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    这是一份2022年辽宁省葫芦岛市高考英语二模试卷(含答案解析),共20页。试卷主要包含了希望有机会来中国品尝美食,【答案】A、D、C、B,【答案】G、E、A、D、B,【答案】Paragraph 1等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Great Bks Summer Prgram delivers excellent preparatin fr seminar-style(研讨式的)cllege classes and the SAT critical thinking sectin.We are thrilled t annunce Summer 2022 On-Campus prgrams are returning.Enrllment (注册)is pen.Make yur plans tday!
    Nte:All n-campus prgrams have Materials & Events fees f ﹩225 fr ne week and ﹩475 fr tw.
    Hw much des an applicant pay in ttal fr a ne-week prgram at Stanfrd University? ______
    A. ﹩2995.B. ﹩3220.C. ﹩3470.D. ﹩5990.
    Which prgram will yu chse if yu want t d utdr practice? ______
    A. Great Bks & Writer's Wrkshp at Pepperdine University.
    B. Great Bks & Writer's Wrkshp at Amherst Cllege.
    C. Great Bks at Stanfrd University.
    D. A Tall Ship Adventure.
    What d the fur n-campus prgrams have in cmmn? ______
    A. They ffer seminar-style classes.
    B. They prepare students fr the SAT test.
    C. They are designed fr junir high students.
    D. They aim t prmte students' writing skills.
    Max Wsey,an 11-year-ld by frm the United Kingdm,has spent his time during COVID-19 ding smething pretty meaningful.He slept in a tent fr ver 500 nights in a rw.And he did this nt nly because he lves the utdrs but in service t thers.
    Max's father is a Ryal Marine(皇家海军陆战队员),s he has curage and lve fr utdr activities in his bld.Max's family was lking after their neighbr,Rick,wh was dying f cancer.Befre Rick passed away he gave Max a tent and had him prmise t have an adventure.
    S,after Rick died,Max had an idea.He decided t raise mney fr Devn Hspice(救济院),which cared fr Rick in his final days.When the first lckdwn(封闭)happened,Max had realized that much f the hspice's fundraising (筹资)als came t a stp.But utside the hspice,a number f peple were waiting fr help.S Max set a gal t raise 100 punds by camping ut in his frnt garden.
    On March 29th,2020,Max started his camping adventure in Rick's tent.As he passed hundreds f days camping ut,he attracted natinal attentin frm the media and even the Prime Minister,wh later paid him a visit.Mre peple have dnated t Devn Hspice.
    Nw,500 days later,he is still camping!Thrugh strms,rain,high winds and cld,he stuck t it.The lessns his dad taught him frm the Ryal Marines,t never give up,shw kindness,hnesty and try hard helped supprt him in tugh times.
    In all,Max has raised mre than 750,000 punds fr Devn Hspice!This made up fr abut half f the dnatins they had lst fr the year!Max even rganized a huge camp at his schl playgrund t shw peple what children can achieve if they all wrk tgether.
    What made Max decide t raise mney fr Devn Hspice? ______
    A. Rick's death.B. His father's influence.
    C. Gvernment's requirement.D. Devn Hspice's instructin.
    Which f the fllwing is Max's achievement? ______
    A. Starting a wrldwide camping activity.
    B. Imprving the reputatin f Devn Hspice.
    C. Being awarded a medal by the Prime Minister.
    D. Arusing mre public cncern fr Devn Hspice.
    What can we infer abut Devn Hspice? ______
    A. It was specially built fr cancer sufferers.
    B. It received mre dnatins during COVID-19.
    C. It used t raise abut 1.5 millin punds a year.
    D. It helped Max g thrugh difficult camping times.
    Which f the fllwing can best describe Max? ______
    A. Active and easy-ging.B. Kind and strng-minded.
    C. Humrus and cnsiderate.D. Clever and aggressive.
    We need a varied diet,and ne way t d this is by eating all he clrs f the rainbw.The prf may be in the Mediterranean diet,which cntains a lt f fruit,vegetables and healthy fats. "Eating a traditinal Mediterranean diet means yu cnsume different nutrients and phytnutrients," says Francesc Sfi f the University f Flrence.Phytnutrients(植物营养素)are small chemical cmpunds prduced by plants that help us digest larger nutrients.
    Really,he adds,the clrs f the Mediterranean diet are n different t ther vegetable-based diets.There're thus ther reasns why it is amng the healthiest.Fr example,Mediterranean ppulatins traditinally bil,rather than fry,their vegetables,which preserves nutrients,Sfi says.
    The health benefits f a diet rich in fruit and vegetables n ur brain and heart are amng the mst cnsistent findings within nutritin science,says Deanna Minich f the University f Western Sates in Prtland,Oregn.Plant fds cntain thusands f phytnutrients.
