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    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What are the speakers doing?
    A. Having a picnic. B. Making some bread. C. Shopping for some fruits.
    2. When did the train leave yesterday?
    A. At 3: 10 p. m. B. At 3: 40 p. m. C. At 4: 00 p. m.
    3. Why does the man make lunch himself this winter?
    A. To keep fit. B. To save money. C. To improve his cooking skills.
    4. Where probably are the speakers?
    A. In a cinema. B. At a subway station. C. On a train.
    5. What are the speakers going to do?
    A. Watch a game. B. Break a record. C. Have sports training.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What is the weather like?
    A. Windy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
    7. What will the man do next?
    A. Take the woman’s order.
    B. Recommend some specials to the woman.
    C. Fetch some water for the woman.
    8. What was the woman’s greatest regret?
    A. Becoming a tour guide. B. Dropping out of college. C. Changing her major.
    9. What job is she most likely to do in the future?
    A. A psychologist. B. A tour guide. C. An accountant.
    10. Why wasn’t the woman interested in learning accountancy?
    A. Because she attached great importance to mental health.
    B. Because she got a job offer as a tour guide.
    C. Because she was really tired of learning math.
    11. What will the man do tomorrow evening?
    A. Attend a party. B. Go to the dry cleaner’s. C. Have a drink at a bar.
    12. Which shirt will the man wear tomorrow?
    A. The blue one. B. The black one. C. The gray one.
    13. How much will the man pay in total?
    A. $24. B. $21. C. $18.
    14. What problem does the man have?
    A. He has difficulty in getting a job.
    B. He is at a loss for a job interview.
    C. He cannot afford a fancy suit.
    15. Why is the man advised to read the job description?
    A. Because he can create a great first impression.
    B. Because he can get some clues from it.
    C. Because he often takes no notice of it.
    16. What is the woman going to do next?
    A. Conduct an interview. B. Buy a coffee. C. Have a meeting.
    17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Aunt and nephew. B. Manager and secretary. C. Interviewer and interviewee.
    18. What is the purpose of the talk?
    A. To do a sales promotion.
    B. To recommend places to visit.
    C. To introduce British history.
    19. Which is the best destination if you have a need for both shopping and food?
    A. Covent Garden. B. Oxford Street. C. Hyde Park.
    20. What probably is GetYourGuide?
    A. A bus company. B. A travel app. C. A ticket office.
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    Building with 3D printing technology is sparking widespread interest in the construction industry. Besides reducing waste and our impact on the environment, it can speed up construction from weeks, or months, to days. To see how the technology can change the world around us, here are some projects that highlight bold ideas in 3D print building.
    Instant Neighborhood
    Community building takes on new meaning with the creation of a neighborhood of 3D printed homes in Tabasco, Mexico, aimed at tackling global homelessness. American non-profit New Story and tech company ICON built each concrete house from start to completion in 24 hours. New Story says its aim is to provide shelter for people without homes around the world.
    Nested Housing
    Shamballa is the idea of Italian 3D print construction company WASP. This project uses soil and straw to build a home in days that cost only 48 Euros in materials and energy. Its round designs are based on the wasp (黄蜂) nest. Each home features a laboratory with a desktop 3D printer for making furniture, artistic objects and more.
    Think Schools
    African island state Madagascar is hosting one of the world’s most forward-thinking school building projects. Non-profit Thinking Huts is using 3D print technology to provide schools where children have little or no access to education. Schools are built using local materials and low carbon concrete in under a week.
    Concrete Steps
    Researchers at the Swiss University ETH Zurich used concrete 3D printing to build the 16 metre long curved Striatus footbridge in a couple of days. The project used 500 layers of concrete and 53 hollow blocks, held in place by compression (压缩). This reduces materials by up to 70 per cent, and the entire bridge can be pulled down and recycled.
    1. What could be the inspiration behind the design of Nested Housing?
    A. A featured laboratory. B. A forward-thinking school.
    C. A round wasp nest. D. A long stone bridge.
    2. Which 3D construction project can be torn down and reused?
    A. Instant Neighborhood. B. Concrete Steps.
    C Think School. D. Nested Housing.
