小学英语外研剑桥版六年级上册Unit 6 Children of our world教案
展开Unit6 Children of our world 教学设计
1. 能听懂、读懂介绍孩子们信息的描述,完成句子配对、图文配对、填写人名等活动。
2. 能运用want to描述自己想做的事。
3. 能学唱英语歌曲We are the children of this world。
1a. Listen and read. 听一听,读一读。
1b. Read again and match. Then read the sentences. 读一读,连一连。
Step 1 师生自由对话,如:Where are you from? Where do you live? Have you got any pets? What is it? 等。
Step 2 老师利用图片,引出本单元话题:Children of our world。
Step 3 老师出示图片,介绍人物:Carlos和Ana。
Step 4 老师播放录音,学生打开课本到第44页,填写表格中城市名和国名的信息。
Step 5师生核对表格信息,教授城市名Recife,Tucuman和国家名Brazil, Argentina的发音。
Step 6学生自主阅读第一部分,尝试回答以下问题:
- When does Carlos get up every day?
- Does he like his fish? How do you know?
Step 7 学生回答问题,找出Carlos最珍贵的东西。老师引导学生通过阅读句子 Before I go to school, I feed my fish. My fish are beautiful. 理解单词 precious的意思,并教授其发音。
Step 8 学生操练句子:They are very precious to me. 老师示范用precious造句,例如:I like reading books. My books are very precious to me. 学生模仿造句,
Step 9 学生听录音,齐读第一部分。
Step 10 老师可尝试让学生看图并对照表格内容来进行表述。
Name | City | Country | Precious thing |
Carlos | Recife | Brazil | fish |
Step 11 学生阅读第二部分,根据短文内容对以下句子进行判断并改错:
- Ana and her friends sometimes listen to music in the classroom.
- CDs are the most precious things to Ana.
Step 12 师生核对答案,学生在表格里填写Ana最珍贵的东西。
Step 13 学生听录音,跟读第二部分。
Step 14 学生分小组朗读全文。
Step 15 学生独立完成1b练习,老师巡视并加以指导。
Step 16 师生核对答案,学生大声朗读句子。
Step 17 老师布置作业:1)朗读短文;2)模仿短文谈谈What is precious to you?
I’m Carlos. I live in Recife in Brazil. I get up at half past seven every day. Before I go to school, I feed my fish. My fish are beautiful. They are very precious to me.
I’m Ana. I’m from Tucuman, Argentina. I love music. I have lots of CDs. Sometimes some friends come to my place and we listen to my CDs together. That's great fun! My CD player is my most precious thing.
2. Read and match. Fill in the numbers. Then listen and check. 读一读,连一连。写数字,听一听,核答案。
Step 1 老师提问: What’s your precious thing? 学生用句型My precious thing(s) is/are...进行回答。
Step 2 学生打开课本到第45页,阅读句子,完成配对练习。
Step 3 老师播放录音,核对答案,引导学生注意前后句子之间的逻辑关系。
Step 4 学生分小组朗读句子。
Step 5 学生两人一组,模仿此部分内容,描述他人最珍贵的东西。老师巡视并加以指导。
Step 6老师挑选2-3组在全班进行展示,并给予积极的评价。
- Tom’s precious things are his books. He loves reading.
- Sue’s precious things are her stamps. She has got more than 300.
- Bills precious thing is his TV. He likes watching sports and cartoons.
- This old watch is precious to Carl. It was his grandfather’s.
- Lily s precious thing is her dog. It is so cute!
- Granny’s precious things are her old photos. She often looks at them and thinks back to the things in the past.
3. Listen to the interviews. Then answer the questions.听一听,答一答。
Step 1 师生自由对话,如:When do you get up? How do you go to school? When does school start? How many subjects do you have at school? What is your favourite subject? What’s the most precious thing for you? 等。
Step 2 老师出示图片,介绍人物Erica和Jeff,并带读人名。
Step 3 老师提出问题,引导学生对人物的信息进行猜测,如:Who loves playing the guitar? 等。
Step 4 老师播放录音,学生整体感知录音内容。
Step 5 老师再次播放录音,学生打开课本到第45页,完成补全句子的练习。
Step 6 师生共同核对答案,学生大声朗读句子,并回答问题:Who loves playing the guitar/...?
