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展开Unit 3 Conservation
PartⅠ Topic Talk
话题语境 | 人与自然之人与环境、人与植物的探讨 |
课时词汇 | threat, switch, urgent, destroy, recycle |
常用短语 | cut down, in danger, cut down, the use of..., need to be done, plastic waste |
单词巧练 写准记牢
1.________________ adj. 紧急的,急迫的
2.________________ adv. 非常地,极端地
3.________________ adj. 灭绝的,绝种的
4.________________ vi. &vt. 猎取,猎杀
5.________________ adv. 非法地,违法地
6.________________ vi. &vt. 转换,改变
7.________________ n. 威胁;(灾难等坏事)发生的可能
8.________________ vi. &vt. 再利用,回收利用
9.________________ n. 一项,一条
10.________________ vt. 破坏;毁掉
11.________________ adj. 塑料制的
12.________________ n. 保护
1.The new law would encourage companies ________ (转换) from coal to cleaner fuels.
2.Chimpanzees often ________ (猎食) in large groups, 30 to 50, and move quickly through the forest.
3.A study has found that a language becomes ________ (灭绝的) every two weeks.
4.A ________ (威胁) to a person or thing is a danger that something unpleasant might happen to them.
5.“Can I see you for a moment?”“Is it ________ (紧急的)?”
6.Up to two thirds of 14-to 16-year-olds admit to buying drink ________ (非法地).
7.The pipes are so light and they should be made of p________.
8.In Australia, agriculture has d________ half of all woodland and forests.
9.More funds should be devoted to the c________ of freshwater resources and endangered species.
10.An i________ is one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about.
11.If you r________ things that have already been used, such as bottles or sheets of paper, you process them so that they can be used again.
1.目前,现在 ________________
2.在危险中 ________________
3.过着……的生活 ________________
4.尽自己的职责 ________________
5.起某种作用 ________________
6.对……热情 ________________
7.削减,减少 ________________
1.threat n.[C]构成威胁的人,形成威胁的事物;(灾难等坏事)发生的可能;[C,U]威胁,恐吓
(教材P108)After the lecture, I can see that the use of oil and coal is one of the biggest threats to our planet.听完讲座,我明白了,石油和煤炭的使用是我们星球的最大威胁之一。
pose a threat to... 对……构成威胁
under threat 受到威胁
❶Drunken drivers pose a serious threat to other passers-by.
❷These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments.
❸Her parents made threats to take away her mobile phone if her grades couldn't be improved.
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①Wildlife has been greatly ________ (threat) in the modern age.
②Floating ice around Iceland was becoming a threat ________ navigation.
③Some cultures see direct eye contact as impolite or ________ (threaten) behavior, while Americans see it as a sign of honesty.
④Bats are ________ threat in many areas of the world. The number of them has gone down to such a level that the remaining members may not be enough to keep the species.
2.switch vt.& vi.(使)改变;vt.交换,转换,对调 n.[C](电路的)开关,闸,转换器;改变,转变
(教材P108)We definitely need to switch to different forms of power as soon as possible.我们确实需要尽快转用其他形式的能源。
switch (from A) to B (由A)转变成B
switch off/on 关/开(电灯、机器等)
switch off 不再关注,不再理睬
switch over 换台,换频道
a light switch 电灯开关
a policy switch 政策的转变
❶She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism.
❷Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance.
❸If he gets bored, he just switches off and looks out the window.
❹There is a light switch on the wall.墙上有一个电灯开关。
❺We had to make a switch in our plan.
Lucy got home from work early. After changing clothes, she swtched off the light and came to the living room. Then she switched on the TV and switched over to Channel 10.露西早早下班回到家,换完衣服后,她关灯来到客厅。然后她打开电视,转到第10频道。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空/单句写作
①After dinner, we often switch ________ the TV to watch the news, then switch ________ football games. At 10 o'clock we switch ________ the TV and go to bed.
