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    2022届优质校一模试卷专题汇编15 应用文之书信类 解析版


           考查年份关联知识点书信2019·北京2019·浙江2018·全国卷I邀请信,道歉信,感谢信,申请信,咨询信书信2020·浙江告知信,推荐信,建议信,祝贺信,慰问信书信20213月天津卷求助信,投稿信,介绍信,投诉信 书信类一考向一 邀请信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 这里有一个好消息。今年暑假,我们学校将举办面向国际学生的中国冬令营。既然你对中国文化着迷,我想邀请你加入。【答案】Here comes a piece of good news. Chinese Winter Camp, which is intended for international students, is going to be held in our school this summer vacation. Since you are obsessed with Chinese culture, I’d like to invite you to join it. 2. 我代表我的家人和我自己,邀请你和我们共进晚餐。我邀请你,不仅是因为我们是好朋友,我想请你吃饭,而且是因为我弟弟学习英语有点困难,这让他很不高兴。【答案】On behalf of my family and myself, I’d like to invite you to dinner with us. I invite you not only because we are good friends and I want to treat you to dinner but also because my brother has some difficulty in learning English, which upsets him very much. 中间段落常用表达1. 毫无疑问,你流利的中文,出色的演讲技巧,特别是渊博的知识,一定会给观众留下深刻的印象和启发。【答案】Undoubtedly, your fluent Chinese, excellent public speaking skills and especially profound knowledge will not fail to impress and inspire the audience. 2. 这个团队的目的是丰富我们的学校生活,锻炼我们的身体。我们每天下午都有训练,每周六下午都有比赛。【答案】The purpose of the team is to enrich our school life and build up our body. We will have training in the afternoon every day and have a contest every Saturday afternoon. 结尾段落常用表达1. 如果您接受我们的邀请,请在228日前到学生会办公室报名。【答案】If you accept our invitation, please sign up at the student association office by 28 February. 2. 如果你能及时告诉我这个安排是否适合你,我将不胜感激。【答案】I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know in time whether the arrangement is suitable for you. 考向二 道歉信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 我提前到达教室,在这里给你留言,因为我没有通知你我的突然事件。【答案】I have arrived at the classroom ahead of time to leave you a message here because I have failed to inform you of my sudden occurrence. 2. 很抱歉,我不能陪你去参加本周六举行的国际摄影节。【答案】I' m sorry to tell you that I can’t accompany you to the International Photography Festival held this Saturday. 中间段落常用表达1. 我非常抱歉地告诉你,我必须违背我的诺言,我们要去学校图书馆,因为我奶奶今天早上突然生病了,她仍然感觉很糟糕,因为我父母不在,我必须马上陪她去医院。【答案】I am terribly sorry to tell you that I will have to break my promise that we are going to the school library on account of my grandma’s falling ill suddenly this early morning and she is still feeling so terrible that I must accompany her to hospital right away during my parents’ absence. 2. 我很抱歉地告诉你,我为你预定的下周六晚上7:30的川剧演出已经取消了。我知道你已经期待了很长时间了,这真是一个令人遗憾的消息。【答案】I’m sorry to tell you that the Sichuan Opera Performance at 7:30 p.m. next Saturday I booked for you has been cancelled. I know you have looked forward to watching it for a long time and it’s really a piece of pitiful news. 结尾段落常用表达1. 我希望你能接受我的道歉并理解我的处境。此外,如果你能在这个星期天早上和我一起去城市图书馆,我将不胜感激。祝你今天过得愉快!【答案】I hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Besides, I would appreciate it if you could go to the city library, a larger one with me this Sunday morning. Wish you a good time today! 2. 我听说下周五晚上将有一场更激动人心的比赛。我想知道你那时是否有空。如果你有空,我们可以预约看那场足球赛。【答案】I have heard that there will be a match which is more exciting next Friday night. I wonder whether you are available then. If you are free, we can make an appointment to watch that football match. 考向三 感谢信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 我是李华,山西的一名高中生。我写这封信是为了向你们所有人表示诚挚的感谢,感谢你们在这场对抗新型冠状病毒的战斗中所做出的奉献和牺牲。【答案】I am Li Hua,a high middle school student in Shanxi. I’m writing to express sincere gratitude to you all for your devotion and sacrifice in this battle against the Novel Coronavirus. 