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    这是一份2022-2023学年河南省商丘名校联盟高二上学期期中考试英语试题(Word版含答案),文件包含高二英语试题docx、高二英语参考答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(略)
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Yur Silver Passprt t Travel the Wrld
    The 5 Mst Ppular Pure Silver Cins n Earth in One Set
    Travel the glbe,withut leaving hme-with this set f the wrld's five mst ppular pure silver cins. Newly struck fr 2022in 28.53 grams f fine silver,each cin will arrive in Brilliant Uncirculated (BU)cnditin. Yur trip includes stps in theUnited States,China,Suth Africa,Australia and Canada.
    2022 American Silver Eagle: The Silver Eagle is the single mst ppular cin in the wrld. 2022 represents the first full year f release(发布) f the Silver Eagle’s new Eagles Landing reverse design intrduced midway thrugh last year t hnr the cin's 35th anniversary(周年纪念日). Struck in 99.9% fine silver at the
    2022 Suth African Krugerrand:The Krugerrand cntinues t be the best-knwn, mst respected numismatic cin brand in the wrld.2022 is the 5th anniversary f the first silver Krugerrand.Struck in 99.9% fine silver at the Suth African Mint.
    2022 China Silver Panda:Since its first issue the China Panda cin series has been ne f the mst widely cllected series ever highlighted by ne-year-nly designs.This 2022 Panda features its first-ever privy mark hnring the cin's 40th anniversary. Struck in 99.9% fine silver at the China Mint.
    2022 Australia Wedge Tailed Eagle:Intrduced in 2014,the Wedge-Tailed Eagle is the first-ever cperatin between U.S Mint designer Jhn Mercanti and a freign mint. With a new design fr 2022,it's struck in 99.9% fine silver at the Perth Mint.
    2022 Canada Maple Leaf:Since 1988,theSilver Maple Leaf's elegant design has made it a highly sught-after bullin cin.The 2022 cin features anti-cunterfeit(防伪)security technlgy-radial lines and a micrengraved(微雕)maple leaf with the number“22”.Struck in 99.99% fine silver at the Ryal Canadian Mint.
    21.Hw many cuntries are mentined in the advertisement?
    D.622.Which set f silver cins is issued the latest?
    A.2022 American Silver Eagle.
    C.2022 China Silver Panda.
    B.2022 Suth African Krugerrand.
    D.2022 Australia Wedge Tailed Eagle.
    23.Which f the fllwing has never changed its design?
    A.2022 American Silver Eagle.
    C.2022 Australia Wedge Tailed Eagle.
    B.2022 China Silver Panda.
    D.2022 Canada Maple Leaf.
    Chngqing,a city f mre than 32 millin peple,faced an unheard-f test this summer with a heat wave and drught causing a series f large wildfires since Aug 17.
    Lcal residents have safeguarded their hmetwn in every way pssible,with thusands f vlunteers frm all walks f life fighting the fires with prfessinals.
    Under a very ht sun,sme residents used chain saws(锯) t fell trees t make fire barriers. Others rde mtrcycles n newly frmed paths t take firefighters and supplies up a muntain,while sme vlunteers carried fd and drinks n their backs by ft. Wmen and children helped rganize supplies and clear the grund,and perfrmed ther essential tasks.
    On Thursday night, as wildfires apprached a man-made barrier n Jinyun Muntain in Beibei district,a ttal f mre than 1000 firefighters and vlunteers std alngside the barrier with fire extinguishers.Seen frm verhead,their lights frmed a silver wall against the raging fire.
    The residents' stries have tuched many peple.
    “Chngqing peple are really amazing."said Du Hailang,head f the Beijing Emergency Rescue Assciatin,an NGO funded in 2007 that has taken part in many verseas rescue peratins.Du and 10 ther members f the assciatin jined the fire rescue team in Chngqing last week.
    “The man-made wall was unbelievable,but shcking.It really shwed Chinese peple's determinatin t defend their hmeland."Du said.
    The utstanding wrk f the vlunteers and the hspitality f lcal residents impressed the firefighters, t···
    Bai Xueguang,frm Gansu Frest Fire Brigade,said,“I never imagined that I wuld have ice cream and cld drinks at a fire rescue site.”
