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    这是一份精品解析:2021年江苏省南京市建邺区中考二模英语试题(解析版+原卷版),文件包含精品解析2021年江苏省南京市建邺区中考二模英语试题原卷版doc、精品解析2021年江苏省南京市建邺区中考二模英语试题解析版doc等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. Frm the fllwing pictures, we knw that _________.

    A. the by always says NO t thers
    B. the by likes playing with stnes very much
    C. it will be dangerus fr the by t skate n the ice
    D. it will be fine fr the by t skate n the ice as it is thick enugh
    the by always says NO t thers这个男孩总是对别人说“不”;the by likes playing with stnes very much这个男孩非常喜欢玩石头;it will be dangerus fr the by t skate n the ice对那个男孩来说,在冰上滑冰是危险的;it will be fine fr the by t skate n the ice as it is thick enugh冰够厚了,这个男孩在冰上滑冰会没事的。根据图片内容和文字“I WONDER IF THAT ICE IS THICK ENOUGH C SKATE ON”和“NO!”,可知在冰上滑冰是很危险的,故选C。
    2. — I didn’t understand what Mr. Li said just nw and I am a little wrried nw.
    — Dn’t wrry. He prmised t_________the main pints befre the exam.
    A. reviewB. receiveC. respectD. require
    考查动词词义辨析。review复习;receive收到;respect尊敬;require要求。根据“befre the exam.”可知,这里表示在考试之前“复习”要点。故选A。
    3. — D yu stay up at night and get up late in the mrning just like me?
    — Never. I think yu’d better break that_________.
    A. habitB. prjectC. abilityD. advice
    考查名词词义辨析。habit习惯;prject工程;ability能力;advice建议。根据“ stay up at night and get up late in the mrning”可知这是一个不好的习惯,所以这里表示“最好改掉这个习惯”。故选A。
    4. The new wrkshp can nt nly help students learn different skills but als teach _________ t care abut thers.
    A. theyB. themC. theirD. themselves
    考查代词辨析。they他们,主格;them他们,宾格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;themselves他们自己,反身代词。根据“als care abut thers”可知,teach sb. t d sth.表示“教某人做某事”,sb.用代词宾格形式。故选B。
    5. — Is the by ver there Tm? He ften wears a jacket like that.
    — It _______ be him. He is absent frm schl tday.
    A. needn’tB. shuldn’tC. mustn’tD. can’t
    考查情态动词。needn’t不必;shuldn’t不应该;mustn’t禁止;can’t不可能。根据“He is absent frm schl tday”可知,推测那个男孩一定不是汤姆,否定推测用can’t,故选D。
    6. Chinese scientist Yuan Lngping, knwn as “Father f Hybrid Rice”, passed away _________ the age f 91 n May 22, 2021.
    A. inB. nC. atD. fr
    【详解】句意:中国科学家袁隆平,被称为“杂交水稻之父” ,于2021年5月22日去世,享年91岁。
    考查介词辨析。in在……里;n在……上;at在……岁时;fr为;at the age f在……岁时,固定短语。故选C。
    7. The lst girl decided t remain _________ she was and wait fr her elder brther.
    A. whereB. whatC. hwD. wh
    考查连词。where哪里;what什么;hw如何;wh谁。根据“she was and wait fr her elder brther”可知,remain后接的是表示位置的内容,应用where引导从句。故选A。
    8. — Which city d yu like better, Tky r Lndn?
    — Hard t say. Lndn has lwer prices but Tky is_________in traffic.
    A. mre rganizedB. less rganized
    C. the mst rganizedD. the least rganized
    考查形容词比较级。根据题干中“Which city d yu like better, Tky r Lndn”可知是将这两座城市进行比较,结合转折连词“but ”,可知前面是讲的伦敦的优点,后面应该是东京的优点。故选A。
    9. —Hurry up! I’m afraid we will miss the beginning f the cncert.
    —If we leave right away, _________ we’ll arrive n time.
    A. generallyB. hpefullyC. curiuslyD. patiently
    考查副词辨析。generally普遍地;hpefully有希望地;curiusly好奇地;patiently耐心地。根据“If we leave right away, …we’ll arrive n time.”可知,如果马上出发,有希望准时到达。故选B。
    10. The card n the right is_________.
    A. a pstcardB. an invitatin
    C. an advertisementD. a ticket fr a party
    考查名词。a pstcard一张明信片;an invitatin一张邀请函;an advertisemeng一则广告;a ticket fr a party一张聚会的票。根据“We’re thrwing a party because Bernie Siegel IS TURNING 8!Jin us n Sunday,”可知,要举行聚会,邀请人参加,因此这是一封邀请函,故选B。
    11. —Where is Jack? His mther is lking fr him.
    —Oh, he is _________ leaflets there t make peple knw mre abut UNICEF.
