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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分15分)
    1. How much will the woman pay for two pounds of bananas?
    A. 90 cents. B. 38 cents. C. 1.80 dollars.
    2. What is the man going to do?
    A. Run to the airport.
    B. Wait for another bus.
    C. Run to catch the next bus.
    3. Where are the two speakers now?
    A. In a taxi. B. On a bus. C. On a train.
    4. What does the man like most?
    A. Skating. B. Listening to music. C. Collecting stamps.
    5. What is the woman going to do?
    A. Help the man find a shop.
    B. Show the man the way to a hotel.
    C. Find a hotel for herself.
    6. When did Tony hurt his leg?
    A. Last night. B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Today.
    7. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Mother and son. B. Classmates. C. Teacher and student.
    8. How is Tony feeling right now?
    A. Very painful. B. Very sad. C. Very tired.
    9. What has happened to the girl?
    A. She can’t find the way to Jinan University.
    B. She can’t find the way to a shop.
    C. She has missed a bus.
    10. How will the girl go to the university finally?
    A By bus. B. By taxi. C. On foot.
    11. When does the class begin?
    A. At 2:05. B. At 2:50. C. At 2:15.
    12. How many books can a student borrow at most at a time?
    A. 10. B. 20. C. 30.
    13. What does the speaker mainly talk about?
    A. The university library.
    B. The rules of an English Reading Room.
    C. The opening hours of an English Reading Room.
    14. Where can a student find a famous novel?
    A. On Level 1. B. On Level 2. C. On Level 3.
    15. How long can the students keep the borrowed books?
    A 14 days. B. 20 days. C. 28 days.
    例:Stand over there you’ll be able to see it better.
    A. or B. and C. but D. while
    答案是 B。
    1. —Thank you for sharing your Bilibili membership with me.
    —________! That’s what friends are for.
    A. Not really B. What a pity C. It’s up to you D. Don’t mention it
    【详解】考查情景交际和习惯表达。句意:——非常感谢您与我分享您的哔哩哔哩会员资格。——别客气,这是朋友应该做的。A. not really不完全是;B. what a pity太遗憾了;C. it's up to you你说了算;D. Don’t mention it不用谢,没关系。根据语境可知,此处是感谢的答语,应该使用Don’t mention it 意为 “不用谢” 符合语境。故选D项。
    2. Amy, as well as her brothers, ________ a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.
    A. is given B. are given
    C. was given D. were given
    【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:艾米和她的兄弟们当上周回到村里时,受到了热烈的欢迎。根据last week可知,应用过去时,排除选项A和B;本句的主语是Amy,她受到热烈欢迎,所以用过去时的被动。故选C。
    3. Yellowstone is famous for the________of its wildlife, but it’s probably best known for its bears.
    A. variety B. quality C. charity D. facility
    【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:黄石公园以其种类繁多的野生动物而闻名,但它里面的熊可能是最出名的。A. variety种类;B. quality质量,素质;C. charity慈善事业;D. facility设备,设施。分析句子可知,此处填名词作宾语,结合句意可知,variety意为“种类”符合句意。故选A项。
    4. She is________working on her third novel that will be partly based in the North of England.
    A. regularly B. originally C. currently D. significantly
    【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:她目前正在创作她的第三部小说,这部小说将部分以英格兰北部为背景。A. regularly定期地,有规律地;B. originally起初,原来。C. currently目前;D. significantly显著地,意义重大地。分析句子结构可知,此处为副词作状语修饰谓语动词,结合句意,currently意为“目前,当前”符合句意。故选C项。
    5. What puzzles Lily's friends is ________ she always has so many crazy ideas.
    A whether B. why C. what D. when
    【详解】考查连接词词义辨析。句意:令Lily的朋友们感到困扰的是她为什么总是有这么多疯狂的想法。A. whether是否;B. why为什么;C. what什么,所…的事儿;D. when什么时间,…的时间。分析句子,该空需要一个表语从句的连接词,结合句意,应该是朋友们不明白Lily 为什么有这么多疯狂的想法。所以本句为why引导的表语从句。故选B项。
    6. They wanted to________a machine that was both attractive and practical.
    A. argue B. design C. wrap D. survive
    【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们想设计一台既有吸引力又实用的机器。A. argue争辩;B. design设计;C. wrap包裹;D. survive幸存。分析句子可知,空前为不定式符号to,所以此处应为动词原形,结合句意可知,此处应为design意为“设计”符合句意。故选B项。
    7. Although modern technology could help produce more crops, the Longji Rice Terraces mean a lot to the local people________traditions hold much value.
