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    这是一份山西省2022-2023学年高一英语下学期3月联合考试试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了15, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What are the speakers probably doing?
    A. Making a phone call. B. Waiting for a train. C. Looking for a bag.
    2 How many tickets will the woman buy?
    A. 2. B. 3. C. 8.
    3. What do the speakers mainly talk about?
    A. A travel plan. B. A spelling mistake. C. The woman’s hometown.
    4. Where will the woman go after work?
    A. To a bookstore. B. To the hospital. C. To her uncle’s home.
    5. What is the probable relationship between Mary and the woman?
    A. Classmates. B. Employer and employee. C. Mother and daughter.
    6. What will the man probably do this Saturday?
    A. Go on a hike. B. Travel to New York. C. Help his sister move house.
    7 What does the woman say about the job?
    A. It is well-paid. B. It has a nice location. C. It requires long hours.
    8. Why does the man prefer not to go to the park tonight?
    A. It is too cold. B. He plans to go to the beach. C. He wants to watch a new movie.
    9. What time will the speakers meet?
    A. At 8:15. B. At 7:45. C. At 8:30.
    10. What is Jenny’s problem?
    A. She has high blood pressure.
    B. She is under great stress.
    C. She can’t get along with her workmates.
    11. What mainly makes Jenny look tired?
    A. The new job. B. The previous job. C. The dog.
    12. What did the doctor advise Jenny to do?
    A. Take some medicine. B. Do more exercise. C. Keep a pet.
    13. What does the woman want to become?
    A. A scientist. B. A teacher. C. A lawyer.
    14. Why will the woman go back to her hometown?
    A To continue her studies. B. To get some practice. C. To thank her teacher.
    15. What does the woman say about English?
    A. It’s a required course. B. It’s a must in her job. C. It’s useful in many ways.
    16. What is the key to the woman’s career decision?
    A. Her interest. B. Her own qualities. C. Her teacher’s encouragement.
    17. How long did the speaker’s holiday last?
    A. A week. B. Two weeks. C. About a month.
    18. What did the speaker do on the first two days of her vacation?
    A. She went shopping. B. She did her homework. C. She visited her friends.
    19. What did the speaker receive during the holiday?
    A. Some gifts from friends. B. Fireworks. C. Some lucky money.
    20. When did the speaker go back to school?
    A. Three days after the Lantern Festival.
    B. The day after the Lantern Festival.
    C. A week after the Spring Festival.
    第二部分 阅读
    Beyond the famous historic cities and world-famous sights, you’ll find the real Italy tucked away. Meet some of Italy’s lesser-known regions and get to know the real Italy.
    Located just south of Naples, the walking paths and coastal roads of Cilento will reward you with inspiring sea views, highland backdrops and beautiful harbour(港口)towns. The waterside restaurants offer the best buffalo mozzarella, a type of cheese, in Italy! You’ll find many hundred-year-old people living here thanks to their healthy diet.
    Landlocked Umbria is a truly corner of Italy and is a feast for the senses with its muse-ums,galleries, Romanesque churches and cathedrals. Wander through the narrow streets of historic Perugia,take a guided tour of the impressive Etruscan caves at Orvieto, or admire the frescoes(湿壁画) of the Basilica di San Francesco and the tomb of St. Francis of Assisi.
    While the region is full of green-gold vineyard (葡萄园), Piedmont is also a hotbed of culinary excellence, with its focus on local production and food origin. The small town of Bra and its parish, Pollenzo, is the birthplace of the international Slow Food movement, and home to the University of Gastronomic Sciences.
    Basilicata is filled with historic hilltop towns that look out across the mountainous landscapes of the Lucanian Dolomites. As a region that remains relatively unexplored, it is a fascinating corner off the beaten path that is attractive for its historical presence. It’s home to neighbourhoods of prehistoric houses believed by many to be the place where Italy’s first settlers arrived over 9,000 years ago.
