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    1. 本试卷共八大题, 满分100 分(不含听力口语30 分), 考试用时 100 分钟;
    2. 答题前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、考点名称、考场号、座位号用0, 5毫来黑色墨水签宇笔填写在答题卡相对应的位置上, 并认真核对条形码上的准考号、姓名是否与本人相符合;
    3. 答选择题必须用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑, 如需改动, 请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案;答非选择题必须用0. 5毫来黑色墨水签宇笔写在答题卡指定的住置上, 不在答题区域内的答案一律无效, 不得用其他笔答题;
    4. 考生答题必须答在答题卡上, 答在试卷和草稿纸上一律无效。
    第一部分 单项填空(共10 小题;每小题1分, 满分 10 分)
    请认真阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 A, B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    1. Ftball fans are ften called the"12th man" because f their influence ______a team.
    A. tB. frmC. n D. at
    2. Accrding t the new traffic rules, peple ___________ wear a helmet when riding an e-bike.
    A. might B. may C. canD. must
    3. I knw hw busy yu are and naturally I wuldn't take ________ t much f yur time.
    A. ff B. upC. n D. dwn
    4. Peter has ________ memry and ften frgets the names f peple rund him.
    A. lngB. gdC. richD. pr
    5. The gravity n Mars is nly abut there eighths f ___________n the Earth.
    A. thatB. thseC. ne D. nes
    6. The dcumentary A Plastic Ocean is s impressive that I ___________it several times s far.
    A. watched B. watchC. have watched D. will watch
    7. During ur hlidays, we shuld avid _________up at night and versleeping in he mrning.
    A. stayB. t stayC. stayedD. staying
    8. Nw teenagers __________t d vluntary wrk fr their lcal cmmdities.
    A. are encuraged B. were encuraged C. have encuragedD. are encuraging
    9. 一 Amy, I wnder___________ in the street when I cme t pick yu up.
    —Well, there's a big tree by the frnt gate and it's cvered in lvely white flwers at the mment.
    A. hw will I find yur huse B. hw I will find yur huse
    C. when I will find yur huse D. when will I find yur huse
    10. — Hi, Jack! I'm just ging t the practice fr the cncert. Are yu cming t play yur vilin?
    —____________, Carl. I have t finish my reprt tday.
    A. Yu'd better nt B. It desn't matter
    C. I'm afraid ntD. Dn’t wrry
    第二部分 完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 满分 10分)
    请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    When she was very yung Severn Cullis-Suzuki learned that the United Natins Assembly(大会)was ging t meet in Brazil, Severn 11 that she wanted nt nly t g there but als t say smething. She started t raise mney fr the _12 and when she was 12, she had enugh fr the 11, 000-kilmetre jurney.
    Severn was sure that she had _13_ t say, and when she made her five-minuet speech 14_ the UN Assembly, she tried very hard t make a difference. She talked abut _15 prblems like pllutin and the hunting f animals. She als talked abut the 16 f children in many parts f the wrld, especially pr children wh dn't have enugh t eat. She cmpared them with children in richer cuntries wh have mre than they need and thrw things 17 . Severn's questins were a challenge t the wrld's leaders一questins abut why the grwn-ups wh_18_ the wrld dn't take mre care f it and f the peple wh live in it.
    Many peple wh heard her speech were crying at the end, and everyne 19 with thunderus applause(掌声)when she finished.
    Severn shwed that yung peple can make a difference _20 they're brave enugh t believe in themselves, Wh knws? Perhaps yu culd be anther Severn.
    11. A. refused B. decided C. regretted D. dubted
    12. A. game B. curse C. party D. trip
    13. A. smething B anything C. nthing D. everything
    14. A. frm B. with C. t D. by
    15. A. envirnmental B. physical C. educatinal D. medical
    16. A. lcatin B. vacatin C. situatin D. cmmunicatin
    17. A. n B. up C. ver D. away
    18. A. run B. hld C. miss D. stp
    19. A. brke up B. grew up C. std upD. gave up
    20. A. unless B. if C. whether D. thugh
    第三部分 阅读理解(共 12 小题;每小题 2 分, 满分 24分)
    请认真阅读下面短文. 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C, D四个选项中, 选出最佳选顶, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    On the bttm f mst plastic packaging(包装), there's a small triangle (三角)with a letter r a number written inside. These little symbls are nt easy t be nticed, but are really imprtant. They tell yu what kind f plastic it is and whether it can be recycled r nt.
