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    北师大2019选修四UNIT 12 Section A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1课件

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    UNIT 12Section A TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1英 语2022内容索引课前篇 自主预习课堂篇 互动探究晨读晚诵素养导航 晨读晚诵China,which is proud of “four great inventions” in ancient times,has once again showed its ability to change the world with its “four new great inventions”:high-speed railways,mobile payments,shared bicycles and online shopping. The four innovative① ways of life were the most attractive to youths from 20 countries taking part in the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation,according to a survey by the Belt and Road Research Institute (BRRI) of Beijing Foreign Studies University.“The ‘four new great inventions’ are all linked to China’s high-tech innovation,which has improved the quality of people’s lives,” said Wu Hao,a director of the BRRI.“My wallet is no longer in use②.I can buy and eat whatever I want simply with a fingertip③ on my phone,” said Lin Jinlong,an overseas Chinese student from Cambodia,adding that even pancake sellers are using Alipay (mobile payment).“We can also order food at home,which is super convenient.If I were at home in Cambodia,I would have to go outdoors.”The bikes themselves are not new,but the operating mode of bike-sharing is based on satellite navigation④ system,mobile payment,big data and other high technologies.“China has entered a new innovative time,” said Bernhard Schwartlander,a World Health Organization representative in China.As a huge fan of bicycles,he also expressed his love for China’s shared bicycles,saying that “shared bikes are bringing cycling back to people’s lives”.Rebacca Fannin,a founder and an editor of Silicon Dragon,noted⑤ that China is beginning to lead in innovation in some ways.“It is increasingly⑥ clear that China is innovating and no longer copying Western ideas,” she said.A growing number of foreigners hope to push economic development in their home countries by focusing on the need for technological achievements like that of China.Lin mentioned his experience of taking the high-speed train from Beijing to the coastal city of Tianjin,which is more than 100 km away.The journey took only half an hour,while in Cambodia,which has only two railways,such a journey may take up to three hours.词海拾贝①innovative adj.革新的;创新的②in use 在使用中③fingertip n.指尖④navigation n.导航;领航;航行⑤note v.指出;特别提到⑥increasingly adv. 越来越多地;不断增加地典句欣赏China,which is proud of “four great inventions” in ancient times,has once again showed its ability to change the world with its “four new great inventions”:high-speed railways,mobile payments,shared bicycles and online shopping.译文:以古代“四大发明”为荣的中国,以高速铁路、移动支付、共享单车和网络购物等“新四大发明”再次展示了它改变世界的能力。分析:这是一个复合句。which引导非限制性定语从句,动词不定式短语to change the world...作后置定语修饰ability。探究思辨What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?答案 In order to introduce “four new great inventions” in China:high-speed railways,mobile payments,shared bicycles and online shopping.课前篇 自主预习Ⅰ.知识体系图解重点词汇 写作词汇1.          n.健康,幸福,舒适 2.        adj.节省劳力的3.        adj.科学(上)的4.        n.显微镜5.        vi.通信6.        adj.立刻的,马上的well-being labour-savingscientific microscope correspondinstant 7.        