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    这是一份山东省滨州市2021届高三下学期5月二模英语试卷,文件包含山东省滨州市2021届高三下学期5月二模英语试卷doc、山东省滨州市2021届高三下学期5月二模英语答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    This Internatinal Wmen's Day, we're celebrating fur wmen wh changed the face f science frever.
    Anandibai Jshee, brn in 1865 in India, became India's first wman physician with a medical degree. After graduatin frm a Wman's Medical Cllege, she accepted an ffer frm the gvernr minister f Klhapur in India t serve as “Lady Dctr f Klhapur”. She died at 21 frm tuberculsis. Despite her shrt life, Jshee's accmplishments were unprecedented fr an Indian wman, and her achievements pen the dr fr ther Indian wmen t quickly fllw.
    Mamie Clark, an American scial psychlgist, specialized in child develpment in black children. In 1946, Clark and Kenneth funded the nly mental health rganizatin fr black children in New Yrk. Clark was awarded the American Assciatin f University achievement award in 1973, and ten years later the Natinal Calitin f 100 Black Wmen awarded her the Candace Award fr humanitarianism.
    Gechemist Katsuk Saruhashi was brn in Tky in 1920. Saruhashi became the first wman elected t the Science Cuncil f Japan, the first wman t win the Miyake Prize fr Gechemistry, and the first wman recipient f an award frm the Sciety f Sea Water Science in Japan. In 1981, she funded the Saruhashi Prize, a prize awarded annually t a female rle mdel in science.
    Brn in Ls Angeles, Califrnia, Ocha was the first Latina wman t fly in space as
    part f the crew f the shuttle Discvery in 1993. In 1990, Ocha was selected t astrnaut candidacy as part f a grup f twenty-three NASA astrnauts, and became an astrnaut a year later. Her first spaceflight was abard Discvery as a missin specialist and lasted nine days, in which the crew cnducted scientific experiments and deplyed a research satellite t study the slar crna.
    Wh was appinted by the gvernment t wrk as an expert?
    A. Anandibai Jshee.B.Mamie Clark.
    C. Katsuk Saruhashi.D.Ocha.
    What did Mamie Clark and Katsuk Saruhashi have in cmmn?
    A. They set an award.B.They were Americans.
    C. They were awarded twice.D.They majred in water science.
    Where is the text mst prbably frm?
    A. A pster.B. A magazine. C. A guidebk. D. A reprt.
    American Mark Levine wears many hats in China-educatr, authr, vlunteer, musician, scilgist, crss-cultural cmmunicatr, winner f the Chinese gvernment's Friendship Award, and, mst nticeably, wide-brimmed.
    The bushy-bearded 73-year-ld is perhaps best knwn amng the Chinese public fr writing American cuntry music-style sngs abut China that he perfrms in full cwby regalia. He ften sings and plays his guitar t the accmpaniment f the erhu played by his friend, Fu Han, in their musical du, In Side Out. Levine has staged hundreds f perfrmances in 15 prvinces, and ne had an audience ver 50,000, he says.
    Fu Han recalls he nce perfrmed in a well-knwn bar in Beijing's Huhai area, and she jined him n stage with her erhu. "A grup f turists frm nrthern Eurpe came up and watched and filmed us, and started singing with us. I realized a Chinese instrument and face can help better tell China's stries t freigners. “S, they fficially became band mates. "I'm the 'in' and he's the 'ut' in In Side Out,” she explains.
    Levine plans t release a sng bk when he reaches 100 sngs. He has s far written ver 70 tunes that he calls "musical stries frm my Chinese jurney,, since he settled in Beijing in 2007 t take an ccupatin at Minzu University f China, where he still wrks, largely n accunt f its ethnic diversity.
    Levine says tw highlights during his time in the cuntry have been winning the Friendship Award in 2014 and receiving his Chinese “green card” in 2016. Levine hpes it increases crss-cultural understanding. One f his friends says Levine is particularly apt fr the task. "Mark is a perfect ambassadr fr humanity, s t speak, wh has fund his ideal place here,“ he says.
    What can we learn frm Levine's musical achievement?
    He has released a bk abut his sngs.
    He has perfrmed his sngs all ver China.
    His biggest cncert attracted nearly 50,000 audiences.
    He cmbined American music style with Chinese stries.
