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    这是一份山西省运城市教育发展联盟2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期中联考试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了 答题前,考生务必用直径0, 本卷命题范围等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,考生务必用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。
    3. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上,选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
    4. 本卷命题范围:新外研版必修Book 2 Unit 3~Book 2 Unit 6。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What will Linda drink?
    A. Coffee. B. Water. C. Tea.
    2. What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Doctor and patient. B. Father and daughter. C. Colleagues.
    3. How is the weather now?
    A. Stormy. B. Cloudy. C. Fine.
    4. What does Mark think of the dress?
    A. Expensive. B. outdated. C. Large.
    5. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. What pet David wants.
    B. Why David doesn’t like a pet.
    C. How David takes care of a pet.
    6. What does Grace usually do on Saturday afternoons?
    A. Clean the house. B. Do some reading. C. Watch a movie.
    7. Why will Grace have to stay at home this Saturday?
    A. She has to cook dinner. B. She has housework to do. C. She must look after her brother.
    8. How many volunteers in all will collect donations on the street?
    A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
    9. What will Jason do tomorrow?
    A. Go to a charity. B. Prepare for an exam. C. Visit his grandfather.
    10. Where did Henry plan to spend this weekend?
    A. On a farm. B. In a company. C. At home.
    11. Whom will Mike go to the airport with?
    A. His friend. B. His father. C. His relative.
    12. How will Mike go to the airport?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By taxi.
    13. Why is Mike going to China?
    A. To complete his work. B. To go sightseeing. C. To visit his family.
    14. Who organizes the book club John joined?
    A. A school. B. A library. C. A community.
    15. What is probably Lucy?
    A. A student. B. A writer. C. A teacher.
    16. How often do John’s club members usually meet?
    A. Twice a week. B. Every other week. C. Once a week.
    17. Which book will John’s club share next week?
    A. The Little Prince B. Little Women. C. Peter Pan.
    18. What was the event designed for?
    A. Helping kids have fun.
    B. Educating kids on cat rescue.
    C. Celebrating Copperfield Park’s opening.
    19. What activity did the kids take part in?
    A. Making blankets for toys.
    B. Feeding and washing cats.
    C. Making shelters for homeless cats.
    20. Where is the speaker?
    A. At a radio studio. B. In Copperfield Park. C. At an animal rescue center.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Xi’an is regarded as a “Living History Museum” because of its rich, diverse collection of historical and cultural treasures. Besides the Terracotta Warriors, there are also some other attractions in the city. Here are some of them.
    Ancient City Wall
    Xi’an City Wall was built in the 14th century in the Ming Dynasty as a military defense system. Now it is one of the oldest and best preserved Chinese city walls. The wall is now a landmark, dividing the city into inner and outer areas.
    Giant Wild Goose Pagoda (塔)
    Situated in an ancient temple, the pagoda with layers of bricks was built in the Tang Dynasty. 1t is traditional Chinese architecture. One of the main functions of the pagoda was to store Buddhist scriptures (经文) and figurines brought to China from India by the famous monk and traveler Xuan Zang, who stayed here for 19 years translating Buddhist scriptures.
    Shaanxi History Museum
    The Shaanxi History Museum, built in 1991, is home to over 370,000 precious relics unearthed in Shaanxi over the years. The museum consists of three main sections. Its collections range from bronze ware (器皿) to pottery ware, gold and silver ware and mural (壁画) paintings from the Tang Dynasty tombs.
    The Muslim Quarter
    One of the highlights is its local snacks when you tour Xi’an. The best food destination is the Muslim Quarter,which has a history of several hundred years. Consisting of a number of food streets, the area has become a famous attraction in the city for its rich and authentic Muslim cultural atmosphere.
    1. What’s the purpose of the text?
    A. To show the development of Xi’an.
    B. To introduce some attractions in Xi’an.
    C. To tell us how to pay a visit to the four attractions.
    D. To explain why Xi’an has so many historical treasures.
    2. What do we know about the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda?
    A. It was constructed in the Ming Dynasty.
    B. It was located beside the Xian City Wall.
    C. Visitors can see bronze ware and pottery ware there.
    D. Xuan Zang once stayed there translating Buddist scriptures.
    3. Where can you see mural paintings from the Tang Dynasty tombs?
    A In the Shaanxi History Museum. B. At the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.