vt.发射;发动,发起,开始从事8.        n.人造卫星;卫星9.        n.轨道vi. & vt.沿轨道运行10.        adj.最好的;最重要的11.        adv.后来,随后12.        adj.恒久不变的;持续不断的,经常发生的n.常量,恒量13.        n.研究的结果;发现launch satellite orbitpremier subsequently constantfinding 14.        n.生物学家15.        vt.察觉,注意到,发觉16.        num.百万17.        adj.谦虚的,谦卑的18.        n.结果,后果19.        n.海军20.        n.导弹,飞弹21.        adj.联合的,共同的,共有的biologist perceive millionhumble outcome navy missile joint 阅读词汇22.vitamin n.         23.split vi. & vt.         24.particle n.         25.outspoken adj.          26.relativity n.         27.mould n.         28.penicillin n.          29.tube n.          30.circuit n.          维生素 分割,把……分开;分成(不同部分) 粒子,质点  坦率的,直言不讳的 相对性 霉,霉菌 青霉素,盘尼西林 圆管,管子;电视显像管,阴极射线管电路,线路;环形道路 拓展词汇31.       n.娱乐节目→      vt.使快乐,娱乐 32.      n.新发明,新方法,新观念;革新,创新→      vt.创新,改革 33.      adj.有天赋的,有才华的→      n.天赋,天才 34.      adj.多产的;丰饶的;富有成效的→      vt.生产;制造 35.      vi. & vt.捐献(器官),献(血);捐赠,捐献→      n.捐献;捐赠 entertainmententertain innovationinnovate giftedgiftproductiveproduce donatedonation36.      n.准确性;精确度;正确,准确→      adj.准确的,精确的 37.      n.物理学家→      n.物理(学) 38.      adv.有效率地,高效能地→      n.效率,效能 39.      vt.提出(某观点、方法等)→      n.提议,建议 accuracyaccurate physicistefficientlyphysicsefficiency proposeproposal重点短语1.           处理;对付 2.         偶尔,有时3.        变成,成为4.        适应5.        解决;计算出;弄明白6.        挑选7.        求助于deal with every once in a while turn into adapt to figure out single out turn to 8.not to mention         9.turn on        10.go out        11.be transformed into         12.be dedicated to        13.come up with         14.participate in         不必说,更不用说 打开 熄灭  被变成,转化为  致力于  提出;想出;赶上  参加,参与重点语法形容词 Ⅱ.阅读导学A.根据P52—P53课文内容,选择正确答案。1.Which word can be used to describe Fleming?A.Proud. B.Modest. C.Ambitious. D.Warm-hearted.2.What’s the problem with the world’s first computer?A.It didn’t work well.B.It consumed a lot of power.C.It was nothing like our computers today.D.It took a long time to calculate the accuracy.答案 B 答案 B 3.Who made it possible for everyone to use the Internet?A.Einstein. B.Fleming.C.Mauchly. D.Berners-Lee.4.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?A.Education. B.History.C.Science. D.Entertainment.答案 D 答案 C B.阅读P52—P53课文,理清文章结构。 答案 1.was rocking 2.inspired 3.theory of relativity 4.finding 5.laboratory 6.had been destroyed 7.mass-produced 8.first computer 9.nothing like 10.energy 11.World Wide Web12.to communicate with课堂篇 互动探究重点词汇1Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.(教材P51)智力是适应变化的能力。◆ adapt v.使适应;适应;使适合;改编,改写;改造,修改We must adapt our thinking to the new conditions.我们必须使自己的思想适应新的情况。He adapted (himself) quickly to the customs.他很快适应了这些风俗习惯。The car has been specially adapted for use by the handicapped.这辆车已经过特别改装以供残疾人使用。【词汇拓展】adapt to      适应adapt...to... 使……适应……adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的;可改编的adaptive adj. 适应的,适合的adaptation n. 适应,适合;改编本be adapted for 为……改编/改造/改装be adapted from 由……改编be well adapted to 特别适应He is an adaptable man and will soon learn the new work.他是个适应性很强的人,很快就将学会这份新工作。The process of adaptation to a new school is difficult for some children.对一些孩子来说,适应新学校的过程很难。These books have been adapted for middle-school students.这些书籍是为中学生们改编的。