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    初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级下册Unit 3 Language in use教学ppt课件

    这是一份初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级下册Unit 3 Language in use教学ppt课件,文件包含外研版英语八年级下册Module8Unit3教学课件pptx、M8U3-6wav、M8U3-7wav等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共58页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Learning bjects
    1. Use bject clauses and attributive clauses.2. Write a passage abut yur future plan.
    By the end f the class, yu will be able t …
    We are ging t leave Junir high sn. What d yu want t say t yur friends and teachers?
    This is what I want t say t yu.
    I knw ______we all feel a little bit sad because f leaving sn.
    I see _____ great prgress yu have made.
    Yu are nt the bys and girls __________ I have met the first time.
    Yu have grwn up as better peple _________ ften help thse in need.
    Yu have develped yur interests __________enrich yur life.
    I firmly believe ______ yu have dne will have great influence n yur further study and future life.
    I knw that yu will be better at maths.These rses are t thank three grups f peple fr the three mst imprtant things that I have learnt. I give the white rse t my teachers, wh have taught me that there is n success withut effrt. I’m sure that yu all have yur wn memries abut the happiness f the last three years, and the peple whm yu want t thank fr it.
    Language practice
    Object Clauses 宾语从句
    1. 宾语从句的定义 在复合句中充当宾语的句子,称为宾语从句。一般位于及物动词、介词和复合谓语(be sure, be afraid, be srry, be glad等)之后。
    当从句是一般疑问句或选择疑问句时,引导词用if/ whether,意为“是否”。
    当从句是特殊疑问句时,疑问词就是引导词。疑问代词what, wh, whm, whse, which 在从句中可作主语、宾语、表语或定语等;疑问副词when, where, hw, why 在从句中可作状语。
    I hear _______ he has passed the exam.I wnder _________ he has passed the exam.I asked ______ he passed the exam.
    that, whether和if 在句中不做任何成分疑问词when在句中充当成分
    She asked me ______ he came back hme every evening.Can yu tell me _____ he gt back hme? I dn’t knw _____ he came back hme.
    I always think they’re fr peple whse English is already quite gd. I dn’t knw where we will g fr the hliday.
    I always thught they were fr peple whse English is already quite gd.He asked where we wuld g fr the hliday.
    In the past, peple didn’t knw that the earth mves arund the sun.
    Attributive Clauses 定语从句
    1.定语从句的定义 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词,起定语作用的句子称为定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词。
    This is the pen that I am lking fr.
    2. 定语从句的关系词
    What are the subjects (that) they are studying this term?She is the wman (wh/whm) I met yesterday.
    1. Finger fd is the fd_________________________. 2. A handbag is a small bag _______________________ _________________________________.
    which we eat with ur fingers
    Cmplete the sentences using which, that, wh r whm. Try t explain the meaning f the wrds in purple.
    which wmen use t carry their things.
    3. Schl-leavers are yung peple____________________.4. A classmate is smene __________________________.5. A friend is smene _______________.6. A stranger is smene ____________________.
    whm I dn’t knw
    wh is in the same class as me
    whm I trust
    wh are leaving schl
    Wrk in pairs. Lk at the picture and the menu. Discuss the questins.
    1. Hw d yu knw that the party is internatinal? Because the fd is internatinal.2. Why are the peple cheering? Because they are happy abut what the speaker is saying.3. What d yu think the persn making a speech is saying? The speaker is saying that nw the speech is ver and it is time t eat!
    a) that success at schl is imprtant fr ur futuresb) if yu want t be an engineerc) that we cntrl the futured) we can all make a wnderful future if we remember thise) that I am a very gd student
    Cmplete the passage with the clauses in the bx.
    We will finish junir high sn. Many students are wrried abut the future. Schl is hard. We all think (1) ____. Sme f us are lucky. We are gd at studying. I am very lucky. My teachers say (2) ____. I especially lve studying maths. It is a very imprtant subject. Yu need it fr physics, r (3) ____. I want t be an engineer. Engineers and scientists are imprtant fr ur cuntry’s future.
