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    专题4.2 Unit 4 Using language 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二
    专题4.2 Unit 4 Using language 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二01
    专题4.2 Unit 4 Using language 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二02
    专题4.2 Unit 4 Using language 作业 高一英语外研版(2019)选择性必修二03
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    英语Unit 4 Breaking boundaries优秀课时作业

    这是一份英语Unit 4 Breaking boundaries优秀课时作业,共14页。

    1.There are 55 (minrity)in China and there are sme minr differences between them.
    2.It is said that his grandparents (settle) dwn in the UK ever since 1992.
    3.Jack said he fund vlunteer jb enjyable and (reward).
    4.The president addressed his remarks t the yung peple in the cllege, (refer) t his ntes frequently.
    5.Accrding gvernment fficials, measures will be taken t raise peple’s cncern ver air pllutin.
    6.The gvernment and individuals shuld make jint effrt t prtect the envirnment.
    7.Yu can enjy many (benefit)frm taking exercise.
    8.Enugh sleep can make us energetic and (enable) us t perfrm well at schl.
    9. particular I wnder whether yu have cnsidered the plan.
    10.Its aim is t encurage peple wrldwide wh cannt read (enjy) the mutual benefits f a bk.

    n lnger; all ver the wrld; as well as; n wnder; as if; in particular; merge int
    1.Liu Cixin is a wrker a well-knwn writer.
    2.He talked f ther cultures they were mre familiar t him than his wn.
    3.One rad, which ges nrth frm La Paz, is cnsidered the mst dangerus rad in the wrld.
    4.The slavers culd enjy individual freedm after signing the cntract.
    5.They are gd friends, s it is that they have many things in cmmn.
    6.A large number f buses and cars the traffic in rush hurs n wrkdays.
    7.Ya Ming is ne f the mst famus basketball player .
    We have befre AI can truly begin t be similar t the human brain.
    China plays in many internatinal table tennis cmpetitins and ther internatinal fields.
    Our English teacher tried her best t .
    After vlunteering t direct the traffic,he himself drivers passing by.
    Millins f peple have n access t clean drinking water.
    Peple f cycling in Amsterdam fr years.

    IV. 阅读理解
    1.阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
    Few peple enjyed getting shts at the dctr's ffice. But many f these shts are imprtant vaccines (疫苗) that help prevent us frm getting certain diseases r types f infectin.
    Vaccines gt their start in Eurpe in the 1720s, when a British wman named Lady Mary Wrtley Mntagu was visiting Turkey. She saw Turkish dctrs purpsefully inculating (接种) peple with small amunts f smallpx. Smallpx is a painful, deadly disease that had n cure at the time. But Lady Mntagu was amazed that the patients nt nly recvered, but then prved t be immune (免疫的) t the disease!
    Lady Mntagu quickly returned t England, excited t share this new prcedure. But inculatin tk many years t catch n. One prblem was that n ne had a crrect way f inculating peple safely. Occasinally, patients wuld becme fully infected and then begin spreading the disease. Hwever, inculatin eventually saved enugh peple fr it t becme the cmmn practice fr preventing smallpx.
    Sme years later, a scientist named Edward Jenner discvered that peple wh had been infected with a disease called cwpx became resistant t smallpx. Cwpx was less much harmful than smallpx. Jenner cnvinced dctrs t inculate peple with cwpx, which led t a very safe vaccine and far fewer utbreaks f smallpx. Finally, a French scientist named Luis Pasteur realized that Jenner's idea culd be used t treat ther diseases. Since then, vaccines have been made fr many ther diseases, such as pli, tetanus, and rabies.
    Tday, scientists and dctrs cntinue t create new vaccines that culd ptentially save millins f lives wrldwide.
    (1)Wh used vaccines first ?
    A.Edward Jenner.
    B.Lady Mntagu.
    C.Turkish dctrs.
    D.Lui Pasteur.
    (2)What happened after Edward's discvery?
    A.Inculatin became cmmn in England.
    B.Smallpx culd be cured by a new medicine.
    C.Cwpx was widely used t cure smallpx.
    D.Luis develped vaccines fr ther diseases.
    (3)What des the text center n?
    A.The develpment f vaccine.
    B.The way vaccines wrk.
    C.Three great scientists.
