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    Ⅱ.选择填空( 共15小题;每小题1分.满分15分)从每小题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
    1.(1分)He was excited to play with snow for the first time,even if it was____ a cold morning.(  )
    A.on B.in C.at
    2.(1分)In order to save power,we should____turn off the light when leaving the room.(  )
    A.never B.seldom C.always
    3.(1分)﹣﹣The TV series Mining Town has become a huge____since the day it came out.
    ﹣﹣Yeah.I guess people all like to see the hard work for a better life is paid off.(  )
    A.cost B.hit C.act
    4.(1分)﹣So which basketball team won?
    ﹣____.The game ended in a tie﹣ 30 :30.(  )
    A.Both B.Neither C.Either
    5.(1分)China's space industry has____a lot in the past few years,especially with the latest achievement of Tianwen 1.(  )
    A.progressed B.prevented C.polluted
    6.(1分)﹣﹣You shouldn't cough at others,Tony.It is not____and also unhealthy.
    ﹣﹣Sorry,Ms Lin.I won't next time.(  )
    A.polite B.patient C.personal
    7.(1分)﹣Diego Maradona,one of the greatest football players,died of a heart attack last year.
    ﹣The news____broke the hearts of many fans.(  )
    A.carefully B.hardly C.certainly
    8.(1分)﹣﹣ ____can you finish your report?
    ﹣﹣In one week.I have worked on it for nearly a month.(  )
    A.How often B.How long C.How soon
    9.(1分)﹣﹣Labor Day holiday is coming.Have you decided where to travel?
    ﹣﹣Well,not yet.I____go to Baofeng to see the wonderful flower exhibitions there.(  )
    A.must B.might C.should
    10.(1分)_____many people call themselves"laborers(打工人)",they actually hold great hopes and love for life and work.(  )
    A.Although B.If C.Unless
    11.(1分)Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones into school,otherwise they might be____by teachers.(  )
    A.taken off B.taken down C.taken away
    12.(1分)﹣Jack,could you take your guitar practice somewhere else?Your sister is sleeping now.
    ﹣Sorry,I____know that.I will go to the yard.(  )
    A.didn't B.don't C.won't
    13.(1分)The official English name of the Chinese dilled spirits(白酒) ____into "Chinese Baijiu" in January,2021.(  )
    A.changed B.was changed
    C.will be changed
    14.(1分)The program Do it by Yourself____ started last week in our school encourages teenagers to do housework and take care of themselves on their own.(  )
    A.what B.which C.who
    15.(1分)一Do you know____?
    一Yes,it calls on people to work hard,think creatively and serve people.(  )
    A.who came up with "three ox spirit"
    B.when "three ox spirit" was first brought up
    C.what the meaning of "three ox spirit" is
    Ⅲ.完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分 满分15分)从每小题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
    16.(15分)There once was a little boy who had a bad temper (脾气).His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper,he must hammer (锤) a nail into the fence.
    The first day,the boy had(1)    thirty﹣nine nails into the fence.Over the next few weeks,as he learned to(2)   his anger,the number of nails hammered daily gradually reduced.He discovered it was(3)   to hold his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.
    Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.He was so (4)    that he told his father about it at once.The father then suggested that the boy now(5)   one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the(6)   were gone.
    The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.He said,"You have done well,my son, (7)   look at the holes in the fence.The fence will never be the same.When you say things in(8)   ,they leave a wound just like this one.You can put a (9)   in a man and draw it out.It won't matter how many times you say I'm(10)   .The wound is still there."

    (5)A.put out
    B.give out
    C.pull out

    IV.阅读理解(共两节,25小题;满分40分)第一节阅读下面A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A. B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共 20小题;每小题10分,满分40分)
    Dear Readers,
    Now over the years,real Chinese dishes have become more and more popular in foreign countries.In the United States,people are eating hotpot,jianbing and roujiamo.In Russia,hundreds of tanghulu were sold out in just a few hours.Latiao is even appearing in classrooms abroad.
    A lot of these foods are similar to Western foods.This may explain why foreigners are

    getting more and more interested in them and love eating them.For example,roujiamo similar to hamburgers.Youtiao is kind of like the "churro",a snack that is popular in Spain.And tanghulu is similar to candy apples,which are loved by children in UK.
    This book will give you a better understanding of Chinese foods.

    The Content
    Hotpot .............. .... .... .... .....P5﹣10.
    Hotpot,a special meal that can be shared with friends,is winning popularity abroad.Learn more here.
    Jianbing.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .....P11﹣14.
    This delicious breakfast food is enjoyed by people in several countries.Check it out here!
    Latiao ................. .... .... .... .... ....P15﹣18.
    Why are people so into this spicy stick?This special snack gels hot online.

    Did China invent the hamburgers?Read this story and find out some interesting facts about roujiamo.
    Candied fruit is a treat that everyone enjoy.Is it similar to some foreign foods?Find out here.
    Youtiao ...................P27﹣30
    Many countries have dishes that are similar to youtiao.Fried (油炸) food is tasty everywhere.