    A. putting utB. putting inC. handing utD. handing in
    考查动词短语辨析。putting ut扑灭;putting in投入;handing ut分发;handing in上交。根据题干“he is…leaflets there t make peple knw mre abut UNICEF”,可知是在发传单,故选C。
    12. Sme free health service_________fr the elderly in the near future.
    A. prvidesB. is prvided
    C. will prvideD. will be prvided
    考查被动语态。prvide动词,意为“提供”。health service和prvide之间是被动关系,被动语态结构:be+动词过去分词,根据“in the near future”可以判断出句子的时态是一般将来时,所以此处用一般将来的被动语态。故选D。
    13. S far, China ________ the wrld’s largest highway netwrk, with a ttal length f 160,000 kilmeters.
    A. buildsB. builtC. will buildD. has built
    考查时态。build“建造”,动词;根据时间状语“S far”可知句子是现在完成时,其谓语动词结构为“has/have +过去分词”,主语China,助动词用has;故选 D。
    14. Janet is writing a reprt abut pets.
    Which sentence wuld supprt the tpic?
    A. I like t watch rbins and ther birds build the nests.
    B. Dgs and cats shuld be taken care f very carefully.
    C. My elder brther is the ne wh cleans ur fish tank.
    D. Rabbits are cheap and need less care than larger pets.
    考查常识。 I like t watch rbins and ther birds build the nests我喜欢看知更鸟和其他鸟类筑巢;Dgs and cats shuld be taken care f very carefully狗和猫应该非常小心地照顾;My elder brther is the ne wh cleans ur fish tank我哥哥是清洗我们鱼缸的人;Rabbits are cheap and need less care than larger pets兔子很便宜,比大型宠物更不需要照顾。根据题干可知主旨句为“but there are ther things t think abut befre chsing a pet”,此处的“ther things”是指选其他动物作为宠物。故选D。
    15. — Michael was late fr Mr. Smith’s chemistry class this mrning.
    —________? As far as I knw, he never came late t class.
    A. S whatB. Why ntC. Hw cmeD. Wh cares
    【详解】—— 迈克尔今天早上在史密斯先生的化学课迟到了。—— 为什么? 据我所知,他上课从来不迟到。
    考查交际用语。S what那又怎样;Why nt为什么不;Hw cme为什么;Wh cares谁在意。根据“As far as I knw, he never came late t class.”可知,迈克尔上课从不会迟到,今天迟到是有原因的。故选C。
    ⼆、完形填空(共 10 ⼩题;每⼩题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    Many gardens, bth public and private, are nw being designed t attract and nurture butterflies. Butterfly gardens dn’t ____16____ a large area. They can be big r small. The ____17____ des nt matter. Mre imprtant than the garden’s dimensins is its ability t attract these clrful creatures.
    A butterfly garden needs t ffer sunlight Butterflies spend much f their time basking (晒太阳) in the sun. Only by taking in the sun’s energy can they fly.
    Therefre, the garden shuld nt have t much ____18____. It shuld ffer pen areas that prvide chances fr basking. A garden facing suth will receive the mst sunlight.
    The garden must ffer ____19____ frm bad weather as well. Butterfly wings are very easily damaged r brken. Like fine clth, they can rip (撕裂), and that can cause ____20____ results. Hedges (树篱) can prtect fragile wings frm strng winds.
    Hedges als accmmdate butterflies at the end f the day, when they ____21____ the bttm surface f leaves t rest upn. There they clse their wings and it will be ____22____ t see them. S animals that kill r eat butterflies cannt find them easily.
    Water, t, must be readily available. Butterflies ften make areas where they get water and disslved salts wet. There, butterflies can ____23____.
    The garden must als prvide fd. Flwers that prduce nectar, which butterflies feed upn, shuld be mre than enugh. Such flwers shuld als ffer places large enugh t hld these insects. ____24____ butterflies will nt be able t land. Butterflies try t find flwers f different clrs and heights. Flwers with a strng smell are mre likely t be ____25____ by butterflies as well. All in all, a successful butterfly garden will include many kinds f flwers.
