名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 An Accidental Discovery班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________心灵鸡汤精选An Accidental Discovery话题归类阅读难度词数生活哲理五星1014【文章梗概】大风的二月,我在接女儿回程中发生严重的车祸,但是幸运的是,女儿和我安然无恙,尤其是女儿毫发未损。并且还得到一块上帝送出的石头。另外那辆车子里母亲因为此次车祸而及时发现自己患上了肺癌。最后还发现那位母亲走那条路线是临时确定的。我不禁感叹:真巧呀! I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way, we can always give it meaning and transform it into something ofvalue.~Hermann Hesse, SiddharthaOn a blustery afternoon in February, I decided to leave a few hours early to pick up my three-year-old daughter from her dad’s house. The trip was forty-five minutes each way, and I didn’t want to risk the weather getting any worse.The roads were slick, and the visibility wasn’t great, but we were toasty in the car, listening to music and chatting about her weekend. When we reached the edge of our little village, I began to feel a bit tired. We were only about six miles from home, though.The next thing I remember was the horrific sound of screeching metal and bursting glass. There was an explosion of screams and confusion. And the smell of burning.Before I knew what was happening, I was being yanked out of my seatbelt. “Your child. You need to get her out. The car could catch on fire. Get her out now. You need to move now!” I was fumbling with the handle in shock. When I finally got the door open and saw my daughter’s red face twisted up in terror, I snapped into reality enough to get her out of her car seat and hold her close.“I’m okay, Mommy, I’m okay,” she repeated through sobs, her body tense, and her knuckles digging into my sweat-soaked shirt.We were ushered into a van, along with the woman and her six-year-old son who had been in the vehicle we hit. I trembled uncontrollably as we waited for an ambulance. When the officers and EMTs arrived, they flooded me with questions — none of which I could answer. I didn’t know what had happened. Did I fall asleep? I had been tired. Did I slip on black ice? The roads were slick. “I don’t know” seemed to be the only thing I could muster.According to the police, the collision was so severe that nobody should have survived, let alone walked away.The EMTs explained that the entire front passenger side of my car was gone. Since my daughter was in the back on that same side, she was closest to the point of impact, yet she was completely unharmed. She didn’t even have a scratch. On the other hand, I was pretty bruised, but opted to be driven home rather than go to the ER. We’d been through enough.About a week later, ready to get back on the road, I scheduled a rental car service to pick us up at home. I brought my daughter’s car seat out into the sunlight to examine it for cracks or any other signs of damage. I tipped it over, lifted the cushions, and went over every inch. It looked fine, so I decided to continue using it until I could get a new one.The rental car company was late at this point, so I made a quick call reminding them about my pickup. I wandered down the driveway a bit, and when the call ended, I headed back up to where my daughter was standing next to her car seat.She had something clenched tightly in her fist. “What do you have?” I asked. She opened her palm, revealing a smooth, polished stone. When I looked closer, I realized it had a large cross etched in black in the middle of its surface.“Where’d you get that?” I asked.She pointed her chubby, little toddler finger to the car seat and said, “Right there in my seat.”I was perplexed. I had just examined this seat minutes before — surely I would have seen a stone that was larger than a golf ball. Why didn’t it fall out when I turned over the seat?So again I asked, “Seriously, honey. Where’d you get that?”And in her small voice, she explained, “God gave it to me so I won’t ever be scared in the car. And it will protect us if we get in another accident.”We hugged for a long time, giggling about how lucky we were to get a rock from God. We took it with us in the rental car that day. And when we got our new car, we made a spot for it right up front under the dashboard controls.In the meantime, I couldn’t stop thinking about the family we’d hit. I found the woman’s name in my accident report paperwork and hunted down her address. I wrote her and her family a card, expressing my confusion over what had happened, my