    Accrding t Tian-shin Yeh f Harvard Schl f Public Health,eating a clrful diet can help peple avid pssible side effects f eating t much f ne fd. "Research has fund that range juice can reduce the risk f cgnitive(认知的)decline,but t much intake is assciated with type 2 diabetes," she says.
    Minich argues that the rainbw diet isn't limited t fruit and vegetables,but includes ther natural fds,such as herbs,spices,nuts,seeds,and even tea.She als cnsiders white fd as part f the rainbw diet,including tfu.Eating varius clrs culd mean we eat mre fruit and vegetables verall.
    There're ther ways t get a range f nutrients and phytnutrients frm yur diet,researchers say.One study fund that participants wh ate bitter and strng tasting vegetables ver 12 weeks had lwer bld pressure and bld sugar.It's als imprtant t cnsider which parts f the plant yu're eating,says Yeh. "The nutritinal values fr cabbage and turnip(萝卜)aren't that similar because ne is the leaf and the ther ne is the rt part f the plant," she says.
    What else makes the Mediterranean diet healthy besides its rich cntent? ______
    A. Its easy availability.B. Its appealing clrs.
    C. Its ways f cking.D. Its easily being absrbed.
    What's a gd way t get nutrients and phytnutrients frm a diet besides clr? ______
    A. Paying attentin t taste.
    B. Eating all parts f a plant.
    C. Eating seasnally and lcally.
    D. Cmbining different diets every day.
    Hw des the authr develp the text? ______
    A. By listing health benefits f the rainbw diet.
    B. By prviding viewpints f different experts.
    C. By explaining the prcesses f related studies.
    D. By intrducing the ppularity f the rainbw diet.
    What might be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. What clrful fd is the healthiest?
    B. Hw shuld we eat clrful fd in life?
    C. Where can we get healthy clrful fd?
    D. Why is eating clrful fd gd fr yu?
    Everyne has a phne in their pcket nwadays,but hw ften d we really use them fr their riginal purpse-t make a call?Telephne culture is disappearing.What brught us t this mment,and what are its effects?
    "N ne picks up the phne anymre," wrte Alex C.Madrigal n The Atlantic. "The reflex(习惯性动作)f answering-built s deeply int peple wh grew up in 20th-century telephnic culture-is gne."
    The shift is f curse due in large part t mre cmmunicatin ptins:Texting with phts,vides,emjis,reactin Gifs,links and even vice messages can be a mre attractive ptin.
    Texting is light and fun,nt nearly as demanding f yur attentin as a phne call.It can als be dne with multiple peple at the same time.Scial media,email and vide calls have als eaten away at traditinal phne calls.
    In recent years,anther reasn has caused peple t ignre phne calls cmpletely:rbcalls.Rbcalls are autmated messages frm rganizatins verifying(核实)yur phne number r telemarketers trying t sell smething.Americans received 22.8 billin rbcalls halfway thrugh 2020,equaling an annual rate f 45.6 billin,slightly belw 2018 numbers,accrding t Yu-Mail,a rbcall prtectin service and blcking app.
    As telephne culture disappears,what is the lss f a singular family phne ding t the family unit?Early landline phnes unified family members,whereas mbile phnes islate(使隔绝)them.
    "The shared family phne served as an anchr(给以安全感的物品)fr hme," said Luke Fernandez,a Weber State University cmputer-science prfessr and c-authr f Bred,Lnely,Angry,Stupid:Feelings Abut Technlgy,Frm the Telegraph t Twitter.With smartphnes, "we have gained mbility and privacy.But the value f the hme has been ,as has its capacity t guide and mnitr family behavir and perhaps bind families mre clsely tgether," Femandez said.
    Of curse,as technlgy prgresses,lives always change fr better r fr wrse.With the lss f telephne culture,families will need t find ther ways t unite.
    What has caused the traditinal telephne t lse its appeal accrding t the text? ______
    A. Peple's addictin t scial media.
    B. Peple's preference fr rbcalls.
    C. Peple's grwing need fr privacy.
    D. Peple's wide range f cmmunicatin chices.
    What des the underlined wrd "diminished" in the last but ne paragraph prbably mean? ______
    A. Reduced.B. Strengthened.C. Instructed.D. Inherited.
    What des Luke Fernandez pint ut? ______
    A. Smartphnes tie families tgether.
    B. The use f mbile phnes has affected family bnds.
    C. Smartphnes help peple mnitr family behavir.
    D. The value f hme depends n hw phnes are used.
    What des the article mainly talk abut? ______
    A. The past and future f telephnes.
    B. The develpment f cmmunicatin tls.
    C. The dwnfall f traditinal telephne culture.
    D. The relatin between phne use and family bnds.
    Trust is imprtant t life.Trust affects hw yu see the wrld,hw safe yu feel and hw yu apprach new peple and situatins.It affects whether yu are willing t g the extra mile fr a friend,relative,c-wrker,even smene yu've never met.If trust levels are high,yu will feel relaxed and accepted. (1) Here is a checklist fr yu t build trust in yur persnal life.
