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    1.A.She was quiet. B.She was shy. C.She was utging.
    2.A.g n a trip t Shanghai B.g n a trip t Nanjing C.g n a trip t Beijing,
    3.A.By train. B.By bike. C.By bat.
    4.A.He went shpping. B.He went fishing. C.He went hiking.
    5.A.Blue. B.Red. C.White.
    6.A.It was rainy. B.It was cludy. C.It was sunny.
    7.A.Dctr and patient. B.Mther and sn. C.Teacher and student.
    8.A.By being n a die. B.By walking every day. C.By ding different sprts.
    9.A.Between a hspital and a bank. B.Between a hspital and library. C.Between a library and a bank.
    10.A.Snwy. B.Sunny. C.Rainy.
    第二节:听下面两段对话, 每段对话后有几道小题, 请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)
    听第11 段对话, 回答第11、12 小题。
    11.What is the sign here?
    A.N smking.B.N smking.C.N fishing.
    12.Hw lng is the visiting time?
    A.One hur.B.Tw hurs.C.Three hurs.
    听第12段对话, 回答第13至15小题。
    13.What date is Janes birthday?
    A.On March 3rd.B.On April 3rd.C.On April 13th.
    14.Wh else has Jane invited t her party?
    A.Her friends.B.Her teachers.C.Her classmates.
    15.Why can’t Paul cme t Jane's birthday party?
    A.Because he has t d his hmewrk.
    B.Because he has t lk after his mther.
    C.Because he has t g t the training schl.
    听13段独白,本题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据所听内容, 用单词或短语完成下列各题。(每空限填一个单词。) (共5小题,计10分)
    第一节:阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。(共10小题,计10分)
    A grup f bys std arund a tree. “ 21 !” they said t each ther. “It wuld be excited 22 t the tp!”
    The grup f 23 then decided t play a game t see wh culd climb t the tp f the tree first. Their mthers were sitting nt far away, lking at their children as they played. One f the climbers was 24 8-year-ld by named David. He was the 25 child in the grup. Nbdy thught he wuld win the cmpetitin.
    Then the game started. All f the bys tried their best t climb as high as they culd. 26 they all made it halfway up the tree befre David did, he reached the tp f the tree fastest at last. 27 mther was prud t see this. She asked him, “David, hw did yu manage t reach the tp f the tree s 28 ?”
    “It was easy,” David said. “The ther children kept lking dwn as they climbed. When realized hw high they were, they gt scared and were afraid f falling 29 . I, hwever, lked nly up. When I saw hw near I was, I kept ging higher and higher until I 30 the tp.
    It is true in life that if we just keep ging frward withut lking back, we are mre likely t reach ur gals (目标).
    21.A.What a tall treeB.Hw a tall treeC.What tall a treeD.Hw tall tree
    22.A.climbB.t climbC.climbedD.climbing
    30.A.reachesB.will reachC.has reachedD.reached
    第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意, 从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。(共10小题,计10分)
    Father’s Day will fall n June 20 this year. On this day, I want t 31 my father nt nly fr keeping us fit, safe and happy, but als fr supprting my educatin.
    My dad is a kind, funny and active persn. He 32 t be with me t g bike riding, shpping and swimming. He enjys making 33 dishes(菜肴)fr my family t eat. He is very gd at 34 ur huse and the car, t. He has taught me many valuable and practical 35 , like hw t change a tire(轮胎)and play the guitar.
    My dad als supprts me at schl. He has vlunteered at many schl 36 ever since I was in the first grade. He cmes t almst each f my schl sprts games and 37 cheers fr my teammates and me during the vlleyball seasn. With his full supprt, I always feel mre cnfident(自信的)and play 38 . Smetimes, he als takes n the rle f a 39 when I try t d my math r histry hmewrk.
    S n this special day, I really 40 my dad t have the feeling t be lved. I will make him a nice lunch and hand-written cards t make him happy. My plan is simple, but I knw my dad will enjy it.
    38.A.betterB.mre quicklyC.mre clearlyD.wrse
    第一节:阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文, 从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案(共10小题,计15分)
    Technlgy is develping fast and it has becme an imprtant part f ur life. Then what will the wrld be like in the future?
    3-D fd will be bth delicius and nutritius(有营养的). We can use 3-D printers t print sme basic materials. And we can g further. Scientists believe that we just need t turn n a printer in the kitchen and then we can enjy ur favrite fd whenever we like.
    5G netwrk will allw many mre peple t get infrmatin. Big cmpanies like China Mbile and China Unicm will start t ffer 5G. It is said that 5G prmises dwnlad speed 10 t 20 times faster than 4G. Fr example, we can dwnlad a film within just 1 secnd. But with 4G netwrk, it takes a few minutes. There will be much bandwidth(带宽) and we can get unlimited infrmatin.
