A Christmas Tree for Mrs. Mueller
The black-and-white photograph of Mrs. Mueller that I took pictured her seated on the sofa in our living room, smiling shyly. Mrs. Mueller was our next—door neighbor when my sister and I were growing up.
We got to know her after her husband died. She didn’t have children of her own and no relatives that we knew of. She was gentle and kind, and Laurel and I considered her our special friend.
Early one December, Mrs. Mueller went into the hospital. Laurel and I were busy making Christmas presents, and we pondered (思考) what to make for Mrs. Mueller. She would be coming home a few days before Christmas to an empty house with no holiday decorations. We lit upon the idea of decorating a small tree that would greet her with lights and cheer. We were wondering how to carry out our plan when the answer appeared
I was in Miss O’Keefe’s sixth grade class that year, and we had decorated a small tree with paper-link chains and ornaments (装饰品) we’d made in art class. It was beautiful. Best of all, it had to be removed from the classroom before Christmas vacation.
Miss O’Keefe said there would be a drawing (抽签) for the tree. We’d each write our name on a piece of paper and put it through the slot (窄缝) in the shoebox she had decorated. On the last day of school before vacation, she’d draw a name from the box, and that student could take home the tree.
As I put the folded piece of paper with my name “Holly Wheeler” into the box, I was beside myself with excitement, hoping I could be the lucky dog. My mother pointed out there were 30 children who might win the tree, but I was certain I would get it because our purpose was good: We wanted to make Mrs. Mueller happy.
Paragraph 1:
The day before vacation finally arrived.
Paragraph 2:
I raced to my mother’s car excitedly when school was out.
Life is full of surprises and twists. We do not know what will happen in the next second. But still, we continue to live our lives. One of the tools that help us is faith.
It was a hot day, and the sands were shining like gold in a desert. Andrew, touring the place, lost his way in the desert. He could not find his way back, and the water in his bottle dried. He was in desperate search of water. Otherwise, he will die due to dehydration(脱水).
As he struggled walking in the desert, he saw a small hut(木屋) at a distance. Initially, he didn’t think it was real. But he continued walking towards it, and as he reached closer, he realized it was a hut.
He opened the door and found nobody there. It seemed like the place was in abandoned condition for a long time. He was surprised to see a hand water pump, and it had all connections undamaged and a pipeline to the ground. Then he started pumping, and there was no sign of water. And he continued his effort and gave up due to exhaustion.
He started searching the hut for any other source of water. Then he found a bottle of water hidden in the corner. He was happy, and when he was about to drink the water, he found a piece of paper attached.
It was written in the paper, “Please use this water to start the pump. It works. After you have done, do not forget to refill the bottle again.” After reading the message in the paper, he went into a dilemma, “Will the pump work if I use this water? Is the pump in good condition? Can I trust the words in the paper? If it is false, then my last source of water will get waste.”
He paused for a minute and closed his eyes, praying.
The map explained the direction to the nearby village.
Peter started working from home when his wife Annika passed away years back. Although he would take his daughter Mary to school every morning, she would usually walk home with her friend Anna every afternoon, He would then sit in the hallway, waiting for her to arrive.
In the past month, Peter noticed that Mary would always return home with her clothes dirtied. He didn’t think much of this, as he thought maybe she played with other kids at school on the field or at the playground. However, he started to notice that Mary would no longer walk with Anna. Mary usually came back around twenty to thirty minutes after Anna.
He asked Anna’s mom what happened. “The girls are having one of those quarrels (争吵) again. You know, teenage girl stuff.” Anna’s mom said. This didn’t sound good to Peter, so the next day, he decided to see where Mary would go after school.
Peter waited inside his car from across the school. He saw Mary leaving, and her clothes were not dirty. He started the car and slowly followed her as she walked. After a while, she turned towards an old abandoned house and entered. Peter quickly parked the car and ran towards the house to follow her inside where he saw Mary approaching an old man in dirty clothes
“Mary! Get away from him!” he shouted, Mary jumped at her dad’s loud voice and dropped the bag of food she had brought for the man.
