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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:How much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What is the man looking for?
    A. Vegetables. B. Orange juice. C. An employee.
    2. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. Fruit. B. Weather. C. Vacation.
    3. What helps the man study?
    A. Listening to music. B. Having the TV on. C. Staying in a quiet place.
    4. Why does the woman dislike cars?
    A. They’ve changed our lives.
    B. They can cause air pollution.
    C. They cause too many traffic accidents.
    5. What will the woman probably do?
    A. Catch the bus. B. Drive the car. C. Ride the bicycle.
    6. When might the woman get off the bus?
    A. 8:25 am. B. 8:55 am. C. 9:10 am.
    7. Why did the woman leave her purse on the bus?
    A. She was thinking of her work.
    B. She got off the bus in a hurry.
    C. She was bus y helping passengers.
    8. What does the man actually want to rent?
    A. A house. B. A room. C. An apartment.
    9. What is the man?
    A. A college student. B. A worker. C. An artist.
    10. Why does the man want to move downtown?
    A. To live near his friends.
    B. To get more of his works shown.
    C. To go shopping more frequently.
    11. What does the woman think about famous brands?
    A. They are the best. B. They are too expensive. C. They are beautiful.
    12. Why do some people prefer famous brands according to the man?
    A. To show off their wealth.
    B. To get people to follow them.
    C. To look special and fashionable.
    13. What does the man think about first when he buys things?
    A. Quality and price. B. Style and fashion. C. Advertisement and brand.
    14. How did the man feel by the end of the film?
    A. Scared. B. Sad. C. Content.
    15. What does the woman want to do at home?
    A Go to bed right away. B. Eat some popcorn. C. Watch television.
    16. Where will the woman go first?
    A. To the bathroom. B. To the parking lot. C. To the front hall.
    17. When does the speech probably take place?
    A. At the beginning of a term. B. In the middle of a term. C. At the end of a term.
    18. How long is the office open during the weekday?
    A. 3 hours. B. 11 hours. C. 12 hours.
    19. What can Jarrod Howard help with?
    A. Money matters. B. Study-related problems. C. Information about jobs.
    20. Whom should students turn to if they have personal problems?
    A. Rodney Reid. B. Jim Smith. C. Laura Lea.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Aging Wisely
    Life from Fifty to Seventy-five Years
    Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., ABPP
    With retirement, life is expected to be easier. Four stages of retirement are described, showing how pleasures and contentment mix with complexities of bring fears, problems that may loneliness, and sorrows.
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    Cosmic Quest
    C. Argon
    Cosmic Visitors were high-energy carriers from the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way galaxy. They needed to rent abandoned earth bodies for their planets’ DNA diversity and Cosmic Quest.
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    The Black Three
    Gene Skipworth
    Grayville never had a black basketball player. Now it has three. A block doctor just moved to the town whose three sons took Weston to the Ohio State basketball championship.
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    $23.99 | $13.99 | $3.99 | $9.99
    Jazzy and Rhumbì
    Dorl Seider
    This heartwarming and adventurous tale is told from the perspective of two smart kitties, Jazzy Girl Muffin and Rhumbi Boy, who secretly influence their humans Boy, who secretly influence their humans to love and rescue more animals.
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    Tackle Box Troubles
    Fish Tale #1: Sammy Spinner
    Susan Duke
    Sammy Spinner is the newest fishing lure to join Tackle Box Troubles. Can Sammy learn fishing tips to catch really big fish, or will he find himself in trouble?
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    The Origin and Future of Mankind
    Shaun Dowling
    Shaun Dowling describes in detail how the universe was formed, how our planet developed, when life appeared, and how it has evolved over time.
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    $21.55 | $4.99

    1. Which book concerns the connection between animals and humans?
    A. Cosmic Quest. B. Jazzy and Rhumbi.
    C. Tackle Box Troubles. D. The Origin and Future of Mankind.
    2. What do these books have in common?
    A. They are all intended for kids. B. They each have a digital version.
    C. They all have three different prices. D. They can be downloaded from the same website.
    3. What is the text?
    A. A book review. B. A library poster. C. An academic column. D. A book advertisement.
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Jazzy and Rhumbì部分的“This heartwarming and adventurous tale is told from the perspective of two smart kitties, Jazzy Girl Muffin and Rhumbi Boy, who secretly influence their humans Boy, who secretly influence their humans to love and rescue more animals.(这个温暖而又充满冒险的故事从两只聪明的小猫的角度讲述,Jazzy Girl Muffin和Rhumbi Boy,他们秘密地影响他们的人类男孩,他们秘密地影响他们的人类去爱和拯救更多的动物。)”可知,该故事是从两只小猫的角度讲述的,他们暗中影响着人类去关爱和拯救更多的动物,由此可知,Jazzy and Rhumbì中涉及到人类与动物的关系。故选B项。
    Vernon Jackson works at his barbershop(理发店) in Cincinnati even on his off days. But it’s not because he wants to make as much money as possible—it’s because that’s the day he has set aside to give free haircuts to children with special needs.
