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    这是一份2021遂宁―高一下学期期末考试英语含答案,文件包含高一英语2021doc、高一英语答案2021doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语 试 题
    第 Ⅰ 卷

    1. What does the man need?
    A. A bike. B. A lock. C. A camera.
    2. Where is the woman going for the winter holiday?
    A. Japan. B. Canada. C. Australia.
    3. How will the man go to his meeting?
    A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
    4. What will the weather be like according to the man?
    A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Snowy.
    5. What does the man think about the model?
    A. It’s cheap. B. It’s worthy. C. It’s expensive.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每个小题 5 秒钟;听完后,每个小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。
    6. How does the man sound at first?
    A. Nervous. B. Thrilled. C. Disappointed.
    7. What color does the woman think old trains were?
    A. Black. B. Green. C. Red.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
    8. What kind of show does the man want to make?
    A. A cooking show. B. A quiz show. C. An interview show.
    9. Where does the man want people to watch his show?
    A. In their offices. B. In their homes. C. In their cars.
    10. What is the woman’s advice?
    A. Picking a different goal.
    B. Saving up some money.
    C. Making his show different from others.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
    11. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A. A colleague. B. A conference. C. A birthday party.
    12. What is the woman planning on doing first?
    A. Buying a gift.
    B. Going to the hospital.
    C. Picking up name cards.
    13. How did the woman feel at Andy’s birthday last year?
    A. Angry. B. Confused. C. Satisfied.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
    14. Why is going to the lake a bad idea?
    A. It is too small. B. It will be too crowded. C. It is too hot.
    15. What does the woman plan to do first?
    A. Prepare lunch. B. Pack the luggage. C. Make coffee.
    16. Where will the man probably get his drink?
    A. At home. B. At the gas station. C. At the beach store.
    17. What does the man want to use the towels for?
    A. Lying on. B. Drying him off. C. Giving shade.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
    18. What is the goal of the exercise?
    A. To learn how to follow instructions.
    B. To learn about the importance of business.
    C. To learn about the Industrial Revolution.
    19. Which class do business managers belong to according to the speaker?
    A. The upper class.
    B. The middle to lower class.
    C. The working class.
    20. How many students will be needed to be the bank and security officers in
    A. Four. B. Three. C. Two.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分30 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    The Daily News
    By Robert Woodhouse Monday, 27 December 2004
    OVER 6, 500 DEAD

    The most powerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami(海啸)that crashed into coastlines across Asia yesterday, killing more
    than 6,500 people in Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and at least four other
    countries. Fishermen, tourists, hotels, homes, and cars were swept away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0. The undersea quake struck around 7:00 a.m., Sunday off the west coast of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island. In that area alone, at least 1,870 people were
    In Sri Lanka, some 1,600 kilometres west of the quake centre, the number of deaths stood at 2,498, and one million more were affected by the tsunami, government officials said. Indian officials said as many as 1,900 had been killed along the southern coast. Another 254 were found dead in Thailand and 54 in three other countries. In southern Thailand, 1,900 people were hurt and many more were missing, local officials said. “I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home. We had to leave everything and run to safety,” said Chandra Theeravit, a local Thai woman.
    Thousands of people are still missing, and the number of deaths is expected to grow even higher over the next few days. Foreign aid is being organised for the tsunami-hit countries. However, dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food and supplies.
    21. When did the tsunami happen ?
    A. On 25 December 2004. B. On 26 December 2004.
    C. On 27 December 2004. D. On 28 December 2004.
    22. What caused the tsunami ?
    A. A powerful earthquake. B. Water pollution.
    C. Global warming. D. Human behaviour.
    23. Why would it be difficult to deliver food and supplies ?
    A. Because the aid from foreign countries was not enough.
    B. Because the number of deaths was expected to grow higher.
    C. Because more work was needed to search for missing people.
    D. Because the condition was dangerous and roads were damaged.
    Friends Reunited
    In 2011, retired bricklayer(砖瓦工)Joao, 71, found a South American penguin lying on the rocks and close to death on his local beach, just outside Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Joao cleaned the oil off the penguin’s feathers, fed him a daily diet of fish to get his strength up and named him Dindim.