    (1)What food can you see in classrooms abroad according to the text?    
    (2)The editor explains some Chinese foods are similar to Western foods by    .
    A.raising questions
    B.giving examples
    C.telling stories
    D.listing numbers
    (3)From the content of the book,we can know that Jianbing is    
    A.usually for breakfast
    B.a spicy stick
    C.a kind of candied fruit
    D.delicious fried food
    (4)If Tom wants to know whether hamburgers started in China,he may turn to page    .
    (5)The purpose of writing this book is to     .
    A.teach people to make delicious food
    B.help people know more about Chinese food
    C.introduce popular food worldwide
    D.compare Chinese food with Western food

    18.(10分)I paid for a man to help me repair an old farmhouse.His first day on the job made him mad﹣ a flat tire(爆胎) made him lose an hour of work,he cut his finger with a knife and his old truck refused to start.While I drove him home,he sat in silence.
    On arriving,he invited me to meet his family.As we walked towards the front door,he stopped at a small tree and touched the tips of the branches (树枝) with both hands.When opening the door,his face was full of smiles and he hugged his two children and gave his wife a kiss.
    Afterwards,he walked with me to the car.We passed the true.I couldn't help but asked him about what I had seen earlier. "Oh,that's my trouble tree," he replied. ""I know I cannot avoid having troubles on the job,but one thing is for sure.Those troubles don't belong to my children and wife.So I hang them in the tree every night and ask God to take care of them.Then in the morning,I pick them up again."
    "The funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out to pick them up in the morning,there aren't as many as those hung up the night before."

    (1)On his first day of work,the man    .
    A.went to work on time
    B.hurt his arm with a knife
    C.had problems with his truck
    D.went home by himself
    (2)When seeing the man touch the tree,the author felt    .
    (3)What does the underlined word "them" refer to?    
    A.Tips of the branches.
    B.Smiles on his face.
    C.Troubles on his job.
    D.His children and wife.
    (4)From the man's words in the last paragraph,we can infer that    .
    A.God took care of his troubles at work.
    B.He found it funny to pick up leaves.
    C.Many leaves of the tree fell off at night.
    D.Love for his family helped him reduce stress.
    (5)What would be the best title for the text?    
    A.A trouble tree.
    B.A bad day.
    C.A happy family.
    D.A funny thing.
    19.(10分)Robots as we know them started out as science fiction.But bow are they changed from fiction into fact?Let's take a short tour down the development of robots.
    A Shakey start
    In 1954,Unimate,a large robotic arm,became the world's first industrial robot.For a long time,robots were only found in factories or laboratories.Shakey.developed between 1966 and 1972,was the world's first mobile intelligent robot.Shakey's software has since led to robotic cleaners and self﹣driving cars.
    Helping hands
    Eventually,robots found their way into homes and classrooms.In 1999,the Japanese company Sony released a robotic pet dog called Aibo.Then,in 2006,a French company introduced a robot called NAO,which is used by schools around the world to help teachers with lessons.
    Out of this world
    Robots have become an important part of space missions.Recently,the Curiosity Rover robot from a space agency is exploring the surface of Mars.The International Space Station has a human﹣like robot called Robonaut 2 (R2)that performs a series of repair tasks so that the astronauts (宇航员) have more time to focus on scientific research.
    Into the future
    Some people fear that robots will take too many jobs away from humans,which is called automation.According to studies,up to 20 million factory jobs worldwide could be taken by robots in the next 10 years.However,some experts think that the use of robots will allow businesses to create more jobs than have been lost.Meanwhile,the coronavirus pandemic (新冠肺炎) has shown how robots and humans can work together.In Singapore,a robotic dog called Spot has been used to help enforce social distancing.Looking ahead,whether it's in education,entertainment or space research,robots will play a big part in the future of humanity.

    (1)On his first day of work,the man    .
    (2)Robonaut 2 is a robot that   .
    A.explores the surface of Mars
    B.looks like a pet dog
    C.does repair work for astronauts
    D.focuses on scientific research
    (3)What does the underline word "automation" in the last paragraph probably mean in Chinese?   
    (4)The author's attitude towards the role of robots in the future is    .
    (5)What is the text mainly about?    
    A.What robots can do.
    B.How robots develop.
    C.Who invented robots.
    D.Why robots arc useful.

    20.(10分)Ever feel like you need to wind down,cool down and get some inner peace ﹣maybe after a long day at school,or a competitive game?The ancient an of tai chi is an excellent way to relax,using controlled movements to help give you a sense of well﹣being and inner peace.
    Starting in China,tai chi was first developed as a martial art (武术) but has since become more popular as a form of easy﹣going exercise for people of all ages,all over the world.It can be enjoyed indoors and outside,and you don't need any special tool﹣ just your body and mind.It's a good sports choice if you don't like competitive games or team sports.Focusing breathing,meditation (quietly focusing your mind) and slow movements,tai chi helps you reduce stress and feel more calm,while the deep breathing increases relaxation and allows more oxygen (氧气) into your brain.
    If that all sounds a bit serious,don't worry﹣ tai chi is also lots of fun.You'll learn moves such as the Golden Cockerel,standing on one leg,and Snake Creeps Down,in which you crouch into a side lunge (侧弓步).Phil Wright at Tai Chi for Schools teaches pupils in Devon and Cornwall in England. "Even though tai chi is soft and slow,it makes you strong and fast." he says. .
    Tai chi improves balance,peace and flexibility (灵活度).And although it helps you to feel calm,it will also leave you energised﹣ ready to let go of the day's stresses.
    It's best to learn tai chi from a teacher.In order to do that,you could look online for local clubs.Besides,it is a good idea to ask at school about classes.
    You could also try tai chi at home.Go to tinyurl.com/TWJ﹣taichi to see moves for beginners.What's more,you can take an online class at taichiforyou.co.uk.

