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    第一部分 听力
    1. Wh is the little girl?
    A. The wman's sister.
    B. The wman's niece.
    C. The wman's daughter.
    2. Why des the man make the call?
    A. T aplgize fr being late.
    B. T invite the wman t the library.
    C. T change the place f an appintment.
    3. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A. Answer faxes.
    B. Sign letters.
    C. Check diaries.
    4. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Ding sme shpping.
    B. Preparing fr camping.
    C. Cleaning the can
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. An air cnditiner.
    B. The weather
    C. The temperature.
    6. Why des the man make the wrks f art?
    A. T prtect the envirnment.
    B. T earn mney.
    C. T have fun.
    7. What des the wman like ding mst?
    A. Wrking. B. Having a rest. C. Cllecting cins.
    8. Hw des the man try t keep healthy?
    A. By taking exercise.
    B. By stpping eating bread.
    C. By having ne r tw small meals a day.
    9. What des the wman like t cat especially?
    A. Fruits. B. Vegetables. C. Cakes.
    10. What is the wman ging t d right nw?
    A. See a dctr.
    B. Cntinue her meal.
    C. G t the gym.
    11. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary.
    B. Husband and wife.
    C. Writer and editr.
    12. What will the man d in the late afternn?
    A. Publish an article. B. Write t a magazine. C. Prepare fr a speech.
    13. Where will the man have dinner tnight?
    A. At hme. B. In the ffice. C. In a meeting rm.
    14. Hw will the man g hme?
    A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By car.
    15. What d the speakers decide t d?
    A. Play bwling. B. Play tennis. C. G dancing.
    16. When will the man leave?
    A. At 7:00. B. At 7:10. C. At 7:30.
    17. What des the man think f driving a car?
    A. Time-saving,B. Trublesme. C. Cmfrtable.
    18. Why did the speaker g cycling?
    A. T break a speed recrd.
    B. T relax his mind.
    C. T strengthen his bdy.
    19. What was wrng with the speaker's bike?
    A. It was t ld t g fast.
    B. It had truble ging up hills.
    C. Its brakes needed attentin.
    20. What was the speaker dissatisfied with abut his trip?
    A. The fd. B. The weather. C. The lcal peple.
    第二部分 阅读理解
    Peru is a perfect turing destinatin: everything frm the ancient Inca culture and centuries-ld Spanish villages t deep rainfrests, high muntains, and a beautiful castline. Amazn Rainfrest Tur
    Arriving at Amazn rainfrest, yu'll spend ne day traveling by bat t yur htel in the middle f the frest. Yu can then spend three days explring the rainfrest with a lcal guide and enjying the plants and animals unique t the rainfrest
    Machu Picchu Tur
    This fur-day walking tur will take yu t the city f Machu Picchu. There yu will have a day t explre and be amazed by this ancient city. Especially amazing is the Incas' dry stne methd f building. Inca builders cut stnes t exact sizes s that nthing was needed t hld walls tgether ther than the perfect fit f the stnes.
    Cusc Tur
    Spend fur days enjying the unique Spanish and lcal Indian culture high in the Andes at Cusc, the capital f the Inca Empire frm the 13th until the 16th century. Stay in a lcal htel, visit the museums, admire the architecture, enjy the excellent lcal fd, and g shpping at the lcal markets.
    Lake Titicaca Tur
    Enjy the beautiful cuntryside as yu spend a day driving alng the new highway cnnecting Cusc t Lake Titicaca. There, a bat will take yu t stay with a lcal Urs family n an island fr three days. Bth the island and Urs hmes are made f water plants frm the lake.
    Fr mre infrmatin abut ther package turs arund Peru, cntact us at turinf @travelperu. rg.
    21. What is extremely surprising in the city f Machu Picchu particularly?
    A. Excellent lcal fd. B. Unique plants and animals.
    C. Huses made f water plants. D. Dry stne methd f building.
    22. Which tur wuld yu recmmend t peple wh enjy Indian culture?
    A. Amazn Rainfrest Tur. B. Machu Picchu Tur.
    C. Cusc Tur. D. Lake Titicaca Tur.
    23. What d the fur turs have in cmmn?
    A. The traveling time. B. The transprtatin means.
    C. The accmmdatin. D. The shpping markets.
    If yu're lking fr a way t achieve naturally glwing skin, yu needn't lk further than face yga. That's what Akik Grabin, a face yga teacher,believes.
