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    2023北京西城初三(上)期末英语 试卷
    2023北京西城初三(上)期末英语 试卷01
    2023北京西城初三(上)期末英语 试卷02
    2023北京西城初三(上)期末英语 试卷03
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    这是一份2023北京西城初三(上)期末英语,共10页。试卷主要包含了5 分,共 6 分), On she came等内容,欢迎下载使用。





    1.本试卷共10 页,共两部分,共38题,满分60分。考试时间90分钟。

    2 在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校、班级、姓名和学号。

    3 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。

    4.在答题卡上,选择题用 2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。

    5 .考试结束,请将考试材料一并交回。



    本部分共 33 题,共 40 分。在每题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要 求的一项。

    一、单项填空(每题 0.5 分,共 6 )

    从下面各题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。

    1. My sister is always ready to help others in ______ free time.

    A. my      B. her       C. his        D. its

    2. International Museum Day falls ______ May 18th every year.

    A. in      B. by       C. at       D. on

    3. I didn’t realize my dream by simply hoping for it, ______ by working for it.

    A. but      B. or   C. and       D. so

    4. - Mary, ______ I use your dictionary? - Sure, here it is.

    A. should    B. must      C. can       D. need

    5. - ______ did it take you to finish the book review?

     - About two hours.

    A. How long   B. How soon  C. How often   D. How far

    6. The Great Wall is one of ______ wonders in the world.

    A. famous            B. more famous

    C. most famous        D. the most famous

    7. We ______ tea when it suddenly began to snow outside.

    A. drink      B. are drinking  C. were drinking D. have drunk

    8. - Jenny, where is your brother?

     - He ______ the football match with Dad in the living room.

    A. watches   B. is watching   C. watched   D. has watched

    9. Tom lives a green life and ______ the waste into different groups for recycling.

    A. divides    B. will divide    C. was dividing  D. divided

    10. Since all the guests ______, let’s start our party.

    A. arrive     B. are arriving   C. will arrive   D. have arrived

    11. Beijing Opera ______ to foreign countries in the early 20th century.

    A. introduced               B. was introduced

    C. will be introduced       D. has introduced

    12. - Could you tell me ______?  

     - Next Friday.

    A. when the singing competition started

    B. when did the singing competition start

    C. when the singing competition will start

    D. when will the singing competition start


    阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A B C D 选项中,选择最佳选项。

    Meeting a polar bear

     I put my day’s supply of food into my bag and then began to take down the tent. Suddenly I heard a deep, long growl (嚎叫)from my dog Charlie. I looked at him and then in the direction he was watching closely. A polar bear!

     It was a mother _______ (1) by two cubs coming slowly towards me. They were 200 meters away. With a pounding (狂跳) heart, I picked up my flare (照明)gun and _______ (2) walked sideways a few steps to Charlie. Without taking my eyes off the bear, I untied Charlie and, again walked sideways.

     The bear, now only 150 meters away, wasn’t stopping. Her cubs had dropped back but she kept going, while I tried to remember all the _______ (3) that had been given. Keep eye contact, move sideways or forward, never backward, stay calm, don’t show fear. Dont wound a bear - youll make it even more _______ (4) and never run. Repeating to myself,Stay calm, stay calm,” I fired a warning shot (射击)to the bears left. The loud noise had no   _______ (5). On she came. I fired a flare, landing it a little to her right. Her head moved in its direction but she didn’t stop. I fired another, this time dropping it right in front of her. She stopped, looked at the flare. She was only 30 meters away now.

     By this time, I was so nervous that my heart could have been heard at base camp. The bear began to step around the flare, and I dropped another a meter in front of her. Again she _______ (6), and then she fixed her tiny black eyes on Charlie, who was trying to reach her. She looked back at her cubs, waited, and then moved to my left in a half circle. I fired two more flares, trying to draw a line between her and me. She stopped again and seemed to want to    _______ (7) the line of flares but was unsure of the result and of Charlie, so she decided to stay back. Finally, with a last long look, she walked north with her cubs behind her.

     My hands were still shaking, but I now knew that I could _______ (8) up to a bear in the wild and stay calm enough to act properly.

