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    英语 笔试
    例: Stand ver there ________ yu’ll be able t see it better.
    A. r B. and C. but D. while
    答案是 B。
    1. —My brther’s bike brke dwn n the way hme and when he finally gt hme, he fund he had left his papers at schl.
    A. It happensB. It made his dayC. Oh, it’s nt his dayD. It depends
    2. We were tld the picnic wuld be ________ the weather.
    A. in the curse fB. at the mercy fC. n the edge fD. under the eye f
    3. If yu attend the graduatin ceremny in the future, yu will have t be ________ dressed.
    A. strangelyB. infrmallyC. casuallyD. apprpriately
    4. There is nly a ________ chance that anyne survived the crash.
    A. slimB. thinC. nbleD. flexible
    5. After several hurs f discussin, I ________ him in accepting the prject.
    A. reasnedB. wuld have reasnedC. was reasningD. had reasned
    6. Prfessr Jhnsn, alng with his students, ________ n the prgram day and night t meet the deadline nwadays.
    A. were wrkingB. are wrkingC. was wrkingD. is wrking
    7. The earthquake tk away his parents but with a strng will he finally ________.
    A. carried utB. pulled thrughC. gt acrssD. wrked ut
    8. A number f high buildings have arisen________ there was nthing a year ag but ruins.
    A. whereB. whichC. thatD. when
    9. The pizzas are delicius. Little Tm wuld like t have ________ third piece because ________ secnd piece is rather t small.
    A. a; aB. the; theC. a; theD. the; a
    10. I frgt the website _______ I intended t add t my favrite. It can help me learn hw t write English cmpsitin.
    A. whichB. whereC. whenD. n which
    11. Helen has been unable t cncentrate n her lessns recently, which may ________ her pr result in the final exam.
    A. send frB. apply frC. call frD. accunt fr
    12. — Jack, d yu have the time?
    — ________.
    A. Yes, I dB. Srry, I’m busyC. Ten t tenD. Little
    13. That kind f ice-cream ________like a mixture f banana and strawberry is delicius.
    A. tastedB. tastesC. tastingD. being tasted
    14. It has been annunced that all students ________ put n masks befre ging t schl in case they are infected with nvel crnavirus.
    A. shallB. willC. needD. may
    15. We are ging t lse anyway, but the ________ f playing is nt t win but t participate.
    A. hnurB. pintC. termD. favur
    第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,将短文内容补充完整。
    “Oswa kitnga?” – “Did yu get the vaccine (疫苗) yet?”
    My ___16___ f Lingala-the language spken in the nrthwest f the Demcratic Republic f Cng (DRC)-is still very pr, but the mst imprtant ___17___ I have already learned. The children prudly ___18___ me their fingernails, which have been painted black t ___19___ them as already vaccinated. ___20___ I mve n, they are still calling fr me: “Mundele, mundele!” This is the way I am ___21___ everywhere these days. “Mundele” means “white” in Lingala and after all, it desn’t happen very ften that a mundele arrives in this ___22___ f the deep Cnglese frest.
    A severe measles(麻疹) epidemic has been___23___ in the DRC since early 2019. And, as f early March 2020, 334,578 peple have been sick and 6,338 have died. The number f unreprted ___24___ is prbably much higher thugh. In___25___ , MSF(无国界医生组织) is wrking in varius regins f the cuntry t fight back against measles-a disease s easily ___26___ with vaccines. Our ___27___ is t vaccinate all children between six mnths and 14 years ld, living in the areas still being badly ___28___ by measles-that is apprximately 23,000 peple!
    I’ve been n my feet since 5 a.m. and n my mtrcycle fr almst seven hurs-after we first___29___ the Tshuapa River in a bat in the early mrning. It is a swampy frest, full f small streams. The path is narrw and uneven, branches and plants stretch far, scratching my arms, ___30___ my knee and helmet. Frm time t time, there is even a whle tree trunk that ___31___ the way. Or, just like here, a bridge made f tree trunks ___32___ which each “mt” has t pass individually. While waiting fr the last mts t___33___ , a wman frm the next village cmes by. When she hears abut ur vaccinatin campaign, she bursts int tears, telling us abut her five children she already lst t measles. She begs us t vaccinate the___34___ nes. I am deeply mved and ___35___ her that we will vaccinate all f her children, each f them!