    A. of whom B. with whom C. for whom D. from whom
    【详解】考查定语从句。句意:虽然现代技术可以帮助生产更多的作物,但龙脊梯田对当地人来说意义重大,对他们来说,传统具有很高的价值。分析句子结构和选项可知,此处为“介词+which/whom”结构引导的定语从句,先行词是the local people,所以关系代词使用whom,根据句意,此处表示的是“对当地人来说”,介词使用for符合句意。故选C项
    8. Group activities will be organized after class _____ children develop team spirit.
    A. helping B. having helped
    C. helped D. to help

    9. You’ll feel a lot better about yourself________you work on solutions to your upsetting situations.
    A. if B. why C. although D. unless
    【详解】考查状语从句。句意:如果你自己设法找到了解决麻烦的方法,你就会感觉好很多。A. if如果;B. why为什么;C. although尽管;D. unless除非。分析句子可知,此处应为连词引导的状语从句;结合句意,此处连词引导的是条件状语从句,if意为“如果”符合句意。故选A项。
    10. The children________very excited as they opened Christmas gifts from their parents.
    A. must have been B. must be C. can have been D. can be
    【详解】考查情态动词。句意:孩子们打开父母送的圣诞礼物时一定非常兴奋。根据下文“they opened Christmas gifts from their parents”可知,此处为对过去事实的推测,需要用情态动词+have done。再结合句意可知,孩子们在收到父母送的礼物时一定很高兴,所以用must have been。故选A。
    I remember I was just eighteen when Grandma Julie died. Until the lawyer read her ____11____, I never fully____12____the depth of Grandma’s love. It was a moment I will never forget — a day that made me the____13____kid in town.
    After____14____the distribution of Grandma’s legacies (遗产), the lawyer said, “There are three more things.” He____15____his bag and brought out a small____16____box, which contained my Grandma’s wedding ring. “These letters and notes are also for you,” he____17____.
    Grandma’s letter began, “Dear Jeffrey, I’m____18____you one of my most precious treasures — my memories. These memories are the letters your____19____wrote me. They are______20______— a(n)______21______that will teach you how to love and understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity (正直). When you read them you will______22______the love and passion of a good man for a good woman, and you’ll learn how love can become the______23______of your life.
    “I have been______24______, since I loved a wonderful man who also loved me. Love is like a beautiful______25______you store in an album. You can enjoy its beauty each time you______26______it in wonder. I’ve just shown you how priceless his love notes are. Please learn from them. Then find the right girl to love and love her______27______ This love will______28______both your lives and make you both happier.”
    “As for being valuable, save the envelopes. It’s said the old stamps are worth far more than the rest of my wealth. And, the personal hand-written note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the______29______. Have a______30______ meaningful life. God bless you.”
    11. A. will B. story C. dialogues D. works
    12. A. measure B. appreciate C. guess D. find
    13. A. happiest B. loneliest C. best D. richest
    14. A. delivering B. announcing C. writing D. sharing
    15. A. turned into B. reached into C. went into D. looked into
    16. A. tool B. pencil C. jewelry D. letter
    17. A. added B. shouted C. whispered D. joked
    18. A. considering B. teaching C. leaving D. providing
    19. A. dad B. mom C. grandpa D. uncle
    20. A. expensive B. valuable C. old-fashioned D. serious
    21. A. speech B. guidebook C. introduction D. method
    22. A. keep B. miss C. send D. feel
    23. A. strategy B. center C. process D. trouble
    24. A. ambitious B. strong C. honest D. fortunate
    25. A. photograph B. article C. source D. element
    26. A. arrive at B. point at C. stare at D. laugh at
    27. A. deeply B. immediately C. eventually D. originally
    28. A. enrich B. revise C. save D. design
    29. A. letters B. notes C. stamps D. envelopes
    30. A. quiet B. busy C. proud D. loving