【迁移应用】单句填空(1)He specialises in screen       (adapt) of classic novels. (2)This film was adapted      a novel written by Mo Yan. (3)Our son has adapted      a very different system of education. adaptations from to2Medical advances ranged from discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to staging operations to replace diseased organs with donated ones.(教材P52) 医学上的进步范围很广,从利用显微镜揭示病因,到施行手术,用捐赠的器官做器官移植。◆ range v.在某范围内变化;涉及;排列 n.限度,范围,幅度,程度;种类There were 120 students whose ages ranged from 10 to 18.有120名学生,年龄在10岁至18岁之间。His lectures ranged widely over a variety of topics.他的讲座广泛涉及各种话题。Cups and plates were neatly ranged on her shelves.杯子和盘子整齐地排列在她的架子上。【词汇拓展】a wide range of    范围广泛的beyond one’s range=beyond the range of 超出……范围range from...to...  从……到……不等in/within range of 在范围内out of range of 超出……范围Uganda’s beautiful highlands are host to a wide range of wildlife.乌干达美丽的高地是众多野生动植物的栖息地。The cat stayed well out of range of the children.那只猫离孩子们远远的。Madagascar’s ecosystems range from the rainforest to the semi-desert.马达加斯加的生态系统从雨林到半荒漠等不一而足。A wide range ofbeyond the range ofin/within range of【迁移应用】完成句子(1)有多种颜色和图案可供选择。          colors and patterns are available. (2)这辆车的价格超出了大多数人的购买能力。This car is            most people’s pockets. (3)山上的在我视野范围内的树木都被砍倒了。The trees on the mountains            my vision have all been cut down. 3Communications changed with the introduction of mobile phones,and the way we correspond went from writing letters to emailing and sending instant messages.(教材P52) 随着移动电话的出现,我们的通信方式发生了变化,从写信变成了发电子邮件和发送即时消息。◆ correspond vi.通信We’ve corresponded (with each other) for years but I’ve never actually met him.我们已(互相)通信多年了,可是我实际上从未见过他本人。She still corresponds with friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.她依然和9年前在马略卡岛遇到的朋友们通信。【词汇拓展1】correspond to/with sth  与……一致,符合;相当于correspond with sb 与某人通信correspondence n. 信件;通信;关系;联系corresponding adj. 符合的;对等的;相关联的Alexander has kept up a correspondence with his friend for over a year.亚历山大跟他的一个朋友保持通信已超过一年了。His actions do not correspond with his words.他言行不一。The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国国会相当于英国议会。corresponding to/withwith【迁移应用1】单句填空(1)Profits have risen by 15 percent compared with the       (correspond) period last year. (2)Their nursery schools correspond roughly      our infant schools. (3)She corresponded regularly      her former music teacher. ◆ instant adj.立刻的,马上的His new book was an instant success.他的新书一出版就大获成功。I felt instant relief after treatment.医治后我随即感到舒服。【词汇拓展2】instant n.      片刻,瞬息instant coffee 速溶咖啡instant noodles 方便面in an instant 立刻,立即instantly adv. 立即,马上conj. 一……就……the instant (that) 一……就……In an instant,he took off his coat and jumped into the water.他立即脱下外套,跳入水中。He sent me an email instantly he arrived in Paris.他一到巴黎就给我发了一封电子邮件。I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it.我一听到此消息便通知你了。in an instantThe instant【迁移应用2】完成句子(1)下雨了,人群立刻散尽。When the rain started,the crowd vanished         . (2)我一看到他就知道,他正是警方在寻找的那个人。      I saw him,I knew he was what the police were looking for. 4We started flying around the world,launching satellites into orbit and,at the same time,scientists figured out how to split the atom,previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe.(教材P52)我们开始坐飞机周游世界,将人造卫星发射至轨道。同时,科学家们发现了如何分裂原子。在此之前,原子被认为是宇宙中最小的物质微粒。