    Why did he determine t wrk at Minzu University f China?
    He desired t settle in Beijing.
    He culd win the Friendship Award.
    He culd be expsed t diverse cultures.
    He culd find mre musical stries there.
    What's the meaning f the underlined wrd “apt” in the last paragraph?
    A. Intelligent.B. Suitable.C. Reliable.D. Enthusiastic.
    Which f the fllwing can best describe Levine?
    A. Devted and utspken.B. Attentive and generus.
    C. Intelligent and sensitive.D. Active and prductive.
    Numerus studies, including a 2019 review in the jurnal Annual Research & Review in Bilgy, have fund that bth perfrming and listening t music can have a significant impact n the immune system.
    “Certainly music has an impact n the brain, and anxiety and stress impact the immune system,” said Andrew Levin, a neurlgist at the University f Pittsburgh. Dr. Levin, an amateur trumpet player wh perfrms with several lcal ensembles, said he's nt an expert in the ways music interacts with the brain. But it wrks fr him. "Music is a part f my stress release paradigm,“ he said. "We knw that music can affect brain states, s I dn't believe it is much f a stretch t say that music can indirectly affect ur physilgy, and there is research that supprts this ntin. ”
    Accrding t a 2013 review in the jurnal Brain Behavir and Immunity, the emtinal and psychlgical effects f listening t music have direct impacts n bimarkers and hrmne levels. There is als general cnsensus amng researchers that listening t music reduces crtisl (皮质醇)levels.
    Des the type f music matter? It des. Prir assciatins and relatinships with different types f music affect hw yur bdy respnds. In general, research indicates that “relaxing music” (i. e. slwer pace, peaceful music) is better fr calming tense nerves, decreasing bld pressure and breath and settling the heart rate.
    Singing a different tune? Ptvin, a prfessr f music therapy at Duquesne University, is skeptical f sme f the research linking music with the immune system, questining whether it's healthy t use music r any ther tl t resist anxiety. "The research is superficial, thugh I dn't mean that in a negative way,“ he said. "I think the infrmatin we have is valuable, but we need t g deeper. ”
    What des the underlined wrd "it" in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Music.B. Brain.C. Immune system. D. The research.
    What d we knw abut relaxing music accrding t the text?
    It has fast rhythm.
    It cntributes t a stable heart rate.
    It des n gd t calm tense nerves.
    It can increase bld pressure and breath.
    What d we learn frm the last paragraph?
    Ptvin has sme prejudice abut the research.
    Ptvin thinks further study abut it is necessary.
    Ptvin questins whether music effectively resists anxiety.
    Ptvin is cnvinced f the impact f music n the immune system.
    What might be the best title f the text?
    A. What's the functin f music?B. Des music benefit yur brain?
    C. Hw t prmte yur immune system?D. Can music bst yur immune system?
    Fr 30 years, Alaska's nrthern fur seal ppulatin has nt increased. But the cean mammals are appearing in grwing numbers in ne unlikely place—a small island that frms the tip f an active undersea vlcan. Bgslf Island is distant and unppulated. It sits in the eastern Bering Sea. Openings n the grund there release mud, steam and sulfurus gases, but nrthern fur seals find the island t be a gd place fr giving birth and raising their yung.
    It is unclear why the seals have chsen t live n an active vlcanic island instead f ther unppulated islands in the area. "The surface is cvered with these big blcks, sme as big as 10 meters in length, which were explded ut f the vent,” said Chris Waythmas, a U. S. Gelgical Survey research scientist.
    Nrthern fur seals get their name frm their extremely thick fur; they have abut 60,000 hairs per square centimeter. When Russian Emperr Alexander II needed mney and decided t sell Alaska t the United States in 1867, fur was ne f the future state's knwn valuables.
    Mst f the wrld's nrthern fur seals live in the eastern Bering Sea area. They live in the cean frm Nvember t June and return t land in summer, when they breed and nurse pups. Between 1950 and 1988, the nrthern fur seal ppulatin drpped frm 2. 1 millin t 1. 1 millin. Scientists d nt knw why they have nt made a cmeback. Nrthern fur seals were first seen n Bgslf in 1980. NOAA researchers have since carried ut peridic studies f the ppulatin.
