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    名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 A Random Gift of Sweetness班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________心灵鸡汤精选A Random Gift of Sweetness话题归类阅读难度词数关爱他人五星1003【文章梗概】一个雨天,一对满面愁容的老年夫妻到店里冲洗一组他们结婚的照片作为圣诞礼物送给丈夫已经过世的母亲。这份礼物在母亲在世时因为各种原因一直未能送出。店员Dennis知道后,感同身受,在老年夫妻付款时,赠给他们一包薄荷味巧克力作为安慰与鼓励,却不想,这种巧克力也是母亲每年必送给夫妻的礼物。这个善举引起了夫妻对母亲爱和温暖的回忆。他们非常感谢DennisThere is no greater loan than a sympathetic ear.~Frank TygerDennis glanced at his watch and smiled. He was tired and there were only forty-five minutes to go until closing time at the Rite-Aid where he worked. The store was nearly empty anyway, even though Christmas was right around the corner. It was probably because it was raining.The automated doors opened and a middle-aged couple entered purposefully, wet from the persistentprecipitation. The man was carrying a portfolio under his trench coat to protect it from the rain. The woman was wearing a stylish red raincoat, very appropriate for the holidays, but looked sad and stressed. Dennis offered his assistance.“You print photos, right?” the man inquired with an accent that tipped Dennis off that the gentleman wasn’t local.“Yes sir, machine’s right over there,” Dennis said, pointing past colorful, holiday displays featuring an assortment of gift ideas. “Let me assist you, please.”As the trio walked over to the kiosk that housed the photographic equipment and supplies, Dennis noticed that the couple looked tired and sad.Dennis positioned himself behind the equipment, and briefly reacquainted himself with its functionality. “Okay, how can I help you good people?”The man started to speak, but the words did not come. So his wife, her graying blond hair covered with a rain bonnet, explained: “We have some photos from our wedding nearly thirty years ago we’d like to get copies of,” she said. “Please make them pretty. They’re for John’s mother, my mother-in-law, Joyce.”Dennis smiled warmly at the couple. “That’s very nice. A Christmas gift, huh?”“Well… no, not exactly. We’ve promised her these photos for years, but always put it off. Maybe we were just lazy, or forgot, I don’t know. She always wanted a set from our wedding day, but it just never happened. It’s funny how things get away from you in life.”“Well, better late than never, right?” said Dennis.The woman pursed her lips together tightly and gave a slight nod in agreement.Dennis went to work reproducing the stack of about fifty photographs, but halfway through the process the machine began to overheat. Somewhat embarrassed, Dennis called another employee, Sandy, to the section to assist. They needed to make this holiday gift for this nice couple before the store closed.For nearly fifteen minutes, Dennis and Sandy tinkered with the equipment, disassembled and then reassembled components, until finally, they got it working properly again. The couple never complained and patiently stood there throughout the ordeal, in drippingattire.With only five photos left to copy, Dennis, with a note of excitement, exclaimed, “I just know your mom’s going to be overjoyed to finally get these photos from you guys! I almost wish I could see her face when she opens them up.”There was a long, awkward silence from the couple. Dennis immediately sensed he had said something that initiated the uncomfortable moment, and quickly apologized. “Sorry, I’m being chatty tonight; we’re almost done. Thank you for your patience, folks.”“No, you’re fine, Dennis,” John answered, reading the employee nametag. “These photos are indeed for my mom but she won’t be able to see them. You see, she died this week and the funeral is tomorrow. We’ll put the photos in her casket, cradled in her arms.”The man sighed heavily, and his wife wiped away a tear. “You were right, Dennis, ‘better late than never’, huh?”Dennis asked Sandy to finish the job and he stepped away. The couple had been so patient, so kind, despite the equipment malfunctions and circumstances, all the while dealing with the pain of losing a loved one and right before the Christmas holidays. Dennis wanted to offer some token, some small gift, to recognize their goodness and positive spirit. He wandered down one of the aisles and randomly grabbed a seasonally decorated bag of red, green and gold foil–wrapped candied mints, and discreetly purchased them with his own cash. Then he bagged the item and pushed it aside.The couple approached the register to pay for their completed photos. Dennis smiled and rang up the purchase, and thanked the couple again for their patience, then offered his condolences. They nodded and began to leave.