    21. Which is a strnger type f plastic?
    22. Which f the fllwing uses PET plastic?
    A. Milk bttles. B. Ht drink white cups.
    C. Drinking water bttlesD. Takeaway fd packaging,
    23, What is the purpse f this article?
    A. T intrduce types f plastic. B. T display reusable items.
    C. T explain recycling methds. D. T recmmend shpping bags.
    Chinese is mainly divided int 13 dialects(方言)and these dialects can be further divided int many kinds f lcal dialects. Putnghua (r Mandarin) the predminant dialect, is spken by ver 70% f the ppulatin and is ne fthe6fficillanguages f the United Natins, Within these large dialect grups, there are small grups, many f which are difficult t understand. In Fujian, fr example, peple living 10 kilmetres away frm ne Anther can be speaking different Min dialects.
    Putnghua. It is the mther dialect f Chinese living in nrthern China and Sichuan Prvince. It is called Guyu in sme parts f China, like Hng Kng, Maca(澳门)and Taiwan, It is knwn in English as Mandarin Chinese, r Standard Chinese.
    Wu. Spken in Shanghai, mst f Zhejiang and the suthern parts f Jiangsu and Anhui Wu is made up f hundreds f different f spken frms.
    Hakka/Kejia. Hakka is widely spken in Fujian. Taiwan, and sme cuntries in Sutheast Asia.
    Min. It is spken in Fujian, Taiwan, and Sutheast Asia. Min grup is the mst diverse(多样的), with many different spken frms used in neighburing cuntries.
    Yue. It is spken in Guangdng, Hng Kng, Maca, Taiwan, all ver Sutheast Asia and by many Chinese living abrad.
    24. What des the underlined wrd "predminant" mean?
    A. Mre beautiful. B. Mre specialC. Mre interesting. D. Mre cmmn.
    25. What d yu knw abut Putnghua after reading this passage?
    A. It is used by a small grup f peple in China.
    B. It is spken nly by peple in Mainland China.
    C. It is included in the fficial languages f the United Natins.
    D. It is the mther dialect f peple living in suthern China.
    26. Based n he passage, which f the fllwing is true?
    A. Mst peple in Anhui speak Kejia.
    B. Wu is the lcal dialect f Shanghai.
    C. Yue has the mst different spken frms.
    D. Mst peple in Hng Kng speak Min.
    Resting my head n Helen's shulder, I put my arms rund her waist(腰 me t her, and we rested in silence.
    We hand nt sat lng befre anther persn came in.
    Sme heavy cluds, swept frm the sky by a rising wind, had left he mn bright; and her light, cming in thrugh a windw near, shne full bth n us and n the cming persn, Miss Temple.
    "I came n purpse t find yu. Jane Eyre, " said she. "I want yu in my rm, and as Helen Burs is with yu, she may cme t. "
    We fllwed Miss Temple t her apartment. It had a gd fire, and lked cheerful. Miss Temple tld Helen Burns t be seated in a lw arm-chair n ne side f the fire place, and herself asking anther, she called me t her side.
    "Is it all ver?" she asked. lking dwn at my face. "Have yu cried yur sadness away"
    "I am afraid I never shall d that. "
    "Because I have been wrngly accused(指责), and yu and everybdy else, will think me a bad girl. "
    "We shall think yu what yu prve yurself t be, my child. Cntinue t act as a gd girl, and yu will satisfy us. "
    "Shall I, Miss Temple?"
    "Yu will. "said Miss Temple, "Yu have been accused f lying when yu were little. Tell us the truth, but add nthing and exaggerate(夸大)nthing. "
    I made up my mind that I wuld be mst mdest and mst cre. Having thught fr a few minutes abut where t start, I tld her all the stry f my sad childhd.
    27. Which f the fllwing wrds best describes Miss Temple in the passage?
    A. Dishnest. B. Impatient. C. Caring. D. Humrus.
    28. What des the underlined paragraph imply(暗示)?
    A. Miss Temple was ging t punish Jane.
    B. Helen wuld rather leave Jane alne.
    C. Nthing culd make Jane happy again.
    D. Jane's luck might change fr the better,
    29. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is true abut Jane?
    A. She chse t trust Miss Temple.B. She didn't mind being accused.
    C. She made up her childhd stry. D, She nce behaved as a bad girl.
    Everybdy has a brain, but nt many peple knw hw the brain wrks. Sme peple believe that the brain is like the hard disk f a cmputer. We use it t stre files 一 pictures, language (wrds, texts, sunds) and s n. Others cmpare the brain t a huge cupbard with lts f shelves and bxes in it. We put infrmatin int these bxes and hpe t find it again later.
