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    上外版2020高中英语必修二Unit 3 food Period 2  Digging in 教案02
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    高中上外版(2020)Unit 3 Food教案及反思

    这是一份高中上外版(2020)Unit 3 Food教案及反思,共11页。

    Perid 2 Digging in 教学设计
    Digging in Cmprehensin and Vcabulary Fcus
    Unit 3
    Senir Grade 1
    Firstly we have a deeper explratin in ur understanding f Reading A.
    Secndly, we fcus n the key vcabulary.
    Thirdly, we practise hypnyms.
    Knwledge bjectives: digging in the cncept f culture shck;
    learning t grup and categrize infrmatin;
    learning abut hypnyms
    2. Skill bjectives: grasping the stry gist; practising the key vcabulary
    3. Emtinal bjectives: respecting different culture traditins;
    keeping an pen mind
    4. Thinking quality bjectives: gruping and categrizing infrmatin;
    fcusing n a deeper understanding f the text;
    gruping and categrizing infrmatin;
    practice f key wrds and phrases and hypmys;
    using hypnyms in clse test r reading cmprehensin;
    1. presenting “v+ed; v+ing” frms that can be used as adjectives.
    2. presenting wrds f nun verbalizatin
    3. presenting synnyms
    1. speaking ut the crrect -ed / -ing frms and their meanings;
    2. listing wrds f nun verbalizatin;
    3. speaking ut the synnyms f the given wrds
    students’ vcabulary by adjectives f -ed / -ing frms;
    fcusing n nun verbalizatin
    practising synnyms
    PPT 5-7, “Questins and Answers”
    PPT 5, Digging in Cmprehensin
    I. Answer the questins.
    1. What did the authr expect a French dinner party t include?
    Multiple curses, a variety f cheeses,
    bttles f champagne, and slices f
    fresh bread.
    PPT 6,
    2. What d “ups and dwns” and “high and lws” refer t?
    A mind map is used t answer the
    PPT 7,
    3. Where des the authr mst
    prbably cme frm? Explain yur answer with reference t the text.
    The authr mst prbably cme
    Evidence frm the text:
    Fr example, the French eat with bth
    wrists resting n the table, while many
    Americans tend t keep their left hands
    In their laps.
    PPT 8-10, “Grup Wrk”
    II Use infrmatin frm the text t cmplete the diagram n culture shck.
    PPT 8,
    My experience:
    (1)Where: At a French dinner party t celebrate the New Year;
    (2) when: My first weekend abrad.
    (3) With whm? With my hst family.
    (4) On what ccasin?At the end f the party when serving the “king cake”.
    (5) What happened?
    I was shcked by “getting-under-the-table” traditins.
    PPT 9,
    Culture shck:
    What is it? The feeling f 5 cnfusin in a new cuntry when yu're 6 adjusting t things that may be 7 unfamiliar t yu.
    PPT 10,
    Dealing with it:
    Strategies frm the Internatinal Prgrams Office: t understand culture shck and its different phases- “hneymn”phase: feeling excited;
    - lw pints: feeling 9 frustrated and verwhelmed
    PPT11, “Pair Wrk”
    III Make a list f the cultural differences regarding fd and dining between France and America accrding t the text.
    A table f cmparisn between “In France” and “In America”:
    In France: There are the “king cake ” traditins.
    In America: There are n such traditins.
    In France: eating with bth wrists resting n the table;
    In America: keeping their left hands in their laps;
    In France: using bread as a utensil like a knife r ...
    In America: n such traditin;
    In France: saying “Bn appétit!” befre eating;
    In America: n such traditin;
    PPT 12-16, “Let's d it.”
    Digging in Vcabulary
    I. Key Vcabulary
    Fill in the blanks with the apprpriate
    frms f the given wrds and
    expressins t cmplete the passage.
    facility, fcus n, a variety f,
    ups and dwns, hst, tend t,
    run int, take ... by surprise,
    illustrate, strategy
    When I studied in Shanghai, I lived
    with a Chinese hst family. Befre
    leaving fr China, I had learned 1
    strategies frm the Internatinal
    Prgrams Office, a 2 facility which
    helps prepare students t deal with
    varius \kinds f 3 ups and dwns in
    a freign culture. Hwever, I still
    experienced culture shck during my
    I had learned that many Chinese
    traditins 4 fcus n fd but my
    first meal with the family cmpletely
    5 tk me by surprise. In the middle
    f the table were dishes f 6 a variety
    f fds and small bwls f rice fr
    each member f the family. My 7
    hst mther tk charge and placed
    fd int my bwl, and I happily ate
    whatever was served. I was taught
    that finishing yur plate was t
    shw yur hst hw much yu
    enjyed the meal, but my hst
    mther 8 tended t refill my bwl
    every time it was empty. It seemed a
    bit dd t me. I later learned that
    finishing yur bwl in China is a
    signal t the hst that yu wuld like
    sme mre fd. S leaving sme
    fd in the bwl t shw yu are
    quite full is als acceptable. My
    experience may 9 illustrate the type
    f prblem many exchange students
    are likely t 10 run int when they
    first experience a freign culture.