    16. A. haveB. liveC. needD. pick
    17. A. sizeB. senseC. materialD. methd
    18. A. grassB. silC. niseD. shade
    19. A. situatinB. prtectinC. attentinD. discussin
    20. A. perfectB. seriusC. traditinalD. energetic
    21. A. lk frB. give upC. run utD. turn n
    22. A. bringB. interestingC. easyD. hard
    23. A. grwB. balanceC. drinkD. prefer
    24. A. OtherwiseB. HweverC. MreverD. Anyway
    25. A. watchedB. caughtC. mvedD. visited
    【答案】16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B 21. A 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. D
    have有;live居住;need需要;pick捡起。根据“They can be big r small.”可知,此处表示蝴蝶园不需要很大的面积。故选C。
    size规模;sense感觉;material材料;methd方法。根据“ Butterfly gardens dn’t need a large area. They can be big r small.”可知,此处表示蝴蝶园的规模不重要。故选A。
    grass草;sil土壤;nise噪音;shade阴影。根据“A butterfly garden needs t ffer sunlight. Butterflies spend much f their time basking in the sun”可知,蝴蝶园需要有阳光,所以此处表示不应该有太多的阴影。故选D。
    situatin情况;prtectin保护;attentin注意;discussin讨论。根据“Hedges can prtect fragile wings frm strng winds.”可知,蝴蝶园需要有树篱来保护蝴蝶。故选B。
    perfect完美的;serius严重的;traditinal传统的;energetic精力充沛的。根据“Like fine clth, they can rip”可知,蝴蝶的翅膀被撕裂会导致严重的后果。故选B。
    lk fr寻找;give up放弃;run ut用光;turn n打开。根据“when bttm surface f leaves t rest upn”可知,一天结束后,蝴蝶会寻找休息的地方。故选A。
    bring无聊的;interesting有趣的;easy容易的;hard难的。根据“S animals that kill r eat butterflies cannt find them easily.”可知,此处表示很难看到蝴蝶。故选D。
    grw成长;balance平衡;drink喝;prefer更喜欢。根据“Water, t, must be readily available.”可知,此处表示提供水给蝴蝶喝。故选C。
    Otherwise否则;Hwever然而;Mrever而且;Anyway无论如何。根据“Such flwers shuld als ffer places large enugh t hld these insects”可知,这样的花也应该提供足够大的地方来容纳这些昆虫,否则蝴蝶将无法降落。故选A。
    watched看;caught抓住;mved移动;visited参观。根据“Flwers with a strng smell are mre likely t butterflies as well.”可知,有强烈气味的花更能吸引蝴蝶来参观。故选D。
    三、阅读理解(共 15 ⼩题;每⼩题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    认真阅读下列材料,从材料后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    He’s all right, my dad.
    My dad isn’t afraid f ANYTHING, even the big bad wlf.
    He can jump right ver the mn, and walk n a tightrpe (withut falling ff).
    He can wrestle against giants, r win the father’s race n sprts day, easily.
    He’s all right, my dad.
    My dad can eat like a hrse, and he can swim like a fish.
    He is as strng as a grilla, and as happy as a hippptamus.
    He’s all right, my dad.
    My dad’s as big as a hrse, and as sft as my teddy. He’s as wise as an wl, and daft as a brush.
    He’s all right, my dad
    My dad’s a great dancer, and a brilliant singer.
    He is fantastic at ftball, and he makes me laugh. A lt.
    I lve my dad. And yu knw what?
    HE LOVES ME! (And he always will.)
    26. What can the writer’s father d?
    A. See things as well as an wl.B. Jump high and swim fast
    C. Clean walls with brushes.D. Ride a hrse and play ftball
    27. Why is the sentence “He’s all right, my dad.” repeated fur times?
    A. T shw he lves me greatlyB. T shw he is very humrus.
    C. T tell he is a great father.D. T tell he is nt afraid f anything.
    28. Where can yu mst prbably find the material abve?
    A. In a children’s bkB. In a newspaper
    C. In a science bkD. In a histry bk.
    【答案】26. B 27. C 28. A
    细节理解题。根据“He can jump right ver the mn”和“and he can swim like a fish.”可知,作者的父亲,跳高跳得高,游泳游得快。故选B。
    推理判断题。“He’s all right, my dad.”重复了四次,每一次在文中出现,下面的内容,作者都赞美了自己的父亲,可知作者重复这句话,是在强调自己的父亲是一位很棒的父亲。故选C。
    “Guess what?” Rsie cried. “I’ve been picked fr the schl band. I’m ging t get an instrument.” She flapped a nte at her mther. She danced arund the kitchen. “It says there’s ging t be a meeting. Yu and Dad need t g and hear all abut it. S d I!”
    Rsie’s mun read the nte.
    Dear Parent,
    Yur child Rsie, has been chsen t play an instrument in the junir band. A meeting will be held at 7 p.m. n Thursday in the music rm t discuss this cmmitment. It is imprtant that all parents and children be there. Please let me knw if yu cannt attend.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Karen Thmas
    Music teacher
    “Well, what abut that?” said Mum. “Our Rsie the musician! This is really great. But Mrs Thmas is right. It certainly will be a cmmitment.”
    “What’s a cmmitment?” Rsie asked.
    “It’s like a prmise,” Mum explained. “If yu get an instrument yu have t prmise t d yur best and t practise. Sme kids say they’ll practise but then it all gets t hard and they give up.”
    “N prblem,” said Rsie. “I wn’t give up. I want t be in the band mre than anything.”
    What wuld be difficult abut being in the band, thught Rsie.