    Learn t determine wh deserves yur trust.The unfrtunate fact is that nt everyne can be trusted.It is nt a gd idea t trust everyne yur meet r share persnal infrmatin abut yurself t freely. (2) Check ut the persn's stry and backgrund if pssible.Watch fr signs that smene may nt be trustwrthy,such as aviding yur eye cntact r making cnflicting statements.
    (3) Yu build strng relatinships by being a trustwrthy listener.When smene shares their persnal infrmatin,dn't share it with thers.If a friend r relative tells yu smething persnal abut marriage,r c-wrker shares smething private abut a wrk issue,resist the urge t tell thers abut these private cnversatins.
    Be hnest.Hnesty is the basis f any relatinship.Be true t yur wrds and keep yur prmises.Share hnest infrmatin,even if it's t yur disadvantage.Dn't hide things frm thse yu want t build a relatinship and dn't lie. (4)
    Wrk at building trust when there is a prblem.When there are disappintments,the nly way t regain lst trust is t wrk at it.If yu feel betrayed(背叛)r taken advantage f,talk with the persn wh lets yu dwn. (5) The lnger yu wait t talk abut a prblem,the bigger the misunderstanding becmes.Find small ways t trust the persn again.When yu see small cmmitments being met ver time,it's easier t believe that the larger nes will be met,t.Be realistic and knw that it can take a lng way t rebuild trust.
    A.Keep tight-lipped.
    B.Dn't hesitate t d it.
    C.Dn't blame fr what he has dne.
    D.Remember nt t cver up a mistake.
    E.Trust levels fr relatinship stay very very lw.
    F.Use yur wn judgment t recgnize whm t trust.
    G.If they are lw,yu are likely t feel uncmfrtable and defensive.
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    While I was riding a bike,I nticed a man abut half a mile in frnt f me.He was traveling at a lwer speed,s I decided t(21) him.I had abut a mile t g n the rad befre turning ff.
    I started(22)faster and faster.And every blck,I gradually clsed the distance.Finally,I(23) him and passed him by.I felt like a winner, (24)he seemed unaware that we were in a(25).
    After I passed him,I realized that I had been s(26) n cmpeting against him that I had missed my(27),had gne nearly six blcks past it and had t turn arund.
    Isn't that what(28)in life?We spend mst f ur time(29)with neighbrs,friends and family,trying t(30)them,r trying t utd them-while there was never a cmpetitin in the first place.
    We use mst f ur time and energy in cmpetitins,where we miss ut ur wn paths t ur(31).
    Unhealthy cmpetitin is a cntinus prcess and a never-ending cycle,N matter what yu d,smene will always be(32)yu;smene with a better jb,a nice car and mre mney.
    S stp ding that!Just feel(33)fr what life has ffered yu.Stay cncentrated n yur(34),and live a healthy life.There's n cmpetitin in destiny. (35) yur wn race f life and wish thers well!
    A. remindB. passC. apprachD. fllw
    A. runningB. drivingC. walkingD. cycling
    A. caught up withB. put up with
    C. kept withD. came up with
    A. whenB. asC. becauseD. while
    A. testB. prjectC. raceD. task
    A. fcusedB. dependedC. affectedD. impressed
    A. targetB. turnC. blckD. appintment
    A. happensB. remainsC. ffersD. wrks
    A. celebratingB. cmmunicatingC. arguingD. cmpeting
    A. encurageB. helpC. defeatD. please
    A. cllegeB. destinatinC. businessD. cmpetitin
    A. next tB. behindC. arundD. ahead f
    A. beautifulB. gratefulC. carefulD. successful
    A. advantageB. cmpetitrC. psitinD. challenge
    A. LiveB. DriveC. RunD. Ride
    "Crew members abard China's Tiangng space statin will livestream their public lecture n science and
    space in the near future.It is the secnd time that the Shenzhu-13 astrnauts(1)______(deliver)the public lecture t students." the China Manned Space Agency (CMSA) annunced n Tuesday.
    On Dec 9,2021,the first lecture in the "Tiangng Class"(2)______(give) by the Shenzhu-13 astrnauts t(3)______ttal f 1,420 students frm five classrms acrss China via live vide streaming,(4)______is designed t encurage yung peple t develp their interest in manned spaceflight and(5)______(explre).In class,the astrnauts became the "teachers in space",(6)______(interact) with students,especially teenagers.