    Zhu Hngyu,frm Yunnan Frest Fire Brigade,said every vlunteer he met at the scene asked him if he needed anything “It was the first time I had taken a mtrcycle t reach a fire scene.We really appreciate the lcals' hspitality. Their supprt has been wnderful.” Zhu said.
    24.What test that never had happened befre did Chngqing face this summer?
    A.A heat wave.
    25.Why did the lcal residents actively participate in fighting the fires?
    A.T shw their enthusiasm.
    C.T get paid frm it.
    B.T impress prfessinal firefighters.
    D.T prtect their hmeland.
    26.Which f the fllwing best describes the vlunteers in the fight against wildfires?
    A.Respnsible and helpful
    C.Reliable and hnest
    B.Enthusiastic and faithful
    D.Ambitius and determined
    27.What can we learn frm the reprt?
    A.N pains,n gains.
    C.Lve breaks dwn barriers.
    B.Hard wrk pays ff.
    D.Many hands make light wrk.
    Sme American states are making mney available fr high schl graduates s they can learn skills t help them get technlgy jbs withut a cllege degree.
    One example is the nrtheastern state f Cnnecticut. It has invested $70 millin t put yung peple and adults thrugh shrt-term training prgrams that can lead t gd paying technlgy jbs.
    The prgrams are knwn as "nn-degree skills training."They have helped peple like Mhameth Seck,wh left cllege after tw years. Seck said he wanted t wrk in technlgy but the classes he was ffered in a traditinal cllege prgram “weren't really interesting" t him. He als said traditinal cllege takes t lng t finish.
    S Seck decided t enter a ne-year cmputer training prgram run by a nnprfit rganizatin. Tday, the 25-year-ld teaches cmputer cding at a skills training center, r academy, in Stamfrd, Cnnecticut. Eck said friends wh finished the prgram als have gd jbs.
    Research carried ut by Gergetwn University's Center n Educatin and the Wrkfrce shwed that peple wh d get a cllege degree earn abut 84 percent mre ver their lifetimes. But nt everyne can get int, pay fr r d well in cllege.
    David S leads an rganizatin called Jbs fr the Future. He said the cllege mdel that has been in place fr the last 40 years des nt wrk fr everyne. And this is especially true fr students wh are Black,Hispanic(拉美裔美国人)r whse families d nt make a lt f mney.“We need t find a better way t serve thse students.”S said.
    Anthny Carnevale is the leader f Gergetwn's Center n Educatin and the Wrkfrce. He said that while jb training is gd,it is nt 100 percent crrect t tell peple they cannt benefit frm a cllege degree.
    One reasn cmpanies might hire cllege graduates is because they think they might have better cmmunicatin and teamwrk skills.
    28.What did Seck think f the training prgram?
    29.Which statement is Nt true?
    A.Sme students can't affrd t g t cllege.
    B.Sme students are incapable f getting int cllege.
    C.The prgrams ffer mre chices t lead t a gd jb.
    D.Peple cannt benefit frm a cllege degree.
    30.Wh will mst benefit frm the shrt-term training prgrams accrding t David S?
    A.Minrity and pr families.
    C.African-American students.
    B.Everyne in America.
    D.Cllege graduates.
    31.What can be imprved fr the shrt-term training prgrams accrding t the last paragraph?
    A.Expanding in size.
    B.Being given mre financial supprt.
    C.Including interpersnal skills in the prgrams.
    D.Teaching hw t write cde r design websites.
    Few things cme with n disadvantages at all.Even educatin is nt always a pure gd.Over the past few decades,East Asia has seen a surprising rise in the rate f shrt-sightedness.And a grwing pile f evidence suggests that the main ptential reasn fr this is educatin-specifically,the fact that children spend large parts f the day in cmparatively dimly lit classrms.
    The evidence suggests that regular expsure t bright daylight is vital in prperly cntrlling the grwth f children's eyes. T little light leads t lengthened,shrt-sighted eyes.Researchers think that this explains why rates are s high in Asia,where a strng cultural emphasis n the value f educatin leads t lng schl days and ften private tutring in the afternn and evening.That leaves little time fr sunshine.Western children,whse parents are increasingly wrried by a cmpetitive jbs market that threatens much less secure emplyment than they enjyed,are beginning t g the same way.