    C. On the Ancient City Wall. D. Around the Muslim Quarter.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Xi’an is regarded as a “Living History Museum” because of its rich, diverse collection of historical and cultural treasures. Besides the Terracotta Warriors, there are also some other attractions in the city. Here are some of them.”(西安因其丰富多样的历史文化珍品而被誉为“活历史博物馆”。除了兵马俑,这个城市还有其他一些景点。以下是其中一些。)可推知,这篇文章的目的是介绍西安的一些景点。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Giant Wild Goose Pagoda中“One of the main functions of the pagoda was to store Buddhist scriptures (经文) and figurines brought to China from India by the famous monk and traveler Xuan Zang, who stayed here for 19 years translating Buddhist scriptures.”(宝塔的主要功能之一是存放著名僧人和旅行家玄奘从印度带到中国的佛经和雕像,玄奘在这里翻译佛经长达19年。)可知,对于大雁塔,我们能了解到玄奘曾在那里翻译佛经。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Shaanxi History Museum中“The museum consists of three main sections. Its collections range from bronze ware (器皿) to pottery ware, gold and silver ware and mural (壁画) paintings from the Tang Dynasty tombs.”(博物馆由三个主要部分组成。它的收藏范围从青铜器到陶器、金银器皿和唐代墓葬壁画。)可知,在陕西历史博物馆你可以看到唐代墓葬的壁画。故选A项。
    After graduating from college, I moved to a new state to start a full-time job. One day I found myself wanting to go traveling, and it was the perfect opportunity to travel by myself for the first time in my life. So I quickly started doing research on where I’d like to go.
    I had never traveled alone before, so I decided to sign up for a guided group that was going to Thailand. This gave me a sense of security. It felt like a great way not only to try being alone and meeting strangers but also doing something that sounded really fun for two weeks.
    The Thailand trip forced me out of so many comfort zones (舒适区) that ended up being one of the biggest turning points of my life. The time I spent in Thailand finding my way around airports and taxis alone, meeting a group of strangers, and doing rock climbing with them in remote parts of the country, ended up being one of the greatest experiences of my life. Up until this point I had always been shy and very careful to avoid danger and mistakes, but this travel experience inspired me to become different. It showed me a brave, strong, and independent side of myself that went on to influence my life greatly when I returned home.
    When I got back, I devoted my life to spending as much time as possible doing activities like climbing, hiking, or backpacking especially things that I once thought I wasn’t “able to do” or was “too scared of.” Today, about 6 years later, I’m an outdoor empowerment (许可) coach and backpacking educator.
    My trip to Thailand was just what I needed to make that change. It showed me what was possible. It changed the path of my life.