◆ figure out解决;计算出;弄明白The children figured out the right answer quickly.孩子们很快算出了正确答案。I was trying to figure out what had happened.我试图弄明白出了什么事。We must figure out how to solve the problem.我们必须弄明白如何解决这个问题。【词汇拓展】figure vt.& vi.    认为;估计;出现figure in 包括进;算进figure on 指望;计划I figured that he was drunk and shouldn’t be allowed to drive.我认为他喝醉了,不应该让他开车。We figured in the travel expenses but forgot the cost of meals.我们把旅费算了进去,但忘了计算伙食费。It may take several hours to figure up these expenses.计算这些费用也许要用好几个小时。inonout【迁移应用】用适当的介副词填空(1)Do I still figure      your plans? (2)I hadn’t figured      getting home so late. (3)I have figured      how much during the week I spent. 5In the summer of 1905,this outspoken young man was rocking his one-year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired.(教材P52) 1905年夏天,这个直言不讳的年轻人正摇着他的一岁大的婴儿,在这时,他突然受到了启发。◆ inspire vt.鼓舞,鼓励;激励;给某人创作灵感The excellent situation has been inspiring us to win greater victories.大好形势不断鼓舞着我们争取更大的胜利。You inspired me by playing the piano so beautifully.你弹奏的优美的钢琴曲激发了我的灵感。【词汇拓展】inspire sb to do sth  激励某人去做某事inspiration n. 鼓舞;启示;灵感inspired adj. 激动的;得到灵感的inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的;使人振奋的India’s myths and songs are the inspiration for her books.印度的神话与歌曲是她那些书的灵感来源。It was not exactly our most inspiring performance of the season.那并非是我们本赛季最激动人心的表现。inspiration inspiring to join【迁移应用】用所给词的适当形式填空(1)His glorious life will always be an      (inspire) to us. (2)We were greatly inspired by his      (inspire) speech. (3)Our challenge is to inspire those voters        (join) our cause. 6With the development of computers,people expected to get more things done efficiently.(教材P53) 随着计算机的发展,人们期望能有效率地完成更多的事情。◆ efficiently adv.有效率地,高效能地The police dealt with the incident very efficiently.警方非常高效率地处理了这一事件。It is very hard to work efficiently in such a confined space.在这样狭小的空间里很难高效地工作。【词汇拓展】efficient adj.    有效率的,高效能的inefficient adj. 效率低下的efficiency n. 效率,效能effective adj. 有效的;生效的effectively adv. 有效地Their equipment was not as efficient at finding gold as today’s machinery.在探寻金矿方面,他们的设备不如现在的机器高效。Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.他们的通信系统效率极低。effectively efficiency efficiently【迁移应用】用所给词的适当形式填空(1)Many children can’t function      (effective) in large classes. (2)I was impressed by the      (efficient) with which she handled the crisis. (3)He could do his work      (efficient) with a background of domestic comforts. 7During the Cold War,a “huge network” of computers was proposed by two American scientists.(教材P53)在冷战期间,两位美国科学家提出了计算机的“巨型网络”(概念)。◆ propose vt.提出(某观点、方法等)He has proposed a resolution limiting the role of US troops.他提出了一项限制美军作用的决议。They proposed concrete suggestions for improvement.他们提出了具体的改进建议。【词汇拓展】propose sb as   提名/推荐某人(任某职)propose to sb 向某人求婚propose that...(should) do sth 提议/建议……做某事propose a toast to 提议为……干杯proposal n. 建议;提议I propose him as a candidate for the presidency.我提名他为总统候选人。She proposed that the book (should) be banned.她提议查禁这本书。We fell into love at first sight,and he proposed to me six weeks later.我们一见钟情,6周后他就向我求婚了。to proposal (should) be started【迁移应用】单句填空(1)I’d like to propose a toast      the bride and groom. (2)His        (propose) that the system should be changed was rejected. (3)He proposed that a friendly competition         (start) among the different classes. 