    16. A. gradeB. layerC. levelD. study
    17. A. vcabularyB. prayerC. keyD. character
    18. A. tellB. shwC. expseD. hide
    19. A. cnfirmB. believeC. identifyD. purchase
    20. A. SinceB. BecauseC. Nw thatD. As
    21. A. stppedB. greetedC. chasedD. accepted
    22. A. crnerB. cttageC. bttmD. way
    23. A. transferringB. changingC. bldingD. spreading
    24. A. diseasesB. childrenC. casesD. crimes
    25. A. respnseB. lineC. turnD. return
    26. A. preventableB. curableC. clearD. apprvable
    27. A. thughtB. fferC. galD. advice
    28. A. hurtB. affectedC. injuredD. wanted
    29. A. flatedB. headedC. watchedD. crssed
    30. A. hittingB. catchingC. breakingD. shaking
    31. A. blwsB. leadsC. freesD. blcks
    32. A. nB. abveC. verD. beneath
    33. A. bardB. transfrmC. passD. cme
    34. A. remainingB. livelyC. dyingD. psitive
    35. A. prveB. prmiseC. demnstrateD. persuade
    第二部分 阅读理解 ( 共 20 小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    All students are expected t read and learn the Schl Rules. These rules aim t make each student aware f the value f self-cntrl, rderliness and the need t develp a sense f respnsibility fr their wn behavir and fr the larger cmmunity f which they are a part.
    Dress Regulatins
    The Schl expects its students t wear their full schl unifrm crrectly and with pride. It is ur expectatin that unifrm and shes will be clean and in gd repair. Bys’ hair shuld be cmbed and f an acceptable length (nt ver the cllar, ears r eyes), with n artificial clring. Girls’ hair shuld be f a natural clr. Shulder-length hair must be tied back.
    Absence, Illness and Punctuality
    All students must be at schl n time. If late, the student must sign in the late bk in the General Office. Parents are asked t infrm the schl if their child is absent by 8:30 am n the day f absence. A written nte frm a parent explaining the absence MUST be prvided t the General Office the day after return.
    Shuld a student be ill during schl hurs he is t g straight t the Schl Medical Center. The sister will then take apprpriate actin.
    ◆ Prper behavir is expected within and arund buildings and n the sprting field at all times.
    ◆ Students are nt t enter labratries, language rms, the Technics and music rms until invited t d s by teachers.
    ◆ The riding f bicycles r skatebards is prhibited alng the frnt drive Students riding bicycles must wear an apprved bicycle helmet.
    ◆ N knives, explsives r dangerus materials may be brught int the schl r barding huses.
    ◆ Students are frbidden t interfere with fire safety equipment. An autmatic fine will be impsed if this ccurs.
    36. The fllwing requirements are listed except ________.
    A. hw t wear schl unifrm in the right way.
    B. the length f girls’ hair.
    C. being n time
    D. the safety at schl.
    37. What shall a student d if he is late?
    A. He shall ask his parent t infrm the schl.
    B. He shall prvide his parent’s written nte fr the General Office.
    C. He shall g straight t the sister.
    D. He shall leave his name in the General Office.
    38. In which case des a student have t pay mney as a punishment, accrding t the Schl Rules?
    A. When he plays with the fire safety equipment.
    B. When he brings a knife t a barding huse.
    C. When he rides a bicycle withut a bicycle helmet.
    D. When he ges int a language rm withut permissin.
    39. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T pint ut the imprtance f the Schl Rules.
    B. T intrduce the details f the Schl Rules.
    C. T tell students the results f breaking the Schl Rules.
    D. T make each student aware f the value f self-cntrl, rderliness and s n.
    At age 22, Hikari Oberman has already been a lifeguard fr fur years. Last week, Oberman talked t The Garden Island abut hw he helped save lives during a recent rescue.
    On Dec. 30, Oberman and his cwrker Cpe were parked in their truck at Anini Beach when tw wrkers ran up t them and said, “I think smene’s getting stuck in the channel!”
    “I grabbed ur equipment. We started rlling ut dwn there,” Oberman said. When he gt ut there, Oberman fund a standup paddler, a man in his late 30s, struggling against the current, with an elderly man hlding tightly t the back f the paddlebard (冲浪板).
    He said, “My cwrker grabbed the standup guy. Meanwhile, I’m stuck with the lder man.”
    Nrmally, Oberman said he wuld pull the paddler up, lay him n the surfbard, climb up behind and paddle frm there. He tried that technique at first and quickly realized it was nt a practicable ptin. They are nt ging anywhere.
