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    Unit 2 A life's work Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件
    Unit 2 A life's work  Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件01
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    Unit 2 A life's work  Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件03
    Unit 2 A life's work  Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件04
    Unit 2 A life's work  Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件05
    Unit 2 A life's work  Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件06
    Unit 2 A life's work  Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件07
    Unit 2 A life's work  Developing ideas,Presenting ideas & Reflection课件08
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 A life’s work优秀课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 2 A life’s work优秀课件ppt,共56页。PPT课件主要包含了Reflection等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Develping ideas
    Watch the vide and answer the questins.1 Wh was the Frbidden City built fr? 2 When did it becme hme t the Palace Museum? 3 Hw many wrks f art are there in the Palace Museum? 4 What d yu think makes the Palace Museum unique in the wrld?
    The Frbidden City was built fr emperrs, their families and servants in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
    It became hme t the Palace Museum in 1925.
    There are arund 1.8 millin wrks f art.
    Its histry and wrks f art.
    >视频脚本The Frbidden City Fr ver 500 years,the Frbidden City was hme t emperrs frm the Ming and Qing dynasties,their families and their many servants. This magnificent palace cnsisted f mre than 9,000 rms,filled with treasures. And it is believed that millins f laburers and craftwrkers tk part in its cnstructin. N ne culd enter the Frbidden City withut permissin frm the emperr.   Tday,the Frbidden City is hme t the Palace Museum,which pened in 1925. Since then,rdinary peple have been able t enter the Frbidden City and admire the rich cllectin f the Palace Museum,which cmprises arund 1.8 millin bjects that cver thusands f years f Chinese histry. The Palace Museum is ne f nly a few museums in the wrld which can be regarded nt nly as a museum f art and histry, but als as ne f architecture,as well as traditin and culture. In shrt ,it is a symbl f the great and glrius histry f Chinese civilisatin,preserving the cultural memry f the cuntry.   The Frbidden City was listed as a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site in 1987. Tday,mre than 14 millin visitrs each year walk thrugh its huge gates,making it the mst visited wrld heritage destinatin in the wrld.
    Lk at the title and the pictures. Predict what the passage is abut. Nw read the passage and check yur predictin. In the quiet curtyards f Xi San Su,behind the high walls f the Frbidden City,time ticks at its wn pace. If it hadn’t been fr a three-episde dcumentaryutsiders wuld never have knwn that the plainly-dressed peple wrking here are masters f their craft,wh have spent their lives restring precius antiques. Amng these is the clck restratin master,Wang Jin. Walking thrugh the seven crimsn gates twards his wrkplace,Wang Jin still regards himself as an rdinary wrker in the Palace Museum,althugh nw he is ften stpped by admirers wanting their pht taken with him. Day in,day ut,Mr Wang and his students spend their time restring clcks dating back hundreds f years. But fr quite sme time,he and his student Qi Hanan used t be the nly tw peple repairing timepieces in the Palace Museum.
    Qing emperrs were very fnd f clcks. Therefre,in rder t please them,freign envys presented these emperrs with the mst intricate and splendid timepieces. Tday,the Palace Museum has ne f the mst significant cllectins f timepieces in the wrld,mainly riginating frm Eurpe and China. With bjects ranging frm small pcket watches t clcks ver ne metre in height,each f these requires its wn unique methd f restratin. Given the cmplexity f the wrk and the lack f necessary materials,this means that each expert can wrk n a maximum f tw large pieces a year. But,thrugh their painstaking effrts,Mr Wang and his students d mre than repair the clcks — they bring them back t life.
    The nly sund t break the silence in Wang Jin’s wrkshp is the chiming meldy f the repaired and plished clcks. T Wang Jin it is the mst beautiful music in the wrld. Nw,after eight mnths f endless adjustments,the time has finally cme fr Mr Wang t wind up the gigantic clcks that date back t the time f Emperr Qianlng. The intricately fashined bjects that have std still fr centuries instantly cme back t life:water flws,bats sail,dgs bark,chickens flap their wings and a wman starts t spin . It is a truly awe-inspiring mment. It is suddenly clear that when the clck masters say that “these antiques have lives”, it is neither an exaggeratin nr a metaphr. But,despite the cmbined wrk f several generatins f masters,it seems unlikely that the restratin f the clcks will ever be cmplete. Even if every clck in the Palace Museum were restred,there wuld still be wrk t d,because restratin wuld prbably need t begin again n the clcks that were repaired lng ag. This is a race against time that can never be wn! Nnetheless,Mr Wang remains ptimistic abut the future f these timepieces.