    1. Which region has a number of long-lived people?
    A. Cilento. B. Umbria. C. Piedmont. D. Basilicata.
    2. What can we learn about Umbria?
    A. It is famous for grapes.
    B. It is a place where few people live.
    C. People there can enjoy the best cheese in Italy.
    D. People can be impressed by its galleries and museums.
    3. What is special about Basilicata?
    A. It attracts food lovers.
    B. It is a less explored town.
    C. People can enjoy a special painting there.
    D. People can have a relaxing walk on the path.
    【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“You’ll find many hundred-year-old people living here thanks to their healthy diet.(你会发现很多百岁老人生活在这里,他们得益于健康的饮食习惯)”可知, 在Cilento,你可以看见很多百岁老人。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Landlocked Umbria is a truly corner of Italy and is a feast for the senses with its muse-ums,galleries, Romanesque churches and cathedrals.(地处内陆的翁布里亚是意大利的一个真正的角落,这里的博物馆、画廊、罗马式教堂和大教堂是一场感官盛宴。)”可知, 在Umbria, 人们可以参观很多画廊、博物馆等。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“As a region that remains relatively unexplored, it is a fascinating corner off the beaten path that is attractive for its historical presence. (作为一个相对未被开发的地区,它是一个人迹罕至的迷人角落,因其历史存在而具有吸引力。)”可知,Basilicata是一个开发相对少的地方。故选B项。
    A mother and daughter in England have been putting smiles on strangers’ faces with random (随机的) acts of kindness.Every week, Sophie-Louise Corrigan allows her 5-year-old daughter Amina to choose random strangers to put a smile on their faces.
    When Corrigan is with her daughter Amina, Corrigan will let the little girl go to whoever she is drawn. Later, Corrigan will ask why Amina opts for them. Her answer is always because she likes something about them, either their tops or their hair. Amina always takes her pick.
    It’s a tradition that started with Corrigan’s own mother. “Mum and I used to do it. Whenever we had some money left from the weekly shop or if we really wanted to do it that week, we took out something from the shop to make sure we had the money. We would always do it,” said Corrigan.
    “Now, we do it everywhere, even when we went on holiday to another city, we did a random act of kindness there. We find flowers and chocolates whether it be in Ormskirk, Liver-pool or Wirral. Wherever we go, we do it,” said Corrigan.
    “The reaction is amazing and is one of the reasons why we carry on. A number of people who spoke to us didn’t even know what to say. They were speechless. There were a lot of people who gave Amina a hug after it. She loves such a hug. There were others who had tears welling up. They said that they had such a terrible week either with bills or a family death. Amina will always say to me that although the person was crying, it was happy tears. She is in the process of understanding how acts of kindness work and how feelings work.”
    4. What does Corrigan ask Amina to do every week?
    A. Stay with her mother. B. Be kind to strangers.
    C. Make friends with others. D. Buy something from shops.
    5. What does the underlined phrase “opts for” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Respects. B. Enables. C. Chooses. D. Avoids.
    6. What does Corrigan mean in the last paragraph?
    A. People need happiness.
    B. Few people live a hard life.
    C. Some people like being silent.
    D. Most people are friendly to others.
    7. What can we conclude from the text?
    A. Only good people have friends.
    B. Where there is life, there is hope.
    C. Kindness is like a ray of sunshine.
    D. A kind man can gain more from others.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段“A mother and daughter in England have been putting smiles on strangers’ faces with random (随机的) acts of kindness.Every week, Sophie-Louise Corrigan allows her 5-year-old daughter Amina to choose random strangers to put a smile on their faces.(英国的一对母女用随意的善意举动让陌生人脸上露出笑容。每周,Sophie-Louise Corrigan都会让她5岁的女儿Amina随机选择陌生人,让他们脸上挂着微笑)”可知,Corrigan让Amina每周随机选择陌生人,并用善举让他们的脸上绽放笑容,即要善待陌生人。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段第一句“When Corrigan is with her daughter Amina, Corrigan will let the little girl go to whoever she is drawn. (当Corrigan和她的女儿Amina在一起时,Corrigan会让小女孩去任何她被吸引的地方)”以及划线单词下一句“Her answer is always because she likes something about them, either their tops or their hair. Amina always takes her pick. (她的回答总是因为她喜欢他们的一些东西,无论是上衣还是头发。Amina总是选她挑的)”可知,Amina总是自己选择。由此可以推出划线部分意为“选择”。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的“Amina will always say to me that although the person was crying, it was happy tears. She is in the process of understanding how acts of kindness work and how feelings work. (Amina会一直对我说,虽然那个人在哭,但那是幸福的眼泪。她正在了解善举的作用和情感的作用)”可知,Corrigan让Amina做善事来帮助人们感到快乐, Corrigan让Amina懂得人们需要快乐。因此Corrigan在最后一段中的意思是人们需要幸福。故选A。
    推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述英国的一对母女一直在用她们的善举让陌生人的脸上绽放笑容。尤其文章最后一段讲到“Amina will always say to me that although the person was crying, it was happy tears. She is in the process of understanding how acts of kindness work and how feelings work. (Amina会一直对我说,虽然那个人在哭,但那是幸福的眼泪。她正在了解善举的作用和情感的作用)”推知,从本文我们可以得出的结论是:善良就如一缕阳光,温暖着别人。故选C。
    In the past 30 years, the non-profit organization Friends of Trees planted trees along the streets of Portland, Oregon. Now, a new study shows that each tree planted was connected with significant reductions in non-accidental and cardiovascular (心血管的) mortality (死亡率).