    "The cntent f the upcming lecture has been selected frm the pinins and suggestins(7)______(cllect) frm the public,and has been well designed in line with facility cnditins(8)______the cuntry's space statin," said the CMSA. "With the prgress f the manned spaceflight missin,the Tiangng Class will(9)______(specific) intrduce a series f classes fcusing n the cnstructin f the Chinese space statin and(10)______(it) in-rbit peratin," the CMSA said.
    Dear Steve,
    Li Hua
    When a trnad hit a small twn nearby,many families were left hmeless.Afterward,all the lcal newspapers carried stries f the families wh suffered the hardest t appeal t peple's attentin and assistance.
    One Sunday,a particular picture especially tuched me.A yung wman std in frnt f a mbile hme,a depressed expressin n her face.A yung by,seven r eight years ld,std at her side,eyes dwncast.Hiding behind her skin was a tiny girl wh stared int the camera,wide eyes with cnfusin and fear.The article belw gave clthing sizes clsely matched urs.This wuld be a gd pprtunity t teach my seven-year-ld twins,Brad and Bret,and three-year-ld Meghan t help thse less frtunate than themselves.
    "We have s much.And these pr peple nw have nthing" I said. "We'll share what we have with them," I brught three large bxes dwn frm the rm upstairs and placed them in the living rm.Meghan watched seriusly,as the bys and I filled ne f the bxes with canned gds and fds.While I srted thrugh ur clthes,I encuraged the bys t g thrugh their tys and dnate,sme f their less favrite things.The bys were pleased t jin.Brad rse and went t his rm fast.He came back bringing his actin figures that he played with nt s frequently.Brett als jumped up and ran t fetch sme f his Matchbx cars and airplane mdels.Meghan watched quietly as the bys piled up abandned tys.
    The bys placed the bjects they had chsen t dnate int ne f the bxes while I filled the third bx with clthes.Meghan walked up with Lucy,her wrm,faded,best-lved rag dll hugged tightly t her chest. "I'll help yu find smething fr the little girl,t." I said t the little Meghan.
    "Mmmy I will give Lucy t them," Meghan turned t me._______
    Recgnizing what little Meghan meant,I remved my ld jacket frm the bx f clthes.________
    【解析】(1)B.数字计算题。根据Prgram 3:Great Bks at Stanfrd University部分中One-week Tuitin:$ 2995(一周学费:2995美元)和Yung peple gather t experience reading and life at Stanfrd University. (年轻人聚集在斯坦福大学体验阅读和生活。)可知,申请者在斯坦福大学为期一周的课程需要支付的费用为2995美元且这项课程为校内课程,再根据最后一段内容All n-campus prgrams have Materials & Events fees f $225 fr ne week and $475 fr tw.(所有校内课程的材料和活动费用为一周225美元,两周475美元。)可知,参在为期一周的校内课程还需要支付材料和活动费用225美元。由此可知,申请者在斯坦福大学为期一周的课程总共需要支付的费用是3220美元。故选B项。
    (2)D.细节理解题。根据Prgram 4:A Tall Ship Adventure部分中This prgram fr high schl students marries the study f maritime literature with living and learning t sail.Time will be split between seminar and discussin and sailing educatin with visits t castal islands.(这项针对高中生的课程将海洋文学研究与航海生活和学习结合起来。时间将分为研讨会和讨论、航海教育和访问沿海岛屿。)可知,在第四个课程中包括访问沿海岛屿,这是户外活动。由此可推断出,如果你想做户外练习,你会选择第四个课程,即A Tall Ship Adventure。故选D项。