    The main reasn peple give it a sht is because f its effect n skin, with Grabin claiming that it can prevent wrinkles, r at least smth their appearance. And there's sme evidence t back these claims. Research frm 2018 fund that 30 minutes a day f facial exercises ver a 20-week perid might imprve the appearance f skin in middle-aged wmen.
    Takatsu is credited as the creatr f the Face Yga Methd. She wrte abut hw she started it n her website, saying she came up with the cncept fllwing a car crash in which her bdy was injured and her face was left lking asymmetrical (不对称的). Standing in frnt f the mirrr ne day, Takatsu had a realizatin: “if I exercise my bdy muscles, I shuld be able t d the same fr my face.” After Takatsu started practicing this methd, peple began praising her appearance and were eager t knw hw she achieved such results. The Face Yga Methd was brn.
    But Dr Imaan Jshi, a csmetician wrking in a beauty agency, remains skeptical f the practice. She believes face yga can have “sme beneficial effects” in terms f relaxing muscles, but says there's n evidence it can reduce r prevent wrinkles. Jshi explains that wrinkles frm frm repetitive, life-lng mvement f facial muscles, accmpanied by lss f cllagen (胶原)and fat as we age. “S, there's n realistic way f getting rid f wrinkles apart frm reducing r freezing the mvement f these muscles.”
    24. Why d peple try t d face yga?
    A. Ding face yga can d gd t peple's health.
    B. Face yga is the best way t achieve smth skin.
    C. Ding face yga is beneficial t peple's skin.
    D. Face yga is highly recmmended by experts.
    25. What inspired Takatsu t create face yga?
    A. The wish t heal her injured face.
    B. The praise fr her appearance.
    C. The lecture she attended
    D. The cmments n her website.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “csmetician” in the last paragraph mean?
    A. A prfessr wh studies physical exercise and health.
    B. A teacher wh teaches bilgy.
    C. A physician wh imprves peple's lks.
    D. An adviser wh prvides the ld with nutritius diets.
    27. Which statement may Jshi agree with?
    A. Face yga is an effective way t get rid f wrinkles.
    B. The claim that face yga can relax muscles lacks evidence.
    C. Repetitive mvement f facial muscles causes lss f cllagen.
    D. Mre mvements f facial muscles can result in the frmatin f wrinkles.
    The LEGO Grup, whse plastic building tys are familiar t many peple, has been wrking n making LEGO bricks ut f recycled plastic. The bricks aren't ready yet,but the cmpany says it's making prgress.
    Since rughly 1960, LEGO bricks have been made frm ABS plastic which makes LEGO bricks very tugh and gives them great clutch pwer s that the things users build dn't fall apart easily. Sadly, ABS plastic can't really be recycled and it takes an extremely lng time t break dwn.
    Hwever, since 2015, LEGO has been trying t make earth-friendly prducts. Making bricks frm recycled materials culd cut pllutin frm the cmpany's bricks by 70%. But making bricks ut f recycled plastic is challenging. The gal is t make bricks ut f PET plastic, which is sfter than ABS plastic and can be fund in things like bttles and clthing. A recycled ne-liter plastic bttle culd make abut ten 2×4 LEGO bricks. Over the past three years, the cmpany has tested ver 250 different ways f creating LEGO bricks frm recycled plastic. A team f mre than 150 peple are wrking n the prblem. Tim Brks,wh fcuses n envirnmental respnsibility at LEGO, says that experimenting and failing is “an imprtant part f learning”.
    Nw, the cmpany says they can make a gd 2×4 brick frm PET. One imprtant step was finding a way f adding things t PET plastic t make it tugher and give it better clutch pwer like ABS. They will als wrk n shaping bricks int ther frms and adding clr t them-right nw they are just white. The bricks will g thrugh many different tests, which will take at least a year.
    The cmpany aims t make all their main prducts ut f sustainable materials by the year 2030. “We knw kids care abut the envirnment and we want t tell them we're wrking n it.” said Mr. Brks.
