which was similar t a cmputer in 1936. But that just shws hw far ahead f his time Alan Turing was, even when he was still a yung man.
    1. What can be inferred abut Turing accrding t paragraphs 1-2?
    A. He maintained interest in the Classics.
    B. He rejected attending famus schls.
    C. He shwed a strng desire fr schling.
    D. He ignred parents’ advice n curse selectin.
    2. What des the writer think f the Turing Machine?
    A. He argues it’s still limited in many functins.
    B. He thinks it’s influential in cmputer histry.
    C. He dubts if it is truly invented by a yung man.
    D. He cnsiders the cnstructin f such machines impssible.
    3. What is the authr’s main purpse in writing this passage?
    A. T indicate the link between genius and success.
    B. T illustrate the inventin f the Turing Machine.
    C. T stress the impact f teachers’ guidance n Turing’s life.
    D. T intrduce Turing’s genius, schlarly attitude and achievement.
    4. What des Turing’s stry tell us?
    A. Nthing great was ever achieved withut enthusiasm.
    B. Ordinary peple hpe, while talented peple create.
    C. Cntented with little, yet wishing fr mre.
    D. Chances favr the minds that are prepared.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A
    Hw des yur family celebrate Mther’s Day? D yu give her flwers r make her a card? The riginal mther’s days were bserved rather differently.
    Julia Ward Hwe was the first persn t prpse that the United States bserve a natinal mther’s day. She jined the U.S. Sanitary Cmmissin during the American Civil War. Fllwing the war, Hwe became a supprter fr peace. In 1872, Hwe rganized Mther’s Peace Day t imprve wrking cnditins in mines and prvide better educatin fr pr children.
    But Mthers’ Peace Day never became a natinal hliday. Mther’s Day wes its rigin t the effrts f Anna Jarvis, a daughter wh wanted t hnr her mther, Ann.
    In 1858, Ann began a traditin f Mthers’ Wrk Days in Taylr Cunty, the rural cmmunity where infectin and disease were cmmn. Ann begged dctrs t teach her and her neighbrs hw t imprve the family health. On Mthers’ Wrk Days, they helped and taught ther mthers.
    Ann nce cncluded: “I hpe that smene, smetime, will fund a memrial mther’s day.” When Ann died n May 9, 1905, Anna determined t fulfill her mther’s wish.
    Anna wrte hundreds f letters t pliticians and spke ften t prmte the establishment f Mther’s Day. On May 10, 1908, Anna addressed a large Mther’s Day celebratin. She urged children t shw lve and thanks fr their mthers “by wrds, gifts, acts f affectin...”
    The idea f a day hnring mthers spread quickly thrughut the cuntry and became fficial in 1914, when President Wdrw Wilsn signed a reslutin establishing the secnd Sunday in May as Mther’s Day.
    While few tday think f Mther’s Day as a day t d charity wrk in the cmmunity, yu can still fllw Anna t celebrate it.
    5. Why were the riginal mther’s days bserved?
    A. T satisfy mthers’ wishes.B. T assist the peple in need.
    C. T urge children t lve their mthers.D. T save the wunded sldiers in the war.
    6. What can we knw abut the first fficial Mther’s Day?
    A. It was funded by Julia Ward Hwe.
    B. It was celebrated in memry f Anna’ mther.
    C. Anna’s speech cntributed t its establishment.
    D. Anna’s effrts received n respnse frm the public.
    7. In which way des the authr advise us t celebrate Mther’s Day?
    A. By giving celebratin speeches.B. By reflecting n its riginal intentin.
    C. By ding gd deeds in the cmmunity.D. By shwing lve and gratitude t mthers.
    8. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the passage?
    A. The Mthers f Mther’s DayB. The Best Gift fr Mther’s Day
    C. The Traditins f Mther’s DayD. The Celebratin f Mther’s Day
    【答案】5. B 6. C 7. D 8. A
    Fur “amateur (业余的) astrnauts” are abut t launch int rbit in anther landmark missin fr space turism. It’s the latest flight t help pen up access t space fr paying custmers. The trip has been paid fr by US billinaire businessman Jared Isaacman, wh will travel with three crewmates. A healthcare wrker, a science educatr and a data analyst will circle the Earth with Mr Isaacman fr three days. They hpe t inspire thers with their adventure and t raise mney fr children’s cancer medicine. Accrdingly, the missin has been named Inspiratin 4.
    The crew’s Dragn vehicle, made by Eln Musk’s cmpany Space X, will ride a Falcn-9 rcket. It is due t launch frm Flrida’s Kennedy Space Center at 20:02 EDT n Wednesday, r very shrtly after. The spacecraft will reach an altitude f 575km, which is abut 150km higher than the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS). The fur will then spend their time ding experiments and lking at Earth thrugh a large dmed windw which ffers panramic views f the whle planet.