2. 我写信是为了感谢你在我住院期间的帮助和鼓励。【答案】I’m writing to express my gratitude to you for your help and encouragement during my stay in hospital. 中间段落常用表达1. 毫无疑问,如果没有你每天在线的帮助,我的英语学习就不可能像往常一样顺利。【答案】Undoubtedly, without your help with my English online every day, I couldn’t have made my English study go smoothly as usual. 2. 正是你的不断鼓励和积极的人生态度引导我走出低谷,以这样一种健康的方式对待我的疾病、学习和生活。【答案】And it’s your frequent encouragement and positive attitudes towards life that guide me out of low spirits to deal with my illness, study and life in such a sound way. 结尾段落常用表达1. 人们普遍相信,在我们的共同努力下,中国将赢得这场战斗,并迅速恢复。祝你好运,身体健康!【答案】It’s widely believed that our joint efforts China will win the battle and make a quick recovery. Good luck and stay well! 考向四 申请信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 我叫李华。我写信是想申请成为我们国际社会的志愿者。【答案】My name is Li Hua. And I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer for our international community. 中间段落常用表达1. 我的英语口语很好,经常在各种演讲比赛中获奖,这确保了我与外国人的流利交流。【答案】My spoken English is so good that I often get prizes in different speech contests, ensuring me to communicate with foreigners fluently. 2. 另外,我特别喜欢郊游,熟悉我们的社区和城市,善于沟通,乐于助人。【答案】What’s more, I’m especially outing-going, familiar with our neighborhood as well as our city, good at communication and always glad to help others.  结尾段落常用表达1.如果你能给我一个做志愿者的机会,我将不胜感激。谢谢您!【答案】I would appreciate it if you could offer me the chance to be a volunteer. Thank you! 2. 因此,我以另外五位应聘者的身份,诚恳地提出一个请求:您是否有可能在您方便的时候为我们安排一次模拟面试?【答案】As a result, I, on behave of another five applicants, sincerely make a request: is there any possibility that you could arrange a mock interview for us at your convenience? 考向五 咨询信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 我们很高兴接受邀请参加一场乒乓球友谊赛,这无疑将加强我们的友谊。我写信是想了解更多有关安排的情况。【答案】We are delighted to accept the invitation to play a friendly table tennis match, which will no doubt strengthen our friendship. I am writing to know more about the arrangements. 中间段落常用表达1. 由于这是我们第一次去澳大利亚,我们想知道住宿的细节,以便我们可以提前做好准备。【答案】Since it is the first time for us to go to Australia, we’d like to know the details about the accommodations so that we can make some preparations in advance. 2. 我们更喜欢住在寄宿家庭,体验当地文化。此外,我们到达后,您能到机场接我们吗?【答案】We prefer to live in host families to experience local culture. Besides, is it possible for you to pick us up at the airport after our arrival? 结尾段落常用表达1. 如有任何建议,将不胜感激。期待您的回复。【答案】Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to your reply. 2.谢谢你的善意,对于你对这封信的及时关注我将不胜感激。【答案】Thank you for your kindness, and your timely attention to this letter will be highly appreciated. 书信类二考向一 告知信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 过得怎样?我很高兴你们对学习汉语表现出极大的热情,你们出色的表现在汉语演讲比赛中赢得了掌声。现在我写信告诉你我们下节课的细节。【答案】How is everything? Im so glad that you show great passion for learning Chinese and that your excellent performance won applause in the Chinese speech contest. Now Im writing to inform you of the details of our next class. 2. 道/得知你对我最近学校组织的学习旅行非常感兴趣,我写信/非常愿意与你分享/给你一些相关信息。【答案】Knowing/Having learned that you’re very interested in my recent study trip organized by my school, I am writing/quite willing to share/give some relevant information with/to you. 中间段落常用表达1. 为培养外国学生对汉语的兴趣,将安排各种活动,从学习基本汉字到探索中国书法艺术。【答案】Aimed at offering a platform for foreign students to develop an interest in Chinese, various activities will be arranged, ranging from learning basic Chinese characters to exploring the art of Chinese calligraphy. 