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    2023北京石景山初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷
    2023北京石景山初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷01
    2023北京石景山初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷02
    2023北京石景山初三(上)期末英语(教师版) 试卷03
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    本部分共33题, 共40分。在每题列出的四个选项中, 选出最符合题目要求的一项。

    一、单项填空(共6分, 每小题0. 5分)

    从下列各题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    1. My brother likes football. _________dream job is to be a football player.

    A. Her   B. Its  C. His  D. Your

    2. Grandma grew some vegetables _________the garden yesterday.

    A. in   B. to  C. on  D. with

    3.   _________is Tom? I want to return him the notebook.

    Im not sure. I guess hes in the library.

    A. What  B. How  C. Which  D. Where

    4. Everyone wants to make friends with Andy, _________he is very friendly.

    A. but   B. because  C. so  D. or

    5. Betty, can you do paper cutting?

    Yes, I _________Im good at it.

    A. can   B. must   C. should  D. need

    6. In my opinion, walking in the forest is _________than watching TV at home.

    A. relaxing  B. more relaxing  C. most relaxing  D. the most relaxing

    7. I _________a poster about role models when John called.

    A. made  B. will make  C. am making  D. was making

    8. Last week, Lin Taos speech on how to be a good volunteer _________all of us up.

    A. will cheer  B. is cheering  C. cheered  D. has cheered

    9. Sarah, is your mother a teacher?

    Yes, she is. She __________English in China for 12 years.

    A. will teach  B. is teaching  C. taught  D. has taught

    10. Chinese tea _________to many countries around the world every year.

    A. delivers  B. is delivered  C. delivered  D. was delivered

    11. Lily, what are you doing in the kitchen?

    I _________how to cook chicken soup.

    A. learn   B. learned   C. am learning  D. was learning

    12. Jack, do you know _________?

    Let me see. Er, its next Tuesday.

    A. when the sports meeting will take place

    B. when will the sports meeting take place

    C. where will the sports meeting take place

    D. where the sports meeting will take place

    二、完形填空(共8分, 每小题1分)

    阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。

    Night after night, she came to say good night, even long after my childhood years. Following her __13__ custom, shed push my long hair out of the way, and then kiss my forehead.

    I dont remember when it first started making me feel angry and__14__ her hands pushing my hair that way, but it did trouble me, for they felt rough粗糙的 against my young skin. Finally, one night, I shouted out at her. Dont do that againyour hands are too rough! She didnt say anything in reply. But never again did my mother __15__my day with that familiar expression of her love.

    Time after time, with the passing years, my thoughts__16__ to that night. I missed my mothers hands, and her goodnight kiss on my forehead. Sometimes the picture seemed very close, sometimes far away. But it was always there in my mind.

    Now Im not a little girl any more. Mum is in her midfifties, and the __17 __I once thought to be so rough are still doing things for the family. Shes been our doctor, reaching into a medicine box for the cure to calm a young girls stomach. She also cooks the best fried chicken in the world.

    On one late Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom, a familiar hand hesitantly迟疑 __18__ across my face to brush the hair from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched my forehead.

    In my memory, for the thousandth time, I recalled the night my young voice __19__, Dont do that againyour hands are too rough! Catching Mums hand in mine, I told her how sorry I was for that night. I thought shed remember, as I did. But Mum didnt know what I was talking about. She had __20 __ and forgiven原谅long ago.

    That night, I fell asleep with a new understanding of my gentle mother and her caring hands.

     13. A. usual B. wild C. social D. new

     14. A. unlucky B. sorry C. weak D. impatient

     15. A. save B. end C. make D. start

     16. A. happened B. got C. returned D. belonged

     17. A. hair B. hands C. voice D. kisses

     18. A. stole B. put C. flew D. came

     19. A. lowered B. greeted C. complained D. replied

     20. A. learnt B. regretted C. missed D. forgotten


    三、阅读理解(共26分, 每小题2分)

    阅读下面的四篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。


    Mike, Lily and Tom are going to buy some books in Waterstone Bookstore this afternoon. Please read their interests and match them with the books which can help them know more about their favorites.