    (3)B.细节理解题。根据第一段中Great Bks Summer Prgram delivers excellent preparatin fr seminar-style cllege classes and the SAT critical thinking sectin.(Great Bks Summer Prgram为研讨班式大学课程和SAT批判性思维部分提供了出色的准备。)可知,Great Bks Summer Prgram的四个校园课程都在为研讨班式大学课程和SAT批判性思维部分提供准备。由此可知,这四个校园课程的共同点是它们为学生参加SAT考试做准备。故选B项。
    这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了Great Bks Summer Prgram的四个校园课程,包括课程地点、内容和费用等。
    【解析】(1)A.细节理解题。根据第三段中的S,after Rick died,Max had an idea.He decided t raise mney fr Devn Hspice (救济院), which cared fr Rick in his final days.(所以,在瑞克死后,麦克斯有了一个主意。他决定为德文临终关怀机构筹集资金,该机构在瑞克的最后几天照顾着他。)可知,Rick的死去使他开始筹钱。故选A。
    (2)D.细节理解题。根据第四段中的As he passed hundreds f days camping ut,he attracted natinal attentin frm the media and even the Prime Minister,wh later paid him a visit.(他在户外露营了数百天,引起了全国媒体甚至总理的关注,总理后来也拜访了他。)可知,Max的做法赢得了更多公众对Devn Hspice的关注。故选D。
    (3)C.推理判断题。根据最后一段中的In all,Max has raised mre than 750 000 punds fr Devn Hspice!This made up fr abut half f the dnatins they had lst fr the year!(总之,Max 为 Devn Hspice 筹集了超过 750 000 英镑!这弥补了他们一年中损失的捐款的一半左右!)可知,Devn Hspice半年筹钱75万,一年筹钱150万。故选C。
    (4)B.推理判断题。根据第五段中的Nw,500 days later,he is still camping!Thrugh strms,rain,high winds and cld,he stuck t it.(现在,500天过去了,他还在露营!经历了暴风雨、大风和寒冷,他坚持了下来。)可知,Max为Devn Hspice筹钱,所以他很善良,他无论风霜雨雪都在筹钱,所以他很坚强。A.Active and easy-ging.活泼随和的;B.Kind and strng-minded.善良而坚强的;C.Humrus and cnsiderate.幽默而体贴的;D.Clever and aggressive.聪明且有进取心的。故选B。
    【解析】(1)C.细节理解题。根据第二段中Fr example,Mediterranean ppulatins traditinally bil,rather than fry,their vegetables,which preserves nutrients,Sfi says.(例如,地中海居民传统上是煮蔬菜,而不是油炸,这样可以保存营养,索菲说)可知,地中海饮食被认为很健康的原因是其烹饪方式。故选C。
    (2)A.细节理解题。根据最后一段中"There're ther ways t get a range f nutrients and phytnutrients frm yur diet,researchers say.One study fund that participants wh ate bitter and strng tasting vegetables ver 12 weeks had lwer bld pressure and bld sugar.(研究人员说,还有其他方法可以从你的饮食中获得一系列营养和植物营养素。一项研究发现,超过12周食用苦味和味道强烈的蔬菜的参与者有较低的血压和血糖)"可知,人们还可以通过注意食物口味来丰富饮食中的营养。故选A。
    (3)B.推理判断题。根据第一段中"Eating a traditinal Mediterranean diet means yu cnsume different nutrients and phytnutrients,"says Francesc Sfi f the University f Flrence.("传统的地中海饮食意味着你摄入不同的营养和植物营养素,"佛罗伦萨大学的Francesc Sfi说);第三段中The health benefits f a diet rich in fruit and vegetables n ur brain and heart are amng the mst cnsistent findings within nutritin science,says Deanna Minich f the University f Western States in Prtland,Oregn.(富含水果和蔬菜的饮食对我们大脑和心脏的健康益处是营养科学中最一致的发现之一,俄勒冈州波特兰的西部州立大学的迪安娜米尼奇说)以及第四段中Accrding t Tian-shin Yeh f Harvard Schl f Public Health,eating a clrful diet can help peple avid pssible side effects f eating t much f ne fd.(哈佛大学公共卫生学院的Tian-shin Yeh表示,丰富多彩的饮食可以帮助人们避免吃过多一种食物可能产生的副作用)可知,本文为了说明地中海式饮食的健康引用了三个专家的观点。故选B。
    (4)D.标题判断题。根据第一段中We need a varied diet,and ne way t d this is by eating all the clrs f the rainbw.The prf may be in the Mediterranean diet,which cntains a lt f fruit,vegetables and healthy fats.(我们需要多样化的饮食,其中一个方法就是吃彩虹中所有的颜色。地中海饮食可能就是证明,它含有大量的水果、蔬菜和健康脂肪)结合本文主要介绍地中海式饮食为什么被认为是健康的。故D选项Why is eating clrful fd gd fr yu?"为什么吃五颜六色的食物对你有好处?"最符合文章标题。故选D。
    【解析】(1)D.推理判断题。根据第三段The shift is f curse due in large part t mre cmmunicatin ptins:Texting with phts,vides,emjis,reactin gifs,links and even vice messages can be a mre attractive ptin.(当然,这种转变在很大程度上是由于人们有了更多的交流方式:照片、视频、表情符号、动图、链接甚至语音短信都会是更有吸引力的选择。)可知,正是因为人们有了更多的交流方式可供选择,所以传统的电话失去其对人们的吸引力,故选D。