“Oh wait, sorry, I nearly forgot,” Dennis announced. “It’s nothing, really, but I wanted to get you two something for your incredible patience tonight with our stubborn equipment, and with it being so close to Christmas and all.” Then he handed them the plastic bag with the candy. The couple shyly accepted the gift and pulled out its contents. They both started crying.Dennis began to apologize.“No, no, you’re fine,” the lady stammered with a smile. “You see, you just made our night, Dennis. The only way I can say it is you are an angel… our Christmas angel.”Dennis was dumbfounded. It was only a simple bag of chocolate mints.The man explained, “You would’ve never known it, but every Christmas when we would visit my mother in New York for the holidays she would give us three things: a gift card to our favorite restaurant chain, something she quilted that year, and…” He couldn’t finish the sentence.“A bag of Andes chocolate mints,” his wife concluded. Then she repeated, “A Christmas bag of Andes. . . the exact same thing you just gave us.” Dennis could not speak. Out of hundreds of items he could have selected from the shelves for this couple, he had selected the one item that offered them hope and peace and joy and love.“Thank you Dennis; we’ll never forget you,” John managed as they began to leave the store. “You have no idea how much this means to us!”Then the couple departed into the rainy chill of night while Dennis silently locked up the store, turned off the lights and set the alarm system. But not before purchasing a second bag of Andes chocolate mints, an early Christmas gift to take home to his wife.~David Michael Smith  【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.persistent   [pəˈsɪstənt] adj.______________________________ 2.functionality [ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti] n. _____________________________3.precipitation     [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn] n. _____________________________4.blond [blɒnd] adj. _____________________________5.portfolio    [pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ] n. _____________________________6.bonnet [ˈbɒnɪt] n. _____________________________7.trench [trentʃ] n. _____________________________8.purse  [pɜːs] vt. _____________________________9.stylish [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] adj. _____________________________10.stack [stæk] n._____________________________11.tip [tɪp] vt. _____________________________12.dripping   [ˈdrɪpɪŋ] adj._____________________________13.note [nəʊt] n. _____________________________14.overjoyed    əʊvəˈdʒɔɪd] adj. _____________________________15.chatty        [ˈtʃæti] adj. _____________________________16.casket       [ˈkɑːskɪt] n. _____________________________17.malfunction       [ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn] n._____________________________18.recognize        [ˈrekəɡnaɪz] vt. _____________________________19.foil–wrap         _____________________________20.discreetly         [dɪˈskriːtli] adv. _____________________________21.register          [ˈredʒɪstə(r)] n. _____________________________22.incredible          [ɪnˈkredəbl] adj. ___________________________           23.dumbfound          [dʌmˈfaʊnd] vt. ___________________________24.depart          [dɪˈpɑːrt] v. ___________________________25.overheat [ˌoʊvərˈhiːt] vi. ___________________________  26.assortment [əˈsɔːrtmənt] n. ___________________________27.tinker [ˈtɪŋkər] vi. ___________________________28.trio [ˈtriːoʊ] n. ___________________________29.disassemble [ˌdɪsəˈsembl] v. ___________________________30.kiosk    [ˈkiːɑːsk] n. ___________________________31.reassemble [ˌriːəˈsembl] vi. ___________________________32.position [pəˈzɪʃn] vt. ___________________________33.component [kəmˈpoʊnənt] n. ___________________________34.reacquaint    [ˌriːəˈkweɪnt] v. ___________________________35.ordeal [ɔːrˈdiːl]   n. ___________________________36.attire [əˈtaɪər] n.