    Evidence pointing to a connection between exposure to nature and lower mortality is obvious. Between 1990 and 2019, Friends of Trees planted 49,246 street trees. The research team looked at the number of trees planted in a given area in the past 5, 10 or 15 years. They connected this information with mortality due to cardiovascular, respiratory (呼吸的) or non-accidental causes in that same area, using data from the Oregon Health Authority. The results showed that in neighborhoods in which more trees had been planted, mortality rates were lower. This connection was significant for cardiovascular and non-accidental mortality, particularly for males and people over the age of 65.
    Furthermore, the connection got stronger as trees aged and grew: The reduction in mortality rate connected with trees planted 11 to 15 years before was double that observed with trees planted in the past 1 to 5 years. This means that older trees are connected with larger decreases in mortality, and that protecting existing grown trees may be particularly important for public health. This study doesn’t provide a direct opinion into how trees improve health. However, the result that larger trees have a greater health effect than smaller ones is telling, because larger trees are better at absorbing air pollution, moderating temperatures, and reducing noise.
    “We observed the effect both in green and less green neighborhoods, which suggests that street tree planting benefits both,” said Geoffrey H. Donovan, first author of the study. “Be-sides, the benefits of tree planting greatly outweigh (大于) the cost. Our results provide an important evidence-base for clear measures (e. g. planting trees) to increase the lifetime of urban people.”
    8. How long did it take Friends of Trees to plant 49,246 street trees?
    A. 5 years. B. 10 years. C. 15 years. D. 30 years.
    9. What do we know about the study from paragraph 3?
    A. Women gain no benefit from trees.
    B. Tree planting can cure respiratory diseases.
    C. Older trees contribute more to public health.
    D. Newly planted trees can better improve public health.
    10. What does Donovan suggest doing?
    A. Protecting trees in forests. B. Planting more street trees.
    C. Joining Friends of Trees. D. Getting more benefits from nature.
    11. How does the author mainly develop the topic of the text?
    A. By listing numbers. B. By stating results.
    C. By describing processes. D. By raising questions.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Between 1990 and 2019, Friends of Trees planted 49,246 street trees.(1990年至2019年,树木之友种植了49246棵行道树)”可知,在1990年至2019年之间,树木之友种植了49246棵行道树,即花费了共三十年的时间。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“This means that older trees are connected with larger decreases in mortality, and that protecting existing grown trees may be particularly important for public health.(这意味着,较老的树木与死亡率的大幅下降有关,而且保护现有的树木可能对公共健康特别重要)”和“However, the result that larger trees have a greater health effect than smaller ones is telling, because larger trees are better at absorbing air pollution, moderating temperatures, and reducing noise.(然而,较大的树木比较小的树木对健康的影响更大的结果是很有说服力的,因为较大的树木在吸收空气污染、调节温度和降低噪音方面更好)”可知,树龄较大的树木更有益于大众的健康。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Our results provide an important evidence-base for clear measures (e. g. planting trees) to increase the lifetime of urban people.(我们的研究结果为增加城市人口寿命的明确措施(如植树等)提供了重要的证据基础)”可推知,Donovan会建议多种行道树。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Now, a new study shows that each tree planted was connected with significant reductions in non-accidental and cardiovascular (心血管的) mortality (死亡率).(现在,一项新的研究表明,每棵树的种植都与非意外和心血管疾病死亡率的显著降低有关)”及第二段中的“Evidence pointing to a connection between exposure to nature and lower mortality is obvious.(有明显的证据表明,接触自然与较低的死亡率之间存在联系)”和第三段中的“Furthermore, the connection got stronger as trees aged and grew(此外,随着树木的老化和生长,这种联系变得更强)”可推知,作者主要通过陈述结果来展开文本的主题的。故选B。
    An optical(光存储的)chip has been developed by a multi-institution research, group that has the potential to train machine learning hardware.