    3. What do these four 3D building projects have in common?
    A. They use local materials. B. They make construction faster.
    C. They are affordable to the homeless. D. They are high in cost.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. B
    细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“Its round designs are based on the wasp (黄蜂) nest. (它的圆形设计是基于黄蜂的巢)”可知,巢式住宅的设计灵感是圆形的黄蜂的巢。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据末段首句“Researchers at the Swiss University ETH Zurich used concrete 3D printing to build the 16 metre long curved Striatus footbridge in a couple of days. (瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的研究人员使用混凝土3D打印技术在几天内建造了这座16米长的弯曲Striatus人行桥)”以及末句“This reduces materials by up to 70 per cent, and the entire bridge can be pulled down and recycled. (这减少了高达70%的材料,整个桥梁可以被拆除和回收)”可知,Concrete Steps的3D建筑项目可以拆除并重复使用。故选B。
    细节理解题。通读全文,尤其根据首段前两句“Building with 3D printing technology is sparking widespread interest in the construction industry. Besides reducing waste and our impact on the environment, it can speed up construction from weeks, or months, to days. (使用3D打印技术的建筑引起了建筑行业的广泛兴趣。除了减少浪费和对环境的影响外,它还可以将施工时间从几周、几个月缩短到几天)”可知,本段是中心段。本文主要介绍使用3D打印技术的建筑,而他们的共同点是建筑工期变短,即修建得更快。故选B。
    When a woman struck up a conversation with an Ontario homeless man, she didn’t imagine it would change his life forever.
    After it became clear that Brian Bannister was a kind soul who had simply fallen on hard times, Danielle MacDuff offered him a job on her farm.
    Bannister was living in a shelter after a terribly challenging life that involved child abuse, overcoming addiction, and the death of his first wife, followed by the death of his second. He said he had given up, but MacDuff’s offer cheered up the man and brought the farm a pair of hands that are diligent at work and gentle with MacDuff’s children and her animals. “It astonished me. It just came from the heart with her and I’ve got to thank her every day,” Bannister told CTV News Toronto with tears in his eyes, who added he used to do farm work about 40 years ago.
    Every day he gets a ride to the farm where he helps MacDuf’s family care for 200 animals including goats, cows, and horses. The friendship that grew over time between the two led MacDuff to set up a GoFundMe to help Brian get back on his feet, which raised nearly CAD $10, 000 and was able to help him get his first shave and a haircut in two years as well as a new phone. MacDuff also helped organize some provincial financial support for Bannister.
    MacDuff said, “If we could get everyone off the street ideally that would be my one wish, but it takes a lot of people to come together and that is what has happened for Brian. I think that’s why we’ve come so far in such a short time.”
    4. What suffering did Bannister go through before he met MacDuff?
    A. Broken marriage. B. Painful childhood.
    C. life-threatening illness. D. Unpaid farmwork.
    5. How did Macduff help Bannister at first?
    A. She offered him accommodation. B. She donated money to him.
    C. She gave him a job on her farm. D. She helped him start a family.
    6. Why was the GoFundMe launched?
    A. To provide Bannister financial support. B. To collect for his medical treatments.
    C. To make the best of the provincial policy. D. To raise money for a cell phone.
    7. What can be learned from the last paragraph?
    A. A man can be defeated but can’t be destroyed. B. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
    C. Actions speak louder than words. D. Many hands make light work.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第三段首句“Bannister was living in a shelter after a terribly challenging life that involved child abuse, overcoming addiction, and the death of his first wife, followed by the death of his second. (班尼斯特经历了一段充满挑战的生活,包括虐待儿童,克服毒瘾,第一任妻子和第二任妻子相继去世,之后他住在一个避难所)”可知,班尼斯特经历了痛苦的童年,毒瘾,妻子逝世。故选B。

    细节理解题。根据第二段“After it became clear that Brian Bannister was a kind soul who had simply fallen on hard times, Danielle MacDuff offered him a job on her farm. (在得知布莱恩·班尼斯特是一个陷入困境的善良的人之后,丹妮尔·麦克杜夫在她的农场给了他一份工作)”可知,麦克杜夫给班尼斯特在农场工作的职业。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句“The friendship that grew over time between the two led MacDuff to set up a GoFundMe to help Brian get back on his feet, which raised nearly CAD $10, 000 and was able to help him get his first shave and a haircut in two years as well as a new phone. (随着时间的推移,两人之间的友谊不断加深,麦克杜夫建立了一个GoFundMe网站,帮助布莱恩重新站起来,筹集了近1万加元,并帮助他在两年内第一次刮胡子和理发,以及买了一部新手机)”可知,麦克杜夫建立网站是为了提供经济上的支持给布莱恩,让他重新站起来。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据末段“MacDuff said, “If we could get everyone off the street ideally that would be my one wish, but it takes a lot of people to come together and that is what has happened for Brian. I think that’s why we’ve come so far in such a short time.” (麦克杜夫说:“如果我们能让所有人都离开街头,这是我的一个理想愿望,但这需要很多人齐心协力,这就是布莱恩的遭遇。我认为这就是为什么我们在这么短的时间内取得了这么大的进展。”)”可知,很多人齐心协力帮助,在短时间内取得了很大的进展,阐释了众人拾柴火焰高的道理。故选D。
    A Kenyan citizen has been selected as one of the winners of an international award for pioneering grass-roots efforts to protect iconic (标志性的) wildlife species at the Amboseli National Park, which borders Tanzania. Daniel Leturesh, a grass-roots wildlife conservationist (环保主义者), won the award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) thanks to his three decades of protecting the natural habitats of iconic species like elephants and rhinoceros.