    29. The purpse f the meeting is t let children and parents knw ________.
    A. wh the music teacher will be
    B. wh has been picked fr the band
    C. what the band members will have t d
    D. what prgress-the band members have made
    30. Rsie’s nte is shwn in the text. This helps t ________ .
    A. make readers feel happy fr Rsie
    B. knw mre abut Rsie and the band
    C. tell the reader smething Rsie desn’t knw
    D. make the reader feel mre part f Rsie’s stry
    31. Why des Rsie’s mum say “It certainly will be a cmmitment.” ?
    A. T remind Rsie t wrk hard.
    B. T praise Rsie’s big success.
    C. T encurage Rsie t be brave.
    D. T supprt Rsie’s clever decisin.
    32. Rsie can be best described as a persn wh is ________.
    A. mdestB. patientC. successfulD. cnfident
    【答案】29. C 30. D 31. A 32. D
    推理判断题。根据通知内容“Yur child Rsie, has been chsen t play an instrument in the junir band. A meeting will be held…t discuss this cmmitment”,可知是为了让孩子和家长知道乐队成员要做什么,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据通知内容“It is imprtant that all parents and children be there”,可知是补充介绍故事起因,能够让读者更多地了解罗西的相关事情,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据下文妈妈的解释“If yu get an instrument yu have t prmise t d yur best and t practise. Sme kids say they’ll practise but then it all gets t hard and they give up”,可知妈妈是在提醒孩子要努力坚持,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据罗西的话“N prblem…I wn’t give up”,可知她很自信,故选D。
    I’m a prcrastinatr (拖延者) . In cllege, I was suppsed t spend a year n my 90-page senir thesis. I didn’t write a wrd until three days befre the deadline. Finally, I wrte 90 pages ver 72 hurs, pulling nt ne but tw all-nighters t finish just befre the deadline. Of curse, it was a very bad thesis.
    I have a hypthesis that the brains f prcrastinatrs and nn–prcrastinatrs are actually different. Bth brains have a Ratinal(理性的)Decisin-Maker in them wh has us d whatever makes sense t be ding right nw. But the prcrastinatr’s brain als has an Instant Gratificatin (及时行乐)Mnkey wh desn’t like that plan and nly cares abut tw things: easy and fun.
    Fr the prcrastinatr, it is the Mnkey that actually takes the wheel. But, hw can they start wrking when really imprtant things happen? It turns ut the prcrastinatr als has a Panic Mnster. He is nt active mst f the time, but he suddenly wakes up anytime a deadline gets t clse. He’s the nly thing the Instant Gratificatin Mnkey is terrified f.
    Seeing the Panic Mnster, the Instant Gratificatin Mnkey ges up a tree and hides! The Ratinal Decisin-Maker can then take the wheel and the prcrastinatr can start wrking.
    This explains hw the prcrastinatr’s system wrks. But if it wrks, why bther?
    Well, it’s because there are situatins in ur lives that dn’t have deadlines, like seeing yur family r exercising. In all f these nn deadline situatins, the Panic Mnster desn’t shw up. S the prcrastinatr’s system actually desn’t start wrk. Therefre, smething must be dne.
    33. Accrding t the writer, what des the brains f nn-prcrastinatrs have?
    A. Panic Mnster.
    B. Ratinal Decisin-Maker.
    C. Prcrastinatr’s system.
    D. Instant Gratificatin Mnkey.
    34. Frm the passage, we knw that Instant Gratificatin Mnkey ________.
    A. prevents a prcrastinatr frm wrking
    B. cares abut things that need t be dne
    C. is nly scared f Ratinal Decisin Maker
    D. takes wheel all the time fr a prcrastinatr
    35. What des the underlined wrd “they” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. prcrastinatrs.B. mnkeys.C. wheels.D. imprtant things.
    36. What will the authr talk abut in the next part f the passage?
    A. Advantages f prcrastinatin.
    B. Ways t deal with prcrastinatin.
    C. Hw a prcrastinatr’s brain wrks.
    D. Truble that prcrastinatin may bring.
    【答案】33. B 34. A 35. B 36. B
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Bth brains have a Ratinal Decisin-Maker in them wh has us d whatever makes sense t be ding right nw.”拖延者和非拖延者的大脑都有一个理性的决策者,他让我们现在做任何有意义的事情;可知,非拖延者的大脑有理性决策者;故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“But the prcrastinatr’s brain als has an Instant Gratificatin Mnkey wh desn’t like that plan and nly cares abut tw things easy and fun”但拖延者的大脑也有一个即时行乐猴子,它不喜欢这个计划,只关心两件事:简单和有趣;可知,即时行乐猴子阻止拖延者工作;故选A。
    词义猜测题。上文“即时行乐猴子阻止拖延者工作”;根据第三段“Fr the prcrastinatr, it is the Mnkey that actually takes the wheel”对拖延者来说,是猴子真正掌握了方向;可知下文指“当真正重要的事情发生时,即时行乐猴子如何开始工作”,用they指代mnkeys;故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一句“Therefre, smething must be dne”因此,必须采取一些措施来解决拖延症;可知,下文会陈述“解决拖延的方法”;故选B。
    The very fast changes and develpments in technlgy are regular news items. Our children are grwing up in a wrld that is mre grunded in technlgy than ever befre.