    He began his Gifted Program haircuts in 2021 after hearing many horror stories that parents were going through with. Barbers had no patience with those children. Studies have shown people typically feel more confident and in control in both social as well as professional settings with good, fresh haircuts. So Jackson resolved to open his shop on his day off only to children with special needs who were looking to get a proper cut.
    “I can give them the full attention they need,” Jackson said in the CBS News. He found that at least some of his off-day clients who were sensitive to unfamiliar environments and sounds found the empty shop comforting. His goal is to get the children used to barbershops in general so they can eventually feel comfortable going in for haircuts when there are other customers around.
    Instagram users flood Jackson’s account on the platform with encouragement. “I have happy tears,” one user wrote in the comments of a video that Jackson posted showing him lining a Gifted Program boy up for a haircut. “You are truly doing amazing things.”
    Friends and supporters sponsor the haircuts through donations to an online GoFundMe campaign, according to what Jackson told CBS. He hopes to eventually raise enough money for the program to be able to travel to other parts of the US to give haircuts to children with special needs there. “It’s really been a beautiful experience,” Jackson said of starting the Gifted Program. “This has allowed me to love it to my fullest capacity and to see what happens when I do.”
    4. Why did Jackson decide to start the Gifted Program?
    A. To make as much money as possible. B. To show barbers’ patience and sympathy.
    C. To help parents with horrible experiences. D. To reach out to children with special needs.
    5. What does Jackson expect of the children through the Gifted Program?
    A. Love for fresh haircuts. B. Attention to other customers.
    C. Healthy adaptation to surroundings. D. Courage to have haircuts alone.
    6. What is online users’ attitude to the Gifted Program?
    A. Objective. B. Concerned. C. Favorable. D. Confused.
    7. What can we learn about Jackson from the last paragraph?
    A. He donates to an online organization.
    B. He is highly ambitious for his program.
    C. He has made a big difference to American kids.
    D. He has regained faith in life by giving free haircuts.
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. C 7. B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述的是Vernon Jackson为了满足儿童理发的特殊需求,利用假期的时间为儿童理发,并创建了Gifted Program理发项目,这一项目得到了众人的认可,Vernon希望将这一项目推广到美国的其它地方。
    推理判断题。根据首段中的“But it’s not because he wants to make as much money as possible—it’s because that’s the day he has set aside to give free haircuts to children with special needs.(但这并不是因为他想赚尽可能多的钱,而是因为他留出了这一天,为有特殊需要的孩子们免费理发。)”以及第二段中的“He began his Gifted Program haircuts in 2021 after hearing many horror stories that parents were going through with. (在听到许多父母经历的恐怖故事后,他于2021年开始了他的Gifted Program理发。)”可知,Vernon抽出时间给那些有特殊需求的孩子免费理发,并在听到很多家长描述的他们多经历的许多关于孩子理发的恐怖故事后,创建了Gifted Program,由此可知,他之所以创建Gifted Program是为了接触那些有特殊需要的孩子。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“His goal is to get the children used to barbershops in general so they can eventually feel comfortable going in for haircuts when there are other customers around.(他的目标是让孩子们习惯理发店,这样当周围有其他顾客的时候,他们最终会觉得去理发店理发很舒服。)”可知,他的目标是让孩子们能够适应理发店,以至于他们能在周围有人的时候放心地理发,由此可知,Jackson 想通过Gifted Program,希望孩子们对环境有一个健康的适应。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的““I have happy tears,” one user wrote in the comments of a video that Jackson posted showing him lining a Gifted Program boy up for a haircut. “You are truly doing amazing things.”(“我流下了幸福的眼泪,”一名用户在杰克逊发布的一段视频的评论中写道,视频中他让一名天才项目的男孩排队理发。“你真的在做了不起的事情。”)”可知,很多用户发帖子赞扬Gifted Program做了了不起的事情,由此可知,线上的用户对Gifted Program持支持的态度。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据尾段中的“He hopes to eventually raise enough money for the program to be able to travel to other parts of the US to give haircuts to children with special needs there.(他希望最终能够为该项目筹集到足够的资金,以便能够前往美国其他地区,为那里有特殊需要的儿童理发。)”可知,Jackson希望把该项目推广到美国的其它地方,以便在其它地下也可以给有特殊需求的孩子理发,由此可推断,Jackson对自己的项目雄心勃勃。故选B项。
    Working from home has become common, during the course of the pandemic(疫情), leaving many with a newfound appreciation of the freedom and flexibility of working remotely. However, while the traditional idea of an office—a place away from home, typically owned or rented by the business—may have changed, the need for specific office space hasn’t.