    Waterstone Bookstore

    New books this week:

    21. Mike is interested in writing short English stories. But he has to learn more English words. He might choose Book_______.

    22. Lily likes pandas very much. She hopes to visit China some day and have a close look at the pandas. She might choose Book ____.

    23. Tom is crazy about tennis. He practices playing it every weekend. He might choose Book ____.



    When I was in the eighth grade, my teacher asked our class the question, What does doing the right thing mean to you We were to turn in an essay短文by Monday and be prepared to live up to our answers.

    The whole weekend, I tried hard to come up with something creative. I talked to my parents, called my grandmother, and even asked my next door neighbor. Everyone had good answers, but I didnt feel like I could live up to them.

    By Sunday afternoon, I hadnt written my essay. To make matters worse, my parents said we were going to visit Aunt Cindy. After dinner, my parents told me to play with my little cousin Andrea. I turned on the television and found a Disney movie for her, and then I sat down to start my essay.

    Soon I felt a pair of eyes on me. It was Andrea.

    What are you doing? she asked.

    I have to write an essay about what doing the right thing means to me. Andrea laughed. Thats easy, she said.

    Okay, I said, thinking, How could a sixyearold possibly know? Tell me the answer, I said. Andrea cleared her throat and stood up.

    Doing the right thing means: Being nice to your family and friends. Doing what your mommy says. Never lie. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Take a bath when youre dirty. Dont scare the cat. And never, never put rocks in your mouth.

    I looked at my little cousin for a while. Then I jumped up and gave her a big hug. Not only had Andrea answered a difficult question for me, I could easily follow all of her rules. So when I wrote my essay, I included the story about Andrea and how she answered my question.

    Two days later, my teacher returned everyones essays. I received an A+ along with a little note my teacher had written at the top: Always do the right thingand give Andrea an A+, too!

    24. What is the teachers question about?

    A. What makes a good answer.

    B. How we can write an A+essay.

    C. What doing the right thing means.

    D. How we get on with our little cousin.

    25. Who gave the writer the best answer to the question?

    A. His cousin.   B. His aunt.    C. His neighbor.   D. His parents.

    26. Which of the following may be included in the writers answers?

    A. Dont be afraid of cats or dogs.

    B. Dont put rocks in your pocket.

    C. Being friendly to people around.

    D. Eating more vegetables and meat.


    Humpback whales are always known to be intelligent animals and can be seen working together to hunt schools of small fish. And, if you listen closely, you might even hear one singing.

    Dr. Jim Darling has studied whale songs for more than 25 years.

    While recording whale songs on a boat near Hawaii, he invited author Douglas Chadwick to experience diving with a humpback. In the water, Chadwick heard the whales songs in a way he had never heard them before. Suddenly, I no longer heard the whales voice in my ears, he said. I felt it inside my head and bones.

    When swimming with the whale, Chadwick could see that the 13meterlong giant looked him over curiously, but never harmed him. The whale then swam under the boat. It pointed its head down to the ocean floor and, with flippers extended out伸展to its sides, began to sing. Up in the boat, Darling recorded the whales song. Humpback whale songs can be long and difficult to understand, sometimes lasting for 30 minutes or more. They are perhaps the longest songs sung by any animal.

    Darling says that only male雄性的 humpbacks sing, but for unknown reasons. It was thought before that they sang to attract females, but scientists showed this was incorrect when they played recordings of whale songs in the ocean and the female whales didnt make any response. Another idea is that male humpbacks use songs just to compete with each other.

    Researchers have also found that humpback whale songs are different in different parts of the world. They may also be like popular songs on the radio, changing over timefrom one year to the next.

    Another member of the research team, Flip Nicklin, recalls a special moment he had while interacting with a humpback. While he was some distance away from the huge animal, he heard its song. Slowly the humpback got closer to him. It then stopped singing and gently carried Nicklin toward its eye with a flipper, as if examining him.

