Watering is key to growing plants well, so here we look at how to get it just right. This not only means providing the water our gardens need but using it wisely. Water is a precious resource and supplies in the UK are under pressure from the effects of climate change, population increase and the need to protect the environment. Generally, several aspects need to be considered.
When to water
Water in the mornings, if you can, as this is when the sun comes up and plants start to transpire (蒸腾) in sunlight, drawing water from the soil, through their roots, up their stems and to their leaves. Evening watering is also fine, as the cooler conditions mean less water is lost to evaporation (蒸发). Watering in the heat of the day is not a good idea, as much water is lost through evaporation from the surface of the soil. Plants will use water more efficiently if watered in the cooler parts of the day.
How to water
Watering thoroughly matters. It helps get the water down to the deeper root tips where it’s needed. But, equally important, the soil doesn’t have to be really wet all the time because plants roots need air as well as water to grow well. Otherwise, there might be no flower or fruit, and even a worse result might come along.
Other tips
To use water in the most economical way, it’s good to learn different plants’ watering requirements. For example, a container plant in hot sunny weather may need watering daily, whereas a mature shrub might only need a drink in extreme drought. Annual flowers and vegetables produced in the spring are likely to need more watering than self-sown or autumn grown plants as they have new and shallow root systems. So, don’t treat all the plants in the same way.
2.阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60词左右的概要写作。
Americans clearly love their museums.One of the most famous, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met), saw a record 6.5 million visitors in 2015.But record attendance doesn't necessarily translate into record revenue(收入). Last month,the Met said it was trying to erase a US$10 million budget deficit(赤字). Meanwhile, one of its rivals, the Museum of Modern Art(MoMA), was abundant in cash, but only about three million people stopped by in 2015. Why do some museums flourish while others flounder? My research leads me to believe there are three reasons: fashion, billionaires and demographics.
First, underlying the Met's financial challenges is the problem with the acquisitions policy.Recent directors of the Met did not add much to the museum's modern collection.The argument was that museums such as the MoMA were already providing such works in their collections and that the acquisition of contemporary art by living artists was problematic and risky.However, given the fact that museum-goers increasingly favor contemporary art, the revenue of the Met will likely fall if it isn't able to keep up with the tastes of the customers.And by the time it might recognize this, it's already too late to do much about it because the costs to acquire the in-demand art is sky-high.This leads to a second critical issue-the changing distribution of income and its effects on museum finance and operation.
We are living in a boom period for contemporary art. The number of auctions(拍卖)and art fairs has grown enormously to accommodate this growing market.In a world with about 1,800 billionaires, it only takes a relative few to drive high-end art prices to astronomical levels.Works by the German artist Gerhard Richter have generated $1.2 billion in sales in recent years.The soaring prices mean museums simply can't keep up and must usually depend on donations to assemble the best works, or they're priced out.Moreover, billionaires themselves are increasingly setting up their own private museums, further distancing the ability of public museums to get the good stuff.
A third interrelated problem is that demographic issues have put pressure on the revenue side.
Unemployment, early retirements and the aging of the population in the US have contributed to increased attendance at museums. You might think it's a good thing, but more traffic means higher costs, and when those additional visitors don't result in more revenue, profitability goes down. This is because of the longstanding movement toward making museums “free” by having individuals, government or businesses “sponsor” the cost. But when that support gets reduced by budget costs or another reason, museums must either cover the cost themselves or lose patrons by suddenly charging fees.There is evidence that attendance rises when economic growth slows, but that's also when those “sponsors” are more likely to begin to disappear.
Museums will certainly continue to exist and provide us with invaluable insights into our culture.But they must exist under economic principles, and it'd be wise for their administrators to consider the economics in their calculations.
A survey of more than 2, 000 people living in the UK has found that those with a higher IQ are more likely to live a longer life. Researchers analysed data from the Scottish Mental Surveys — in which almost every 11yearold in Scotland was given the same IQ test on the same day in 1932 — and tracked the participants’ lives up to when they passed away. Even when factors such as economic status and employment level were accounted for, the smarter kids ended up living longer than those with lower IQs. These results correlate to several previous studies that have found a link between IQ and mortality (死亡率) when other factors were filtered out.