    【答案】11. A 12. B 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. B 21. B 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. C 30. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在律师宣读她的遗嘱之前,我从未完全体会到奶奶深深的爱。A. will 遗嘱;B. story故事;C. dialogues对话;D. works作品。根据上文中的“I remember I was just eighteen when Grandma Julie died.”可知,奶奶去世了,律师读的是她的遗嘱。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在律师宣读她的遗嘱之前,我从未完全体会到奶奶深深的爱。A. measure测量;B. appreciate欣赏,领会;C. guess猜测;D. find发现。根据句中“…the depth of Grandma’s love.”和下文中奶奶留给作者的东西可知,此处指的是领会到奶奶的深爱。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那是我永远不会忘记的时刻——这一天让我成为镇上最富有的孩子。A. happiest 最快乐的;B. loneliest最孤独的;C. best最好的;D. richest最富有的。根据最后一段中的“As for being valuable, save the envelopes. It’s said the old stamps are worth far more than the rest of my wealth. And, the personal hand-written note from General Pershing is even more valuable than the ___19____ .”可知,奶奶留给作者很大的财富,所以使得作者成为最富有的孩子。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在宣布了奶奶遗产的分配后,律师说:“还有三件东西。”。A. delivering递送;B. announcing宣布;C. writing写出;D. sharing分享。根据上文中的“Until the lawyer read her ____1____ , I never fully ____2____ the depth of Grandma’s love.”可知,此处指的是律师宣读奶奶的遗产分配。故选B项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:他把手伸进包里,拿出一个小盒子,里面装着我奶奶的结婚戒指。A. turned into变成;B. reached into伸进去取;C. went into进入;D. looked into调查。根据下文中的“…his bag and brought out a small____6____box…”可知,后面是取出一个小盒子,此处应该是把手伸进去取。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把手伸进包里,拿出一个小首饰盒子,里面装着我奶奶的结婚戒指。A. tool 工具;B. pencil铅笔;C. jewelry首饰;D. letter信件。根据下文中的“…which contained my Grandma’s wedding ring.”可知,盒子里装的是结婚戒指,由此可判断此处是“首饰”盒。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“这些信件和笔记也是给你的,”他补充说。A. added 补充,添加;B. shouted大喊;C. whispered低语;D. joked开玩笑。根据上文中的“These letters and notes are also for you,”以及上文中的首饰盒可知,此处是律师补充说的话。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:亲爱的杰弗里,我要给你留下我最珍贵的宝藏之一——我的回忆。A. considering考虑;B. teaching教学;C. leaving留下,离开;D. providing提供。根据常识,遗嘱里面是留给作者的遗产。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些记忆是你爷爷写给我的信。A. dad 爸爸;B. mom妈妈;C. grandpa爷爷;D. uncle叔叔。根据上文“When you read them you will ____12____ the love and passion of a good man for a good woman…”可知,这些记忆应该是爷爷写给作者奶奶的信件。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们很宝贵——一本指南,教你如何爱和理解别人,以及如何尊重和保持你的正直。A. expensive 昂贵的;B. valuable宝贵的;C. old-fashioned过时的;D. serious认真的。根据上文中的“…one of my most precious treasures — my memories.”并结合语境可知,此处与上文中的most precious意义相近。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们是有价值的——一本指南,教你如何爱和理解别人,以及如何尊重和保持你的正直。A. speech演讲;B. guidebook指南;C.introduction介绍;D. method方法。根据下文中的定语从句“…hat will teach you how to love and understand people, and how to respect and maintain your integrity (正直).”可知,这是给作者的一些人生成长指南。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你阅读它们时,你会感受到一个好男人对一个好女人的爱和激情,你会了解到爱如何成为你生活的中心。A. keep继续,维持;B. miss错过,思念;C. send发送;D. feel感觉。结合常识可知,在读信件的时候,是去感受信件的内容。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当你阅读它们时,你会感受到一个好男人对一个好女人的爱和激情,你会了解到爱如何成为你生活的中心。A. strategy策略;B. center中心;C. process过程;D. trouble麻烦。根据上文中的“When you read them you will ____12____ the love and passion of a good man for a good woman…”可知,此处指的是作者了解到爷爷对奶奶的爱成为了生活的中心。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很幸运,因为我爱了一个也爱我的好男人。A. ambitious有野心的;B. strong强壮的;C. honest诚实的;D. fortunate幸运的。根据下文中的原因状语从句“…since I loved a wonderful man who also loved me.”可判断奶奶觉得找到一个也爱自己的男人,自己很幸运。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:爱就像你存储在相册中的一张美丽的照片。A. photograph照片;B. article文章;C. source来源;D. element因素。根据下文中的“…store in an album.”可知,此处指的是相片。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:每次您惊奇地凝视它时,您都可以享受它的美丽。A. arrive at到达;B. point at指着;C. stare at盯着;D. laugh at嘲笑。