    PPT 17, “Let’s learn it.”
    II. Wrd Meaning - Hypnyms
    hyp- : under, lwer;
    -nym : name, wrd
    hypnym: 下位词
    Umbrella wrd: 上位词
    utensil:knives, spns, pts, pans;
    The relatinship between “utensils”
    and “knives” is hypnymy (上下义关
    PPT 18-20, “Let’s d it.”
    PPT 18-19,
    II. Read the passage. Find the
    hypnyms f “fd” and grup them
    under an umbrella.
    rice, grain, vegetables, fruits, beans,
    fresh fish, preserved fish, prk, meats,
    Beef, hrse meat, pultry, rabbit;
    Fd: grain: rice; bean;
    meat: prk, beef, fish;
    Pultry, hrse meat, rabbit
    The mind map shws the hypnymy f all these fd wrds.
    PPT 20,
    III. Cmplete each f the sentences with a hypnym r an umbrella wrd.
    The Indian ck with lts f spices, including ginger, chilli pepper, black pepper, etc.
    The British have a weakness fr sweet fd. They lve puddings, chclates and sweets. Can yu imagine a pudding made mstly with bread and butter? It exists in British cking - “Bread and Butter Pudding.” It's great!
    A Chinese dinner is a marathn f fd. Usually it starts ut with sme cld dishes, and then mves int a wide variety f main curses. Of curse, there are always sme staple fds arund - rice, dumplings, r ndles.
    PPT 21-29,
    “Link t NCEEP 2018 /2019”
    testing n hypnymy and hypmys / umbrella wrds
    PPT 21, I. Fill in the blank with the prper chice.
    But he's nervus. “I'm here t tell yu tday why yu shuld ... shuld ... ” Chris trips n the “-ld,” a prnunciatin difficulty fr many nn-native English speakers. His teacher, Thmas Whaley, is next t him, whispering supprt. “... Vte fr ... me ...” Except fr sme __D, Chris is ding amazingly well. When he brings his speech t a nice cnclusin, Whaley invites the rest f the class t praise him.
    A. bad manners B. silly jkes
    C. spelling mistakes
    D. imprper pauses
    PPT 22,
    imprper pauses = stumbles
    The mind map shws the umbrella wrd “stumble” and its “hypnyms”

    PPT 23-24,
    III. Find ut the hypnyms f “bimetric technlgy” in the fllwing passage.
    Bimetric technlgy:
    fingerprint scan;
    Smart keybard: typist cadence;
    typist's pressure
    n each key
    The mind map here shw the hypnymy f “Bimetric technlgy” and its hypnyms.
    PPT 25-26,
    IV. What is the paragraph mainly abut?
    Ppularity is a well-explred subject in scial psychlgy. Mitch Prinstein, a prfessr f clinical psychlgy srts the ppular int tw categries: the likable and the status seekers. The likables' plays-well-with-thers qualities strengthen schlyard friendships, jump-start interpersnal skills and, when tapped early, are emplyed ever after in life and wrk. Then there's the kind f ppularity that appears in adlescence: status brn f pwer and even dishnrable behavir.
    √A.The classificatin f the ppular.
    The characteristics f adlescents.
    C.The imprtance f interpersnal skills.
    D.The causes f dishnrable behavir.
    PPT 27-29,
    V. Make the best chice frm A, B, C and D.
    It's nt really a gd idea t use t many small clr pieces
    If yu're experimenting with a clr
    Small clr chices are the nes we're mst familiar with
    Clr chice in this range are a step up frm the small nes in tw majr ways
    C . They're the little spts f clr like thrw pillws, mirrrs and baskets that mst f us use t add visual interest t ur rms. Less tiring than paining yur walls and less expensive than buying a clrful sfa, small clr chices bring with them the significant benefit f being easily changeable.
    PPT 30 Summary,
    What have we learnt tday?
    1. What is culture shck?
    2. fd-related differences:
    the French vs. Americans
    Vcabulary Fcus
    key vcabulary
    wrds as bth a nun and a verb

    Link t NCEEP
    (2018, 2019)
    TP (tpic sentence)
    PPT 32, Hme wrk fr tday.

    List ut sme f the “-ed, -ing” frms that can be used as attributives.