    28. Which f the fllwing can best describe LEGO bricks made frm ABS plastic?
    A. Strng and firm.
    B. Recyclable and sft.
    C. Cheap and familiar.
    D. Ppular and new.
    29. Why is LEGO wrking n making PET plastic bricks?
    A. Because the cmpany wants t shw that it's making prgress.
    B. Because this has always been LEGO's gal since its fundatin.
    C. Because using PET plastic bricks can reduce pllutin t the earth.
    D. Because PET plastic bricks are much sfter and cheaper.
    30. What can we learn abut making PET plastic bricks?
    A. LEGO has fund a way t make clrful PET plastic bricks.
    B. It's nt necessary t put things int PET plastic t make it tugh.
    C. A lt f tests have been carried ut and there will be mre tests.
    D. Children keep asking the cmpany t replace ABS plastic bricks.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. LEGO becmes a leading ty cmpany
    B. LEGO wrks t make bricks frm recycled plastic
    C. LEGO recycles plastic ty bricks t prtect the envirnment
    D. LEGO makes the best f ABS plastic t reduce cst
    This year's US Independence Day celebratins were extra special due t the arrival f a secnd, smaller Statue f Liberty frm France. This ne, nicknamed “Little Sister”, was displayed n Ellis Island - acrss the water frm the riginal Statue f Liberty, which sits n Liberty Island—frm July 1 thrugh 5, 2021. It then was mved t the French Embassy in Washingtn, DC, where it will remain until 2031.
    The 9.3-ft-tall, 1000-pund statue is abut ne-sixteenth the size f the riginal Statue f Liberty. It was crafted in 2009 frm the 3-D scan f the mdel f the riginal, which was created by sculptr Frederic-Auguste Barthld in the late 1 800s. Befre being shipped t the US, “Little Sister” spent ten years welcming visitrs in Paris. “This statue symblizes the virtues f freedm and integratin (融合),” the sculptr said. “These tw values frever unite France and the United States.”
    The riginal Statue f Liberty was als designed t celebrate France-American friendship. The idea was first prpsed in 1865 by French histrian Eduard de Labulaye. Hwever, it was nt until 1875 that US President and frmer Civil War general Ulysses Grant agreed t the mnument. The tw natins decided that France wuld pay the cst f building the statue while America wuld fund the $250,000 pedestal (底座) upn which she wuld stand. It tk Barthld and his team, which included Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, builder f Paris's Eiffel twer, ten years t cmplete the masterpiece.
    Tday the magnificent mnument is ne f New Yrk City's mst ppular turist attractins, drawing mre than 4 millin visitrs annually. The arrival f its “Little Sister” is sure t attract mre fans in Washingtn, DC.
    32. What d we knw abut “Little Sister”?
    A. It was initially exhibited in the US.
    B. It will be kept n Ellis Island fr abut 10 years.
    C. It lks like the riginal ne except in size.
    D. It was created by Frederic-Auguste Barthld.
    33. Why was “Little Sister” given t the US as a present?
    A. T welcme visitrs in Paris.
    B. T celebrate the victry f Civil War.
    C. T encurage peple t pursue freedm.
    D. T strengthen the friendship between the US and France.
    34. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The cst f the Statue f Liberty
    B. The histry f the Statue f Liberty
    C. The designers f the Statue f Liberty
    D. The significance f the Statue f Liberty
    35. Which f the fllwing can be die best tide fr the text?
    A. The “Little Sister” is abut t meet the wrld
    B. Mre visitrs will fld int the US fr file “Little Sister”
    C. The Statue f Liberty welcmed the arrival f her “Sister”
    D. The US celebrated this year's Independence Day differently
    Flds can strike quickly and with little warning in many parts f the wrld. Surviving a fld is a cmbinatin f preparatin and apprpriate actin as sn as the disaster begins. 36
    ●Make a fld survival plan.
    37 Pick several meeting spts in case yu need t leave hme, such as a friend's hme in a safe twn r a shelter in yur area. Make sure everyne in the family knws where these lcatins are and hw t get there. Make sure the shelters and the rutes t them are thrugh high grund
    ●Escape fld waters.
    Yu may have nly a shrt time t escape. Act quickly, using yur planned rute. Head t designated shelters during fld warnings. When emergency services tell yu t leave, listen t their instructins.
    Mve t higher grund away frm water. Whether yu are n ft r have t abandn yur car, higher grund is yur best ptin. If yu're stuck at hme, head fr the rf if yu can d s safely.
    Avid crssing thrugh water. Water up t yur ankles is enugh t be dangerus. When yu're in dubt abut the water depth,dn't risk it. 38 Use it t measure the water's depth and feel fr stable grund.