8I could come up with hundreds of inventions that will enable people to live better lives.(教材P55) 我可以想出成百上千种发明,让人们过上更好的生活。◆ come up with提出;想出;赶上He came up with a new idea for increasing sales.他想出了一个增加销售量的新主意。We came up with them at the top of the mountain.我们在山顶赶上了他们。【词汇拓展】come about    发生come across (偶然)遇见,发现come along 来吧;一起来;进步;进展come back 回来;回想come from 来自come off 离开;脱落;举行come on    跟着来;进步;快点come out 出来;出版;结果是;开花come to 共计;达成;苏醒;归结为come up 走近;上来;被提及Can you explain how it came about that you were an hour late for class?你上课迟到一个小时,你能解释一下它是怎么发生的吗?There’s a big press launch today and you’re most welcome to come along.今天有一个大型的媒体推介会,非常希望您能光临。come up withcome outcome across coming along【迁移应用】用come短语的适当形式填空(1)My parents often        some good proposals for me. (2)The gardener went into his garden to see if the flowers had        . (3)We’ve just        an old friend we haven’t seen for ages. (4)Spokesman Williams says those talks are         quite well. 重点句式1Communications changed with the introduction of mobile phones,and the way we correspond went from writing letters to emailing and sending instant messages.(教材P52) 随着移动电话的出现,我们的通信方式发生了变化,从写信变成了发电子邮件和发送即时消息。【句式剖析】句中的we correspond是定语从句,修饰先行词the way,引导定语从句的关系词that或in which被省略掉了。This is the best way he can remember the words.这是他能记住单词的最好方法。He loved the way she smiled。他喜欢她微笑的样子。【句式拓展】way意为“方式;方法”时,如果在定语从句中作状语,定语从句可以用that或in which来引导,也可以省略引导词;如果在后面的定语从句中作主语或宾语,定语从句一般用that或 which来引导,也可以省略引导词(作宾语时)。You should pay attention to the way (that/in which) you speak to your parents.你应该注意与父母讲话的方式。(作状语)The way that/which was put forward by the kid was reasonable.那孩子提出的方法是合理的。(作主语)The way (that/which) he explained to us was quite simple.他向我们解释的那种方法很简单。(作宾语)除了定语从句之外,way后面的定语还可以是动词不定式或of短语。There was no way to prove that he had stolen the money.没有办法证明是他偷了那笔钱。This is a new way of storing information.这是储存信息的新方法。of  that/whichthat/in which【迁移应用】单句填空(1)He often thinks of various ways      making his class interesting and lively. (2)The way      the professor introduced to the students was easy to understand. (3)Culture is the way       a group of people solve problems. 2We started flying around the world,launching satellites into orbit and,at the same time,scientists figured out how to split the atom,previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe.(教材P52)我们开始坐飞机周游世界,将人造卫星发射至轨道。同时,科学家们发现了如何分裂原子。在此之前,原子被认为是宇宙中最小的物质微粒。【句式剖析】句中的previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe是过去分词短语,在此处作后置定语。过去分词(短语)作定语,与所修饰词语之间通常存在被动关系;少数过去分词也可表示完成,不表被动。Have you read the novel written by Dickens?你读过狄更斯写的这本小说吗?He is a retired teacher loved and respected by all.他是一位受到大家爱戴和尊敬的退休教师。She is sweeping up the fallen leaves on the ground.她正在打扫地上的落叶。(fallen表完成,不表被动)过去分词(短语)作定语的几个特征。(1)前置与后置的特征:单个的过去分词作定语一般要放在所修饰的名词之前,过去分词短语作定语则要放在所修饰的名词之后。a used stamp 一枚用过的邮票the letter sent to our manager那封寄给我们经理的信(2)展示出的时态特征:及物动词的过去分词含有被动或完成的含义。The government decided to rebuild the damaged bridge.政府决定重建那座被毁坏的大桥。The electric bicycles produced by our factory are of high quality.我们厂生产的电动自行车质量很高。(3)扩展成句的特征:过去分词作定语时,可通过添加引导词和系动词be的适当形式,扩展为一个定语从句。What can I do to rescue the girl (who is) trapped in the big fire?