We don’t yet understand why this is the case, but there are some interesting hypotheses (假设): one is that intelligent people are more likely to strap themselves in while driving, choose to eat a healthy diet, avoid smoking, and exercise more often. Whalley and Deary found that those with a higher IQ were more likely to quit smoking after its negative health effects were published in the 1950s. In other words, smart people might just be better at avoiding things that are going to kill them.
Another hypothesis is that a high IQ is a signifier of a sturdy (强壮的) constitution and a body that’s going to last — it’s essentially a signifier rather than a cause, some scientists believe. One study published in 2005 found that better reaction times specifically helped people live longer — so a high IQ is possibly an indication of an efficient nervous system, rather than being itself a cause of longer life, the researchers proposed.
It’s a complicated area of science, particularly as an IQ score doesn’t necessarily directly represent intelligence, and can be affected by social class, education standards, and other cultural factors. Nevertheless, the link is there — and researchers are still trying to find out why.
4.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.
English in the Third Millennium
Two thousand years ago English did not exist. A thousand years ago it was a language used by less than two million people. Now it is the most influential language in the world spoken by more than a billion people on the planet, as their first second or third language. English currently dominates science, business, the mass media and popular culture. For example, 80% of emails on the Internet are in English. But where will English be at the end of the third millennium?
One view is that English is going to become even more important as a global language dominating the world’s trade and media while most other languages will become localized or just die out. At present over half the world’s 6500 languages are in danger of extinction. Another view is that English is already breaking up, as Latin did into several languages. There are already dictionaries of the 'New Englishes’ such as Australian English full of words that a British English speaker would not recognize.
Hopefully, neither of these things will happen. Although different varieties of English will continue to develop around the world, standard English will survive for international communication. In addition, the frightening prospect of a culturally uniform world totally dominated by one language is impossible. Already, other languages are fighting back against the iron grip of English on the Net. Governments around the world are also starting to protect smaller languages and recognize the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity. English will probably stay in control for a long time, at least while the USA remains the top superpower, but it definitely won’t become the only language in the world
5.阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。
It seems teenagers really are addicted to their phones. The average teen spends nearly 41 days of the year on their mobile—or two hours and 40 minutes a day, research has discovered.
The study of 1,500 parents with teenagers living at home found that youngsters from Liverpool clocked up the most time on their phones, with 48 days spent texting and browsing apps. Teens from Glasgow and Cardiff came third and second. London teens came bottom of the list with 37 days.
Researchers said that mobile phones are “increasingly our portal to 24-hour shopping, news and our chief mode of entertainment”. The research also found that 55 percent of parents often wonder how they survived without the Internet or a mobile phone as a teenager. Some 45 percent said it was easier being a teenager now than when they were young. Despite this 85 percent believe they had more freedom as a teenager.
It follows a study earlier this year which found children can get stressed or start to panic when they are separated from their phones. Researchers conducted experiments on 87 smartphone owners aged between 18and 26.
The study states: “We are in the middle of a nascent digital culture, with children being born into the world of smart devices. This age group was chosen because they are considered to be ‘cellphone natives’. The results support that humans form attachment toward their mobile: they seek the proximity(接近)of the mobile and show stress response upon separation.”
Most people do not have a high opinion of bats. Bats have even been linked in popular culture to vampires, seeking to attack and drink the blood of human victims.
In reality, bats are usually not a threat to people. But bats, though some carrying rabies virus, can do good things for people and the environment.
For example, they eat a lot of different insects that can harm our environment. They can also pollinate plants and spread seeds.
But a serious disease is currently threatening the bat population in many parts of the United States. The disease is a fungus called white-nose syndrome. It has killed more than 6 million bats across North America since 2007.
In Washington D.C., researchers are studying how white- nose syndrome is affecting the area’s nine species of bats. Some scientists are trapping bats on an island in the middle of the Anacostia River to test for the disease. The group is receiving federal money to help carry out their studies.
Marco Carvello is with the D.C. government’s Department of Energy and Environment. He says scientists are concerned that the disease is continuing to greatly reduce the bat population.
“They typically have one pup a year when they reproduce. So, that’s another reason why white-nose syndrome has been so damaging. They don’t have a lot of babies.”
The bat deaths are affecting the quality of human life in many ways, according to Lindsay Rohrbaugh.
“Without bats, we are seeing an increase of mosquitoes and other pests that are destroying our food sources. And I think that’s only going to get worse over time if we don’t find some way to protect the species that we have left.”