gratitude for their lives, and my strong belief that our paths had crossed for a reason. I hesitated before tossing it into the mailbox, but sent it just the same.A year later, while perusing my Facebook newsfeed, I stumbled on a story that caught my attention. The article was about a young woman who was diagnosed with lung cancer after a car accident sent her to the hospital. The article said that she was driving her son home from his ski lesson at a nearby mountain and she decided to take a different route than usual because of the snow. Then her car was hit by a white SUV driving straight at her in her lane.I blinked back burning tears as I realized that white SUV was my car. I gulped and continued to read.The boy had a concussion and a broken arm, and the mother agreed to have a scan because she felt some whiplash. What happened next was a shock. The scan revealed that the woman, who had never smoked a day in her life, had a mass on her lung — stage IIIa lung cancer. She was only forty years old and had no symptoms. She would not have started treatment at that stage if it weren’t for the accident. She shared the card I had sent to her with the reporters covering the story, including this section:I believe that everything happens for a purpose. I’ve yet to find out why our paths had to literally cross the way they did, but I am confident that it will be made obvious in time. 【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.blustery [ˈblʌstərɪ] adj.___________________________________2.slick [slɪk] adj. ______________________________3.toasty [ˈtəʊstɪ] adj______________________________4.screeching [ˈskriːtʃɪŋ] adj.______________________________5.yank [jæŋk] vt.______________________________6.fumble [ˈfʌmbl] vi.______________________________7.twist [twɪst] vi.______________________________8.snap [snæp] vi______________________________9.knuckle [ˈnʌkl] n.______________________________10.soaked [səʊkt] adj.______________________________11.usher [ˈʌʃə] vt.______________________________12.opt [ɒpt] vi.______________________________13.clench [klentʃ] vt.______________________________14.reveal [rɪˈviːl] vt.______________________________15.etch [etʃ] vt.______________________________16.chubby [ˈtʃʌbɪ] adj.______________________________17.toddler [ˈtɒdlə] n.______________________________18.perplexed [pəˈplekst] adj.______________________________19.giggle [ˈɡɪɡl] vi.______________________________20.dashboard [ˈdæʃˌbɔːd] n.______________________________21.toss [tɒs] vt.______________________________22.stumble [ˈstʌmbl] vi.______________________________23.gulpe [ɡʌlp] vi.______________________________24.concussion [kənˈkʌʃən] n.______________________________25.whiplash [ˈwɪpˌlæʃ] n.______________________________26.literally [ˈlɪtərəlɪ] adv.______________________________【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1. Before I knew what was happening, I was being _____________________________out of my seatbelt.我还没明白发生什么,就被使劲从座位拉出来。 When I finally ________________ the door open and ________________ my daughter’s red face________________ up in terror, I ________________ into reality enough to ________________________________of her car seat and________________ her close..当我最终把门打开看到女儿因害怕红红的脸变得扭曲时,我猛地一下回到现实,马上把她从车里弄出来紧紧的抓着。3.She ________________ through sobs, her body tense, and her knuckles ________________ into my sweat-soaked shirt.她呜咽着,反复地说着,身体紧绷,手指关节伸进我那汗湿的衬衫。4. I________________ it over, ________________ the cushions, and ________________ every inch. 我把它翻倒,拿起垫子,然后检查每一个角落。(二)情绪描写1. I was fumbling with the handle________________. 我慌乱地摸索着门把手,内心震惊不已。2. I_______________________________________as I realized that white SUV was my car.当我意识到那辆白色suv是我的车时,我忍住了眼泪。(三)环境描写1.________________________________________________, but we were ________________ in the car, listening to music and chatting about her weekend道路很滑,能见度也不是很高,但是我们在车里还是很舒适的,听着音乐,和她聊着周末。2. There was ________________________________________________.