2. 首先,一个令人难以置信的新体育场已经建成,它已经成为我们学校的新地标。【答案】To begin with, a fabulous new stadium has been built up, which has become the new landmark i our school. 结尾段落常用表达1.我非常期待这次经历会有回报,完美地融合了学习和乐趣。【答案】I highly expect the experience to be rewarding, perfectly mixing learning and fun. 2. 我建议你邀请更多的参与者参加晚会,这样我们就能更好地相处。【答案】I suggest that you invite more participants to take part in the party so we can get along with each other better.  考向二 推荐信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 听说你将作为交换生来中国,我想向你表示热烈的欢迎。【答案】Hearing that you will come to China as an exchange student, I want to express a warm welcome to you. 2. 一切都好吗?了解到您对通过虚拟旅游网站环游中国非常感兴趣,我强烈推荐www.virtualtravel.com.【答案】How is everything going? Knowing that you are extremely enthusiastic about traveling around China through a virtual travel website, I highly recommend www.virtualtravel.com. 中间段落常用表达1. 中文名字通常由两个或三个字符组成,其中通常包含一些特殊的含义、期望或祝福。【答案】A Chinese name usually consists of two or three characters, which often contain some special meanings, expectations or blessings. 2. 然而,与英文名字不同的是,中文的姓通常放在前面,然后是一个名字。此外,我还提出了几个中文名字,这些名字被添加到电子邮件附件中。【答案】However, unlike an English name, the family name of Chinese is usually put first and then a given name follows. In addition, I have come up with several Chinese names, which are added to the E-mail attachment.结尾段落常用表达1. 我希望你会喜欢其中一个,并在中国过得愉快。【答案】I hope you will like one of them and have a good time in China. 考向三 建议信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 得知你想知道选择哪门音乐选修课,我写信是想提出一些建议。【答案】Learning that you are wondering which music optional courses to choose, I am writing to make some suggestions. 2. 你无法想象我听到你的计划有多高兴!我非常乐意提供我的建议供你参考。【答案】You can’t imagine how overjoyed I am hearing about your plan! I’m more than glad to offer my advice for your reference. 中间段落常用表达1. 我们学校有各种音乐选修课,包括民族音乐、合唱、乐器演奏等。【答案】There are various music optional courses in our school, including folk music, choir, playing instruments and so on. 2. 考虑到您对中国文化感兴趣,建议您选择民族音乐。在课堂上,你可以学习唱民歌。【答案】Considering that you are interested in Chinese culture, it is suggested that you choose folk music. In class, you can learn to sing folk songs. 结尾段落常用表达1. 衷心希望我的建议对你有所帮助。期待您的回复。【答案】Sincerely hope my advice is helpful to you. Looking forward to your reply! 2. 我希望你能考虑我的建议,我相信你会做出正确的决定。【答案】I hope that you can take my suggestion into account and I’m convinced that you will make a right decision. 考向四 祝贺信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 得知你在比赛中获得一等奖,我很高兴,因此我写信向你表示祝贺。【答案】I’m delighted/pleased/glad/excited to hear/learn/know that you have won first prize in the contest, so I’m writing to express/convey my congratulations. 2. 我要祝贺你在贵校组织活动方面取得的成功【答案】I’d like to congratulate you on your success/achievements in organizing the activity in your school. 中间段落常用表达1. 毫无疑问,你的成功部分在于你的网球天赋。【答案】There is no denying/doubt that your success partly lies in your talent for tennis. 2. 没有你的不懈努力,你不可能取得如此显著的成就。【答案】You couldn’t have made such remarkable achievements without your continuous effort. 结尾段落常用表达1. 请接受我们诚挚的祝贺和最良好的祝愿,祝世界上一切美好的未来。【答案】Please accept our sincere congratulations and best wishes for all the good future in the world. 2. 再次祝贺你,我期待着你取得更大的成就。【答案】Congratulations to you again and Im looking forward to your further achievements. 考向五 慰问信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 听到/得知你情绪不好,我(非常)难过,这是因为你没有通过驾驶考试。