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    这是一份2023长沙雅礼中学高三下学期月考试卷(八)英语含解析(含听力),文件包含湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2022-2023学年高三下学期月考试卷八英语试题docx、英语答案和解析pdf、23届雅礼高三8次听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共21页, 欢迎下载使用。










    例:How much is the shirt



    1 What is the worst part of Joe's story?

    A.The grammar.

    B.The handwriting.

    C.The spelling

    2.What do the mams class want to do this Sunday

    A.Go fora swim.

    B.Do some sunbathing.

    C.Collect the rubbish.

    3.Who probably picked the woman's roses

    A.Her son.B.The man.C.Her neighbor.

    4.What are the speakers mainly discussing

    A.Holiday plans.B.Work problems.C.Familv members.

    5.How did Cynthia do in her history test

    A.She failed it. B.She barely passed. C.She did very well.


    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A B C 个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。


    6.What does the woman ask the man to do ?.

     A . Recommend a film .

     B . Buy some medicine .

     C . Look for a restaurant .

    1. How does the woman sound in the end ?

     A . Annoyed .B . Excited .C.Humorous


    1. What can we say about the weather on Sunday ?

    A . It was fine .B.It was hot C.It was changeable

    1. What do the Jocals think of small balls of ice in midsummer ?

     A . It ' s beyond their expectations .

    B . It ' s a common phenomenon .

    C . It ' s caused by climate change


    10. What is the man doing ?

     A . Conducting a job interview .

    B . Introducing an agency

    C . Showing the woman around .

    1. Whera is the woman from?

     A Britain .B.France C.Germany

    1. What does then man promise the woman?

    A . Life insuranceA

     B . Office supplies .

     C . A fixed annual bonus .


    13.What day is it today ?

     A . Friday .

     B . Saturday )

     C . Sunday .

    1. What does Claire think helped her get the letter from Harvard ?

     A . Formig good learning habits .

     B . Attending extra courses .

     C . Staying up late ' to study .

    1. Why did Glaire choose Harvard University ?

    A . Her aunt was studying there .

     B . She has won a scholarship to it .

     C . She wants to be Madelyn ' s schoolmate ..

    1. What does Claire plan to do before September ?

     A . Visit her aunt . B . Travel abroad .C.Visit some colleges


    1. How mans kinds of - climate emergencies does the speaker mention ?

    A . Five . B . Six . C . Seven .

    1. What will cause a flash flood according to the speaker ?

     A . Tidal waves .B Damaged dams C.The rising warm air

    1. What is the fourth crisis mainly about ?

    A . Drought .B . Sea level .C .Disappearing species

    20. Why is James Elsner mentioned in the  end?

     A . He does rescarch on polar bears

     B . He proves hurricanes ger stronger

     C . He aims to protect coral reefs .



    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


                                 Archaeology camp

     Each summer , the Public Archaeology Facility ' s Community Archaeology Program offers a week - long program focused on archaeology for kids entering Grades 5 and 6. The program is taught by professional archaeologists from Binghamton University . Students will learn about the science of archaeology through hands - on , interactive classroom projects , laboratory tours , outdoor activities , and a visit to a local archaeological site .

     Our 2023 Research Site is the Whitney Point Bridge site . Broome County , New York . Dates : July 13-17,2023

     Time :8:30 am -4:30 pm

     Tickets :$200 per participant ( a 10% discount before May 15,2023) The session is limited to 16 students to ensure the best educational setting .

     Participants will spend the first two days of the program learning about ancient cultures , archaeological concepts , and practicing fieldwork techniques , and artifact(人工制品) classification and preservation . Kids will take part in exciting activities in experimental and creative archaeology , including pottery (陶器) construction and a cross - country race .

    On the third and fourth days , participants will explore local historic sites long - covered by plants . and learn how archaeologists survey sites ' using direct mcasurements ,. digital cameras , careful notes , and hand - held GPS units . This trip will also provide an opportunity to learn more about the environment in which these sites were created .

     On the last day - the program will travel to a local historically significant archaecological ' site currently being excavated 挖掘by the Public Archaeology Facility where students will observe professional excavations , Participants will be able to assist in some of the tasks at the site , including screening 筛查甄别for artifacts , note - taking , and site interpretation .

    1. What do we know about - the archaeology camp ?

    A . It lasts for a whole month .

    B . Itis limited to a dozen kids .

    1. It is guided by university experts .

    D. It is intended for high school students .

    22. How much should two kids pay if they buy fickets before March 15,2023?

    A $200.B .$360C .$380.D $400.

    1. What will participants probably do on July 16,2023?

    A . Conduct a survey in the field .

     B . Help reconstruct ancicnt objects .

     C . Observe professtonal excavations .

     D . Learn about artifact classification .