根据上文中的“You can enjoy its beauty…”以及下文中的“in wonder”可知,此处指的是凝视照片的时候,能够感受到它的美。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然后找到合适的女孩去爱她,深深地爱她。A. deeply深深地;B. immediately立刻,马上;C. eventually最终;D. originally最初。根据上文中的“When you read them you will ___12__ the love and passion of a good man for a good woman, and you’ll learn how love can become the ____13____ of your life.”可知,爷爷深深的爱着奶奶,所以此处奶奶也是希望作者如同爷爷一样去深爱自己的爱人。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种爱将丰富你们的生活,让你们俩都更快乐。A. enrich丰富;B. revise修订;C. save节省;D. design设计。根据上文中的“Dear Jeffrey, I’m ___8____ you one of my most precious treasures — my memories.”可知,爷爷对奶奶的爱成为奶奶最宝贵的记忆,这种爱丰富了奶奶的一生。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:而且,潘兴将军的个人手写便条甚至比邮票更有价值。A. letters信件;B. notes笔记;C. stamps邮票;D. envelopes信封。根据上文中的“As for being valuable, save the envelopes. It’s said the old stamps are worth far more than the rest of my wealth.”可知。此处指的是邮票。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一个充满爱的有意义的生活。A. quiet安静的;B. busy忙碌的;C. proud骄傲的;D. loving有爱的。根据奶奶在留给作者的信件内容均是表达的是对爱的见解和看法,由此可判断,奶奶希望作者过有爱有意义的人生。故选D项。
    第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
    Booking a vacation has never been more convenient. As your one-stop vacation planner, VME has everything you need to book an unforgettable getaway. If you aren’t sure where to go, check out our most popular destinations:
    ● Nashville
    Nashville is the capital of the state as well as the capital of country music. Nicknamed “Music City”, Nashville is where many of the most legendary performers got their start.
    Things to do
    There are many amazing activities to enjoy in Nashville. For country music lovers, there truly is nothing better than watching a show at the legendary Grand Ole Opry.
    ● Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg
    Home to the Great Smoky Mountains, the Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg area of Tennessee is a must-see. This beautiful region is filled with natural wonders and amazing shows.
    Things to do
    The Smokies are known for the entertainment offered within its shadow! Be sure to head out to beloved dinner shows in Pigeon Forge such as Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Show, Hatfield and McCoy Dinner Show, and the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster (过山车).
    ● Myrtle Beach
    If coastal views and oceanic adventures are just what you want, then Myrtle Beach is the place for you! This city is known for its great beaches and adventures that offer up unique opportunities to create the most unforgettable memories.
    Things to do
    There are many awesome things to do in Myrtle Beach! Set out on the sparkling (波光粼粼的) waters to look for dolphins on the Myrtle Beach Dolphin Sightseeing Cruises (航行) before returning to the city to visit Ripley’s Aquarium (水族馆). No matter what sort of adventures you are looking to have, there is something for everyone.
    ● San Antonio
    Home to rich Texan and American history, San Antonio is a great place to visit for a combination of history and modern attractions.
    Things to do
    Whether you want to get in some thrills at SeaWorld or see the shops, restaurants and entertainment of the Riverwalk on the Go Rio San Antonio Riverwalk Cruise, your trip to San Antonio will be a blast (狂欢).
    31. Who would most probably want to take a trip to Nashville?
    A. Those who like hiking.
    B. Those who love Texan history.
    C. Those who are into country music.
    D. Those who like oceans and beaches.
    32. Which is an ideal destination for people who are fond of watching dinner shows?
    A. Nashville. B. San Antonio.
    C. Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg. D. Myrtle Beach.