    Fllwing in the ftsteps f his wn teacher all thse years ag,Mr Wang has nw passed n his skills t the new members,wh will take n many f the future repairs. What’s mre,inspired t fllw in his father’s ftsteps Mr Wang’s sn nw has als taken up repairing antique clcks. This new generatin will nt nly help preserve traditinal skills;the innvatin they bring t the craft will als ensure that the art f clck repairing stands the test f time.In tday’s fast-paced wrld,the saying that “time waits fr n man” has never seemed mre apt . Yet inside the hidden curtyards f Xi San Su,there is smething timeless abut the way Mr Wang and his clleagues sedately piece tgether the past with skilful hands and mdest hearts. It is as if they have becme ne with their craft and with the histry f the cuntry.
    Match the questins t the paragraphs and find ut the answers. □ a Why is Wang Jin ptimistic abut the future f the timepieces in the Palace Museum□ b Why is it painstaking fr Wang Jin and his students t repair the cllectin f timepieces in the Palace Museum? □ c What has been dne t the clcks that date back t the time f Emperr Qianlng?
    a-(Para 5)Because he has passed n his skills t a new generatin f artisans,wh will nt nly help preserve traditinal skills but als bring innvatin t the art f clck repairing s that it stands the test f time.
    b-(Para 3)Because repairing such a large and imprtant cllectin f timepieces invlves cmplex wrk,unique methds f restratin and surcing difficult-t-find materials,which take a lt f time,care and attentin t detail.
    c-(Para 4)Wang Jin has spent eight mnths adjusting the gigantic clcks,which are abut t be wund up and brught back t life.
    □ d Wh is Wang Jin and where des he wrk? □ e What qualities d Wang Jin and his clleagues display in their wrk? □ f What was special abut Wang Jin and his student Qi Hanan?
    d-(Para 1)He is a clck restratin master,wrking in Xi San Su in the Frbidden City.
    e-(Para 6)They display qualities f skill,patience,mdesty and devtin in their wrk.
    f-(Para 2)They used t be the nly tw timepiece restrers in the Palace Museum.
    Think & Share What is yur understanding f the title,“Masters f Time”? What figure f speech des the authr use? What is yur understanding f the sentence,“This is a race against time that can never be wn”? D yu agree with this? Give yur reasns.
    The title “Masters f Time” nt nly means Wang Jin is extremely skilled at restring the ancient clcks but als means Wang Jin can be the wner f his time and make full use f time t repair the clcks. The authr uses the punny figure f speech.
    At present there are s many clcks in the Palace Museum that are still in need f restratin. As time ges by,they will becme mre and mre wrn ut and need t be restred again s Wang Jin sees the clck restratin as a race against time. I agree with thepinin because time is limited,but clck repair is endless.
    What d Bill Cunningham and Wang Jin in the tw reading passages in this unit have in cmmn? 4  What can yu d t help t pass n traditinal skills and the spirit f craftsmanship?
    They are bth devted, mtivated, passinate and skilled masters in theirfields f wrk.
    I will fcus n ne thing fr decades,n matter hw bring and lnely it is.I will really lve what I am ding with higher standards and higher demand.
    Wrk in grups. Give a speech abut the spirit f craftsmanship in the Palace Museum. Think abut ther masters in the Palace Museum. Then discuss the questins within yur grup t prepare fr yur speech. D further research if necessary. ·Wh are the masters? ·What fields d they wrk in? ·What specific examples can yu give f their wrk? ·What aspects f the spirit f craftsmanship are demnstrated thrugh their wrk? ·Hw can yu develp and display such spirit in daily life?
    Organise yur speech by cmpleting the table. 3 Give yur speech t the class. Nw think abut yur perfrmance in the speech. Vte fr the mst cnvincing speech and ask the speaker t share sme public speaking skills.