    In fact, this period of working from home has highlighted just how important it is to have a place of work, which is separate from daily family life. Without that, many have noted concerns over a worsened work-life balance.
    Perhaps the most distinctive characteristic of the office of the future will be its hybrid solution. It should marry the beneficial parts of a physical company-owned workspace with the benefits of working from home.
    As teams have proven their ability to efficiently get their jobs done remotely, employers will be much more open to the flexible approach moving forward. The positive impacts of a physical office on things like company culture, communication, team spirit and shared knowledge should not be ignored, which is why tangible space is still very much a necessity.
    The solution for the future will enable employees to come into the company’s workplace in order not to miss out on these valuable office benefits, but also work from home when required for a better work-life balance. Both large and smaller companies have already started to adopt this new approach, allowing teams to create schedules for when they will be working from home, or even use an online booking system to secure a desk space in the shared facility. This way, the company can manage the number of people in the office at one time, meaning spaces can be downsized to save costs, and social distancing and thorough cleaning procedures can be maintained.
    8. What is the potential problem with working from home?
    A. Imbalance between work and life. B. Change of the idea of an office.
    C. Lack of working space at home. D. Too much freedom in remote work.
    9. What does the underlined word “tangible” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Empty. B. Separate. C. Physical. D. Flexible.
    10. What can be inferred about the new office style from paragraph 5?
    A. It is well received by companies. B. It limits the number of employees.
    C. It makes thorough cleaning unnecessary. D. It is helpful for workers to design schedules.
    11. What is the best title for the text?
    A. Social Distance: A Pressing Need B. Working Remotely: A Growing Trend
    C. Traditional Office: To Leave or to Stay D. Hybrid Workplace: Office of the Future
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. A 11. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In fact, this period of working from home has highlighted just how important it is to have a place of work, which is separate from daily family life. Without that, many have noted concerns over a worsened work-life balance.(事实上,这段时间的在家工作已经突出了有一个工作的地方是多么的重要,这是分开的日常家庭生活。如果不这样做,许多人会担心工作与生活的平衡会恶化。)”可知,人们这段时间在家办公,发现有一个可以与日常家庭生活分开的办公地点是多么的重要,因为没有这样的办公地点,会使得工作与生活的失衡,由此可知,在家工作的潜在问题是使得生活与工作的失衡。故选A项。
    词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段中的“The positive impacts of a physical office on things like company culture, communication, team spirit and shared knowledge should not be ignored(实体办公室对公司文化、沟通、团队精神和知识共享等方面的积极影响不容忽视)”可知,实体办公环境的积极影响不容忽视,划线单词在which引导的非限制性定语从句中,意为“这也就是为什么实体办公室仍然存在的原因”,是对主句的进一步解释,由此可推断,该单词的意思是“实体的,真实的”符合句意。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Both large and smaller companies have already started to adopt this new approach, allowing teams to create schedules for when they will be working from home, or even use an online booking system to secure a desk space in the shared facility.( 大公司和小公司都已经开始采用这种新方法,允许团队创建在家工作的时间表,甚至使用在线预订系统在共享设施中获得办公空间。)”可知,无论是大公司还是小公司已经开始使用这种新的办公方法,由此可推断,这种混合的办公方式很受公司欢迎。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。本文首段中讲述的人们在家办公的优点,而第二段中指出经常在家办公产生的问题,根据第三段中的“Perhaps the most distinctive characteristic of the office of the future will be its hybrid solution. It should marry the beneficial parts of a physical company-owned workspace with the benefits of working from home.(也许未来办公室最显著的特点将是其混合解决方案。它应该把公司拥有的实体工作空间的好处与在家工作的好处结合起来。)”可知,解决这种问题的方法是混合式办公模式,并结合尾段中的“The solution for the future will enable employees to come into the company’s workplace in order not to miss out on these valuable office benefits, but also work from home when required for a better work-life balance.(未来的解决方案将使员工能够进入公司的工作场所,以避免错过这些宝贵的办公室福利,但在需要时也可以在家工作,以更好地平衡工作与生活。)”可知,混合式办公模式既可以保证员工不会错过一些办公室办公的好处,也有利于更好的实现工作与生活的平衡,所以下文中介绍了这种混合式办公模式很受欢迎,由此可知,本文的标题为“混合式办公场所:未来的办公方式”概括了全文的主题。故选D项。
    You probably get your eyes tested to protect your sight, maybe have a yearly hearing test to check your ears—but, protecting your nose... eh? Recent research has discovered more than 600 genes in the human body associated with the sense of smell and that it’s actually important to the human body.