我做些什么才能营救被困在大火中的女孩呢?shot bought given【迁移应用】用所给词的适当形式填空(1)The fox      (shoot) in the legs couldn’t run any longer. (2)Vegetables        (buy) from the supermarket are always fresh. (3)The concert        (give) by the symphony orchestra was a great success. 3He double-checked and saw a blue mould in the dish around which the bacteria had been destroyed.(教材P52—P53)他仔细检查,发现盘子里有一个蓝色的霉菌,在它周围的细菌已经被消灭了。【句式剖析】这是一个复合句。around which引导的是定语从句,修饰a blue mould。It’s an issue around which there is a wide variation of opinions.在这个问题上,人们的看法有很大差异。【句式拓展】“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句(1)在“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,若先行词是人或物,紧接在介词后的关系代词分别使用whom或which,不能使用who或 that。You may find yourself in situations in which you have to introduce yourself.你或许会发现你处于必须要介绍自己的情况之中。The games in which he competed were swimming and shooting.他参加的竞赛项目是游泳和射击。(which不可换为that)(2)不是所有的介词都能提到从句句首。一般来说,若定语从句中的某些短语动词或固定词组后的介词与动词之间关系较为密切,动词后的介词则不可提至从句句首。因为若将介词提前,其中的短语动词或词组则会失去它们本身的意义或可能使句子产生歧义,如look after、look for等。This is the pen which I’m looking for.(通常不说:This is the pen for which I’m looking.)这就是我正在寻找的那支笔。(3)“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句时,介词的选用主要根据三条原则:①根据定语从句中谓语动词的习惯搭配来考虑。Have you met the person about whom he was speaking?你见过他正提到的那个人吗?②根据先行词的习惯搭配或意义来考虑。The farm on which we worked ten years ago isn’t what it used to be.10年前我们工作过的那个农场已不是过去的样子了。③根据句子的具体含义来考虑。The pen with which he is writing now was bought yesterday.他现在写字用的那支笔是昨天买的。【迁移应用】单句填空(1)China is a beautiful country,      which we are greatly proud. (2)This is the student by      my daughter was saved. (3)He built a telescope through      he could study the skies. (4)The person      whom you should write is Mr Ball. of  whom which to4With the development of computers,people expected to get more things done efficiently.(教材P53) 随着计算机的发展,人们期望能有效率地完成更多的事情。【句式剖析】这是一个简单句。with介词短语作状语,动词不定式短语作expected的宾语,其中get more things done属于“get+宾语+宾语补足语”结构。You must get the work finished ahead of time.你们必须提前完成这项工作。I got my motorcycle repaired yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我把摩托车修好了。【句式拓展】get+doing sth开始做某事get+宾语+adj.使/让……get+宾语+to do sth让/使/叫……做某事get+宾语+doing 使某动作进行起来get+宾语+done 要别人做某事或遭遇某事I’ll get the children ready for school.我让孩子做好上学的准备。Can you try to get them to bring down the price?你能让他们降低价格吗?It’s difficult to get the car going on cold mornings.寒冷的早晨很难把汽车发动起来。【迁移应用】用所给词的适当形式填空(1)We must get our teacher        (join) us in the party. (2)Getting the factory      (go) in these hard times is almost impossible. (3)She got her glasses      (break) when playing basketball with her friends. to joingoing broken重点语法形容词一、形容词的分类形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。1.性质形容词直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词。它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。如hot(热的),happy(快乐的),beautiful(美丽的)。这类形容词占大多数。这个漂亮的女孩说一口流利的英语。The girl is very beautiful.(作表语)这个女孩很漂亮。We’ll try our best to make our school beautiful.(作宾语补足语)我们将尽力使我们学校美丽。2.叙述形容词因为这类形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可以用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类,如afraid(害怕的),alone(单独的),asleep(睡着的),alive(活着的),awake(醒着的),以及worth(值得的),unable(不可能的),ill(病的)。The boy is afraid of his father.这个男孩怕他爸爸。The ill man was afraid of death.(×)The sick man was afraid of death.(√)这个病人害怕死亡。3.还有一类形容词是说明事物间的关系或事物的用途、时间、方位的,这类形容词通常没有级的变化,也不能用程度副词修饰。