沪教版(六三制三起)小学六年级英语下册 Project 4 教案
这是一份沪教版(六三制三起)小学六年级英语下册 Project 4 教案,共9页。
六年级英语下册(牛津版)Module 4 Things we enjoy Project 4 课题:牛津英语6B Module 4 Project课时:第一课时教材分析本课是上海教育出版社出版的《牛津英语》六年级下册第四模块第十一单元Project的内容。第四模块的主题是Things we enjoy,介绍人们喜欢和热衷的事情。本节课的教学内容是要求学生在学习了四个西方节日,即复活节、万圣节、感恩节和圣诞节的基础上,深入了解万圣节、复活节、端午节和元宵节,了解四个节日的时间、风俗,并能简单介绍人们的活动,从而对中西方节日进行描述。本节课核心内容是运用一般现在时构建描述节日的语篇,并对核心语言实际应用的练习,借助视频、韵律诗、音频等教学手段展现四个节日的习俗,为学生提供听力材料和再构文本,进一步帮助学生理解和运用核心语言。教学活动的编排遵循循序渐进、层层深入的原则,语言输出量逐渐加大,本课的核心语言更起到了承上启下的作用,同时也是对旧知的整理和运用。通过对中西方节日的谈论,运用旧知描述事情,使得学生在这种重复、循环、发展、提高的过程中进行学习,使得他们综合运用语言的能力呈螺旋式上升。学情分析 大多数六年级的学生对英语英语课都比较喜欢,上课时能专心听讲,积极发言。他们的英语知识储备深厚而扎实,也具有一定的自主学习能力。但也有少部分学生对英语学习的兴趣不是很高,提不起兴趣。因此在设计本课时,既关注学生已有知识水平、注重阅读的整体性与知识的连续性,又帮助每个学生借助网络资源等手段主动寻找学习资源、更有效地学习。二年级起学生陆续接触过节日这一话题,并掌握了Christmas、Mid-autumn Festival等节日名称、节日特征等信息,本课在已有知识和经验的基础上扩充学习更多中西方节日的名称,用一般现在时构建节日的段落框架。本节课将学习重点落在中西方节日习俗的了解和表达上,通过借助教师出示的段落框架,学生呈现渐进式地掌握语言框架,进而自如运用框架结构比较全面地介绍某一节日。教学目标◎语言知识目标:1、在语境中学习词汇scary, crazy, lunar calendar, rice dumpling, to remember, dragon boat races, Dragon Boat Festival, lantern等。2、在语境中能运用一般现在时使用…is an important Western/Chinese festival. It’s on…People usually...They say…What a… day!等句型,结合实际构建比较丰满的短文结构。◎语言技能目标:培养学生通过阅读获取文本中主要信息的能力。掌握一定的阅读技巧和阅读方法。促进学生语言运用能力,表达自己喜欢的节日。◎情感态度目标:培养学生自主学习兴趣,小组协作意识和积极参与意识;积极接触西方文化,形成跨文化交际意识。◎学习策略目标:在真实语言学习环境中,与他人合作学习,学会倾听和思考问题,对所学节日进行归纳和简要的讨论,并介绍更多节日。◎文化意识目标:了解中西方节日风俗及风土人情,渗透文化差异,加强文化意识的培养。教学重点及难点◎教学重点 1、能运用核心句型…is an important western festival. It’s on…People usually... They say…What a… day! 2、能简单介绍万圣节、复活节、端午节和元宵节,包括日期和主要活动等。◎教学难点通过输入大量语言信息,扩展学生表达节日习俗的词汇量,能系统输出话题“我喜欢的节日”。教学基本策略及设计思路根据《课标》理念,我采用了以学生为主体,以话题为主线,任务为中心,交际为目的。整个教学过程当中设计运用丰富多样的教学策略来启发、引导学生掌握本节课的学习内容。采用认知策略,借助图片、视频、音乐多种手段增强学生对新知的感知。学生通过获取信息并处理信息方式了解中西方重要节日。采用交际策略,学生在小组中学习倾听、参与活动,积极表达自己的想法。采用资源策略,教师经过认真研读教材,深挖文本内容,为学生呈现新的文本,增加学生的信息输入量。教师的范文和问题的引领,为学生输出奠定了扎实的基础。通过活动对学生的认知策略(听的策略、说的策略和写作策略)进行指导,以及培养学生在活动中用英语与他人交流的交际策略。本节课我设计时注重语言的体验运用,所有的语言运用都是围绕语境进行的,从而有效地提高学生的听、说、读、写和语言综合运用的整体能力。通过创设接近生活实际的语境,采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,有效设计积累词汇,逐层推进,分层指导。资源的开发及说明多媒体资源:1、本课中运用了Halloween, Trick or treat的视频,更直观,有利于学生理解新知,加深记忆;为学生创编鼓点较强的chant为教材新授更好的服务;不仅易于学生朗朗上口,更为新知学习化解了难点。2、Pad在课堂教学中的使用。借助网络平台等资源,学生在课堂上自己制作介绍节日的小短文。在课堂上帮助实现学生分层学习、自主学习和按需学习,提供了这种学习资源的超市式资源,学生们在学习过程中遇到的问题都将在最短的时间内得到解决。文本资源:本课为学生提供了Halloween, Easter等文本作为输入材料,除此还提供了节日的小诗歌,不给糖果就捣蛋的韵律诗等,并充分挖掘教材内涵,为学生谈论节日提供了大量的信息。图片资源:呈现中西方节日图片,丰富学生对节日的感知,激发学生的学习兴趣。资源包 课前教师给整理出各种中西方节日的人们活动的图片和重要信息,并预先安装到课堂中使用的Pad中,形成电子学习资源包,为小组合作交流表述节日话题提供丰富的学习资源。教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生活动设计意图I.Pre-task preparation Warming up and Revision Have the class say a chant with the teacher together. 