    1. A. followed B. pushed  C. carried D. nursed

    2. A. sadly  B. angrily  C. excitedly D. carefully

    3. A. hope  B. surprises  C. advice D. warnings

    4. A. confusing B. dangerous C. typical D. controllable

    5. A. harm  B. change  C. sense  D. effect

    6. A. dropped B. moved  C. stopped D. shouted

    7. A. mark  B. cross   C. jump  D. form

    8. A. stand  B. hurry   C. live  D. open

    三、阅读理解。  (每题 2 , 26 )

     ()信息匹配。下面的材料分别介绍了四本不同的书籍。请根据 21~23 小题 中所描述的 Mike, Lucas Sally 三人各自的特点,选择一本最适合他们阅读的书籍,并将每本书籍所对应的序号 A B C D 填写在相应的位置上。


    A. The Only Skill That Matters

     The writer shares the way to become a super learner. Within the pages, you’ll learn how to read faster and improve your ability to remember information.

    B. Just as You Are

     The tips in this book can help you be more open and accept yourself completely. With this important guide, you will stop feeling you are not good enough and become confident.

    C. My Forest Is Green

     In this book, a boy looks for art materials in the nearby forest and creates beautiful art pieces with them. The illustrations(插图)are lovely and green, as they should be!


    D. One Year to an Organized Life

     The book offers a week-by-week method of how to organize your life. The writer helps you break down tasks and get into good habits over time. It’s not only a good housekeeping book, but a guide that will certainly make your life easier.


    21. Mike is a creative boy. He is going to make something by hand with materials from the park nearby. He hopes to find some ideas about the task. ______

    22. Lucas always compares himself with others. And he needs to learn to find his strong points and discover what is really important in his life. ______

    23. There are quite a lot of things in Sally’s bedroom. They have taken up so much space that she wants to make her bedroom clean and tidy. ______

     ()阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。


     Oh no, Jon had done it again. He had forgotten something important. Last year on their family trip to his uncle’s house for Christmas, he had forgotten the bag with the toiletries in it. So he had to borrow from his cousins who weren’t so happy to share, and Jon was not pleased that his hair smelled like strawberries all week.

     And now, Jon couldnt believe he had forgotten to bring his pajamas. But it was a tradition for Jon’s family to take photos on Christmas morning in front of the tree in their pajamas. Jon was feeling awful. He would be the first one ever to break the family tradition. Would he destroy Christmas for everyone? What could he do?

     He didnt want to tell his parents. He went looking around the house, and found an old T-shirt. That could work. He tried putting it on, but it was too small. He got so desperate(绝望的)that he went through his brothers bag, trying to find some spare pajamas, only to find himself in trouble when he was caught. Then his brother told their parents.

     Jons parents listened quietly. They were not angry at him for not bringing pajamas. They were not even upset that he had gone through his brother’s bag. They were unhappy that Jon didn’t talk to them about his problem first. They hugged him and told him everything would be just fine.

     Morning came, and the family stood around the Christmas tree. Everyone was in pajamas except Jon. His uncle asked the family to come together for a photo. Jon felt terrible.

     Just a minute,” Jons mother said.Before we take the Christmas photo, I have a special gift for Jon. Open this, honey.”

     Jon looked at his mother curiously. They never opened presents before the photo. She smiled at him and said,Go ahead, it’ll all be okay.”

     As soon as he opened the present, he smiled widely and gave his mother a big hug.

     I’ll be ready for that photo in just one minute, guys!” Jon said, racing off to his room.

    1. What was Jon’s problem this Christmas?

    A. He wore a T-shirt for the photo.         B. He left his pajamas at home.

    C. He forgot to bring his toothbrush.       D. He opened presents too early.

    2. This year, Jon solved the problem with the help of his ______.

    A. uncle      B. brother      C. cousins     D. mother

    3. From his experience, Jon may probably learn that ______.

    A. it’s necessary to keep a family tradition

    B. it’s OK for kids to ask their parents for help

    C. cousins should be ready to offer help to each other

    D. parents should encourage their kids to face difficulties


     There has never been a common language in history, so we remain divided by language barriers(障碍). But in every language, there’s something that we share - the understanding and use of names. The practice of giving someone a name is so natural that we almost never think about what it means. Only in recent years has the journey begun to understand how powerful names truly are.