    Vlcanic activity n Bgslf has remained mstly stable. But Gelatt's crew chse nt t camp there during their week-lng visit in August. They feared an explsin culd sht up huge rcks. Instead, they made day trips frm a secured bat. The crew cunted the number f seals and examined whether images taken frm abve by an unpilted aircraft culd be used in future cunts.
    What's the text mainly abut?
    A. The scientists are wrried abut the extinctin f seals.
    The envirnment prtectin is crucial t wild animals.
    The nrthern fur seals are n the rise n Bgslf Island.
    The nrthern fur seals like distant and unppulated places.
    What d Chris Waythmas, wrds mean?
    A. The cnditins n Bgslf Island are tugh and terrible.
    An active undersea vlcan makes Bgslf Island livable.
    Bgslf Island is suitable fr the nrthern fur seals t live n
    It's reasnable fr the nrthern fur seals t live n a small island.
    What can be learned frm the paragraph 3 & 4?
    The nrthern fur seals breed and nurse pups in winter.
    The nrthern fur seals' thick fur is f n value nwadays.
    There were abut 1. 1 millin nrthern fur seals n the island.
    It's nt clear why nrthern fur seal ppulatin has nt increased.
    Hw did researchers guarantee their safety during the study?
    By bserving in the distance.
    By ding the research inside an aircraft
    By taking a bat with prtective equipment every day.
    By using phts sht by an unmanned vehicle t cunt seals.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。
    All left-handed humans have nt had it easy in the wrld. In many cultures and in the dark ages, left-handed peple have generally been seen as the devil.
    The wrd "left" in English cmes frm the Angl-Saxn wrd “lyft”,which means weak r brken. The Oxfrd English Dictinary defines "left-handed" as meaning defective, awkward r clumsy. 16 A "left-handed cmpliment" and a "left-handed marriage” can be set as examples. The frmer des nt mean sincere praise but indicates an insult. The latter, as yu may ntice, refers t an illegal r infrmal marriage, which, in particular, invlves ne side f ryal r nble birth and the ther f lwer rank.
    In sme certain cultures, things g beynd that. 17 In Nigeria, fr instance, taking r giving anything t anyne with yur left hand is assumed that yu lack hme training.
    18 Many peple arund yu in China, if asked, wuld tell yu they were frced by their parents r teachers, t write with their right hand. Strangely enugh, nne f thse elders can say what an actual prblem there is with left-handedness. If it has t d with the fear f that child nt being prsperus, there are a lt f left-handed persnalities ding well and breaking grunds. The pssible explanatin here maybe lies in their lng- held prejudice. 19
    Tw-thirds f the wrld still view left-handedness as a shrtcming but it isn't. 20 That is what C. R. Manske pints ut, “Life withut left-handed peple wuldn't be right. ”
    And that is nt the nly case.
    The fllwing tw examples can best reflect this pint.
    A tiny gesture r mvement with the left hand can mean a lt.
    Namely, peple tend t believe in cmmn ideas instead f the reality.
    The way frward fr the left-handers is fr them t be accepted as they are.
    Certain phrases in English suggest a rather negative view f “left-handedness”.
    In ther wrds, different deep-rted beliefs riginate frm different cultures.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Fr years, ur children ften asked us if we culd get a dg. When faced with it, my husband and I had sme 21 respnses, such as “Smeday?" and “Maybe when yu're ld enugh. " Then 22 2020, the year f ur pandemic dread. Smetime between my mther's livestreamed 23 this spring and back — t — schl that never seemed t happen this fall, “maybe" 24 "yes" and “smeday“ became “as sn as pssible”.
    We had lst s much during the pandemic — my mther, my grandmther... Hence, 25 a puppy became an attractin fr all f us. PUPPY DAY!!! was sn written dwn and 26 n the calendar.
    Our new puppy finally came 27 in mid-Nvember and has brught a lt f jy t us. The kids picked a name “Peggy“ and refused t cnsider thers. I tell Peggy several times a day what a 28 angel she is, using a 29 I wuldn't have dreamed f using even with my children. I've filled my Twitter and Instagram feeds with 30 f her. Every night, I spend a cuple f quiet, peaceful hurs enjying cuddle time with her n the cuch she wasn't suppsed t be 31 n.