    Training of modern-day artificial intelligence (AI) systems costs several million dollars in electric power and requires supercomputer-like equipment. This increasing AI desire leaves an ever-widening difference between computer hardware and demand for AI. Simply, photonic chips(光子芯片)have become a possible solution to deliver higher computing performance. However, though they’ve shown improved heart operations in machine intelligence used for data sort, photonic chips have yet to improve the actual front-end learning and machine training process.
    Machine learning is a two-step procedure. First, data is used to train the system and then other data is used to test the performance of the AI system. A team of researchers from sever-al universities set out to do just that. After one training step, the team observed a mistake and reset the hardware for a second training cycle followed by additional training cycles until an enough AI performance was reached. Thus far, photonic chips have only shown an ability to sort and conclude information from data. Now, researchers have made it possible to speed up the training step itself.
    This added AI ability is part of a larger effort around photonic tensor cores(张量核心) and other electronic-photonic application-specific combined circuits that use photonic chip producing for machine learning and AI applications.
    “This novel hardware will speed up the training of machine learning systems and make the best of what both photonics and electronic chips have to offer. It is a major jump forward for AI hardware speeding-up,” said Volker J. Sorger, founder of a company.
    “The training of AI systems costs a great deal of energy and carbon footprint. For example, a single AI transformer takes about five times as much CO2 in electricity as a gasoline car spends in its lifetime. Our training on photonic chips will help to reduce this spending. ”
    12. What can we infer about photonic chips from paragraph 2?
    A. They still have failings.
    B. They can soon be widely used.
    C. They are beyond spending on AI.
    D They can provide more electric power.
    13. What do the researchers from several universities suggest?
    A. Machine learning has two steps.
    B. Mistakes are unavoidable in research.
    C. Speeding up the training step is possible.
    D. Photonic chips cannot sort information.
    14. What is Volker’s attitude to photonic chips?
    A. Favourable. B. Careless. C. Doubtful. D. Negative.
    15. What is the best title for the text?
    A. Slowing Up AI’s Training
    B. Reducing Machine Learning Spending
    C. Photonic Chips to Reduce the Cost of Computers
    D. Photonic Chips to Train Machine Learning Hardware
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. A 15. D
    【导语】本文是说明文。一个研究小组开发了一种芯片——光子芯片, 该芯片有可能培训机器学习硬件。
    推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“However, though they’ve shown improved heart operations in machine intelligence used for data sort, photonic chips have yet to improve the actual front-end learning and machine training process. (然而,尽管他们已经展示了用于数据排序的机器智能的心脏操作的改进,但光子芯片还没有改善实际的前端学习和机器训练过程。)”可知, 光子芯片有待进一步完善。由此可推断, 光子芯片仍有缺陷。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Now, researchers have made it possible to speed up the training step itself.(现在,研究人员已经使加快训练步骤本身成为可能。)”可知,现在研究进程下,加快训练步伐本身成为可能。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句“It is a major jump forward for AI hardware speeding-up,” said Volker J. Sorger, founder of a company. (这是人工智能硬件加速的一个重大飞跃,一家公司的创始人Volker J. Sorger说。)”和第六段最后一句“Our training on photonic chips will help to reduce this spending.(我们在光子芯片方面的培训将有助于减少这方面的开支。)”可知, Volker认为这是人工智能硬件加速的重大飞跃。他们在芯片方面的培训将有助于减少这种开销。由此可推断, Volker是支持光子芯片的。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了一个研究小组开发了一种芯片——光子芯片, 该芯片有可能培训机器学习硬件。故选D项。
    How to Really, Truly Appreciate a Work of Art
    Some people might tell you that taking in a work of art is no different from gazing upon a beautiful flower, or a spectacular sunset. ____16____ Art is no different-there are places to inspect, aspects to weigh and artistic skills to figure out. Here are a few things to look for. They will help you really and truly appreciate a work of art.
    When you look at it, most artworks just sit there, static (静止的), a picture or an object on display. But the sensitive eye can rewind the video tape, so to speak, and read the way the artwork was made. Were the brushes laid down fast? Where was the camera placed? Take the time to explain the way of creating the artwork in front of you as a record of a performance. What is art made out of?