    D.The imprtance f vaccines.
    (4)In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    When it cmes t medical care, many patients and dctrs believe "mre is better." But what they d nt realize is that vertreatment—t many scans, t many bld tests, t many prcedures—may bring harm. Smetimes a test leads yu dwn a path t mre and mre testing, sme f which may be invasive, r t treatment fr things that shuld be left alne.
    Terrence Pwer, fr example, cmplained that after his wife learned she had Wegener's disease, an uncmmn disrder f the immune system, they fund it difficult t refuse testing recmmended by her dctr. The dctr insisted n ffice visits every three weeks, even when she was feeling well. He frequently rdered bld tests and X-rays, and repeatedly referred her t specialists fr even minr cmplaints. Even when tests came back negative, mre were rdered, and she was hspitalized as preventin when she develped a cld. She had as many as 25 dctr visits during ne six-mnth perid. The cuple was spending abut $30,000 a year fr her care.
    After several years f physical suffering and near financial ruin frm the medical csts, the cuple began questining the treatment after discussing with ther patients in nline supprt grups. "It's a really hard thing t determine when they've crssed the line," Mr. Pwer said. "Yu think she's getting the best care in the wrld, but after a while yu start t wnder: What is the purpse?" Mr. Pwer then spke with his wn primary care dctr, wh advised him t find a new specialist t versee Mrs. Pwer's care. Under the new dctr's care, the regular testing stpped and Mrs. Pwer's cnditin stabilized. Nw she sees the dctr nly fur r five times a year.
    (1)What is the main idea f this passage?
    A. Treatments d nt always cause harmful side effects
    B. Patients tend t believe mre testing is better treatment.
    C. T much medical care may nt be beneficial t patients.
    D. Dctrs generally recmmend ffice visits that are necessary.
    (2)Which f the fllwing was a prblem fr Mrs. Pwer during her medical treatment?
    A. She had t be hspitalized fr three weeks whenever she had a cld.
    B. When test results shwed she was fine, her dctr still rdered mre tests.
    C. She did nt have any insurance, s she became penniless because f her illness.
    D. Her dctr asked her t cnsult ther specialists due t her cnstant cmplaints.
    (3)Wh des "they" in the third paragraph mst likely refer t?
    A. Dctrs. B. Other patients. C. Mr. and Mrs. Pwer. D. The nline supprt grups.
    (4)What led t the Pwers' dubt abut Mrs Pwer's treatment?
    A. Mrs. Pwer's cnditin getting wrse. B. The results f her bld tests.
    C. Knwing abut ther patients' treatment. D. The advice frm Mr. Pwer's dctr.
    Lincln was the sixteenth President f the United States. He was reelected President in 1864 but he was sht in 1865.
    On April14, after a very busy day, President Lincln and his wife went t the theatre. When they entered the theatre, the peple rse in their seats and cheered. Lincln smiled and bwed t the peple belw when he went int his bx. Lincln sat in a large chair at the left, his wife next t him, and then the play began.
    President Lincln was very happy and pleased. In the middle f the play, a yung man entered the theatre and walked slwly twards the President's bx. Opening the dr s quietly that n ne heard him, the man entered the bx. N eyes saw him, but a secnd later every ear heard a gunsht. Smke was seen cming frm the President's bx. The theatre was filled with shuting, madly excited peple.
    Lincln's head had fallen dwn quietly n his breast; his arms had fallen, t. And the smile was still n his lips. He was sht thrugh the head. He died the next mrning.
    (1)Lincln was murdered ________ he was elected President fr the secnd time.
    A.immediately after
    B.lng befre
    C.abut a year befre
    D.nt lng after
    (2)" the bx" in the passage means _____________
    A.a small rm r enclse place
    B.a cntainer fr slids
    C.smething like a bttle
    D.the hall f a theatre
    (3)Why did n ne see r hear the man when he entered the President's bx?
    A.Because he was very careful and the peple were watching the play attentively.
    B.Because he was invisible t anyne in the theatre.
    C.Because the peple were t excited t see him.
    D.Because Lincln didn't ask his men t prtect him.
    (4)Wh d yu think sht the President?