    A week later, Joao tried to release the penguin back into the sea, but he just wouldn’t leave. Joao took him out in his boat, went to a nearby island and released him. Later that day, the penguin was back in Joao’s backyard. In the end, Dindim stayed with Joao for 11 months and then, “ just after he changed his coat for new feathers, he disappeared,” Joao explains.
    In fact, Dindim returns to Joao’s little beach in the summer every year-it’s believed that the penguin prefers to visit the elderly man rather than migrate(迁徙)to the feeding areas of his species.
    Joao recalls how the penguin continued to follow him home. “Everyone said he wouldn’t return, but he has been coming back to visit me for the past four years,” he says. “He arrives in June and leaves to go home in February and every year he becomes more affectionate (表示关爱的)as he appears even happier to see me.” Now new pictures have emerged of Dindim visiting Joao in his village earlier this month.
    When Dindim is staying with Joao, the two friends sometimes like to take a walk together down the beach-or sometimes Joao walks and Dindim swims alongside him. “I love the penguin like it’s my own child and I believe the penguin loves me,” Joao says. “No one else is allowed to touch him. He pecks(啄)them if they do. He lies on my lap, lets me give him showers and allows me to feed him sardines and to pick him up.”
    Who said there wasn’t still some good news left in the world ?
    24. Where did Joao find Dindim at first ?
    A. In his boat. B. In his backyard.
    C. On his local beach. D. On a nearby island.
    25. What did Joao do after Dindim recovered ?
    A. He tried to set Dindim free.
    B. He did nothing but keep feeding.
    C. He tried to take a walk with Dindim.
    D. He waited until Dindim changed his coat.
    26. What do Joao and Dindim like to do when they are together ?
    A. They do some running down the beach.
    B. They prefer to take a walk in the backyard.
    C. They like to walk together down the beach.
    D. They would like to swim in the sea together.
    27.How can we describe their attachment to each other ?
    A. They feel happy with each other.
    B. They are fond of working together.
    C. They are attached with a big profit.
    D. The penguin wants to be treated like a pet.
    Anne Frank and her diary
    Throughout history, we can find examples of inspiring young people who showed courage and hope in times of extreme hardship. Anne Frank is one of them. Her diary is one of the most important diaries ever written.
    Anne was born on 12 June, 1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. Her family was Jewish. During World War II, they had to live in a secret hiding place to escape the Nazi Holocaust (大屠杀). This was a time when the German Nazis were killing Jews. Around six million Jews died in the Holocaust.
    Anne’s father was a successful businessman in Germany. When the Nazi took control of the country in 1933, the Frank family moved to Amsterdam in Netherlands. Later, this city became unsafe, so Anne’s father prepared some secret rooms above his offices. On 6 July, 1942, Anne moved into this “secret annexe(辅楼)” with her parents, her older sister Margot, and four other Jewish people.
    The annexe was small and crowded. Everyone had to be very quiet. They were often hungry and always afraid of being caught. To keep busy, Anne wrote in her diary. She described her daily life and her struggles, but also wrote about her hopes and dreams. “ I don’t think of all the misery, ” she wrote, “but of the beauty that still remains.”
    The family was in hiding for two years. During that time, Anne kept a diary and wrote in it almost every day. On 4 August, 1944, the annexe was discovered and everyone hiding there were sent to labour camps(劳改营). Anne and her sister Margot died in a German camp in March 1945. Of all the people who had hidden in the annexe, only Otto Frank, Anne’s father, survived.
    Anne’s diary was discovered by friends and returned to Otto Frank after the war. The diary was originally written in Dutch. Since then, it has been published in at least 67 languages and 31 million copies have been sold. The English version is called The Diary of a Young Girl. Today, the annexe building in Amsterdam where Anne and her family hid is a museum called Anne Frank House.
    Although Anne’s life in hiding was extremely difficult, her dairy reveals her positive attitude. For example, in 1944, she wrote, “ In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.”
    Anne Frank’s diary has inspired teenagers everywhere. “The good news,” she wrote, “ is that you don’t know how great you can be, how much you can love, what you can accomplish, and what your potential is !”