    4. What did the author do after graduation?
    A. He acted as a travel guide. B. He set up a business of his own.
    C. He refused a sob offer and travelled. D. He applied for a position and wan accepted.
    5. Why did the author sign up for a guided group?
    A. To save some of his money. B. To make sure of his safety.
    C. To explore more in Thailand. D. To accompany his colleagues.
    6. How did the author change after the trip to Thailand?
    A. He got a bit sadder. B. He turned a little shyer.
    C. He was far more careful. D. He became less afraid of risks
    7. What outdoor activities did the author go in for alter he returned from Thailand?
    ①Climbing ②Horse riding. ③Hiking. ④Car racing. ⑤Backpacking
    A. ①③⑤ B. ②③④ C. ③④⑤ D. ①②③
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. D 7. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“After graduating from college, I moved to a new state to start a full-time job.”(大学毕业后,我搬到一个新的州开始全职工作)可推知,作者毕业后申请了一个职位,并被接受录用了。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“I had never traveled alone before, so I decided to sign up for a guided group that was going to Thailand. This gave me a sense of security.”(我以前从未独自旅行过,所以我决定报名参加一个有导游的旅行团去泰国。这给了我一种安全感。)可知,作者报名参加导游团是为了确保他的安全。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Up until this point I had always been shy and very careful to avoid danger and mistakes, but this travel experience inspired me to become different. It showed me a brave, strong, and independent side of myself that went on to influence my life greatly when I returned home.”(在此之前,我一直很害羞,非常小心地避免危险和错误,但这次旅行经历激发了我变得与众不同。它向我展示了我勇敢、坚强和独立的一面,这在我回国后对我的生活产生了很大的影响)以及第四段中“When I got back, I devoted my life to spending as much time as possible doing activities like climbing, hiking, or backpacking especially things that I once thought I wasn’t “able to do” or was “too scared of.””(当我回来的时候,我把我的生活投入到尽可能多的时间去做一些活动,比如爬山、徒步旅行或背包旅行,尤其是那些我曾经认为我“不能做”或“太害怕”的事情)可知,作者在泰国之行后的变化是变得不那么害怕冒险了。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“When I got back, I devoted my life to spending as much time as possible doing activities like climbing, hiking, or backpacking especially things that I once thought I wasn’t “able to do” or was “too scared of.””(当我回来的时候,我把我的生活投入到尽可能多的时间去做一些活动,比如爬山、徒步旅行或背包旅行,尤其是那些我曾经认为我“不能做”或“太害怕”的事情)可知,作者从泰国回来后进行的户外活动有爬山、徒步旅行和背包旅行。结合各个选项意思可知,A项符合题意。故选A项。
    More and more evidence (证据) suggests that sitting for a long time may be as dangerous to your health as smoking. But a small study suggests that doing five minutes of light walking for every 30 minutes of sitting can help offset the harm.

    Researchers asked 11 adults, aged 40 to 70, to sit in a specially-made chair for eight hours on five separate days.
    Participants were allowed to work on a laptop, read, eat, and use their phones during the sitting time and were provided standardized meals. On one day, the group sat for the entire eight hours with only short breaks to use the bathroom. On each of the other days, they followed a different pattern of light walking breaks on a treadmill (跑步机): one minute of walking after each half-hour of sitting, one minute after each hour, five minutes after each half-hour, and five minutes after each hour. Their blood sugar levels and blood pressure were measured every 15 and 60 minutes, respectively.
    The researchers found that five minutes of walking after every half-hour of sitting was the only duration (持续时间) that significantly lowered both blood sugar and blood pressure. Still, any amount of walking after sitting for a long period is better than nothing. All break patterns reduced blood pressure by 4 to 5 points compared with sitting all day, an amount comparable to a 13% to 15% decrease in cardiovascular (心血管) disease risk, according to the researchers.
    8. What is the main idea of this text?
    A. Walking is better than sitting.
    B. Walking for a short time is not helpful.
    C. Walking breaks offset the effects of long sitting.
    D. Walking after sitting long can increase blood pressure.
    9. According to the text, which of the following statement is true?
    A. Participants were allowed to work on a computer.
    B. Participants were allowed to take meals cooked by themselves.
    C. Participants were allowed to take breaks after sitting for ten minutes.
    D. Participants were allowed to follow their own pattern of walking breaks.
    10. What can be inferred from the text?
    A. Participants must keep sitting in chairs for eight hours a day continuously.
    B. Doing five minutes of walking a day will lower blood sugar and blood pressure.
    C. Participants’ blood sugar levels and blood pressure were measured twice a day.
    D. One pattern of walking breaks was one minute of walking after thirty minutes of sitting.
    11 The teat is probably takes from ________.
    A. A. guide book B. A magazine on science
    C. A science fiction book D. A fashion magazine.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. D 11. B
    主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段“More and more evidence (证据) suggests that sitting for a long time may be as dangerous to your health as smoking. But a small study suggests that doing five minutes of light walking for every 30 minutes of sitting can help offset the harm.(越来越多的证据表明,久坐对健康的危害可能和吸烟一样大。但一项小型研究表明,每坐30分钟,就做5分钟的轻走,有助于抵消这种危害)”可知,文章主要讲的是散步可以抵消久坐的影响。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Participants were allowed to work on a laptop, read, eat, and use their phones during the sitting time and were provided standardized meals.(参与者可以在坐着的时候使用笔记本电脑工作、阅读、吃饭和使用手机,并提供标准化的膳食)”可知,参与者被允许在电脑上工作。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“On each of the other days, they followed a different pattern of light walking breaks on a treadmill (跑步机): one minute of walking after each half-hour of sitting, one minute after each hour, five minutes after each half-hour, and five minutes after each hour.(在其他每一天,他们在跑步机上遵循不同的轻度步行休息模式:每坐半小时后走1分钟,每小时后走1分钟,每半小时后走5分钟,每小时后走5分钟)”可推知,散步休息的一种模式是坐30分钟后再走1分钟。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据文章大意以及第一段“More and more evidence (证据) suggests that sitting for a long time may be as dangerous to your health as smoking. But a small study suggests that doing five minutes of light walking for every 30 minutes of sitting can help offset the harm.(越来越多的证据表明,久坐对健康的危害可能和吸烟一样大。但一项小型研究表明,每坐30分钟,就做5分钟的轻走,有助于抵消这种危害)”和以下的具体研究过程可知,这篇文章属于和健康有关的科普类文章。由此推知,这篇文章可能是从一本科学杂志上摘录的。故选B项。
    People get first impression in seconds, but what exactly are they looking at when they judge you?