    Waves hit against the extremely sharp reef very hard abut 30 yards behind them and the current was pulling them int it.
    “It’s right behind us. If I stp paddling, we’re definitely ging t be in that zne.” He said.
    They started making prgress tward the reef, where they might safely be able t climb ut. Oberman just fcused n frward mvement.
    After abut five minutes-“even thugh it felt lnger” -Oberman said his partner had gtten the paddlebarder safely t shre and started cming back ut t help.
    “I lk back, and I see ur Jet Ski. He’s finally cming in the channel. We’re nt ging t have t wrry abut that nw. ”
    It was a gd rescue.
    When asked what it feels like t save smene’s life, Oberman respnded, “I lve it! That’s why we d it!” But as exciting as it might be t perfrm a big rescue, he explained that the mst imprtant part f his jb is t keep peple frm getting int truble in the first place.
    40. Hw did Hikari Oberman and his cwrker react t the tw wrkers’ cry fr help?
    A. They dragged the tw wrkers t their truck.
    B. They rlled the equipment t the channel.
    C. They called fr help immediately.
    D. They made their way t the channel withut delay.
    41. What des the underlined part “They are nt ging anywhere.” in Paragraph 6 prbably mean?
    A. They are unwilling t g anywhere.
    B. They are waiting thers fr help.
    C. They are being pulled by the current.
    D. They are ging t give up.
    42. What did the authr want t shw by mentining the waves?
    A. It was the perfect time t surf.
    B. The reefs were s hard t damage.
    C. The situatin was extremely serius.
    D. The paddlers were pushed frward.
    43. Which f the fllwing things cntributed mre t the rescue?
    A. The Jet Ski.B. The current.C. The paddlebard.D. The truck.
    44. What is the authr’s attitude twards his jb?
    A. Skeptical.B. Tlerate.C. Apprving.D. Frightened.
    At a large frest park in eastern Beijing 11 birds n the state-level prtectin list were recently released.
    These birds had recvered after the Beijing Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitatin Center rescued and tk care f them. “We will speed up ur effrts t push the establishment f district-level wildlife rescue centers t jintly guard the health f wildlife,” said Du Lianhai, directr f the center.
    The center was set up in 2001 and built a wildlife rescue base in the capital’s Shunyi District in 2005. Staff at the base have rescued and rehabilitated ver 30,000 wild animals in ttal.
    Wildlife prtectin has been strengthened in Beijing in recent years. On June 1, the city’s newly adpted regulatin n wildlife prtectin tk effect, intrducing stricter and mre cncrete measures t prtect the envirnment and wildlife.
    Fr example, the regulatin states clearly that Beijing bans hunting thrughut the year, cmpared with the previus regulatin which bans hunting during the perids f March t May and September t Nvember each year. The new regulatin als gives severer punishment fr pachers.
    After years f mnitring, data with the Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau recently shwed eclgical recnstructin prgress. The species and quantity f wild animals in Beijing are cntinuusly increasing, with the number f terrestrial spinal wild animals (陆地脊椎野生动物) grwing frm 461 species in 1994 t mre than 500. The habitat f the endangered bird has expanded frm Fangshan District t the whle city, accrding t the bureau.
    “The enfrcement f the new regulatin marked a new phase in Beijing’s wildlife prtectin wrk,” said Dai Mingcha, deputy directr f the Beijing Gardening and Greening Bureau.
    “We will step up the publicity f the regulatin and raise citizens’ awareness f wildlife prtectin,” Dai said. “In ur integrated prtectin f muntains, rivers, frests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands, we take int full cnsideratin the requirements f fd-chain cnstructin, eclgical crridr cnstructin, and wildlife and their habitat prtectin.”
    45. In writing Paragraph 1, the authr aims t ________.
    A. intrduce the tpic.B. present an argument.C. reach a cnclusin.D. describe a place.
    46. What have staff at the wildlife rescue base dne?
    A. They have sped up their effrts t recver the birds.
    B. They have guarded peple’s health against danger.
    C. They have saved wild animals frm a dangerus situatin.
    D. They have pushed the establishment f district-level wildlife rescue centers.
    47. What des the underlined wrd “cncrete” in Paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Practical.B. Temprary.C. Effective.D. Specific.