    A.One f his sldiers
    B.A slave
    C.A mad yung man
    D.A man wh was against him
    V. 任务型阅读
    It is cmmnly knwn that when peple have disease r feel ill, they will have pills r g t see a dctr in the hspital. They are accustmed t seeing a human dctr. Hwever, have yu tried seeing a dctr that is nt a human being?
    Many hspitals emply therapy dgs t cmfrt and inspire patients. 14. Pey is a 15-year-ld hrse wh used t cmpete prfessinally with his trainer Hassen Buchakur. Nw, he's cmfrting patients and family members alike.
    15. The staff in the French hspital always call him "Dctr". His trainer Hassen Buchakur says that even at cmpetitins, Pey seemed t seek ut cntact specifically with thse struggling physically r mentally. After a few years f research, vets believe Pey's brain functins in a unique sympathy-rich way.
    In the hspital, Pey ges frm dr t dr in the care center. He has been highly effective fr reducing patients' stress and relieving anxiety fr their family members as well. Accrding t dctrs, they knew hw beneficial Pey's presence was by bservatin. 16.
    Pey has stayed with many patients right until the end f their lives. One patient, Daniel, was a frmer athlete. 17. When he passed away this year, his family requested that the hrse accmpany his cffin t the funeral.
    Animals are brn with pwer t cmfrt us. 18. Perhaps this uplifting stry f animal cmpaninship will encurage mre medical facilities t lk int the healing benefits f animals.
    A. Even during the mst difficult times, they may help.
    B. A scientific research finds that dgs are capable f that.
    C. If pssible, hspitals can emply mre therapy animals.
    D. He gradually develped a very clse cnnectin with Pey.
    E. Pey seems specially gifted fr detecting the sick r injured.
    F. Hwever, in a French hspital, a different animal wanders in the halls.
    G. They nticed patients interacting with him mre required fewer strng drugs.
    VI. 完形填空
    Befre my birth, my parents had very little knwledge abut r expsure t blind peple.
    Like many parents, mine went frm dctr t dctr trying t have my 40 restred (恢复). Finally, a dctr tld my parents, " 41 ging up dctrs. Take her hme and treat her just like the rest f yur children." Fr a secnd they 42 putting me dwn n the seat and leaving me there. Then, my mther remembered a blind man she had knwn. He had led a very 43 life. He was married, had children and 44 a jb. She decided if that was pssible fr him, then it wuld be pssible fr me.
    When I went t new places and heard nises I had 45 heard befre, I was 46 because I culdn't assciate the 47 with anything I recgnized. My mther kept expsing me t the things I was afraid f, explaining them and making me 48 as much as pssible. 49 , my father was 50 me where things were in ur huse. He said I culd nt be 51 them and I must learn my way arund.
    When graduating frm cllege, I was encuraged t 52 higher educatin. I 53 t d this because I wanted t get a jb in scial wrk. I thught in the back f my 54 that I culd cmpete in smething 55 wrk with the blind. Later, I heard abut a jb pening in the Minnesta Services fr the Blind, 56 fr it, and was hired.
    I realize that I was 57 t have the parents I had, wh taught me early in life that they had high 58 fr me and that I culd live a nrmal and 59 life.
    VII. 语法填空
    If yu get injured in a sprt, what shuld yu d? The best way 71. (deal) with sprts injuries is t keep them frm happening in the first place. Knwing the rules f the game and using right 72. (equip) can help yu avid injuries. If yu've gt injured, pull 73. (yu) ut f the game r stp ding yur activity. Let yur cach r parents knw what 74. (happen) in case yu need t see a dctr. Serius head and neck injuries happen mst ften t athletes 75. play sprts like ftball. Keep the injured persn still with his r her head 76. (hld) straight while smene calls fr medical help. If the persn 77. (lie) n the grund, d nt try t mve him r her.
    Yur first questin after a sprts injury will 78. (prbable) be, "When can I play again?" This depends n the injury and 79. yur dctr tells yu. Even if yu can't return t yur sprt right away, the dctr might have advice n what yu can d t stay healthy. Always talk with yur dctr 80. trying any activity fllwing an injury.