    Leturesh has actively engaged communities to preserve wildlife habitats over the past three decades. “Conservation is hard work, there are many challenges I have faced to win space for animals. Even now we are in a period of drought but I am happy we have managed to get 40 percent of public land for wildlife in the Amboseli region,” Leturesh said in a statement released by IFAW in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital.
    According to IFAW, Leturesh has been engaging local communities to preserve their lands and allow the free movement of wildlife in the Amboseli ecosystem. In addition, Leturesh has secured 26, 000 acres for wildlife habitation by persuading 2,600 landowners to rent out their land through international and local conservation groups. Thanks to his continuing efforts, there has not been harmful development of wildlife spreading habitats within the Amboseli ecosystem, said IFAW. Other achievements include the establishment of Kitenden Conservancy which connects Amboseli and West Kilimanjaro wildlife shelters, added IFAW. He represented a local community that signed an agreement that will see landowners benefit from annual rent and ecotourism income, according to IFAW.
    James Sawyer, the UK director for IFAW, said that Leturesh’s devotion to preserving his native lands for wildlife paved the way for iconic species to boom under threats like habitat loss and climate change. Sawyer added that Leturesh’s wildlife conservation model will help stop the decrease of iconic species that are key to sustaining(维持) rural livelihoods through tourism.
    8. What is the text?
    A. A news report. B. A diary entry. C. A biography. D. A science article.
    9. What have Leturesh’s efforts brought to the local communities?
    A. The National Park has attracted more visitors.
    B. The population of the local wildlife is booming.
    C. The local wildlife living habitats have been well protected.
    D. The lands have been kept undisturbed.
    10. Which of the following words best describe Leturesh?
    A. Devoted and ambitious. B. Tough and cautious.
    C. Cooperative and easy-going. D. Honest and determined.
    11. What is a suitable title for the text?
    A. Amboseli Succeeds in Preserving Iconic Wildlife Species
    B. Local Communities Make Great Contributions to Wildlife Protection
    C. Leturesh’s Model Sets a Good Example for Villagers
    D. Kenyan Conservationist Wins Award for Wildlife Protection
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. A 11. D
    【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要说明了肯尼亚公民Daniel Leturesh被选为一项国际奖项获奖者之一,介绍了他为保护野生动物所付出的努力以及人们对他的看法。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“A Kenyan citizen has been selected as one of the winners of an international award for pioneering grass-roots efforts to protect iconic (标志性的) wildlife species at the Amboseli National Park, which borders Tanzania.(一名肯尼亚公民被选为一项国际奖项的获奖者之一,以表彰他在与坦桑尼亚接壤的安博塞利国家公园为保护标志性野生动物物种所做的开拓性基层努力)”可推知,文章是一篇新闻报道。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Even now we are in a period of drought but I am happy we have managed to get 40 percent of public land for wildlife in the Amboseli region(即使现在我们正处于干旱时期,但我很高兴我们已经设法为安博塞利地区的野生动物争取到了40%的公共土地)”可知,Leturesh的努力让当地的野生动物栖息地得到了很好的保护。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“According to IFAW, Leturesh has been engaging local communities to preserve their lands and allow the free movement of wildlife in the Amboseli ecosystem. In addition, Leturesh has secured 26, 000 acres for wildlife habitation by persuading 2,600 landowners to rent out their land through international and local conservation groups. Thanks to his continuing efforts, there has not been harmful development of wildlife spreading habitats within the Amboseli ecosystem, said IFAW. Other achievements include the establishment of Kitenden Conservancy which connects Amboseli and West Kilimanjaro wildlife shelters, added IFAW. He represented a local community that signed an agreement that will see landowners benefit from annual rent and ecotourism income, according to IFAW.(据IFAW称,Leturesh一直在与当地社区合作,保护他们的土地,并允许野生动物在安博塞利生态系统中自由活动。此外,Leturesh还说服2600名土地所有者通过国际和当地的保护组织出租他们的土地,从而获得了26000英亩的野生动物栖息地。IFAW表示,由于他的持续努力,安博塞利生态系统内没有出现野生动物栖息地扩张的有害发展。IFAW补充说,其他成就包括建立了连接安博塞利和西乞力马扎罗山野生动物收容所的Kitenden保护协会。据IFAW称,他代表当地社区签署了一项协议,该协议将使土地所有者从年租金和生态旅游收入中受益)”以及最后一段“James Sawyer, the UK director for IFAW, said that Leturesh’s devotion to preserving his native lands for wildlife paved the way for iconic species to boom under threats like habitat loss and climate change.(IFAW的英国主管James Sawyer说,Leturesh致力于为野生动物保护自己的家园,为标志性物种在栖息地丧失和气候变化等威胁下的繁荣铺平了道路)”可推知,Leturesh有奉献精神且有抱负。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“A Kenyan citizen has been selected as one of the winners of an international award for pioneering grass-roots efforts to protect iconic (标志性的) wildlife species at the Amboseli National Park, which borders Tanzania. Daniel Leturesh, a grass-roots wildlife conservationist (环保主义者), won the award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) thanks to his three decades of protecting the natural habitats of iconic species like elephants and rhinoceros.(一名肯尼亚公民被选为一项国际奖项的获奖者之一,以表彰他在与坦桑尼亚接壤的安博塞利国家公园为保护标志性野生动物物种所做的开拓性基层努力。环保主义者Daniel Leturesh因30年来保护大象和犀牛等标志性物种的自然栖息地而获得了国际爱护动物基金会(IFAW)颁发的奖项)”结合文章主要说明了肯尼亚公民Daniel Leturesh被选为一项国际奖项的获奖者之一,介绍了他为保护野生动物所付出的努力以及人们对他的看法。故D选项“肯尼亚自然保护主义者获得野生动物保护奖”最符合文章标题。故选D。
    Scientists of the University of Antwerp and University of Liege have found how the human brain changes and adapts to weightlessness, after being in space for 6 months.