    28. What happened to Anne’s family during World War II ?
    A. They moved into the annexe with thousands of Jews.
    B. They used their own money to help frightened children.
    C. Anne’s father recorded their lives in his diary almost daily.
    D.They were forced to go into hiding to escape the Nazi Holocaust.
    29. Why did Anne keep a diary and write in it almost every day ?
    A. To show love to her family.
    B. To make her stories published.
    C. To keep her busy and stay positive.
    D. To record her childhood memories.
    30. What is the Anne Frank House ?
    A. The office where Ann’s father did business.
    B. The building where Anne hid during the war.
    C. A labour camp where Anne and her sister hid.
    D. A building where Anne’s diary was discovered.
    31. What can be inferred from the text ?
    A. Anne wrote her diary originally in English.
    B. The Diary of a Young Girl is a Chinese version.
    C. Anne’s diary is filled with plenty of cruel stories.
    D. Anne’s diary conveys a message of courage and hope.
    The future of surgery is looking “remote.” Doctors in China have directed the heart surgery(外科手术) of a patient hundreds of kilometers away, using a 5G mobile Internet connection. This follows on from a surgeon who recently used the same technology to remotely control a surgical robot for an operation.
    What makes long-distance surgery attractive is that leading specialists can help with operations without being present in the operating room. All they need is a fast Internet connection that can be trusted. Up till now, this was what they lacked.
    On April 3, heart specialist Dr Guo directed surgery on a 41-year-old woman. She had a hole in her heart since birth. Guo and his expert team were in a hospital in Guangzhou, while the woman was almost 400 kilometres away in a hospital in Gaozhou.
    To prepare for the operation, Guo and his team studied a 3D model of the patient’s heart, put together by artificial intelligence using medical images. Then they worked out a surgical plan.
    Guo and his team used a live video conference link to instruct the operating team on where to make cuts and where to sew up. They could see the operation clearly. They also observed the operation from a camera placed inside the woman’s chest.
    “Advanced Internet technology can save our doctors a lot of time because they don’t have to travel as much. They can use that time to save more lives,” said Dr Zhang from a hospital in Guangzhou.
    Following its success, this technique has been repeated several times all over China. Doctors far apart have had the chance to work together.
    The 5G network used in these operations is many times faster than the 4G mobile Internet that we currently use. It can provide a more stable connection by greatly reducing signal delay. With 4G , delays can be between 20 and 80 milliseconds(毫秒). With 5G , they drop to about 1 milliseconds.
    This reduction isn’t too important when there are human doctors at both ends of a connection. But it makes a huge difference during telesurgery when a doctor operates remotely with a robot. Recently, neurosurgeon(神经外科医师) Dr Ling used a surgical robot to insert a medical device into the brain of someone with Parkinson’s disease. At the time, the surgeon was located in Hainan while the patient was in Beijing. Ling could not fly to Beijing immediately when his patient needed surgery. However, he was there “remotely”, directing the robot to be his hands.
    This is what the future of healthcare will look like.
    32. What does the author mean by “The future of surgery is looking
    A. Surgeons can perform long-distance surgery quietly.
    B. Surgeons can perform long-distance surgery using 5G .
    C. Surgeons have the remotest interest in long-distance surgery.
    D. There is little chance to perform long-distance surgery with 5G .
    33. What is the advantage of 5G network over 4G network?
    A. It is much faster and more stable.
    B. It needs less power and is faster.
    C. It is more environmental-friendly.
    D. It costs less money and is more safe.
    34. In what type of surgery is 5G network particularly important?
    A. Special surgery when surgeons insert a medical device into the brain.
    B. Ordinary operation when human doctors at both ends of a connection.
    C. Telesurgery when a doctor perform a long-distance operation with a robot.
    D. Live operation when a video conference is linked with the operating team.
    35. What can be a suitable title for the text?
    A. What is 5G wireless technology?
    B. Future life with 5G for Chinese doctors
    C. Modern technology change lives greatly
    D. Doctors in China do surgery over 5G internet
    第二节 (共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)
    Take charge of your health
    As you get older, you’re able to start making your own decision about a lot of things that matter most to you. You may choose your own clothes, music and friends. 36
    37 Try to replace foods high in sugar, salt and unhealthy fats with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat protein foods. Make half of your plate fruits and vegetables. Dark green, red and orange vegetables have high levels of the nutrients you need. When you can, choose fresh or frozen fruits and veggies(蔬菜)over processed foods. Drink fat-free or low-fat milk and avoid sugary drinks. Soda, energy drinks, sweet tea and some juices have added sugars, a source of extra calories.