    33. What can people do in Myrtle Beach?
    A. Go on a cruise to watch dolphins.
    B. Shop at bookstores of the Riverwalk.
    C. Visit an aquarium and take a roller-coaster ride.
    D. Visit some attractions to learn about American history.
    34. Which of the following is the best place for Tom to visit if he is interested in history?
    A. Nashville. B. Myrtle Beach.
    C. San Antonio. D. Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg.
    35. Where are you most likely to read this article?
    A. In a book review. B. In a travel journal.
    C. In a social magazine. D. In a travel agency website.
    【答案】31. C 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. D
    细节理解题。根据Nashville 部分中的“Nashville is the capital of the state as well as the capital of country music.( Nashville是该州的首府,也是乡村音乐之都。)”可知,Nashville是乡村音乐的首都,所以想去Nashville 的人应该是喜欢乡村音乐的人。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg部分中的“Be sure to head out to beloved dinner shows in Pigeon Forge such as Dolly Parton’s Stampede Dinner Show, Hatfield and McCoy Dinner Show, and the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster (过山车).(一定要前往鸽子谷(Pigeon Forge)深受喜爱的晚餐表演,例如多莉·帕顿(Dolly Parton)的牛仔节晚餐秀(Stampede Dinner Show),哈特菲尔德(Hatfield)和麦考伊(McCoy)晚餐秀,以及大烟山高山过山车(Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster)。)”可知在Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg,一定去看心爱的晚餐表演,所以想去看晚餐表演的人应该去Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据Myrtle Beach部分中的“Set out on the sparkling (波光粼粼的) waters to look for dolphins on the Myrtle Beach Dolphin Sightseeing Cruises (航行) before returning to the city to visit Ripley’s Aquarium (水族馆).(在波光粼粼的水域出发,在默特尔比奇海豚观光游轮上寻找海豚,然后返回城市参观里普利水族馆。)”可知,在Myrtle Beach可以在海豚观光游轮上寻找海豚。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据San Antonio 部分中的“Home to rich Texan and American history, San Antonio is a great place to visit for a combination of history and modern attractions.( San Antonio拥有丰富的德克萨斯州和美国历史,是历史和现代景点相结合的好地方。)”可知,San Antonio拥有丰富的德克萨斯州和美国的历史,所以,如果Tom对美国历史感兴趣,应该是选择San Antonio。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据首段中的“As your one-stop vacation planner, VME has everything you need to book an unforgettable getaway. If you aren’t sure where to go, check out our most popular destinations: (作为您的一站式度假规划师,VME拥有您预订难忘假期所需的一切。如果您不确定去哪里,请查看我们最受欢迎的目的地:)”可知,本文主要介绍的是四个不同特色的旅游目的地,由此可推断,这些内容应该是在旅游相关的地方能都看到。故选D项。
    I’ve been writing now for 34 years. It all started when I was just 18 years old.
    As a boy growing up, I probably read hundreds of books. I read mysteries, science fiction, thrillers, and just about any other type of book I could find. I had a thirst for knowledge that never seemed to disappear, no matter how many books I read over the years. Then suddenly, I found that I too had ideas of my own that I wanted to write and share. I wanted to share things that were full of goodness, love, joy, and happiness. I tried to ignore my desire at first, but as any writer will tell you, once ideas awaken inside of you, they don’t leave you alone until you write them down. I didn’t have a computer, or even a typewriter, but I grabbed a pen and a notebook and wrote down everything that was burning inside of me.
    When I was finally done, I didn’t know how to share my work with the world. There was no internet back then, no smartphones, and no social media. However, I sought out (找到) the editor of my local newspaper and asked if he would like to print what I’d written. He was a good man, full of both wisdom and kindness. He not only printed my first story but agreed to publish anything else I was willing to write.
    After that, of course, nothing could stop me. I continued to write new articles each week, which were published in different local papers and later on the internet. Years later, I even self-published two collections of my stories in book form.
    Through my writing, I slowly became a better person. Writing allowed me to discover the goodness and light that exist in us all. I also found that we are all writers, whether we put pen to paper or not.
    With every choice we make, with every thought we think, and with every action we take, we are writing our own life story.
    36. Why did the author start writing?
    A. He wanted to try writing thrillers.
    B. He wanted to express his own ideas.
    C. He thought it would be easy after reading so much.
    D. He wanted to inspire others with his reading experience.
    37. What can we know about the author’s writing career?
    A. It was lucky but short.
    B. It was busy and lonely.
    C. He like writing but he gave it up.
    D. He pushed forward with his writing.
    38. After publishing his works, the author________.
    A. felt writing had improved him
    B. encouraged others to put pen to paper
    C. often thought about the choices he made
    D. used social media to spread his influence
    39. What can we know from the last paragraph?
    A. We will think twice before writing and action.
    B. We will make wise choice by writing articles.
    C We will become a better person by writing.