    A child who learns not to drop a glass on the floor is an example of how the brain follows the physical laws of gravity to best function on Earth. Astronauts who go to space station live in a weightless environment, where the brain’s rules about gravity are no longer applicable. A new study on brain function in astronauts has found how the brain’s organization is changed after a six-month mission to the International Space Station(ISS).
    The University of Antwerp has been leading this BRAIN-DTI scientific project through the European Space Agency. Magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)(磁共振成像)data were taken from 14 astronauts’ brains before and several times after their mission to space. Using a special MRI technique, the researchers collected the astronauts’ brain data in a resting condition.
    In cooperation with the University of Liege, recent analyses of the brain’s activity at rest found how functional connectivity, a marker of how activity in some brain areas is connected with the activity in others, changes in specific regions. “We found that connectivity was altered after spaceflight in regions which support the combination of different types of information, rather than dealing with only one type each time,” say Steven Jillings and Floris Wuyts. “Moreover, we found that some of these changed communication patterns remained throughout 8 months of being back on Earth. At the same time, some brain changes returned to the level of how the areas were functioning before the space mission.”
    The researchers are excited with the results, though they know it is only the first step in pursuing our understanding of brain communication changes after space travel. For example, we need to understand whether longer time spent in outer space might influence these observations, and whether brain characteristics may be helpful in selecting future astronauts or monitoring them during and after space travel.
    12. How does the author explain the changes in the human brain?
    A. By collecting the data. B. By doing a survey.
    C. By introducing a new concept. D. By giving an example.
    13. What does the underlined word “altered” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Strengthened. B. Shortened. C. Changed D. Established.
    14. What is the researchers’ attitude towards their future study?
    A. Doubtful. B. Uncertain. C. Worried. D. Hopeful.
    15. What’s the text mainly about?
    A. The adaptation of the brain is a must for space travel.
    B. Space travel influences the way the brain works.
    C. The changes of the brain may affect space travel.
    D. Space travel improves the function of the brain permanently.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B
    推理判断题。根据第二段“A child who learns not to drop a glass on the floor is an example of how the brain follows the physical laws of gravity to best function on Earth.(一个孩子学会了不把杯子掉在地板上,这就是大脑在地球上如何遵循重力物理定律来发挥最佳功能的一个例子)”可推知,作者通过举个例子解释人类大脑的变化。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段“In cooperation with the University of Liege, recent analyses of the brain’s activity at rest found how functional connectivity, a marker of how activity in some brain areas is connected with the activity in others, changes in specific regions.(在与列日大学的合作下,最近对大脑休息时活动的分析发现,功能连通性是如何在特定区域发生变化的,功能连通性是大脑某些区域的活动如何与其他区域的活动联系起来的标志)”;最后一句“At the same time, some brain changes returned to the level of how the areas were functioning before the space mission.(与此同时,大脑的一些变化回到了太空任务前的水平)”以及划线词后文“after spaceflight in regions which support the combination of different types of information, rather than dealing with only one type each time”由此可知,后文提到“大脑的一些变化回到了太空任务前的水平”,可推测研究人员发现在太空飞行后,支持不同类型信息组合的区域的连通性发生了变化,而不是每次只处理一种信息,故划线词意思是“改变”。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“The researchers are excited with the results, though they know it is only the first step in pursuing our understanding of brain communication changes after space travel. For example, we need to understand whether longer time spent in outer space might influence these observations, and whether brain characteristics may be helpful in selecting future astronauts or monitoring them during and after space travel.(研究人员对结果感到兴奋,尽管他们知道这只是我们了解太空旅行后大脑通信变化的第一步。例如,我们需要了解在外太空停留的时间是否会影响这些观察结果,以及大脑特征是否有助于选择未来的宇航员或在太空旅行期间和之后监测他们)”可推知,研究人员对未来研究的态度是充满希望。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Scientists of the University of Antwerp and University of Liege have found how the human brain changes and adapts to weightlessness, after being in space for 6 months.(安特卫普大学和列日大学的科学家发现,在太空中呆了6个月后,人类大脑是如何改变和适应失重的)”结合文章主要介绍了一项关于太空旅行对人类大脑影响的研究,介绍了研究开展的经过以及研究的发现。可知,这篇文章主要讲了太空旅行影响大脑的工作方式。故选B。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Living a joyful life does not mean denying painful emotions. Instead, it means cultivating a mindset(心态) that prefers an optimistic view of the world. At the same time, it means developing healthy ways to deal with difficult emotions. Here are five reasons why joy is a powerful life choice.