    A professor Amy Caddy and her group have been studying first impressions for more than 15 years, and have discovered something in common. In her new book Presence, Cuddy says people quickly answer two questions when they first meet you: Can I trust this person? Can I respect this person?
    Psychologists translate these questions as warmth and competence (能力), and usually, we want to be seen as having both. Interestingly, Cuddy says that most people, especially in their workplace, believe that competence is the more important one. After all, they want to prove that they are smart and talented enough to do their job well. But in fact, warmth, or trustworthiness, is the most important one in how people judge you. “From an evolutionary (进化的) point of view,” Cuddy says, “it matters more to our survival to know whether a person deserves our trust.”
    While competence is highly valued, Cuddy says it is considered only after trust is set up. And focusing too much on showing your strength can backfire. Cuddy says MBA students often care so much about being seen as smart and competent that it can lead them to avoid social events, not to ask for help, and generally to come off as unfriendly. These overachievers (特优者) invite their trouble when they don’t get the job offer because nobody gets to know and trust them as people.
    “If someone you’re trying to influence doesn’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far. In fact, you might even be considered not reliable because you come across as bossy (专横的),” Cuddy says. “A warm, trustworthy person who is also strong gets admiration, but only after you’ve established trust does your strength become a gift rather than a threat.”
    12. Why does the author ask the question in paragraph 1?
    A. To offer a tip. B. To present a belief.
    C. To predict the ending. D. To introduce the topic.
    13. What is the most important factor in how people make a judgement on a person?
    A. Warmth. B. Selflessness. C. Smartness. D. Talent.
    14. What does the underlined word “backfire” mean in paragraph 4?
    A. Leave a job. B. Catch a big fire. C. Cause bad effects. D. Shoot bullets from a gun.
    15. What is the best title for the text?
    A. Competence first, warmth second B. The importance of first impression
    C. Trust deciding first good impressions D. The secret to success of MBA students
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. C 15. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“People get first impression in seconds, but what exactly are they looking at when they judge you?”(人们会在几秒钟内得到第一印象,但是当他们评判你的时候,他们到底在看什么呢?)以及第二段中“A professor Amy Caddy and her group have been studying first impressions for more than 15 years, and have discovered something in common.”(Amy Caddy教授和她的团队研究第一印象已经超过15年,并发现了一些共同点)可推知,作者在第一段中提出这个问题是为了介绍话题。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“But in fact, warmth, or trustworthiness, is the most important one in how people judge you.”(但事实上,热情或可信赖性是人们如何评价你的最重要因素)可知,在人们对一个人做出判断时,最重要的因素是热情。故选A项。
    词义猜测题。根据第四段中“While competence is highly valued, Cuddy says it is considered only after trust is set up.”(卡迪说,虽然能力被高度重视,但只有在建立信任之后才会考虑能力)以及下文“Cuddy says MBA students often care so much about being seen as smart and competent that it can lead them to avoid social events, not to ask for help, and generally to come off as unfriendly.”(卡迪表示,MBA学生往往非常在意自己被视为聪明能干,这可能导致他们回避社交活动,不寻求帮助,通常给人留下不友好的印象)说明不好影响。故可猜测划线单词backfire为“适得其反”的意思,结合选项C项Cause bad effects“造成不良影响”意思一致。故选C项。
    主旨大意题,根据文章大意以及最后一段““If someone you’re trying to influence doesn’t trust you, you’re not going to get very far. In fact, you might even be considered not reliable because you come across as bossy (专横的),” Cuddy says. “A warm, trustworthy person who is also strong gets admiration, but only after you’ve established trust does your strength become a gift rather than a threat.””(“如果你试图影响的人不信任你,你就不会走得太远。事实上,你甚至可能被认为不可靠,因为你给人的印象是专横跋扈。”“一个温暖、值得信赖、坚强的人会让人钦佩,但只有在你建立了信任之后,你的力量才会成为一种礼物,而不是威胁。”)可知,文章主要讲的是当人们在评判一个人的时候,一个温暖、值得信赖、坚强的人会让人钦佩,会让人留下好的第一印象。故文章最好的标题是“信任决定第一印象”。故选C项。
    A social phobia (恐惧症) in an anxiety disorder with strong fear in social situations. ____16____ when other people are around. Here are some suggestions to overcome social phobia.