    ●Fllw news and warnings.
    Flding infrmatin can be fund n yur lcal news r weather statin's TV channel r website. 39 Als, listen t lcal radi statins fr regular updates.
    ● 40
    Rads and ther paths will have been erded. Stay ff bridges. The sil under usual rutes will be muddy and less able t supprt the weight f vehicles. Find alternate rutes ver high grund r wait fr the authrities t indicate which rads are safe.
    A. Watch ut fr damaged areas.
    B. Prtect yur hme during a fld.
    C. If yu have t g thrugh water, bring a stick.
    D. Yu shuld tune in t mnitr changes in the weather.
    E. If yur car gets stuck in water, pen r break the windws.
    F. Sit dwn with yur family t establish a plan f actin.
    G. Here are sme tips t help yu and yur family survive a fld.
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    第一节 完形填空
    Eleven years ag, I tk a pht f a mther hlding her baby. It changed my life.
    This year, I met her again and fulfilled a deep wish t 41 her, smething I didn't d when we first met.
    Early in 2010, I visited Nanchang Railway Statin in Jiangxi prvince, t 42 the Spring Festival travel seasn. I saw a wman bwed dwn with 43 and hlding a baby. I was 44 . She was abut 10 meters away, s I squatted dwn (蹲下) and 45 my camera. As I pressed the shutter, she 46 her head and lked ahead, her eyes fixed. I asked if she needed help and wanted t chat, but she 47 me.
    The 48 tuched many peple. It wn the China News Award and the China News Phtgraphy Award. After that I began t fcus my camera n 49 peple and did many grassrts stries.
    When I saw the wman, Bamuyubumu at the statin, I was mved by her 50 and lve fr her baby, s I started 51 her t learn mre abut her 52 and help fund her child's educatin.
    The search was 53 . I visited many cunties in Jiangxi, asking peple if they had 54 her, but in vain. I never gave up because she 55 me at a critical stage f my career. 56 , Bamuyubumu's daughter saw the pht nline and I 57 her again. I was pleased t discver that she is a(n) 58 mther with a gd life 59 her hard wrk and the help f the gvernment.
    During ur meeting, she tld me abut her life, 60 she was full f hpe fr the future.
    41. A. instructB. interviewC. bserveD. fllw
    42. A. enjyB. prepareC. recmmendD. cver
    43. A. careB. sadnessC. luggageD. age
    44. A. embarrassedB. frightenedC. cnfusedD. shcked
    45. A. held upB. lk apartC. picked utD. lked ver
    46. A. pattedB. raisedC. shkD. hung
    47. A. crrectedB. chargedC. replacedD. refused
    48. A. phtB. wmanC. babyD. statin
    49. A. energeticB. unusualC. regularD. wealthy
    50. A. achievementB. strengthC. experienceD. educatin
    51. A. lking frB. calling nC. writing tD. cnnecting with
    52. A. vacatinB. interestC. beliefD. life
    53. A. efficientB. easyC. hardD. tuching
    54. A. greetedB. seenC. cntactedD. helped
    55. A. influencedB. cnvincedC. seizedD. chse
    56. A. DirectlyB. OccasinallyC. CurrentlyD. Eventually
    57. A. imitatedB. rewardedC. fundD. treated
    58. A. uniqueB. psitiveC. imaginativeD. enthusiastic
    59. A. as a result fB. at the risk fC. in favr fD. n behalf f
    60. A. expectingB. analyzingC. sayingD. replying
    第三部分 语言知识运用
    Brn n March 14, 1997, in Clumbus,Ohi, Simne Biles has been knwn 61 a champin in her sprt. She and her sister, Adria, 62 (raise) by their grandfather Rn and grandmther Nellie, after their mther's struggle with substance abuse prblem.
    Rn and Nellie eventually 63 (fficial) adpted the tw girls, and Biles calls her grandmther Nellie has been a cnstant surce f supprt thrugh Biles' rise in the wrld f 64 (cmpete) athletics.
    Biles became 65 (interest) in gymnastics at age six during a day-care field trip t Bannn's Gymnastix, and she remained there fr 11 years under the 66 (direct) f her cach, Aimee Brman.
    At the 2016 Olympics in Ri de Janeir, she became the first female U. S. gymnast 67 (win) fur gld medals at a single Games. She was given 68 hnr f being the Team USA flag bearer during the Olympics' clsing ceremny.