    (1)After practicing tai chi,we will feel    .
    (2)Which shows the right move of Golden Cockerel?    
    (3)How many ways of learning tai chi are suggested in the text?    
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?    
    A.Tai chi is strong and fast.
    B.Tai chi is only for the old people.
    C.Tai chi is too hard to lean by oneself.
    D.Tai chi can be practiced without tools.
    (5)In which section of a magazine can you read the text?    
    A.Health and sport.
    B.History and culture.
    C.Science and technology.
    D.Population and environment.
    第二节 阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共 5小题;每小题5分,满分5分)
    21.(5分)It is easy to tell someone good news,but what about bad news?Are there any good ways to give bad news without making people too upset? (1)   
    Say something good
    Try to start the conversation with something good so that what you say is not all bad.For example, "I know you play soccer very well,but we only need one teammate." (2)   
    "I'm sure you'll join us in the next game"
    Prepare your listener for the news
    Use certain words to introduce what you're going to say,like "I'm really sorry,but…" or "I'm afraid I've got some bad news." (3)   
    Try to give a reason
    (4)   People like to know why things go wrong when things don't turn out as planned.So when telling your friend that you have to cancel a trip with him,remember to add the reason.
    If you are giving someone bad news,try to use a nice voice to make you sound kind.Say things to show that you understand,like "I'm really sorry.I know this must be disappointing." It might help to make him or her feel less upset.

    A.Or you may end the conversation with a promise.
    B.The following ways might help.
    C.Use a soft friendly voice.
    D.This gives the listener time to prepare for what you will say.
    E.Explain the decisions you make.
    VI. 看图写话 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。
    27.(2分)next week    





    32.(10分)The traditional Chinese lunar calendar (阴历) divides a year into 24 solar terms (节气).Spring equinox is the fourth solar term of a year.It means we have reached halfway through spring and days begin to be (1)   (long) than nights after this day.
    This year's Spring equinox is on (2)    /ma:tʃ/ 20.It is Spring equinox in the Northern hemisphere(半球),(3)   Autumn equinox in the Southern:Worldwidely,the Iranian calendar starts on Spring equinox.It is also the new year in Afghanistan,Turkey and other (4)    (country).
    As for activities,flying kites is a common activity during Spring equinox.People often write good words on(5)   (they) kites.They all hope that their wishes will come true when the kites are (6)    /floʊn/ high in the sky.The weather is(7)   (usual) warm outside on this day,which is perfect for the kids to fly kites and the old to do some exercise in the park.Another custom is to make (8)   colorful egg.Making this egg is to welcome Spring equinox.The custom dates (9)    to more than 4,000 years ago.It is (10)    /stɪl/ believed today that a standing egg on that day can bring about good luck and success.
    33.(15分)假定你是李华,收到美国笔友Harry 的邮件,询问今年疫情下春节习俗的变化。请根据邮件内容给他回复。词数80左右。
    To:Lihua2021 @ 163.com
    From:Harry@ hotmail.com
    Dear Li Hua,
    How are you doing?I just read an article about Chinese Spring Festival and I can't help but wonder how you celebrated this year's festival while fighting against the COVID﹣19.Were there any differences in traditional customs of this festival?What were the changes and what also you think of these changes?
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Dear Harry:

    Li Hua

    Ⅱ.选择填空( 共15小题;每小题1分.满分15分)从每小题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
    1.(1分)He was excited to play with snow for the first time,even if it was____ a cold morning.(  )
    A.on B.in C.at
    【解答】on用于具体的某一天或具体某一天的上午,下午或晚上;in用在年、月的前面;at用于具体的时刻前面。根据a cold morning"一个寒冷的早晨"可知,在具体某一天早上用介词on。
    2.(1分)In order to save power,we should____turn off the light when leaving the room.(  )
    A.never B.seldom C.always
    【解答】never从不;seldom很少;always总是。根据In order to save power"为了省电",可知,离开房间"总是"把灯关掉。
    3.(1分)﹣﹣The TV series Mining Town has become a huge____since the day it came out.
    ﹣﹣Yeah.I guess people all like to see the hard work for a better life is paid off.(  )
    A.cost B.hit C.act
    【解答】cost价值;hit热点;act表演;become a huge hit是固定搭配,意为"大受欢迎"。
    4.(1分)﹣So which basketball team won?
    ﹣____.The game ended in a tie﹣ 30 :30.(  )
    A.Both B.Neither C.Either
    【解答】both两者都,neither两者都不,either两者中的任何一个,根据The game ended in a tie﹣ 30 :30可知是平局,判断两个队都没有赢。
    5.(1分)China's space industry has____a lot in the past few years,especially with the latest achievement of Tianwen 1.(  )
    A.progressed B.prevented C.polluted
    【解答】progress进步,prevent阻止,pollute污染,根据后面especially with the latest achievement of Tianwen 1可知,此处表示"在过去几年中,取得了很大进步"。
    6.(1分)﹣﹣You shouldn't cough at others,Tony.It is not____and also unhealthy.
    ﹣﹣Sorry,Ms Lin.I won't next time.(  )
    A.polite B.patient C.personal
    7.(1分)﹣Diego Maradona,one of the greatest football players,died of a heart attack last year.
    ﹣The news____broke the hearts of many fans.(  )
    A.carefully B.hardly C.certainly
    【解答】carefully仔细地;hardly几乎不;certainly当然、无疑。根据Diego Maradona,one of the greatest football players,died of a heart attack last year."迭戈•马拉多纳,最伟大的足球运动员之一,去年死于心脏病发作。"可知,这条消息"无疑"让许多球迷心碎。填certainly。
    8.(1分)﹣﹣ ____can you finish your report?
    ﹣﹣In one week.I have worked on it for nearly a month.(  )
    A.How often B.How long C.How soon
    【解答】How often多久一次,对频度提问;How long多久,对一段时间或长度提问;How soon "多快/多久以后"其后用in加一段时间来回答。根据In one week"在一周内"可知,对In+一段时间提问用How soon。
    9.(1分)﹣﹣Labor Day holiday is coming.Have you decided where to travel?
    ﹣﹣Well,not yet.I____go to Baofeng to see the wonderful flower exhibitions there.(  )
    A.must B.might C.should
    【解答】must必须;might可能;should应该。根据Labor Day holiday is coming.Have you decided where to travel?Well,not yet."劳动节假期即将到来。你决定去哪里旅行了吗?嗯,还没有。"可知,我"可能"会去宝丰看那里精彩的花展。
    10.(1分)_____many people call themselves"laborers(打工人)",they actually hold great hopes and love for life and work.(  )
    A.Although B.If C.Unless
    【解答】结合"they actually hold great hopes and love for life and work"他们对生活和工作抱有很大的希望和热爱,可知尽管许多人称自己为"劳动者",但他们对生活和工作抱有很大的希望和热爱,因此选A项。
    11.(1分)Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones into school,otherwise they might be____by teachers.(  )
    A.taken off B.taken down C.taken away
    12.(1分)﹣Jack,could you take your guitar practice somewhere else?Your sister is sleeping now.
    ﹣Sorry,I____know that.I will go to the yard.(  )
    A.didn't B.don't C.won't
    【解答】根据Sorry和I will go to the yard可知,此处表示"我不知道这件事",陈述现在的情况,用一般现在时,因此选don't。
    13.(1分)The official English name of the Chinese dilled spirits(白酒) ____into "Chinese Baijiu" in January,2021.(  )
    A.changed B.was changed
    C.will be changed
    【解答】主语The official English name of the Chinese dilled spirits是动词change的承受者,根据in January,2021可知用一般过去时的被动语态,其构成是was/were +过去分词,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用was。
    14.(1分)The program Do it by Yourself____ started last week in our school encourages teenagers to do housework and take care of themselves on their own.(  )
    A.what B.which C.who
    15.(1分)一Do you know____?
    一Yes,it calls on people to work hard,think creatively and serve people.(  )
    A.who came up with "three ox spirit"
    B.when "three ox spirit" was first brought up
    C.what the meaning of "three ox spirit" is
    Ⅲ.完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分 满分15分)从每小题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
    16.(15分)There once was a little boy who had a bad temper (脾气).His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper,he must hammer (锤) a nail into the fence.
    The first day,the boy had(1) A  thirty﹣nine nails into the fence.Over the next few weeks,as he learned to(2) B his anger,the number of nails hammered daily gradually reduced.He discovered it was(3) C to hold his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.
    Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.He was so (4) B  that he told his father about it at once.The father then suggested that the boy now(5) C one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the(6) B were gone.
    The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.He said,"You have done well,my son, (7) A look at the holes in the fence.The fence will never be the same.When you say things in(8) B ,they leave a wound just like this one.You can put a (9) C in a man and draw it out.It won't matter how many times you say I'm(10) A .The wound is still there."

    (5)A.put out
    B.give out
    C.pull out

    【解答】(1)考查动词。A.凿;B.躲藏;C.带来。根据上文His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper,he must hammer (锤) a nail into the fence.(他爸爸给他一袋钉子并且告诉他,每次发脾气的时候,他必须把一根钉子凿进篱笆里。)可知,空处句意为:第一天,男孩凿进了篱笆39根钉子。故选A。
    (2)考查动词。A.失去;B.控制;C.展示。根据下文the number of nails hammered daily gradually reduced.(每天钉钉子的数量逐渐减少。)可知,空处句意为:在接下来的几周,当他学会了控制自己的愤怒。故选B。
    (3)考查形容词。A.更愚蠢的;B.更可笑的;C.更容易的。根据空后hold his temper than to hammer those nails into the fence.(控制他的脾气比把那些钉子钉进篱笆)可知,空处表示"更容易的"。故选C。
    (4)考查形容词。A.担心的;B.兴奋的;C.失望的。根据上文Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.(当男孩一点都不发脾气的那天那终于到来了。)可知,空处句意为:他是如此的兴奋以至于立刻告诉他的爸爸。故选B。
    (5)考查短语。A.熄灭;B.分发;C.拔出。根据下文The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails gone.(几天过去了男孩能够告诉他的爸爸所有的钉子都没有了。)可知,空处表示"拔出"。故选C。
    (6)考查名词。A.篱笆;B.钉子;C.洞。根据上文The father the a suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper.(父亲建议那个男孩每次能够控制脾气的时候拔出一个钉子。)可知,空处句意为:几天过去了男孩能够告诉他的爸爸所有的钉子都没有了。故选B。
    (7)考查连词。A.但是;B.因为;C.所以。根据下文The fence will never be the same(篱笆不会是原来的样子了)可知,空处句意为:但是看那个篱笆。故选A。
    (8)考查名词。A.伤心;B.生气;C.惊讶。根据下文they leave a wound just like this one.(他们就像这样有个伤痕。)可知,空处句意为:当你生气说什么事情的时候。故选B。
    (9)考查名词。A.锤子;B.包;C.刀子。根据in a man and draw it out(在一个人身上并且把它拔出来)可知,空处表示"刀子"。故选C。
    (10)考查形容词。A.抱歉的;B.饥饿的;C.生气的。根据The wound is still there.(伤痕仍然在。)可知,空处句意为:无论你说多少次对不起它都没有影响。故选A。
    IV.阅读理解(共两节,25小题;满分40分)第一节阅读下面A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A. B.C.D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。(共 20小题;每小题10分,满分40分)
    Dear Readers,
    Now over the years,real Chinese dishes have become more and more popular in foreign countries.In the United States,people are eating hotpot,jianbing and roujiamo.In Russia,hundreds of tanghulu were sold out in just a few hours.Latiao is even appearing in classrooms abroad.
    A lot of these foods are similar to Western foods.This may explain why foreigners are