    The missin fllws ht n the heels f Sir Richard Bransn’s flight abard his Virgin Galactic rcket plane n 11 July, and fellw billinaire Jeff Bezs’ trip t space nine days later in the New Shepard vehicle. The glass dme has been fitted in place f the mechanism that Dragn nrmally uses t dck with the ISS, which isn’t needed n this flight.
    In the 60 years since Sviet csmnaut Yuri Gagarin first went int space, fewer than 600 peple have fllwed in his ftsteps; and mst f thse have been military-trained persnnel flying n gvernment-spnsred missins. Inspiratin 4 is different. It’ll be a fully cmmercially purchased and perated rbital flight. NASA helped fund the develpment f a lt f the technlgy used by Eln Musk’s cmpany, and did s t try t diversify the ecnmy in lw-Earth rbit.
    9. Why is the missin called Inspiratin 4 accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. T prmte the space turism industry.
    B. T highlight the huge expenses f the space trip.
    C. T claim the cmmercial benefits f space adventures.
    D. T inspire peple and cllect mney fr medical treatment.
    10. What can we learn abut the great missin?
    A. The launch schedule is t be further cnfirmed.
    B. Its crew members are mstly military trainees.
    C. It is t be made nine days after Jeff Bezs’ space trip.
    D. A glass dme will be fitted t replace the mechanism t jin the ISS.
    11. What des the authr mean by saying the underlined sentence in paragraph 2?
    A. The unique equipment ensures the success f the missin.
    B. The crew can get a full view f the earth thrugh the glass dme.
    C. The crew take advantage f the special windw t d experiments.
    D. The large windw enables the crew t bserve surrunding planets.
    12. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. A cmmercially paid rbital flight.
    B. The diversity f space explratin.
    C. The develpment f space technlgy.
    D. A space tur n gvernment-spnsred missins.
    【答案】9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A
    Lndn, being ne f the mst imprtant cities f the mdern wrld, is als a mst visited turist destinatin. With enrmus plitical, ecnmic, and cultural influence, the city has been the centre f the western wrld fr hundreds f years. It’s difficult t imagine that less than 2,000 years ag, this energetic city was nthing mre than a remte settlement fr the western superpwer f that time: the mighty Rman Empire.
    In 55 BC, the Rmans funded a small prt settlement n the banks f the River Thames called Lndinium. Within 150 years, Lndinium’s ppulatin had risen t 45,000 and it had becme a majr trading pst. While mdern Lndn is surely far bigger, ancient Lndinium is still there in the heart f the city, where it’s mre cmmnly knwn as the City f Lndn. This area is the imprtant financial centre f Britain. ____13____ He built himself a ryal castle t prtect his pwer.
    ____14____ T answer this questin, we really need t cnsider what was happening acrss Eurpe. At the height f its pwer, the Rman Empire held ups and dwns ver mst f Eurpe, as well as huge areas f Africa. While this had brught the Rmans cnsiderable wealth and pwer, it had brught them t a breaking pint in terms f their ability t cntrl their territries (领土) and maintain plitical pwer. Eventually, the empire began t fade. Rme stpped sending sldiers t help Lndnium. By 407 AD, the Rmans had abandned the city altgether, and fr the next 650 years, the Angl-Saxns ruled the area. ____15____ As a castal settlement, Lndners were cnstantly under threat f Viking attacks. Mre peaceful times came when Alfred the Great finally defeated the Vikings, and when his sn, King Edward the Cnfessr, mved his Ryal Curt t Westminster Abbey in arund 1040, Lndn became the fficial ryal city f England.
    This cntinued t be the case when the Nrmans cnquered Britain in 1066, and their leader, William the Cnquerr, was crwned the first Nrman King f England in Westminster Abbey. ____16____ Tday it is knwn as the Twer f Lndn.
    A. S hw did Lndn get its start?
    B. These were difficult, bldy centuries.
    C. He built himself a ryal castle t prtect his pwer.
    D. He mved his ryal curt ut f Westminster Abbey.
    E. But if Lndinium was bming, why did the Rmans leave?
    F. While it is part f mdern Lndn, it is als technically a distinct cunty.
    【答案】13. F 14. E 15. B 16. C
    I fell in lve with the wallet immediately when it was gifted t me by a clse friend. But the wallet was nt nly beautiful, it had a ____17____. It lved t run away. I lst it almst weekly. Frtunately the mst ____18____ place fr me t lse it was in my wn huse, s f curse I wuld finally find it.
    One day, ____19____, as I was leaving a ftball stadium, the wallet nce again ____20____ frm my pcket. I discvered the ____21____ and searched the huse as usual. Nthing. But a week later, a cmplete stranger was calling with news f my wallet. This man, in a(n) ____22____ t find whm the wallet ____23____, lked inside f it, and fund a check which happened t have my phne number n it.