    Artists love to transform. A nail poking from a stick of wood in the hands of Susan Collis can be pure platinum (铂). ____18____ As for paintings, marvel in the fact that each stroke of paint consists of pigment.
    Does art set you free?
    Artists often operate from a step off the mainstream, using an outsider’s position to offer new perspectives on things we often take for granted and suggest possible alternatives. These can relate to anything from the way Picasso saw a bull’s head in a bicycle seat to Robert Mapplethorpe’s photographic revelation. ____19____
    How does art connect to society?
    Art doesn’t have to be about anything, but sometimes it’s about you, your friends or your political order. ____20____ Artists frequently use their position to put their own particular lens on society, offering potential futures, or delving into resonant traumas of the past.
    A. How was art made?
    B. How does it connect to old art?
    C. Take the time to absorb the artist’s message.
    D. Allow these works to inspire your imagination.
    E. It is also about the fate of people half a world away.
    F. A sculpture by Al Farrow may be made from bullets.
    G. But ask yourself if you really know how to enjoy a flower.
    【答案】16. G 17. A 18. F 19. D 20. E
    根据前句“Some people might tell you that taking in a work of art is no different from gazing upon a beautiful flower, or a spectacular sunset. (有些人可能会告诉你,欣赏一件艺术作品就像欣赏一朵美丽的花或壮观的日落。)”和后句“Art is no different-there are places to inspect, aspects to weigh and artistic skills to figure out.(艺术也不例外——有地方要检查,有方面要衡量,有艺术技巧要弄清楚。)”可知,此处承上启下,且与上一句中的a beautiful flower呼应。所以选择项G“But ask yourself if you really know how to enjoy a flower. (但是问问你自己,你是否真的知道如何欣赏一朵花。)”符合上下文语境。故选G。
    这里为本段小标题。根据下文“When you look at it, most artworks just sit there, static(静止的), a picture or an object on display. But the sensitive eye can rewind the video tape, so to speak, and read the way the artwork was made. Were the brushes laid down fast? Where was the camera placed? Take the time to explain the way of creating the artwork in front of you as a record of a performance. What is art made out of? ( 当你看着它时,大多数艺术品只是静止地坐在那里,一幅图片或一件展品。但敏感的眼睛可以倒带,也就是说,可以读懂艺术作品的制作方式。刷子放得快吗?摄像机放在哪里?花点时间解释一下在你面前创作艺术作品的方式,作为表演的记录。艺术是由什么构成的?)”可知,本段主要介绍艺术作品的制作过程。所以选择项A“How was art made? (艺术作品是如何制作的? )”作为本段小标题最为合适。故选A。
    根据本段主题句“Artists love to transform. (艺术家喜欢改变。)”和前句“A nail poking from a stick of wood in the hands of Susan Collis can be pure platinum (铂). (苏珊·科利斯手中从一根木棒上伸出的钉子可能是纯铂。)”可知,这里与上一句一致,都是对主题句的举例说明。所以选择项F“A sculpture by Al Farrow may be made from bullets. (阿尔·法罗的雕塑可能是用子弹做的。 )”符合上下文语境。故选F。
    根据前句“These can relate to anything from the way Picasso saw a bull’s head in a bicycle seat to Robert Mapplethorpe’s photographic revelation. (从毕加索看到自行车座上的牛头,到罗伯特·梅普尔索普的摄影启示,这些都可以联系到任何事情。)”这里总结上文,这些作品指代上一句中的毕加索和罗伯特·梅普尔索普的作品。所以选择项D“Allow these works to inspire your imagination. (让这些作品激发你的想象力。 )”符合上下文语境。故选D。
    根据前句“Art doesn’t have to be about anything, but sometimes it’s about you, your friends or your political order. (艺术不一定是关于什么,但有时它是关于你、你的朋友或你的政治秩序。)”可知,艺术作品有时与你、你的朋友或政治秩序相关,所以也与地球另一端人们的命运相关。承接上文。所以选择项E“It is also about the fate of people half a world away. (它还关系到地球另一端人们的命运。)”符合上下文语境。故选E。
    第三部分 语言运用
    One day, a young man, Cesar Larios, visited a tall building to move something for his boss. The building is too tall, so taking the lift is quite ____21____.
