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    上外版(2020)必修 第二册Unit 3 Food教学设计

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    Perid 3 Grammar in Use 教学设计
    -ed / -ing frms 1-
    used as attributive
    Unit 3
    Senir Grade 1
    In this unit, “-ed / -ing” frms are intrduced as attributives r phrases similar t relative clauses after a nun.
    Knwledge bjectives: sme “-ed / -ing” frms as attributives;
    sme “-ed / -ing” frms functining as relative clauses;
    2. Skill bjectives: chsing the apprpriate frms f a given verb - “-ed / -ing”;
    3. Emtinal bjectives: prepared fr culture shck; keeping an pen mind ;
    respecting different cultures
    4. Thinking quality bjectives: think critically
    chsing the apprpriate frms f a given verb - “-ed / -ing”;
    meaning cnsistency and meaning deviatin f “-ed / -ing” frms;
    1. When a verb means “cause (sb. / sth.) t ...”, its “-ed / -ing” frms can usually be used as adjectives.
    2. listing sme “-ed / -ing” frms that are recgnized as adjectives by dictinary;
    3. intrducing the cncept f meaning cnsistency and deviatin f “-ed / -ing” frms;
    1. recgnizing the listed “-ed / -ing” frms and their meanings;
    2. nticing the meanings f “withering” and “retiring”;
    3. understanding the cncept f meaning cnsistency and meaning deviatin;
    1. intrducing the cncept f causative verb;
    2. emphasizing the “-ed / -ing” frms f causative verbs as attributives;
    3. intrducing
    the cncept f
    cnsistency and
    deviatin f
    “-ed / -ing”
    4. D nt
    always take
    wrds literally.
    PPT 5 - 6 “Grammar in Use”
    Read the passage and pay attentin
    t the underlined -ing / -ed frms
    in it. What functins d they serve?
    -ing, -ed frms as attributive:
    farming culture, cming year,
    dried ysters, steamed dumplings,
    -ing, -ed frms similar t a relative clause:
    dumplings biled in water
    dumplings made f wheat

    PPT 7-9, “Grammar Highlights”
    Sme -ing / -ed frms used as attributives have been established as
    cmmn adjectives.
    biling water;
    the -ing frm is a participle (分词) with an active meaning indicating a prgressive actin;
    frzen fd;
    the -ed frm is a participle with a passive meaning indicating an earlier event;
    spken English;
    the -ed frm is a participle with a passive meaning;
    dining rm;
    the -ing frm is a gerund (动名词) and is used rather like a nun;
    Sme -ing / -ed phrase after a nun is similar t a relative clause. Fr example:
    (1) The man carrying a suitcase handed me an envelpe. (= The man wh carried a suitcase handed me an envelpe.)
    (2) There is a small by hidden inside the cake. (= There is a small by which is hidden inside the cake.)
    PPT 10-11, “Grammar in Use”
    II. Read the passage and fill in each blank with the apprpriate frm f the verb given in brackets. Then circle the -ing / -ed frms used as attributives.
    a sweet cake _________ (knw)
    as the “king cake”;
    t eat pies and cakes ___________ (cntain) little “prizes”;
    Yu have prbably nticed this
    delicius-lking cake, usually ________(tp) with a glden paper crwn, in yur lcal bakery r
    supermarket since mid-December.
    It's sweet and best __________ (serve) with warm, straight ut f the ven.
    But the pleasure 5 ___________ (bring) by a “king cake”...;
    the excitement f ___________ (wnder) whether...;
    a tiny charm 7 ______(bury) inside ne f the slices;
    in ________ (vary) shapes and styles;
    a ________(share) hpe;
    find the little prize _________ (hide) inside,

