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    第10讲 Unit 10  I've had this bike for three years.  基础版 教案01
    第10讲 Unit 10  I've had this bike for three years.  基础版 教案02
    第10讲 Unit 10  I've had this bike for three years.  基础版 教案03
    第10讲 Unit 10  I've had this bike for three years.  基础版 教案01
    第10讲 Unit 10  I've had this bike for three years.  基础版 教案02
    第10讲 Unit 10  I've had this bike for three years.  基础版 教案03
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    第10讲 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. 基础版 教案

    这是一份第10讲 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. 基础版,文件包含第10讲Unit10Ivehadthisbikeforthreeyears基础版教师版doc、第10讲Unit10基础版学生版doc等2份教案配套教学资源,其中教案共43页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第十讲 Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years. 基础版

    Living environment
    1.院子 yard 2.庭院拍卖会 yard sale
    3. 甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的 sweet 4. 记忆;回忆 memory
    5. 分;分币 cent 6. 玩具 toy
    7. 熊 bear 8. 生产者;制订者 maker
    9. 面包机 bread maker 10. 围巾;披巾;头巾 scarf
    11. 软的;柔软的 soft 12. 软体玩具;布绒玩具 soft toy
    13. 检查;审查 check 14. 察看;观察 check out
    15. 板;木板 board 16. 棋类游戏 board game
    17.地位(或职位、级别)低下的junior 18. 初级中学 junior high school
    19. 清理;清除 clear 20. 清理;丢掉 clear out
    21. 卧室 bedroom 22. 不再;不复 no longer
    23. 拥有;有 own 24. 铁路;铁道 railway
    25. 离开;分开 part 26. 放弃;交出 part with
    27. 某种;某事;某人 certain 28. 至于;关于 as for
    29. 诚实的;老实的 honest 30. 说实在的 to be honest
    31. 一段时间;一会儿 while 32. 诚实的;真实的 truthful
    33. 家乡;故乡 hometown 34. 现今;现在;目前 nowadays
    35. 搜索;搜查 search 36.在(其)中;……之一 among
    37. 彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔) crayon 38.羞耻;羞愧;惭愧 shame
    39. 将……认为;把……视为 regard 40. 数数 count
    41. 百年;世纪 century 42. 依据;按照 according
    43.与..相对;在..对面;对面的;另一边的opposite 44. 尤其;特别;格外 especially
    45. 童年;幼年 childhood 46. 注视;仔细考虑 consider
    47. 几乎;接近 close to 48. 拥有;抓住 hold
    1. these days 目前,现在 2.regard with great interest 以极大的兴趣关注着
    3. in order to 为了 4.so far 迄今,到目前为止
    5. in need 需要 6. not...any more 不再.....
    7. welcome to sp 欢迎来到..... 8.check out 察看,观察
    9. board games 棋类游戏 10. one last thing 最后一样东西
    11. junior high school 初级中学 12.clear out 清理
    13. no longer 不再 14.toy monkey 玩具猴
    15. part with 与.....分开 16. to be honest 说实在的
    17. ride a bike 骑自行车 18.have a yard sale进行庭院拍卖会
    19. one’s old things 某人的旧东西 20.bring back sweet memories勾起甜美的回忆
    21. give away 捐赠 22. play for a while 玩一会
    23. do with 处理,处置 24. search for work 找工作
    25.for the last 13 years在过去的13年里 26. the mid-20th century 20世纪中期
    27. stay the same 保持原状 28. according to 依照,按照
    29. in one’s opinion 依......看 30. in my time 在我那个年代
    1. Have long have you had that bike over there? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多久了?
    2. Amy has had her favorite book for three years . 艾米拥有她最喜欢的书3年了。
    3. He has owned it since his fourth birthday. 自他四岁生日起,他拥有这个东西了。
    4. Some people still live in their hometown. However, others may only see it once or twice a year. 有些人依然住在家乡,然而,另一些人可能一年只能回家乡一两次。
    5. As for me ,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but to be honest, I have not played for a while now. 至于我,我不想放弃我的足球衣,但是,说实在的,我现在已经有一段时间没有踢球了。
    6. Have you ever thought about having a yard sale to sell your things? 你是否曾经想过要举办一个庭院拍卖会来出售东西?
    7. What would you do with the memory you raise? 你会怎样处理你所筹集到得钱?