    Writing an expsitry essay Read the passage and answer the questins. What d the Summer Palace,Yuanmingyuan and the Chengde Muntain Resrt all have in cmmn? These Qing-dynasty architectural marvels,alng with many thers,were all built by members f the same family — the Lei family. Fr seven generatins,the Lei family quietly dminated imperial architecture. Their designs were admirable,varying frm grand buildings t public wrks,such as rads and dams. S incredible was their skill that many f their buildings survived earthquakes and remained standing ver hundreds f years. The Lei family were als pineering engineers,wh used a grid system t plan their prjects in minute detail . They tk careful ntes and made mdels f their prjects,many f which have survived t this day and are registered as part f UNESCO’s Memry f the Wrld Prgramme.
    In additin t their architectural achievements,the Lei family shwed diligence and humility. Each generatin cnscientiusly learnt their craft and undertk ambitius prjects,many f which tk years t cmplete. Yet they did nt seek fame,and even tday,their great wrks are assciated mre with the imperial curt than with them. With their remarkable skills,innvatin,diligence and humility,the Lei family leave behind their buildings and the legacy that true craftwrk is a treasure that can last beynd a lifetime. 1 What is the passage abut?
    The passage is abut the Lei family,wh fr seven generatins were behind the marvels f imperial architecture.
    What qualities f the Lei family are mentined? Find examples in the passage t supprt yur answers. 3 What is the cnclusin f the passage?
    The qualities mentined are thse f skill,innvatin,diligence and humility. This is evident in their buildings surviving fr hundreds f years,in their use f a pineering gridsystem t plan their prjects,in each generatin’s cnscientius learning f their craft and undertaking ambitius prjects,and in their wrks being mre assciated with the imperial curt than with them.
    Althugh the names f thse wh created these remarkable wrks may nt be knwn by future generatins,their spirit f craftsmanship is everlasting.
    Chse ne persn wh demnstrates the spirit f craftsmanship and cmplete the ntes. D further research if necessary. Persn: __________________________________________Qualities: __________________________________________Examples: __________________________________________Cnclusin:__________________________________________
    The vividly clured,finely shaped figurines f“Clay Figure Zhang”have been seeing a surge in ppularity as an authentic and valuable traditinal craft. The nearly 200-year histry f“Clay Figure Zhang”began with Zhang Mingshan,wh became knwn fr his ability t breathe life and beauty int these painted clay figurines. Brn int a pr family, Zhang Mingshan made them as a means f earning a living. He ften visited markets where he bserved peple f all walks f life,and went t theatres t bserve thse perfrming n stage. Day in,day ut,he used tnnes f clay t muld what he saw,and smetimes added decrative items r new features t the figurines. S vivid and lifelike were they that they attracted crwds f spectatrs t the stand frm which he sld them. Frtunately,Zhang Mingshan’s craftsmanship has been passed dwn thrugh his descendents,with these distinctive clay figurines nw being crafted by the sixth generatin f“Clay Figure Zhang”.
    Nw write an expsitry essay.
    □ Learning t learn An expsitry essay cntains a fair and balanced analysis f an event,a situatin r an idea. It cmmnly begins by clearly stating what it aims t explain r analyse. The main bdy cmprises paragraphs with supprting evidence and facts. It cncludes by reviewing the main theme f the essay in light f all the evidence that has been presented.
    Wrk in pairs. Make imprvements t each ther’s essays and share them with the class. Cnsider hw well yu have understd hw t write expsitry essays.
    Presenting ideas
    Read the tw pints f view and answer the questins. 1 What is James trying t express? 2 What is Ivy trying t express? 3 Which persn d yu agree with?
    James desn’t like ding just ne thing thrughut his life.
    Ivy thinks it admirable t devte ne’s whle life t ne thing.
    I agree with James/Ivy.
    Wrk in grups and take sides. Think f arguments t supprt yur pint f view and make ntes. Pint f view:________________________________________________Arguments:________________________________________________Supprting examples:________________________________________________Prepare fr a debate. Cnsider the fllwing: 1 the rles and respnsibilities fr each member f yur grup2 yur arguments,pening and summary 4 useful wrds,expressins and structures Team up with a grup with the ppsite pint f view and hld a debate.