One theory is that some bats are no longer returning to caves to avoid getting sick. This means more of them are now making their way into cities, where contact with humans is more likely.
Experts advise people to keep away from bats in case they are infected with rabies. Instead, they say animal control officers should be called to come and safely remove the animals.
7.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Is Deep-Sea Exploration Worth the Money?
People are generally more enthusiastic about space, but the oceans hold the solutions to some of the biggest problems of the twenty-first century. We must continue to invest in exploration of the deep sea so that we can take advantage of its benefits.
The deep seas contain resources that could bring improvements in the field of medicine. Antibiotics are becoming less effective in the treatment of illnesses, and scientists think that the plant life in the deep oceans may provide a solution. They hope to develop new medicines that will make it possible to fight disease for years to come. Some substances produced from deep-sea plants are already being used in improved medical testing procedures. Recognizing the importance of this research, the 2008 Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry to scientists in this area.
At a time when existing forms of fuel are limited the deep oceans could provide new sources of fuel. For more than 50 years, oil companies have been drilling in areas like the North Sea. Realizing that these offshore resources will not last forever, oil companies are now considering other sources including the huge amounts of oil beneath the ocean bed. However, extracting it safely will require major advancements in technology. Another possible deep-sea fuel source on the ocean floor in the form of ice crystals, scientists believe, could be a fuel source for the future.
Finally, using the deep sea for the disposal of nuclear waste is a controversial issue that needs to be explored further. Some organizations have proposed dropping nuclear waste into the deepest parts of the ocean and sealing it into the ocean floor. Many scientists claim that this process would involve less danger to the environment than current storage methods.
These are just three of the many ways in which leaning about the deep ocean may change our lives for the better. Such advances in our knowledge justify the expense of carrying out deep-sea research. The demand for land is only continuing to grow. The time has come when 70% of our planet covered by water is just too big to ignore.
When you are looking for stories with the words “college application help”, Google’s search engine identifies over 500 million examples on the World Wide Web. It is hard to say how long it would take to look at all 500 million, but no one has that kind of time. Now, five higher education groups are trying to make the college application process simpler.
The five started a website with the goal of providing all the college information students need in one place. It offers help to students and their parents as they learn about and complete the college application process. The website’s address is www.steps 2college.org.
The site provides information about important dates in the college admission process, help with application forms and sources of financial aid. The site offers ideas on how to avoid the kind of problems students often face when preparing for college.
For example, one report examines what is known as “summer melt”. That is the term used to describe students who are accepted at a college and pay the required deposit, but do not show up for the first day of class. The report says college administrators had long believed “summer melt” students decided to change schools. But researchers found that many failed to attend classes anywhere that school year. The report goes on to say that it is likely that many students just were not aware of all the paperwork required before the start of classes.
The website also has information on how students can choose the best college. A few weeks ago, the site offered a “virtual college fair” of 100 colleges and universities. The event gave students and parents a chance to question officials and students from 100 schools. Many high school graduates say they would like the website to provide a “time-line” — one that organizes all steps needed to successfully complete the application process.
Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been studying hard for your midterm , but when you walk into your exam , your mind goes blank (空白的), your heart races fast your hands get sweaty and it is hard to breathe. If these classic signs of exam anxiety(焦虑)sound familiar, you’re not alone!
Everyone feels stressed during exams. Usually, it results from a fear of failure, lack of adequate preparation time and bad experiences taking test in the past. This is normal and often helps you work harder, think faster and generally improve your performance. However, if you are overly anxious about the result , you may be unable to focus on(集中于)your work. You may also feel that other people are managing the exam better than you. This can cause you to feel that your mind has “gone blank” on information you know you have revised.
People often deal with exam stress in many unhelpful ways. Some choose to give little care to the problem , while others don’t review because they think they will do badly anyway and even miss exams because of the anxiety. It can also be really easy to think that if you don’t try and then you fail, you won’t feel as bad as if you fail after trying really hard.
So what can you do to fight against the exam stress and stay a common heart before and during your test? The first thing you should do is to be prepared. If you feel confident that you’ve prepared completely, you’ll feel more confident walking into the test. The second tip is simple: just start. The blank page can enlarge your anxiety. After you get the paper, start straight away by getting some questions done to build up your confidence. You can always go back and change things later if needed , but a few quick answers can get the ball rolling. Besides, allocating(分配)your time is very important. Look through the whole test before getting started. Mentally allocate how much time you’ll spend on each part.