    D. We are all the authors of our own lives.
    40. Which of the following can best describe the author?
    A. Hardworking. B. Cooperative.
    C. Humorous. D. Outgoing.
    【答案】36. B 37. D 38. A 39. D 40. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Then suddenly, I found that I too had ideas of my own that I wanted to write and share.(然后突然间,我发现我也有自己的想法,我想写和分享。)”以及“I tried to ignore my desire at first, but as any writer will tell you, once ideas awaken inside of you, they don’t leave you alone until you write them down. (起初我试图忽略我的欲望,但正如任何作家都会告诉你的那样,一旦想法在你内心苏醒,它们就不会让你一个人待着,直到你把它们写下来。)”可知,作者总想去写作和分享的想法,由此可知,作者开始写作的原因是想要表达自己。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I didn’t have a computer, or even a typewriter, but I grabbed a pen and a notebook and wrote down everything that was burning inside of me. (我没有电脑,甚至没有打字机,但我拿起一支笔和一本笔记本,写下了我内心燃烧的一切。)”可知,作者当时没有写作的便利条件,但是作者还是继续坚持写作,由此可推断,作者的写作生涯是在艰难中前行。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Through my writing, I slowly became a better person. Writing allowed me to discover the goodness and light that exist in us all. (通过写作,我慢慢变成了一个更好的人。写作让我发现了存在于我们所有人身上的善良和光明。)”可知,作者通过写作,觉得自己变成一个更好的人。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“With every choice we make, with every thought we think, and with every action we take, we are writing our own life story. (我们所做的每一个选择,我们思考的每一个想法,我们采取的每一个行动,我们都在书写自己的人生故事。)”可知,作者觉得我们写的都是自己的生活,由此可推断,我们每个人都是自己生活的作者。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I didn’t have a computer, or even a typewriter, but I grabbed a pen and a notebook and wrote down everything that was burning inside of me. (我没有电脑,甚至没有打字机,但我拿起一支笔和一本笔记本,写下了我内心燃烧的一切。)”以及第三段中的“When I was finally done, I didn’t know how to share my work with the world. There was no internet back then, no smartphones, and no social media. (当我最终完成时,我不知道如何与世界分享我的作品。那时没有互联网,没有智能手机,也没有社交媒体。)”和第四段中的“After that, of course, nothing could stop me. I continued to write new articles each week, which were published in different local papers and later on the internet. Years later, I even self-published two collections of my stories in book form. (在那之后,当然,没有什么能阻止我。我继续每周写新文章,这些文章发表在不同的当地报纸上,后来又发表在互联网上。多年后,我甚至以书籍的形式自行出版了两本我的故事集。)”可知,作者从一开始从事写作困难重重,到最后通过自己的努力取得成功,由此可以判断,作者是一个很努力的人。故选A项。
    Do you have full confidence in your memory? There has been a discussion about whether it is shi or si in the sentence “Thus when Heaven is about to confer a great office on any man...” (“故天将降大任于是/斯人也”).
    Most people voted si as what they learned at school. However, People’s Education Press, a leading publisher of Chinese textbooks, claimed on Oct 26 that all its textbooks say shi.
    Supporters of si feel shocked and say they’ve experienced the “Mandela Effect” — the situation in which a large number of people believe that an event occurred when it didn’t.
    Many people believed that former South African president Nelson Mandela died in the 1980s in prison. However, Mandela was alive and well, eventually passing away in 2013. US researcher Fiona Broome created a website to detail her observations of this public phenomenon, coining the term.
    Some often joke that our memories have been changed by a strange force. In fact, psychologists have looked into the reasons for the Mandela Effect, as reported on the US-based website Verywell Mind. For example, your mind may fill in gaps missing in your memory to make more sense of it, which is called confabulation (虚构症). However, try not to feel bad — this is not lying, but rather remembering details that never happened.
    The Internet may be another reason why we tend to have Mandela Effect events, as the news we read can be false from the beginning. In 2018, Science journal published a study of over 100,000 news stories discussed across Twitter. It showed that false news can spread faster and reach more people than the truth. As a powerful way to spread information, the internet might be the main reason for falsehoods to enter our minds.