    knwn 2. cntaining 3. tpped
    4. served 5. brught 6. wndering
    7. buried 8. varied 9. shared
    10. hidden
    PPT 12, “Questin Time”
    varied backgrunds
    varying degrees f success
    varied: shwing variatin r variety 强调多样性;
    varying: differing in size, amunt, degree, r nature.
    varius: varied, varying
    In PPT 13-15, “Let's d it.”
    III. Cmplete the fllwing sentences using the crrect frms f the given wrds.
    1. Face scan will be the next dminant payment methd in future
    replacing (replace) the Wechat and Alipay, the reprt says.
    2. Such shcking (shck) behaviur is never heard f in ur
    3. Jenny is a fruit lver. She culd have at least five servings (serve) f fruits a day.
    4. Until nw, we dn't see any need fr mre fcused (fcus) research n the issue f animal prtectin.
    5. Fds with pleasant smell, gd taste and appealing (appeal) clrs are always welcmed.
    6. America has n established (establish) Church (国教).
    7. This is an imprtant and cncerning (cncern) finding, particularly in terms f the hurs teenagers spend ding sprts every day.
    8. We are given little infrmatin cncerning (cncern) matters f vaccine safety.
    9. But even if mst cncerned (cncern) persns agree n what the
    prblems are, they ften disagree n the slutins.
    10. As far as I am cncerned (cncern), Wechat payment is a wise chice.
    PPT 16-17, “Reflectin Time.”
    D nt always take wrds literally.
    Meaning Cnsistency:

    cncern: 令人担忧;
    a cncerned mther; (担忧的)
    a cncerning finding (令人担忧的)
    cncerning matters f ...
    cncerning prep. 涉及到
    as far as I am cncerned (an idim) 就我个人而言
    Meaning Deviatin:
    serve v. 服务;端上;够吃(或用);
    a serving f fruit
    serving n. a quantity f fd suitable fr r served t ne persn.
    (够一人吃的) 一份食物
    PPT 18-19, “Grup Wrk”
    IV. Change the fllwing relative clauses int -ed / -ing phrases.

    1. The cmmn seals which give birth t their babies alng the Irish castline are usually seen in summer.
    √ The cmmn seals giving birth t their babies alng the Irish castline are usually seen in summer.
    In “which give birth t...”, which is the “der” f the actin “give”, -ing frm is chsen t represent the active meaning.
    2. Hmeless r injured animals which are taken care f befre suitable hmes are fund fr them are mstly stray dgs r cats.
    √ Hmeless r injured animals taken care f befre suitable hmes are fund fr them are mstly stray dgs r cats.
    In “which are taken care f...”, which is the “receiver” f the actin “take care f”, -ed frm is chsen t represent the passive meaning.
    PPT 20-24, “Link t CEEPS 2019”
    Change the relative clause int -ed / -ing phrases.
    All the sentences here are chsen frm CEEPS 2019.
    Its (mypia's) bilgical basis is an eye that, during childhd, has grwn t lng fr its ptical pwer.
    √ Its (mypia's) bilgical basis is an eye grwn t lng fr its ptical pwer.
    2. Peple tend t underestimate the csts f this temprary clness, which they pay in mre ways than ne.
    √ Peple tend t underestimate the csts f this temprary clness paid
    in mre ways than ne.
    “temprary clness” is the bject f the actin “pay”, -ed frm is chsen t represent the passive meaning.
    3. Dn’t fall int the early adpter trap. Dn’t jin the first wave f
    cnsumers wh invest in the latest media-hyped hardware.
    √ Dn’t fall int the early adpter trap. Dn’t jin the first wave f
    cnsumers investing in the latest media-hyped hardware.
    4. Orissa is the hme t three mass nesting sites f the Oliver turtles, a
    species which is threatened with extinctin.
    √ Orissa is the hme t three mass nesting sites f the Oliver turtles, a species threatened with extinctin.
    The females never visit the nest again t take care f the eggs that are depsited in the warm sand.
    √ The females never visit the nest again t take care f the eggs depsited in the warm sand.
    PPT 25-28, “Link t NCEEP 2019”
    II Cmplete the fllwing sentences using -ed / -ing frms f the wrds given.
    Ppularity is a well- explred (explre) subject in psychlgy.
    Then there's the kind f ppularity appearing (appear) in adlescence: status brn f pwer and even dishnrable behavir.
    Thse least liked (like) in elementary schl are “mst likely
    t engage in dangerus and risky behavir.”
    Dr. Prinstein has als fund that the qualities making (make) the neighbrs want yu n a play date-sharing, kindness, penness -
    carry ver t later years and ...
    “Being liked creates pprtunities fr learning and fr new kinds f
    life experiences helping (help) smebdy gain an advantage,”he said.
    *helping ... here is used rather like an adverbial f the verb “creates”
    In these places patients can g t be near nature during their recvery. It turns ut that just lking at green, grwing (grw) things can reduce stress, lwer bld pressure, and put peple int a better md (情绪).
    *grwing ... here indicating an active meaning as well as a prgressive meaning.
    Hspital patients seeing (see) tree branches ut their windw are likely t recver at a faster rate than patients staring (stare) at buildings r sky instead.
    Further up, the weather changes - lw cluds envelpe the muntainsides cvered (cver) with thick grass.
    Des Kilimanjar deserve its reputatin as a crwded (crwd) muntain with lines f turists ruining (ruin) the atmsphere f peace? I fund the ppsite t be true.
    PPT 29, “Summary”
    √ -ed / -ing frm 1 - used as
    √√ Sme -ed / -ing frms are established as cmmn adjective;
    √√ Sme -ed / -ing frms are similar t relative clauses.
    √ Meaning cnsistency f -ed /
    -ing frm;
    √ Meaning deviatin f -ed / -ing
    √ differences f -ed / -ing frm
    when used as attributives r
    after a nun;