“But Dad…” she started to say. Before she knew it, Peter lifted her from the ground and brought her inside the car.
“Mary, you can’t be walking into abandoned houses and talking to homeless men like that! What if he did something to hurt you?” he said angrily. “Promise me, Mary. You’re not going back there.”
Hesitantly (迟疑地), Mary nodded. “I promise. But Daddy, can you please get the drawings he made for me? Please, I want the drawings,” she said.
Mary wouldn’t stop crying, so after he dropped her home, Peter went back to the abandoned house. “My daughter won’t stop talking about some drawings she left over here,” Peter said to the man.
The man quietly handed him pieces of paper. Peter was surprised to see that they were portraits (肖像) of his late wife.
“Your daughter is a kind young girl,” the man started to explain.
Peter then asked the man if he wanted to work in an art shop nearby run by his friend.
Shama was sitting in the bedroom which she shared with her sister Dolly, watching the goldfish Peepy in the glass bowl. The goldfish swam round and round. For a while Shama did nothing except stare at it. The fish looked sad, Shama thought. It seemed unhappy being in the small bowl.
Just then she heard her mother call her and her sister Dolly for breakfast. Shama said to her mother. “It’s Sunday today.I want to go to the lake. We go there on every Sunday.”
“We can’t go today, dear. A storm is coming. It’s dangerous.” Mom was always like that, concerned about safety of her kids. Shama made a face. Breakfast was over. Shama watched her mother washing the dishes. She loved the rushing sound of water. That was why she loved the lake too.
Mom said she didn’t feel well and wanted to have a sleep. She had gone to her bedroom.
“Shama,” Dolly whispered, leaning as close to Shama as possible. “Let’s go.”
“To the lake, where else?” This was a surprise for Shama. It was a daring suggestion.
“Mom doesn’t want us. There’s a storm coming.” Shama said in a whisper.
“No, there isn’t. Mom just doesn’t want us to go. Let her be fast asleep; then we’ll tiptoe out.” Hearing that, Shama’s face broke into a smile.
“Are you sure? Mom will be mad if we get caught.”
“We’ll come back in time. Mom ‘sleeps tight.” Dolly, gave a naughty smile.
It would be an adventure that both of them would slip out. It was a really exciting idea. Shama had never done such a thing. before.
But the fact was that the door was locked by Mom. Dolly ran towards the window. The window wasn’t locked. She smiled and said,“That’s great!”
Dolly got back into her room and a few minutes later, she came out, holding a plastic bag filled with water. Peepy the goldfish was in it.
“Why did you bring Peepy?” Shama asked with wonder.
They took off their shoes and stood in the shallow water.
Curious About Everything
Jackson did not feel good so he stayed at home from school today. He did not like to be sick. It was no fun at all. He got out of his bed and walked into his brother’s bedroom. Carter, his brother, loved cars. He had them all over his room. Jackson touched one of the black tires. He wished Carter was home. Carter liked to talk about the model cars as he was putting them together.
Jackson left Carter’s room and walked down the hall to the room his twin sisters shared. Ella liked wearing pretty clothes and Madison liked riding her horse. Ella decorated the wall behind her bed with pictures of girls in fancy clothes. A big poster of a horse was on the wall behind Madison’s bed. Jackson turned and walked back out of the room.
He walked back down the hall and into his little sister’s room. Sophie was the youngest kid in the family. She loved to dance and you could sure tell that from looking at her room. A big poster of a ballerina (芭蕾舞女演员) was over the dresser. She was wearing a funny pink outfit with a special skirt. Sophie told him what the dress was called, but he couldn’t remember right now.
As he stood there, trying to remember what it was called, he realized all of his brother and sisters’ rooms looked like the things they loved. Carter had cars in his room, Ella fashion, Madison horses, and Sophie ballet. Jackson wondered what his room said about him. He walked back down the hall and stood in the doorway of his room.
His bed was a mess. There was a racetrack on his floor, a plastic hat that was part of a magic trick set he got for his birthday, and a couple of plastic dinosaurs lying on their sides. Some clean clothes were stacked (堆放) on his dresser. His walls were bare. No posters of any kind.