    Children nwadays dn’t recgnize the technlgy their parents grew up with. There are vides and articles that shw children trying t use utdated technlgy. It is funny t watch them try t wrk ut what t d with a telephne that desn’t have a tuch screen. Als watch the vide abut children trying t wrk ut what t d with a cassette tape and a Walkman. The cncepts and machines nce familiar t parents are nw very alien t their kids.
    Wh can remember when black and white televisin became clur televisin?
    One parent psted n scial media that she was watching a re-run f a shw ppular in the 1950s with her yung sn. He asked her what was wrng with the televisin because the shw had been filmed in black and white. He had never seen anything n televisin in black and white.
    Televisin channels nw bradcast 24 hurs a day. In the past, televisin had a start and finish time. After the last prgram, the test pattern appeared n the screen. It shwed that the transmitter was wrking but that n prgram was being bradcast. These patterns were als used when there was a prblem with the bradcasting. Can yu imagine what children wuld d nw if they saw this kind f symbl n the screen in frnt f them?
    T shw children the technlgy that their parents nce used, but which children dn’t understand is the fcus f the travelling exhibit the Natinal Histry Museum has put tgether. It features items that are nw just a memry fr the lder generatin. G and see the exhibitin nw!
    37. What des the underlined wrd “grunded” mean in Paragraph 1?
    1. (v) t cnnect an electrical device t the grund
    e.g. The lamps were grunded by sme wires.
    2. (v) t be based n smething
    e.g. The prfessr’s idea is grunded n Einstein’s thery.
    3 (v) t teach smene thrughly in a subject
    e.g. The student was grunded in hw cmputers wrked by his teacher.
    4. (v) t be punished by yur parents
    e.g. She was grunded because she played nline games and did nt d her hmewrk.
    A. 1.B. 2.C. 3.D. 4.
    38. In Paragraph 3, the child watching televisin asked his mther the questin because he________.
    A. was very interested in the shw in the past
    B. wuld like t knw mre abut scial media
    C. enjyed watching a shw ppular in the 1950s
    D. had never watched a TV prgram in black and white
    39. The test pattern was used t________.
    A. test whether the televisin wrks r nt
    B. bradcast the prgram using the transmitter
    C. see if there’s smething wrng with the transmitter
    D. shw the start time and finish time f the prgrams
    40. What can be the best title f the passage?
    A. Develpment f the televisin
    B. Hw t use utdated technlgy
    C. Technlgy kids dn’t understand
    D. New technlgy changes the wrld
    【答案】37. B 38. D 39. C 40. C
    词义猜测题。“ Our children are grwing up in a wrld that is mre grunded in technlgy than ever befre.”意为我们的孩子们生长在一个前所未有的,建立在科技基础上的世界。结合选项,“t be based n smething”意为“基于某事”。和原文画线单词表达意思相近。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“He asked her what was wrng with the televisin because the shw had been filmed in black and white. He had never seen anything n televisin in black and white.”儿子问电视出了什么问题,因为这部电视剧是用黑白胶片拍摄的。他从未在电视上看到过任何黑白的东西。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“After the last prgram, the test pattern appeared n the screen. It shwed that the transmitter was wrking but that n prgram was being bradcast.” 在最后一个节目之后,测试模式出现在屏幕上。它显示发射机正在工作,但没有节目正在广播。所以测试模式可以检测发射机是否有问题。故选C。
    非选择题 (共 50 分)
    四、填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    41. When __________ (春天) cmes, it becmes warmer and plants begin t grw again.
    【详解】句意:当春天到来 ,天气变暖,植物又开始生长。 cmes是谓语动词,前面主语可用名词。spring是名词,意为“春天”。故填spring。
    42. Accrding t the latest survey, mst f thse brn in the 2000s have a strng sense f natinal __________ (骄傲).
    43. —Yu lk a bit __________ (紧张). What’s up?
    —I will give a public speech very sn and I haven’t fully prepared.