    Joy Improves Physical Health. In recent years, science continues to prove the link between emotional well being and physical health. According to a study in BMC Cancer, researchers found that happiness and optimism may protect against breast cancer. ___16___
    Joyful People are More Productive. ___17___ Research by Harvard Business Review found that people who work with a positive mindset may improve work performance on nearly every level including productivity, creativity, and commitment.
    ___18___ . If you want to improve the relationships in your life, become a happier person. Positive psychology experts say that cultivating happiness through daily habits builds healthier relationships. When you have a positive outlook, you tend to approach the people in your life from a place of gratitude and love. This helps the other feel more valued.
    Joy Boosts Creativity. Perhaps the typical miserable image of artists has led some to feel that misery may inspire art, yet this is not the recipe for creativity. ___19___ . According to Scientific American, happy people are open to all sorts of ideas, and people are most creative when they are in a good mood.
    Joy Creates More Joy! ___20___ Well, it is also true with joy. When you surround yourself with positive people, you experience more happiness in your own life. By spending more time with happy people, you may feel happier, which inspires even more joy in those you meet!
    A. Joy strengthens relationships.
    B. Joy determines the quality of life.
    C. The same goes for heart disease.
    D. You have probably heard the phrase “misery loves company.”
    E. Making joy a priority can pay off when it comes to your career.
    F. Clinic practices show that cancer patients can be cured.
    G. If you really want to inspire your creative side, you should inspire joy.
    【答案】16. C 17. E 18. A 19. G 20. D
    根据上文“Joy Improves Physical Health. In recent years, science continues to prove the link between emotional well being and physical health. According to a study in BMC Cancer, researchers found that happiness and optimism may protect against breast cancer.(快乐促进身体健康。近年来,科学不断证明情绪健康和身体健康之间的联系。根据《BMC癌症》杂志的一项研究,研究人员发现,快乐和乐观可以预防乳腺癌)”可知,本句承接上文继续说明快乐和乐观对疾病的预防作用。故C选项“心脏病也是如此”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Joyful People are More Productive.(快乐的人效率更高)”以及后文“Research by Harvard Business Review found that people who work with a positive mindset may improve work performance on nearly every level including productivity, creativity, and commitment.(《哈佛商业评论》的研究发现,以积极心态工作的人几乎可以在各个层面上提高工作表现,包括生产力、创造力和承诺)”可知,本段主要关于积极心态对职业的帮助,E选项中career对应后文work。故E选项“当涉及到你的职业生涯时,把快乐放在首位会给你带来回报”符合语境,故选E。
    根据后文“If you want to improve the relationships in your life, become a happier person. Positive psychology experts say that cultivating happiness through daily habits builds healthier relationships. When you have a positive outlook, you tend to approach the people in your life from a place of gratitude and love. This helps the other feel more valued.(如果你想改善生活中的人际关系,那就做一个更快乐的人。积极心理学专家说,通过日常习惯培养幸福感可以建立更健康的人际关系。当你有一个积极的观点,你倾向于从一个感激和爱的地方接近你生活中的人。这会让对方感到更有价值)”可知,本段主要说明了快乐对于人际关系的帮助,A选项中relationships对应后文relationships。故A选项“快乐能加强人际关系”符合语境,故选A。
    根据上文“Joy Boosts Creativity. Perhaps the typical miserable image of artists has led some to feel that misery may inspire art, yet this is not the recipe for creativity.(快乐促进创造力。也许艺术家们典型的悲惨形象让一些人觉得悲惨可能会激发艺术,但这并不是创造力的秘诀)”可知,本段主要说明了快乐可以促进创造力,G选项中creative对应上文creativity。故G选项“如果你真的想激发你的创造力,你应该激发快乐”符合语境,故选G。
    根据后文“Well, it is also true with joy. When you surround yourself with positive people, you experience more happiness in your own life. By spending more time with happy people, you may feel happier, which inspires even more joy in those you meet!(好吧,快乐也是如此。当你和积极的人在一起时,你会在自己的生活中体验到更多的幸福。花更多的时间和快乐的人在一起,你可能会感到更快乐,这也会给你遇到的人带来更多的快乐!)”可知,本段主要说明了和快乐的人在一起也会变得快乐,D选项中misery loves company表示当一个人处于痛苦或困境时,他们会觉得与其他同样遭遇困境的人在一起会感到安慰。故D选项“你可能听过这句话:‘同病相怜’”符合语境,故选D。
    The Nigerian girls ran a great race in the women’s 4 x 100m relay final at the Barcelona Olympics of 1992. They came from 5th position in the last 50 meters of the race to a(n) ___21___ position at the finish line. Mary Onyali ___22___ and crossed the line alongside a French competitor. Everyone in the stadium that day had ___23___ that the French girl had won, except the Nigerian girls.