    Smell can help keep us alive by warning us of dangers such as food that might make us sick or the threat of fire, and it does this within only 100-150 milliseconds of breathing. “Smell also helps create the flavour of food and plays a role in controlling the variety of our diet and the nutrients we consume,” says Jeanne Hort, a professor at News Zealand’s Massey University.
    In fact, each of us has a unique sense of smell and the strength of our unique smell is related to the genes you inherit (遗传) from your parents which determine which smell receptors (感受器) are expressed in the nose. Other factors further determine how sensitive your sense of smell is. Women generally have a stronger sense of smell than men, while damage from air pollution means people who live in highly polluted cities have a less sensitive sense of smell than those in rural areas. “We also know the sense of smell declines with age,” says Professor Hort. “And if you’ve damaged your nose through head injury, illness or breathing in something that causes pain and discomfort, your sense of smell can also be negatively affected.”
    Protecting your nose from such damage is therefore the first step in activating your sense of smell. Avoid breathing in strong scents like chemicals. Then, keep your nose busy. For example, sniff (唉) vegetables and fruit as part of determining ripeness before you buy them and sniff more different smells exposed to your nose. “The sense of smell is a bit like a muscle, you can train it to become stronger by exercising it,” says sensory expert Eugeni Roura.
    12. Why does the author mention eye and ear protection in paragraph 1?
    A To compare different human senses. B. To call attention to the sense of smell.
    C. To clarify the concept of good health. D. To show the importance of medical exams.
    13. What does paragraph 2 focus on?
    A. The advice on healthy eating. B. The basic functions of the nose.
    C. The important role of smell in life. D. The ways to avoid hidden dangers.
    14. Which of the following would the author most probably agree with?
    A. There is sex difference in terms of smell. B. The sense of smell doesn’t change with age.
    C. Smell receptors decide the strength of smell. D. Air pollution is very likely to cause loss of smell.
    15. What does the quote from Eugeni Roura imply?
    A. It is essential to protect your nose from damage.
    B. Different parts of your body sometimes work the same.
    C. Sniffing different smells helps to build up your strength.
    D. The more you use the sense of smell, the more you sharpen it.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D
    推理判断题。根据一段的“but, protecting your nose... eh? Recent research has discovered more than 600 genes in the human body associated with the sense of smell and that it’s actually important to the human body.(但是,你的鼻子的保护呢……?最近的研究发现,人体中有600多个基因与嗅觉有关,而嗅觉对人体非常重要)”推知,第一段提到人们对眼睛和耳朵的保护是为了唤起人们对嗅觉的关注。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段“Smell can help keep us alive by warning us of dangers such as food that might make us sick or the threat of fire, and it does this within only 100-150 milliseconds of breathing. “Smell also helps create the flavour of food and plays a role in controlling the variety of our diet and the nutrients we consume,” says Jeanne Hort, a professor at News Zealand’s Massey University.(嗅觉可以通过警告我们可能使我们生病的食物或火灾威胁等危险来帮助我们生存,而它在呼吸的100-150毫秒内就能做到这一点。新西兰梅西大学教授eanne Hort说:“嗅觉还有助于创造食物的味道,并在控制我们饮食的多样性和摄入的营养方面发挥作用。”)”可知,本段主要介绍了嗅觉在生活中的重要性。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Women generally have a stronger sense of smell than men(女性的嗅觉通常比男性更强)”推知,作者认为嗅觉存在性别差异。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The sense of smell is a bit like a muscle, you can train it to become stronger by exercising it(嗅觉有点像肌肉,你可以通过锻炼来训练它,让它变得更强壮)”推知,Eugeni Roura的话表明,嗅觉被使用的越多,就会越敏锐。故选D。
    The US Surgeon General released a report on Tuesday calling attention to the public health crisis of loneliness and lack of connection in the United States.____16____
    It highlights that a lack of social connection can present significant health risks, as loneliness can increase risk of premature death by 26% and social isolation(孤立)by 29%. Insufficient social connection has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, loneliness was reported among the primary motivations of self-harm.
    ____17____ The report lays out a framework for a National Strategy to Advance Social Connection, which provides recommendations for individuals, governments, workplaces, health systems, and community organizations that aim to increase social connection and improve overall health.____18____
    The recommendations include changes of public facilities, such as developing parks and libraries. The framework also includes training for healthcare providers to allow for intervention if a patient is at risk for loneliness and its significant health consequences.____19____ Particularly, attention should be paid to how online interactions can potentially hold back meaningful connections. Lastly, the recommendations call for the cultivation of a culture of connection, stating that the informal interaction s of everyday life can significantly influence social connection.
    There are some immediate steps you can take to reduce loneliness and increase social connection, such as reaching out to a friend or family member.____20____Actually it brings people together and strengthens the existing relationship.