___________________________37.exclaim [ɪkˈskleɪm] v. ___________________________38.initiate [ɪˈnɪʃieɪt] vt. ___________________________39.nametag [ˈneɪmˌtæɡ] n. ___________________________40.cradle [ˈkreɪdl] v. ___________________________41.token [ˈtoʊkən] n. ___________________________42.aisle [aɪl] n. 走廊43.mint [mɪnt] n. 薄荷糖44.bag [bæɡ] v. ……装进袋子45.condolence [kənˈdoʊləns] n. 吊唁46.stammer [ˈstæmər] v. 结结巴巴地说  47.quilt [kwɪlt] vt. 缝合48.house [haʊs] vt. 收藏存放   【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1 The woman __________________________________________ and __________________________________________.   这位女士紧紧抿了抿嘴唇,微微点了点头以示同意。2. There was a long, _____________________ from the couple. Dennis immediately _____________________he had said something that _____________________ the uncomfortable moment, and quickly _____________________.  突然这对夫妻透出一阵长长的尴尬的沉默。Dennis马上感知到他说了不该说的话引起了这样令人不快的气氛,继而马上道歉。3. The man_____________________, and his wife __________________________________________.  那位老先生沉重地叹了一口气,他的妻子则抹了抹眼泪。4. The couple had been so patient, so kind, all the while _____________________ losing a loved one and right before the Christmas holidays. Dennis _____________________ some small gift, _____________________ their goodness and positive spirit.  这对老夫妻在圣诞节前,忍着失去所爱之人的痛苦,还如此耐心友善地等待服务。Dennis想要准备一些小礼物来感谢他们的善意和赞赏他们积极的精神。5. He _____________________ one of the aisles and_____________________ a seasonally decorated bag of candied mints, __________________________________________them with his own cash. Then he _____________________ the item and pushed it aside.  他下楼逛了逛,随意抓起了应季包装的薄荷糖果袋,自掏现金购买了它们。之后将它们打包,暂时放在一边。(二)情绪描写1 Dennis __________________________________________ at the couple Dennis朝这对夫妻温和地笑了笑。2. Dennis, __________________________________________, “I just know your mom’s going to be overjoyed to finally get these photos from you guys!  Dennis兴奋地惊呼:我猜想你目前在拿到这些照片后会非常高兴的。3. “No, no, you’re fine,” the lady__________________________________________  不不不,不是你的问题。这位女士微微笑了笑。拓展练习读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。One evening, a workman was exhaustedly making his way home after work. When he stopped to rest by the side of the road, a woman came by, pushing a cart full of flowers. The smell of her blossoms so filled the air with sweetness that it seemed to take away the tiredness in his bones and lift his spirits. He had never experienced such wonder from the many blooms of his own garden. “How much must I pay, or what must I do, to have some of your wonderful flowers?” he asked the woman.“Oh, sir,” she said, “take what your wish for.”“What return must I make for them?” he asked again.“Your gratitude is enough,” she said, “and it's a pleasure to share the beauty of flowers with you.”So the man filled his arms with blossoms and hurried joyfully home. His wife and his children were also glad over the remarkable flowers, for they, too, discovered that the sight of them was a delight and the smell of them refreshed the soul.In order not to lose his valuable possession, the man planted the blossoms in a small plot of land behind his house. Sunlight and water kept them amazingly beautiful—they still performed their fantastic magic.Every day, his children took delight in playing in the yard and always sang and danced around the flowers. They all liked the lovely gift their father had received and even invited many of their friends to share this fantastic magic together. When children came to play near the flowers, the man over and over warned them against carelessness and wild play for fear that they would walk on the flowers and damage them. But the flowers remained strong as long as there was enough sun and water to nourish(滋养)them. Nowhere else could the man or his wife or children find such remarkable relaxation from tiredness, such comfort in sadness, such spiritual nourishment as those remarkable flowers provided.With the news spreading and more people coming to appreciate his treasure, the man became even more concerned about his remarkable flowers.Paragraph 1:He was determined to protect the flowers.Paragraph 2:However, the flowers seemed to fade day by day, so the man went everywhere for help.  