    getting more and more interested in them and love eating them.For example,roujiamo similar to hamburgers.Youtiao is kind of like the "churro",a snack that is popular in Spain.And tanghulu is similar to candy apples,which are loved by children in UK.
    This book will give you a better understanding of Chinese foods.

    The Content
    Hotpot .............. .... .... .... .....P5﹣10.
    Hotpot,a special meal that can be shared with friends,is winning popularity abroad.Learn more here.
    Jianbing.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .....P11﹣14.
    This delicious breakfast food is enjoyed by people in several countries.Check it out here!
    Latiao ................. .... .... .... .... ....P15﹣18.
    Why are people so into this spicy stick?This special snack gels hot online.

    Did China invent the hamburgers?Read this story and find out some interesting facts about roujiamo.
    Candied fruit is a treat that everyone enjoy.Is it similar to some foreign foods?Find out here.
    Youtiao ...................P27﹣30
    Many countries have dishes that are similar to youtiao.Fried (油炸) food is tasty everywhere.

    (1)What food can you see in classrooms abroad according to the text?  D 
    (2)The editor explains some Chinese foods are similar to Western foods by  B .
    A.raising questions
    B.giving examples
    C.telling stories
    D.listing numbers
    (3)From the content of the book,we can know that Jianbing is  A 
    A.usually for breakfast
    B.a spicy stick
    C.a kind of candied fruit
    D.delicious fried food
    (4)If Tom wants to know whether hamburgers started in China,he may turn to page  C .
    (5)The purpose of writing this book is to  B  .
    A.teach people to make delicious food
    B.help people know more about Chinese food
    C.introduce popular food worldwide
    D.compare Chinese food with Western food

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Latiao is even appearing in classrooms abroad.(辣条甚至出现在国外的课堂上。)可知能在国外的教室里看到辣条,故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据For example,roujiamo similar to hamburgers.Youtiao is kind of like the "churro",a snack that is popular in Spain.(例如,肉夹馍类似于汉堡包。油条有点像"churro",这是一种在西班牙很受欢迎的小吃。)可知是通过举例子,故选B。
    (3)细节理解题。根据This delicious breakfast food is enjoyed by people in several countries.(这种美味的早餐深受几个国家人民的喜爱。)可知煎饼通常作为早餐,故选A。
    (4)细节理解题。根据Did China invent the hamburgers?(汉堡包是中国发明的吗?)P19﹣23(19﹣23页)可知如果汤姆想知道汉堡包是否起源于中国,他可以翻到第20页。故选C。
    (5)写作意图题。根据This book will give you a better understanding of Chinese foods.(这本书将使你更好地了解中国食品。)可知写这本书的目的是帮助人们更多地了解中国食物。故选B。
    18.(10分)I paid for a man to help me repair an old farmhouse.His first day on the job made him mad﹣ a flat tire(爆胎) made him lose an hour of work,he cut his finger with a knife and his old truck refused to start.While I drove him home,he sat in silence.
    On arriving,he invited me to meet his family.As we walked towards the front door,he stopped at a small tree and touched the tips of the branches (树枝) with both hands.When opening the door,his face was full of smiles and he hugged his two children and gave his wife a kiss.
    Afterwards,he walked with me to the car.We passed the true.I couldn't help but asked him about what I had seen earlier. "Oh,that's my trouble tree," he replied. ""I know I cannot avoid having troubles on the job,but one thing is for sure.Those troubles don't belong to my children and wife.So I hang them in the tree every night and ask God to take care of them.Then in the morning,I pick them up again."
    "The funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out to pick them up in the morning,there aren't as many as those hung up the night before."