    There were high 69 (expectatin) fr Biles as she entered the 2020 Tky Games, 70 were delayed until 2021. Hwever, she withdrew frm mst events due t a medical cnditin.
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 短文改错
    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    This July I tk part in a summer camp. It has been mre than three mnths befre I left the summer camp. Besides, there's ne thing I will never frget it. It happened n the third day. It was my turn t give an English speech in class. I felt wrried because my pr spken English. S I went t Miss Zha fr help. Nt nly des she cmfrt me, but she suggested that I shuld be cnfident enugh and gave me sme valuable advices. And then I practiced very hard. T my greatly jy, my speech was a success. It was the teacher's encuragement which helped me get curage. If Miss Zha hadn't helped me, I culdn't have enjyed the success.
    Thrugh this experience, I knw that when we have difficulties, we shuld never be afraid t ask ther fr help and I am happy t live in this wrld filling with lve.
    第二节 书面表达
    假定你是李华,正在伦敦某中学做交换生。学校文化社将举办一个文化交流活动,主题为“Festivals arund the wrld”。负责人Henry邀请你在活动中介绍一个中国传统节日。请给他回封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 接受邀请;
    2. 说明你将分享的节日;
    3. 给出选择该节日的理由。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Henry,
    Li Hua
    1—5 BCABA6—10 CBACB11—15BCACA16—20 CBBCA
    21—23 DCA24—27 CACD28—31 ACCB32—35 CDBC
    36—40 GFCDA
    第一节 完形填空
    41—45 BDCDA 46—50 BDACB51—55 ADCBA56—60 DCBAC
    61. as62. were raised63. fficially64. cmpetitive65. interested
    66. directin67. t win68. the69. expectatins70. which
    第一节 短文改错
    This July I tk part in a summer camp. It has been mre than three mnths I left the summer camp. there's ne thing I will: never frget it. It happened n the third day. It was my turn t give an English speech in class. I felt wrried because my pr spken English. S I went t Miss Zha fr help. Nt nly she cmfrt me, but she suggested that I shuld be cnfident enugh and gave me sme valuable . And then I practiced very hard. T my jy my speech was a success. It was the teacher's encuragement helped me get curage. If Miss Zha hadn't helped me I culdn't have enjyed the success.
    Thrugh this experience. I knw that when we have difficulties, we shuld never be afraid t ask fr help and I am happy t lve in this wrld with lve.
    第二节 书面表达
    四、One pssible versin
    Dear Henry,
    Thank yu fr inviting me t talk abut ne f China's traditinal festivals in yur culture exchange activity. I'd like t g and share what I knw abut the Spring Festival.
    As yu knw, there're many traditinal festivals in China, the mst imprtant f which is the Spring Festival. In different areas f China, the festival is celebrated in different ways. But lighting firewrks and eating dumplings are the mst ppular chices during the festival.
    I think sme knwledge abut the Spring Festival will help freign students learn mre abut Chinese culture. And I believe the students will be interested in this festival. I'm lking frward t taking part in the activity.
    Li Hua
    Text 1
    M: Hi, Helen, I saw yu yesterday with a lvely little girl at the market. Yur daughter?
    W: N, she's my sister's daughter. She's just visiting, and will be staying with us fr a cuple f days.
    Text 2
    W: Hell, I can't take yur call at the mment Please leave a message after the tne.
    M: Debbie, this is Peter. I'm srry but I can't meet yu in the library at 11. Shall we meet n the playgrund then?
    Text 3
    W: Have yu signed the letters I put n yur desk?
    M: Yes. Nw we've gt several faxes that need answering at nce. Culd yu d that?
    W: N prblems. After that, I will have t check the diaries fr this week.
    Text 4
    M: Well, I think we've gt everything in the car.
    W: I thught the tent wasn't ging t fit. And the sleeping bags and fishing equipment take up a lt f space, t.
    Text 5
    M: Haven't yu turned n the air cnditiner? It's s ht in here.
    W: Yes. And I've set it fr 23℃, but it turns ff at 27℃.
    M: Let me see. Oh, I think it must be brken.
    Text 6
    W: What are yu ding, Sam?
    M: Making sme plants and tys frm cardbard and plastic bttles, yu knw self-made wrks f art.
    W: D yu sell them?
    M: Oh, n. I d these things just fr pleasure. I keep sme f them and give thers away. It's my hbby. What d yu usually d in yur spare time?