    Section A 考点知识梳理
    1、 Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories.艾米想要留着她的旧东西,因为他们带来甜蜜的回忆。
    (1)keep 保留
    keep sth for sb = keep sb sth 为某人保留某物
    ◆I keep all her letters. 我保留着她所有的信。
    ◆Please keep a seat for me. = Please keep me a seat. 请给我留个座位。
    (2) sweet形容词,意为“甜蜜的;甜的;悦耳的”
    ◆How sweet the music sounds!这音乐多么动听啊!
    2、 You can also give old things away to people in need.你也可以把旧东西捐赠给需要的人,
    in need 在困难时;在危难之中,做后置定语,修饰前面的名词。
    be in need of 需要……
    ◆We are raising money for children in need. 我们在为贫困儿童募捐。
    ◆A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。
    ◆After working for ten hours, she was in great need of rest. 工作十小时之后,她非常需要休息。
    3、And check out these soft toys and board games for younger kids.察看一下这些适合较年幼的孩子的布绒玩具和棋类游戏。
    (1) check 检查;审查
    check in (在旅馆、机场等)登记
    check out 察看;观察
    ◆You should check your answer before you hand in your paper. 在你交卷子前你应该检查答案。
    ◆You should check in before the flight. 飞机起飞前你应该登记。
    ◆If you find something interesting, I will check it out. 如果你发现什么有趣的东西,我会去看一下。
    ◆The clothes feels soft while yours feels hard.这块不了手感柔软,而你的布料手感硬。
    4、 junior high school 初中
    high school 高中
    5、 We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms.我们已经从卧室里清理出大量的物品。
    Clear动词,意为“清理,清除”。常构成的短语:clear out清理,丢掉
    ◆They are clearing out the snow from the street.他们正在清理街道上的雪。
    6、 We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use.我们决定每人出售五件不再使用的物品。
    no longer = not……any longer不再;不复,注意:no longer意为“不再”,通常放在be动词之后,行为动词之前;any longer放在句末。
    ◆This kind of skirt is no longer in fashion. = This kind of skirt is not in fashion any longer. 这种裙子不再流行。
    ◆He no longer lives in the city. = He doesn't live in the city any longer. 他不再住在这个城市了。
    7、 he has owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday.他四岁就有了一套火车轨道玩具。
    own 拥有;有
    ◆I don't own anything. 我什么都没有。
    ◆The girl owns books. 这个女孩有很多书。
    8、 My daughter was more understanding,although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.我的女儿更善解人意,尽管房企某些玩具她也感到悲伤。
    (1)① part v离开;分开
    part with 放弃;交出(尤指不舍得的东西)
    ◆When he parted the curtains, the sunlight flooded into the room. 他拉开窗帘,阳光洒进屋内。
    ◆They felt sad to part with the old house. 要和自己的老房子分开了,他们感到很伤心。
    ② part n 角色;部分
    take part in 参加
    play a part in 在……中扮演角色/起作用
    ◆About 400 students took part in the activity. 大约四百名学生参加了这个活动。
    ③play a key part in = play an important part in 在……中发挥重要作用
    ◆He played a key part in the game. 在这次比赛中他发挥了重要作用。
    ◆A certain person called me yesterday. 昨天有人给我打电话了。
    ◆There are certain things I can't discuss with my mother. 有些事情我没法和我母亲商量。
    ②be certain of/about 对……有把握
    ◆He is certain of/about getting a ticket. 他有把握买到票。
    9、 As for me,I did not want to give up my football shirts,but,to be honest,I have not played for a while now.至于我,我不想房企我的足球衫,但是,说实在的,现在我已经有一段时间没踢足球了。
    (1)as for 至于;关于
    ◆As for robots, I can't tell you anything. 关于机器人,我不能告诉你任何事情。
    (2)honest 诚实的;老实的;to be honest 说实在的
    ◆He is an honest boy. 他是个诚实的男孩。
    ◆To be honest, his speech is really boring. 说实在的,他的演讲实在是无聊。
    (3)while 一段时间;一会儿