    44. All passengers__________ (除了) babies are nt allwed t eat r drink n the subway.
    【详解】句意:除婴儿外,所有乘客都不允许在地铁上吃或喝东西。根据“All passengers…babies are nt allwed t eat r drink n the subway”及中文提示可知,用except表示“除……之外(不包括在内)”,故填except。
    45. Just t __________ (使……满意) my curisity, hw much did the rbt cst?
    46. Peple in their __________ (thirty) smetimes care mre abut their career than their life.
    【详解】句意:30多岁的人有时更关心自己的职业而不是生活。“in ne’s+整十基数词复数”表示“在某人几十岁的时候”,thirty的复数形式为thirties。故填thirties。
    47. The prblem can’t __________ (slve) in a shrt time. It needs t be discussed.
    【答案】be slved
    【详解】句意:这个问题不可能在短时间内解决。需要讨论一下。slve解决(问题);分析句子可知,主语prblem是动词slve的受动者,需用be dne被动语态结构;情态动词后接原形动词,结合单词提示,故填be slved。
    48. Mr. Smith wns a larger __________ (cllect) f cins than anyne else I have met.
    49. When Venice is mentined, des it bring any ther __________ (Eurpe) city t yur mind?
    50. What a great shame it is __________ (hear) that plastic waste can be fund almst everywhere, even in the deep cean.
    【答案】t hear
    【详解】句意:听到塑料垃圾几乎无处不在,甚至在深海里,这是多么令人遗憾的事。固定搭配:It is+形容词+t d sth“做某事是……”,动词不定式作主语,故填t hear。
    C) 根据短文内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文内容完整正确,并将答案填写在相应位置上。
    Cllin: Have yu heard f Wrld Water Day?
    Elm: Of curse. Wrld Water Day, held n 22 March every year since 1993, fcuses n the imprtance f freshwater. Its gal is t make peple and gvernments realize that freshwater is ne f ur mst _____51_____ resurces.
    Clin: That’s great. In my pinin, fr human beings, water nt nly _____52_____ an imprtant resurce t survive and grw, but als ffers fun and pleasure. Culd yu imagine what the wrld wuld be like withut water?
    Elm: Yu get the pint. Nwadays, we are _____53_____ an increasing number f envirnmental prblems such as water pllutin and water shrtage. In India’s capital, New Delhi, millins d nt have any running water.
    Cllin: That’s true. Even in sme rich cuntries, sme peple wait hurs fr clean water.
    Elm: Really? That’s terrible. Smething must be dne t save and prtect water _____54_____.
    Cllin: Yes. And Wrld Water Day is a day fr us t knw abut what we have dne and what we shuld d. I believe the envirnment will becme better and better if we fllw the _____55_____ f the Wrld Water Day.
    【答案】51. valuable
    52. is 53. facing
    54. at nce
    55. spirit
    句意:如今,我们正面临着越来越多的环境问题,如水污染和水资源短缺。分析句子结构可知,本句用are ding现在进行时结构,结合备选词,facing“面对”符合语境,故填facing。
    句意:必须立即采取措施来节约和保护水资源。分析句子可知,设空处作状语,备选词at nce“立即/马上”表时间,符合语境,故填at nce。
    句意:我相信,如果我们遵循“世界水日”的精神,环境会变得越来越好。定冠词the后接名词,备选词spirit“精神”符合语境,the spirit f……的精神,故填spirit。
    五、阅读短⽂(共 20 ⼩题;每⼩题 1 分;满分 20 分)
    A)阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容,在文章后第 1-10 小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。
    After-schl activities can be a wnderful thing and cntinue ur children’s educatin thrugh the schl hlidays. Hwever any ld activity des nt d the right jb, every activity shuld be useful and helpful and f curse, enjyable. S what matters when we make the decisin as t what ur yungster is ging t take part in?
    Abve all, yu shuld knw what yu expect yur child t learn frm the activity, fr example, learning hw t play a musical instrument, hw t draw-r whatever. Any activity shuld be a challenge t a child. Taking n the challenge and achievement can help a quiet r shy child becme mre cnfident.
    Safety must be the mst imprtant thing that yu shuld cnsider f any activity. But remember nthing can be made t be 100% safe and still be interesting. Yu shuld talk t an instructr and ask questins befre deciding this is the curse yu want yur child t be part f. Be careful f the activity itself with t much cmpetitin because that can cause prblems and kill ff enjyment. D nt frget that this is csting yu mney s try t be sure that yu are getting value fr it. Of curse there’s n dubt that discussing things with yur child first is als a gd idea.
    Parents have different pinins abut it thugh. On the ne hand there are thse wh decide all the things fr the child and adults make the running. On the ther hand there are thse wh much prefer t leave the child t chse n his r her wn and decide what they want t d during their hliday. Sme say that the secnd methd encurages children t better think fr themselves and that the first makes them depend mre n adults. Only yu can decide which ne yu are and which is the best fr yu and yur child. Remember that yu are nly yung nce and childhd will be gne sn frever. All wrk and n play is nt the idea.