    A. Social connection can greatly reduce the health risks.
    B. This type of strategy has never been carried out before in the US.
    C. It also notes that digital environments should be further evaluated.
    D. Given the consequences of loneliness, it’s time to address the problem.
    E. The report shows that about half of U. S. adults experience loneliness daily.
    F. People often assume that sharing painful truths or emotions will be troublesome.
    G. By taking small steps to strengthen the relationship, we can make the world better.
    【答案】16. E 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. F
    分析语篇可知,首段是概括全文,根据空前的“The US Surgeon General released a report on Tuesday calling attention to the public health crisis of loneliness and lack of connection in the United States.(美国卫生局局长周二发布了一份报告,呼吁人们关注美国因孤独和缺乏联系而引发的公共卫生危机。)”可知,美国卫生部长发布了一份报告,呼吁人们对因孤独和缺少联系而引发的公共健康危机,由此可知,此空处对该报告做出进一步的说明,E选项“The report shows that about half of U. S. adults experience loneliness daily.(报告显示,大约一半的美国成年人每天都感到孤独。)”讲述的内容与空前内容吻合,且进一步陈述报告的内容。故选E项。
    根据空前,即第二段讲述的内容中的“Additionally, loneliness was reported among the primary motivations of self-harm.(此外,孤独是自残的主要动机之一。)”可知,孤独会产生一些后果,结合空后的“The report lays out a framework for a National Strategy to Advance Social Connection, which provides recommendations for individuals, governments, workplaces, health systems, and community organizations that aim to increase social connection and improve overall health.(该报告列出了促进社会联系国家战略的框架,为个人、政府、工作场所、卫生系统和社区组织提供了旨在增加社会联系和改善总体健康的建议。)”可知,该段开始讲述报告中提出了一些解决该问题的战略框架,由此可知,此空处应为承上启下,D选项“Given the consequences of loneliness, it’s time to address the problem.(考虑到孤独的后果,是时候解决这个问题了。)”中的Given the consequences of loneliness承接上文,it’s time to address the problem.引出下文。故选D项。
    根据空前的“The report lays out a framework for a National Strategy to Advance Social Connection, which provides recommendations for individuals, governments, workplaces, health systems, and community organizations that aim to increase social connection and improve overall health. (该报告列出了促进社会联系国家战略的框架,为个人、政府、工作场所、卫生系统和社区组织提供了旨在增加社会联系和改善总体健康的建议。)”可知,卫生部长就存在的问题列出了促进社会联系的国家战略框架,B选项“This type of strategy has never been carried out before in the US.(这种策略在美国从未实施过。)”中的This type of strategy指代的内容与空前内容一致,是对上文提出的战略框架的进一步阐述。故选B项。
    根据空前的“The framework also includes training for healthcare providers to allow for intervention if a patient is at risk for loneliness and its significant health consequences.(该框架还包括培训卫生保健提供者,以便在患者面临孤独及其重大健康后果的风险时采取干预措施。)”可知,此处讲述的是战略性框架的内容,根据空后“Particularly, attention should be paid to how online interactions can potentially hold back meaningful connections.(尤其要注意的是,在线互动可能会阻碍有意义的联系。)”讲述的是中的是线上互动的可能带来的问题,结合particularly可知,此空出讲述的内容与网络联系相关,C选项“It also notes that digital environments should be further evaluated.(它还指出,应进一步评估数字环境。)”中的digital environments与online interactions相关,且讲述的内容与空前内容一致,其中的also为关键信息。故选C项。
    根据空后的“Actually it brings people together and strengthens the existing relationship.(实际上,它把人们聚集在一起,加强了现有的关系。)”可知,他会把人们聚在一起,并强化现存的关系,其中的it应指的是某种做法,根据actually可以推断,此空处讲述的内容与空后的内容相反,F选项“People often assume that sharing painful truths or emotions will be troublesome.(人们通常认为分享痛苦的真相或情绪会很麻烦。)”中的“sharing painful truths or emotions”与空后的代词it指代的内容一致,且该选项讲述的内容意义上与空后的内容相反。故选F项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    One morning, I called our pregnant cat Socky to be fed, but she didn’t come. I thought she’d probably found somewhere to ____21____ her kittens (小猫) and would turn up later. But when Socky didn’t come at dinnertime, I really started to ____22____.
    Socky had a ____23____ of having her kittens in strange places, so I ____24____ all her hiding-places but no Socky. The next day was Saturday and I had the ____25____ day to search for her. I rechecked under the house, but no luck.
    After lunch I took some ____26____ with me in case I found her, and then began searching the back shed (棚), which was filled with ____27____ boxes. After about an hour of moving boxes from one place to another and back again, I was extremely ____28____. I sat down to have a rest when I heard ____29____ mewing. I pressed my _____30_____ against each of the boxes to catch the sounds.