②Not only is biking good exercise, but switching ________ a car to a bike also reduces the amount of pollution in the air.
3.urgent adj.紧急的,紧迫的,迫切的
(教材P109)That's an incredibly urgent matter...那是一件非常紧急的事……
It is urgent that... 急需……(从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可省略)
urge sb.to do sth. 敦促/力劝某人做某事
urge that... 主张……(从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可省略)
❶The children in that area are in urgent need of food.
❷It is urgent that those tents (should) be sent to the disaster area.
(1)urgency n. [U]紧急,迫切
(2)urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的,迫切的
(3)urge vt. 竭力主张;催促,力劝
He urged us to collect money for those who were in urgent need of food and clothes.他敦促我们为那些急需食品和衣服的人募捐。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①Researchers have found that red can bring a sense of ________ (urge) into our minds.
②It is urgent that we ________ (carry) out the alternative plan.
③Parents should actively urge their children ________ (take) advantage of the opportunity to join sports teams.
4.hunt vi. & vt.打猎;猎杀;搜寻;搜索;追踪;追捕 n.搜寻;寻找;打猎
(教材P109)Yes, many animals are illegally hunted for something they have.是的,许多动物因它们身上的东西而被非法猎杀。
hunt for sth. 搜寻某物
hunt for sb./sth. 搜寻/寻找某人/某物
hunter n. [C]猎人;搜集某种东西的人
❶Lions sometimes hunt alone.狮子有时单独猎食。
❷Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic Ocean.北冰洋的鲸类仍在遭到猎杀。
❸Detectives are busy hunting for clues.侦探们正在忙着寻找线索。
❹I am on the hunt for the perfect summer sandals.我在寻找一双完美的夏日凉鞋。
[即学即练] 单句语法填空
①The kids were ________ (hunt) for shells on the beach while I was reading a newspaper.
②The fox ran away before the ________ (hunt) shot it.
③John set out that day ________ (hunt) for work.
④Police have launched a nationwide hunt ________ the killer.
1.cut down (1)削减,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目)。可作及物短语动词和不及物短语动词。
(教材P109)I think we should cut down the use of unrecyclable plastic to protect our planet.我认为我们应该减少使用不可回收利用的塑料来保护我们的星球。
cut...down (to...) 减少……(至……)
cut down on... 减少……
❶We are trying our best to cut down costs and improve quality.我们正在尽力降低成本,提高质量。
❷We need to cut the article down to 1,000 words.我们得把这篇文章压缩到1 000字。
❸Cut down on fatty foods if you want to lose weight.你如果想减肥,就得少吃高脂食物。
❹Deserts are also formed because people cut down trees and dig up grass.人们伐树掘草也会造成土壤沙化。
cut in 插嘴
sorry to cut in on you 抱歉打断你的话。
cut out 剪下
cut this article out of the newspaper 从报纸上剪下这篇文章。
cut up 切碎
cut up the meat 把肉切碎。
cut off 停止,中断(供给)
cut off the gas supply 中断供气。
cut off 使……与外界隔绝
feel cut off living in the mountains生活在山区感到闭塞。
[即学即练] 用cut的相关短语完成句子
①The company has ________________ the gas supply temporarily to repair the damaged gas pipe.
②It's rather impolite to ________________ when other people are talking.
③Evidence suggests that they kept the fire burning all winter and used sharpened stone tools to ________________ the meat.
④Experts think the amount of homework for the students should be ________________.
2.in danger意为“处于危险中”。其后接of可构成in danger of...“处于……的危险中”。
(教材P109)He works on protecting animals in danger.他致力于保护濒危动物。
danger n. [U]危险
in danger 处于危险中
out of danger 脱离危险
dangerous adj. 危险的
endanger vt. 使处于险境,危及
endangered adj. 濒危的
❶Once harm is done to the ecosystem, all species will be in danger, including humans.
❷What a moving scene to see so many people offer help to those in danger!