“Are you feeling better?” his mom asked as she walked into the room.
Jackson asked his mom why his room looked different from the others’.
“A person doesn’t have to like just one thing. Some people, like you, are just curious about everything.” the mom said.
I have a 6-year-old boy, Sam. He is autistic(患自闭症的). Thus, dining out can be terrible. Though he loves to eat out, he dislikes the loud noise in a restaurant. He has a method to solve it: overpower(压倒) all noise with a much louder noise of his own.
This begins what I think of as fighting tables: neighboring parties raise their voice followed by Sam raising his until the loudest point of the noise is reached, making us quite unpopular with other dinners.
Faced with a possible long-time dining alone, I decided to teach my son table manners with his favourite chocolate cake at a new modern cake shop early one Tuesday night.
To my joy, we arrived at an empty cake shop. Everything went well until women entered. Neatly dressed in a simple way, they were two tables away from us. I felt a sense of bad luck coming.
The women began to chat, paying little attention to us. Sam happily took this as his start to talk loudly and overpower them. I asked Sam for a quiet voice, but unluckily Sam had left that voice at home. I looked at the neighboring table, knowing we wouldn’t go noticed much longer. I planned to ask Sam to eat quickly and leave. Sam, who usually has food unhurriedly, refused to accept the sudden idea of fast dining, and he kept talking endlessly.
“SHUSH!” I said, a little angry. Sam laughed loudly as his reply. “Be quiet!” I could see that the two women were now watching us.
Finally, the older of the two women came over.
It turned out to be a perfect night.
It was my twelfth birthday, and what I really wanted was a new bicycle. But I knew my family couldn’t afford one.
A new bike was just a dream, so I wanted a nightstand (床头柜). I figured that at least I would have a safe place to keep my private things. So I asked my parents for a nightstand with lockable drawers (抽屉).
We went to the secondhand furniture store and found an old, dark brown nightstand. It didn’t look too cool, but at least it had drawers that I could keep locked. I decided that I would paint it to make it look better.
After we took it home, I was getting ready to paint it. When I pulled the drawers out, I felt something stuck (卡住) at the back of the bottom drawer. I reached in all the way to the back and was surprised to find a bag.
When opening the bag, I realized that there were some papers in it which were some kind of official-looking documents (文件). And beneath were a bunch of dollar bills! Talk about finding a treasure! And on my birthday!
I went ahead and read the papers, which turned out to be a will (遗嘱). Some old lady was leaving her savings to her son and grandchildren. The old lady must have died and nobody knew the money. Her family donated the nightstand to the secondhand furniture store and it was now in my hands.
I counted the money, over 1,000 dollars in total. I was going crazy. With this money I could buy the coolest bicycle. I could even buy bicycles for my younger brothers. Maybe I could also get my parents a car.
What a dilemma! I could keep it and get all kinds of things for myself and my family. Or I could give it all back. “Somebody helps me with this!” I begged. But I really didn’t need anyone else to give me the answer. I already knew right from wrong. I decided not to fail this test. It was a test of honor - my honor.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I called my family into my bedroom and showed them what I had found.
Several days later, the old lady’s son and his wife came to my house.
Andy and Eric were two friends who often played together. One day, on their way back home from school, they rode slowly, talking about the fishing trip that they had planned for the coming summer vacation. While turning a corner, Andy cried out, “A fight near the lake! Let’s go to watch!”
“No,” said Eric. “Let’s go home and not get involved in their quarrel. Stay away from it, or we may get into trouble. What’s more, our parents are waiting for us at home and I don’t want them to worry about me.”
“You are a coward (胆小鬼).” Andy laughed at him. Eric was a little annoyed, but he didn’t say anything, just riding home directly. The next day, he went to school as usual.
However, Andy had told all the class that Eric was too timid to do anything brave. So the whole class laughed at him a lot. And from then on, they looked down on Eric, unwilling to play with him. Eric was very sad but he didn’t blame Andy for his being rude to him, because he learned that true courage is shown most in bearing misunderstanding when it was not deserved, and that he ought to be afraid of nothing but doing wrong. Therefore, he ignored their teasing, studying even harder. What was different was that he had to go home alone.