    When I tell peple that Peggy has 32 me this year — it's true. Peggy has given ur weary, 33 family a new shared fcus, an emtinal center that isn't all abut ur 34 . She's given us all a new 35 t put ur lve in and brught us back t urselves.
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    Sanxingdui is believed t have sat at the heart f the Shu state, which histrians knw 36 (relative) little abut due t few little written recrds.
    Mre than 50,000 ancient artifacts 37 (find) at Sanxingdui since the 1920s,38 a lcal farmer accidentally came upn a number f relics at the site. A majr breakthrugh 39 (ccur) in 1986, with the discvery f tw ceremnial pits 40 (cntain) ver 1,000 items, elabrate and well-preserved brnze masks included. Many f the items are nw 41 display at an n-site museum.
    The site has revlutinized experts5 understanding f hw civilizatin develped in ancient China. In particular, evidence f a unique Shu culture suggested that the kingdm develped independently f neighbring scieties in the Yellw River Valley, which was cnsidered t be 42 cradle (摇篮)f Chinese civilizatin.
    The discvery f silk fibers and the remains f textiles may als expand 43 (we) understanding f the Shu. Head f the excavatin team, Tang Fei, said in a press cnference that the discvery indicates that the kingdm “was ne f the imprtant 44 (rigin) f silk in ancient China”.
    Thugh nt yet 45 (recgnize) as a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site, Sanxingdui is n the rganizatin's "tentative list" fr pssible future inclusin
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,你校在五一国际劳动节期间组织师生到新星农场参观。请为你校英文 网站撰写一篇报道,内容包括:
    A Visit t Xinxing Farm
    2 .请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Daryl was a lrry driver and n his shrtest way t Ls Angeles there was a weather-beaten bridge he had t drive ver day after day fr almst 3 years.
    Staying at hme alne, his 66-year-ld mum gt int a strange habit f telling his sweet sn the headline f the nn news n the phne. It was a daily rutine fr Daryl t pick up the cellphne at 12: 30 when he was abut t drive away frm the ld shabby bridge. Unbelievable as it sunded, it was true, thugh.
    The sun tday was rising when Daryl's delivery truck reached the highway. This was the best time f day t drive, when the rads were wide pen and empty. He felt sure he was ging t make it t Ls Angeles befre nightfall, r he wuld have annyed his bss. All lked like it was ging t be a gd day.
    Tw hurs later, ut f nwhere, he saw it, a large lump in the middle f the rad. Daryl ften passed dead animals n the radside but he knew that this was smething different. He slammed n his brakes and the truck screeched t a halt.
    It turned ut t be a girl. Daryl jumped dwn, raced frward and tried shaking her awake but she wuldn't mve, s he lifted her up and carried her t the side f the rad. At least she wuldn't be run ver there.
    Nw she was smene else's prblem. He had t make it t Ls Angeles by nightfall and didn't have time t be a her. He climbed back int his truck but as he lked in his mirrr and saw the girl lying still by the side f the rad, he was deep in thught, “What if she was smelt by wild animals arund r kncked again by ther drivers passing by?”
    Paragraph 1:
    His feeling f guilt pushed him dwn frm the vehicle twards her again. .
    . .
    Paragraph 2:
    Just as he was abut t pull back frm the hspital, his mther called him as usual. .
    . .
    . .
    21. A vagueB. randmC. explicitD. impractical
    22. A. made
    B. reached
    C. went
    D. came
    23. A gathering
    B. shpping
    C. celebratin
    D. funeral
    24. A. exchanged int
    B. tk ver
    C. gave way t
    D. put thrugh
    25. A. saving
    B. sptting
    C. getting
    D. distinguishing
    26. A. appeared
    B. marked
    C. read
    D. seen
    27. A. up
    B. abut
    C. alng
    D. back
    28. A. perfect
    B. frtunate
    C. dynamic
    D. cmmn
    29. A. lk
    B. language
    C. md
    D. tne
    30. A wrds
    B. pictures
    C. fd
    D. supplies
    31. A. allwed
    B. sat
    C. anticipated
    D. invlved
    32. A. surprised
    B. saved
    C. defended
    D. struck
    33. A. happy
    B. merciful
    C. heartbrken
    D. hrrible
    34. A. lss
    B. news
    C. family
    D. feelings
    35. A. dg
    B. place
    C. chance
    D. idea

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