a rainy season 多雨的季节 a stormy night 暴风雨之夜 continuous/constant rains 连绵不断的雨in the blinding rain在茫茫大雨中 in the warm spring sunshine 在春天温暖的阳光里 clear up 放晴了be buried in snow 深埋在雪中 the blue sky 蓝天 the gentle breeze 轻柔的微风the songs of birds 鸟鸣 the thundering clouds 雷霆万钧的云 the fragile flowers 娇嫩的花the green grass 青草 the fragrant roses 芬芳的玫瑰 the setting / rising sun 落日 / 冉冉升起的太阳the warm amber-like sunshine 温暖的琥珀色的阳光 the sparkling stars 闪闪发光的星星 the dark night 漆黑的夜晚 the feathery snowflakes 鹅毛般的雪花 the deafening applause 震耳欲聋的掌声the gurgling stream 潺潺流淌的小溪 the melodious voice 悦耳的嗓音 the howling wind怒吼的大风the fragrant flowers 芳香的花朵 the fresh air 清新的空气
二、句子1.The night was as quiet as a pool of water, as if all the living creatures had slept, and everything seemed so peaceful.夜静得像一潭水,似乎所有的生灵都已经睡了,一切显得那么安谧。2.The moon night by the sea is beautiful and quiet, and only the sound of the waves can be heard in the ear; the breeze blows the face, making people feel simple and happy.海边的月夜是美丽幽静的,耳畔只能听到哗哗的海浪声;微风轻拂脸面,使人感到简单愉快。 3.When night falls, the blue sky is dotted with countless small stars, blinking, as if inviting people to travel in the vast space.夜幕降临,幽蓝的天空中点缀着无数的小星星,一眨一眨地,仿佛在邀请人们到广阔的太空中去遨游。4.In the quiet night sky, stars play with each other, blinking eyes, as if they are looking at all kinds of interesting and beautiful scenery on the earth!在宁静的夜空中,满天的星星互相玩耍,眨巴的小眼睛,好像在看大地上各种有趣、美丽的景色呢!5.How poetic the quiet night is, as if immersed in the silver moonlight.静谧的夜多么富有诗情画意,仿佛沉浸在银色的月光之中。6.Dark clouds were gathering in the sky.乌云密布。7.The beach was bathed in the amber-like sunshine.海滩沐浴在琥珀色的阳光中。8.The sky was dotted with sparkling stars.天上满星点点。9.The sun went in, and the breeze became cold.云层遮住了太阳,微风有了些凉意。10.The mountain top was covered with snow.山顶被积雪覆盖。11.The mist melted rapidly in the morning sun.在早晨的阳光下,薄雾涣然消散了。12.The night sky was lit up by flashes of light.一道道灯光照亮了夜空。13.Bathed in the sunshine and delighted by fantastic scenery, we headed for the destination.沐浴在阳光下,享受着美丽的风景,我们向目的地出发。14.The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky.云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。15.The scenery along the journey is just like a breathtaking landscape painting.沿路的风景就像一幅美丽的山水画卷。16.The icy wind started howling, cutting my face like a sharp knife.寒风开始咆哮,像锋利的小刀一样刺痛了我的脸。17.Clusters of stars decorated the vast sky like sparkling jewels.繁星像闪闪发光的珠宝一样装饰了浩瀚的天空。18.The stars shone like diamonds.星星如钻石般闪耀。19.Wild animals started to roar/howl. 野生动物开始咆哮。