    (2)A.词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段With smartphnes,we have gained mbility and privacy.(有了智能手机,我们体验到了手机在移动性和隐私方面带来的优点。)讲的是智能手机的优点。But the value f the hme has been ,as has its capacity t guide and mnitr family behavir and perhaps bind families mre clsely tgether," Femandez said.(但是,房屋的价值已经被削弱,其引导和监控家庭行为的能力,以及可能将家庭更紧密地联系在一起的能力也被___了,"Femandez说。)连词"but"说明划线单词所在句子与前一句之间是转折关系,所以划线单词所在句子讲的是智能手机的缺点,缺点是减轻了家庭价值,A.Reduced减轻;B.Strengthened加强;C.Instructed指导;D.Inherited继承。故选A。
    (3)B.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段"The shared family phne served as an anchr(给以安全感的物品)fr hme," said Luke Fernandez.("共享家庭电话充当了给以安全感的物品。"卢克•费尔南德斯说。)With smartphnes, "we have gained mbility and privacy.But the value f the hme has been ,as has its capacity t guide and mnitr family behavir and perhaps bind families mre clsely tgether," Femandez said.(费尔南德斯说:"有了智能手机,我们体验到了手机在移动性和隐私方面带来的优点。但是家的价值已经减轻了,而家的价值是能够引导和监控家庭行为的,也许还能把家庭更紧密地联系在一起。")可知,家庭价值能够引导和监控家庭行为,也许还能把家庭更紧密地联系在一起,而手机的使用削弱了家的价值,从而削弱了家庭行为的引导和监控和家庭联系的紧密程度。即手机的使用已经影响了家庭关系。故选B。
    (4)C.主旨大意题。根据最后一段Of curse,as technlgy prgresses,lives always change fr better r fr wrse.With the lss f telephne culture,families will need t find ther ways t unite.(当然,随着科技的进步,生活总是变得更美好或变得更糟糕。随着电话文化的丧失,人们需要去寻求其他方式来联结家庭。)可知,前文讲述人们有了更多的交流选择,使得传统电话失去了其对人们的吸引力。这种变化同样使得人们需要去寻求其他方式来联结家庭。所以,本文主要讲述的是:C.The dwnfall f traditinal telephne culture.(传统电话文化的衰落。)故选C。
    【解析】(1)G.细节理解题。根据前文If trust levels are high,yu will feel relaxed and accepted.(如果信任度高,你会感到轻松和被接受。)和后文介绍的建立信任的方法可知,空处应该介绍的另一个相反情况的表现,信任度不高会有的表现。G选项If they are lw,yu are likely t feel uncmfrtable and defensive. (如果情绪低落,你可能会感到不舒服和有戒心。)符合语境,故选G。
    (2)E.推理判断题。根据前文Learn t determine wh deserves yur trust(学会确定谁值得你信任。)可知,本段介绍的是要自己学会判断一个人是否值得信任。E选项Use yur wn judgment t recgnize whm t trust. (用你自己的判断来判断谁可以信任。)符合语境,故选E。
    (3)A.主旨大意题。根据后文When smene shares their persnal infrmatin,dn't share it with thers.(当别人分享他们的个人信息时,不要和别人分享。)可知,本段介绍的是要学会保守秘密。A选项Keep tight-lipped. (保持守口如瓶。)符合语境,故选A。
    (4)D.细节理解题。根据前文Dn't hide things frm thse yu want t build a relatinship,and dn't lie.(不要对那些你想建立关系的人隐瞒事情,不要撒谎。)可知,本段介绍的是待人真诚,不隐瞒,不掩盖。D选项"Remember nt t cver up a mistake.(记住不要掩盖错误。)"符合语境,故选D。
    (5)B.联系上文题。根据前文If yu feel betrayed r taken advantage f,talk with the persn wh lets yu dwn.(如果你感到被背叛或被利用,和让你失望的人谈谈。)和后文The lnger yu wait t talk abut a prblem,the bigger the misunderstanding becmes.(你等待谈论问题的时间越长,误解就会越大。)可知,这里介绍的是问题要尽早解决,不要拖沓。B选项Dn't hesitate t d it. (不要犹豫去做。)符合语境,故选B。
    【解析】(1)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.remind提醒;B.pass通过;C.apprach走近;D.fllw跟随。句意:他以较低的速度行驶,所以我决定超越他。由后文"passed him by"可知,作者想"超过"他。故选B项。
    (2)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.running跑步;B.driving驾驶;C.walking步行;D.cycling骑自行车。句意:我开始骑自行车越来越快。由前文"riding a bike"可知,作者应是"骑自行车"越来越快。故选D项。
    (3)A.考查动词词组及语境理解。A.caught up with赶上;B.put up with忍受;C.kept with陪伴;D.came up with想出。句意:最后,我赶上了他,从他身边经过。由后文"passed him by"可知,作者应是先追上"然后再超过。故选A项。
    (4)D.考查连词及语境理解。A.when当;B.as随着;C.because因为;D.while然而(表对比)。句意:我感觉自己像个胜利者,而他似乎不知道我们在比赛中。由前文"felt like a winner"和后文"he seemed unaware"可知,前后之间为对比关系。故选D项。