    But a shrt while later, my wallet nce again went missing. I tk the subway t the gym, and ____24____ a statin in dwntwn Oakland. When I gt t the gym, I ____25____ fr my wallet nly t find it wasn’t there. This time I gt really scared and _____26_____. There was n way I wuld find my wallet. _____27_____, it was lst n the busy, _____28_____, traffic-filled streets f dwntwn Oakland. But it was t _____29_____ t give up withut a search. I had t find it, s I lked fr it _____30_____ the whle statin, and ran dwn the street asking whmever I encuntered if they had seen a small elephant wallet. N luck. I knew that I had _____31_____ lst it fr gd.
    A few weeks later, I gt an email saying that a man _____32_____ my wallet, when he walked the same rute I was n. Why was I s lucky?
    I dn’t knw if I have faith in _____33_____ r pprtunity, but I d knw I _____34_____ humanity and the selfless acts f _____35_____. Every day my hpe fr the wrld is _____36_____ when I remember all f the peple wh g ut f their way t help whmever they can.
    17. A. targetB. featureC. principleD. belief
    18. A. cmmnB. cnvenientC. flexibleD. particular
    19. A. therwiseB. insteadC. hweverD. therefre
    20. A. transmittedB. recveredC. sailedD. leaped
    21. A. lssB. evidenceC. truthD. mystery
    22. A. reactinB. attemptC. agreementD. psitin
    23. A. adapted tB. attached tC. applied tD. belnged t
    24. A. exitedB. apprachedC. sughtD. accessed
    25. A. exchangedB. reachedC. chargedD. accunted
    26. A. pleasedB. determinedC. disappintedD. embarrassed
    27. A. After allB. In factC. As a resultD. In that case
    28. A. distantB. typicalC. bradD. crwded
    29. A. tughB. rdinaryC. preciusD. familiar
    30. A. beyndB. thrughutC. beneathD. nt
    31. A. graduallyB. regularlyC. eventuallyD. previusly
    32. A. spttedB. selectedC. admittedD. awarded
    33. A. ptinB. frtuneC. dutyD. virtue
    34. A. get thrughB. carry nC. figure utD. believe in
    35. A. kindnessB. patienceC. despairD. dilemma
    36. A. assumedB. pursuedC. renewedD. judged
    【答案】17. B 18. A 19. C 20. D 21. A 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. D 35. A 36. C
    China Oriental Perfrming Arts Grup has launched its street dance grup, managed by a natinal-level perfrming arts cmpany. Dating back t the 1950s, it is knwn fr its grand dance perfrmance, ____37____ (cmbine) singing and dancing shws f varius styles. The cmpany perfrms at hme and abrad, ____38____ (significant) impacting cultural exchanges.
    The newly established dance grup, ____39____ was fficially annunced at the headquarters f China Oriental Perfrming Arts Grup in Beijing n April 29, will bring audiences street dance shws, as well as train street dancers. Street dance is the general term fr different dance ____40____ (style), including breaking (霹雳舞), hip-hp, lcking, ppping and huse. ____41____ with its wn histry and different lk, each style is independent. Over the past decades, yung peple ____42____ (attract) by street dance n varius levels, as an art frm, a cmpetitive activity r fr physical exercise.
    In 2020, breaking became an fficial Olympic sprt. In an effrt t attract yunger audiences, the Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee has added the frm f street dance ____43____ the medal events prgram fr the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris. “The whle scene f street dance is starting a new chapter in China nwadays. We are excited t witness this mment, with the birth f this new street dance grup, the first natinal-level street dance grup in China,” says Li Jialng, president f the grup, adding that it tk ver a year ____44____ (prepare) the new street dance grup.
    【答案】37. cmbining
    38. significantly
    39. which 40. styles
    41. But 42. have been attracted
    43. t 44. t prepare
    45. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Justin近期将访问中国,请你用英语给他写一封邮件,邀请他参加你校组织的“中美文化交流节”(Sin-US Cultural Exchange Festival)。内容包括:
    1. 提出邀请;
    2. 推介活动;
    3. 期盼回复。
    注意:1. 词数100—120左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯
    【答案】Dear Justin,
    Delighted t knw yu’ll visit China, I’m writing t invite yu t participate in the Sin-US Cultural Exchange Festival t be rganized by my schl.
    Varius activities are scheduled fr the festival, which is due t start frm July 10th. Teachers in ur schl are well-prepared t give lectures n writing Chinese calligraphy, ding Tajji and singing Beijing Opera, s that yu may acquire a better understanding f the charming Chinese culture. Additinally, we’ll hld a painting shw, where yu can explre the magic f art thrugh the live perfrmances by students frm bth cuntries.
    Hpefully, the festival can be a cultural feast, which will be impressive and wrthwhile. Lking frward t yur reply.
    听力答案:1—5 BAABC 6—7 CB 8—9 CA 10—12 ACA 13—15 BCB

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