Last week, John was bitten by a dangerous snake and that endangered his life. John was in great danger. Thanks to the doctor, he received treatment in time and he was out of danger at last.上周约翰被一条危险的蛇咬了,那危及了他的生命。约翰处于极大的危险中。多亏了医生,约翰得到了及时的救治,最后他脱离了危险。
[即学即练] 选词填空:endanger/endangered/dangerous/结合danger的用法完成句子
①We should do what we can to save those ________ species, including tigers which are considered ________ because they can ________ people's lives.
②The old man is still ________________. He is no better than he was yesterday.
③I heard Jack had a car accident and was ________________ losing his life, but luckily, he is ________________ now.
1.With every person using about 130 kg of plastic every year, there is an u________ need of better ways of processing it.
2.P________ waste is a huge problem in Indonesia, and this has led its city to come up with an approach to encourage residents to recycle it.
3.The river flooded last summer and the bridge was totally ________ (毁掉) in the floods.
4.A statement from the US listed many main ________ (威胁) to African lions such as loss of habitat, lack of food and more conflicts with humans.
5.It is not allowed to ________ (猎杀) wild animals in many countries of the world.
6.Many wild animals have been ________ (灭绝的) for various reasons.
7.We must try our best to keep our environment under careful ________(保护).
8.Press these two keys to ________ (切换) between documents on the screen.
9.The majority of the students find the magazine ________ (有教育意义的) and useful to their English study.
10.The researchers say that more than one-third of ships in the southern Indian Ocean are fishing ________ (非法地).
1.Many species are ________ (endanger) and could disappear off the face of the Earth very soon if we don't do anything to save them.
2.________(destroy) of the environment is one of the most serious challenges we face.
3.In his spare time, he either listens to soft music to relax himself or switch ________ the TV to watch the news.
4.His story is really so ________ (inform) that you can really benefit from it.
5.When the whole area was cut ________ by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.
6.The class is discussing a newspaper article that urges citizens ________ (help) reduce the noise and air pollution in the city.
7.The chairman asked me to cut ________ the report, because he didn't want to speak for too long at that meeting.
8.One-fifth of the animals and plants in this region are ________ threat of ________ (extinct).
9.Noises, typically caused by ships or construction, do pose a threat ________ marine animals, disturbing their ability to locate food.
I went to a lecture by Professor Linda Wei yesterday. It was really informative! I learnt a lot about the environmental 1.________ (challenge) the world is facing now. I really feel 2.________ (strong) that we need to change the way we live in order 3.________ (protect) our planet. Professor Wei was very passionate about 4.________ (use) clean energy. We definitely need to switch to different forms of power as soon as possible.
5.________ the professor said:“We all have a role to play in protecting the environment. If we all do our part, we can live a 6.________ (healthy) life on Earth.”
Unit 3 Conservation
Part Ⅰ Topic Talk
1.urgent 2.incredibly 3.extinct 4.hunt 5.illegally
6.switch 7.threat 8.recycle 9.item 10.destroy
11.plastic 12.conservation
1.to switch 2.hunt 3.extinct 4.threat 5.urgent
6.illegally 7.plastic 8.destroyed 9.conservation
10.item 11.recycle
1.at present 2.in danger 3.live a...life 4.do one's part 5.have a role 6.be passionate about 7.cut down
1.①threatened ②to ③threatening ④under
2.①on; to; off ②from ③My mum asked me to remember to switch off the lights before leaving the room.
3.①urgency ②(should) carry ③to take
4.①hunting ②hunter ③to hunt ④for
1.①cut off ②cut in ③cut up ④cut down
2.①endangered; dangerous; endanger ②in danger ③in danger of; out of danger
1.urgent 2.Plastic 3.destroyed 4.threats 5.hunt
6.extinct on 7.conservation 8.switch 9.informative 10.illegally
1.endangered 2.Destruction 3.on 4.informative 5.off
6.to help 7.down 8.under extinction 9.to
1.challenges 2.strongly 3.to protect 4.using 5.As 6.healthier