    Special eyedrps(眼药水),as well as clever glasses and cntact lenses(隐形眼镜),may be able t slw the prgressin f mypia(近视)nce it has started. But preventin is better than mitigatin,and the science suggests a cheap,straightfrward measure. A series f encuraging trials shw that giving schl children and especially thse in primary educatin-mre time utside can cut the number wh g n t develp mypia.
    Gvernments are well placed t slve such cllective-actin prblems, while reassuring anxius parents that a bit less classrm time is unlikely t be ruinus.After all,cuntries such as Finland and Sweden d well in glbal educatin rankings with a less intense apprach t educatin.Giving mre utdr time t yung children wuld still leave rm fr them t cram(突击准备)fr exams in their teenage years.Far-sighted gvernments shuld send the kids utdrs.
    32.What is a prblem with educatin in East Asia?
    A.Intense cmpetitin.
    C.Dimly lit classrms.
    B.Increase in the rate f shrt-sightedness.
    D.A lack f teaching makes the rate f shrt-sightedness in Asia s high?
    A. Students study indrs fr t lng.
    B.Parents attach little imprtance t educatin.
    C.Students study in terrible learning envirnment.
    D.It results frm a cmpetitive jbs market.
    34.What des the underlined wrd “mitigatin” mean in paragraph 3?
    A.Making smething less serius.
    C.A change in smething.
    B.Curing an illness r injury.
    D.Becming wrse.3
    5.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Asia faces severe educatin prblems.
    B.Lng schl days are harmful t students.
    C.Schls shuld send their students utside.
    D.East Asia has seen a surprising rise in mypia.
    Every day,We’re bmbarded(频频不断地)with s many decisins that it’s impssible t make a perfect chice every time.36One particularly effective technique is critical thinking.
    There are many different ways f appraching critical thinking, but here's ne fur-step prcess that may help yu slve any number f prblems:
    Cme up with yur questin.37This isn't always as straightfrward as it sunds. Fr example,if yu're deciding whether t try ut the newest diet craze(狂热),yur reasns fr ding s may be nt clear by ther factrs-like claims that yu'll see results in just tw weeks.
    But,if yu apprach the situatin with a clear view f what yu're actually trying t accmplish by dieting ,that'll equip yu t examine this infrmatin critically,find what yu're lking fr,and decide whether the new craze really suits yur needs.
    Gather yur infrmatin. There's lts f it ut there.38If yu're trying t decide n a diet t imprve yur nutritin,yu may ask an expert fr their advice,r seek ther peple's testimnies(证据).Infrmatin gathering helps yu weigh different ptins,mving yu clser t a decisin that meets yur gal.
    39-smething yu d by asking critical questins. Facing a decisin, ask yurself, what cncepts are at wrk?''What assumptins exist?’ Is my interpretatin f the infrmatin lgically sund?'
    Explre ther pints f view. Ask yurself why s many peple are drawn t the plicies f the ppsing(反对)plitical candidate. Even if yu disagree with everything that candidate says.
    Explring the full spectrum(范围) f viewpints might explain why sme plicies that dn't seem acceptable t yu attract thers.40
    A.Apply the infrmatin.
    B.Cnsider the pssible effects r results.
    C. In ther wrds,knw what yu're lking fr.
    D.But,there are many ways t imprve ur chances.
    E.Sme are small and unimprtant,but thers have a larger impact n ur lives.
    F.Therefre,having a clear idea f yur questin will help yu determine what's clsely cnnected.
    G. This will allw yu t explre alternatives, evaluate yur wn chices, and ultimately help yu make mre infrmed decisins.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    The student arrived early, sat frnt and center,and std ut in my classrm in mre ways than ne. I'd say that he was abut 40 years lder than his classmates in my undergraduate 41 class at Califrnia State University, Ls Angeles.He 42 jumped int class discussins, with his humr and wisdm f experience. And he was always 43 f ther students' views,44 each f them were a teacher. Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile and he left with ne t.“These students gave me the 45 s that I didn't need t feel bad abut my_46 .” Valencia says.
    One day,I 47 Valencia n campus.He said he wuld have t 48 taking classes that term and reapply fr nextyear.By then,he 49 t have earned enugh mney frm cnstructin jbs and have his student lan papers(贷款文件) in rder.But he said he was still cming t 50 t attend events r see friends. He asked seriusly 51 he culd still sit in n my cmmunicatins class.Sure,I said. But he wuldn’t get any credit(学分).N prblem,he said.