    Learn to relax. People with a social phobia often have anticipatory (预期的) anxiety. ____17____. For this, we have to learn to relax instead of having the fear of the future situation.
    ____18____. If we always avoid social situations out of fear, it is very difficult for us to be able to overcome them. If we try to relate to the outside of our usual circle, we will feel more comfortable little by little. In this way, when a social event arrives that we want to attend or take part in, we will be better able to be comfortable in it.
    Imagination can play tricks on us in social situations. In most cases you are afraid of things that have not happened or are not happening. ____19____.
    Be yourself. To some degree, social phobia is caused by the belief that we have to be perfect as others expect. ____20____. So we do not have to focus so much on what others may think of us, but on feeling comfortable with ourselves without having to be perfect.
    A. Look for social situations
    B. Be imaginative in solving social issues
    C. Perhaps you have a phobia about flying
    D. We have to learn to accept and trust ourselves
    E. In other words, they worry about the situation before it happens
    F. We have to be worried about what we think others may be thinking of us
    G. People with social phobia feel fear, as well as nervousness, pain or shyness
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. A 19. F 20. D
    上文“A social phobia (恐惧症) in an anxiety disorder with strong fear in social situations.”(社交恐惧症是一种焦虑障碍,在社交场合有强烈的恐惧。)引出话题,提到社交恐惧症。下文“when other people are around.”(当别人在身边的时候。)可知,为说明社交恐惧症的症状表现。结合选项G项People with social phobia feel fear, as well as nervousness, pain or shyness(患有社交恐惧症的人会感到恐惧、紧张、痛苦或害羞)为说明其症状表现,和下文构成一个复合句关系,上下文语意连贯。故选G项。
    根据上文“People with a social phobia often have anticipatory (预期的) anxiety.”(患有社交恐惧症的人通常会有预期性焦虑。)可知,说明社交恐惧症的人通常会有预期性焦虑,结合选项E项In other words, they worry about the situation before it happens.(换句话说,他们在事情发生之前就开始担心。)和上文意思一致,也是说的预期性特点,对上文意思的补充解释说明。故选E项。
    由该题为段落小标题可知,为总结该段内容。该段下文“If we always avoid social situations out of fear, it is very difficult for us to be able to overcome them. If we try to relate to the outside of our usual circle, we will feel more comfortable little by little. In this way, when a social event arrives that we want to attend or take part in, we will be better able to be comfortable in it.”(如果我们总是出于恐惧而逃避社交场合,我们就很难克服它们。如果我们试着与我们平常圈子之外的人建立联系,我们会逐渐感到更舒服。这样,当我们想要参加或参与的社交活动到来时,我们就能更好地适应它。)可知,讲的是多接触一些社交场合。结合选项A项Look for social situations(寻找社交场合)意思一致,为总结该段内容。故选A项。
    根据该段标题“Imagination can play tricks on us in social situations.”(在社交场合,想象力会捉弄我们。)以及上文“In most cases you are afraid of things that have not happened or are not happening.”(在大多数情况下,你害怕那些没有发生或没有发生的事情。)可知,该段主要讲的是想象力会捉弄我们,我们可能会担心那些没有发生过或没有发生的事情。结合选项F项We have to be worried about what we think others may be thinking of us.(我们不得不担心我们认为别人会怎么看我们。)和上文内容相关,都是讲的担心别人的看法,也是对上文内容的语意递进,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
    根据该段标题“Be yourself”(做你自己。)以及下文“So we do not have to focus so much on what others may think of us, but on feeling comfortable with ourselves without having to be perfect.”(所以我们不需要太关注别人对我们的看法,而是要对自己感到舒适,而不必变得完美。)可知,讲的是做自己就好,不需要太关注别人对我们的看法。故可推断空格处内容与此相关,结合选项We have to learn to accept and trust ourselves.(我们必须学会接受和信任自己。)符合此推断,与该段主旨一致,都是讲的接受自己,做自己的相关内容。上下文语意连贯。故选D项。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Hani was a shy, 17-year-old girl of the Indonesian international school, where I taught English. She asked if I could help her improve her English. I could tell it took great ____21____ for the young girl to ____22____ me and ask for help.