    (1)On his first day of work,the man  C .
    A.went to work on time
    B.hurt his arm with a knife
    C.had problems with his truck
    D.went home by himself
    (2)When seeing the man touch the tree,the author felt  B .
    (3)What does the underlined word "them" refer to?  C 
    A.Tips of the branches.
    B.Smiles on his face.
    C.Troubles on his job.
    D.His children and wife.
    (4)From the man's words in the last paragraph,we can infer that  D .
    A.God took care of his troubles at work.
    B.He found it funny to pick up leaves.
    C.Many leaves of the tree fell off at night.
    D.Love for his family helped him reduce stress.
    (5)What would be the best title for the text?  A 
    A.A trouble tree.
    B.A bad day.
    C.A happy family.
    D.A funny thing.
    【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据His first day on the job made him mad﹣ a flat tire(爆胎) made him lose an hour of work,he cut his finger with a knife and his old truck refused to start.(上班的第一天让他很生气——一个爆胎让他失去了一个小时的工作,他用刀割破了手指,他的旧卡车拒绝启动。)可推理出,这名男子上班的第一天,他的卡车出了问题。故选C。
    (2)推理判断题。根据 couldn't help but asked him about what I had seen earlier. "Oh,that's my trouble tree," he replied.(我忍不住问他我刚才看到了什么。"哦,那是我的麻烦树,"他回答。)可推理出,当看到那个人摸树时,作者感到很奇怪。故选B。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据Those troubles don't belong to my children and wife.So I hang them in the tree every night and ask God to take care of them.(那些麻烦不属于我的孩子和妻子。所以我每晚都把……挂在树上,请求上帝照顾它们。)可猜测出,下划线单词的意思应是"他工作上的麻烦"。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据"The funny thing is," he smiled, "when I come out to pick them up in the morning,there aren't as many as those hung up the night before."("有趣的是,"他笑着说,"当我早上出来拿的时候,没有前一天晚上挂的那么多。")可推理出,"有趣的是,"他笑着说,"当我早上出来拿的时候,没有前一天晚上挂的那么多。"可推理出,对家人的爱帮助他减轻了压力。故选D。
    19.(10分)Robots as we know them started out as science fiction.But bow are they changed from fiction into fact?Let's take a short tour down the development of robots.
    A Shakey start
    In 1954,Unimate,a large robotic arm,became the world's first industrial robot.For a long time,robots were only found in factories or laboratories.Shakey.developed between 1966 and 1972,was the world's first mobile intelligent robot.Shakey's software has since led to robotic cleaners and self﹣driving cars.
    Helping hands
    Eventually,robots found their way into homes and classrooms.In 1999,the Japanese company Sony released a robotic pet dog called Aibo.Then,in 2006,a French company introduced a robot called NAO,which is used by schools around the world to help teachers with lessons.
    Out of this world
    Robots have become an important part of space missions.Recently,the Curiosity Rover robot from a space agency is exploring the surface of Mars.The International Space Station has a human﹣like robot called Robonaut 2 (R2)that performs a series of repair tasks so that the astronauts (宇航员) have more time to focus on scientific research.
    Into the future
    Some people fear that robots will take too many jobs away from humans,which is called automation.According to studies,up to 20 million factory jobs worldwide could be taken by robots in the next 10 years.However,some experts think that the use of robots will allow businesses to create more jobs than have been lost.Meanwhile,the coronavirus pandemic (新冠肺炎) has shown how robots and humans can work together.In Singapore,a robotic dog called Spot has been used to help enforce social distancing.Looking ahead,whether it's in education,entertainment or space research,robots will play a big part in the future of humanity.

    (1)On his first day of work,the man  A .
    (2)Robonaut 2 is a robot that C .
    A.explores the surface of Mars
    B.looks like a pet dog
    C.does repair work for astronauts
    D.focuses on scientific research
    (3)What does the underline word "automation" in the last paragraph probably mean in Chinese? A 
    (4)The author's attitude towards the role of robots in the future is  A .
    (5)What is the text mainly about?  B 
    A.What robots can do.
    B.How robots develop.
    C.Who invented robots.
    D.Why robots arc useful.

    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据In 1954,Unimate,a large robotic arm,became the world's first industrial robot.(1954年,大型机械臂Unimate成为世界上第一个工业机器人。)可知,在他工作的第一天,这个男人是Unimate,故选:A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据The International Space Station has a human﹣like robot called Robonaut 2 (R2)that performs a series of repair tasks so that the astronauts have more time to focus on scientific research.(国际空间站有一个名为Robonaut 2(R2)的仿人机器人,它可以执行一系列修复任务,以便宇航员有更多的时间专注于科学研究。)可知,Robonaut 2是一种为宇航员维修的机器人,故选:C。
    (3)词义猜测题。根据Some people fear that robots will take too many jobs away from humans,which is called automation.(一些人担心机器人会夺走人类太多的工作,这就是所谓的……。)可知,最后一段中带下划线的"automation"一词在汉语中可能是"自动化"意思,故选:A。
    (4)细节判断题。根据According to studies,up to 20 million factory jobs worldwide could be taken by robots in the next 10 years.However,some experts think that the use of robots will allow businesses to create more jobs than have been lost.Meanwhile,the coronavirus pandemic has shown how robots and humans can work together.In Singapore,a robotic dog called Spot has been used to help enforce social distancing.Looking ahead,whether it's in education,entertainment or space research,robots will play a big part in the future of humanity.(根据研究,在未来10年内,机器人将在全球范围内提供多达2000万个工厂工作岗位。然而,一些专家认为,机器人的使用将使企业创造的就业机会多于失去的就业机会。与此同时,冠状病毒大流行表明了机器人和人类是如何协同工作的。在新加坡,一种名为Spot的机器狗被用来帮助加强社交距离。展望未来,无论是在教育、娱乐还是太空研究领域,机器人都将在人类的未来发挥重要作用。)可推理出,作者对机器人未来角色的态度是。充满希望的,故选:A。
    (5)主旨大意题。根据Let's take a short tour down the development of robots.(让我们简要介绍一下机器人的发展。)以及通读全文可知,这篇课文主要是关于机器人如何发展。故选:B。
    20.(10分)Ever feel like you need to wind down,cool down and get some inner peace ﹣maybe after a long day at school,or a competitive game?The ancient an of tai chi is an excellent way to relax,using controlled movements to help give you a sense of well﹣being and inner peace.
    Starting in China,tai chi was first developed as a martial art (武术) but has since become more popular as a form of easy﹣going exercise for people of all ages,all over the world.It can be enjoyed indoors and outside,and you don't need any special tool﹣ just your body and mind.It's a good sports choice if you don't like competitive games or team sports.Focusing breathing,meditation (quietly focusing your mind) and slow movements,tai chi helps you reduce stress and feel more calm,while the deep breathing increases relaxation and allows more oxygen (氧气) into your brain.
    If that all sounds a bit serious,don't worry﹣ tai chi is also lots of fun.You'll learn moves such as the Golden Cockerel,standing on one leg,and Snake Creeps Down,in which you crouch into a side lunge (侧弓步).Phil Wright at Tai Chi for Schools teaches pupils in Devon and Cornwall in England. "Even though tai chi is soft and slow,it makes you strong and fast." he says. .
    Tai chi improves balance,peace and flexibility (灵活度).And although it helps you to feel calm,it will also leave you energised﹣ ready to let go of the day's stresses.
    It's best to learn tai chi from a teacher.In order to do that,you could look online for local clubs.Besides,it is a good idea to ask at school about classes.
    You could also try tai chi at home.Go to tinyurl.com/TWJ﹣taichi to see moves for beginners.What's more,you can take an online class at taichiforyou.co.uk.