    The ___24___ of the race was re-run on the screen. The first two places for Gold and Silver were not ___25___ , but the third place was not clear. Both girls had crossed the line at about the same time. The last meter was replayed in ___26___ motion. Frame (帧) by frame, the pictures moved and were ___27___ at the very end to reveal less than a hair’s breadth of a gap between Mary Onyali and the French athlete.
    The Nigerian girls saw this and ___28___ what had just happened. They had just become the first female medalists in Nigeria’s Olympic history! There was a(n) ___29___ inside the Barcelona Stadium. The stands burst into thunderous applause, cheers ___30___ the girls as they raced around the stadium for their earned ___31___ lap (圈). Anyone watching the celebrations would ___32___ have thought they were not the winner in that race, and that they were in third-place.
    Those pictures of the celebration by the Nigerian girls have become one of the most ___33___ in Olympic history, demonstrating in living color the spirit of the Olympics and of sport, that winning is ___34___ only coming “first” in an event. This is a fundamental ___35___ , not just in sports, but in all of life.
    21. A. improper B. hopeless C. unclear D. difficult
    22. A. caught up B. fell over C. turned around D. set up
    23. A. learned B. assumed C. celebrated D. clarified
    24. A. lead B. team C. time D. end
    25. A. subjective B. controversial C. certain D. important
    26. A. steady B. rapid C. slight D. slow
    27. A. frozen B. skipped C. removed D. taken
    28. A. wondered B. decided C. realized D. implied
    29. A. discussion B. explosion C. whisper D. echo
    30. A. welcoming B. thanking C. inviting D. introducing
    31. A. favourite B. fast C. opening D. victory
    32. A. often B. ever C. never D. also
    33. A. typical B. common C. ordinary D. innovative
    34. A. against B. beyond C. through D. about
    35. A. study B. rule C. gift D. lesson
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们从比赛最后50米的第5名跑到终点线的一个不明确的位置。A. improper不正确的;B. hopeless绝望地;C. unclear不清楚的;D. difficult困难的。根据后文“but the third place was not clear”可知,此处指不明确的位置。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:玛丽·奥尼亚利赶上来,和一名法国选手一起冲过了终点线。A. caught up卷入;B. fell over跌倒;C. turned around转身;D. set up建立。根据上文“They came from 5th position”以及后文“and crossed the line alongside a French competitor”可知,玛丽·奥尼亚利赶上来,和一名法国选手一起冲过了终点线。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天体育场里的每个人都以为法国女孩赢了,除了尼日利亚女孩。A. learned学习;B. assumed认定;C. celebrated庆祝;D. clarified澄清。根据后文“the French girl had won”可知,此处指人们以为法国女孩赢了。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:比赛的终点在屏幕上重新播放。A. lead领先地位;B. team队伍;C. time时间;D. end结束。根据上文“and crossed the line alongside a French competitor”可知,两个女孩是一起冲过终点站的,所以是回播比赛的终点。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:金牌和银牌的前两名没有争议,但第三名却不清楚。A. subjective主观的;B. controversial有争议的;C. certain当然的;D. important重要的。根据后文“but the third place was not clear.”中but表示转折,说明金牌和银牌的前两名没有争议,但第三名却不清楚。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:最后一米用慢镜头重播了一遍。A. steady稳定的;B. rapid快速的;C. slight轻微的;D. slow缓慢的。根据上文“Both girls had crossed the line at about the same time.(两个女孩几乎同时过线了)”可知,最后一米用慢镜头重播了一遍。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:照片一帧一帧地移动,最后定格,显示出玛丽·奥尼亚利和这位法国运动员之间不到一根头发的差距。A. frozen冻结;B. skipped跳跃;C. removed去除;D. taken带走。