    (5)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.test测试;B.prject项目;C.race比赛;D.task任务。句意:我感觉自己像个胜利者,而他似乎不知道我们在比赛中。由后文"cmpeting against him"可知,作者认为他们在比赛",然后他却没有意识到。故选C项。
    (7)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.target目标;B.turn转弯;C.blck街区;D.appintment预约。句意:在我超过他之后,我意识到我一直在全神贯注地与他比赛,以至于错过了我的转弯,过了将近六个街区,不得不掉头。由后文"had gne nearly six blcks past it and had t turn arund"可知,作者忘记"转弯"了。故选B项。
    (8)A.考查动词及语境理解。A.happens发生;B.remains保留;C.ffers提供;D.wrks工作。句意:这不是生活中发生的事吗?由后文"trying t utd them"可知,和别人比赛的事情也:"发生"在我们生活中。故选A项。
    (9)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.celebrating庆祝;B.cmmunicating交流;C.arguing争论;D.cmpeting比赛,竞争。句意:我们大部分时间都花在与邻居、朋友和家人竞争上,试图击败他们,或者试图在一开始没有竞争的时候胜过他们。由后文"trying t utd them"可知,我们在和他们"比赛"。故选D项。
    (10)C.考查动词及语境理解。A.encurage鼓励;B.help帮助;C.defeat击败;D.please使...满意。句意:我们大部分时间都花在与邻居、朋友和家人竞争上,试图击败他们,或者试图在一开始没有竞争的时候胜过他们。由后文"trying t utd them"可知,我们在努力"打败"或者胜过他们。故选C项。
    (11)B.考查名词及语境理解。A.cllege学院;B.destinatin目的地;C.business商业;D.cmpetitin竞赛。句意:我们把大部分时间和精力用在比赛中,我们错过了自己通往目的地的道路。由前文"had gne nearly six blcks past it"可知,作者专注于比赛以至于忘了转弯,而我们在与别人比赛中也会忘记自己的"目的地"。故选B项。
    (12)D.考查介词及语境理解。A.next t紧挨着;B.behind后面;C.arund周围;D.ahead f前面。句意:无论你做什么,总会有人走在你的前面;有更好的工作、一辆好车和更多钱的人。由后文"smene with a better jb,a nice car and mre mney."可知,有人总会在你"前面",比你过得好。故选D项。
    (13)B.考查形容词及语境理解。A.beautiful美丽的;B.grateful感激的;C.careful细心的;D.successful成功的。句意:所以别再这样了!只是对生活给予你的东西感到感激。由后文"life has ffered yu"可知,我们应该停止比赛,学会对生活充满"感激"。故选B项。
    (14)A.考查名词及语境理解。A.advantage优势;B.cmpetitr竞争对手;C.psitin位置;D.challenge挑战。句意:专注于你的优势,过健康的生活。由后文"live a healthy life"以及结合选项可知,我们应注重发展自己的"优势",过健康生活。故选A项。
    (15)C.考查动词及语境理解析。A.Live生活;B.Drive行驶;C.Run跑;D.Ride骑行。句意:命运中没有竞争。"跑"自己的人生之路,祝他人一切顺利!由后文"race f life"可知,我们应"跑"自己的人生之路。故选C项。
    36.【答案】have delivered
    【解析】(1)have delivered.考查动词时态。句意:这是神舟13号宇航员第二次向学生们发表公开演讲。句中含有固定句式It is the secnd time that...,表示"这是某人第二次做某事",其中that从句中要用现在完成时,主语 the Shenzhu-13 astrnauts为复数形式,谓语动词用复数形式,故填have delivered。
    (2)was given.考查动词时态及语态。句意:2021年12月9日,神舟十三号的第一次讲座由神舟十三号航天员通过视频直播提供给来自中国五个教室的1420名学生,旨在鼓励年轻人发展对载人航天和探索的兴趣。时间状语为On Dec 9,2021,句子用一般过去时,主语the first lecture in the "Tiangng Class"与give之间是被动关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态,且主语为单数形式,谓语动词用三单形式,故填was given。
    (3)a.考查冠词。句意:2021年12月9日,神舟十三号的第一次讲座由神舟十三号航天员通过视频直播提供给来自中国五个教室的1420名学生,旨在鼓励年轻人发展对载人航天和探索的兴趣。a ttal f是固定搭配,表示"总共",符合句意,故填a。
    (4)which.考查定语从句。句意:2021年12月9日,神舟十三号的第一次讲座由神舟十三号航天员通过视频直播提供给来自中国五个教室的1420名学生,旨在鼓励年轻人发展对载人航天和探索的兴趣。分析句子可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the first lecture in the "Tiangng Class",在从句中作主语,故填which。
    (6)interacting.考查现在分词。句意:在课堂上,宇航员们成了"太空教师",与学生,尤其是青少年互动。分析句子可知,此处要用非谓语动词作状语,the astrnauts与interact之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作状语。故填interacting。
    (7)cllected.考查过去分词。句意:即将到来的讲座内容是从公众收集的意见和建议中挑选出来的,并根据国家空间站的设施条件精心设计。分析句子可知,此处要用非谓语动词作定语,the pinins and suggestins与cllect之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。故填cllected。
    (8)in.考查介词。句意:即将到来的讲座内容是从公众收集的意见和建议中挑选出来的,并根据国家空间站的设施条件精心设计。in line with是固定短语,表示"符合,与...一致",故填in。
    (10)its.考查形容词性物主代词。句意:随着载人航天任务的进展,"太空课程"将专门介绍一系列课程,重点介绍中国空间站的建设及其在轨运行。分析句子可知,此处用形容词性物主代词作定语修饰名词in-rbit peratin,故填its。
    37.【答案】Dear Steve,