    W: Nthing. I try t d as little as pssible. Being relaxed is my hbby.
    M: There must be smething yu like ding when yu're free.
    W: I used t cllect cins but I've had t give it up. My wrk takes up mst f my time.
    Text 7
    W: This hamburger is delicius! D yu want sme?
    M: N, thank yu. I'm wrking ut at the gym these days. I want t be healthy, s I've als started eating gd, fresh fd.
    W: Yu're exercising? When did yu start thinking abut yur weight and staying in shape?
    M: Last mnth I had a check-up. My dctr tld me that I shuld be leading a much healthier lifestyle nw that I'm getting lder. Nw, I try t eat small, regular meals instead f ne r tw big meals a day.
    W: I see. What types f fd d yu usually eat nw?
    M: I eat lts f fruit and vegetables. I try t eat less bread and rice. I als try nt t eat sugary fds.
    W: Oh dear! I lve sugary fds, especially cakes.
    M: Well, try t eat fd that is gd fr yu. Yu need t take care f yurself.
    W: Yu're right. I shuld start thinking abut a healthier lifestyle. But first, I'm ging t finish my hamburger!
    Text 8
    M: I have such a busy day tday. I dn't knw when I'll be hme. Can yu pick up ur sn frm schl tday?
    W: Oh, yu have t speak at the High Schl f Science and Technlgy tday?
    M: That'll be finished by three 'clck. But then I have t g t the ffice and get my ntes ready fr my speech at the Cmputer Sciety's annual dinner tnight.
    W: Well, at least yur magazine article has already been written and given t yur editr. It was due tday, wasn't it?
    M: Yes, at least that's dne. In fact, it shuld be published smetime next mnth.
    W: D yu think yu'll be given time t eat tnight r will yu have t spend the entire evening answering questins?
    M: I might be asked t speak as sn as everyne sits dwn fr dinner. In that case, I guess I'll be pretty hungry when I get hme.
    W: D yu have any idea what time yu'll be finished?
    M: N.
    W: Well, I'll have smething fr yu t eat. Can yu catch the last bus? Or maybe yu shuld take a taxi.
    M: Dn't wrry, dear. That's already been taken care f. The Cmputer Sciety is sending a car fr me. It's picking me up at the ffice at six and will bring me hme after the meeting.
    Text 9
    W: I'd like t g dancing with Jane. But she's hurt her ankle s she'd rather nt.
    M: I guess it means she desn't want t play tennis,either.
    W: That's right. She says it's OK t g bwling if we dn't expect her t d well.
    M: Let's d it! I guess we can g dancing anther time.
    W: Well, I bked us sme time at the bwling center f Entertainment City.
    M: What time did yu bk fr?
    W: The first bking I culd get was 8 'clck. It's 7 nw. I'll leave in ten minutes and meet yu there.
    M: I'll take my car, s I'll be quite quick. I'll be ut f here in half an hur.
    W: OK. Yu're s lucky t have a car! Yu can get arund s easily.
    M: Well, yes and n. I ften spend ages driving arund trying t find a car park.
    Text 10
    M: Have yu ever been cycling? This spring my lder brther and I spent a lng weekend cycling in the cuntryside. Our average speed was nly 14 kilmeters per hur, but that didn't matter. We hadn't cme t break any speed recrds,r t get fit and healthy. All we wanted was sme fresh air and a break frm schlwrk. My bike nly nce went mre than 30 kilmeters per hur, and that was when I raced my brther dwn the nly hill n ur rute. We really enjyed cycling alng flat, traffic-free cuntry paths. There was plenty f spring sunshine, but it was quite cld. We didn't mind, thugh. Our nly prblem was when my brakes started making a terrible nise. But I didn't mind as it gave us an excuse t visit a cafe while a helpful bike repairman had a lk at it. And there was ne f the best things abut ur rute which made us happy: every few kilmeters there was a village where we culd find everything we needed. All the lcal peple were really friendly. Hwever, mst places we stpped at served chips with all the meals, which sn gt fairly bring. One night we were wken at 4 a.m. by the nise in the htel. We were tired when we set ff the next mrning and very nearly gt lst, but sn felt mre cheerful when the sun came ut. That's what I like abut cycling—it's simple and it's fun. If yu're lking fr a shrt break that's active and cheap, then cycling is a great chice.

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