    48. What d we knw abut the new regulatin?
    A. It is mainly targeted at pachers.
    B. It is the first such regulatin in Beijing.
    C. It takes many years t cme int being.
    D. It prhibits peple frm hunting in Beijing all the year.
    49. What can we learn frm Paragraphs 7 and 8?
    A. Beijing citizens are still nt familiar with the new regulatin.
    B. After taking the new regulatin, Beijing will enter a new phase.
    C. They rarely give full cnsideratin t the requirements f fd-chain cnstructin.
    D. The prtectin f muntains, rivers, frests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands are nt in the new regulatin yet.
    50. What culd be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Hw t prtect wild animals in Beijing.
    B. Beijing steps up wildlife prtectin with new regulatin.
    C. Mre district-level wildlife rescue centers established in Beijing.
    D. Wildlife prtectin has been strengthened in Beijing.
    Scientists at the Department f Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley Natinal Labratry and the Califrnia Institute f Technlgy have-in just tw years-nearly dubled the number f materials knwn t have ptential fr use in slar fuels.
    They did s by develping a prcess that prmises t speed the discvery f cmmercially viable (商业可行性) generatin f slar fuels that culd replace cal, il, and ther fssil fuels.
    Slar fuels, a dream f clean-energy research, are created using nly sunlight, water, and carbn dixide. Researchers are explring a range f pssible target fuels, but ne pssibility is t prduce hydrgen by splitting water.
    Each water mlecule (分子) cnsists f ne xygen atm and tw hydrgen atms. The hydrgen atms are extracted, and then can be reunited t create highly flammable hydrgen gas r cmbined with CO 2 t create hydrcarbn fuels, creating a plentiful and renewable energy surce. The prblem, hwever, is that water mlecules d nt simply break dwn when sunlight shines n them-if they did, the ceans wuld nt cver mst f the planet. They need a little help frm a slar-pwered catalyst (催化剂).
    T create practical slar fuels, scientists have been trying t develp lw-cst and efficient materials that perfrm the necessary chemistry using nly visible light as an energy surce.
    A new methd was develped thrugh a partnership between the Jint Center fr Artificial Phtsynthesis (JCAP) and Berkeley Lab’s Materials Prject, using resurces at the Mlecular Fundry and the Natinal Energy Research Scientific Cmputing Center (NERSCC). JCAP fcused n develping a cst-effective methd f turning sunlight, water, and carbn dixide int fuel. It is led by Caltech with Berkeley Lab as a majr partner. The Materials Prject is a prgram based at Berkeley Lab that aims t remve the guesswrk frm materials design in a variety f applicatins.
    “What is particularly significant abut this study, which cmbines experiment and thery, is that in additin t identifying several new cmpunds fr slar fuel applicatins, we can als learn smething new abut the basic electrnic structure f the materials themselves.” says Neatn, the directr f the Mlecular Fundry.
    51. What can we learn frm the first tw paragraphs f the passage?
    A. Sme scientists prmise t speed the discvery f cmmercially viable generatin f slar fuels.
    B. Sme scientists have fund twice as much slar fuel.
    C. Sme scientists fund new materials in slar fuels that culd replace traditinal fuels.
    D. Sme scientists have used tw types f slar fuel in just tw years.
    52. Accrding t the passage, what can we d t create a plentiful and renewable energy surce?
    A. Use nly sunlight, water, and carbn dixide.
    B. Extract hydrgen atms frm water mlecule.
    C. Create hydrcarbn fuels frm water mlecule.
    D. Explre pssible target fuels.
    53. A slar-pwered catalyst can be used fr ________.
    A. creating a new energy surce.
    B. breaking dwn water mlecules.
    C. creating highly flammable hydrgen gas.
    D. reuniting hydrgen atms extracted frm water mlecule.
    54. What can be cncluded frm the last paragraph?
    A. The study will identify sme slar fuels.
    B. Scientists can learn abut the basic electrnic structure f the new cmpunds.
    C. The study invlves new thery and relative experiment.
    D. The mst imprtance f the study is t find sme slar fuel applicatins.
    55. What des the passage fcus n?
    A. New materials culd turn water int the fuel f the future.
    B. A new methd was develped t create a renewable fuel.
    C. A prgram that aims t split water and create a clean-energy research.
    D. Slar fuels are a dream f clean-energy.
    第三部分 : 写作
    第一节:阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    The Bard Meeting had cme t an end. Bb started t stand up and pushed the table, spilling his cffee ver his ntes. “Hw embarrassing! I am getting s clumsy in my ld age.”