    _____31_____ I found Socky and her three newly-born kittens. As the boxes weren’t in _____32_____ condition, I imagined that when Socky jumped into one of the bottom boxes, it must have caused the higher ones to fall, _____33_____ her in.
    Socky was very _____34_____ to see me and although she was weak, she managed to eat the food I brought her. I named the three kittens. They were all healthy and _____35_____ to be great mouse catchers just like their mother.
    21. A. hide B. nurse C. feed D. have
    22. A. hesitate B. worry C. regret D. sympathise
    23. A. habit B. way C. chance D. sense
    24. A. selected B. checked C. discovered D. confirmed
    25. A. busy B. perfect C. whole D. big
    26. A. water B. food C. blankets D. clothes
    27. A. huge B. heavy C. empty D. colourful
    28. A. tired B. surprised C. annoyed D. embarrassed
    29. A. unique B. lovely C. loud D. faint
    30. A. finger B. nose C. ear D. mouth
    31. A. Finally B. Actually C. Exactly D. Instantly
    32. A. poor B. strange C. neat D. excellent
    33. A. allowing B. taking C. involving D. shutting
    34. A. pleased B. shocked C. curious D. nervous
    35. A. happened B. grew C. continued D. failed
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想她可能已经找到了生小猫的地方,过一会儿就会来。A. hide隐藏;B. nurse看护;C. feed喂养;D. have生,有。根据下文中的“Socky had a ____3____ of having her kittens in strange places”可知,此处指的是“生”小猫。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是当Socky 在晚饭时间没有回来的时候,我真的开始担心了。A. hesitate犹豫;B. worry担忧;C. regret懊悔;D. sympathise同情。根据上文中的“But when Socky didn’t come at dinnertime”可知,吃饭时间了还没有回来,作者应是开始“担心”符合语境。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Socky 有个习惯,喜欢把小猫生在陌生的地方,所以我检查了她所有的藏身之处,但没有Socky 。A. habit习惯;B. way方式;C. chance机会;D. sense感觉。根据下文中的“having her kittens in strange places”可知,把小猫生在陌生的地方是一种“习惯”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Socky 有个习惯,喜欢把小猫放在陌生的地方,所以我检查了她所有的藏身之处,但没有Socky 。A. selected挑选;B. checked检查;C. discovered发现;D. confirmed证实。根据语境及下文中的“The next day was Saturday and I had the ____5____ day to search for her.”可知,作者可以在周六寻找Socky,由此可推断,此处指的是“检查”。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第二天是星期六,我有一整天的时间去找她。A. busy忙碌的;B. perfect完美的;C. whole全部的;D. big大的。根据上文中的“The next day was Saturday”可知,明天是周六,作者可以“一整天”寻找Socky。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:午饭后,我带了一些食物,以防我发现她,然后开始搜查后面的棚屋,那里堆满了空盒子。A. water水;B. food食物;C. blankets毯子;D. clothes衣服。根据下文中的“she managed to eat the food I brought her.”可知,此处指的是作者带着“食物”。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:午饭后,我带了一些食物,以防我发现她,然后开始搜查后面的棚屋,那里堆满了空盒子。A. huge巨大的;B. heavy重的;C. empty空的;D. colourful颜色鲜艳的。根据上文中的“and then began searching the back shed(棚)”可知,作者开始搜查棚屋,结合常识可知,棚屋力面应该是一些“空的”箱子。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:把箱子从一个地方搬到另一个地方,又搬回来,大约一个小时后,我累极了。A. tired疲倦的,累的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. annoyed恼火的;D. embarrassed尴尬的。根据上文中的“After about an hour of moving boxes from one place to another and back again”可知,作者来回搬箱子搬了大约一个小时,所以作者应该是“累”了。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当我听到微弱的猫叫时,我坐下来休息。A. unique独特的;B. lovely可爱的;C. loud大声的;D. faint微弱的。根据下文中的“I pressed my ____10____ against each of the boxes to catch the sounds.”以及“although she was weak”可知,作者贴近箱子去听猫的叫声,而且猫很虚弱,由此可知,猫的声音很“微弱”。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把耳朵贴在每个盒子上听声音。A. finger手指;B. nose鼻子;C. ear耳朵;D. mouth口。根据下文中的“to catch the sounds.”可知,去听声音,应该是用“耳朵”,所以此处是将“耳朵”贴近箱子。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,我找到了Socky 和她刚出生的三只小猫。A. Finally最后;B. Actually实际上;C. Exactly确切地;D. Instantly立刻。根据语境可知,作者在上文中一直在寻找猫,结合下文中的“I found Socky and her three newly-born kittens.”可知,此处指的是“最后”找到了Socky和她的三个新出生的小猫。