    Still, there is so much the scientists dont know, and years of studylie ahead for whale researchers like Jim Darling.

    27. What is the passage mainly about?

    A. How to record humpbacks in the ocean.

    B. Special moments with humpback whales.

    C. How humpbacks communicate with people.

    D. Humpback songs and what they might mean.

    28. What happened when whale songs were played in the ocean?

    A. No schools of fish came over.

    B. No female whales were attracted.

    C. Male whales extended out their flippers gently.

    D. Female whales began to compete with each other.

    29. What do Darling and Nicklin have in common?

    A. Their jobs are to train the whales.

    B. They create many songs of whales.

    C. They are scientists studying whales.

    D. Their interests are to swim in the ocean.


    Many parents have heard the term socialemotional development, but what does it mean? Put simply, it refers to the gradual growth of childrens ability to experience, manage and express their feelings, build relationships and explore their environment. Its understanding how our bodies and minds feel and think in relationship to the world around us, says Dr. Mary Hadley, who has spent 15 years helping adults and children communicate.


    Socialemotional development changes as a child grows. A mother providing a feeling of safety for her baby begins the childs process of healthy socialemotional development. As children enter school, they develop the ability to control their emotions and work well with others. Just as children never give up learning, socialemotional development doesnt stagnate.

    In primary school, students get themselves involved in playbased skills, learn to express themselves and practice empathy共情 for others. Development in middle school looks similar, Hadley says. We can help students to understand that everyone experiences emotions, both good and bad. And the way their bodies and minds feel will affect their social communication. she says. Yet, while middleschoolers can express their feelings, they also sometimes hide their thoughts, RobersonMoore says. This can raise some challenges. At the high school level, relationships with groups become very important, says Kelly Oriard, a family expert专家. As teenagers understand where they fit in the world, it is normal and healthy for them to build relationships outside of their family.

    Building SocialEmotional Skills at Home

    When it comes to socialemotional development, parents are a primary resource for children, and experts say there are many ways to help.

    First, share your feelings with your children, and accept their feelings as well, Hadley says. For example, you can say to a shouting child, Your voice is loud. You must be very mad that its time to turn off the TV. Second, prioritize优先考虑family time. Even as children grow older, they can benefit from family time. Eating meals or working on a project together can open up time for conversation, which support your childs emotional health. Third, encourage your childrens interests. You may not join in their football practice, but try to listen and take interest in the activities they value. This can lead to a healthy connection. Raising healthy children truly takes a village, Hadley says. School teachers and social workers are also wonderful resources.

    30. Which could be the best heading for Paragraphs 2 & 3?

    A. How SocialEmotional Development Helps

    B. When SocialEmotional Development Changes

    C. Why SocialEmotional Development Matters in Daily Life

    D. What SocialEmotional Development Looks Like over Time

    31. Which of the following might Mary Hadley agree?

    A. Prioritizing our time is part of socialemotional development.

    B. Raising healthy children needs lots of efforts and resources.

    C. Children prefer hiding their feelings to expressing directly.

    D. Relationships with groups are important at primary level.

    32. What does the underlined word stagnate in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

    A. Stop.   B. Speed.   C. Appear.   D. Progress.

    33. Why does the writer write this passage?

    A. To advise teachers to understand their students better.

    B. To encourage children to learn more social skills at school.

    C. To offer experts some ideas to solve socialemotional problems.

    D. To help parents know more about socialemotional development.


    本部分共5题, 共20分。根据题目要求, 完成相应任务。

    四、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分, 第34—36题每小题2分, 第37小题4分)

    When Cash Daniels was given The Conservation Kid for his efforts to protect the environment in 2021, he was only 12 years old. He got interested in environmental problems a few years ago, when he found plastic on a beach. It got him thinking about the influence that plastic pollution has on the environment, especially on rivers and oceans.

    In his research, Cash found that rivers are at the heart of the problem. According to a 2021 report from Science Advances, far more rivers than thoughtat least 1, 000 of themare carrying large number of plastic into our oceans. This hit close to home for Cash. He lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The city sits on the Tennessee River, one of the most polluted in the world.