    My classmates and I are all a bit sad t be leaving junir high. But we are als excited abut taking a new step in ur lives. Our future lives and jbs get clser every day. The English say, “The future is what yu make it!” I like this saying. It means (4) ____. It reminds us t try ur best, and t never give up. I really think (5) ____.
    Jin the wrds in Bx A with the wrds in Bx B t make new wrds. Yu need t use ne wrd mre than nce.
    afternn, classmate, haircut, handbag, handmade
    Lingling: What are yu ging t wear t the schl- leavers’ party? Betty: I’m ging t wear a dress. And I’m ging t buy a new black (1) ________. D yu want t g with me t the shpping centre t lk fr ne?Lingling: Srry, I can’t. I’m having a(n) (2) _______ this (3) _________ at three ’clck. I want nice shrt hair fr the party!
    Nw cmplete the cnversatin with the new wrds.
    Tny: I’ll g with yu, Betty. I’m ging t take phts, and I want t buy a bk t put the phts in. I hpe that all f us will remember each ther. I’m happy I have been yur (4) _________.Betty: I’ve already bught a special bk fr the phts. It’s black, with (5)_________ paper pages.Tny: Yu can carry it n the big night, then. It’ll match yur clthes.Betty: Dn’t be silly, Tny!
    1. Try t fllw the _____ f the music.2. Oh, ________ me. I didn’t see yu there.3. We’re ging t put _____ all arund the rm this year.4. I can’t g t schl wearing that – everyne will ________ me.5. I’ll ______ yu _____ when it’s time t leave.
    beat, laugh at, pardn, rses, wake…up
    Cmplete the sentences with the wrds r expressins in the bx.
    wake up
    Did Adam g t Africa r America? He went t Africa.2. What did Adam d there? He built a primary schl with thers.3. What des Adam like mst abut the cuntry? The peple were very friendly.
    Listen and answer the questins.
    4. What did Adam d at weekends? He visited the beaches.5. What des Adam want t d in the future? He wants t g t cllege and maybe becme a teacher.
    Presenter: Adam: Presenter:
    Adam is in the studi with us, and he’s ging t tell us abut his year between the end f schl and the start f university. Adam, tell us where yu went, and what yu did there.I went t Ghana, in Africa. Our main prject was building a primary schl, because there wasn’t a schl in the village, and the children were studying utside.Was the experience everything yu expected?
    Adam: Presenter: Adam: Presenter: Adam: Presenter: Adam:
    Yes, in fact it was mre than I expected. I felt very prud t be part f the prject. We were helping children t have a gd educatin.What was yur favurite thing abut Ghana?The peple are very friendly. My friendship with sme f them will last frever. I’m sure f that.Hw did yu spend yur free time?At weekends, we visited the beaches. The beaches were lvely, and mst f the time empty t. Very relaxing.What did yu miss mst while yu were away?I missed my friends and family mst.
    Presenter: Adam: Presenter: Adam:
    Have yu fund what yu want t d with the rest f yur life?The answer is n, but I have discvered what I dn’t want t d! I thught I wanted t be an actr. Nw I knw that I want t help peple. I’ve decided t g t cllege and maybe becme a teacher in the future.S yur experience really did change yur life!Yes, it did!
    Read the passage and chse the crrect answer.
    Mark Smith is a student at a vcatinal schl — a schl where peple learn hw t d many f the jbs that are needed in mdern sciety. “After I finished secndary schl, my results shwed that I was better at ding things than at reading bks. I had t decide hw I wanted t make a living in the future. I’m the srt f persn wh is gd at making things with my hands. S I chse t g t vcatinal schl.” Nw, he learns hw t repair machines.
    Read thrugh the questins and guess what the passage is abut.Read the passage fr the gist.
    “Everyne needs a skill that is useful if they want a gd life. And I like learning abut hw things wrk,” he says. Mark tells peple that he is very happy abut his chice. “Nw I can study the things that l like best. Everyne wants t study what they are gd at, dn’t they?” He believes that he has a bright future ahead f him. “Yu can’t have a sciety where everyne wrks in an ffice. Wrkers wh can make things and repair things will always be needed.”
