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    河南省2021年中招考前模拟九年级英语试卷(word版 含答案)
    河南省2021年中招考前模拟九年级英语试卷(word版 含答案)01
    河南省2021年中招考前模拟九年级英语试卷(word版 含答案)02
    河南省2021年中招考前模拟九年级英语试卷(word版 含答案)03
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    河南省2021年中招考前模拟九年级英语试卷(word版 含答案)

    这是一份河南省2021年中招考前模拟九年级英语试卷(word版 含答案),共9页。

    2021 中 招 考 前 模 拟
    1. 本试题卷共 8 页,六个大题,满分 120 分,考试时间 100 分钟。
    2. 试题卷上不要答题,选择题请用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上指定位置。非选择题请用 0.5 毫米
    一、听力理解(20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项
    1. Where is the wman ging?
    A. A pst ffice
    2. What’s that in the bx?
    A. A cat
    3. Hw is the weather in Sydney?
    A. Ht
    4. What’s the time nw?
    A. 5:55
    5. Where are the tw speakers?
    A. In the restaurant.
    B. A library
    B. A bag
    B. Cl
    B. 6:05
    B. In the classrm.
    C. A bank
    C. A hat
    C. Snwy
    C. 6:15
    C. In the supermarket.
    听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、
    C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听下面一段对话,回答第 6 至第 7 两个小题。
    6. What kind f dishes wuld the man like t try?
    A. Ht dishes
    B. Sweet dishes
    C. Light dishes
    7. Hw many dishes des the man rder?
    A. Tw
    B. Three
    C. Fur
    听下面一段对话回答第 8 至第 10 三个小题。
    8. What des the man want t d?
    A. He wants t buy his daughter a skirt.
    C. He wants t buy a scarf fr his mther.
    9. What clr des the man chse finally?
    B. He wants t make a dress fr his wife.
    A. Red
    10. Hw much des the man pay?
    A.18 yuan
    B. Pink
    B.80 yuan
    C. White
    C.88 yuan
    第 1页(共 8 页)
    The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
    In this interesting stry, Mark Twain imagines what wuld happen if
    Prince Edward f England changed places with a beggar by. The
    beggar by lks exactly like Edward Prly dressed, the prince is
    driven ut f the palace and has many unusual experiences trying t
    get back!
    Twice as Nice by Nicle Rubel
    What's it like t be a twin? If yu always wnder r just want t knw
    mre abut twins, this is the next thing t read. It's gt lts f fun facts,
    science, stries f famus twins, twin jkes and interviews with real
    听下面一段独白,回答第 11 至第 12 两个小题。
    11. Wh des Bb have breakfast with?
    A. His wife and sn.
    B. His wife and daughter.
    C. His wife and mther.
    12. What des Bb ften d n weekends?
    A. He ften ges fr a bike ride with his students.
    B. He ften plays ftball with his friends.
    C. He ften has a trip with his family.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 13 至第 15 三个小题。
    13. What’s the matter with Alice?
    A. She has a bad cld.
    14. Why des Alice feel sick?
    B. She has sre eyes.
    C. She has a sre thrat.
    A. Because the fd is ht.
    C. Because she gets much stress these days.
    15. When will Alice leave Chngqing?
    B. Because the weather is cld.
    A. In tw days.
    B. In three days
    C. In fur days
    二、阅读理解(本大题共 20 小题,每小题 2 分,共 40 分)
    第 2页(共 8 页)
    Have a Nice DNA by Fran Balkwill and Mic Rlph
    DNA is fascinating and this bk des a gd jb f explaining what it
    is and hw it wrks. Lts f pictures shw bth the actual DNA and
    what's ging n in cells. Learn the secrets f the cde that cntrls all
    Astrtwins by Mark Kelly
    While astrnaut Sctt Kelly is up in space, his twin brther astrnaut
    Mark Kelly, is staying n the earth writing bks. He is writing abut
    twin brthers wh want t grw up t be astrnauts. In his first bk,
    the twins decide t build a rcket t send themselves int space,right
    frm their wn yard. What culd g wrng?
    21. What can we knw abut The Prince and the Pauper?
    A. It tells a sad stry.
    C. It is abut a prince and his brther.
    22. Which writer is a twin?
    B. It tells a real stry.
    D. It was written by Mark Twain
    A. Mic Rlph.
    B. Mark Kelly.
    C. Fran Balkwill.
    D. Nicle Rubel.
    23. Hw many bks talk abut twins stries?
    A. Fur
    B. Three.
    C. Tw.
    D. One.
    24. If Jack shws great interest in the secrets f life, what he wuld like t read?
    A. Astrtwins
    C. Twice as Nice
    25. Where can yu find the material?
    A. On a ntice bard f a library.
    C. In a fd magazine.
    B. Have a Nice DNA
    D. The Prince and the Pauper
    B. In a stry bk.
    D. In a travel guide.
    Have yu ever psted a pht n a scial netwrking site? Thusands f peple d it every day.