    after a while 过了一会儿
    for a while 暂时;一会儿
    quite a while 很长一段时间
    in a while 不久;马上
    all the while 一直;始终
    once in a while 偶尔;有时
    ◆At last, he could relax for a while. 他终于可以放松一下了。
    ◆Mr. Li will come to meet you in a while. 李先生过一会儿会来见你。
    10、 what would you do with the money you raise?你将怎样处理你募集的钱?
    do with 处理;安置,强调处理对象,和what连用
    deal with 处理;应付,强调处理方法,和how连用
    ◆I don't know what to do with these emails. 我不知道如何处理这些电子邮件。
    ◆My parents taught me how to deal with pressure. 我的父母教我如何应对压力。
    11、 Turthful:①诚实的;真实的;②真实的
    ◆You should be truthful.你应该诚实。
    ◆He told us a truthful story.他告诉了我一个真实的故事。

    SectionB 考点知识梳理
    1、However,others may only see it once or twice a year.然而,其他人可能一年只回家乡一两次。once or twice 一两次
    一次 once = one time
    两次 twice = two times
    三次及以上 基数词 + times three times 三次
    once/twice/基数词+times a day/week/month/year 一天/周/月/年几次
    once a day 一天一次 twice a week 一周两次
    ◆I play football once a week. 我一周踢一次足球。
    ◆Mr. Green usually washes his face twice a day. Green先生一天洗两次脸。
    2、Nowadays,millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.如今,数百万中国人离开农村去城市找工作。
    (1)nowadays 现今;现在;目前,位于句首或句末
    ◆Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading. 现在大多数孩子喜欢看电视胜过读书。
    ◆News flies about rapidly nowadays. 现在消息传播的很快。
    (2) search 搜索;搜查
    search(+ 地点)for sb/sth (在某处)搜寻某人/某物
    search sb 搜某人的身
    in search of 寻找……
    ◆He searched for his schoolbag everywhere. 他到处寻找他的书包。
    ◆He searches everyone regularly. 他例行搜身检查。
    ◆Tom went to the big city in search of a good job. Tom去大城市,想找一个好工作。
    3、 Among these is Zhong Wei ,a 46-year-old husband and father.作为一位46岁的丈夫和父亲,钟伟就是其中之一。这是一个倒装句,正常语序为“Zhong Wei,a 46-year-old husband and father,is among these”.英语中,表示地点的介词短语做状语置于句首时,主谓可以倒装。
    ① among 在(其中);……之一,用于三者及三者以上 = one of ……
    ◆The movie is the best among the modern movies. 在现代电影中这部是最好的。
    ◆New York is among/one of the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的城市之一。
    ② between 两者之间
    ◆He is usually free between Tuesday and Thursday. 他通常在周二到周四之间有空。
    ◆Tom sits between Lily and Mary. Tom坐在Lily和Mary之间。
    4、 It’s a shame.实在是遗憾。
    shame 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧
    It's a shame that…… 真遗憾……
    It's a shame to do sth 做某事是羞耻的
    What a shame!真遗憾!/多可惜啊!
    ◆It's a shame that you have to leave so soon. 你这么快就要走了,真遗憾。
    ◆It's a shame to talk in the class. 上课说话是一件羞耻的事。
    ◆What a shame we missed the wedding!我们错过了这场婚礼太可惜了!
    5、 Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.许多像钟伟一样的人都以浓厚的兴趣关注着他们的家乡发生了怎样的变化。
    regard 将……认为;将……视为;看待
    ◆I regard you as my best friend. 我把你当做我最好的朋友
    ◆He regards Titanic as his best film. 他认为泰坦尼克号是他最好的电影。
    6、Children have learned to read and count at my old primary school since the mid-20th century 自从20世界中期以来,孩子们就在我以前读书的小学里读书和数数了。
    ① 某一世纪:the + 序数词 + century
    the 21th century 21世纪
    the 20th century 20世纪
    ② 在……世纪……年代:in the + 整十年份的复数 = in the 整十年份 + 's
    in the 1740s = in the 1740's 在18世纪40年代
    ◆Albert Einstein lived in the 20th century. 爱因斯坦生活在20世纪。
    7、consider doing sth 仔细考虑做某事
    ◆He is considering going or not. 他正在考虑去还是不去。
    单元语法知识重点:含since或for 的现在完成时
    (1)某些动词的现在完成时可表示过去某一时间开始并一直持续到现在的动作或状态,常与for + 一段时间 或 since + 过去的时间点/动作连用。
    ◆Tom has worked in this university for twenty years. Tom在这所大学工作20年了。
    ◆He has learned about 8000 English words since he went to university. 他上大学以来学了约8000个单词了。
    ◆She has been at this school since five years ago. 她从五年前开始就一直在这个学校。
    ◆He has lived in Suzhou since 2008. 他从2008年就住在苏州。
    (2)含for 和含since 的现在完成时句子可以互相转换。
    ◆She has lived here since 13 years ago.= She has lived here for 13 years. 她从13年前就住在这儿了。
    ◆I haven't seen him since three ago.= I haven't seen him for two years.我有两年没见过他了。
    常见的非延续性动词:come,go,leave,start,die,finish,become,join,buy,get married等。
    他入团两年了。He has joined the League for two years. (×)
    He has been a League member for two years. (√)
    这辆自行车我买了三年了。I have bought this bike for three years. (×)
    I have had this bike for three years. (√)
    fall asleep
    be asleep
    be in/be a member of
    make friends
    be friends
    be on
    be over
    be here/there
    get up
    be up
    be away(from)
    be dead
    be open
    be closed
    get married
    be married