根据后文“at the very end”指画面定格到了最后一刻,显示出玛丽·奥尼亚利和这位法国运动员之间不到一根头发的差距。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尼日利亚女孩们看到了这一幕,意识到刚刚发生了什么。A. wondered想知道;B. decided决定;C. realized意识到;D. implied暗示。根据后文“They had just become the first female medalists in Nigeria’s Olympic history!(她们刚刚成为尼日利亚奥运会历史上第一批女奖牌获得者!)”可知,尼日利亚女孩们看到了这一幕,意识到刚刚发生了什么。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:巴塞罗那体育场内发生了一次爆炸性事件。A. discussion讨论;B. explosion爆炸;C. whisper低语;D. echo回声。根据上文“They had just become the first female medalists in Nigeria’s Olympic history!(她们刚刚成为尼日利亚奥运会历史上第一批女奖牌获得者!)”可知,巴塞罗那体育场内发生了一次爆炸性事件。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:看台上爆发出雷鸣般的掌声,欢呼声欢迎女孩们在体育场周围奔跑,为她们赢得胜利。A. welcoming欢迎;B. thanking感谢;C. inviting邀请;D. introducing介绍。根据上文“The stands burst into thunderous applause, cheers”指看台上爆发出雷鸣般的掌声,欢呼声欢迎女孩们在体育场周围奔跑,故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:看台上爆发出雷鸣般的掌声,欢呼声欢迎女孩们在体育场周围奔跑,为她们赢得胜利。A. favourite最爱的;B. fast快速的;C. opening开始的;D. victory胜利。根据上文“They had just become the first female medalists in Nigeria’s Olympic history!(她们刚刚成为尼日利亚奥运会历史上第一批女奖牌获得者!)”可知,她们赢得了胜利,所以绕着体育场跑。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:任何观看庆祝活动的人都不会想到她们不是那场比赛的赢家,而是排在第三位。A. often经常;B. ever曾经;C. never从不;D. also也。根据后文“have thought they were not the winner in that race, and that they were in third-place”可知,女孩的兴奋程度让任何观看庆祝活动的人都不会想到她们不是那场比赛的赢家,而是排在第三位。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些尼日利亚女孩庆祝的照片已经成为奥运会历史上最典型的照片之一,用生动的色彩展示了奥运会和体育的精神,那就是胜利不仅仅是在一项赛事中获得“第一”。A. typical典型的;B. common共同的;C. ordinary普通的;D. innovative创新的。根据后文“in Olympic history”指尼日利亚女孩庆祝的照片已经成为奥运会历史上最典型的照片之一,故选A。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:这些尼日利亚女孩庆祝的照片已经成为奥运会历史上最典型的照片之一,用生动的色彩展示了奥运会和体育的精神,那就是胜利不仅仅是在一项赛事中获得“第一”。A. against反对;B. beyond超越;C. through通过;D. about关于。根据后文“only coming “first” in an event.”可知,此处指奥运精神中,胜利不仅仅是在一项赛事中获得“第一”,beyond表示“越过,超出”符合语境。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个基本的教训,不仅在体育运动中,而且在生活的所有方面。A. study学习;B. rule规则;C. gift礼物;D. lesson课程。根据上文“winning is beyond only coming “first” in an event.”可知,比赛不只是为了胜利,更是为了超越自我,这是一项包含生活各个方面的道理教训。故选D。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    TikTok on Thursday began letting users post videos up to three minutes in length to stay ahead of competitors. TikTok ___36___ (believe) to have one billion users worldwide including more than 100 million in the United States, and is ___37___ (especial) popular with young smartphone users.
    “ ___38___ longer videos, creators will be able to create new or expanded types of content on TikTok, with the flexibility of a bit more space,” product manager Drew Kirchhoff said in a post.
    TikTok, ___39___ is owned by China-based ByteDance, remains one of the world’s most popular social media apps ___40___ faces competitors such as YouTube and others. Facebook-owned Instagram will be experimenting with video features ___41___ (ride) the hot trend, chief Adam Mosseri said in a Twitter post. Video sharing and viewing is driving a lot of ___42___ (grow) at online platforms, and Instagram needs to “lean into” it more, according to Mosseri. “We are no longer ___43___ photo-sharing app,” Mosseri said in a video ___44___ (share) at Twitter. “There is some serious competition now. TikTok is huge; YouTube is even ____45____ (big), and there are lots of other upstarts as well.”