    (1)After practicing tai chi,we will feel  D .
    (2)Which shows the right move of Golden Cockerel?  D 
    (3)How many ways of learning tai chi are suggested in the text?  C 
    (4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?  D 
    A.Tai chi is strong and fast.
    B.Tai chi is only for the old people.
    C.Tai chi is too hard to lean by oneself.
    D.Tai chi can be practiced without tools.
    (5)In which section of a magazine can you read the text?  A 
    A.Health and sport.
    B.History and culture.
    C.Science and technology.
    D.Population and environment.
    【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段The ancient an of tai chi is an excellent way to relax,using controlled movements to help give you a sense of well﹣being and inner peace.(古老的太极拳是一种很好的放松方式,通过控制动作帮助你获得幸福感和内心平静。)可知,练太极拳后,会感到放松。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段You'll learn moves such as the Golden Cockerel,standing on one leg,(你会学会像金鸡独立这样的动作,单腿站立,)可知,D项图片,符合题意。故选D。
    (3)细节判断题。根据第五段It's best to learn tai chi from a teacher.In order to do that,you could look online for local clubs.Besides,it is a good idea to ask at school about classes.(最好跟老师学太极拳。为了做到这一点,你可以在网上寻找当地的俱乐部。此外,在学校询问课程是个好主意。)以及第六段You could also try tai chi at home.Go to tinyurl.com/TWJ﹣taichi to see moves for beginners.What's more,you can take an online class at taichiforyou.co.uk.(也可以在家里试试太极拳。到tinyurl.com/TWJ﹣taichi看看初学者的招式。另外,你可以在taichiforyou.co.uk上网课。)可知,文中建议了四种学习太极拳的方法。故选C。
    (4)正误判断题。根据第二段It can be enjoyed indoors and outside,and you don't need any special tool﹣ just your body and mind.(它可以在室内和室外享受,你不需要任何特殊的工具——只需要你的身心。)可知,太极拳无需工具即可练习。故选D。
    (5)文章来源题。根据第一段The ancient an of tai chi is an excellent way to relax,using controlled movements to help give you a sense of well﹣being and inner peace.(古老的太极拳是一种很好的放松方式,通过控制动作帮助您获得幸福感和内心平静。)结合全文内容,主要介绍太极拳的起源、招式与功效等。可知,本文来源于杂志的健康与运动部分。故选A。
    第二节 阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共 5小题;每小题5分,满分5分)
    21.(5分)It is easy to tell someone good news,but what about bad news?Are there any good ways to give bad news without making people too upset? (1) B 
    Say something good
    Try to start the conversation with something good so that what you say is not all bad.For example, "I know you play soccer very well,but we only need one teammate." (2) A 
    "I'm sure you'll join us in the next game"
    Prepare your listener for the news
    Use certain words to introduce what you're going to say,like "I'm really sorry,but…" or "I'm afraid I've got some bad news." (3) D 
    Try to give a reason
    (4) E People like to know why things go wrong when things don't turn out as planned.So when telling your friend that you have to cancel a trip with him,remember to add the reason.
    (5) C 
    If you are giving someone bad news,try to use a nice voice to make you sound kind.Say things to show that you understand,like "I'm really sorry.I know this must be disappointing." It might help to make him or her feel less upset.