    When peple ask Mark what he is mst interested in, he smiles. “Planes. I dn’t knw why I’ve always lved machines that fly, but I d. One day, I’m ging t help repair the planes that carry peple all ver the wrld.”
    1. What d students at vcatinal schls d? a) They lk fr jbs there. b) They learn hw t d many f the jbs that are needed in sciety. c) They study why the jbs are needed in sciety. d) They d the same as students in secndary schl.
    2. Why did Mark chse t g t vcatinal schl? a) Because he wanted t knw mre abut sciety. b) Because he finished secndary schl. c) Because he fund that he was better at ding things than at reading bks. d) Because he did nt d well at schl.
    3. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is NOT the reasn why Mark made his chice? a) Everyne needs a skill fr a gd life in the future. b) He can study the things that he likes best. c) The sciety needs nt just peple wh wrk in an ffice, but als thse wh can make things and repair things. d) He likes physics.
    He learns hw t repair machines.
    Read the passage and answer the questins.
    1. Was Mark Smith better at ding things than at reading bks?
    Yes, he was.
    2. What des he learn nw?
    Junir high schl dances In the US, students ften have a schl dance t celebrate the end f junir high. There is usually a student cmmittee which rganizes the dance. They decrate the schl gym with ballns, lights and ther things s that it lks very nice.
    They plan the music and rganize the fd. Smetimes the parents help make the fd and smetimes it cmes frm a restaurant. The girls usually wear pretty dresses and the bys wear smart clthes. They eat, dance and smetimes have cmpetitins. The dance is usually supervised by teachers and parents.
    Hw d the students in the US t celebrate the end f junir high? They ften have a schl dance. Wh rganizes the dance? A student cmmittee rganizes the dance. 3. Hw d they decrate the schl gym? They decrate the schl gym with ballns, lights and ther things. Wh supervises the schl dance? Teachers and parents supervise the schl dance.
    have a schl dancecelebrate the end f junir higha student cmmitteedecrate…with…rganize the fdwear smart clthesbe supervised by
    Mdule task: Making plans fr yur future
    Think abut yur life in the future. Make ntes abut the fllwing things:
    what yu are planning t d in the next three yearswhat yu wuld like t d after thatwhat ther areas f yur life yu want t develpwhat srt f values yu think will be imprtant t yu
    Use yur ntes t write sentences.
    Jin yur sentences and write a passage abut yur future plan.
    I want t study dressmaking.
    what yu are planning t d in the next three years
    I like designing pretty clthes. I want t get a jb as a dress designer.
    what yu wuld like t d after that
    what ther areas f yur life yu want t develp
    I’d like t travel t ther cuntries in Asia s I can study their clthes.
    what srt f values yu think will be imprtant t yu
    I have seen that peple feel happier when they are wearing beautiful clthes. I want t make nice clthes which will make peple feel happy.
    In the next three years, I want t study dressmaking. I like designing pretty clthes and I want t get a jb as a dress designer. I’d like t travel t ther cuntries in Asia s I can study their clthes. I have seen that peple feel happier when they are wearing beautiful clthes. I want t make nice clthes which will make peple feel happy. I als enjy playing the clarinet. I am at Grade 3 and I want t get up t Grade 6, if I can. I want t use dress design and music t make ther peple feel happier.
    Pssible answer

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    初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级下册Unit 3 Language in use教学ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级下册Unit 3 Language in use教学ppt课件,文件包含外研版英语八年级下册Module7Unit3教学课件pptx、M7U3-5wav、M7U3-67wav等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共57页, 欢迎下载使用。

    初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级下册Unit 3 Language in use.教学ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语外研版 (新标准)九年级下册Unit 3 Language in use.教学ppt课件,文件包含外研版英语八年级下册Module4Unit3教学课件pptx、M4U3-6wav、M4U3-7wav等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共48页, 欢迎下载使用。

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