    ____22____, the lift stopped working. The young man was ____23____ inside the lift. Inside the lift, Rita Jung, an elderly ____24____, got into the same trouble as him. She knew it would be difficult for her since she could not stand for a long time and immediately ____25____ out her worry. Rita ____26____ she would feel very uncomfortable or even a(n) ____27____ in her knees if she stood there too long.
    While waiting for the workers to make the lift ____28____, the old woman knew she had no choice but to endure (忍耐). What she didn’t know was that the person who was in the lift with her knew exactly what she ____29____ at the moment. Cesar worried she would feel uncomfortable if she had nothing to _____30_____ while waiting for the doors to open. Without much thinking, he went down on his knees and did what he knew was the _____31_____ thing.
    Cesar offered to be Rita’s human bench, and the elderly woman felt so _____32_____ for the guy’s kindness. She took the offer and sat on Cesar’s back to _____33_____ her comfort and keep her knees from aching.
    The story broke out when Cesar’s boss _____34_____ the incident on the Internet. People are praising Cesar for his _____35_____ heart and saying that chivalry (体贴) and kindness are definitely still alive.
    21. A. advanced B. convenient C. confident D. average
    22. A. Luckily B. Therefore C. Unfortunately D. Originally
    23. A. trapped B. reminded C. attacked D. surrounded
    24. A. applicant B. actress C. man D. woman
    25. A. voiced B. set C. made D. worn
    26. A. recommended B. observed C. feared D. proved
    27 A. pain B. charge C. achievement D. access
    28. A. contact B. run C. follow D. happen
    29. A. checked B. fell C. needed D. recovered
    30. A. agree with B. suffer from C. bend down D. sit on
    31. A. beneficial B. right C. likely D. historic
    32. A. nervous B. grateful C. limited D. equal
    33. A. inspire B. measure C. contribute D. regain
    34. A. shared B. balanced C. tracked D. arranged
    35. A. narrow B. tough C. generous D. calm
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. B 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这栋楼太高了,所以乘电梯很方便。A. advanced先进的;B. convenient方便的;C. confident自信的;D. average平均的。根据上文“The building is too tall”及常识可知,这栋楼很高,所以乘电梯很方便。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,电梯停止了工作。A. Luckily幸运的是;B. Therefore因此;C. Unfortunately不幸的是;D. Originally最初。根据下文“the lift stopped working.”可知,电梯停止了工作,这是一件不幸的事情。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那个年轻人被困在电梯里。A. trapped把……困在;B. reminded提醒;C. attacked攻击;D. surrounded包围。根据上文“____2____, the lift stopped working.”可知,电梯停止了工作,那个年轻人被困在电梯里。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在电梯里,一位老妇人丽塔·荣格和他一样陷入了同意的麻烦。A. applicant申请人;B. actress女演员;C. man男人;D. woman妇女。根据下文“She knew it would be difficult for her since she could not stand for a long time and immediately ____5____ out her worry.”可知,一块儿被困在电梯里的是一位老妇人。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她知道这对她来说很困难,因为她站不了很长时间,她立即说出了她的担忧。A. voiced表达;B. set设置;C. made制造;D. worn磨损。根据上文“She knew it would be difficult for her since she could not stand for a long time and immediately”及下文“out her worry”可知,此处指她立即表达了她的担忧,即说出了她的担忧。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:丽塔担心如果她在那里站得太久,她会感到很不舒服,甚至膝盖会痛。A. recommended推荐;B. observed观察;C. feared担心;D. proved证明。根据下文“she would feel very uncomfortable or even a(n) ____7____ in her knees if she stood there too long.”可知,此处是丽塔担心的事情。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:丽塔担心如果她在那里站得太久,她会感到很不舒服,甚至膝盖会痛。