    Everyne had a gd laugh, and sn we were all telling stries f ur mst embarrassing mments. It came arund t Frank wh sat quietly listening t the thers.
    Frank began, “My Dad was a fisherman. He wrked hard and wuld stay ut until he caught enugh t feed the family. Nt just enugh fr ur family, but als fr his Mm and Dad and the ther kids that were still at hme.”
    Frank’s vice drpped a bit. “When the weather was bad, he wuld drive me t schl. He wuld pull right up in frnt, and it seemed like everybdy wuld be standing arund and watching. Then he wuld lean ver and give me a big kiss n the cheek and tell me t be a gd by. It was s embarrassing fr me. Here I was twelve years ld, and my Dad wuld lean ver and kiss me gd-bye!”
    He paused and then went n, “I remember the day I thught I was t ld fr a gd-bye kiss. When we gt t the schl, he had his usual big smile. He started t lean tward me, but I put my hand up and said, ‘N, Dad.’ It was the first time I had ever talked t him that way, and he had this surprised lk n his face. I said, ‘Dad, I’m t ld fr a gd-bye kiss. I’m t ld fr any kind f kiss.’ My Dad lked at me fr the lngest time, and his eyes started t tear. I had never seen him cry. He turned. ‘Yu’re right,’ he said. ‘Yu are a big by ... a man. I wn’t kiss yu anymre.’”
    Fr the mment, the tears began t well up in Frank’s eyes. “It wasn’t lng after that when my Dad went t sea and never came back.”
    I lked at Frank and saw that tears were running dwn his cheeks. Frank spke again. “Guys, yu dn’t knw what I wuld give t have my Dad give me just ne mre kiss n the cheek.”
    56. What happened at the end f the bard meeting? (n mre than 8 wrds)
    57. Why did Frank feel s embarrassed when his father drve him t schl? (n mre than 12 wrds)
    58. What’s the main idea f Paragraph 4? (n mre than 10 wrds)
    59. What des the underlined phrase “well up” prbably mean? (n mre than 2 wrds)
    60. What d yu think f Frank’s “embarrassing stry”? And give yur reasns. (n mre than 20 wrds)
    61. 假设你是晨光中学高三学生李津,你的英国朋友Chris发来电子邮件很想了解有关你校高三学生体育活动的情况,请你回一封电子邮件进行介绍,内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    I’m glad t have received yur email asking abut ur PE classes and sprts activities.
    Li Jin
    1.【答案】C2. 【答案】B3. 【答案】D4. 【答案】A5. 【答案】A6. 【答案】D7. 【答案】B
    8. 【答案】A9. 【答案】C10.【答案】A11.【答案】D12. 【答案】C13. 【答案】C14.【答案】A
    【答案】16. C 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. D 21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. C 33. C 34. A 35. B
    【答案】36. B 37. D 38. A 39. B
    【答案】40. D 41. C 42. C 43. A 44. C
    【答案】45. A 46. C 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. B
    【答案】51. C 52. C 53. B 54. B 55. A
    第三部分 : 写作
    【答案】56. Bb had an embarrassing mment.
    57. Because his father wuld give him a big gd-bye kiss.
    58. Frank refused his father’s kiss and his father felt sad.
    59. Appear. / Flw ut. / Cme ut. / Pp up.
    60. I think Frank’s stry is really mving. Because Frank regretted refusing his father’s kiss and missed his father s much.
    【答案】Dear Chris,
    I’m glad t have received yur email asking abut ur PE classes and sprts activities. I am writing t share sme details with yu.
    Every week, we have tw PE classes, in which ur schl ffers us pprtunities t d a variety f sprts. We play basketball, run fr exercise, and take part in all kinds f sprts cmpetitins. Furthermre, we benefit a lt frm Sunshine Sprts during the 30-minute break. At schl, we are having fun, and learning teamwrk and sprts spirit.
    We senir three students are busy with ur study. Therefre, we shuld chse ur favrite sprts t relax ur muscles and reduce the anxiety and burden f ur study. I believe gd health is nt nly the guarantee f successful cmpletin f studies in schl, but als the necessity fr hard wrk after graduatin. Of all the sprts, I like badmintn best, which helps me t keep fit and build perseverance.
    Lking frward t hearing frm yu again.
    Li Jin

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