    Write a reflectin after cmpleting this unit. Cnsider the fllwing:1  What is yur understanding f the spirit f craftsmanship?2  What text types have yu learnt abut? What are their features?3  What wrds,expressins and structures have yu learnt?4  What imprvement have yu made in understanding different cultures?What imprvement have yu made in using learning strategies and explring effective ways f learning? 6  What imprvement have yu made in analysing and slving prblems?
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. What can we infer abut Wang Jin as a master f time?A. He’s knwn fr a tw-episde dcumentary.B. He is a well-dressed man.C. He has t g thrugh the seven crimsn gates f the Frbidden City t get t his wrkplace.D. His wrkplace is nisy with the crwing f chickens and the barking f dgs.2. What is the third paragraph mainly abut?A. Freign envys presented many clcks t the emperrs.B. The emperrs f the Qing Dynasty liked clcks very much.C. The Palace Museum has the mst significant cllectins f clcks in the wrld.D. Mr Wang and his students are very time-cnsuming t fix the clcks.
    3. What d we knw abut the gigantic clcks f Emperr Qianlng?A. It tk Mr Wang eight mnths t repair the clcks.B. These clcks have lives.C. In these clcks there is nly ne chicken flapping its wings.D. Admirers always want their pht taken with the clcks.4. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?A. Entertainment. B. Health.C. Educatin. D. Figure.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)  In the quiet curtyards f Xi San Su,behind the high walls f the Frbidden City,Wang Jin,a clck 1__________(restre) master in plain clthes,is 2__________(repair)precius antiques. Day in,day 3__________,Mr Wang and his students spend their time restring clcks 4__________(date)back hundreds f years,mst f 5__________ were given t the Qing emperrs by freign envys. Because each clck needs its wn unique repair methd,the wrk is cmplex and lack f necessary materials,which 6__________(mean)that each expert can nly wrk tw pieces at mst in a year.  After eight mnths f endless repairs,Mr Wang finally 7__________(fix)a huge clck in the reign f Emperr Qianlng. It was the master f time 8__________brught the clck back t life.  Despite the effrts f the masters,the restratin f clcks and watches never seems pssible,because there are t few peple 9__________(engage) in this wrk. Later,Mr Wang’s sn jined the team,which was cnductive t 10___________(preserve)traditinal skills.
    Language pints
    核心词汇教材原句 ticks at its wn pace. ……时间按着自己的节奏流逝着。1 at ne’s wn pace 按自己的节奏We encurage all students t study at their wn pace. 我们鼓励所有学生按自己的节奏学习。【归纳拓展】at 以……速度 gather pace 加快步伐keep pace with 与……并驾齐驱,与……步调一致set the pace 领先,起带头作用 pace up and dwn 踱来踱去The ecnmy was grwing at a slw but steady pace. 经济增长速度缓慢但稳健。He paced up and dwn,waiting fr the dctr t call. 他踱来踱去,等着医生叫他的名字。
    完成句子(1)Students ______________________(按自己的节奏学习)and the teachers seldm set tests.(2)He ____________________(在……上踱来踱去)the platfrm,waiting fr the train.(3)Yu walk t fast fr me t ________________(跟上)yu.(4)Fr many years this cmpany ___________________(一直处于领先地位)in the cmmunicatins industry.
    study at their wn pace
    paced up and dwn
    keep pace with
    has set the pace
    教材原句p.20 Day in,day ut,Mr Wang and his students spend their time restring clcks dating back hundreds f years. 王先生和他的学生们日复一日地修复着数百年前的钟表。2 day in day ut 日复一日地,天天地(=day after day)I culdn’t stand eating the same thing day in day ut. 我忍受不了天天吃同样的东西。The team trained day in day ut fr a mnth. 整整一个月运动队天天训练。【归纳拓展】(1)week in week ut=week after week 连续几个星期,一周又一周mnth after mnth 一月又一月   year after year 年年,年复一年(2)day by day 一天天,逐日   mnth by mnth 逐月year by year 一年一年地,逐年  little by little 一点点地,逐渐地step by step 逐步地
    完成句子(1)______________________________(日复一日地),n matter what the weather is like,she walks ten miles.(2)I felt I was ding the same ld thing __________________________________(周复一周、月复一月地).(3)____________________(一天天)she learnt mre abut her jb.(4)As lng as yu study each day,____________________(逐渐地) yur English vcabulary will increase.