     Perry was a smart , good kid : shy. modest , and ' generally unlikely to cause trouble . He was getting straight A ' s in a challenging and competitive public school honors curriculum . But beneath his academic success , Perry faced a world of troubles , and while it took a while to get to know him , eventually his problems came pouring out .

     The problems weren ' t what I ' d expected / though . Perry wasn ' t being abused by anyone , he didn ' t do drugs , vand his family wasn ' t always arguing . Rather , at first glance , his problems would seem more like typical adolescent complaints . And they were , in a way .

     But it was only as I got to understand him that L realized that Perry ' s adolescent problems had grown to the point where they cast a large shadow over much of his day - to - day world . And he wasn ' t alone in that aspect .

     One big problem was that while Perry was a strong achiever , he was not at all a happy one ." I hate waking up in the morning , because there ' s all this stuff I have to do ," he said ." I just keep making lists of things to do and checking them off each day so I can get into a good college ." Once he got started , Perry ' s discontent spilled out ." There ' s so much to do , and ' I have to ... It ' s just stupid !"

    Perry was well loved by his parents . But in their efforts to nurture and support him , his parents increased his mental stress : Over time , they had taken on all his household chores , in order to leave hum more time for schoolwork and activities . Perry never really did anything for anyone except use up their time and money , and he knew it . And if he thought about backing off on his schoolwork ..., well , look how much his parents were pouring into making it go well . Trapped between anger and guilt , Perry had begun to . wither (消沉).

    24. What can we infer about Perry from the text ?

     A . His parents understood him completely .

     B . He was a perfect young man in every aspect .

     C . He often helped his parents with the housework .

     D . He was stressed despite his good performance in school .

    25. Why was Perry unhappy ?

     A . Because he had to make lists of things to do every day .

     B . Because his parents showered him with too much love .

     C Because he had difficulty achieving remarkable academic success .

     D . Because he was stuck between his parents ' expectations and his own will

    26. What did Perry think of himself ?

     A . He did nothing for his parents .

     B . His parents didn ' t support him at all .

    C . His problem was unusual among his peers .

    D . He was gifted enough to enter any university

    1. What is the main purpose of this text ?

    A . To try to discover the reason for Perry ' s stress .

     B . To show a good example of an excellent student .

    C.To reflect the problems of all students during school .

    D . Toduce Perry ' s life and his family background


     Carlos Slim’s proposal that we work a three - day week sounds crazy. But many ,in 1922, thought Henry Ford crazy when he announced that his staff would work a five - day week .

     Our working week seems normal to us because it is what we all always do . He certainly could be for those he was most concerned about when he made his three - day - week statement at a business conference in Paraguay : the workers who are not ready to retire . As Mr . Slim said , it no longer makes sense for people to stop working in their fifties or sixties when they may still have up to a third of their lives ahead of them ." People are going to have to work for more years , until they are 70 or 75, and just work three days a week - perhaps 11 hours a day ." he said .

     Keeping older employees at work makes sense for societies , especially those with a diminishing

    number of young people who are expected to support long - living retirees .

     He appeared to be suggesting that these short - week workers earn the same as they did full - time . That is what happens at Telmex , his Mexican fixed - line phone company , where those qualified for retirement can choose to work four - day weeks on full pay .

     Older workers elsewhere might prefer shorter weeks on reduced pay - and eight or nine - hour days rather than 11. Their companies might value keeping their experience while saving money on their salaries . What about everyone else ? There are those who are unemployed , or in unstable jobs , who would be delighted to have three secure , well - paid days of work a week .

     Shorter weeks don ' t work in every job , but they work in more jobs than most tradition - bound managers think . Agreeing to them requires two shifts in management thinking . The first is the realization that much of the time spent in offices is wasted anyway . Second , senior executives need ro understand that the best way to measure people is by the work they produce - not by how much time they spend at their desks .

     People living longer , in better health , are changing working life too . Mr . Slim ' s idea is in tune

     with the times .

    28.According to paragraph 2. why did Mr . Slim think it unwise for people in their fifties or sixties to retire ?

     A . Because they have longer life to live in their future .

     B . Because they have children and old parents to support

     C . Because they have much interest in their present work .

     D . Because they have more experience than young workers .

    29. What can we infer from the passage ?

     A . The decision of working five days a week by Ford was considered normal in the past .

     B.Old people continuing working can reduce young people ' s pressure to support their old


     C. Some companies don ' t want their old workers to go on working because they can save money .

     D. Much time spent at work is wasted if managers don ' t agree to reduce old employees ' working

     time .

    30 . What does the underlined phrase " in tune with " mean in the last paragraph ?

    A . Different from . B . Superior to .

     C . Far from . D . Consistent with .

    31. What is the best title for this passage ?

     A . Retire Or Not , This Is A Question !