    A.Or you may end the conversation with a promise.
    B.The following ways might help.
    C.Use a soft friendly voice.
    D.This gives the listener time to prepare for what you will say.
    E.Explain the decisions you make.
    (1)根据前句"It's easy to tell someone good news,but what about bad news?Are there any good ways to give bad news without making people too upset?(告诉别人好消息很容易,但是坏消息呢?有没有好的方法可以在不让人太沮丧的情况下告诉别人坏消息呢?) "并结合选项可知,应说以下方法可能会有所帮助。故选:B。
    (2)根据后句 "I'm sure you'll join us in the next game"("我相信你会参加下一场比赛的。")可知这是一种承诺。结合选项,可知此处是指或者你可以用一个承诺结束对话。故选:A。
    (3)根据前句"Use words to introduce what you're going to say,like "I'm really sorry,but..." or "I'm afraid I've got some bad news.(用词来介绍你要说的话,比如"我真的很抱歉,但是......"或者"我恐怕我有一些坏消息。)" 并结合选项可知,应说这给听众时间来准备你要说的话。故选:D。
    (4)根据后句People like to know why things go wrong when things don't turn out as planned.(当事情没有按计划进行时,人们喜欢知道为什么事情会出错。)可知此处是指尽量给出理由。故选E。
    (5)根据后句" If you're giving someone bad news,try to use a soft friendly voice to make you sound kind.(如果你告诉别人坏消息,试着用柔和友好的声音让自己听起来和蔼可亲。)"结合选项可知,应说使用柔和友好的声音。故选:C。
     Nice to meet you . 
    【解答】根据题干可知应该说"很高兴见到你。" nice to do sth.表示很高兴做某事,meet 表示见到,是动词原形,动词后面加代词的宾格,you 表示你,是代词的宾格。
    故答案为:Nice to meet you。
     The same to you ! 
    【解答】根据题意可知,此题为一般现在时,same 同样的;to you给你。
    故答案为:The same to you !
     Pardon ? 
    【解答】Pardon 表示没听清,要求重复,首字母大写。
    故答案为:Pardon ?
     Thank you all the same . 
    【解答】all the same 仍然。当你向别人问路,别人不能给你帮助的时候,你仍然要表示感谢。
    故答案为:Thank you all the same。
     May I have the bill ? ?
    【解答】根据题意可知,此题为May引导的一般疑问句,其后跟动词原形。have the bill 译为"买单,结账。"
    故答案为:May I have the bill ?
    VI. 看图写话 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。
    27.(2分)next week  We will plant trees next week. 

    【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"下周我们打算去植树。"时态为一般将来时will+动词原形。plant trees植树;next week下周。
    故答案为We will plant trees next week.
     He is flying a kite now. 

    【分析】He is flying a kite now.他现在正在放风筝。
    【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"他现在正在放风筝。",时态为现在进行时。主语he接is+doing。fly a kite放风筝。
    故答案为He is flying a kite now..
    29.(2分)than  Tom runs faster than Lucy. 

    【分析】Tom runs faster than Lucy.Tom跑得比Lucy快。
    【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"Tom跑得比Lucy快。",时态为一般现在时。run faster than跑得比……快。
    故答案为Tom runs faster than Lucy.
    30.(2分)how,delicious  How delicious the cake! 

    故答案为How delicious the cake!
    31.(2分)sad,because  He is sad because he only gets 59 points. 

    故填:He is sad because he only gets 59 points.
    32.(10分)The traditional Chinese lunar calendar (阴历) divides a year into 24 solar terms (节气).Spring equinox is the fourth solar term of a year.It means we have reached halfway through spring and days begin to be (1) longer (long) than nights after this day.
    This year's Spring equinox is on (2) March  /ma:tʃ/ 20.It is Spring equinox in the Northern hemisphere(半球),(3) but Autumn equinox in the Southern:Worldwidely,the Iranian calendar starts on Spring equinox.It is also the new year in Afghanistan,Turkey and other (4) countries  (country).
    As for activities,flying kites is a common activity during Spring equinox.People often write good words on(5) their (they) kites.They all hope that their wishes will come true when the kites are (6) flown  /floʊn/ high in the sky.The weather is(7) usually (usual) warm outside on this day,which is perfect for the kids to fly kites and the old to do some exercise in the park.Another custom is to make (8) a colorful egg.Making this egg is to welcome Spring equinox.The custom dates (9) back  to more than 4,000 years ago.It is (10) still  /stɪl/ believed today that a standing egg on that day can bring about good luck and success.
    (9)考查副词。句意:这个习俗可以追溯到4000多年前。date back to为动词短语。故答案为back。
    33.(15分)假定你是李华,收到美国笔友Harry 的邮件,询问今年疫情下春节习俗的变化。请根据邮件内容给他回复。词数80左右。
    To:Lihua2021 @ 163.com
    From:Harry@ hotmail.com
    Dear Li Hua,
    How are you doing?I just read an article about Chinese Spring Festival and I can't help but wonder how you celebrated this year's festival while fighting against the COVID﹣19.Were there any differences in traditional customs of this festival?What were the changes and what also you think of these changes?
    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Dear Harry:

    Li Hua
    During the Spring Festival,we visited each other through WeChat instead of meeting each other.春节期间,我们没有见面,而是通过微信访问。
    instead of doing sth而不是做某事。
    If we're in another city,we can't go home.如果我们在另一个城市,就回不了家了。
    【解答】Safety is very important to everyone while fighting against the COVID﹣19,specially during Spring Festival.In order to have a safe and happy Spring Festival,great changes have taken place in the traditional customs of this festival.(点题)
    During the Spring Festival,we visited each other through WeChat instead of meeting each other. 【高分句型一】This prevents the spread of the virus.If we're in another city,we can't go home. 【高分句型二】We try to spend Spring Festival locally.In addition,we are not allowed to set off firecrackers.We seldom go out.If we have to go out,we wear masks.(如何过春节的)
    I think this is a very effective preventive measure.(我的看法)

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    2023年福建省厦门市同安区中考模拟英语试题(解析版): 这是一份2023年福建省厦门市同安区中考模拟英语试题(解析版),共24页。试卷主要包含了 5分, 满分30分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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