Several days later, Andy together with his new friends was riding home. They were so absorbed in their conversation that they were unaware of everything else around them.
Suddenly, Andy noticed an unusual buzz of noise. He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens. What he saw shocked and terrified him. A huge swarm of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and the noisy mass seemed to be heading angrily towards them.
“Bees!” someone shouted. The boys were caught in great panic. All of them except Andy rode as fast as possible to escape. Andy was too scared to move.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Andy stopped there, with the buzz louder and louder.
Dragging themselves out of the lake, they struggled up to the shore.
The challenges of being a businessman can come with many highs and lows. For a 10-year-old business owner, an unfortunate event led to a huge amount of support from the community and strangers. It even resulted in a boom in his business.
One weekend, David Hove of Toronto was selling homemade pancakes on his street. He thought of the idea as a way to make money to buy himself an expensive gaming system — an Xbox. After a number of hours, the boy went inside his home for a bathroom break. He left his pancake stand unattended for a couple of minutes, and when he returned, his pancake stand was gone. Someone had stolen his table, a cooler and even his water bottle. All that remained was the handwritten sign that reads “Homemade pancakes. $3.50 each.”
The boy’s father, David York, was surprised that somebody should steal a kid’s pancake stand. “My son was so heartbroken. How can anyone do that to a ten-year-old kid?” He reached out to neighbors asking if anybody had any clue who the thief was, but in vain. He posted on social media with the hope that perhaps the thief would return the pancake stand and maybe apologize to his son, who, he stated, developed a “distrust in humanity” because of what occurred.
A local TV station picked up the story and broadcast it. “It pains my heart to see my son going through this,” said the father in the news report. “He came up with the idea to do something that gives himself an income and it’s teaching him life lessons.” He also appealed for the return of the stolen items in the news.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
To the great delight of David Hove and his family, the story had a happy ending.
Thanks to the generosity of the community and strangers, David was soon able to be back in business.
Life never really turns out the way we expect it to. We have dreams and expectations. And dream-come-true stories are everywhere — except, it may seem, in our own lives.
As a child, Barbara never quite found the bond with her parents that all children need. Her father left the family early, and her mother did menial jobs.
“I couldn’t let my life keep me from caring about other people,” she says. “Maybe it’s unfair or just the way it turns out for people, but I still have a son.”
Barbara raised her son the best she knew how and “he turned out pretty well,” she says, smiling. And after the hard years of making ends meet and giving him a good start, she made a career change.
“I never thought I was supposed to feel sorry for myself,” she says. “And I like people.”
Barbara works as an in-home caregiver for elderly people in their last year of life. She spends 10-hour days, six days a week, with people who have Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, sometimes sleeping on their sofa when they are afraid to spend a night alone. Most don’t have families close by, and Barbara becomes the person they rely on for everything: meals, bathing, bathroom duties, daily walks if they can, mental exercises like crossword puzzles and re-learning family faces.
She only charges what the family can afford and only works with one client at a time. “They become the family I never had, over and over again,” she says, laughing.
The spaces left empty in Barbra’s childhood are filled with memories shared with her from lives fading away in the dusk. For 30 years, she has been making people feel good at a time when most would just be waiting to die, alone and unnoticed. When seeing their faces when they are with Barbara, you’d think the last years were the best.
“I’ve found something I never had,” Barbara says. “We make each other happy. So I try to give them what they want most.”
She’s learned from her experiences that old people want their loved ones to visit them.
I posted Barbara’s story online to call on children to visit their parents.
1. The day before vacation finally arrived. Lauel and I usually walked to and from school, but that day I persuaded Mom to pick us up in her car after school in case I really got the tree. Before school was over, Miss O’Keefe announced it was time for the drawing. My heart pounded as Miss O’Keefe put her hand into the box and drew one folded piece of paper out. Then she unfolded the paper, looked at it and announced. “Helen has won the tree” I was beside myself with excitement!