    Knwing that yu're interested in Chinese fd,I'd like t recmmend yu dumplings.(推荐的美食)
    The factrs fr my recmmendatin are as fllws.Cnsidered as a Chinese cultural symbl,dumplings are a kind f traditinal fd lved by peple almst everywhere China.(推荐理由一)Dumplings are easy t make and they are delicius.(推荐理由二)What usually ges inside dumplings is cabbage and prk r smething else.【高分句型一】Mst imprtantly hmemade dumplings are ften assciated with hmesickness,as flavrs and fillings vary frm family t family.【高分句型二】(推荐理由三)
    I hpe yu can cme t China t taste Chinese fd sme day.(表达希望)
    Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:What usually ges inside dumplings is cabbage and prk r smething else.
    高分句型二:Mst imprtantly hmemade dumplings are ften assciated with hmesickness,as flavrs and fillings vary frm family t family.
    38.【答案】Paragraph 1:
    "Mmmy,I will give Lucy t them," Meghan turned t me. "Oh,Hney," I said." Yu dn't have t give Lucy.Yu lve her s much." Meghan ndded seriusly ;eyes filled with held-back tears. "Lucy makes me happy,Mmmy.Maybe she'll make that ther little girl happy,t." The bys had watched,pen-muthed,as their baby sister placed her favrite dll in the bx.Withut a wrd,Brad rse and went t his rm.He came back carrying ne f his favrite actin figures. 【高分句型一】He hesitated briefly,clutching the ty,then lked ver at Meghan and placed it in the bx next t Lucy.A slw smile spread acrss Brett's face.Then he jumped up eyes twinkling as he ran t fetch sme f his prized Matchbx cars.(看到姐姐将自己心爱的玩具捐了出去,这些男孩们也捐出了自己心爱的物品)
    Paragraph 2:
    Recgnizing what little Meghan's gesture meant,I remved my ld jacket frm the bx f clthes.Taking the cue frm my little ne,I remved my ld jacket frm the bx f clthes.I replaced it with the new hunter green jacket that I had fund n sale last week. 【高分句型二】I hped the yung wman in the picture wuld lve it as much as I did.What Meghan did taught me a lessn that the true spirit f dnating is t give with yur heart.(感动于孩子们的善举,我也把上周刚买的衣服捐出去)
    高分句型一:He came back carrying ne f his favrite actin figures.
    分析:现在分词短语carrying ne f his favrite actin figures作状语。
    高分句型二:I replaced it with the new hunter green jacket that I had fund n sale last week.
    Prgram 1:Great Bks & Writer's Wrkshp at Pepperdine University
    Fr Rising Grades 6 - 8 and Grades 9- 12
    One and Tw-Week Prgrams
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    Prgram 2:Great Bks & Writer's Wrkshp at Amherst Cllege
    Fr Rising Grades6 - 8 and Grades9- 12
    One and Tw-Week Prgrams
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    Tw week Tuitin: ﹩4990
    Prgram 3:Great Bks at Stanfrd University
    Fr Rising Grades 6 - 8 and Grades 9 - 12
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    Tw- week Tuitin: ﹩5990
    Prgram 4:A Tall Ship Adventure
    Fr Rising Grades 9 - 12
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    One Week Prgram
    Great Bks is excited t annunce the secnd year f Tales f the Sea:a Tall Ship Adventure.This prgram fr high schl student marries the study r maritime(海洋的)literature with living and learning t sail.
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