    Day in,day ut/Day after day
    week after week,mnth after mnth
    little by little
    教材原句p.21 With bjects ranging frm small pcket watches t clcks ver ne metre in height,each f these requires its wn unique methd f restratin. 小到怀表,大到超过一米高的钟表,每一件都有其独特的修复方法。3 range 在…… 到……之间变化;包括从……到……之间的各种事物The bts range in price frm $25 t $100. 这些靴子的价格从25 美元至100 美元不等。He has had a number f different jbs,ranging frm sailr t actr.他做过许多不同的工作,从海员到演员。【归纳拓展】range 在……与……之间变化a (wide) range f 一系列的;各种各样的in/within range f 在……的范围内ut f/beynd range f 超出……的范围
    完成句子(1)Our senir secndary schl ffers ___________________(各种各样的)after-schl activities.(2)It is difficult t find a huse ____________________(在我们的价格范围内).(3)The team cntained ten players whse ages ___________________________(在10 到16 岁之间).单句语法填空(4)The natinal park has a large cllectin f wildlife,__________(range) frm butterflies t elephants.
    a wide range f
    in ur price range
    ranged between 10 and 16
    教材原句p.21 Wang and his students d mre than repair the clcks—they bring them back t life. ……王先生和他的学生们不只是修复了钟表——他们还让钟表恢复了生命。4 t life 使……复活;使……恢复生机My grandpa died last year —I wish I culd bring him back t life.我爷爷去年去世了——我要是能使他起死回生该多好啊。【归纳拓展】 t life 使……复活 a stp 使……停止cme back t life 复活cme t a stp 停止 a cnclusin 使……结束 an end 使……结束cme t a cnclusin 得出结论cme t an end 结束
    完成句子(1)Even if it was pssible t __________ dinsaurs ____________________(使……复活)they prbably culd nt survive in the present day envirnment.(2)In the nineteenth century,a nvelist wuld ________________________________________(使他的故事结束)by presenting his readers with a series f cincidences.
    bring back t life
    bring his stry t a cnclusin/an end
    教材原句p.21 The nly sund t break the silence in Wang Jin’s wrkshp is the chiming meldy f the repaired and plished clcks. 在王津的工作坊里,唯一能打破寂静的声音是在修理、抛光钟表时发出的报时的旋律。5 plish v. 擦亮,擦光;修改,润色Plish shes regularly t prtect the leather. 要经常擦鞋,以保护皮革。My cmpsitin was carefully plished and checked befre being handed in. 我的作文是经过仔细润色和检查后才上交的。【归纳拓展】plish up 提高(技能);改善(外表等);擦亮,擦光plish ff 很快做完;迅速吃光I’ll have t plish up my Spanish befre I g t Spain. 去西班牙之前,我得提高一下我的西班牙语水平。He plished ff the pie and the fruit. 他很快吃完了馅饼和水果。
    单句语法填空(1)Sam plished __________ his wrk and went hme.(2)The cmpany needs t plish __________ its image t make a bigger prfit.(3)Finally,my thanks g t my tutr,wh has ffered a lt f suggestins and cmments n my paper and __________ (plish) every page f my draft.
    教材原句p.21 Fllwing in the ftsteps f his wn teacher all thse years ag,Mr Wang has nw passed n his skills t the new members... 多年前,王先生继承了师父的事业,而现在他已将自己的技艺传授给了新成员……6 pass n... t... 将……传授/ 传递给……He was a simple man,cntent t pass n his learning t the newgeneratins. 他是一位纯朴的人,满足于传授学问给后辈。Please read this ntice and pass it n t thers. 请阅读此通知,并把它传给其他人。【归纳拓展】pass by 路过,经过 pass dwn 把(知识或技能)传给后人pass away 去世 pass thrugh 通过,经历pass ver 忽略,对……不予考虑A bus passed by just a mment ag. 一辆公共汽车刚刚开过去。The craft f candle-making has been passed dwn fr many generatins.蜡烛制作的工艺流传了许多代人。[词汇复现]
    完成句子(1)Sme scientists have viced cncern that the disease culd be _________________________(传染给人类).(2)If yu want t _____________(传递)values t yur team,start by defining what thse values mean t yu.单句语法填空(3)Old peple pass __________ traditin t the yunger generatin.(4)In fact,yu will need significant amunts f rest as yu pass __________ this prcess.