    “I want to go to a US university,” she said with ____23____. I was surprised.
    I ____24____ to help her. For several months, Hani woke each morning at five and caught the bus to her school. At 4 o’clock in the afternoon, she ____25____ my classroom, tired but ready to work. When meeting Hani at her house, which was in bad ____26____, I realized it was impossible for her to afford the expenses of a US university. Hani’s interest was increasing with her language ability but I was becoming more and more ____27____.
    One day I received the ____28____ of a scholarship opportunity for a major US university. After reading the ____29____, I knew Hani couldn’t meet the qualifications (资格). I told her the truth. But she remained _____30_____. “Will you _____31_____ my name?” she asked. I couldn’t turn her _____32_____ and I completed the application for her.
    In the following weeks, I arranged for her to take the Test of English Fluency, which would be a big challenge for whoever had never touched a computer before. For two weeks, we studied how a computer works. Then, she received a letter from the scholarship organization. She had been _____33_____.
    I leaped (跳跃) around the room, overjoyed and shocked. Hani stood by, _____34_____ I realized it is not _____35_____ alone that brings success, but also the drive to succeed, the commitment (投入) to work hard and the courage to have trust in yourself.
    21. A. courage B. structure C. honour D. convenience
    22. A. stress B. persuade C. approach D. recommend
    23. A. proof B. anger C. confidence D. hesitation
    24. A. pretended B. failed C. learned D. agreed
    25. A. decorated B. reached C. admired D. escaped
    26. A. faith B. condition C. taste D. demand
    27. A. discouraged B. positive C. energetic D. generous
    28. A. warning B. plot C. style D. announcement
    29. A. resources B. measures C. labels D. requirements
    30. A. upset B. determined C. puzzled D. uncomfortable
    31. A. pick up B. get across C. send in D. recover from
    32. A. up B. down C. off D. on
    33. A. accepted B. cured C. ignored D. attacked
    34. A. counting B. exercising C. drinking D. smiling
    35. A. humor B. service C. talent D. honesty
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我看得出来,这个小女孩向我求助需要很大的勇气。A. courage勇气;B. structure结构;C. honour荣誉;D. convenience方便。根据上文“Hani was a shy, 17-year-old girl…”提到她是一个害羞的17岁女孩,可推知,此处为,这个小女孩向我求助需要很大的勇气。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我看得出来,这个小女孩向我求助需要很大的勇气。A. stress强调;B. persuade劝服;C. approach靠近;D. recommend推荐。根据句意以及该句中的“and ask for help”可知,此处为这个小女孩走过来向我求助。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我想去美国上大学,”她自信地说。A. proof证明;B. anger愤怒;C. confidence自信;D. hesitation犹豫,踌躇。根据小女孩所说的话““I want to go to a US university,””可推知,此处为小女孩说这话时候应该是很自信的。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我同意帮助她。A. pretended假装;B. failed失败;C. learned学习;D. agreed同意。根据下文“When meeting Hani at her house, which was in bad ____6____,”可知,我同意帮助她。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:下午4点,她来到我的教室,很累,但准备学习。A. decorated装饰;B. reached抵达;C. admired钦佩;D. escaped逃脱。根据上文提到的小女孩在教英语的印尼国际学校上学,以及该句中的“tired but ready to work.”可推知,此处为下午4点,她来到我的教室准备学习。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我在哈尼的房子里见到她时,她的房子条件很差,我意识到她不可能负担得起美国大学的费用。A. faith信念;B. condition条件;C. taste味道;D. demand要求。根据该句中的“I realized it was impossible for her to afford the expenses of a US university.”可推知,当我在哈尼的房子里见到她时,她家庭条件很差。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:随着哈尼的语言能力的提高,她的兴趣也越来越大,但我却变得越来越沮丧。A. discouraged沮丧的;B. positive积极的;C. energetic精力充沛的;D. generous慷慨的。