一阵尖叫声和混乱拓展练习读后续写阅读下面的材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Cathy, my mom, whose pet phrase (口头禅) was “Never give up”, was our family’s beacon of positivity. It was not a title she earmed without concerted (一致的) effort, however. When she was only thirty years old, her husband was killed in a car accident and she was left to raise me alone.My mom could have lived under a black cloud. Instead, she challenged herself to find joy every day. Leading by example, Mom taught me just how much one could accomplish with a positive attitude. She has taken the same approach in her relationship with her grandchildren-Max and Charley.One hot summer afternoon, my mom and her two grandsons, having spent two hours building sand castles and collecting sea shells on the beach, sank into their beach chairs to have a rest. How they longed for delicious ice cream to cool themselves, especially the two kids!Suddenly, my mom heard the familiar loud clang (叮当声) of the ice-cream man’s bell from her beach chair. She turned quickly and saw him briefly, spotting his distinctive green shirt and catching the gleam of his waving bell before he turned and disappeared over the dunes (沙丘).Happily, the ice-cream man’s visit was a daily occurrence at the beach, although the lag time between the sound of his bell and the departure of his truck was not long. One must be quick enough to catch him to buy the ice cream.Max and Charley were in great disappointment when they didn’t catch him in time that day because they really wanted to have a taste of those cool ice-creams. That was until my mom’s eyes sparkled and she said to the kids, “Never give up!” She explained to the kids that the truck might be gone, but they should be able to catch him up at its next stop. And the kids agreed immediately.注意:1,续写词数应为150左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Paragraph 1: So Max and Charley, accompanied by my mom, began their mission.Paragraph 2: Max and Charley, encouraged by my mom, ran another three blocks. 心灵鸡汤精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。1.blustery [ˈblʌstərɪ] adj.狂风大作的2.slick [slɪk] adj. 光滑的;3.toasty [ˈtəʊstɪ] adj暖和舒适的4.screeching [ˈskriːtʃɪŋ] adj.发出尖锐刺耳声音的5.yank [jæŋk] vt.使劲拉6.fumble [ˈfʌmbl] vi.胡乱摸索7.twist [twɪst] vi.扭曲;变形8.snap [snæp] vi被啪地打开9.knuckle [ˈnʌkl] n.手指节10.soaked [səʊkt] adj.湿透的11.usher [ˈʌʃə] vt.引;领;陪同12.opt [ɒpt] vi.选择;作出抉择13.clench [klentʃ] vt.紧握;抓住14.reveal [rɪˈviːl] vt.显示;展示15.etch [etʃ] vt.刻出;雕出16.chubby [ˈtʃʌbɪ] adj.圆胖的17.toddler [ˈtɒdlə] n.学步的孩童18.perplexed [pəˈplekst] adj.困惑的;费解的19.giggle [ˈɡɪɡl] vi.咯咯地笑20.dashboard [ˈdæʃˌbɔːd] n.(车辆的)挡泥板21.toss [tɒs] vt.扔;抛22.stumble [ˈstʌmbl] vi.动作迟疑23.gulpe [ɡʌlp] vi.吞咽;喘气24.concussion [kənˈkʌʃən] n.脑震荡25.whiplash [ˈwɪpˌlæʃ] n.鞭打26.literally [ˈlɪtərəlɪ] adv.不夸张地;;简直【句子学习】请根据中文句子填空。(一)动作描写1. Before I knew what was happening, I was being yanked out of my seatbelt.我还没明白发生什么,就被使劲从座位拉出来。 When I finally got the door open and saw my daughter’s red face twisted up in terror, I snapped into reality enough to get her out of her car seat and hold her close..当我最终把门打开看到女儿因害怕红红的脸变得扭曲时,我猛地一下回到现实,马上把她从车里弄出来紧紧的抓着。3.She repeated through sobs, her body tense, and her knuckles digging into my sweat-soaked shirt.她呜咽着,反复地说着,身体紧绷,手指关节伸进我那汗湿的衬衫。4. I tipped it over, lifted the cushions, and went over every inch. 我把它翻倒,拿起垫子,然后检查每一个角落。(二)情绪描写1. I was fumbling with the handle in shock.. 我慌乱地摸索着门把手,内心震惊不已。2. I blinked back burning tears as I realized that white SUV was my car.当我意识到那辆白色suv是我的车时,我忍住了眼泪。(三)环境描写1.The roads were slick, and the visibility wasn’t great, but we were toasty in the car, listening to music and chatting about her weekend道路很滑,能见度也不是很高,但是我们在车里还是很舒适的,听着音乐,和她聊着周末。2. There was an explosion of screams and confusion.一阵尖叫声和混乱拓展练习读后续写参考范文So Max and Charley, accompanied by my mom, began their mission. Max tried his best to lead this running team. Again, they heard a slight clang of the ice-cream man’s bell! “Be quick, Charley! The ice-cream might be over there!” Max yelled happily. Unfortunately, as they kept running, the sound gradually disappeared. So exhausted as they were, the two grandsons stopped, wiping the sweat from their faces. “Dear, never give up! Maybe the man who heard our yell is waiting for us at the square!”, my mom kept running.Max and Charley, encouraged by my mom, ran another three blocks. Just as my mom had predicted, the truck was parked at the square, where several kids were queueing for ice-cream. When it was in their turn, Max said loudly, “Three ice-cream Sir!” Later, they sat down under the shade of a tree. Scoop by scoop, they enjoyed the most delicious ice-cream in the world. Also, it was from this experience that Max and Charley were taught the lesson of persisting and never giving up.