    passed n t humans
    教材原句p.21 This new generatin f artisans will nt nly help preserve traditinal skills... 新一代的工匠不仅能够协助保留传统技艺……7 preserve v. 维护,保护;保存,保养;贮存,保鲜 n. 保护区搭配: (ding)... 保护……免受……preserve the peace 维护和平preserve the frest 保护森林preserve fd 保存食物a perfectly preserved 14th century huse保存完好的 14 世纪的宅第The sciety was set up t preserve endangered species frm extinctin.成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。a wildlife preserve = a wildlife reserve 野生动植物保护区【词语辨析】 preserve与reservepreserve(= prtect sth. frm being harmed r destryed)保护,保存reserve(= keep sth. fr special use)保留,留出Salt preserves fd frm decay. 盐能防止食物腐烂。These seats are reserved fr special guests. 这些座位是留给贵宾的。
    单句语法填空(1)They will d their best t preserve the histric buildings frm _______________(destry).(2)Yu need t say why the building is wrth __________(preserve).(3)I think these traditinal custms shuld ____________(preserve).选词填空(preserve/reserve)(4)—The twn is s beautiful! I just lve it.— Me t. The character f the twn is well __________.(5)A separate rm is __________ fr smkers.(6)At minus 130℃,a living cell can be __________ fr a thusand years.
    being destryed
    be preserved
    教材原句p.23 Fr seven generatins,the Lei family quietly dminated imperial architecture. 七代以来,雷氏家族一直在宫廷建筑中悄然占据着主导地位。8 dminate v. 支配,控制,主宰He tended t dminate the cnversatin. 他往往左右着交谈的内容。She always says a lt in meetings,but she desn’t dminate.她在会上总是滔滔不绝,但她的话没什么影响。【单词积累】dminatin n. 控制,支配
    单句语法填空(1)She __________(dminate)the meeting by sheer frce f character.(2)They wrk as a grup—n ne persn is allwed ____________ (dminate).(3)The cmpany has struggled t maintain its ___________ (dminate) in the marketplace.
    教材原句p.23 great wrks are assciated mre with the imperial curt than with them. ……他们的伟大作品更多地与朝廷有关,而不是与他们本人有关。9 assciate v. 与……有关,联想,联系 把……与……联系起来be assciated with 与……有联系assciate with sb. 与某人交往,与某人混在一起I always assciate the smell f baking with my childhd.一闻到烘烤食物的味道我就想起了童年。Whisky is usually assciated with Sctland. 人们通常把威士忌同苏格兰联系起来。I dn’t like yu assciating with thse peple. 我不喜欢你和那些人混在一起。【单词积累】assciatin n. 联系;关联;社团,协会in assciatin with 与……有关联;与……联合
    单句语法填空(1)Peple ften assciate Weifang __________ kites.(2)There are many health prblems __________(assciate) with smking.(3)She is always assciating happiness __________ having a lt f mney.(4)The __________(assciate) between the tw cmpanies dates back t fifty years ag.完成句子(5)He finished the task n time __________________(在……的协助下)tw f his clleagues.(6)Lung cancer may ____________________(与……有关) smking and drinking.
    in assciatin with
    be assciated with
    教材原句p.23 The main bdy cmprises paragraphs with supprting evidence and facts. 正文由附有佐证和事实的段落组成。10 cmprise v. 包括,由……构成The curse cmprises a class bk,a practice bk,and a CD.这门课的教材包括一本课堂用书、一本练习用书和一张光盘。The class is cmprised mainly f Italian and French students.这个班主要由意大利和法国学生组成。【归纳拓展】由……组成/ 构成:cmprise,cnsist f,be made up f,be cmpsed f(整体作主语,部分作宾语)组成,构成:cmprise,make up,cnstitute(部分作主语,整体作宾语)这个小组由十个人组成。The grup cmprises/cnsists f/is made up f/is cmpsed f ten peple.=Ten peple cmprise/make up/cnstitute the grup.