    PPT 30, Hmewrk
    List ut as many as pssible causative verbs yu have learned and see if their -ed /-ing frms are recgnized as cmmn adjectives by dictinary.
    Fr example:
    excite - excited -exciting
    Grammar in use
    (3)Questin Time
    (4) Let’s d it.
    (5) Reflectin Time
    (6) Grup Wrk
    (7) Link t
    Link t
    NCEEP 2019
    All these activities can be carried ut individually, in pair wrk r grup wrk.
    In task I, students shuld be able t understand the meanings f -ing / -ed + nun phrases;
    Students can translate the -ing / -ed phrases int Chinese crrectly;
    In “Grammar Highlights”, students shuld listen t the teacher attentively, esp. n the functins f -ing / -ed frms befre r after a nun.
    Students shuld fcus n the differences f -ing / -ed participles (分词) s that they may use the crrect frms f participles in writing.

    Here, questins are welcmed and interactins between teachers, students and the highlighted pints may happen.
    Task II is a chance fr students t apply their knwledge f -ing / -ed frms.
    Students are allwed t refer t textbks, dictinaries r have a discussin here.
    Students shuld knw what is attributives befre they d the exercise.
    In “Let’s d it”, students shall be given enugh time t pnder n each given wrd. Pair wrk, grup wrk are encuraged here.
    (1) Students shall first decide the relatinship between the given wrd and its lgic subject.
    (2) Students shall decide the crrect frm t chse: -ed r -ing participle.
    (3) Students shall be careful f the case f meaning deviatin, like “serving” as a nun here.
    (4) “Cncern” is a verb with many meanings. Its -ed and
    -ing participles may have different meanings, which require special effrts frm students.
    In “Reflectin Time”, students
    shuld take ntes carefully and distinguish between -ed and -ing participles as well as “cncerning as prep”.
    cncerned adj.
    cncerning adj.
    (2) cncerning prep; nte the change f wrd class.
    (3) as far as sb. Is cncerned, This is an idim!
    (4) serving n.
    a quantity f fd suitable fr r served t ne persn.
    Students shall be able t distinguish between -ed / -ing frms and their respective functins.
    Discussin are welcmed here fr students t fully understand the functins f -ed / -ing frms.
    In “Link t CEEPS 2019”, students are given time t think ver hw t change the relative clause int -ed / -ing phrases.
    Students will sn discver that ne basic rule is t be fllwed in deciding -ed / -ing phrases- -ing participle representing the active meaning while -ed participle the passive meaning.
    Task II f “Link t NCEEP-2019” is a bit harder.
    Students shall apply strategies learned in Grammar Highlights and Reflectin Time, bserving the rule f “active / passive” representatin by -ed / -ing frms.
    Sentence 1-5 are adapted frm the same passage, which may supply a cntextual cue fr understanding.
    Sentence 6-7 frms a c-text prviding cues fr a better understanding, which may help chse the prper frms f the given wrds.
    S it is the same with Sentence 8-9.
    In summary, students shall think ver what have been listed, and take sme ntes if necessary.
    “Grammar in Use” is designed t fcus n the place f -ing / -ed frms in sentence as attributives - befre a nun; r -ing / -ed frms after a nun;