2. Introduce the topic --Festivals Get ready for the lesson. Chant的使用激发学生学习的兴趣。 II. Presentation 1. Have the students say “【Can you say something about these festivals?”】2. Have the class guess“【Which is my favourite western festival? ”】3. Have the class watch a video about Halloween to find the answer.4. Have the class say something about Halloween. “【What do you see at Halloween?”】Read some background information about this festival. What do jack-o’-lanterns look like? Learn scary.Play the sound. Have the students understand the meaning of “scary”. Show some pictures of scary clothes. Have the class guess why people wear scary clothes? Watch a clip and answer this question.What do the children say to get candy? Have the students answer.Say the chant first by themselves, then with the rhyme.What will happen if people do not give children any treat?Watch a clip.Use one word to describe Halloween.Crazy. Learn the word. Teacher introduce Halloween. Then students read the introduction with intonation marks. Have the class look at the screen, let's talk about another festival, What do you see? What is this festival? Show the pictures of chocolate eggs, beautiful hats and Easter Bunny. Have the class remember. Read some information about Easter. Look at the language frame, please talk about Easter, you could also discuss with your partner. 12. Have the students read their information and add 【What a colourful day!】13. Call out students and check the answers. Show the answers. Read out together. Now let’s talk about another festival. Let’s take a guess. Show some key words about the festival and let the students guess.Let the students introduce the festival. Have the students introduce Lantern Festival. They could use Ipad to surf on the internet for the information they need and finish a report. Say the answer:【Spring festival is a Chinese festival.】 Say the answer: “【Halloween is.”】 Jack-o’-lanterns. Look at the screen.Answer questions of the teacher. They are big and round. They are funny and scary. Understand the meaning of scary.Say it and the tongue twister. The scary Harry scares the rare hare. They want to scare people. They want to get candy. Trick or treat?Say the chant with the rhyme. Have the class read the sentences on the blackboard and teach “What a crazy day! ”Crazy. Learn the word.Halloween is an interesting Western festival. It’s on 31st October. People see jack-o'-lanterns everywhere. Children usually wear scary clothes. They usually get candy from their neighbour. They say “Trick or treat?”What a crazy day! Chocolate eggs, beautiful hat, Easter bunny.At Easter, children get up early and look