    单句语法填空(1)Water ____________(cmpse) f hydrgen and xygen.(2)The huse __________ (cmprise) tw bedrms,a kitchen,and a living rm.(3)My breakfast cnsists __________ bread,jam and milk.(4)Car accident victims make __________ almst a quarter f the hspital’s patients.完成句子(5)The medical team ________________________________________________(由……组成) ten experts made great cntributins t fighting the nvel crnavirus.
    made up f/cmpsed f/cnsisting f/cmprising
    重点句式教材原句p.20 If it hadn’t been fr a three-episde dcumentary,utsiders wuld never have knwn that... 要不是那三集纪录片,外面的人永远也不会知道……1 If it hadn’t been fr... 要不是……该句式是虚拟语气,表示对过去情况的假设。If it hadn’t been fr yu,I shuld have drwned.要不是你的话,我就淹死了。If it hadn’t been fr yur help,I culdn’t have dne it.要不是你的帮助,我就不可能完成这件事。
    【归纳拓展】虚拟语气用于if 条件句中时,主句和从句谓语动词的形式如下:If I were yu,I wuld take an umbrella.如果我是你,我会带把伞。If he had taken my advice,he wuld nt have made such a mistake.如果他听了我的劝告的话,就不会犯这样的错误了。If he came/shuld cme/were t cme here tmrrw,I wuld talk t him. 如果他明天来这儿的话,我就跟他谈谈。
    完成句子(1)_________________________________(要不是他们的故事),I wuldn’t have believed lve at first sight.单句语法填空(2)If there were n air r water,there __________(be)n living things n the earth.(3)If he __________(study)harder,he might pass the exam.(4)If she __________(be)t be here next Mnday,I wuld tell her abut the matter.(5)If I __________ (knw) the answer t all yur questins,I wuld be a genius.(6)If he __________ (take) yur advice,he wuld have passed the driving test.(7)The fld might _____________(cause) great damage t the peple if we hadn’t built s many reservirs.(8)If it __________________________________ (snw) tmrrw,I wuld stay at hme.(9)If he _______________(determine)t help us,we might have finished the task in advance.
    If it hadn’t been fr their stry
    have caused
    snwed/were t snw/shuld snw
    had determined
    教材原句p.23S incredible was their skill that many f their buildings survived earthquakes and remained standing ver hundreds f years. 他们的技术是如此的不可思议,以至于他们的许多建筑在地震中幸存下来,并屹立了数百年。2 中的s... 位于句首时引起倒装S angry was he that he culdn’t speak. = He was s angry that he culdn’t speak.他愤怒得一句话也说不出来。S fast did he walk that nne f us was his equal. =He walked s fast that nne f us was his equal.他走得非常快,我们无人能跟得上。【学法点拨】 中的such... 位于句首时也引起倒装。Such a lvely day is it that we want t g ut fr a picnic. =It is such a lvely day that we want t g ut fr a picnic. 天气真好,我们想出去野餐。
    【归纳拓展】(1) 句式s+adj. /adv. +that...s+adj. +a/an+ 可数名词单数+that...s+many/few+ 可数名词复数+that...s+much/little(少)+ 不可数名词+that...(2) 句式such+a/an+(adj.+)可数名词单数+that...such+(adj.+)可数名词复数+that...such+(adj.+)不可数名词+that...
    将下列句子改写成倒装句(1)The attack was s sudden that the enemy had n time t escape.→______________________________the enemy had n time t escape.(2)He speak s ludly that everyne culd hear him clearly.→ ______________________________ everyne culd hear him clearly.(3)It is such a difficult prblem that we all find it hard t slve.→________________________________ we all find it hard t slve.(4)He made such great prgress that he was praised.→___________________________________ he was praised.单句语法填空(5)It was __________ gd an exhibitin that I went t see it several times.=It was __________ a gd exhibitin that I went t see it several times.(6)There was __________ much wrk t d that everybdy gt bred.
    S sudden was the attack that
    S ludly did he speak that
    Such a difficult prblem is it that
    Such great prgress did he make that

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