A. pain疼痛;B. charge收费;C. achievement成就;D. access通道。根据下文“She took the offer and sat on Cesar’s back to ____13____ her comfort and keep her knees from aching.”可知,此处指膝盖会痛。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在等待工人让电梯运行时,老妇人知道她别无选择,只能忍受。A. contact联系;B. run运行;C. follow遵循;D. happen发生。根据上文“____2____, the lift stopped working.”及“While waiting for the workers to make the lift”可知,电梯停止工作了,此处指等待工人让电梯运行。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她不知道的是,和她一起在电梯里的那个人非常清楚她此刻需要什么。A. checked检查;B. fell跌倒;C. needed需要;D. recovered康复。根据下文“Without much thinking, he went down on his knees and did what he knew was the ____11____ thing.”可知,那个年轻人非常清楚她此刻需要什么。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:塞萨尔担心,如果她在等待开门的时候没有东西坐,会感到不舒服。A. agree with同意;B. suffer from遭受;C. bend down弯腰;D. sit on坐在……上。根据下文“She took the offer and sat on Cesar’s back to ____13____ her comfort and keep her knees from aching.”可知,此处指老妇人需要坐的东西。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他想都没想,就跪了下来,做了他认为正确的事。A. beneficial有益的;B. right正确的;C. likely可能的;D. historic历史的。根据上文“What she didn’t know was that the person who was in the lift with her knew exactly what she ____9____ at the moment.”可知,那个年轻人非常清楚她此刻需要什么,所以做了他认为正确的事。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:塞萨尔提出要做丽塔的人体长凳,老妇人对他的好意非常感激。A. nervous紧张的;B. grateful感激的;C. limited有限的;D. equal相等的。根据语境及常识可知,年轻人帮助了老妇人,她对他的好意非常感激。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她接受了他的提议,坐在塞萨尔的背上,以恢复她的舒适,使她的膝盖不疼痛。A. inspire激励;B. measure测量;C. contribute贡献;D. regain恢复。根据上文“She took the offer and sat on Cesar’s back”及下文“keep her knees from aching”可知,老妇人坐在塞萨尔的背上,恢复了她的舒适。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:塞萨尔的老板在网上分享了这件事后,这件事就传开了。A. shared分享;B. balanced平衡;C. tracked跟踪;D. arranged安排。根据下文“on the Internet”可知,此处指在网上分享了这件事。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:人们称赞塞萨尔的慷慨之心,说骑士精神和善良肯定还活着。A. narrow狭窄的;B. tough坚韧的;C. generous慷慨的;D. calm平静的。根据上文“Cesar offered to be Rita’s human bench, and the elderly woman felt so ____12____ for the guy’s kindness.”可知,塞萨尔提出要做丽塔的人体长凳,这说明他有一颗慷慨之心。故选C。
    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Probably as the most famous rabbit character in the 2023 Spring Festival Gala, Tu Yuanyuan made ____36____ (it) first public appearance in Beijing on January 8.
    The chief director of the 2023 Spring Festival Gala showed the image design of Tu Yuanyuan was inspired from the digital recreation of the fossil of an ancient rabbit ____37____ was believed to exist in Anhui Province around 62 million years ago. The design of the image was created ____38____ many reasons, varying from the big data investigation to ____39____ (display) the traditional aesthetics (美学) and highlighting the achievements of Chinese scientists.
    ____40____ (host) by China International Television Corporation together with China Television Industrial Group Co. Ltd. , a promotional event to release a series of cultural and creative products about Tu Yuanyuan ____41____ (hold) in downtown Beijing in December,2022.
    As a centuries-old tradition, ____42____ is often bought for Chinese children is the lantern during the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival. Tu Tuantuan was designed as a red-haired rabbit role decorated by trademark ____43____ (pattern) found on most clay sculptures in Fengxiang, Shaanxi Province.
    More ____44____ (interesting), tuan and yuan could be read together to mean reunion, representing that Chinese people are expecting _____45_____ (reunite) with their long-time-no-see family members and relatives at their hometowns.