These days there is so much tempting technology to look at: smartphones, tablets, computer games and TV screens. Much of our children’s entertainment and education comes from using them, so it’s no wonder that children spend so much time staring at them. But even if the saying that looking at a screen for too long gives them square eyes isn’t true, there is still some concern that it can affect their eyesight.
So, should we be worried? Certainly for children who spend hours glued to a screen there is a concern that their health might be at risk, and their eyesight is worsening too. Although there’s not much evidence to prove this yet, recent findings have opened our eyes to the issue.
Chris Hammond, consultant ophthalmic(眼科的)surgeon at St Thomas’ Hospital, says, “We know that short-sightedness is becoming more common. It has spread greatly in East Asia, Singapore, South Korea, where about 90% of 18-year-olds are now short-sighted.” Annegret, expert at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London says lack of natural light seems to be the key issue. She’s suggested that children in East Asia study a lot, using computers, smartphones or tablets, and they go outside less, which could be a cause of short-sightedness and an increase in their weight. Wearing glasses is one solution, but it’s not ideal(理想的).
This leads to a dilemma: achieving short-term academic success or protecting your long-term eyesight. It’s always going to be a challenge to drag children away from their screens and it’s likely that more and more studying will be done online, through a screen.
But despite that, Professor Hammond says, “In countries like urban China, where 10% of children in each class per year are becoming short-sighted from about the age of six, there’s an argument for saying we should be trying to prevent it.” It’s evidence we can’t turn a blind eye to. So, maybe it’s time to hit the “off” button and get our children outside.
1.It is necessary that we water right, which means providing the water our gardens need wisely. You should water in the morning when the sun comes up and plants start to transpire in sunlight, drawing water from the soil. You should water thoroughly, which helps get the water down to the deeper root tips. To use water in an economical way, it’s good to learn different plants’ watering requirements.
【详解】1 要点摘录
①Watering is key to growing plants well, so here we look at how to get it just right. This not only means providing the water our gardens need but using it wisely.
②Water in the mornings, if you can, as this is when the sun comes up and plants start to transpire in sunlight, drawing water from the soil, through their roots, up their stems and to their leaves.
③Watering thoroughly matters. It helps get the water down to the deeper root tips where it’s needed.
④To use water in the most economical way, it’s good to learn different plants’ watering requirements.
2.缜密构思 将第1要点作为总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行重组,作为分说。
It is necessary that we water right, which means providing the water our gardens need wisely.
You should water in the morning when the sun comes up and plants start to transpire in sunlight, drawing water from the soil.
You should water thoroughly, which helps get the water down to the deeper root tips.
To use water in an economical way, it’s good to learn different plants’ watering requirements.
【点睛】[高分句型1] It is necessary that we water right, which means providing the water our gardens need wisely. 运用了一个复杂的主从复合句对原文第一段进行了概括。其中that引导的是主语从句,which引导的是非限制性定语从句。
[高分句型2] You should water in the morning when the sun comes up and plants start to transpire in sunlight, drawing water from the soil.运用了when引导定语从句对第二段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
2. The reasons that lead to the flounder of the museum are fashion, billionaires and demographics. It will cost a lot for a museum to buy fashionable collections, or the museum would lose the customers who are in favour of the contemporary art. What's more, the more private museums are set up by billionaires, the harder will be for the public museums to get the good stuff. Additionally, those who are unemployed and retire early would also make the museum cover the cost and lose the sponsors.
【详解】1. 要点摘录
①Americans clearly love their museums.
②Why do some museums flourish while others flounder? My research leads me to believe there are three reasons: fashion, billionaires and demographics.
③First, underlying the Met's financial challenges is the problem with the acquisitions policy.
④This leads to a second critical issue-the changing distribution of income and its effects on museum finance and operation.
⑤Moreover, billionaires themselves are increasingly setting up their own private museums, further distancing the ability of public museums to get the good stuff.
⑥Unemployment, early retirements and the aging of the population in the US have contributed to increased attendance at museums.
2. 缜密构思
The reasons that lead to the flounder of the museum are fashion, billionaires and demographics.
It will cost a lot for a museum to buy fashionable collections, or the museum would lose the customers who are in favour of the contemporary art.
What's more, the more private museums are set up by billionaires, the harder will be for the public museums to get the good stuff.
Additionally, those who are unemployed and early retire would also make the museum cover the cost and lose the sponsors.