    But hw wuld yu feel if yur pht ended up n an advertisement in a freign cuntry? This is
    what happened t the Smiths f Missuri.
    It all started with a Christmas pht. The Smiths, an all-American family with tw children,
    psed fr the pht befre Christmas. The picture shwed the husband and wife, Jeff and Danielle,
    and their tw smiling children. Later Danielle, wh lives in St Luis, sent the pht ut as a
    Christmas card t family and friends. She als psted the picture n her blg and ther scial
    netwrking sites. Then, she frgt abut it until a few mnths later when she received an e-mail frm
    a friend, Brian.
    Brian was traveling arund Eurpe. One day, he nticed a big advertisement in the street with
    第 3页(共 8 页)
    sme familiar faces n it : Jeff, Danielle and their tw children. Brian tk a pht f the ad and
    e-mailed it t his friends back in the USA. When Danielle saw that her pht had been used fr the
    ad, she described it as, "Interesting. I suppse. But quite terrible."
    The shp wner was shcked, t. Mari Bertucci runs the grcery stre. He said he fund the
    image n the internet. He explained, "As sn as I realized it was a real family. I tk it dwn and
    aplgized t the Smiths by email. I als tld them that if they lived nearer, I wuld send a bttle f
    gd wine t them."
    In her blg, Danielle wrte, "S, this is the way we pay fr indulging(沉迷于)in scial media,
    I guess." She said that next time they pst a picture nline, they're ging t put a watermark(水印)
    n it.
    26. Hw did Danielle use her Christmas pht?
    A. She sld it t an ad businessman.
    B. She sent it ut as a Christmas card and used the pht nline.
    C. She put it up n the wall f her living-rm.
    D. She lent it t a shp wner.
    27. Hw did Danielle feel when she knew her pht was used?
    A. She felt interesting but upset abut it.
    B. She was happy that she became famus.
    C. She felt prud fr her family’s wnderful pht.D. She felt satisfied that she wuld get much mney.
    28. What can we learn frm the furth paragraph?
    A. The shp keeper is the Smiths’ friend.
    B. The shpkeeper gt the pht nline fr free.
    C. The Smiths accepted a bttle f gd wine at last.
    D. The shpkeeper tk dwn his advertisement and said srry t the Smiths n the phne.
    29. The writer wants t tell us ______.
    A. the Internet is a gd place t make friends
    B. Danielle became friends in a strange way
    C. psting phts nline is a gd way t becme famus
    D. we shuld be careful nt t pst ur phts nline casually
    30. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. Hw t make full f ur phts.
    C. The cst f psting phts n the Internet.
    B. A creative advertisement
    D. Hw t make an ad mre attractive.
    Yur third year f middle schl was prbably a difficult and busy time. Yu may have had
    truble getting enugh sleep. We all knw that nt getting enugh sleep is nt gd fr ur health.
    But it has been fund that less sleep culd even cause yu t have fewer friends, the Guardian
    第 4页(共 8 页)
    Accrding t researchers frm the University f Califrnia, peple wh dn’t get enugh sleep
    are less willing t scialize with thers. They are simply t tired t g ut.
    The researchers did a small study. They tested 18 yung peple wh had just had a gd night’s
    sleep—as well as tested them again after a sleepless night. The participants watched vides f peple
    with expressins walking tward them. When the persn n the vide gt t “clse” t them, they
    pushed a buttn t stp the vide, which recrded hw clse they allwed the persn t get.
    The results shwed that the participants kept the persn at a further distance if they hadn’t
    gtten enugh sleep. They might think the persn intruded their persnal space. But when the
    participants gt a gd night’s sleep, they allwed the persn t get much clser t them.
    Accrding t lead researcher Matthew Walker, the less sleep yu get, the less yu want t
    scialize with thers. In turn, ther peple may think yu lk strange and stay away frm yu. This
    can make yu feel lnely and cause yu t sleep even less. It becmes a vicius cycle.
    S if yu want t be a mre sciable and ppular persn, sleeping well might help. “One night
    f gd sleep makes yu feel mre utging and cnfident,” Walker tld the Daily Mail.