根据上文提到的我意识到她不可能负担得起美国大学的费用,以及该句中“Hani’s interest was increasing with her language ability”和but 转折可推知,此处为随着哈尼的语言能力的提高,她的兴趣也越来越大,但我却变得越来越沮丧。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一天,我收到了美国一所重点大学的奖学金通知。A. warning警告;B. plot情节;C. style风格;D. announcement通知。根据该句中的received 以及“a scholarship opportunity for a major US university.”可推知,此处为有一天,我收到了美国一所重点大学的奖学金通知。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:看完要求后,我知道哈尼不符合要求。A. resources资源;B. measures方式;C. labels标签;D. requirements要求。根据句意以及该句中的“I knew Hani couldn’t meet the qualifications.”可推知,此处为看完要求后,我知道哈尼不符合。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但她仍然很坚定。A. upset不安的;B. determined坚定的;C. puzzled吃惊的;D. uncomfortable不舒服的。根据上文提到的哈尼不符合条件,我告诉了她真相,以及该句中的but转折可推知,此处为但她仍然很坚定。故选B项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:请把我的名字呈报上去好吗?A. pick up捡起;B. get across使……被理解;C. send in呈报;D. recover from从……恢复。根据下文“and I completed the application for her.”可知,她请我把她的名字呈报上去。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我无法拒绝她,我帮她完成了申请。(选项都可以和turn构成短语)A. turn sb up邀请某人出席;B. turn sb down拒绝某人;C. turn sb off使某人厌烦;D. turn sb on使某人兴奋。根据该句中的“and I completed the application for her”可知,我无法拒绝她,帮她完成了申请。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她被录取了。A. accepted录取,接受;B. cured治愈;C. ignored忽视;D. attacked攻击。根据下文“I leaped around the room, overjoyed and shocked.”可推知,此处为她被录取了。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:哈尼站在旁边,面带微笑。A. counting数数;B. exercising锻炼;C. drinking喝,饮酒;D. smiling微笑。根据上文提到的哈尼她被录取了,以及我的高兴的状态,结合语境可知,此处为哈尼站在旁边,面带微笑。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我意识到,带来成功的不仅仅是天赋,还有成功的动力、努力工作的承诺和相信自己的勇气。A. humor幽默;B. service服务;C. talent天赋;D. honesty诚实。根据句意以及该句中的“but also the drive to succeed, the commitment to work hard and the courage to have trust in yourself.”可推知,带来成功的不仅仅是天赋,还有成功的动力、努力工作的承诺和相信自己的勇气。故选C项。
    The film Jaws tells the story of a great white shark attack, ____36____ was a great success. It ____37____ (win) many awards so far. People have always been ____38____ (scare) of sharks, but Jaws made things much ____39____ (bad). At that time, nobody cared about whether sharks were killed, or how many were killed. People just wanted them to be killed. After 1975, more and more sharks were hunted for their fins, ____40____ (cause) the number of large sharks around America ____41____ (fall) quickly.
    ____42____ (fortunate) not everyone who watched the film Jaws became afraid of sharks. Peter Benchley, the writer of the book the film Jaws is based on, admitted that his book was wrong about sharks’ special ____43____ (behave). Experts have proved ____44____ sharks do not see people as food, and they attack people ____45____ mistake. Today, as we learn more about sharks, more people than ever want to protect them from extinction (灭绝).
    【答案】36. which
    37. has won
    38. scared 39. worse
    40. causing
    41. to fall
    42. Fortunately
    43. behaviors##behavior
    44. that 45. by
    考查动词时态。句意:到目前为止,它已经赢得了许多奖项。根据本句的时间状语so far可知,本句的时态应该用现在完成时,再根据主语it可知,助动词用has。故填has won。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。分析句式结构可知,此处用动词不定式to fall,作宾补,表示鲨鱼的数量迅速下降fall这一动作发生在cause之后。故填to fall。
    考查介词。句意:同上。分析句意可知,此处用介词by构成固定搭配by mistake表示“错误地”。故填by。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假如你是李华,学校将为高一学生举办主题为“一次性筷子的使用”的英语角活动,特邀你谈谈自己的体会。请根据以下提示准备一份英语发言稿。
    1. 一次性筷子对环境的危害;
    2. 树木对环境的重要性;
    3. 你的建议。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给,不计入总词数;
    3. 参考词汇:throwaway chopsticks一次性筷子
    Good afternoon, everyone. It is my honor to share with you my opinion on throwaway chopsticks.