     B . Shorter Weeks Is Welcome By All

     C . Working Three Days A Week : A Great Idea

     D . Carlos Slim - Crazy For More Resting Time


      Housing ranks high among the numerous challenges that sfill need to be overcome before humans can colonize (征服) Mars . The brave pionecrs that make the six - month voyage to the Red Planet will need a place to live in as soon as they land . While the best solution would be to have the structures ready before they get there . it has so far been a challenge given that most construction robots have never made it out of the laboratory . Now , there may be a bit of hope thanks to Massachusetts Institute of Technology ' s newly revealed Digital Construction Platform ( DCP ).

     The DCP comprises a double arm system that is fitted on a tracked vehicle . As the larger arm moves , the smaller . precision motor robotic arm builds the structure by shooting out the necessary construction material . ranging from insulation foam(绝缘泡沫) to concrete .The team of researchers led by Ph . D .. Steven Keating say that unlike other 3- D printers that are limited to building objects that fit within their overall enclosure , DCP ' s free moving systems can be used to construct structures of any size .

     The team recently demonstrated the DCP ' s building skills on an empty field in Mountain View , CA . The robot began / by creating a mold with expanding foam that hardens when dry . It then · constructed the building , layer by layer , using sensors to raise itself higher as it progressed . The final product was a sturdy " home " that had 50- foot diameter walls and a 12- foot high roof with room for essentials like electricity wires and watér pipes to be inserted inside . Even more impressive ?- It took - a mere 14- hours - to -" print "!

      The researchers ' next plan is to make the DCP smart enough to analyze the environment where the structure is going to be built and determine the material densities best suited for the area . However , that ' s not even the best part . Future DCP models are going to be > solar - powered , autonomous , and most importantly , capable of sourcing construction components from its surroundings . This means the robot can be sent to remote disaster - stricken areas , and perhaps oven to Mars ,t0 build shelters using whatever material is available .

    1. What can . we . learn from the first paragraph ?

    A . Colonizing Mars is a reality .

     B . Housing on Mars is the only problem .

     C . Finding a liveable place on Mars is a top priority .

    D . Building structures on Mars is in the testing phases .

    33.How does the DCP differ from other 3- D printers ?

    A . It consumes less time .

     B . It has two arms that can move .

     C . It is more environmentally friendly ,

     D . It can build more diverse structures .

    1. What is the third paragraph mainly about ?

     A . The successful case of the DCP .

     B . The working principle of the DCP .

     C . The instructions of using the DCP .

     D . The limitation of the DCP ' s function .

    1. What might be the biggest highlight of future DCP models ?

    A . Being powered by solar .

     B . Building shelters anywhere .

     C . Collecting building materials on site .

    D.Analyzing building material densities .



    The recent pandemic has affected all aspects of life , including the way we live . Our homes are no longer single - purpose spaces . Instead they now serve as offices , gyms , workshops , classrooms , etc .36

    · A better entrance will catch on .37 In smaller units , it might be created by a single wall that blocks views through the unit and creates a sense of enclosure . But it needs to be accompanied by a front - hall closet .

       38 When thoughtfully designed ,. the dining rooms can quickly alter from dining mode to

     working mode . Moreover , room sizes could also change - to create chances for adaptation . For example , a windowless alcove (壁凹) can be closed off with sliding glass doors . It can be a space where you can set up a home officer a library , or a learning space for children .

     Access to the outdoors will be welcome . After spending so much time indoors , having access to fresh air and nature at home is likely to become essential . One way to provide - a - closer connection to nature may be with larger courtyard gardens .39 After all . fresh air is important for weliness

     Advanced technology will be adopted . 40 That will lead to more widespread adoption

     of smart - home technology ." Maybe it ' s going to become a new standard . You ' ll be able to talk to the elevator . Or your door will unlock itself when you come home ." an engineer said .

     A .An entrance isn ' t necessarily a separate room .

    B . More flexible spaces will become a trend ,

     C. No wonder architects have predicted various advanced home designs

     . D . There is growing awareness of reducing touching surfaces to avoid viruses .

     E . Homes in the future could easily be like what we see in the sci - fi movies .

    F . Or it could be accomplished with more balconies with planting areas .

    G . We will embrace spaces with more artistic ideas .


    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。

     The e - mail request came into Ekiben restaurant in Baltimore late on a Thursday afternoon : broccoli (花椰菜) topped with fresh herbs , diced onion , and vinegar . The man who sent the e - mail didn ' t actually want the food itself . He was writing on behalf of his 41, who 42 the dish and was now in the final 43 of lung cancer at her home in Vermont and he was hoping to get the 44 to make jt for - her there .

     Steve Ben one of the Asian restaurant ' s co - owners , read the e - mail and quickly 45  with an alternative suggestion ." Thanks for reaching out ," he wrote ." We ' d like to meet you in Vermont and make it 46  for you ."