    “Grammar Highlights”
    is designed fr teachers t elabrate n the grammar pints.
    Here, the differences between -ing and -ed frms are listed.
    (1)as attributives,
    -ed, a participle with a passive meaning; -ing, a participle with an active meaning indicating a prgressive actin r a gerund like a nun.
    (2)-ing / -ed
    phrase after a nun,
    -ing participle is applied when the lgic subject is the der f the verb actin;
    -ed participle is applied when the lgic subject is the receiver f the verb actin.
    Task II here is designed t test students’ understanding f the functins f -ing / -ed frms.
    The mst difficult language pint f this perid is the difference between “varied” and “varying”.
    “Varied” emphasizing varieties while “varying” fcuses n differences f degree, size and amunt.
    “varied”, “shared” here are used as attributives.
    “Let’s d it” is designed as the beginning level exercise, with “serve” and “cncern” exceptinal du t meaning cmplexity r deviatin.
    “Reflectin Time” is designed fr teacher t elabrate n the meaning cmplexity f “cncerned, cncerning, and serving” as well as the relevant varius usages.
    The warning here is “D nt always take wrds literally!”
    “Grup Wrk” is designed here fr a pause and a summary time fr bth teachers and students s that a deeper understanding f -ed / -ing frms may be attained.
    In “Link t CEEPS 2019”, questins are encuraged and teacher and students interactins may increase here.
    Task I here is designed fr students t practise using -ed / -ing phrases in writing.
    All the five sentences are chsen frm CEEPS 2019, where the dictin and the cntent might influence their final chice.
    Task II here is designed fr students t practise their perceptin in distinguishing -ed / -ing phrases with a mre difficult vcabulary and frmal writing style.
    Hwever hard the cntext may be, the basic rule is t be bserved -
    -ing participle indicating an active meaning, while -ed participle a passive meaning.
    Summary is designed fr the cnvenience f reviewing what we have learned tday as well as fr students t d checklist.
    1. leading in the cncept f causative verb;
    2. sme -ed / -ing frms are recgnized
    as cmmn adjectives;
    3. leading in the cncept f meaning
    cnsistency and deviatin in terms f -ed / -ing frms ;
    Sme -ed / -ing frms used as attributives;
    Sme -ed / -ing frms used similar t relative clause.
    6. reflecting n the basic rule f using -ed / -ing participles: -ing participle indicating an active meaning, while -ed participle a passive meaning.
    7. Link t CEEPS 2019
    8. Link t NCEEP 2019
    9. summary
    1. understanding what is a causative verb;
    2. recgnizing the -ed / -ing participles that are cmmn adjectives;
    3. understanding meaning cnsistency and deviatin;
    4. understanding the cncept f attributive;
    5. understanding the basic rule f -ed / -ing participles: active meaning vs. passive meaning
    6. applying the knwledge f -ed / -ing participles and cmplete tasks f “Let’s d it” and “Grup Wrk”.
    7. Cmpleting the
    tasks f Link t
    CEEPS 2019 and
    Link t NCEEP 2019
    Perid 3 fcuses n -ed / -ing frms 1.
    leading in the cncept f causative verbs and its -ed / -ing frms;
    2. intrducing the cncept f attributive;
    3. illustrating sme -ed / -ing frms as attributives;
    4. sme -ed / -ing phrases functining as relative clauses;
    5. teaching strategies in deciding -ed / -ing frms
    6. teaching strategies f using cntextual cues t help decide -ed / -ing frms
    7. activating students’ critical thinking
    by cntextual-level chice making;
    -ed / -ing frm
    4. meaning cnsistency r deviatin
    5. varied vs. varying
    6. cncerned, cncerning
    7. serving
    8. D nt always take wrds literally.

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