【点睛】[高分句型1]The reasons that lead to the flounder of the museum are fashion, billionaires and demographics. (that 引导的定语从句)
[高分句型2]Additionally, those who are unemployed and early retire would also make the museum cover the cost and lose the sponsors.(who引导的定语从句)
According to a new research, human beings’ mortality rate is related to IQ. The higher one’s IQ is, the more likely he is to live longer. Some people suppose the reason why it arises is that intelligent people can control themselves better in face of health crises, while others think that a higher IQ is a symbol of having a strong and healthy body. Anyhow, the connection is guaranteed and scientists is trying to discover the causes.
【详解】1. 要点摘录
①A survey of more than 2, 000 people living in the UK has found that those with a higher IQ are more likely to live a longer life.
②Even when factors such as economic status and employment level were accounted for, the smarter kids ended up living longer than those with lower IQs.
③In other words, smart people might just be better at avoiding things that are going to kill them.
④Another hypothesis is that a high IQ is a signifier of a sturdy (强壮的) constitution and a body that’s going to last—it’s essentially a signifier rather than a cause, some scientists believe.
⑤Nevertheless, the link is there—and researchers are still trying to find out why.
2. 缜密构思
3. 遣词造句
①According to a new research, people with a higher IQ are more likely to live a longer life.
②Some people suppose the reason why it arises is that smart people might just be better at avoiding things that are going to kill them, while others think that a high IQ is a signifier of a sturdy constitution and a body that’s going to last.
③Anyhow, the connection is guaranteed and researchers are still trying to find out why.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Some people suppose the reason why it arises is that intelligent people can control themselves better in face of health crises, while others think that a higher IQ is a symbol of having a strong and healthy body. (运用一个复杂的主从复合句对原文第二段和第三段内容进行了概括。其中包括why引导的限制性定语从句、that引导的表语从句和that引导的宾语从句作think的宾语)
[高分句型2] Anyhow, the connection is guaranteed and scientists is trying to discover the causes. (运用了and连接的并列句对第四段内容进行了概括)
4.It has taken over 1000 years for English to develop into the most influential language in the world. As for its prospect, some consider it even more important as a global language, dominating the world’s trade and media while others argue English will break into several languages. However, even though English may stay in control, other smaller languages will be protected from extinction.
【详解】1. 要点摘录
① A thousand years ago it was a language used by less than two million people. Now it is the most influential language in the world spoken by more than a billion people on the planet, as their first second or third language.
② But where will English be at the end of the third millennium?
③ One view is that English is going to become even more important as a global language dominating the world’s trade and media while most other languages will become localized or just die out. At present over half the world’s 6500 languages are in danger of extinction.
④ Another view is that English is already breaking up, as Latin did into several languages.
⑤ Governments around the world are also starting to protect smaller languages and recognize the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity.
⑥ English will probably stay in control for a long time, at least while the USA remains the top superpower, but it definitely won’t become the only language in the world.
It has taken over 1000 years for English to develop into the most influential language in the world.
As for its prospect, some consider it even more important as a global language, dominating the world’s trade and media while others argue English will break into several languages.
However, even though English may stay in control, other smaller languages will be protected from extinction.
【点睛】[高分句型1] As for its prospect, some consider it even more important as a global language, dominating the world’s trade and media while others argue English will break into several languages. 运用while连接并列句对原文第一段最后一句和第二段进行了概括整合。其中运用了现在分词作状语、省略that的宾语从句。
[高分句型2]:However, even though English may stay in control, other smaller languages will be protected from extinction. 运用even though引导让步状语从句来概括最后一段。
5.It is found in a recent survey that teenagers in Britain spend about 41 days of the year on their mobile phones on average.Mobiles are being widely used, especially by teens. Researchers conducted a study earlier with 87 participants aged between 18 and 26.According to the study, children appear to suffer from stress or even panic if they are not allowed to use mobile phones. That’s because they grow with mobiles.
【详解】1 要点摘录
①The average teen spends nearly 41 days of the year on their mobile—or two hours and 40 minutes a day.
②The study of 1,500 parents with teenagers living at home found that youngsters from Liverpool clocked up the most time on their phones.
③ Researchers conducted experiments on 87 smartphone owners aged between 18and 26.
④This age group was chosen because they are considered to be “cellphone natives”
Teenagers in the UK spend almost one in nine hours a year on their mobile phones, according to a recent survey.