【答案】I was (awfully/extremely/excessively) sorry to hear/learn that youre trapped in bad mood, which is because you didnt make it in the driving test. 2. 当我得知你在你的新学校突然生病时,我真的很抱歉。【答案】I just cant tell you how sorry I was when I was informed of your sudden illness in your new school.中间段落常用表达1. 由于文化差异和新的环境,你感到适应新学校很有挑战性,这是正常的。【答案】Its normal that you feel it challenging to fit in with the new school due to cultural difference and new surroundings. 2. 如果你能与他人分享你的经历,从而帮助他们在短时间内熟悉你,那就再好不过了。【答案】It cant be better if you can share your experiences with others, thus helping them become familiar with you in a short period of time.结尾段落常用表达1. 如果我能对你有所帮助,我希望你能立即告诉我。【答案】If I can be of any assistance to you, I hope youll let me know immediately/instantly. 2. 希望你能尽快解决你的问题。【答案】Hope you can have yours troubles removed soon. 书信类三考向一 求助信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 我是李华。你现在好吗?我需要你的帮助,因为我发现我不太习惯高中生活。【答案】I am Li Hua. How are you now? I need your help because I find I am not very used to the high school life. 2. 我写信请求你的帮助。我们学校计划举办一个名为“英语阅读月”的活动,要求我们阅读一本英语书并做笔记。【答案】I'm writing to ask for your help. Our school is planning to hold an event called English Reading Month, in which we are required to read an English book and take notes.中间段落常用表达1. 每天我花34个小时完成作业,所以课后活动的时间很少。此外,考试的巨大压力和父母的高期望常常让我更累。【答案】Every day I spend 3 to 4 hours finishing my homework so there is little time left for activities after class. Besides, the great pressure of exam and high expectations from my parents often make me more tired. 2. 我现在遇到的最大的问题是我的数学学习,这比初中时难多了。我很担心,不知道如何改进它。【答案】The biggest problem I meet now is my maths study, which is much more difficult than in junior middle school. I feel so worried that I don’t know how to improve it.结尾段落常用表达1. 我希望能从你那里得到一些建议,我期待着你的帮助。【答案】I hope I could get some advice from you and I am looking forward to your help. 2. 期待您的尽快回复。衷心的感谢!【答案】Looking forward to the reply at your earliest convenience. Heartfelt thanks! 考向二 投稿信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 在中国,高中最后一年的感觉是什么?我期待的未来是什么?大致情况如下。【答案】What does a final high school year really feel like in China and what is the future I look forward to? A rough picture is painted as follows. 2. 玛丽,我最喜欢的英语老师,是一位漂亮的女士。我最喜欢她,因为她不仅对我们很友好,而且善于使她的课充满乐趣。【答案】Mary, my favorite English teacher, is a pretty lady. I like her best because she is not only friendly to us but also good at making her classes full of fun.中间段落常用表达1. 目前,学习是我的首要任务,我的目标是进入整个年级的前50名,我已经制定了一个特别的时间表,充分利用我的时间复习所有必需的考试科目。【答案】Currently, studying tops my to do list and I, with the goal of being among the top 50 in the whole grade, have made a schedule specially tailored to make full use of my time to review all the required exam subjects. 2. 一年后我的梦想是进入清华大学,在那里我可以主修电气工程。【答案】My dream one year later is to get the admission to Tsinghua University where I can major in electric engineering. 结尾段落常用表达1. 向全世界的朋友们致以最美好的祝愿。【答案】Best wishes to all the dreams from fellows around the globe. 2. 我很幸运在我的生活中有这么一位好的英语老师。我相信,如果没有她的帮助,我现在的英语学习可能还很困难。【答案】l feel very lucky to have such a good English teacher in my life. I’m sure that, without her help, I might be still struggling with my English study now. 考向三 介绍信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 我写信是想告诉你我们为你安排了什么。【答案】I'm writing to tell you what we have arranged for you. 2. 我希望你一切都好。收到你的来信真是令人振奋,因为我正全力以赴准备考试。【答案】I hope you’re doing well. Receiving your letter is such a refresh since I’m fully engaged in preparing for the exam. 