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:由于箱子不太整齐,我猜想,当Socky 跳进其中一个底部的箱子时,一定会把上面的箱子弄掉,把她关在里面。A. poor贫穷的;B. strange奇怪的;C. neat整齐的;D. excellent极好的。根据下文中的“I imagined that when Socky jumped into one of the bottom boxes, it must have caused the higher ones to fall, ____13____ her in.”可知,Socky跳进其中一个底部的箱子后,高处的箱子就倒塌了,由此可知,此处的箱子摆放不是“整齐的”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:由于箱子不太整洁,我猜想,当Socky 跳进其中一个底部的箱子时,一定会把上面的箱子弄掉,把她关在里面。A. allowing允许;B. taking拿走;C. involving涉及;D. shutting关闭。根据上文中的“when Socky jumped into one of the bottom boxes, it must have caused the higher ones to fall”可知,高处的箱子倒了下来,应该是把跳入底部箱子的Socky给“关闭”起来。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Socky见到我很高兴,虽然她很虚弱,但她还是吃了我给她带来的食物。A. pleased高兴的;B. shocked惊讶的;C. curious好奇的;D. nervous紧张的。根据下文中的“to see me and although she was weak, she managed to eat the food I brought her.”可知,Socky见到作者并且作者给Socky带来了食物,所以此处Socky应该是“高兴的”。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它们都很健康,长成了像妈妈一样的捕鼠高手。A. happened发生;B. grew成长;C. continued继续;D. failed失败。根据语境以及下文中的“to be great mouse catchers just like their mother.”可知,此处指的是他们很健康,“长成”像他们妈妈那样的捕鼠高手,符合语境。故选B项。
    Xu Beihong’s paintings best indicate his personality: patriotic, diligent and humanistic.
    Born in rural Yixing, Jiangsu province, he learned the basics of classic Chinese ink painting ____36____ his father, Xu Dazhang, ____37____ private school teacher who was skilled in painting, calligraphy and writing. After his father died. Xu mostly taught ____38____ (he) the oil painting, while he taught at primary schools in hometown.
    In 1915, he left the teaching job for Shanghai and made a living drawing ____39____(illustrate) and commercial advertisements. His artistic talent was ____40____ (late) recognized by some well-known and ____41____ (respect) social figures, including Kang Youwei and Cai Yuanpei.
    Xu won a scholarship to study at the famous National High School of Fine Arts in Paris in 1919. He ____42____ (study) and travelled in Europe for almost a decade. There he was ____43____ (great) nurtured(熏陶) by the classic traditions of European art and culture, absorbing these clement s into his works of traditional Chinese ink painting.
    The great painter lived most of his life during a chaotic time ____44____ his motherland experienced wars and his fellow Chinese suffered poverty, illness and social instability. In his paintings, he depleted(描绘) the pains of his nation and people while _____45_____ (encourage) others to stand against these difficulties and never give up.
    【答案】36. from
    37. a 38. himself
    39. illustrations
    40. later 41. respected##respectable
    42. studied
    43. greatly
    44. when 45. encouraging
    考查介词。句意:他出生于江苏宜兴农村,从他的父亲——徐达章——一位擅长绘画、书法和写作的私立学校教师那里学习了中国古典水墨画的基本知识。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定用法learn sth. from sb.意为“向某人学习某事”符合句意。故填from。
    考查冠词。句意:他出生于江苏宜兴农村,从他的父亲——徐达章——一位擅长绘画、书法和写作的私立学校教师徐达章那里学习了中国古典水墨画的基本知识。分析句子结构可知,此空处所在的短语为同位语,对前面的名词Xu Dazhang解释说明,teacher为可数名词单数,其前无限定词,结合句意,此处表示“一位小学教师”,表泛指,所以使用不定冠词,private的第一个音素为辅音。故填a。
    考查形容词。句意:他的艺术才华后来得到了包括康有为和蔡元培在内的一些知名和受人尊敬的社会人物的认可。分析句子结构可知,此处为形容词作定语修饰名词social figures,结合句意可知,此处应为respected或者respectable意为“受到尊敬的”符合句意。故填respected/respectable。
    考查定语从句。句意:这位伟大的画家一生的大部分时间都生活在一个混乱的时代,他的祖国经历了战争,他的同胞遭受贫困、疾病和社会动荡。分析句子结构可知,此处为连词引导的定语从句,从句中不缺少主语和宾语,所以使用关系副词,先行词a chaotic time指的是时间。故填when。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 你校将定制一本《中国古代诗词集》作为与英国姐妹学校暑期交流的礼物,请你为这本诗集写一个英文前言(preface),内容包括:
    【答案】One possible version:
    To promote cultural exchange and understanding, “The Collection of Chinese Classical Poetry” features a wide range of magnificent ancient poems, accompanied by English translations and annotations.