    【答案】56. educatinal
    57. enjyment##jy##fun
    58. expected
    59. imprve
    60. pssible
    61. Avid 62. everything
    63. chices
    64. never##wn’t
    65. withut
    根据第一段第一句话“After-schl activities can be a wnderful thing and cntinue ur children’s educatin thrugh the schl hlidays”,可知课外活动很精彩,也很有教育意义;educatin教育,设空处需用形容词,故填educatinal。
    根据第一段第二句话“Hwever any ld activity des nt d the right jb, every activity shuld be useful and helpful and f curse, enjyable”,可知课外活动应该是有用的,有帮助的和快乐的;设空处需用名词,enjyment、jy和fun都是名词,均可以表示“乐趣”,故填enjyment/jy/fun。
    根据第二段第一句话“Abve all, yu shuld knw what yu expect yur child t learn frm the activity”,可知孩子期望能够学到什么。设空处是被动结构,所以用过去分词;be expected t d sth.被期望做某事/应该做某事,故填expected。
    根据第二段最后一句话“Taking n the challenge and achievement can help a quiet r shy child becme mre cnfident”,可知能够提高他们的信心; mre cnfident 即帮助某人提升自信心。imprve提升,改善,故填imprve。
    根据第三段第二句话“But remember nthing can be made t be 100% safe and still be interesting”,可知没有什么是100%安全的,也就是说危险总是会存在的,故填pssible。
    根据第三段第四句话“Be careful f the activity itself with t much cmpetitin because that can cause prblems and kill ff enjyment”,可知需要避免竞争太激烈的活动。be careful f...,小心注意某事,即避免这样的事发生,故填Avid。
    根据第四段第二句话“On the ne hand there are thse wh decide all the things fr the child and adults make the running”,可知有些人为孩子们决定所有的事情。all the things,即所有事,可用everything替代,故填everything。
    根据第四段第三句话“On the ther hand there are thse wh much prefer t leave the child t chse n his r her wn and decide what they want t d during their hliday”,可知有些人更喜欢让孩子自己选择。设空处需要名词,chse需转化为名词chice,根据“and decisins”可知,此处使用chice复数形式,故填chices。
    根据倒数第二句话“Remember that yu are nly yung nce and childhd will be gne sn frever”,可知童年很快就会一去不复返。will be gne frever一去不复返,表格中需要否定词,表示“不”回来,故填never/wn’t。
    根据最后一句话“All wrk and n play is nt the idea”,可知只工作不娱乐不是好主意。此处缺少介词连接,withut表示没有,符合题意,故填withut。
    High in the muntains f Peru, an ancient city hides in the cluds. The ruins f the city sit n a rides between Machu Picchu (Old Muntain) and Huayna Picchu (Yung Muntain). Far belw, the Uraubamba River flws thrugh the frest. Frm belw the city is h_____66_____. Fr nearly 450 years, the w_____67_____ did nt knw Machu Picchu, the City in the Cluds, was there.
    Outsiders did nt visit Machu Picchu until abut 100 years ag. Hiram Bingham, an explrer and a prfessr frm Yale University, was the first t cme t the city. Bingham went t Peru t explre in 1909. In 1911, Bingham met Brauli Brda, a man wh wned a large farm near Machu Picchu. Brda tld Bingham that there were sme ld b_____68_____ cvered by the frest in the muntains near his farm.
    Traveling n hrseback, Bingham went t Brda’s farm. Bingham climbed up t ridge and t_____69_____ t his surprise, were the ruins f a lst city.
    Bingham returned t the United States t tell _____70_____ abut the City in the Cluds. Yale University and the Natinal Gegraphic Sciety gave him mney t return t Peru and remve the trees frm the ruins.
    Machu Picchu was built by the Inca. The Inca ruled a pwerful empire in Suth America u_____71_____ the Spanish cnquered then in the sixteenth century.
    Archaelgists believe that Machu Picchu was a ryal residence built by the Incan king.
    Hwever, the peple f the great Incan city seemed t have d_____72_____. What happened t the peple f Machu Picchu? That remains a mystery. Arund , Spanish sldiers captured many Incan cities. When the Spanish captured a city, they destryed the temples. Hwever, the temples at Machu Picchu were nt destryed. One thery is that a s_____73_____ and serius disease killed the peple f Machu Picchu. Anther thery is that a grup f peple called the Antis f____74____ the Amaznian jungle attacked and killed the peple f the city.
    Tday, Machu Picchu is the mst imprtant turist site in Suth America. Thusands f turists visit d_____75_____. Archaelgists wrry that t many turists will damage the site. Hwever, it will be difficult t stp peple frm visiting the City in the Cluds because the lcatin is s beautiful.