    That’s all. Thank you.
    【答案】One possible version:
    Good afternoon, everyone. It is my honor to share with you my opinion on throwaway chopsticks. Nowadays, throwaway chopsticks are gaining increasing popularity for their convenience and low price.
    What we fail to realize is that they can cause great damage to the environment. The production of throwaway chopsticks consumes large numbers of trees every year, causing great loss of forests. Thus, the weather will get hot and dry and the whole earth will become a big desert.
    So we should spare no effort to protect the environment. To begin with, everyone should be aware of the importance of protecting forests. Besides, the government is expected to make strict laws to ban forest cutting. Only in this way can we live in harmony with nature.
    That’s all. Thank you.
    了解,意识:realize→be aware
    造成,导致:cause → lead to
    此外:Besides→ What’s more
    禁止:ban→ prohibit
    原句:The production of throwaway chopsticks consumes large numbers of trees every year, causing great loss of forests.
    拓展句:The production of throwaway chopsticks consumes large numbers of trees every year, which causes great loss of forests.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】What we fail to realize is that they can cause great damage to the environment.(运用了连接代词what引导的主语从句以及连词that引导的表语从句。)
    【高分句型2】Besides, the government is expected to make strict laws to ban forest cutting.(运用了动词不定式to ban…作目的状语。)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When my daughters reached the third and fourth grades, I sometimes allowed them to walk to and from school alone if the weather permitted. One warm spring day, a little dog followed them home after school. It had short legs and long lovely ears. It was the cutest dog I had ever seen and the girls begged me to keep it.
    The dog was about twelve weeks old. It had no collar (项圈) or identifying marks of any sort. I didn’t know what to do. I thought about posting an advertisement but I really didn’t want to. It would break the kids’ hearts if someone should show up. Besides, its owners should have watched it more closely.
    By the end of the week the dog was part of our family. It was very intelligent and good with the girls. The following week something told me to check the lost-and-found section in the local paper. One particular advertisement jumped out at me and my heart beat with fear for what I read. Someone was begging for the return of a lost dog in the neighborhood of our grade school. The owner sounded extremely eager. My hand shook, and I couldn’t bring myself to pick up the paper.
    Instead, I pretended I hadn’t seen the advertisement. I quickly put paper away in the drawer and continued with my dusting. I never said a word about it to the kids or my husband.
    By then we had named the dog. It was Kevin, so we called it Kevin. It followed the girls everywhere they went. When they went outside, it was one step behind them. When they did the housework, it was there to lend a hand.
    There was only one problem with this seemingly perfect picture: my conscience (良心) was bothering me. I wondered in my heart whether I had to call that number in the paper and see if our Kevin was the dog they were desperately seeking. It was the most difficult thing for me to do.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    But I had to make a decision.
    The woman said, “Where is my dog? I would like to have a look at it.”
    【答案】One possible version:
    But I had to make a decision. With mixed feelings, I finally picked up my mobilephone. With butterflies in my stomach, I dialed the telephone number. Secretly, I prayed no one would answer, but someone did. The voice on the other end was that of a young woman. After describing the dog to her in detail, she immediately wanted to come over. I said that my daughters loved it very much and meanwhile apologized for not having contacted her a few days before. 30 minutes later, the bell rang and Kevin was barking. I opened the door, forcing myself to face the case.
    The woman said, “Where is my dog? I would like to have a look at it.” I asked the woman to come in and she quickly bent over and hugged Kevin tightly. Kevin started wagging its tail and barking excitedly as if it had recognized someone familiar. Surprised and excited, the woman told me that she couldn’t sleep well without it and thanked us for keeping her dog for these days. She offered to give me some cash as a reward, but I refused. After she took Kevin away, I cracked a smile. I knew I had done the right thing—that puppy should return to its original owner.
    ①喜欢:love/be fond of
    ②想要做某事:want to do sth/would like to do sth
    ②激动的:excited / thrilled
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I said that my daughters loved it very much and meanwhile apologized for not having contacted her a few days before. (由连接词that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] After she took Kevin away, I cracked a smile. (由after引导的时间状语从句)
    听力答案:1~5 BCCAA 6~10 BCCBA 11~15 ABACA 16~20 CABCA


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