    It includes great works from renowned poets from different dynasties in Chinese history. The poems cover various themes, from love and nature to politics and philosophy, and are characterized by their elegant language, profound meaning, and vivid imagery.
    Not only is the collection a showcase of Chinese literary achievements but also serves as a bridge to transcend cultural boundaries.
    促进:promote →boost
    著名的:renowned →well-known
    各种各样的:various →varieties of
    充当:serve as →act as
    原句:The poems cover various themes, from love and nature to politics and philosophy, and are characterized by their elegant language, profound meaning, and vivid imagery.
    拓展句:The poems cover various themes, from love and nature to politics and philosophy, which are characterized by their elegant language, profound meaning, and vivid imagery.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】To promote cultural exchange and understanding, “The Collection of Chinese Classical Poetry” features a wide range of magnificent ancient poems, accompanied by English translations and annotations.(运用了不定式作目的状语和过去分词短语作定语)
    【高分句型2】Not only is the collection a showcase of Chinese literary achievements but also serves as a bridge to transcend cultural boundaries.(运用了倒装句以及“not only…but also…”连接的并列句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    When Sophie left the grocery, it suddenly started raining — a heavy downpour, in fact. She had neither her jacket nor her umbrella.
    Sophie held her paper bag over her head and made a rush. The rain hit her face as she ran up the street. As she stood waiting for the lights to change, Sophie glanced down to see a child’s toy lying on the sidewalk. She looked around, wondering who might have dropped it, but the street was deserted. What should she do? She couldn’t just leave it there. Sophie bent and picked up the toy — a grey elephant with a dirty label, and very wet. As the light went green, she had to make a quick decision. She held the elephant tightly and hurried on her way to her office.
    “Why did you bring it with you?” Gemma asked while Sophie poured a coffee. “When they realise they’ve lost it, they’ll probably return to the place. You should’ve displayed it where you found it. Somewhere noticeable.”
    That made sense. “It was getting completely wet,” Sophie protested, “It might have been destroyed.”
    “It might as well be, if you can’t reunite it with its owner,” Gemma replied. “Some toddler (学步儿童) is going to have trouble getting to sleep tonight without their elephant.”
    Oh, dear! Sophie had tried to do a good thing, but acting on impulse (冲动) might not have been the best choice. She decided to go back at lunch — find somewhere to set it up high. For the rest of the morning she placed the elephant on the radiator (暖气片) by her desk. At least it would be a bit drier by the time she took it back. But at lunch time, another heavy shower arrived. She picked up the toy elephant and gave its large ears a rub.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    “What am I going to do with you?” she asked, staring at the toy.
    The man on the phone, who said his name was Arthur, sounded excited.
    【答案】One possible version:
    “What am I going to do with you?” she asked, staring at the toy. Suddenly, she came up with a plan. She decided to take a photo of the toy and post it on social media, hoping that someone would recognize it and help connect her with the owner. Sophie snapped a picture of the toy elephant, wrote a caption explaining the situation, and shared it on various local community groups and lost-and-found pages. Although Sophie received numerous messages and calls from different people, none of them turned out to be the right match. However, she remained hopeful and continued her search. Finally, one afternoon, Sophie received a call from a man.
    The man on the phone, who said his name was Arthur, sounded excited. He explained that the toy was his child’s cherished one and his description exactly matched that day’s situation. Sophie arranged a meeting with the family, and upon seeing the joyous reunion between the child and her toy, she knew that her impulsive decision had ultimately led to a happy ending. From that day forward, Sophie learned the importance of thinking through her actions before acting on impulse. She also realized the power of community and social media in helping to solve problems and bring people together.
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:Sophie的困惑——Sophie想到主意——寻找失主的过程——Arthur很兴奋——Sophie归还玩具——Sophie的感受
    3. 词汇激活
    ④看到:see/spot/catch sight of
    ⑥带来:lead to/bring about/give rise to
    ⑦行动:act/take measures/take action/take steps
    【点睛】[高分句型1] She decided to take a photo of the toy and post it on social media, hoping that someone would recognize it and help connect her with the owner.(现在分词短语hoping作状语、连接词that引导名词性从句作hoping的宾语)
    [高分句型2] Although Sophie received numerous messages and calls from different people, none of them turned out to be the right match.(从属连词Although引导让步状语从句)
    [高分句型3] Sophie arranged a meeting with the family, and upon seeing the joyous reunion between the child and her toy, she knew that her impulsive decision had ultimately led to a happy ending.(动名词seeing…作upon的宾语、连接词that引导名词性从句作knew的宾语)

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