    38 You should be physically active for at least 60 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Routine activities, such as cleaning your room or taking out the trash, may not get heart rate up the way biking or jogging does, but they are also good ways to keep you active on a regular basis. Fitness apps that you can download onto your computer, smartphone, or other mobile device can help you keep track of how active you are each day.
    39 You may also find that you make friends when you get active by joining a sports team or dance club. Try different kinds of group activities. Involve your friends and challenge them to be healthy with you. Sign up for active events together, like charity walks for fun runs.
    40 You need enough sleep to do well at school and work and to fight off infection. Not getting enough sleep may make you moody and irritable. If you’re between 13 and 18 years old, you should get 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night.
    Changing your habits can be hard and developing new habits takes time, but so long as you stay motivated, you will meet your goal.
    A. You should give advice about health problems.
    B. Physical activity should be part of your daily life.
    C. Getting enough sleep is important for staying healthy.
    D. You may also be ready to make decisions about your body and health.
    E. Being active can be more fun with other people, like friends or family
    F. People can maintain a lifestyle that includes a healthy diet , daily exercise
    and a low-stress life.
    G. Healthy eating involves taking control of how much and what types of
    food you eat, as well as as the beverages you drink.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分)
    第一节 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
    Malaria Fighter’s Path to Noble Prize
    In 2015, Tu Youyou, an 84-year-old woman, became the first Chinese scientist to win the Noble Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
    Born in Ningbo in 1930, Youyou was 41 after a verse(诗,韵文)in the Book of Song. When she left Ningbo and 42 to China’s capital to further her studies in 1951, Tu chose medicine. After graduating from the School of Medicine at Peking University four years later, Tu 43 to work at China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine(now China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences). Then she got married and 44 down in Beijing.
    In 1969, everything changed when Tu was tasked with searching for a new malaria 45 in nature. She went to Hainan, where the disease was widespread. In the hot and 46 rainforests of southern China, Tu studied the disease.
    It was in ancient Chinese medicine that Tu found the key to 47 the disease. Back in Beijing, Tu and her team examined hundreds of books about traditional Chinese medicine and interviewed many 48 Chinese medical doctors to gather the necessary information. She 49 over 2,000 prescriptions(药方), summarising 640 of them in a single collection of anti-malarial prescriptions. After long hard research, Tu’s team found the 50 in an ancient medical book, written by Ge Hong (284-364) of the East Jin dynasty, which 51 that sweet wormwood (Qinghao) was a treatment for malaria.
    Tu’s team started running test on the plant. At first, the results were mixed. 52 after much persistence(坚持), they found 53 in the plant that could treat malaria-artemisinin(青蒿提取物). They tested it on animals, but were not 54 as the results were not conclusive. In order to speed 55 the process, Tu decided to test artemisnin on herself. “As head of this research group it was my 56 ,” she said. The treatment worked and was safe for humans. Artemisnin became an important tool in the fight 57 malaria in Africa and Aisa. Thanks to this discovery, millions of lives were saved.
    “Of course, the 58 was a really happy moment in my career as a research, “ Tu said. A modest person, Tu speaks of her training in Chinese medicine and the help of her team as the 59 for her success. However, it was her passionate commitment(行为,贡献) to finding a cure that made the struggle 60 .