I raced to my mother’s car excitedly when school was out. And I’ll never forget the astonishment on my mother’s face as my sister and I carried the tree to her car. Since Mom had a key to Mrs Mueller’s house, we took the tree straight to her living room and set it up on a table. It looked so beautiful! The next evening we welcomed Mrs Mueller back at her door. She slowly made her way into the house and turned on the lights. Greeted by the sparkling Christmas tree, Mrs Mueller was rooted to the spot, looking surprised. Then a sweet smile appeared on her faceand tears welled up in her eyes. “Thank you so much!” she said softly.
【详解】1. 段落续写
2. 续写线索:宣布抽签——抽到圣诞树——布置圣诞树——米勒夫人回家——米勒夫人感动
3. 词汇激活
惊讶:surprised / astonished/amazed
【点睛】[高分句型l]Since Mom had a key to Mrs Mueller’s house, we took the tree straight to her living room and set it up on a table.(运用了since引导原因状语从句)
[高分句型2]My heart pounded as Miss O’Keefe put her hand into the box and drew one folded piece of paper out.(as引导的时间状语从句)
【高分句型3】 Greeted by the sparkling Christmas tree, Mrs Mueller was rooted to the spot, looking surprised. (运用了过去分词作状语,现在分词作状语)
2.He paused for a minute and closed his eyes, praying. Then he poured the water into the pump and started it. Soon, he heard a bubbling sound, and water started pouring out. There was a moment of relief on his face. He drank the water and filled his bottle. Then he refilled the bottle from the hut as told to in the paper, reflecting that it was his faith in the water pump that worked. Later, he lay on his back, only to find a map and a pen tied to the roof of the hut.
The map explained the direction to the nearby village. Similarly, he believed that the map would guide him in the right direction and help him out of the desert. Then he wrote in the paper, “Have faith. It works.” And he kept both the bottle and the paper to the exact place from where he took. With the help of the map and the bottled water, he walked out of the desert and made it to his destination. In life, once we have faith, we should continue our efforts towards it. It will pay more than we want.
①流出来:pour out/flow out/spill out
②.有信心:have faith /have confidence
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Then he refilled the bottle from the hut as told to in the paper, reflecting that it was his faith in the water pump that worked.(运用了非谓语动词中的现在分词作伴随状语。)
[高分句型2]. Similarly, he believed that the map would guide him in the right direction and help him out of the desert.(运用了that引导的宾语从句。)
3.“Your daughter is a kind young girl,” the man started to explain. “She goes to see me every day.” After communication, Peter eventually knew where the dirty spots of his daughter’s clothes came from. One day, Mary went home alone after quarreling with Anna, when she noticed this old man begging for food. So sympathetic was she that she bought him some food and accompanied him back home. Weeping for Mary’s kindness, Peter asked curiously, “Is this the reason why you made her the drawings?” “Yes, she told me she missed her late mom so much. As a painter before, all I can do for her is to draw some pictures about her mom.”
Peter then asked the man if he wanted to work in an art shop nearby run by his friend. He wanted to be as helpful as his kind-hearted daughter. “Can I?” the old man just couldn’t believe what he heard. Peter later bought him some new clothes and took him home. The father knew these two sincere friends were worthy of more mutual companionship. Mary was overwhelmed by astonishment when she took over the drawings from the old man at the gate. In the portraits, her mom smiled gently, as if she was saying, “Helping others is helping ourselves.”
①.陪伴:accompany sb./keep sb. company
②.回家:go home/come back home
①.好奇的:curiously/out of curiosity
②.惊讶:be surprised to do/be overwhelmed by astonishment
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Peter eventually knew where the dirty spots of his daughter’s clothes came from.(由连接副词where引导的宾语从句作knew的宾语)
[高分句型2]. So sympathetic was she that she bought him some food and accompanied him back home.(由so...that引导结果状语从句)
4.“Why did you bring Peepy?” Shama asked with wonder. “Don’t you think it is sad in the small bowl? It wants freedom, too.” Dolly replied firmly. Shama smiled happily. Holding the bag tightly, Dolly climbed out of the window. Shama followed her sister carefully and they ran to the lake joyfully.