    The brain is nt A cmputer disk, And it isn't a cupbard. Lk at the picture here. It lks a hit like weeds(杂草)in a garden, desn't it? The picture actually shws a child's necrtex— a part f the brain that cntrls sight and hearing. Yu can guess what happens 一 mre "weeds" grw as the child gets lder, Scientists call these neurnal(神经元的)netwrks. The netwrks grw arund ur neurns. -What makes them grw? Learning!" Learning is brain change, "says Prfessr James Zull frm Case Western University in Cleveland, Ohi, USA. "Withut learning, nthing changes in the brain. Fr every new wrd yu learn in yur English lessn, every prblem yu slve in maths, every new sng yu learn t sing, a neurnal netwrk grws in yur brain and the brain changes."
    The mre neurnal netwrks we grw, the better we can think and the better we remember. Yu may wnder if there is anything yu can d t make the netwrks in yur brain grw better. Prfessr Zull says yes, there is. He says that brain change is strngest when a) yu are interested in and like what yu are learning, b) yu are in cntrl f what yu learn and c) yu get challenging tasks that make yu think hard. Understanding a challenging task makes yu feel gd and develps yur brain,
    30. What's the main idea f the first paragraph?
    A. The brain — a fantastic cmputer. B. What peple believe abut the brain.
    C. Hw t make yur brain strnger. D. Our brain 一 a grwing system.
    31. What can we learn frm the passge2
    A. Learning makes ur neurnal netwrks grw.
    B. Seeing a challenging task develps ur brain.
    C We remember better when things are easy.
    D. There's nthing we can d t make us smarter
    32. What’s the best title fr the passage?
    A. Interest is the best teacher B. Meeting life’s challenges
    C. Never t late t learn D. Learning is brain change
    第四部分 信息还原(共5 小题;每小题1分, 满分5 分)
    请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。
    It was a very ht day. As I was sitting n the bench, waiting fr class t begin, I saw Timthy waving a brwn paper bag at Jenna. Happily, the tw f them walked away t smewhere.
    ____33___ They stpped at a quieter area behind the library. "Strange, "I thught. "They must be up t smething!" I watched them frm behind a large tree and saw Jenna pass sme mney t Timthy. Timthy then passed the paper bag t Jenna. Bth f them were smiling and seemed very happy. 34 _ Timthy must be selling answers t the hliday wrksheets t Jenna! It made sense t me as Timthy was an excellent student and Jenna always needed help in her hmewrk. I culd nt stp myself and jumped ut frm behind the tree. I cried, " 35 "
    Timthy and Jenna were surprised. "What is happening?" Jenna asked. After I tld them what I had thught, they laughed. I turned ut that in the bag was a special cmic bk bught by Timthy’s brther. 36 Once I heard the explanatin, I turned red. I wished the grund wuld swallw(吞下) me then t save me frm the shame. I said srry fr my mistake and quickly ran away. _ 37
    第五部分 词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分 10分)
    根据下列句子所给汉语注释或首字母, 在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。
    38. Tmrrw is Father's Day. Let's get prepared (今晚)t give Dad a big surprise.
    39. Suzhu Museum ____________(位于)t the nrth f the Lin Frest Garden.
    40. In China, ___________(小学的)educatin is given-t pupils between ages f 6 and 12.
    41. We need t increase ur ___________(知识)f the histry f the Cmmunist Party f China.
    42. Dn't get n the bus befre (清点)the ttal number f yur team members.
    43. Kate wanted t turn the rm int a study, w_________ her husband preferred a kitchen
    44. A ________ the ur great classical Chinese nvels, my favurite is Jurney t the West.
    45. A walk in the fresh air can l yur md after a stressful day's wrk.
    46. When watching the raising f the natinal flag, we shuld stand with ur backs.
    47. In 1961. Yuan Lngping fund a natural hybrid rice plant that had many a____________
    ver thers.
    第六部分 短文填空(共 10 小题;每小题1分, 满分 10分)
    请认真阅读下面短文, 在答题卡标有题号的横线上, 填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空限填词。
    Des my gldfish knw wh Ian?
    I think this is a great questin. I d spend my days 48_______ (study)hw fish g abut their lives. First f all, fish are much smarter than peple think. Peple ften talk f gldfish having three-secnd memries, but in fact they can learn all kinds f things, and remember them 49______ quite a lng time.