    41. A. told
    B. named
    C. believed
    D. asked
    42. A. headed
    B. put
    C. passed
    D. ran
    43. A. continued
    B. took
    C. started
    D. gave
    44. A. began
    B. decided
    C. lived
    D. settled
    45. A. tool
    B. research
    C. suggestion
    D. treatment
    46. A. wet
    B. dry
    C. sandy
    D. stormy
    47. A. facing
    B. finishing
    C. beating
    D. helping
    48. A. active
    B. interested
    C. trained
    D. experienced
    49. A. knew
    B. collected
    C. shared
    D. created
    50. A. answer
    B. question
    C. information
    D. opinion
    51. A. argued
    B. discussed
    C. stated
    D. talked
    52. A. So
    B. But
    C. And
    D. Therefore
    53. A. something
    B. nothing
    C. everything
    D. anything
    54. A. thankful
    B. annoyed
    C. satisfied
    D. upset
    55. A. up
    B. over
    C. off
    D. from
    56. A. case
    B. duty
    C. order
    D. event
    57. A. for
    B. with
    C. against
    D. along
    58. A. change
    B. creation
    C. development
    D. discovery
    59. A. examples
    B. reasons
    C. facts
    D. results
    60. A. hopeless
    B. risky
    C. productive
    D. worthwhile

    第 Ⅱ 卷


    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45分)
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    When I studied in Shanghai, I lived with a Chinese host family. Before leaving for China, I had learned strategies(策略) from the International Programs Office, an organization 61 helps prepare students to deal with various kinds of problems in a foreign culture. 62 , I still experienced culture shock during my stay. I had learned that many Chinese traditions focus on food but my first meal with the family completely took me 63 surprise. In the middle of the table were 64 (dish) of a variety of foods and small bowls of rice for each member of the family. My host mother took charge and 65 (place) food into my bowl, and I happily ate whatever was served. I was taught that finishing your plate was to show your host how much you enjoyed the meal, but my host mother tended to refill 66 (I) bowl every time it was empty. It seemed a bit odd to me. I later learned that finishing your bowl in China is 67 signal to the host that you would like more food. So 68 (leave)some food in the bowl to show you are quite full is also acceptable. My experience may illustrate(举例说明) the type of problems many exchange students are likely 69 (run) into when they first experience a foreign culture. My advice would be : keep an open mind, show respect and try to understand; you’ll gain 70 (value) experience.
    61 ▲ 62 ▲ 63 ▲ 64 ▲ 65 ▲
    66 ▲ 67 ▲ 68 ▲ 69 ▲ 70 ▲
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    When I started studying German, it is a struggle. I told my mum that I wanted to give up, and that I would never live in a country where German was speaking. My mum told me that study a language was not just for my future. It was exercise for the brain; the more I learnt of a language, the less my brain would grow. And I remember that day when I sudden felt like German was no longer a foreign language. It was felt like my brain had doubled in size. I could see the world from a differently point of view. I felt as if I had reached the goal I had been fighting. I could open a book and see meanings, not just a sea of word. I finally understood the reason that my mum had encouraged me not to give up. Thanks, Mum !
    第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)
    Date : 17th July
    Time: 3 p.m. -- 4 p.m.
    Place: Room 306, Building 6
    We’ll hold a class meeting on “My Secrets to Success” this week. You are expected to share your own secrets to success in a certain field. Looking forward to your participation.
    The Class Committee
    1. 选择一个你最愿意分享的成功经历;
    2. 列出至少三个有助于这一成就的因素。
    1. 字数 80-100
    2. 结构:首先介绍你所取得的成就,然后解释其背后的原因。
    3. 参考表达:
    There are several reasons / factors / causes for ... Several factors lead to ...
    The first is ... The second is ...
    One possible factor is ... Another possible factor is ...
    Due to these reasons ... As a result ....
    My Secrets to Success


    61. that / which 62. However 63. by 64. dishes 65. placed
    66. my 67. a 68. leaving 69. to run 70. valuable
    When I started studying German, it is a struggle. I told my mum that I wanted to give up,
    and that I would never live in a country where German was speaking. My mum told me that
    study a language was not just for my future. It was exercise for the brain; the more I learnt of a
    language, the less my brain would grow. And I remember that day when I sudden felt like
    more suddenly
    German was no longer a foreign language. It was felt like my brain had doubled in size. I could

    see the world from a differently point of view. I felt as if I had reached the goal I had been
    fighting . I could open a book and see meanings, not just a sea of word. I finally understood the

    for words
    reason that my mum had encouraged me not to give up. Thanks, Mum !
    1. 书面表达参考范文:(以下范文提供内容、结构参考,不作语言方面的评分参考)
    Everybody wants to succeed. Everybody has his or her success story. I am sharing with you my experience as a young speaker who made a speech before the public.