They took off their shoes and stood in the shallow water. Feeling a warm current flows over the whole body, Dolly slowly opened the bag and set Peepy free. It wagged its tail as if to say “Thank you!” and then swam away happily. Shama waved goodbye to Peepy, stepping out of the lake. Worried that their mother would wake up, they quickly wore their shoes and went back home. Mother had woken up. She didn’t blame them for setting the fish free, though. When asked to keep safety in mind, the sisters promised not to go out without permission.
【点睛】[高分句型1] Shama waved goodbye to Peepy, stepping out of the lake. (使用非谓语动词作状语)
[高分句型2] When asked to keep safety in mind, the sisters promised not to go out without permission.(使用when引导的状语从句的省略)
5.Jackson asked his mom why his room looked different from the others’. His room was completely a mess. There was a race track, a plastic hat that was part of a magic trick set and a couple of plastic dinosaurs. Some clean clothes were stacked. Feeling a bit upset, Jackson turned to his mother. “You can tell what they like just by looking at their rooms. Carter loves cars, Ella loves clothes, and Madison loves horses. But look at my room. It looks like I don’t like anything!”
“A person doesn’t have to like just one thing. Some people, like you, are just curious about everything,” the mom said. “Looking around your room tells me that you like to race cars, build things, do magic and you’re even interested in dinosaurs. Curiosity is part of human nature. Good thinkers are excited by new ideas and are eager to explore and investigate them. You are a great boy! I’m proud of you!” Hearing mom’s words, Jackson showed his gratitude as a big smile spread across his face.
①.感兴趣的:be interested in/show an interest in
②.渴望:be eager to do/long to do
【点睛】[高分句型1]. There was a race track, a plastic hat that was part of a magic trick set and a couple of plastic dinosaurs. (由that引导的限制性定语从句)
[高分句型2]. Hearing mom’s words, Jackson showed his gratitude as a big smile spread across his face.(由现在分词作状语和as引导的状语从句)
6.One possible version:
Finally, the older of the two women came over. Here came the bad luck, I thought. She completely surprised me when she said, “Honey, stop shushing your boy. Clearly, he has something important to say. He can talk as much as he wants. I want to hear everything he wishes to say.” Smiling, she added, “You have a lovely boy. Relax and enjoy your dinner—and don’t let him forget the chocolate cake.” Sam smiled because finally, someone wanted him to do what he did best: make noise and eat chocolate cake.
It turned out to be a perfect night. I met a wonderful woman who was clearly god-sent. Sam found the chocolate cake to be heavenly, too. I will always remember that lovely lady. Her kindness meant the world to a stressed-out mom. Whenever she is, we’re sending her lots of thanks. Her kind words do not cost much. Yet they achieve much.
②.遇到:meet/come across
③.记得:remember /keep in mind/bear in mind
①.感谢:sending her lots of thanks /show our gratitude/be grateful
②.微笑:smile / beam on
【点睛】[高分句型1]. I want to hear everything he wishes to say.(运用省略关系代词that的定语从句)
[高分句型2]. Whenever she is, we’re sending her lots of thanks.(运用了whenever引导的时间状语从句)
7. I called my family into my bedroom and showed them what I had found. Eyes caught by the incredible bunch of dollar bills at once, they held their breath uncontrollably, frozen with shock. I told them I wanted to give them all back, and undoubtedly, I got their support. So we tuned to the secondhand furniture store owner for help. Looking through the donation records, the owner found the son’s telephone number. We got in touch with him right away, told him about the will and the money and made an appointment with him.
Several days later, the old lady’s son and his wife came to my house. Tears welled up in the man’s eyes when he saw the money and the papers, which apparently brought back his memories about his dead mother. Then the couple expressed their sincere gratitude to us. They said they were in big financial trouble now and my act of honesty was a timely help, not only giving them hope but also strengthening their faith. I had never felt better. No new bicycle could make me feel as good about myself as I felt that day. I passed an extremely important test of my honor.