如Chinese (中国的),permanent(永久的),eastern(东方的)。二、形容词的位置形容词作定语修饰名词时,一般放在名词的前边。但是如果形容词修饰以-thing 为词尾的代词时,要放在这些词语之后。There is something wrong with this watch.这只手表有点故障了。We saw something white in the dark.我们在黑暗中看到了一些白色的东西。Is there anything important in the newspaper?报纸上有什么重要新闻吗?There is nothing (=isn’t anything) important in the newspaper.报纸上没什么重要事情。三、需注意的形容词用法1.形容词和定冠词有些形容词可以和定冠词连用,表示一类人或事物。这时,它相当于一个名词,可以作主语或宾语。表示一类人时,看作复数;表示一类事物时,看作单数。Robin Hood hated the rich and loved the poor.罗宾汉憎恨富人(们),热爱穷人(们)。The wounded are well looked after.伤兵们受到很好的照顾。We all love the beautiful.我们都喜欢美丽的事物。the old/aged老人the young年轻人the sick病人the smooth顺事the impossible不可能的事2.形容词的顺序(1)如果有冠词(a,an,the)或代词(my,this,that...)修饰时,词序为:冠词或代词+形容词+名词。a tall boy一个高个子男孩an interesting book一本有趣的书my good friend 我的好朋友(2)前面提到形容词作定语时,位置要放在所修饰的名词前面,但当它带有表示量度的词或词组时,定语后置。They have built a bridge a hundred metres long.他们建成了一座100米长的桥。Last year we built a building thirteen floors high.去年,我们盖了一栋13层的高楼。(3)量度词组变成合成词时,作定语用,放在名词前。They have built a two-hundred-metre-long bridge.他们已经修建了一座200米长的桥。Last year we built a thirteen-storey-high building.去年我们建了一座13层高的大楼。(4)另外,一些形容词或形容词词组常用来放在句首或句尾,作状语。He returned home,tired and hungry.他又累又饿地回到了家。Surprised and pleased,he stood up to receive the prize.又惊又喜,他站起来去领奖。随堂练习Ⅰ.单句填空1.I felt greatly      (honour) to be invited to attend your birthday party. 2.Music provides a satisfying     (spirit) experience for many people. 3.Tibet is regarded as one of the most      (mystery) places of the world. 4.It was      (freeze) cold at night. honoured spiritual mysteriousfreezing 5.The boy escaped from that dark haunted house with a      (frighten) look. 6.We must make full use of the      (limit) time to get everything ready. 7.Eating too much candy can be        (harm) to your teeth. frightened limited harmfulⅡ.课文语法填空In the summer of 1905,Einstein 1.        (rock) his baby when he was suddenly inspired.2.         (subsequent),“E=mc2” was born.In 1929,another important finding 3.      (make) by Fleming,who found penicillin 4.     accident.During the Second World War,the US Navy was looking for ways of 5.        (improve) the accuracy of their missiles.Eckert and Mauchly produced 6.    machine to deal with the problem,7.      was the world’s first computer.With the 8.      (develop) of computers,people expected to get more things 9.    (do) efficiently.In 1990,Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.Nowadays,life without the Internet for most people is 10.        (imagine). was rocking Subsequently was made by improving a whichdevelopment done unimaginableⅢ.概要写作根据P52—P53课文内容,完成下面的内容概要。1.                  (二十世纪最重要的科学家之一)was Albert Einstein,who put forward the “theory of relativity”.Penicillin was discovered by Fleming,who 2.                (注意到盘子里有奇怪的东西) and saw a blue mould around which the bacteria had been destroyed.The first computer in the world 3.                  (耗用太多的能源以至于) when it was working,the lights in the local town went out.Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web,which enabled computers all over the world 4.                 (相互交流). One of the 20th century’s premier scientistsnoticed something strange in the dish used so much energy that to communicate with each other本课结束
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