    31. Accrding t the passage, in the third year f yur middle schl, yu may meet ______.
    A. schlwrk prblems B. sleeping prblems
    32. Why did the researcher tested 18 yung peple?
    C. feeling prblems
    D. eating prblems
    A. They wanted t knw hw they slept well.
    B. They wanted t knw hw they clsed t thers.
    C. They wanted t knw hw much curage they had.
    Wrd Bank
    scialize v. 社交
    a vicius cycle 恶性循环
    D. They wanted t knw hw sleeping influenced them.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “intruded” mean in this passage?
    A. 丢弃.
    B. 侵犯.
    C. 远离.
    D. 拥有.
    34. If yu get less sleeping, ______.
    A. yu are easy t get n well with thers
    C. it causes yu t sleep mre the next time
    35. What’s the main idea f the passage?
    A. Sleeping well.
    C. A sleeping test.
    B. yu’ll get much clser t ther peple
    D. yu can’t be a mre scial and ppular persn
    B. Scializing with ther peple.
    C. Being mre utging and cnfident.
    We’re sitting t much and it’s dangerus. Mst Americans spend mre than seven hurs sitting
    every day.
    And we knw that sitting t much is nt a gd thing. 36._____________________ Luckily,
    there are simple changes yu can make during the day—anywhere, even at the wrkplace t imprve
    yur health.
    第 5页(共 8 页)
    37.___________________ This allws yu t start yur mrnings actively and be ready t take
    n the wrk. If yu take the bus, get ff ne stp earlier t take sme light exercise befre 8 a.m.
    38.___________________ When yu're busy with wrk, it's easy t frget the time. Set the
    alarm t remind yu t get up and take a walk arund the ffice. Yu can use this time t fill up yur
    water bttle r g t the bathrm.
    39.___________________ G t yur c-wrkers ffice t discuss questins face t face,
    rather than send an email every time yu have a questin. This gives yu a gd excuse t mve.
    Use yur lunch break t mve arund utside. 40.___________________ When pssible, take
    advantage f this time t walk utside and enjy the nice weather. Fresh air can make yu keep a
    clear mind.
    A. Ask questins and discuss questins face t face.
    B. The mre yu sit, the weaker yur bdy will be.
    C. S many Americans tday walk during their lunch break.
    D. Get up and walk arund the ffice nce every 60-90 minutes.
    E. Park a few blcks away frm the ffice and walk t wrk.
    三、完形填空(本大题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
    A wise man was n his lng jurney with a yung man.
    was falling, s they decided t
    find a place t stay. They searched fr a lng time and at last fund a tiny ld huse. A(n)
    family lived in it. They gave the tw visitrs a warm welcme and
    including fresh milk and cheese.
    a simple meal fr them
    After the meal, the wise man asked hw they
    in such a pr place. In a lw vice, the
    husband replied, “We have a
    . We sell her milk t ur neighburs and keep sme fr
    wn needs—make sme cheese and cream.”
    The next mrning, the tw visitrs cntinued their jurney.
    they walked a few miles,
    the wise man said t the yung man. “G back and push the cw ff the cliff( 悬 崖 ) .” “Why?
    Withut the cw, they will have nthing.” The wise man repeated his rder. “G back and
    the cw.”
    The yung man was
    abut the future f the family. But
    he returned t the ld
    huse and did as the wise man tld him.
    A few years later, the yung man
    n the same rad. He decided t visit the family
    again. Unexpectedly, he saw a large huse with a beautiful garden there.
    He kncked n the dr and a well-dressed man answered. He was the sn f the family. The
    man invited him t enter the huse and tld him
    their life changed. “Yu knw, we had
    第 6页(共 8 页)
    but a cw t keep us alive years ag. But ne day she fell ff the cliff and died. We had t
    cme up with new
    f making a living. Yu see, we are much
    than befre.” At his
    wrds, the yung man smiled.
    41. A. Rain
    42. A. brave
    43. A. prepared
    44. A. tk a talk
    45. A. hrse
    46. A. ur
    47. A. Befre
    48. A. help
    49. A. angry
    50. A. luckily
    51. A. travelled
    52. A. what
    53. A. smething
    54. A. places
    55. A. better
    B. Night
    B. pr
    B. bught
    B. gt int truble
    B. pig
    B. their
    B. Until
    B. kill
    B. quiet
    B. finally
    B. fund
    B. where
    B. anything
    B. wishes
    B. smarter
    C. Light
    C. imprtant
    C. tk
    C. tk a vacatin
    C. cw
    C. his
    C. After
    C. watch
    C. mad
    C. suddenly
    C. missed
    C. hw
    C. nthing
    C. interests
    C. busier
    D. Silence
    D. dangerus
    D. rdered
    D. made a living
    D. sheep
    D. her
    D. Because
    D. feed
    D. wrried
    D. especially
    D. grew
    D. whether
    D. everything
    D. ways
    D. prettier
    四、语篇填空(本大题共两节 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
    what, water, classmate, grw, give, care, happy, late, by, but
    A little by almst thught f himself as the unluckiest child because he was brn with a lame
    (瘸的)leg. He seldm played with his
    and always lwered his head withut a wrd.