    1.(1分)Cathy is the tallest ____ all the students in her class.
         A.behind      B.between      C.among      D.during
    2.(1分)—____ do your parents come to visit you in the US, Tom?
    —Once a year.
         A.How often      B.How long      C.How soon      D.How far
    3.(1分)—____ will you stay in China for your further study?
    —For three years.
         A.How often      B.How soon      C.How far      D.How long
    4.(1分)Jack is my classmate. We ____ each other since he came to our school.
         A.knew      B.have known      C.will know
    5.(1分)—Sorry for not answering your call. I ____ a meeting.
    —It doesn't matter.
         A.had      B.was having      C.would have      D.have had
    6.(1分)—Do you believe what Tom said just now?
    —Of course! He is ____ honest boy.
         A.a      B.an      C.the      D./
    7.(1分)Miss Li regards all his students ____ his children.
         A.as      B.for      C.to
    8.(1分)—Have you seen the film Monkey King?
    —Yes. I ____ it three times. It is so interesting.
         A.saw      B.have seen      C.will see      D.am seeing
    9.(1分)My uncle's new book ____ out next month.
         A.come      B.came      C.will come      D.has come
    10.(1分)They ____ for the Winter Olympics since 5 years ago.
         A.train      B.trained      C.is training      D.have trained
    11.(1分)The room is ____ to hold 100 people.
         A.enough big      B.too big      C.big enough      D.big too
    12.(1分)The child ____ the violin will give a performance next week.
         A.playing      B.play
         C.are going to playing      D.will play
    13.(1分)Henry has got two bicycles. ____ of them is expensive.
         A.Neither      B.None      C.Both      D.All
    14.(1分)The fridge doesn't work. Why not consider ____ a new one?
         A.buy      B.bought      C.to buy      D.buying
    15.(1分)My uncle ____ the shop. It's not my father's, but his.
         A.likes      B.owns      C.cleans      D.needs
    16.(10分)Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
         I miss you so much. Thank you for the new bike! I'm so excited! How did you know   1   is my favorite color?
         When I first   2   the box under the Christmas tree, I didn't know what it was. I thought it was   3   small to hold a bike. Then when I opened it, I saw that the bike was in small pieces. That's   4   the box was small!
         Dad and I put them   5   the next day. It was a lot of fun.   6   we finished, I got on the blue bike and   7   around the town. My old bike was too small for me. This one is just   8  . It looks great, too! All   9   friends want one like this now. Dad said that I could take my   10   when we go to visit you in the spring. I can't wait.
          (1)A.red B.blue C.green D.white
          (2)A.saw B.sent C.put D.closed
          (3)A.so B.very C.much D.too
          (4)A.why B.how C.where D.what
          (5)A.away B.out C.together D.off
          (6)A.After B.Before C.Because D.Although
          (7)A.ran B.jumped C.flew D.rode
          (8)A.small B.strong C.right D.wrong
          (9)A.his B.her C.my D.mine
          (10)A.photos B.glasses C.schoolbag D.bike