Step 7 学生分小组谈论Erica和Jeff,老师巡视并加以指导。
Step 8 老师挑选2-3人在全班展示,并给予积极的评价。
Interviewer: Hi. What’s your name?
Erica: I’m Erica.
Interviewer: Erica, where are you from?
Erica: From Limerick, in Ireland.
Interviewer: What can you tell listeners about your day, Erica? When do you get up? When does school start?
Erica: I get up at half past seven. School stars at nine o’clock.
Interviewer: And how do you get to school?
Erica: I walk.
Interviewer: Alone?
Erica: No. With a group of friends.
Interviewer: Do you like school?
Erica: Yes, I do. Er ... I like the clubs at my school best.
Interviewer: The clubs?
Erica: Yes. There are four clubs. We have a biology club, a photo club, a dance club and a volleyball club. I'm a member of the photo club. We meet every Friday from two to four o ’clock. Sometimes we walk around in town with our teacher to take photos. I like that.
Interviewer: That sounds very interesting. One last question: What’s the most precious thing for you?
Erica: The most precious thing? That’s easy. My camera.
Interviewer: And what’s your name?
Jeff:I’m Jeff.
Interviewer: Where are you from, Jeff?
Jeff: I’m from London.
Interviewer: What’s in this bag, Jeff? A guitar?
Jeff: Yes, that’s right.
Interviewer: Is it yours?
Jeff: It is. I love playing the guitar.
Interviewer: Really? How often do you play?
Jeff: Every afternoon./ I always do my homework first. Then I play the guitar. And sometimes I play with my dad.
Interviewer: Does he play the guitar, too?
Jeff: No, he plays the piano. And when he has time, we sometimes make music together in the evening when he comes home.
Interviewer: Excellent. So your guitar is very important for you, isn’t it?
Jeff: Absolutely. I have a dream: One day I want to write my own songs. I want to play in a band and sing my own songs.
4a. Listen and read. Then match the photos with the texts.听一听,读一读,连一连。
4b. Read and fill in the children’s names.读一读,写一写。
Step 1 老师和学生自由对话,如:Where do you live? When do you get up? How do you get to school? What do you often do after school? How many pupils are there in your class? 等。
Step 2 学生打开课本到第46页,听录音,初步感知文本内容,圈出四个孩子的名字,并学说人名Samshaad,Lena, Mark和Jimmy。
Step 3学生阅读第一部分文本,完成以下练习:
- She gets up at_____
A. seven B. six C. eight
- She helps her _____in the garden.
A. mother B. father C. brother
- She goes to school______
A. by bus B. on foot C. by bike
- There are_____ pupils in her class.
A. 15 B. 52 C. 25
- Her precious things are ______
A. chickens B. pony C. books
Step 4 师生共同核对答案。
Step 5 老师播放第一部分录音,学生跟读。
Step 6 学生阅读第二部分文本,判断下列句子正误并改错:
- Lena is 14.
- She starts work with her father at 7:30.
- She goes to school by bike.
- Her family is very poor.
- Some older boys take her fruit and don’t give her money.
- She dreams of having her own shop.
Step 7 师生共同核对答案,学生大声朗读正确句子。
Step 8 学生两人一组阅读第三、四部分文本:学生A阅读第三部分,学生B阅读第四部分。
Step 9 两人小组相互交流阅读信息。学生A阅读第三部分,学生B可通过以下几个问题来了解学生A所读的内容(以下问题仅供参考,老师可将问题写在黑板上提供给学生进行询问,学生B也可自由发挥),并将询问的信息记录下来:
- What’s the child’s name?
- Where is he from?
- How old is he?
- When does he get up?
- Does he go to school?
- What’s the most precious thing for him?
- What’s the child’s name?
- How old is he?
- Where does he live?
- How does he go to school?
- What does he always do in the afternoon?
- What does he dream of?
- What’s his most precious thing?