    One spring, the by’s father
    each child a small tree t plant. “Whever
    best tree will get a favurite gift,” he said t them. Seeing his brthers and sisters watering the trees
    , a terrible idea hit his mind: he hped the tree he planted wuld die sn. S he never cared
    abut it.
    A few days
    , he was surprised t find it nt nly didn’t die,
    grew sme fresh
    leaves, and it lked greener and healthier than the thers. He gt a favurite gift and was tld
    his father that frm the tree he planted, he wuld becme a great btanist(植物学家). One night,
    lking at the bright mnlight utside the windw, he suddenly remembered
    his teacher
    nce said, mst plants grew at night. Why nt g t see the lvely tree? When he came t the garden,
    he fund his father was
    his tree carefully. At that time, he understd: his father has
    secretly taken gd
    f his small tree! He returned t his rm with tears running ut.
    第 7页(共 8 页)
    Many years passed. The little by didn’t becme a btanist, but he was knwn as a great
    president f the United States. His name was Franklin Rsevelt.
    My mm is the persn wh I want t thank mst. She nt nly teaches me many things
    tells me hw t be a gd persn.
    One day after the mid-term exam, the teacher gave the paper back
    us. I lked at my
    scre and fund that I did
    in the exam. But suddenly, I saw a mistake that the teacher didn’t
    pay attentin t. I decided nt t tell the truth. After schl, I tld it t my mm. She asked
    t be hnest. She said, “The grade is imprtant, but as a persn, yu shuld first
    hnest.” I
    felt s srry.
    Being hnest is imprtant in my future life. Fr my mm, I’ll study hard and be a gd persn
    in return.
    五、补全对话(5 个小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
    A: Hi, Peter! Lng time n see. Hw's it ging?
    B: Pretty gd. Glad t see yu! 71. ____________________?
    A: We are discussing a plan. I will g t the ld twn with sme friends this weekend.
    B: Oh, really?
    A: Yeah, five f us. 72. ____________________?
    B: Yes, I'd lve t. What are yu ging t d there?
    A: We are getting there this Friday afternn. 73. ____________________. Then I will take sme
    time t visit my friends.
    B: Yu wn't g camping, will yu?
    A: 74. ____________________. It is a bit cld. We are staying in a small htel, and it's less
    expensive than a 5-star htel, but it's cmfrtable. What d yu usually d n weekends?
    B: Sit n my sfa all day and watch the DVDs I have bught.
    A: I dn't knw hw I can d that all weekend. 75. ____________________.
    B: I knw. But that's really what I want t d. Maybe staying at hme is a better chice fr me.
    六、书面表达(共 20 分)
    某报刊正在开展“我眼中最美中学生”的活动。请以“The mst beautiful student in my eyes”
    1. 要点:1)谁是你心中最美的学生;
    2. 要求:1)文中不要出现所在学校的校名和师生姓名;
    2)词数 100 左右。
    一、1--5 CABAB 6--10 AAABB 11--15 ACCAC 16--20 BDAEC
    二、21--25 DBCBA 26--30 BABDC 31--35 BDBDA 36—40 BEDAC
    三、41—45 BBADC 46—50 ACBDB 51—55 ACCDA
    四、第一节 56.classmates 57. gave 58.grws 59.happily 60.later 61.but 62.by 63.what 64.watering 65.care
    第二节66. but 67. t 68. well 69. me 70. be
    五、71. What are yu ding here/What are yu discussing here/What are yu talking abut here
    72.Wuld yu like/lve t g with us
    73. We will g sightseeing and d sme interesting activities/We will eat sme lcal fd there/...
    74. N/N, we aren't ging t
    75. I'll get bred/It's bring/...
    六、 The mst beautiful student in my eyes
    Withut dubt, Jack is the mst beautiful student in my eyes. The reasns are as fllws.
    First, Jack is helpful. He is always ready t help thers n matter wh needs help. Als, he ffers t help thers clean the classrm. At hme, he shares the husewrk with his parents. He thinks everyne shuld d his part in keeping the huse clean and tidy. Secnd, he is very humrus. He ften tells jkes, which can make us laugh frm time t time. Last but nt least, he des well in all the subjects. He has been n the tp 5 in ur grade fr three years. He’s my idl wh I lk up t.
    Generally speaking, nbdy else is mre beautiful than he in my eyes. He has been the example that I learn frm.
    第 8页(共 8 页)

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