    41. What is the author’s purpose of mentioning the discussion about a saying?
    A. To show our memories can be wrong.
    B. To provide a solution to the discussion.
    C. To raise readers’ interest in confabulation.
    D. To lead up to the topic of the Mandela Effect.
    42. The underlined part in Paragraph 4 can be understood as________.
    A. borrowing the idiom
    B. describing the method
    C. inventing the expression
    D. correcting the description
    43. What can we learn about the “Mandela Effect” from the passage?
    A. It refers to people’s different attitudes to a particular event.
    B. It can be explained from a psychological perspective.
    C. It can be improved by remembering details clearly.
    D. It can have a big influence on people’s health.
    44. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
    A. It is harder than ever to spot false news.
    B. False news travels faster than true stories.
    C. The Internet causes more Mandela Effect events.
    D. False information can be avoided from the beginning.
    45. What is the best title of the passage?
    A. The Mandela Effect and Memory
    B. The Role of Psychology in Memory
    C. The Impact of the Internet on Memory
    D. The importance of Textbooks in Memory
    【答案】41. D 42. C 43. B 44. C 45. A
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Most people voted si as what they learned at school. However, People’s Education Press, a leading publisher of Chinese textbooks, claimed on Oct 26 that all its textbooks say shi.(大多数人投票“斯” 是他们在学校学到的东西。然而,中国教科书的主要出版商人民教育出版社在10月26日声称,其所有教科书都写着“是” 。)”对引用谚语的分析,表明人们的感觉与事实不符,以及第三段中“Supporters of si feel shocked and say they’ve experienced the “Mandela Effect” — the situation in which a large number of people believe that an event occurred when it didn’t.(“斯”的支持者感到震惊,并说他们经历了“曼德拉效应”——在这种情况下,很多人认为事件发生了,而事实却没有发生。)”对“曼德拉效应”的简述,可以推断,引用谚语的目的是为了引出本文的话题“曼德拉效应”。故选D项。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段中的“Many people believed that former South African president Nelson Mandela died in the 1980s in prison. However, Mandela was alive and well, eventually passing away in 2013. US researcher Fiona Broome created a website to detail her observations of this public phenomenon…(许多人认为南非前总统纳尔逊·曼德拉于1980年代死于狱中。然而,曼德拉还活着,最终于2013年去世。美国研究人员菲奥娜·布鲁姆(Fiona Broome)创建了一个网站,详细介绍了她对这种公共现象的观察……)”分析可知,该段讲述的是“曼德拉效应”这一概念是如何来的,所以该短语意为“发明短语”。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第五段中的“In fact, psychologists have looked into the reasons for the Mandela Effect, as reported on the US-based website Verywell Mind.(事实上,心理学家已经研究了“曼德拉效应”的原因,正如美国网站Verywell Mind所报道的那样。)”以及下文中的举例说明可知,“曼德拉效应”可以从心理学的角度进行分析其成因。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据最后一段中的“The Internet may be another reason why we tend to have Mandela Effect events, as the news we read can be false from the beginning.(互联网可能是我们倾向于发生“曼德拉效应”事件的另一个原因,因为我们阅读的新闻从一开始就可能是虚假的。)”以及最后一句“As a powerful way to spread information, the internet might be the main reason for falsehoods to enter our minds.(作为一种传播信息的有力方式,互联网可能是虚假进入我们脑海的主要原因。)”可知,互联网对“曼德拉效应”有一定的催化作用,所以该段讲述的是互联网造成更多的曼德拉效应。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第五段中的“Some often joke that our memories have been changed by a strange force. In fact, psychologists have looked into the reasons for the Mandela Effect, as reported on the US-based website Verywell Mind.(有些人经常开玩笑说,我们的记忆被一种奇怪的力量改变了。事实上,心理学家已经研究了“曼德拉效应”的原因,正如美国网站Verywell Mind所报道的那样。)”并结合文章的内容可知,本文主要是讲述了“曼德拉效应”的成因以及其影响,尤其是对人们记忆的影响。故选A项。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分)
    Did you ever wonder where Legos come from? A box? A toy store? A factory? Yes. But where did they first come from? Who invented them? What was that person’s story? When you learn about the Lego story, you will be surprised!
    Like many great inventions, the story is not just one of the great ideas, but of a ton of hard work, perseverance and courage. The story starts off in Denmark. Ole Kirk Christiansen was a carpenter who was struggling with his business. Then his wife, the mother of his 4 boys, died. This was very hard for everyone. He was looking for new ways to make money and to make his kids happy.
    So, he started making wood toys. They were of great quality. His 4 sons helped him with his business and, soon, word spread and big orders started coming in. But then the toys did not sell very well. He decided his toys needed a new name. He chose the name “Lego”, which in Danish means “play well”.
    Then, a few years later, his workshop was burned to the ground. Everything was destroyed. Ole almost gave up. But he decided it was very important to support his employees and kids.
    Not long after, he started to make a few plastic toys. He then got the idea to create a ‘system’ of toys that would build kids’ imagination and creativity. He built a village to test the idea. And the idea caught on quick! Soon sales were pouring in. Then they figured out how to connect the pieces to each other. Soon they decided to stop making wood toys and focus only on the connected plastic toys.
    Then they started to build more and more kinds of models. Each one had to be of the highest quality. Lego’s motto is “only the best is good enough.”
    Thanks to the perseverance of Ole and his sons, kids around the world can enjoy Lego toys, movies, amusement parks, clothing and much more.