心灵鸡汤精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.persistent   [pəˈsɪstənt] adj.坚持不懈的   2.functionality [ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnæləti] n. 功能  3.precipitation     [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn] n. 降水(如雨,雪,冰雹)4.blond [blɒnd] adj. (多指毛发)金黄色的;  5.portfolio    [pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ] n. 照片集6.bonnet [ˈbɒnɪt] n. 软帽7.trench [trentʃ] n. 战壕雨衣8.purse  [pɜːs] vt. 噘嘴9.stylish [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] adj. 时髦的10.stack [stæk] n.一堆11.tip [tɪp] vt. 透露消息12.dripping   [ˈdrɪpɪŋ] adj. 湿淋淋的13.note [nəʊt] n. 音调14.overjoyed    əʊvəˈdʒɔɪd] adj. 狂喜的15.chatty        [ˈtʃæti] adj. 爱讲闲话的16.casket       [ˈkɑːskɪt] n. 棺材17.malfunction       [ˌmælˈfʌŋkʃn] n. 故障18.recognize        [ˈrekəɡnaɪz] vt. 赞赏19.foil–wrap         铝箔包装20.discreetly         [dɪˈskriːtli] adv. 谨慎地21.register          [ˈredʒɪstə(r)] n. 现金出纳机22.incredible          [ɪnˈkredəbl] adj. 不可思议的           23.dumbfound          [dʌmˈfaʊnd] vt. 使惊呆24.depart          [dɪˈpɑːrt] v. 启程25.overheat [ˌoʊvərˈhiːt] vi. 过热  26.assortment [əˈsɔːrtmənt] n. 各种各样27.tinker [ˈtɪŋkər] vi. 笨手笨脚地做事28.trio [ˈtriːoʊ] n. 三人29.disassemble [ˌdɪsəˈsembl] v. 拆卸30.kiosk    [ˈkiːɑːsk] n. 自助服务终端31.reassemble [ˌriːəˈsembl] vi. 重新集合32.position [pəˈzɪʃn] vt. 使处于33.component [kəmˈpoʊnənt] n. 组成部份34.reacquaint    [ˌriːəˈkweɪnt] v. 重新认识35.ordeal [ɔːrˈdiːl]   n. 磨难36.attire [əˈtaɪər] n. <正式>服装37.exclaim [ɪkˈskleɪm] v. 呼喊38.initiate [ɪˈnɪʃieɪt] vt. 发起39.nametag [ˈneɪmˌtæɡ] n. 名牌40.cradle [ˈkreɪdl] v. 轻轻抱着41.token [ˈtoʊkən] n. 代金券42.aisle [aɪl] n. 走廊43.mint [mɪnt] n. 薄荷糖44.bag [bæɡ] v. ……装进袋子45.condolence [kənˈdoʊləns] n. 吊唁46.stammer [ˈstæmər] v. 结结巴巴地说  47.quilt [kwɪlt] vt. 缝合48.house [haʊs] vt. 收藏存放【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1 The woman pursed her lips together tightly and gave a slight nod in agreement.   这位女士紧紧抿了抿嘴唇,微微点了点头以示同意。2. There was a long, awkward silence from the couple. Dennis immediately sensed he had said something that initiated the uncomfortable moment, and quickly apologized.  突然这对夫妻透出一阵长长的尴尬的沉默。Dennis马上感知到他说了不该说的话引起了这样令人不快的气氛,继而马上道歉。3. The man sighed heavily, and his wife wiped away a tear.  那位老先生沉重地叹了一口气,他的妻子则抹了抹眼泪。4. The couple had been so patient, so kind, all the while dealing with the pain of losing a loved one and right before the Christmas holidays. Dennis wanted to offer some small gift, to recognize their goodness and positive spirit.  这对老夫妻在圣诞节前,忍着失去所爱之人的痛苦,还如此耐心友善地等待服务。Dennis想要准备一些小礼物来感谢他们的善意和赞赏他们积极的精神。5. He wandered down one of the aisles and randomly grabbed a seasonally decorated bag of candied mints, and discreetly purchased them with his own cash. Then he bagged the item and pushed it aside.  他下楼逛了逛,随意抓起了应季包装的薄荷糖果袋,自掏现金购买了它们。之后将它们打包,暂时放在一边。(二)情绪描写1 Dennis smiled warmly at the couple Dennis朝这对夫妻温和地笑了笑。2. Dennis, with a note of excitement, exclaimed, “I just know your mom’s going to be overjoyed to finally get these photos from you guys!  Dennis兴奋地惊呼:我猜想你目前在拿到这些照片后会非常高兴的。3. “No, no, you’re fine,” the lady stammered with a smile  不不不,不是你的问题。这位女士微微笑了笑。 拓展练习读后续写参考范文 Paragraph 1:He was determined to protect the flowers. So he built a high wall around them. Not feeling satisfied, he even set up rules as to who could enter the garden, how they must enter, and what they must follow while they were there. As a result, children were forbidden to enter and appreciate the flowers as before. For his part, he continued to make sure that his treasure received enough sunlight and water so that the flowers continued to perform their wonderful magic.Paragraph 2:However, the flowers seemed to fade day by day, so the man went everywhere for help. He visited every expert, only to find his efforts in vain. He felt on pins and needles, seeing his beloved flowers dying. One evening, he was wandering on the street aimlessly when he suddenly noticed the flower woman on the same spot where he had met her, giving away her amazing flowers. It finally dawned on him that the flowers were gifts not possessions and that only by sharing could the magic remain and last.








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