①得到某人的支持:get one’s support/be supported by
②和某人取得联系:get in touch with sb./contact sb.
③和某人约定:make an appointment with sb./ make a date with sb.
①震惊:frozen with shock/be totally shocked
【点睛】【高分句型1】I told them I wanted to give them all back, and undoubtedly, I got their support.(由省略连词that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】Tears welled up in the man’s eyes when he saw the money and the papers, which apparently brought back his memories about his dead mother.(由when引导的时间状语从句和which引导的非限制性定语从句)
8. Andy stopped there, with the buzz louder and louder. Just at that moment, Eric rode rapidly towards him like an arrow. He stopped, threw off his clothes and wrapped up their faces. After that, he shouted to Andy, “This way! There is a lake ahead!” With no time to waste, they rode furiously in the direction of the lake, the crazy bees following them. Finally, they made it to the lake. Off their bikes and into the cool water they lived, disappearing below the surface and away from the savage insects. After holding their breath for as long as they could, they came up for air and noticed the bees had gone.
Dragging themselves out of the lake, they struggled up to the shore. Andy looked at Eric gratefully and was ashamed of having called Eric a coward. He realized that Eric had true courage. He hugged Eric, saying “sorry” to Eric repeatedly for his rude behavior and asked for his forgiveness. Eric forgave him happily. He and Andy were friends again and they went home together as usual. From that, Andy learned what true courage was: never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do evil.
③为……而道歉:say “sorry” for…/apologize for…
【点睛】[高分句型1]. With no time to waste, they rode furiously in the direction of the lake, the crazy bees following them.(独立主格结构)
[高分句型2]. From that, Andy learned what true courage was: never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do evil.(由连接代词what引导的宾语从句)
9.One possible version:
To the great delight of David Hove and his family, the story had a happy ending. The thief was soon and everything stolen has been returned. After the TV station aired the boy’s story, offers of support began to pour in. Someone in the neighbourhood donated a new table and cooler, and in a matter of days, David got everything needed for a new pancake stand. Besides, he received lots of encouraging messages from strangers. The best part? Someone surprised David with his very own Xbox, which of course made the boy overjoyed. “I was about to cry upon seeing the gift,” said David.
Thanks to the generosity of the community and strangers, David was soon able to be back in business. Many more people now stop to buy his pancakes. In fact, the boy’s eyes are already set on the next thing he will save up for. When asked just what that is, he gave a big smile and said, “A car.” And his father said the boy had learned a valuable lesson from the incident. “When he experienced misfortune, he was able to witness the coming together of strangers for a common good,” said David York. “That shows him that there is more good than bad in the world. And that’s a positive thing.”
播出:air/ broadcast
归还:return/give back
宝贵:valuable /precious
高兴:overjoyed /pleased
【点睛】[高分句型1] After the TV station aired the boy’s story, offers of support began to pour in. (运用了after引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] Someone surprised David with his very own Xbox, which of course made the boy overjoyed. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
10. She’s learned from her experiences that old people want their loved ones to visit them. Therefore, she tries her best to give more help to the elderly and make them happier. Whenever she serves an elderly family, she will learn about their loved ones, especially their children. She will take down their home address and contact information. She will chat with them to learn about the old people’s living habits in order to better serve them. She also tells them about the old people’s current situation and encourages them to pay as many visits as possible.
I posted Barbara’s story online to call on children to visit their parents. The response to my post was positive. Many people told me they were moved by the story and told me about their experiences. Some people said that they rarely visited their parents because they were so busy at work. When their parents died, they felt very sad and pitiful, but it was too late. Others were happy to tell me that they were inspired by her story, and they now often visit their parents, who are very happy.
尽最大努力:try one’s best/spare no effort to
写下:take down /write down
去世:die/pass away
感动:moved /touched
高兴:happy /pleased
【点睛】[高分句型1] Many people told me they were moved by the story and told me about their experiences. (运用了省略that的宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Others were happy to tell me that they were inspired by her story, and they now often visit their parents, who are very happy. (运用了who引导非限制性定语从句)