Mobile phones are widely used among teenagers.
Some teenagers are addicted to playing mobile phones.
In the age of science and technology, this generation of teenagers grow up together with technology, and mobile phones become their companion in the growth.
It is found in a recent survey that teenagers in Britain spend about 41 days of the year on their mobile phones on average.运用了主语从句,it为形式主语,真正的主语是that后面引导的从句,写法高级。
[高分句型2] Mobiles are being widely used, especially by teens.运用了现在进行时被动语态,强调了手机被广泛使用的事实。
[高分句型3]That’s because they grow with mobiles.运用了because引导的表语从句,强调了孩子玩手机的原因。
6.One possible version:
Bats, once thought of as harmful, are found doing good to environment and people. However, white-nose syndrome, a deadly disease, declines their population at a breathtaking speed. Researchers funded by the government are doing research across America, but the number is still on the decrease. Other researchers assume bats are migrating to cities so citizens are advised to avoid meeting them in case of picking up rabies virus.
①Most people do not have a high opinion of bats. But bats, though some carrying rabies virus, can do good things for people and the environment.
②But a serious disease is currently threatening the bat population in many parts of the United States. The disease is a fungus called white-nose syndrome.
③In Washington D.C., researchers are studying how white- nose syndrome is affecting the area’s nine species of bats. Some scientists are trapping bats on an island in the middle of the Anacostia River to test for the disease. The group is receiving federal money to help carry out their studies.
④One theory is that some bats are no longer returning to caves to avoid getting sick. This means more of them are now making their way into cities, where contact with humans is more likely. Experts advise people to keep away from bats in case they are infected with rabies. Instead, they say animal control officers should be called to come and safely remove the animals.
2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
Bats, once thought of as harmful, are found doing good to environment and people.
However, white-nose syndrome, a deadly disease, declines their population at a breathtaking speed.
Researchers funded by the government are doing research across America, but the number is still on the decrease.
Other researchers assume bats are migrating to cities so citizens are advised to avoid meeting them in case of picking up rabies virus.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Researchers funded by the government are doing research across America, but the number is still on the decrease.运用过去分词作定语对原文和第五段进行了概括。
[高分句型2] Other researchers assume bats are migrating to cities so citizens are advised to avoid meeting them in case of picking up rabies virus.用省略了that的宾语从句最后两段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
7.The oceans hold the solutions to some problems of the future, so we must continue to invest in exploration of it. The deep seas could bring improvements in the field of medicine, provide new sources of fuel and even probably help dispose nuclear waste. Leaning about the ocean and carrying out deep-sea research may change our lives for the better.
①People are generally more enthusiastic about space, but the oceans hold the solutions to some of the biggest problems of the twenty-first century. We must continue to invest in exploration of the deep sea so that we can take advantage of its benefits.
②The deep seas contain resources that could bring improvements in the field of medicine.
③At a time when existing forms of fuel are limited the deep oceans could provide new sources of fuel.
④Finally, using the deep sea for the disposal of nuclear waste is a controversial issue that needs to be explored further.
⑤These are just three of the many ways in which leaning about the deep ocean may change our lives for the better. Such advances in our knowledge justify the expense of carrying out deep-sea research.
Because the oceans hold the solutions to some problems of the future, we must continue to invest in exploration of it.
The deep seas could bring improvements in the field of medicine, provide new sources of fuel and even probably help dispose nuclear waste.
Leaning about the ocean and carrying out deep-sea research may change our lives for the better.
【点睛】[高分句型1]: Because the oceans hold the solutions to some problems of the future, we must continue to invest in exploration of it. 运用because引导的原因状语从句。
[高分句型2]: Leaning about the ocean and carrying out deep-sea research may change our lives for the better. 运用动名词短语作主语。
8.One possible version:
A special website has been created to offer help with making applications for colleges.(要点1) Firstly, the website provides detailed information of the admission process.(要点2) The “summer melt” happens due to the lack of information about the dates of classes.(要点3) Secondly, the website supplies information about famous colleges, guiding graduates to make the right choice of the colleges they want to attend.(要点4)
①The five started a website with the goal of providing all the college information students need in one place. It offers help to students and their parents as they learn about and complete the college application process.
②The site provides information about important dates in the college admission process, help with application forms and sources of financial aid. The site offers ideas on how to avoid the kind of problems students often face when preparing for college.