中间段落常用表达1. 上午,我们将带您参观学校,参观期间,我们学校的参观者和学生可以相互交流,谈论学校生活和文化差异。【答案】In the morning, you will be shown around the school, during which, visitors and students from our school can communicate with each other, talking about school life and cultural differences. 2. 你可以品尝饺子、月饼和其他中国传统食品。【答案】You can taste dumplings, moon cakes and other traditional Chinese food.结尾段落常用表达1. 衷心希望我的梦想早日实现。最美好的祝福。【答案】Sincerely hope my dream will come true soon. Best wishes. 2. 向你的家人致以最良好的祝愿,在大流行中照顾好自己!【答案】Best wishes to your family and take care of yourself in the pandemic! 3. 从上面我们可以知道,只有从失败中吸取教训,相信失败是成功之母,为成功而奋斗,我们才能实现理想的梦想。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】From above we can know that only if we learn from failure, believe failure is the mother of success and strive for success can we achieve our ideal dreams. 考向四 投诉信的常用表达开头段落常用表达1. 我是你们的客户之一。最近,我给妈妈订了一条丝巾作为生日礼物。令我失望的是,它有以下问题。【答案】I am one of your customers. Recently, I ordered a silk scarf for my mum as a birthday gift. To my disappointment, there are the following problems. 2. 我是李华。很不想给你添麻烦。但是,恐怕我不得不对你们餐馆进行投诉。【答案】Im Li Hua. I feel bad to trouble you but Im afraid that I have to make a complaint about your restaurant. 中间段落常用表达1. 首先,它没有按时到达,错过了妈妈的生日,让我失望。【答案】To begin with, it didn’t arrive on schedule, which missed my mum’s birthday and let me down. 2. 另外,它的颜色不对,应该是蓝色而不是红色。可悲的是,我妈妈最讨厌红色!最让我烦恼的是围巾的质量。【答案】Besides, it is of the wrong color, which should be blue instead of red. Sadly, my mum hates red the most! What bothers me the most is the quality of the scarf.结尾段落常用表达1. 我不满足于收到这么差的服务,希望你能把我的钱还给我或给我送一个新的。如果你能考虑一下,我将不胜感激。【答案】I am not satisfied to have received such poor service, hoping that you can return my money or deliver a new one to me. Id appreciate it if you can take it into consideration. 2. 为了改善状况,你们可以采取下面的措施。【答案】To improve the situation, you can take the following measures. 2020·浙江卷假定你是李华,你校来自爱尔兰的外教Peter因病回国休假。请给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1. 询问近况;2. 分享班级最新消息;3. 表达祝愿。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】Dear Peter,I am sorry to hear that you have gone back home on sick leave. How are you feeling now?I hope my good news for you will sweep away the shadow of disease. Last month, an English festival was held in our school, and our class performed a song which you taught us at the festival. As soon as we finished the song, all the audience gave us warm applause. If only you had been there.We all miss you very much and wish you a quick and complete recovery.Yours,Li Hua 2021届河北省唐山市高考一模假定你是李华。你校阅读俱乐部定于下周三举办英文阅读交流会。请你写封邮件,邀请你校外教Adam参加。内容包括:1. 活动时间、地点;2. 活动目的;3. 活动安排注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Adam,_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua 山东省德州市2021届高三下学期一模假如你是李华,你校英文报为高三学生新增了How to Deal with Stress专栏。请你给编辑写一封电子邮件,包括以下内容:1. 高三学生可能面对的压力。2. 给出“减压”建议(不少于两条)。注意:1. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总字数;词数80左右。2. 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear editor,Your newly-added column How to Deal with Stress has just caught my attention._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours sincerely,Li Hua 陕西省渭南市2021届高三教学质量检测(一模)假定你是李华,你的好友Jack听闻你校即将举办70周年校庆(anniversary),他对此很感兴趣。请给他回信,告诉他活动的相关事宜,内容包括:1. 活动时间、地点;2. 活动内容(精彩的文艺表演等);3. 欢迎届时来观看演出。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2021届河北省邯郸市高三一模假定你是李华,你所住的社区里有流浪狗(stray dogs)和流浪猫。它们无人看管,境况堪忧。请写一封信,邀请你的英国交换生朋友Mike一起帮助这些动物,内容包括:1. 表明目的;2. 讲述流浪狗(猫)的现状;3. 期待答复。注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Dear Mike,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua 2021届河南安阳市高三一模假定你是李华,在伦敦做交换生。你校学生会主席Linda想让你做一次关于中国传统文化的演讲。请你给她写封邮件,内容包括:1. 接受邀请;2. 对演讲效果的期望;3. 商谈具体事宜。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Linda,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours,Li Hua