Step 10 学生A、学生B将其记录的信息进行整理,在小组内根据记录相互介绍 Mark和Jimmy,老师巡视并加以指导。
Step 11老师挑选3-4人全班展示,并给予积极的评价。
Step 12学生在小组内自由朗读全文,根据内容到相应图片标号。
Step 13学生读4b部分句子,在方框内写下对应孩子的名字。
Step 14 师生共同核对答案。
Samshaad is twelve. She lives in India. She gets up at six o ’clock in the morning. Then she helps her mother in the garden behind their house. She also feeds the chickens. At eight o’clock she walks to school. In her class there are fifty-two children. Samshaad loves learning. She wants to have a good job when she is older, so school is very important for her. There is no bookshop or library near Samshaad’s home, so her books are precious things.
Lena is from Ghana in Africa. She is thirteen. She gets up at five o’clock. Then she starts working with her father. At half past seven Lena gets on her bike. She rides into town. She sells mangos and bananas in the streets. Sometimes older boys take her fruit and run away. Then Lena is very unhappy. Her family needs the money. Lena has a dream. One day she wants to have her own little shop.
Mark is from Western Australia. He is twelve. He lives on a farm. The nearest town is 400 kilometres away, so Mark cannot go to school. Every morning, he gets up at eight o ’clock. His lessons on TV start at nine. Mark learns the same things as the children in town. Once a month, his teacher comes to the farm and studies with him. Mark helps his father a lot on the farm. Mark has his own horse called Sprinter. In the afternoon he often rides around the farm. He loves his horse very much.
Jimmy is twelve. He is American. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii. His parents came to Hawaii from China fourteen years ago. Jimmy was born in Hawaii. He gets up at half past seven. School starts at nine. He goes to school by bus. In the afternoon he always plays soccer. He is in the boys’ team at his school. Jimmy dreams of playing in the American national team one day. His most precious is a football with the signature of a famous American player.
1. Mark 2. Lena 3. Jimmy 4. Samshaad
5a. Listen and sing the song. 听一听,唱一唱。
5b. Listen and repeat the sentences. 听一听,读一读。
Step 1 老师提问Do you like our world? Why? Why not? 学生自由表达自己的观点。
Step 2 老师播放录音,学生整体感知歌曲内容。
Step 3 学生听第一段录音,理解歌曲内容,并在图片的帮助下学习poverty,sorrow, grown-up。
Step 4 学生听录音,学唱第一段。
Step 5 学生听第二、三段录音,学唱歌曲,理解句意。
Step 6 老师播放录音,学生完整跟唱歌曲。
Step 7 学生小组内操练歌曲,老师选出2-3组在全班表演,并给予积极的评价。 Step 8 学生听5b的录音,跟读句子。
We are the children of this world
We’re the children of this world.
We’re the grown-ups of tomorrow.
Let’s make the world a better place
Without poverty and sorrow.
Why don't you stop the wars
And build more schools?
How can we learn
To live together?
We want to listen
To each other.
We want to live
In peace forever.
We’re the children of this world.
We’re the grown-ups of tomorrow.
Let's make the world a better place
Without poverty and sorrow.
- Why don’t you stop the wars and build more schools?
- We want to listen to each other.
- We want to live in peace forever.
Step 1 老师引导学生在画泡中句型的提示下谈谈自己的情况,并鼓励学生适当进行拓展。
Step 2 学生小组内操练,老师巡视并给予指导。
Step 3 老师选出2-3名学生在全班展示,并给予积极的评价。
累西腓(Recife)位于大西洋沿岸,是伯南布哥州的首府,巴西东北部最大的城市。 累西腓有近500年的历史,自古就是巴西对外交流的窗口。累西腓还是2014年巴西世界杯的主办城市之一。
1. Mark: His lessons on TV start at nine. Once a month, his teacher comes to the farm and studies with him. His horse is called Sprinter.
Samshaad: She lives in India. She helps her mother in the garden. In her class there are fifty-two children.
Jimmy: He is American. In the afternoon he always plays soccer. He gets up at half past seven.
Lena: She lives in Ghana. She sells bananas in the street. One day she wants to have her own little shop.
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