    40. A. sight
    B. hearing
    C. illness
    D. prblem
    41. A. Allw
    B. Quit
    C. Frget
    D. Keep
    42. A. imagined
    B. expected
    C. cnsidered
    D. regretted
    43. A. wnderful
    B. frmal
    C. nrmal
    D. special
    44. A. held
    B. lst
    C. ffered
    D. made
    45. A. usually
    B. ever
    C. frequently
    D. never
    46. A. curius
    B. frightened
    C. excited
    D. stressed
    47. A. sund
    B. envirnment
    C. surrunding
    D. darkness
    48. A. taste
    B. see
    C. smell
    D. tuch
    49. A. Therefre
    B. Hwever
    C. Meanwhile
    D. Thugh
    50. A. teaching
    B. shwing
    C. explaining
    D. bringing
    51. A. wrking n
    B. lking int
    C. breaking in
    D. running int
    52. A. seek
    B. share
    C. learn
    D. try
    53. A. refused
    B. reviewed
    C. risked
    D. accepted
    54. A. memries
    B. parents
    C. mind
    D. sul
    55. A. but fr
    B. ther than
    C. rather than
    D. except fr
    56. A. begging
    B. interviewed
    C. searched
    D. applied
    57. A. cnfused
    B. prud
    C. frtunate
    D. discuraged
    58. A. blessings
    B. expectatins
    C. praises
    D. prmises
    59. A. perfect
    B. terrible
    C. unlucky
    D. meaningful
    have settled
    t enjy
    as well as
    as if
    in particular
    n lnger
    n wnder
    merge int
    all ver the wrld
    a lng way t g
    leading rles
    make it pssible t learn English
    frmed clse cnnectins with
    n the ther side f the wrld
    have been enjying the benefits
    1.【答案】 (1)C
    (1)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Vaccines gt their start in Eurpe in the 1720s, when a British wman named Lady Mary Wrtley Mntagu was visiting Turkey. She saw Turkish dctrs purpsefully inculating (接种) peple with small amunts f smallpx.”十七世纪二十年代在欧洲就开始使用疫苗了。当名叫玛丽·沃利·蒙塔古的女士游览土耳其时,她看到土耳其医生有目的地给人接种或者说感染少量的天花。可知土耳其医生最先使用疫苗。故选C。
    (2)考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Finally, a French scientist named Luis Pasteur realized that Jenner's idea culd be used t treat ther diseases. ”最终法国科学家路易斯·巴斯德意识到詹纳的想法可以用于治疗其他的疾病。故选D。
    (4)考查推理判断。根据文中出现的“vaccines”疫苗; immune“免疫的”; “inculating”接种;“cwpx”牛痘;“smallpx”天花,等词都是和医学有关的词汇,由此可推断文章可能出现在报纸的医药版面。故选C。
    2.【答案】 (1)C
    【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了如今医生对病人们过度治疗的问题,很多医生和病人都认为医疗保健越多越好,但是他们不知道治疗过度会给他们带来危害。并以Terrence Pwer夫妇被医生过度治疗为例说明了这一情况。
    (1)考查主旨大意。根据第一段中的"But what they d nt realize is that vertreatment-t many scans,t many bld tests,t many prcedures-may bring harm. ”但是他们没有意识到过度治疗——太多的仪器扫描,太多的血液测试,太多的程序——可能会带来伤害。以及文章主要内容可知文章的主要观点是太多的医疗检查或护理对病人并无益处,故选C。