    【答案】66. (h)idden
    67. (w)rld
    68. (b)uildings
    69. (t)here
    70. ()thers
    71. (u)ntil
    72. (d)isappeared
    73. (s)udden
    74. (f)rm 75. (d)aily
    句意:从下面看,城市是隐蔽的。由系动词is可以判断出设空处是形容词,根据下文“did nt knw Machu Picchu, the City in the Cluds, was there”,可知此城镇是藏在森林中的。结合首字母提示,hidden“隐藏的”符合语境,故填(h)idden。
    句意:博尔达告诉宾汉姆,在他农场附近的山上,有一些古老的建筑被森林覆盖着。sme一些,修饰复数名词或不可数名词;根据下文“the ruins f the city”可以猜测出城市的废墟就是建筑。结合首字母提示,building“建筑物”符合语境,故填(b)uildings。
    句意:宾汉姆爬上山脊,出乎他的意料,那里是一座失落的城市的废墟。t his surprise是插入语,不影响句子结构,可以直接忽略,那么不难看出接下来的句子是一个there be句型。故填(t)here。
    句意:宾汉姆回到美国,把云里之城的故事告诉了其他人。分析句子可知,动词tell后缺宾语,所以此空应该是名词或代词;根据下文“Yale University and the Natinal Gegraphic Sciety gave him mney t return t Peru and remve the trees frm the ruins”可以看出耶鲁大学对这些废墟很感兴趣,可知宾汉姆告诉了别人。结合首字母提示,故填()thers。
    句意:印加人在南美洲统治着一个强大的帝国,直到16世纪被西班牙人征服。空处前后都是句子,可知此空为连词;根据题干“The Inca ruled a pwerful empire in Suth America until the Spanish cnquered then in the sixteenth century”,可知是时间状语从句;结合首字母提示,故填(u)ntil。
    句意:然而,这个伟大的印加城市的人们似乎已经消失了。分析句子可知,have后应该是 dne 或者宾语,但后文的两种猜想都是人口消亡的原因,可知此空应填“消失”的意思。结合首字母提示,故填(d)isappeared。
    句意:一种说法是马丘比丘人死于一种突然而严重的疾病。and表并列,连接的两个词词性需一致,结合and serius可推测空处是形容词,且这个词可以修饰 disease“疾病”;结合首字母提示,sudden“突然的”符合语境,故填(s)udden。
    句意:另一种说法是,来自亚马逊丛林的一群名叫安提斯的人袭击并杀害了这座城市的居民。分析句子可知,“…the Amazn jungle”作后置定语修饰前面的Antis,又是地域的关系,不难推测应该是“来自亚马逊丛林的人”。 故填(f)rm。
    句意:每天都有成千上万的游客前来参观。原句完整,多出的成分放在句尾,应该是做状语,需用副词;根据下文“t many turists”,可以看出来访的人很多,所以应该是“每天”都有很多人,故填(d)aily。
    六、书面表达(满分 15 分)
    76. 假如你是阳光中学的光明,英国交换生 James 即将来你校交流。近期,他给你写了一封电子邮件询问选修课事宜,请你根据邮件内容,用英语给 James 回一封邮件。
    1. 文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称;
    2. 语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;
    3. 词数 80 左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear James,
    I’m glad t knw that yu are cming t ur schl.
    Li Ming
    Dear James,
    I’m glad t knw that yu are cming t ur schl. Yu said that yu dn’t knw which elective curse t chse. Nw I’ll give yu sme advice.
    I suggest that yu shuld chse Cking. Because there are a lt f interesting skills f cking t learn. Yu can learn abut the prcess f the cking Chinese fd and experience the happiness f making delicius fd by yurself. Besides, yu can share delicius fd with yur parents r friends. I hpe yu will like t ck Chinese fd.
    Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Li Ming
    We’re thrwing a party because Bernie Siegel IS TURNING 8!
    Jin us n Sunday, June 20 6 pm-8pm
    223 Main Street
    RSVP t Kevin2021@gmail.cm
    Dgs and cats have always been ppular, but there are ther things t think abut befre chsing a pet. If yu like birds, dves are easy t care fr and a lt f fun. Many kinds f small fish can be kept in a tank filled with water.
    facing spirit valuable at nce is
    Successful after-schl activities
    After-schl activities can be wnderful and _____56_____. After-schl activities shuld be f sme use, help and _____57_____.
    Yu shuld knw what yur child is _____58_____t learn if he r she takes part in an activity. Challenging activities and achievement can _____59_____ a quiet r shy child’s cnfidence.
    It’s always _____60_____ that there is sme danger in different activities.
    Ask an instructr fr advice befre making decisins.
    _____61_____ activities with t much cmpetitin. Discuss things with yur child first.
    Tw types f parents
    Sme parents believe _____62_____ shuld be decided fr the child, and that makes their child mre dependent n.
    Others let the child make his r her wn _____63_____ and decisins, making them an independent child.
    Precius childhd, nce gne, _____64_____ cme back.
    All wrk _____65_____ play is nt the gd idea.
    Dear Li Ming,
    I’m glad t tell yu that I am ging t yur schl as an exchange student. I’ve heard that yu have sme interesting elective curses such as Cities in China, DIY, and Cking, but I dn’t knw which ne t chse. Culd yu please recmmend ne f the three curses t me? And why d yu recmmend it? S many thanks.
    Lking frward t yur early reply.

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