     Its commonly understood that youre not really allowed” to give yourself a name it must be given to you by someone else. That tells us our first thing about names theyre not solitary(孤立的). One might think your name is your business, but in reality, it influences everyone around you. That’s not to say others have control over your name, but names are, in and of themselves, a symbol of one’s relationship               to others around them. Take my name, for example: Brianna. That’s what’s on my ID card. But if I go to class, I might beMiss Lindsey”. If I go to the library, I might be calledBri by my classmates. If I go home, I’m everything from Bama Lama” to Clown”. Are these my names? Yes and no.

     The point of this argument is that names are not meaningless sounds. Names express the spirit of who we think we are. If you always had to answer to the nickname(绰号)Chatterbox”, it might be funny at first, but time would wear down the humor, and you would begin to connect yourself with the meaning of that name. Moreover, we live in a world where impression is king. How we feel is directly influenced by others’ impressions of us, and names are one of the most powerful ways through which we understand their impressions of us.

     So, whether its a birth name, a chosen name, or a nickname, theres always more to what youre called than is on the surface. Birth names are gifts, titles are agreements, nicknames are often inside jokes. We are composed of thousands of stories, and names are how we express those connections to everyone.

     We often hear the phrasewhat’s in a name” thrown around to show how little the effect what we call something has, but the truth is: What’s in a name? Everything.

    1. What can we learn from the passage?

    A. Names can hardly shape our character.

    B. Names show who we are in others’ eyes.

    C. Names on people’s ID cards aren’t actually useful.

    D. Names are creative expressions chosen by oneself.

    2. If a girl often answers to the nickname Walking Dictionary, she might ______.

    A. begin to believe she has a large vocabulary

    B. think good learning depends on great dictionaries

    C. realize having a nickname improves her sense of humor

    D. agree having a large vocabulary matters most in a relationship

    3. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

    A. What is really in a name?

    B. How to use a name properly?

    C. How to give a meaningful name?

    D. Why do we need a powerful name?


    Avoid conflicts with I-statements

     Its easy to point fingers when in a heated conversation. Wouldnt it be great to change the direction of it and avoid conflicts (冲突)with one word? It’s possible. Conflicts often start and become worse by our choice of words. Words likeYou are               so…” orHow could you…?” start conversations on a bad note. Instead, start with an I” and center on your thoughts and feelings about the matter.

     Dr. Thomas Gordon coined the term I-message in the 1960s. I-message also known as I-statement is a form of sentence meant for expressing your thoughts without criticizing others.

     I-statements enable you to express your opinion without using upsetting language. For example,I forgot to ask you for directions after you invited me to come,” is better thanYou invited me so you should’ve given me the directions.” In this way, you avoid getting into an argument with others or directly pointing out the other person’s mistake. Also, you carefully make them realize what’s going on, showing them how the situation makes you feel. Doing so clears up things, and you can finally have a meaningful, two-way conversation.

     I-statements are useful in any conversation when you want to tell your side of the story in a more agreeable and reasonable way. Using an I-statement can also lead to necessary changes and even add warmth to your relationships. Strangers you come across will find you pleasant and considerate. You and your friends will continue to build trust in each other.

     Yet not all statements(陈述)that begin withI” are effective in avoiding conflicts. For example,I feel like you’re responsible for this,” is as upsetting asYou’re wrong.” Thomas Gordon also said that to successfully use an I-statement, your words should match your tone (语调), facial expressions, body language, and how you feel.

     Whats more, an I-statement also has its drawbacks. The repeated use ofI” can make you appear self-centered, especially in some cultures. Some may even think you’re weak and unable to understand opinions that aren’t yours. You have to be careful not to use the I-statement in a manner that destroys your effort to politely voice your real intention (意图).

     All in all, correctly using the I-statement in conversations is a good way to avoid misunderstandings. By addressing a matter with vulnerability instead of immediately holding the other person responsible, you can keep respect and trust in your relationships. Whether it involves a classmate or a family member, expressing yourself well is key. Practice using I-statements effectively and you’ll be amazed how something so simple can make a huge difference in your social life.