    46. Why did Ole start making wood toys? (no more than 15 words)
    47. What does the new name “Lego” mean? (no more than 10 words)
    48. Why did Ole start to make plastic toys after the fire? (no more than 10 words)
    49. How do you understand the underlined part in Paragraph 5? (no more than 10 words)
    50. What can you learn from the Lego story? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)
    【答案】46. Because he wanted to make money and make his kids happy.

    47. Play well.
    48. Because he wanted to support his employees and kids/Because he was responsible for his employees and kids.
    49. The toys were popular and sold well.
    50. I learned that hard work, perseverance and courage contribute to our success because they are three qualities for success.
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍的是Lego的创始人Ole Kirk Christiansen的坎坷经历,通过不懈努力最终取得成功。
    考查细节理解。根据第二段中的“Ole Kirk Christiansen was a carpenter who was struggling with his business. Then his wife, the mother of his 4 boys, died. This was very hard for everyone. He was looking for new ways to make money and to make his kids happy.(Ole Kirk Christiansen是一名木匠,他的生意很艰难。然后他的妻子,他的4个儿子的母亲,去世了。这对每个人来说都很难。他正在寻找赚钱和让孩子们快乐的新方法。)”和第三段首句“So, he started making wood toys. (于是,他开始制作木制玩具。)”可知,Ole Kirk Christiansen生意惨淡,家庭出现变故,但是为了赚钱,为了让孩子们高兴,他开始制造木制玩具。故答案是Because he wanted to make money and make his kids happy.。
    考查词义猜测。根据第三段中的“He chose the name “Lego”, which in Danish means “play well”.(他选择了“Lego”这个名字,在丹麦语中的意思是“好好玩”。)”可知,Lego的意思是“play well”。故答案是Play well。
    考查细节理解。根据第四段中的“Everything was destroyed. Ole almost gave up. But he decided it was very important to support his employees and kids.(一切都被摧毁了。Ole几乎放弃了。但他认为养活他的员工和孩子非常重要。)”可知,在发生火灾后,Ole Kirk Christiansen出于对员工和孩子的责任心使他继续坚持下去,也就开始制造塑料玩具。故答案是Because he wanted to support his employees and kids./Because he was responsible for his employees and kids.。
    考查句意猜测。根据上文中的“And the idea caught on quick!(这个想法很快就流行起来了!)”以及下文中的“Then they started to build more and more kinds of models.(然后他们开始构建越来越多的模型。)”可知,这种想法很快火了起来,而且他们还建造越来越多的玩具模型,结合划线句子本身的意思是“很快,销售量一拥而上”,由此可推测该句的意思是Lego玩具销售量很好,很受欢迎。故答案是The toys were popular and sold well.。
    开放型题目。根据第二段中的“Like many great inventions, the story is not just one of the great ideas, but of a ton of hard work, perseverance and courage.(像许多伟大的发明一样,这个故事不仅仅是伟大的想法之一,而是大量的辛勤工作、毅力和勇气。)”可知,一些成功的发明创造需要的是勤奋,毅力和勇气。故答案是I learn that hard work, perseverance and courage contribute to our success because they are three qualities for success.。
    第二节:书面表达(满分 15 分)
    51. 假设你是晨光中学的学生李津。你的美国笔友Chris的学校将要举办国际文化交流展。由他负责的“Amazing Chinese Food”中国展活动遇到困难,写信向你寻求建议。请你根据以下提示给他写一封回信。
    Dear Chris,
    Li Jin
    【答案】Dear Chris,
    I’m glad that you show great interest in Chinese food. Here I’d like to show you how to make a well-known dish called Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish. And it is universally acknowledged that this dish is the representative of Jiangsu cuisine.
    First, you should make the fish clean and remove its bones and organs. Second the fish should be placed into a wok, with pepper and cooking wine and then fry it until its color changes. Third, make the fish like a squirrel and pour the hot and thick marinade on the fish. Then the last thing is just enjoying this beautiful and delicious “squirrel”.
    I sincerely hope that more and more foreign students will take part in the activity that you take charge of and learn more about the Chinese food. May you succeed.
    Li Jin
    著名的:well-known →famous
    除掉:remove →cut off
    放置:place →put
    诚挚的:sincerely →genuinely
    原句:Here I’d like to show you how to make a well-known dish called Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish.
    拓展句:Here I’d like to show you how to make a well-known dish which is called Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】And it is universally acknowledged that this dish is the representative of Jiangsu cuisine.(运用了it作形式主语,that引导的主语从句)
    【高分句型2】I sincerely hope that more and more foreign students will take part in the activity that you take charge of and learn more about the Chinese food.(运用了that引导的宾语从句和定语从句)


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