    (2)考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“The dctr insisted n ffice visits every three weeks, even when she was feeling well. He frequently rdered bld tests and X-rays,and repeatedly referred her t specialists fr even minr cmplaints. ”医生坚持让她每三个星期去一次办公室,即使她感觉很好。他经常要求对她进行血液检测和x光检查,并多次将她转诊给专家,即使是小毛病。可知文章即使Pwer夫人感觉很好,也要上医院检查;非常小的不适也需要不断地做血压检查,X光线;由此可知,Pwer夫人在接受治疗时遇到的问题是当她的检查结果良好时,医生仍然让她做检测。故选B。
    (3)考查代词指代。根据第三段中的“It's a really hard thing t determine when they've crssed the line”很难断定他们是不是做的太过了。根据crssed the line"做得太过分;越界"可知此处的they指代的是医生。故选A。
    (4)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“After several years f physical suffering and near financial ruin frm the medical csts, the cuple began questining the treatment after discussing with ther patients in nline supprt grups.”在经历了几年的身体折磨和几近破产的医疗费用后,这对夫妇在网上互助小组与其他病人讨论后,开始质疑这种治疗方法。可知,Pwer夫妇是在得知其他病人的治疗情况后才开始质疑Pwer夫人的治疗存在问题的。故选C。
    3.【答案】 (1)A
    (1)考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“He was reelected President in 1864 but he was sht in 1865.”1864年他再次当选总统,但是1865年被枪杀,可知选A。
    (2)考查词义猜测。根据第二段中的“When they entered the theatre, the peple rse in their seats and cheered. Lincln smiled and bwed t the peple belw when he went int his bx. ”当他们进入剧院时,人们从座位上起立欢呼。当林肯走进包厢时,他微笑着向下面的人鞠躬致意。可知选D。
    (3)考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“ In the middle f the play, a yung man entered the theatre and walked slwly twards the President's bx. Opening the dr s quietly that n ne heard him, the man entered the bx. ”话剧演到一半时,一个年轻人走进剧院,慢慢走向总统包厢。他轻轻地打开门,没有人听到他的声音,这个人走进了包厢;,可知选A。
    V【答案】 F;E;G;D;A
    VI【答案】 40.A;41.B;42.C;43.C;44.A;45.D;46.B;47.A;48.D;49.C;50.B;51.D;52.A;53.A;54.C;55.B;56.D;57.C;58.B;59.D;
    40.句意:像许多父母一样,我找了一个又一个医生,试图恢复我的视力。A. sight“视力”;B. hearing“听力”;C. illness“疾病”;D. prblem“问题”。根据上文“Befre my birth, my parents had very little knwledge abut r expsure t blind peple.”可知作者是个盲人,父母找医生试图恢复作者的视力。故选A。
    41.句意:别再找医生了。A. Allw“允许”;B. Quit“停止”;C. Frget“忘记”;D. Keep“保持”。根据下文“Take her hme and treat her just like the rest f yur children.” 把她带回家,像对待你的其他孩子一样对待她。可知医生是让作者的父母停止找医生,把作者带回家像其他孩子一样对待。故选B。
    42.句意:有那么一秒钟,他们考虑过把我放在座位上,让我留在那里。A. imagined“想象”;B. expected“预期”;C. cnsidered“考虑”;D. regretted“后悔”。根据下文“putting me dwn n the seat and leaving me there”可知作者的父母在听了医生的话后,有那么一秒钟,他们考虑过把作者放在座位上,留在那里。故选C。
    43.句意:他过着非常正常的生活。A. wnderful“极好的”;B. frmal“正式的”;C. nrmal“正常的”;D. special“特别的”。根据下文“He was married, had children”可知他过着正常人的生活,结了婚有孩子。故选C。
    44.句意:他结婚了,有孩子,有一份工作。A. held“握住”;B. lst“失去”;C. ffered“提供”;D. made“制作”。hld a jb “拥有一份工作”。故选A。
    45.句意:当我去到一个新的地方,听到我以前从未听到过的声音时,我很害怕,因为我不能把这种声音和我所认识的任何东西联系起来。A. usually“通常”;B. ever“曾经”;C. frequently“频繁地”;D. never“从不”。根据上文“I went t new places”去到新的地方,肯定是听到以前从未听到过的声音。故选D。