    This shuldn't surprise us t much. Just like ther animals, they can find enugh t eat. and 50 ___________(knw) when it is sale t be ut in the pen. Being able t learn and remember things helps 5l__________(they) d this.
    Many kinds f fish can tell ne frm anther, accrding t their grup, their relatives, 52________even their wn eggs. But fish live in 53_________ very different wrld frm us, Fr many kinds f fish, althugh seeing is imprtant, 54 _________ (sense) such as smell and tuch are even mre imprtant.
    S, des yur fish knw wh yu are? I believe yur fish will 55_________ (sure) knw when it is feeding time, My wn fish becme very 56_________ (excite)when my hand appears near their tank, even befre I drp the fd in. I'm nt sure that yur fish will be able t remember what yur face 57__________ (lk) like, but I wuldn't be t surprised if it culd remember yu in ther ways, perhaps by the sund f yur ftsteps as yu walk twards the tank.
    第七部分 阅读表达(共3小题;58题1分, 59 题2分, 60题3分, 满分6分)
    请认真阅读下面短文, 用英语回答短文后的问题, 并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。
    A tw-week-ld baby hipp sat alne n the bank f the Zambezi River in Zambia, a cuntry in Africa. His mther was dead. The mrning sun rse and with every passing minute he lst mre strength. Withut his mther, the baby prbably wuldn't make it thrugh the night.
    Luckily, Ian Stevensn and his friends saw the baby hipp. They tk him back, fed him milk and eggs. The yung animal was saved and sn dubled his weight. He seemed happy and healthy.
    Later, the hipp, nw called Duglas, was mved t an ideal hme at Chipembele, a wildlife center wned by Ann and Steve Tlan, They built a sleeping place fr Duglas by a pl where he liked t swim. They fed him every three hurs. Duglas enjyed playing with the Tlans' pet dgs and swimming in the pl. Smetimes at night, ther hipps came frm the nearby river t eat grass. At first, Duglas wuld walk int his pl t hide. "But he sn fught against his shyness and played with them, "Tlan shys. Duglas remained at Chipembele fr abut five years befre he was mved t anther part f Zambia.
    58. What's the name f the hipp?
    59. Hw did the baby hipp survive the night withut his mther?
    60. In yur pinin, where was the hipp mved five years later, a z r the wild, Why?
    第八部分 书面表达(共 1 题;满分 25 分)
    在日常生活中, 冲突难免发生。请以“A cnflict with…”为题. 用英语写下你与他人(如;家人, 老师, 同学等)或自己内心发生过的冲突故事。故事需包括冲突的发生和解决。
    1. 词数;100左右;
    2. 请先将标题填写完整, 再写文章;
    3文中不得出现与考生相关的真实姓名, 校名等信息;照抄阅读语篇不得分。
    参考词汇∶cnflict 冲突
    A cnflict with_____________________
    第一部分 单项填空
    1-5 CDBDA 6-10 CDABC
    第二部分 完形填空
    11-15 BDACA 16-20 CDACB
    第三部分 阅读理解
    21-25 BCADC 26-30 BCDAB 31-32 AD
    第四部分 信息还原
    33-37 CBFDE
    第五部分 词汇检测
    38. tnight 39. lies40. primary41. knwledge42. cunting
    43. while44. Amng45 lift46. straight47. advantages
    第六部分 短文填空
    48. studying 49. fr50. knw51. them52. and/r
    53. a54. senses55. surely56. excited 57. lks
    第七部分 阅读表达
    58. Duglas.
    59. He was saved by lan Stevensn and his friends.
    60. The wild. Because that was where he belnged.
    /A z. Because he culd be taken gd care f in the z
    第八部分 书面表达(略)
    Can it be recycled?
    Types f Plastic

    Pet This is the plastic that yu ften see n supermarket shelves! It's used t make plastic water bttles and biscuit bxes.

    HDPE is a strnger type f plastic. It is what milk bttles are made f.
    LDPE is a very sft plastic which is nt easily brken. It is what shpping bags are made f.
    This plastic is ften seen in ur daily life. Yu'll prbably have seen it as thse cheap white cups yu get ht drinks in, r as takeaway fd packaging.
    A. I will never trust them again.
    B. A thught suddenly came int my mind.
    C. Out f curisity, I fllwed Timthy and Jenna.
    D. Timthy was nly cllecting mney frm Jenna fr the cmic bk.
    E. I will never jump t cnclusins again.
    F. I saw what the tw f yu had dne.
    G. Luckily, they invited me t jin them.

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