    2021届河北省唐山市高考一模【答案】Dear Adam,I am writing to invite you to join in the read-and-share activity by our school reading club.The activity is to be held in the lecture hall at 3 p.m. next Wednesday. It is intended to awake the students’ interest in English literature and broaden their mind. In the activity, the club members will take their turns to share their favorite classic English books and some effective reading methods.We sincerely hope that you can join us and give us some guidance on English reading.Yours,Li Hua 山东省德州市2021届高三下学期一模【答案】Dear editor,Your newly-added column How to Deal with Stress has just caught my attention.I’d like to write something about what kind of stress students in senior three may face and how to deal with it. Firstly, students in senior three face the stress of entering a good university which they have dreamt of for many years. Secondly, they may face high expectation from their parents. Thirdly, the students may face the stress of much homework.There are many ways to help students reduce stress. Students themselves should learn to use time properly and spare time to relax, such as listening to music. Then, parents should not give students much pressure, but give some useful advice.Yours sincerely,Li Hua 陕西省渭南市2021届高三教学质量检测(一模)【答案】Dear Jack,I am so glad to hear that you want to attend the seventieth anniversary of our school. Here is something you may be interested in and you should know.The ceremony will be held next Sunday. And you should arrive at the stadium of our school before 9 am. A lot of famous schoolmates will attend the ceremony. What’s more, there will be plenty of wonderful performances. Meanwhile, you can take photos of the ceremony if you like.It is a pleasure to welcome you to the anniversary.Yours,Li Hua 2021届河北省邯郸市高三一模【答案】Dear Mike,How are you doing? I’m writing to ask if you can do something for stray dogs and cats with me.It is common that I often see many stray dogs and cats in the community where I live. Some of them are in great danger and in bad condition. They often hide in some dark places and under the car. It's hard to imagine what will happen to them if they are left unnoticed and without care.I think it's high time that we did something for these poor animals. I do hope you can join me.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua 2021届河南安阳市高三一模【答案】Dear Linda,I am honored for being invited to give a speech on Chinese traditional culture and I am delighted to accept your invitation.It makes me happy to hear that there will be more than 500 participants to the meeting. I hope I will be able to promote the communication between our two countries by introducing Chinese traditional culture and helping English students understand it.I need to know what specific information they want to know and I need some time to get prepared. So we’d better have a discussion about it when it is convenient for you.Looking forward to your early reply!Yours,Li Hua

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