    This information motivated激发Cash to take action. He made it his mission to clear litter from public spaces and local waterways.

    At first, he and his parents worked together to pick up litter near the Tennessee River. But Cash soon realized that he would need more help.

    So he organized community cleanup outings. Finally, he and other volunteers removed more than 11, 000 pounds of litter from the river.

    Cash has also teamed up with businesses to recycle aluminum cans 铝罐. So far, he has recycled more than 2, 000 pounds of them. The money he earns from that supports river protection efforts.

    Cash enjoys getting people, especially other kids, involved in environmental activism. He wrote a childrens book called One Small Piece, which he has read to students in his community. In it, he spent much time explaining the problem of pollution and how streams, rivers, and oceans are interconnected.

    In January 2022, together with his friend Ella Grace, he founded Cleanup Kids. So far, The Cleanup Kids has had more than 50 members across the US, Canada, and Australia. The group encourages children to pick up and recycle litter, as well as to raise awareness意识 among young people to understand how much human life depends on the nature. The goal for the young volunteers is to collect 1 million pieces of litter by the end of 2022. Kids may be a small percentage of the population, Cash says. But they are 100% of the future.

    34. How old was Cash Daniels when he was given The Conservation Kid?

    35. What did he find in his research?

    36. What did he make as his mission?

    37. Among Cashs actions on environmental protection, which one touches you most? Why?In about 25 words


    38. 从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。


    假如你是李华, 你的英国笔友Chris明年暑假将来你校交换学习。他给你发来邮件, 询问你校的情况, 并表达了想自学汉语的愿望。请你用英语回复一封邮件, 简单介绍你校的情况, 并为他自学汉语提供一些建议。

    提示词语: beautiful, teaching building, library, use songs, watch movies

    提示问题:  ·What is the school like

    ·How can you learn Chinese well?

    Dear Chris,

    Im writing to tell you something about the school first. ______________________________


    Im looking forward to your early reply.


    Li Hua


    立身以立学为先”, 人生是一个不断学习和进步的过程。通过学习, 你掌握了某种技能, 明白了某种道理。

    某英文网站正在开展以 “A Learning Experience” 为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华, 请用英文写一篇短文投稿, 分享你的一次学习经历, 以及你从中得到的收获。

    提示词语: swim, afraid, encourage, practice, confidence

    提示问题:  ·Share a story about your learning experience.

    ·What have you learned from the experience?

    Learning happens anytime and anywhere. _____________________________________




    1. C  2. A  3. D  4. B  5. A  6. B

    7. D  8. C  9. D  10. B 11. C 12.A


    13. A 14. D 15. B 16. C

    17. B 18. A  19. C 20. D


    21. B 22. D 23. A  24. C 25. A  26. C 27. D



    34. (Only) 12 years old. /Twelve./12.

    35.He found that rivers are at the heart of the problem.

    36.To clear litter from public spaces and local waterways.



    38. One possible version:


    Dear Chris,

    I’m writing to tell you something about the school first. Our school is nice and beautiful. There is a six-floor teaching building, a big librarya dining hall and a gym. We have many after-school clubs. You will love it!

    As for Chinese learning, you can use some chants, songs and pictures to help you remember characters or sentence structures. It's also a good idea to read Chinese stories or watch movies to improve your reading and listening skills. Most importantly, try to use the language in daily life if possible. Hope my advice will help.

    I’m looking forward to your early reply.


    Li Hua


    Learning happens anytime and anywhere. I learned to swim when I was 12 years old. Being afraid of water, I couldn't even move my feet when I stood beside the pool. My coach encouraged me a lot and l finally got my feet wet, and gradually got deeper into the water. After a lot of practice, I became a good swimmer and even won the first prize in a swimming competition.

    From my experience, I've learned that confidence plays a huge part in learning. And hard work is just the key to success.


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    第四档: (0~2)




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