    Before giving that talk, I used to be a shy girl. I was afraid to express myself anywhere. But at that time I don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. Finally, I made it! There are several reasons for my success. The first is full preparation. I wrote my main points on cue cared, which helped me a lot. The second factor is more practice. I practiced again and again before giving the speech, making sure I would sound fluent. Another possible factor is keeping calm. I breathed deeply several times before I began the speech.
    Due to these reasons, I have overcome my fear of public speaking. This success story has influence me greatly.
    2. 评分细则(请尤其关注黑体下划线):
    A. 内容和要点的完整性;
    B. 语言质量, 包括语篇的连贯性、用词的准确性、语法的正确性、句法的多样性;
    C. 通常根据内容的完整性和语言质量两个方面的要求来衡量给分。
    1)表达出所有内容要点, 表述充分, 完全达到了预期的写作目的。
    2) 很好的语言能力, 意义表达准确流畅, 词汇丰富, 句法多样, 语言地道。有个别小的语言错误, 但不影响表达。
    3) 语篇采用cause-effect结构,有效地使用了衔接手段, 全文连贯。
    1)表达出所有内容要点, 表述较为完整充分, 完全达到了预期的写作目的。
    2) 较好的语言能力, 意义基本表达准确流畅, 用词和句法有一定的变化。有个别小的语言错误, 但不影响表达。
    3) 语篇基本采用cause-effect结构,能较好地使用了衔接手段, 全文连贯。
    1)基本表达出内容要点, 表述基本清楚, 基本达到了预期的写作目的。
    2) 语言能力一般, 句法结构单一, 词汇使用有限。语言错误较多, 在一定程度上影响了意义表达, 但要点关键意义能表达出来。
    3) 语篇没有采用cause-effect结构,不够连贯。意义衔接有明显的问题。
    4)如果考生表达出所有要点, 且有所阐述, 有一些语法和语义正确的语句, 原则上不降入第二档。
    1)部分表达出语言要点, 表述不清楚、不充分。未达到预期表达以获得交际的目的。
    2)语言能力较差, 语言错误很多, 严重影响了意义表达, 仅少许句子能比较意义。
    3)语篇结构混乱, 意义衔接有比较严重的错误。
    一档 (0-5分)
    要求虽然努力完成写作任务, 但语言能力极差, 基本无完整句子, 仅有一些单词与实体的要求相关。
    ① 语篇结构cause-effect应作为高分作文(第五档)的重要评分标准。
    ② 考生的语法或者词汇搭配出错, 属于语言错误, 但其要点表达基本清楚,也要认定为要点。
    ③ 如果学生写出了叙事的细节, 但是没有表达出reason(s) / factor(s) 等之类关键词, 本点算全点, 但是只能取该档低线。
    ④ 要点齐全, 句子表达清楚, 但全文只有三句或者四句干点子, 无相关内容支撑或者具体阐述, 降入第二档再根据情况打分。
    ⑤ 缺一个要点, 但语言比较出色, 最高可以打到20分。
    ⑥ 写作内容如果和试题无关, 或者空白卷, 零分。
    ⑦ 词数明显地少于80字或者多余150字, 在本来的评分基础上扣两分。
    ⑧ 英美的拼写和标点都可以接受, 且一般不考虑因个别的拼写或者标点错误而扣分,但拼写和标点是语言准确表达的必要条件, 评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。
    ⑨ 评分时必须用圆圈将文中的语言要点准确标出。


    2022遂宁高一下学期期末考试英语含解析: 这是一份2022遂宁高一下学期期末考试英语含解析,文件包含四川省遂宁市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题含解析docx、四川省遂宁市2021-2022学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023遂宁高一上学期期末考试英语PDF版含答案: 这是一份2023遂宁高一上学期期末考试英语PDF版含答案,文件包含英语pdf、英语答案简答pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2022遂宁高一上学期期末考试英语含答案(含听力): 这是一份2022遂宁高一上学期期末考试英语含答案(含听力),文件包含四川省遂宁市2021-2022学年高一上学期期末考试英语Word版含答案doc、20211230遂宁市高中2024届第一学期教学水平监测mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。






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