     Brandon Jones , the son - in - law , was 47." I e - mailed back , saying ,' You do know that this is Vermont we ' re talking about , right ?'" says Brandon ." But Steve responded ,' No problem . You tell us the date , time , and .48 and we ' llbe there .'"

     That Friday after work , Ben 49 his truck with a hot plate and a cooler filled with ingredients (配料) and then headed for 50. As soon as Ben and his team 51 the parking lot , they got to work . After neatly 52 everything up , they knocked on their customer ' s door .

    " As soon as she opened the door , she recognized the smell ," Brandon says ." It was amazing ." As for Ben , he couldn ' t help remembering his 53  customer ." It was an honor to help

    54  the family ' s wishes ," Ben says ." This is about her , not us . There was a lot of good , positive 55 in doing this ."

    1. A. Customer   B . mother - in - law C . boss         D.mother
    2. A . adored     B.cooked         C . bought       D.prepared

    43.A. sessions     B.eras            C . stages       D . steps

    44.A .menu       B . recipe         C . prescription   D. book

    45.A. dealt        B . caught        C . went         D.replied

    46.A inviting      B . close          C . fresh        D . better

    47.A. angry       B . puzzled        C . worried      D . astonished

    48.A. design      B . location        C . surroundings  D . number

    49. A . loaded     B . started         C . decorated     D. boarded 

    50. A . Baltimore   B . Ekiben        C . Vermont      D . the parking lot

    51.A. looked into  B . ran into        C . stormed into   D . pulled into

    52.A. putting     B . boxing         C . bringing      D . feeding

    53.A. happy      B . last            C . loyal        D . best

    54.A. make       B . appreciate      C . finish        D . fulfill

    55.A. energy      B . reaction        C . flavor       D . comfort



     For Greek photographer George Doupas , Beijing is home now . During the past decade , he has been photographing the city , capturing its beauty and sharing these photos online and in 56( exhibit ).

    " This truly represents Beijing - the old and the new , nisely mixing together ," Doupas said while showing his photograph of the Zhihua Temple ,57 delicate Ming Dynasty building . It is located n €9nt ofa modern office building , Galaxy SOHO , which 58( feature ) weaving

     bridges and interlocking passageways .

     With - rich historical heritage , Beijing 59( be ) an important center of traditional Chinese

     culture since the Ming Dynasty . Doupas often gets lost in the city ' s splendid ancient architecture . Meanwhile , he is also amazed by the modern city 60( combine , high - end businesses and various industries ." It is fascinating to see a city developing at such a ( n )_ o 61( believable ) rapid rate and investing so much effort in preserving its past , which is 62 I decided to pursue my career here ," he said .

    63 ( dedicate ) to his career as a photographer in China , Doupas hopes to serve 64 a bridge between China and the West . The displays that show his photos about Beijing have attracted a large audrence in Greece and the Czech Republic .

    " My 65( occasion ) stay in Beijing has turned into permanent residence , and I call Beijing

     my home now ," he said ," I will keep sharing photos of China with the rest of the world ."










    提示词:湘绣 Hunan embroidery














                                         What It Means to Serve

     I didn ' t continue college after graduation and moved out of my family . With little work experience , I served as a waitress . But during the five years ' labor , I found myself burning calories running about only for a tip .

     I had had enough so I moved to a smaller town hoping to pursue a college degree .| promised I would never serve people again - at least not in such a way . It was time to serve myself . Luckily , I received a position as an after - school program tutor at a local middle school , with the added benefit of completing English education degree . I had the opportunity to go big ! The kids would need me -

     a role model and a trustworthy friend , I believed .

     But my first day was welcomed by the students ' indifference(冷漠) . The desks were messy and the whole room smelled of dirty gym socks . My excitement began to die down . I doubted whether the new job was a mistake . The playground activity was deafening while homework time was not much better . After my repeated persistence , they finally turned off the playground mode . But just a few minutes passed when I noticed two kids quarreling in the corner .

     I supposed it was another little incident but one kid named Jeremy bothered me . He shouted at me for coming at him . And when I asked them to return to their seats , he slammed(用力摔)  his

     backpack and grew mad as I tried to urge him to take the right attitude ."1 don ' t like you . homework and this after - school program ! All you guys do is yell at me . I ' m never coming back ." he walked out of the classroom . slamming the door .

     Naturally . I was so frustrated (挫败的). I wondered why I was here . Most kids disrespected me ! I paused to take a deep breath . Then suddenly I thought to myself ." You said you would never serve people again . but you don ' t understand what these kids really need ." At that moment . I remembered my middle - school life . I always had a poor attitude . never did my schoolwork . repeatedly got into fights . and disrespected my elders .





    Realizing I was not different . I walked out into the hall and caught up with Jeremy .      







     At that moment . my heart broke for this boy and his family life .                         











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