    【答案】36. its
    37. which##that
    38. for 39. displaying
    40. Hosted 41. was held
    42. what 43. patterns
    44. interestingly
    45. to reunite
    考查代词。句意:作为2023年春节晚会最著名的兔形象,兔圆圆于1月8日首次在公众面前亮相。分析句子结构,根据下文“first public appearance(它的首次亮相)”可知空白处应填形容词性物主代词,故填its。
    考查介词。句意:这个形象的设计是因为很多原因创造出来的,从大数据调查到展示传统美学再到强调中国科学家的成就。根据下文“many reasons(多种原因)”可知空白处应填介词,表示:因为,故填for。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在中国国际电视总公司和中视实业集团有限公司的联合举办下,发布一系列关于兔圆圆的文化和创造性产品的促销活动于2022年12月在北京市中心举行。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中不作谓语,应使用非谓语动词形式,因与其逻辑主语a promotional event之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应使用过去分词,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Hosted。
    考查被动语态。句意:同上。分析句子结构,空白处在句中作谓语,应使用正确的时态,根据下文时间状语“in December,2022”可知句子表达的是发生在过去的动作,又因与主语之间为被动关系,应使用被动语态的一般过去时,故填was held。
    考查名词。句意:兔圆圆被设计为红毛兔子的角色装饰有陕西凤翔发现的陶土雕塑上的标志性图案。根据下文“most clay sculptures(许多陶土雕塑)”可知空白处的名词应使用复数形式,故填pattern。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。分析句子结构,空白处在句子中不作谓语,应使用非谓语动词形式,因expect to do 为固定结构,含义为:期待做某事,故填to reunite。
    第四部分 写作
    46. 为了让同学们更加亲近自然,爱护环境,你校在上周五举办了种植活动。请你就此为你校广播站的英语专栏写一篇短文,内容包括:
    A Planting Activity
    A Planting Activity
    In order to arouse students’ awareness of environmental protection, our school organized a planting activity in our school backyard last Friday.
    Firstly, each class worked as a group to select proper plants, and then determined where to plant them and dug deep holes. The following step was putting the plants into the holes. All the participants erupted into cheering immediately the task was done.
    Not only did we students enjoy the course of planting, we also set up an intimate relationship with nature, which made us give more concern and love to the surroundings.
    为了:In order to →So as to
    决定:determine →decide
    首先:Firstly →First of all
    一……就……:immediately →as soon as
    原句:In order to arouse students’ awareness of environmental protection, our school organized a planting activity in our school backyard last Friday.
    拓展句:Our school organized a planting activity in our school backyard last Friday, whose aim is to arouse students’ awareness of environmental protection.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] All the participants erupted into cheering immediately the task was done. (运用了时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Not only did we students enjoy the course of planting, we also set up an intimate relationship with nature, which made us give more concern and love to the surroundings. (运用了部分倒装结构和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Today I was walking along the street when a homeless woman asked me for some change. I gave her some money and stopped to talk to her for a while.
    I asked her about how she ended up on the street and if there was a shelter she could go to. She told me about some of her struggles. She told me that she left home at seventeen and had been homeless since then. She said that her bag with all her clothes and possessions was stolen the night before, while she was sleeping outside a church. Shesaid that she went to the day centre every day and they made calls to try to find her a shelter but nothing was available, as all shelters for women were full up. It had been like this for months. I listened to her and said a few kind words to her. After we spoke, I told her that it was really nice to meet her and wished her all the best.
    I left feeling really sad and frustrated that there was nothing I could do to ease her situation. I have spoken to a few other homeless people and I have heard about how difficult it is to get a place in a shelter, or sometimes some shelters can be so unsafe that it is better for them to sleep on the streets.
    I was on my way to my flower store. While trimming(修剪)these kinds of beautiful flowers, I thought about the lady I had just met and other homeless people I had spoken to. I thought it must be frustrating not to be able to experience so many of the day-to-day things that I and many others take for granted such as a roof over our heads, a bed to sleep in, money to buy food and even money to buy presents for a dear one.
    I decided that I could do something for her.
    She raised her head suddenly, with her eyes full of surprise.
    I decided that I could do something for her. I went home after a while and packed up some food and clothes that were not fit any more for my family. And then I headed for the place where we had met. Luckily, she was there. Seeing me appearing again, she seemed delighted, with a bright smile on her face. When I handed her all the stuff I had prepared for her, she cried, burying her face in her hands. I came up to comfort her and ask her whether she would like to work in my store.
    She raised her head suddenly, with her eyes full of surprise. She said with a trembling voice, “I certainly would love to, but am I suitable for the job?" I immediately responded that she could surely do well in my store! From then on, she worked pretty hard. In addition to her own job, she even helped others to go through their hard times. I felt more than delighted to see my kindness spread. I made up my mind to volunteer in local charities to help more people in need.
    前往:head for/make one’s way to
    愿意:would like to do sth./be willing to do sth.
    I went home after a while and packed up some food and clothes that were not fit any more for my family.(运用了that引导定语从句)
    I came up to comfort her and ask her whether she would like to work in my store.(运用了whether引导宾语从句)
    听力答案:1~5 BBCBA 6~10 CAAAB 11~15 ACCBC 16~20 BCBCA


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