around everywhere for the Easter eggs. They think the Easter bunny(兔子) will bring the eggs to them. In fact, some eggs are real eggs, some are made of chocolate.Practice by themselves.Easter is an important Western festival. It’s on a Sunday in March or April. People can see Easter Bunny everywhere.They usually eat chocolate eggs. They usually wear beautiful hats.They say“Happy Easter!”What a colourful day! lunar calendar, rice dumpling, dragon boat races, Dragon Boat Festival. It is an important festival. It is on the fifth of May of lunar calendar. People go to watch dragon boat races. People usually eat rice dumplings. It is to remember Qu Yuan. What a meaningful day!Lantern Festival is on the fifteenth of January of Lantern Festival is on the ... People eat... People go to watch beautiful lanterns. Now the lanterns are in different shapes. ... Students present their poster and introduce their favourite festival. 用头脑风暴形式,让学生说已知中西节日,激发学习兴趣,为后续的学习做好铺垫。 通过ppt,让学生对Halloween有更清晰的认识,并引出课题。 跟读,纠正发音。通过描述南瓜灯,在旧知复现的同时加深对万圣节的了解。通过图片和声音感知scary的意思,符合学生的心理水平和年龄特点。 借助绕口令,不仅能有效操练新单词,掌握字母组合are发音,还能活跃课堂气氛。 观看视频,整体感知,通过问题激活学生已有知识,将语言的学习与生活实际紧密联系。带着任务听,更有目的性,同时对课文有整体感知。通过听音和图片学习南瓜灯,给学生正确的语音输入。背景信息拓展南瓜灯由来,加深学生对万圣节的了解认识,使学生在习得语言的同时学习文化。 带着问题观看视频,使教学有的放矢,并通过小组讨论找出答案。琅琅上口的chant有效的练习新知。提出新知,使教学环节紧紧相扣。 借助板书的语意功能,呈现再构的文本,帮助学生达成有效的输出。 通过复活节象征物图片引出复活节的学习,为学生创设情境,从而更加有效的展开对复活节的学习。通过学生默读中文信息介绍复活节,加深学生对复活节的了解,扩展学生的视野。通过再构的文本小诗为学生再现了复活节,形成更深刻印象,不仅朗朗上口、韵律感强,促进了新知的学习,更通过朗读训练,培养学生形成良好的语音语调。 电教手段的使用帮助学生展开联想,将已经学得的知识与语言框架相联系,实现语言逐步的生成以及能力的逐渐提升。 III. Post-taskactivities Have the students say【What have you known about festivals?】 Play a short video about festivals, and make them finish a poster about My Favourite Festival.2. Have the students choose one festival they like and talk about it with partner.3. Finish the poster.Choose one and talk about it.Students could surf online to get the information they need to finish their poster. 先让学生运用已知介绍两个熟悉的节日:万圣节和复活节,再播放视频,从而给学生带来动图,抓住重点,调动学生学习积极性。充分把选择权交给学生,体现自主学习。通过谈论自己感兴趣的节日这一真实的语用任务,关注学生书写能力的培养,达到有效的语言输出,从而形成能力。IV.Summary & HomeworkHave the students read a chant together and tell them to enjoy everyday life. Show the homework to the class and tell them choose what they like.Read the poems together.. After class, everyone should try to finish the three parts of the homework.富有感情地朗读有关节日的小诗,不仅对本课的教学主要内容进行了有效的回顾,更让学生体会到每个节日的不同含义,润物无声地进行了情感教育。通过让学生根据各自的能力水平选择不同级别的作业形式,体现了教学面向全体、关注差异,这一课标核心理念。学生学习活动评价设计依据课程标准,在学生学习活动中,我注重评价的多元化,评价方式的多样化。在学生学习活动中采用以下评价方式:1. 关注课堂教学的即时评价,我注意面向全体学生,关注不同学情的学生,并通过丰富的语言变化和肢体语言的方式鼓励学生,既是对自己学习的总结,又为学生树立学习自信心,对后续学习的激励。2. 课后学生互相评价,既是对自己课堂表现的掌握,又能鼓励同伴的,调动学生学习的积极性。 这是我设计的课后作业: 板书设计