    【答案】36. is believed
    37. especially
    38. With 39. which
    40. but 41. to ride
    42. growth 43. a
    44. shared 45. bigger
    考查时态语态。句意:据信,TikTok在全球拥有10亿用户,其中包括美国的1亿多用户,尤其受到年轻智能手机用户的欢迎。表示“据信”可知短语为be believed to,陈述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为TikTok,谓语用单数。故填is believed。
    考查介词。句意:产品经理Drew Kirchhoff在一篇帖子中说:“有了更长的视频,创作者将能够在TikTok上创建新的或扩展的内容类型,并拥有更多空间的灵活性。”后跟名词作宾语,表示“有”应用介词with,首字母大写。故填With。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:facebook旗下的Instagram首席执行官亚当·莫塞里在推特上发帖称,Instagram将尝试推出视频功能,以顺应这一热门趋势。分析句子结构可知ride在句中作目的状语,应用不定式。故填to ride。
    46. 你是某国际学校学生会主席,学校将在下周四举办世界粮食日(World Food Day)庆祝活动,请你写一篇英文发言稿,介绍相关情况并倡议师生积极参加,内容包括:
    1. 活动目的;
    2. 活动内容;
    3. 提出倡议。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear teachers and my fellows,
    【答案】Dear teachers and my fellows,
    Our school will be celebrating this year’s World Food Day next Thursday. The purpose of this event is to increase our awareness of the importance of cherishing every single grain on our plate. Our school chefs will be showing how food in our cafeteria is prepared. Also, some posters will be on display at the Student Center to illustrate how our favorite dish is produced from field to plate. Please log onto the school website to know more about the details.
    As president of the Student Union, I encourage every one of you to join us and become the agent of change!
    Thank you!
    目的:purpose →aim →goal →objective
    展览:display →show →exhibition
    说明:illustrate →explain
    鼓励:encourage→ advocate
    原句:Please log onto the school website to know more about the details.
    拓展句:If you want to know more about the details, please log onto the school website.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Our school chefs will be showing how food in our cafeteria is prepared.(运用了how引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】Also, some posters will be on display at the Student Center to illustrate how our favorite dish is produced from field to plate.(运用了how 引导宾语从句以及不定式作目的状语)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Today was the finals of the Dance Competition. Our team of five had me as the lead dancer; then there was Grace, my best friend and Eric, a dance lover who is a master in perfecting our choreography (编舞); and two talented twins, with such flexibility and grace on the stage that one cannot take their eyes off them.
    We had found a perfect coach for our team. Jackie, a cousin of Eric’s, worked in a dance school. She was a bit hesitant at first, but quickly agreed when she saw the progress we had made so far.
    In the dressing rooms, there were so many other competitors preparing for their performance, rushing here and there.
    Grace and I had changed into our costumes and were putting on our shoes when Eric murmured, “Who are they?”
    We turned to follow his stare, among many people, four beautiful girls along with a lean boy had just walked in.
    “They’re first-rate!” cried Grace, “more like fashion models.”
    They sure were. A look at the list of competitors told me they were from “Tweekverse”, the most famous dance school in the whole country.
    Jackie came up behind us, “Guys, it’s time, come on. Let’s go!”
    “Oooh, do you get the vibe (氛围)?” Grace was excited. I could understand her, I didn’t feel any less thrilled.
    When we entered the concert hall, my jaw literally just dropped. It was massive. There were so many people. The four judges, who were seated at a large panel, did look very serious.
    The competition started. The first performances were brilliant. One team had the neon (霓虹) theme, in which they wore shine-in-the-dark costumes and the whole place was dark. I was attracted to their impressive display. Obviously, everybody was. The judges’ cards displayed the scores. They were marking out of ten.
    The next performances were even better, but for us, they became more competitive. The group from Tweekverse was the best. Their costumes, charming faces and fascinating performance impressed everyone.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    It was our turn next.
    I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the final score — 9. 5 on the screen.
    【答案】It was our turn next. I felt goose bumps and my hands were shaking. My teammates also seemed very nervous. Jackie immediately worked out our expressions. “Hey, it’s going to be alright guys. You have got to enjoy yourself, move with the beat and dance your heart out.” she encouraged us. As we went up the stage, I felt a new energy. We were going to show the judges how excellently we could not only dance, but also make the audience connect and feel with us. That determination and courage made me and our team ace the competition.
    I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the final score — 9.5 on the sereen. It was the highest mark yet, and ours was the last performance. The crowd was bowled over by us. As we were bowing in response to the standing ovation we received. I glimpsed sideways and saw a beaming Jackie cheering with the audience. Our rivals came to meet us too. I could detect a note of disappointment in their “Congrats”. However, that was not what caused me to grin, it was just my elation at how we outshone them with our performance.
    【详解】1. 段落续写
    2. 续写线索:我们很紧张——杰基教练安慰我们——我们表演成功——欢呼的场面
    3. 词类激活
    【点睛】【高分句型1】We were going to show the judges how excellently we could not only dance, but also make the audience connect and feel with us. (运用了how引导的宾语从句)
    【高分句型2】However, that was not what caused me to grin, it was just my elation at how we outshone them with our performance. (运用了what引导的表语从句以及how引导的宾语从句)

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