    1. When you use an I-statement in a conversation, you ______.

    A. calmly point fingers without voicing your opinion

    B. directly get into an argument with the other person

    C. unknowingly change your thoughts about the matter

    D. carefully express yourself to avoid misunderstandings

    2. According to the passage, which of these statements would help you avoid conflicts?

    A. You should book a table earlier.

    B. You never allow me to do anything fun.

    C. I get nervous when you raise your voice.

    D. I think you always make decisions without me.

    3. The wordvulnerability in the last paragraph probably means “______”.

    A. great eagerness to be right      B. readiness to give up

    C. willingness to examine yourself    D. a shortage of confidence

    4. The writer would probably agree that ______.

    A. I-statements show one’s inability to understand others

    B. I-statements should be avoided in order not to appear self-centered

    C. using I-statements can surely result in perfect two-way communication

    D. using I-statements properly leads to improvements in one’s relationships


    本部分共 5 题,共 20 分。根据题目要求,完成相应任务。

    四、阅读表达(34-36题,每题2分;37 4分。共10) 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

     Sketchnotes, also known as visual( 可视的)notes, are visual records of information or an experience using drawings and written text. Sketchnoting creates something new and powerful by using both drawings and words. They work at the same time to help achieve understanding.

     There are two types of sketchnotes. One is lecture-based.

     Lecture-based sketchnotes are taken when speakers actively share new ideas or information with listeners, such as in school classes or at work meetings. The other type is experience-based. Such sketchnotes are taken when you experience or learn something personally, like traveling or trying a new  restaurant. Lecture-based sketchnotes need to be taken live in the moment, while experience-based sketchnotes need to be taken later or after the fact.

     Sketchnoting is for anyone who can write. The drawings are all about being recognizable. You don’t have to be an artist to sketchnote. All you have to do is to master a few basics like the dot(), the line, and shapes, and then put them together to make simple pictures. Our brains remember the picture and what’s happening in it, not the beauty of the art. So no worries!

     And what tools do you need to sketchnote? All you need is paper and a pen! You can use whatever paper you want. Remember, we’re not showing off our art skills, so the tools don’t have to be perfect. If you’re just starting out, I suggest you start small: post-its or index cards are perfect! As for pens, quick-drying pens are good choices because the ink(墨水)looks darker than most ball-points and doesnt take as long as a brush pen to dry.

     Sketchnoting offers lots of benefits. It can help you center on a task while listening, and help those who have trouble spelling take notes because they can draw! Also, many studies have shown that pairing related pictures with text helps you remember and recall better. Besides, it activates different areas of our brains for better learning. Moreover, it allows self-describednon-artists” to be creative. By the way, it’s easy to read and fun to look at.

     So just get started with sketchnoting! If you’d like to jump in with learning, you can find many more useful tips online. You’ll be sketchnoting in no time!

    1. How does sketchnoting create something new and powerful?


    2. What are the two types of sketchnotes?


    3. Why are quick-drying pens good choices for sketchnoting?


    4. What is the passage mainly about? Would you like to try sketchnoting? Why or why not?


    五、文段表达(10 )

    38 .从下面两个题目中任选一题,  根据中文和英文提示,  完成一篇不少于50 的英语文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。 请不要写出你的校名和姓名。



    提示词语:  important, change, easy, necessary, develop


    1. What is the invention?

    2. Why is it great?


    Many great inventions have changed our life




     你校英语俱乐部正在举办一场关于 自我管理”的讨论。假如你是李华, 请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,讲述一次你独自在家的经历, 你是如何进行自我管 理的,并谈谈你从中领悟到了什么。

    提示词语: time, plan, cook, manage, realize, life skills

    提示问题:1. What was your home alone experience?

    2. What did you learn?

    I once had a home alone experience






    2024北京西城初三(上)期末英语试卷和答案: 这是一份2024北京西城初三(上)期末英语试卷和答案,共13页。

    2023北京西城初三英语二模: 这是一份2023北京西城初三英语二模,共10页。试卷主要包含了 5, 5分, 共6分)等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2023北京西城初三(上)期末英语(教师版): 这是一份2023北京西城初三(上)期末英语(教师版),共12页。试卷主要包含了5 分,共 6 分), On she came等内容,欢迎下载使用。







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