    Sn there he was again,back at his ld desk,frnt and center, 52 int ur discussins n hw t find and tell stries in Ls Angeles-a 63-year-ld Cal State LA junir with as much energy and 53 as any f the 54 in class.
    A lt f Valencia's classmates apparently knew he culdn’t_55_that term’s tuitin(学费)but was still ding the hmewrk.“Here he is,56 taking a class fr the jy f it and the_57 f learning. Yu dn't see that in ur_58_."says Jessica Espinsa, a 25-year-ld junir. Valencia 59 and tk the final exam t.
    Valencia's grade in my class this term will nt shw up n his reprt card. But I'm giving him an A and in the mst imprtant ways, it
    BEIJING-On Mnday at 10:03 am(Beijing Time),the Shenzhu XIV astrnauts pened the hatch dr f Wentian, the first lab mdule f China's space statin, and entered 61mdule (舱),accrding t the China Manned Space Agency.
    It was the first time the Chinese astrnauts 62 (enter) the lab mdule in rbit.
    63 (equip) with eight experimental cabinets(柜子) and multiple extravehicular lad adapters, China’s newly launched Wentian space lab mdule is designed t explre the 64 (rigin) f life and the universe.
    The experimental cabinets will fcus 65 space life science and bitechnlgy research, as well as research f micrgravity fluid physics, space material science and new space applicatin technlgies.
    A glve bx in life eclgy experiment cabinet prvides a clsed and clean perating space fr 66 (science) experiments in the lab.There,the light and wind can be adjusted(调节)67 (autmatic) with temperature cntrlled accuracy f 0.5°℃ and micr-manipulatin accuracy f five micrmeters.
    After using glve bxes 68 (cllect) the samples, astrnauts will stre 69(they) in a refrigeratr cabinet at -80 ℃ s that samples can be brught back t the Earth fr further research.
    The space refrigeratr,70_can set three temperatures f -80℃,-20℃,and 4℃ at the same time,is an indispensable(不可或缺)crygenic strage device in life science labs.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    Talked abut persnal relatinships, I’d naturally think f my relatinship with my mther. Wherever I need help, my mther is always there fr me. She ften tells me that I can be anyne I want, as lng as I'm cnfident f me. She sees my talent and push me t d the best I pssible can. I respect my mther s much as she never treats me as a child, but as a equal. She gives me the freedm make mistake and learn frm them all. Unlike friendships that can disappear gradually and break, I knw I'll always be cnnected t my mther n matter what I face with. She is nt just a rle mdel, but smene I lve.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    俗话说:“笑一笑,十年少。”研究发现笑对身体的健康是很有益处的。请以“Laughter is Gd fr Bth Bdy and Mind”为题谈谈你的看法。
    . .
    . 41. A. math
    B. art
    C. cmmunicatins
    D. physics
    42. A. eagerly
    B. secrecy
    C. patiently
    D. accidentally
    43. A. grateful
    B. respectful
    C. thughtful
    D. cheerful
    44. A. As far as
    B. Even if
    C. As lng as
    D. As if
    45. A. cnfidence
    B. ambitin
    G. cmpetence
    D. inspiratin
    46.A. age
    B. stry
    G. life
    D. perfrmance
    47. A. apprached
    B. sptted
    C. searched
    D. cnsulted
    48. A. enjy
    B. cntinue
    C. stp
    D. keep
    49. A. hped
    B. arranged
    C. attempted
    D. aimed
    50. A. academy
    B. campus
    C. apartment
    D. gym
    51. A. why
    B. hw
    C. when
    D. whether
    52. A. bursting
    B. breaking
    C. jumping
    D. getting
    53. A. curisity
    B. hnesty
    C. curage
    D. disappintment
    54. A. experts
    B. prfessrs
    C. staff
    D. yuth
    55. A. waste
    B. affrd
    C. raise
    D. earn
    56. A. eventually
    B. casually
    C. willingly
    D. ccasinally
    57. A. tensin
    B. challenge
    C. experience
    D. benefit
    58. A. culture
    B. generatin
    C. case
    D. educatin
    59. A. stayed up
    B. gave up
    C. shwed up
    D. gt up
    60. A. arises
    B. exists
    C. remains
    D. cunts

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