③For example, one report examines what is known as “summer melt”. The report goes on to say that it is likely that many students just were not aware of all the paperwork required before the start of classes.
④The website also has information on how students can choose the best college. A few weeks ago, the site offered a “virtual college fair” of 100 colleges and universities. The event gave students and parents a chance to question officials and students from 100 schools.
A special website has been created to offer help with making applications for colleges.
Firstly, the website provides detailed information of the admission process.
Secondly, the website supplies information about famous colleges, guiding graduates to make the right choice of the colleges they want to attend.
【点睛】[高分句型1] A special website has been created to offer help with making applications for colleges.运用了不定式作目的状语,概括了文章的中心话题。
[高分句型2]Secondly, the website supplies information about famous colleges, guiding graduates to make the right choice of the colleges they want to attend.运用了现在分词短语作状语,概括文章最后一段的内容。
9.One possible version:
Exam anxiety is common among students, a reasonable amount of which may encourage them to do better. (要点1)However, too much anxiety may badly influence students’ performance in exams. (要点2)Worse still, not all students know how to properly deal with the stress. (要点3)Hopefully, full preparation, together with practical problem-solving skills and reasonable allocation of time will do students a lot of good. (要点4)
①Everyone feels stressed during exams. This is normal and often helps you work harder, think faster and generally improve your performance.
②However, if you are overly anxious about the result , you may be unable to focus on(集中于)your work..
③People often deal with exam stress in many unhelpful ways.
④The first thing you should do is to be prepared. The second tip is simple: just start. After you get the paper, start straight away by getting some questions done to build up your confidence. Besides, allocating(分配)your time is very important.
Exam anxiety is common among students, a reasonable amount of which may encourage them to do better.
Worse still, not all students know how to properly deal with the stress.
Hopefully, full preparation, together with practical problem-solving skills and reasonable allocation of time will do students a lot of good.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Exam anxiety is common among students, a reasonable amount of which may encourage them to do better.运用一个复杂的主从复合句概括文章主题。其中of which引导定语从句、to do不定式作宾语补足语等表达高级。
[高分句型2]:Worse still, not all students know how to properly deal with the stress. 用not all 不完全否定句型,对第三段进行了概括,表达高级。
[高分句型3]:Hopefully, full preparation, together with practical problem-solving skills and reasonable allocation of time will do students a lot of good. (用短语together with、连词and连接并列的名词性短语作主语概括了第四段内容。其中together with用作连接用法比较高级。
10.One possible version:
Nowadays, children spend much time looking at various electronic screens, which has raised people’s concern about their health, especially their eyesight. Some experts think doing heavy schoolwork through a screen and lack of natural light can cause children’s short-sightedness. However, that leads to a dilemma between protecting eyesight and studying online. The increasing number of short-sighted children at an early age warns us not to ignore the problem.
Much of our children’s entertainment and education comes from using them, so it’s no wonder that children spend so much time staring at them. But even if the saying that looking at a screen for too long gives them square eyes isn’t true, there is still some concern that it can affect their eyesight.
Annegret, expert at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London says lack of natural light seems to be the key issue.
She’s suggested that children in East Asia study a lot, using computers, smartphones or tablets, and they go outside less, which could be a cause of short-sightedness and an increase in their weight.
This leads to a dilemma: achieving short-term academic success or protecting your long-term eyesight.
“In countries like urban China, where 10% of children in each class per year are becoming short-sighted from about the age of six, there’s an argument for saying we should be trying to prevent it.” It’s evidence we can’t turn a blind eye to. So, maybe it’s time to hit the “off” button and get our children outside.
Children spend so much time looking at the screen, which has raised people’s concern about their health.
Some experts think that using electronic devices to study a lot and lack of natural light may cause short-sightedness.
However, that leads to a dilemma between protecting eyesight and studying online.
The growing number of short-sighted children at an early age warn people not to ignore this problem.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Nowadays, children spend much time looking at various electronic screens, which has raised people’s concern about their health, especially their eyesight.运用了一个which引导的非限制性定语从句对原文第一段内容进行了概括。Which引导的非限制性定语从句表达较高级。
【高分句型2】Some experts think doing heavy schoolwork through a screen and lack of natural light can cause children’s short-sightedness.运用了省略that的宾语从句,将原文第三段内容进行概括,表达比较高级。