    46.句意:当我去到一个新的地方,听到我以前从未听到过的声音时,我很害怕,因为我不能把这种声音和我所认识的任何东西联系起来。A. curius“好奇的”;B. frightened“害怕的”;C. excited“激动的”;D. stressed“紧张的”。根据下文“My mther kept expsing me t the things I was afraid f”可知作者的母亲不断地让作者接触她所害怕的东西,所以此处也是听到没听过的声音感到害怕。故选B。
    47.句意:当我去到一个新的地方,听到我以前从未听到过的声音时,我很害怕,因为我不能把这种声音和我所认识的任何东西联系起来。A. sund“声音”;B. envirnment“环境”;C. surrunding“环境”;D. darkness“黑暗”。根据上文heard nises可知是指听到声音。故选A。
    48.句意:母亲不断地让我接触我害怕的东西,向我解释它们,让我尽可能多地接触它们。A. taste“品尝”;B. see“看见”;C. smell“闻起来”;D. tuch“接触”。根据上文“My mther kept expsing me t the things I was afraid f”可知母亲想让作者去接触令作者害怕的东西。故选D。
    49.句意:与此同时,父亲给我看家里的东西都放在什么地方了。A. Therefre“因此”;B. Hwever“然而”;C. Meanwhile“同时”;D. Thugh“虽然”。母亲和父亲都在帮助作者去认识周围的世界,所以母亲和父亲的行动是同时进行的。故选C。
    50.句意:与此同时,父亲给我展示家里的东西都放在什么地方了。A. teaching“教授”;B. shwing“展示”;C. explaining“解释”;D. bringing“带来”。根据下文“me where things were in ur huse”可知父亲给作者展示家里的东西都放在什么地方了。故选B。
    51.句意:他说我不可以碰到他们,我必须了解周围的路。A. wrking n“致力于”;B. lking int“调查”;C. breaking in“闯入”;D. running int“碰到”。根据下文“them and I must learn my way arund”可知作者是盲人,父亲给作者展示家里东西的位置,是为了让作者不碰到这些东西。故选D。
    52.句意:大学毕业后,我被鼓励去寻求更高等的教育。A. seek“寻找”;B. share“分享”;C. learn“学习”;D. try“尝试”。根据下文higher educatin可知是毕业后,寻求更高等的教育。故选A。
    53.句意:我拒绝这样做,因为我想找一份社会工作。A. refused“拒绝”;B. reviewed“复习”;C. risked“冒险”;D. accepted“接受”。根据下文“because I wanted t get a jb in scial wrk”可知作者拒绝去寻求高等教育,因为自己想做社工。故选A。
    54.句意:我在内心深处想,除了和盲人一起工作,我还可以在其他方面竞争。A. memries“记忆”;B. parents“父母”;C. mind“内心,理智”;D. sul“灵魂”。此处是作者在描述自己选择做社工的内心想法,故选C。
    55.句意:我在内心深处想,除了和盲人一起工作,我还可以在其他方面竞争。A. but fr“要不是”;B. ther than“不同于,除了”;C. rather than“而不是”;D. except fr“除了……之外”。此处表示“除了……以外还……”应用ther than,except fr表示一种排除关系,意思是“除了什么之外,不再有……”,此处表示“除了和盲人一起工作,我还可以在其他方面竞争”应用ther than。故选B。
    56.句意:后来,我听说明尼苏达州盲人服务中心有个职位空缺,我就申请了,并被录用了。A. begging“乞讨”;B. interviewed“面试”;C. searched“搜索”;D. applied“申请”。根据上文“I heard abut a jb pening in the Minnesta Services fr the Blind”可知作者申请了尼苏达州盲人服务中心的职位。故选D。
    57.句意:我意识到有这样的父母是我的幸运,他们在我很小的时候就告诉我,他们对我有很高的期望,我可以过上正常而有意义的生活。A. cnfused“困惑的”;B. prud“自豪的”;C. frtunate“幸运的”;D. discuraged“丧气的”。作者认为有很小就为自己打算、锻炼自己的父母是自己的幸运。故选C。
    58.句意:我意识到有这样的父母是我的幸运,他们在我很小的时候就告诉我,他们对我有很高的期望,我可以过上正常而有意义的生活。A. blessings“祝福”;B. expectatins“期待”;C. praises“赞美”;D. prmises“承诺”。根据上文“taught me early in life that they had high”可知是指在作者小时候父母就告诉作者他们对作者有很高的期待。故选B。
    59.句意:我意识到有这样的父母是我的幸运,他们在我很小的时候就告诉我,他们对我有很高的期望,我可以过上正常而有意义的生活。A. perfect“完美的”;B. terrible“糟糕的”;C. unlucky“不幸的”;D. meaningful“有意义的”。根据上文live a nrmal and可知是指过上正常而有意义的生活。故选D。
    VII【答案】 t deal;equipment;yurself;happened/has happened;wh/that;held;is lying;prbably;what;befre
    【点评】考查语法填空,本题考点涉及非谓语动词,名词,代词,时态,定语从句,副词,宾语从句,介词 以及固定搭配等多个知识点的考查,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,并结合相关语法知识,进行分析推理,从而写出正确的单词形式。

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