    Fr example:
    spken English, “spken” as an attributive.
    (1) Questins and Answers;
    (2) Grup Wrk
    (3) Pair Wrk
    (4) Let’s d it.
    (5) Let’s learn.
    (6) Link t NCEEP
    All these activities can be carried ut individually, in pair wrk r grup wrk.
    Students may find Questin 1 easy.
    Students may answer the questin with the help f the mind map.
    Students shall learn t use mind maps as tls in answering the questins.
    Students shall find the detailed infrmatin frm the text.
    Students may find the definitin frm the text.
    Students shall refer t the text and fill in the blanks with detailed infrmatin.
    Students shall take the infrmatin listed in the table and make up their wn dialgues.
    In PPT 12-16, students shall fill in blanks with the wrds listed in their crrect frms, in which bth the meaning and the frms f wrds shall fit.
    Students shall practise the new wrds and phrases learned in Reading A.
    Students shall understand hypnyms (下位词) and hypnymy (上下义关系).
    Students shall take the exercises seriusly and be able t write ut the hypnyms f the umbrella wrd “fd”.
    Students shall be able t write ut the umbrella wrds r the hypnyms accrding t the meaning f the sentences.
    Students may find Task I n PPT 21 a bit harder due t the writing style and sme strange usage f similar wrds like “trip”.
    Discussins and debates are welcmed here.
    Students may nt knw the wrd “stumble”, which may be the tughest ne f all the tasks f Perid Tw.
    Students shall first understand the paragraph f text befre they culd carry ut the task.
    Students shall first find ut the TP f the paragraph.
    After clse reading, students may find that “ srts the ppular int tw categries: the likable and the status seekers” is actually the main pint f this paragraph cmpared with the ther three chices.
    Students shuld first read thrugh the tw paragraphs, getting a big backgrund f the text.
    Then, students may start chsing between the fur chices.
    Students may be hesitant between chice A and C due t the appearance f “small clr” in bth.
    In the end, students may find chice A illgical and incherent with the rest sentences f the paragraph. S C will be the right chice.
    Three questins f task I are designed fr students t
    Review the main pints f the text.
    Task II f “Grup Wrk” is designed t dig in mre detailed infrmatin f the text.
    Categrizatin is used t present the rganizatin f the text: my persnal experience; culture shck; Dealing with it.
    Categrizing infrmatin and making cmparisn are imprtant elements f critical thinking;
    Task I f “Digging in Vcabulary” is designed fr the purpse f using these new wrds and expressins.
    The mre we use the new vcabulary, the quicker we may remember them.
    Hypnyms are an imprtant semantic relatinship as well as synnyms and antmyms.
    Hypnym is an imprtant sense relatinship in English vcabulary.
    Students shuld grasp as many as pssible hypnyms as well as the umbrella wrds.
    Task III f “Digging in Vcabulary” is designed t practise hypnyms and umbrella wrds.
    Task I n PPT 21 is designed t test n the umbrella wrd and hypnymy.
    And the mind map n PPT 22 is still a test n the umbrella wrd f the same grup f hypnyms.
    The writing style and wrds used in Task I increase the difficulty f the chice.
    Task III n PPT 23-24 is designed t be the mst difficult part f Perid Tw due t the cntent and the vcabulary.
    Task IV n PPT 24-25 is designed as a reading cmprehensin questin testing n tpic sentence.
    Again, tpic sentence is the test pint f Task V n PPT 27-29.
    1. enlarging vcabulary with -ed /-ing frms, nun verbalizatin, and synnyms;
    2. answering questins n the main cntent f the text using mind maps;
    3. grup wrk n the main cntent f the blg diary: persnal experience f culture differences and the definitin f culture shck;
    4. pair wrk n the details f fd-related differences between the French and Americans;
    5. practising the key vcabulary;
    6. teaching abut hypnyms
    7. Link t NCEEP-2018 / 2019

    1. learning abut wrd frmatin knwledge: -ed /-ing as adjectives; nun verbalizatin;
    2. reviewing the text by answering questins using mind maps;
    3. learning abut gruping infrmatin;
    4. learning t categrize infrmatin;
    5. ding exercises n key wrds and phrases;
    7. practising hypnyms;
    8. cmpleting tasks f NCEEP-2018 / 2019
    Exercises make up mst parts f Perid Tw.
    1. practising wrd frmatin;
    2. Answering questins n Reading A using mind maps and learning t categrize infrmatin;
    3. prmting students’ reading skills - thrugh tpic sentence;
    4. teaching hypnymy by ding relevant exercises
    5. NCEEP-2018 / 2019 is designed t practise key wrds and phrases as well as get familiar with the test pints and styles f cllege entrance examinatins.
    New wrds and phrases:
    encunter v.
    tend v.
    utensil n.
    appetite n.
    grab v.
    run int
    galette des ris .
    Internatinal Prgrams
    (BrE. Prgrammes) Office
    fcus n. & v.
    facility n.
    strategy n.
    phenmenn n.
    graph n.
    Hneymn n.

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