    17.(5分)     I know there are many interesting and useful jobs, but I would like to be a teacher.
         I began to think about my future job at the age of fourteen. I was born into a family of teachers. My parents are both teachers and I like the job.
         When I was a little girl, I often went to school with my mother. I saw my mother in the class. I watched her and I wanted to be popular among pupils like her.
         When I was in the 9th grade, one day, the head teacher asked me to give an English lesson to the 5th grade pupils because their English teacher caught a cold. I entered (进入) the classroom, saw many pupils sitting at their desks, said "Good morning", and began the lesson.
         I wanted the pupils to like English. We read, wrote, sang songs, asked and answered questions. Later, I gave English lessons several times and I was happy teaching the pupils.
         Now I know what I am going to do after leaving school. I want to be an English teacher. It's a very interesting but difficult job. It's interesting because I can work with pupils. It's difficult because I have to teach them a foreign language.
         To be a good teacher means to know a lot. Every day I improve my English by reading books, reading English newspapers, looking through magazines and speaking with English people.
         I like English and I want to be a good teacher.
    (1)When did the writer begin to think about her future job?
              A.In the 5th grade.           B.In the 9th grade.
              C.At 10.           D.At 14.
    (2)The writer felt ____ about teaching the pupils according to Paragraph 5.
              A.happy           B.worried           C.nervous           D.excited
    (3)The writer thinks being a teacher is interesting because she can ____.
              A.learn a lot           B.work with pupils
              C.enjoy long vacations           D.work with her mother
    (4)To improve her English, the writer does the following things every day EXCEPT (除了) ____.
              A.speaking with English people           B.looking through magazines
              C.watching English movies           D.reading books
    (5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
              A.The writer has left school and is a good teacher now.
              B.The writer often went to school with her mother when she was young.
              C.The writer gave an English lesson to the 5th grade pupils in an afternoon.
              D.The writer's English teacher asked her to give an English lesson to the 5th grade pupils.

         Have you considered using plants when you want to make your rooms more beautiful? Indoor plants are great for adding interest to a room and are especially helpful when used for decorating (装饰) small rooms. These plants can be either living or artificial (人造的). You can choose either of them.
         If you choose to decorate your house with living plants, then you should know that you have to take care of the plants. Living plants will need watering. You should keep them at proper room temperature or they may die. Clearing out the dead plants will cost you time and money. Please take good care of the living plants.
         If you are a person that is very busy and yet want plants to make your work place brighter, then you can choose to decorate it with silk plants. These plants are made of soft silk. They look like real plants whether they are in a hanging basket or sitting on a desk in your work place. Silk plants need little care. But you should often clean them so they won't look dirty.
    (1)Indoor plants are great for adding         to a room and decorating small rooms.
    (2)If you choose to use living plants, you have to           the plants.
    (3)You should keep living plants at        room temperature or they may die.
    (4)          are made of soft silk and look like real plants.
    (5)If you don't       silk plants, they will look dirty.

    That pink sweater              me sweet memories.
    I have got                      questions to ask you.
                        , I don't like eating pizza.
    You should read one book a month              .
    Mr. Lee        some money        to the people in need.

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