    Underwater cities will prvide mre space. The earth is becming mre and mre crwded. We may turn t underwater hmes, which will be built as lw as 15 kilmeters belw the sea. And the different temperatures at the different depths f the sea can be used t prvide pwer fr the hmes.
    Space tur will be a piece f cake. Fr us cmmn peple n the earth, the dream f travelling arund space will cme true. In the cming years, spacecraft will be as ppular as buses, trains and planes. We can leave ur hme and enter space t take an adventure. And even we will get used t living there.
    41.Accrding t the scientists, we can enjy ur favrite fd when we ________ in the future.
    A.buy sme utsideB.turn n a 3-D printerC.d it by urselvesD.call the restaurant
    42.The dwnlad speed f 5G netwrk is faster than that f 4G ________.
    A.10 t 20 timesB.5-10 timesC.mre than 20 timesD.20 t 30 times
    43.Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A.3-D fd will be easy t make but wn't taste gd.
    B.With 5G, users will get nly a little infrmatin.
    C.Underwater cities will prvide mre living space.
    D.We still can't travel arund space in the future.
    A new crnavirus (冠状病毒) causes the illness COVID-19 which is causing mre than 1.8 millin deaths arund the wrld. Each natin has its wn stry f hw it dealt with the spread f the crnavirus. As 2020 came t an end, let’s see what happened in several cuntries.
    In China, wrkers have returned t factries and ffices, students are back in the classrm and peple are eating tgether at restaurants. In the cities, wearing a face mask is nt required utside f subways and ther crwded places. Life is back t nrmal in China.
    Germans tk widespread testing fr the crnavirus, which wn wide praise. It brught the number f daily COVID-19 cases dwn frm a high f mre than 6,000 in late March t the few hundreds by the warmer mnths. But peple stpped fllwing the rules all the time, s the numbers began t climb t nearly fur times the March daily recrd. Germany is nw in a new lckdwn as it tries t bring the crnavirus back under cntrl.
    A natin f 1.3 billin peple, India is likely t becme the cuntry with the wrld’s highest crnavirus numbers. It set up a natinwide lckdwn early n. But the number f cases went up quickly as many peple stpped fllwing the rules strictly.
    44.Hw many peple died f COVID-19 arund the wrld acrding t the text?
    A.Mre than 6,000.B.Mre than 1.8 millin.C.Abut 1.3 billin peple.
    45.In which cuntry life is back t nmal?
    A.In China.B.In Germany.C.In India.
    46.Why is Germany nw in a new lckdwn?
    A.T win wide praise.
    B.T save a lt f mney.
    C.T bring the crnavirus back under cntrl.
    Yur Internet experience is ruined when the net speed is t slw — it takes s lng t pen a web page and the shw yu’re watching stps every few minutes. That can be very bring. But it culd be a thing f the past. China’s majr telecm carriers(电信运营商)will start t prvide 5G services in China.
    The “G” in 5G refers t the generatins f mbile technlgies. 1G let us talk t each ther, 2G let us send messages, 3G gave us mbile data(数据) and the Internet, and 4G made all f these things faster.
    Nw 5G prmises much faster speed, and mre stable(稳定的) cnnectins. This means that yu will be able t dwnlad (下载) an entire HD mvie in secnds and nly experience a shrt delay(延迟)between sending and receiving data.
    Accrding t the Straits Times, 5G will be able t imprve many advanced technlgies. With a 5G netwrk, the shrt delay in infrmatin exchange will allw driverless cars t run mre safely, as they will be able t cmmunicate in real time and avid prbable dangers. Meanwhile, 5G-enabled wearable prducts will keep dctrs in tuch with their patients and warn them immediately if there’s smething wrng. Besides, VR games will becme mre ppular with 5G. The shrt delay f 5G will make games feel even mre real.
    But 5G is nt perfect. Fr ne thing, 5G will nt “travel” far. On 4G netwrks, yu can be 10 kilmeters away frm the nearest transmissin base(传输基地). But 5G will nly cver abut 300 meters, meaning that we will need mre transmissin bases s that we can get signals. And in rder t use 5G, we have t buy new prducts specifically designed fr 5G that are expensive nw.
    47.The underlined wrd “ruined” here means “___________”.
    48.What can’t we d with 5G?
    A.Play games quickly and safely.
    B.Experience mre stable netwrk cnnectins.
    C.Make VR games mre ppular.
    D.Dwnlad an HD mvie in secnds.
    49.What can we cnclude(推断)frm the passage?
    A.Fewer transmissin bases will be needed in the near future.
    B.New prducts designed fr 5G are cheap nw.
    C.Many advanced technlgies will be imprved because f 5G.
    D.There will be n delay in infrmatin exchange with 5G.
    50.Hw far can yu be away frm the nearest transmissin base if yu use a 5G mbile phne?
    A.Abut 3 kilmeters.B.Abut 10 kilmeters.
    C.Abut 300 kilmeters.D.Abut 300 meters.
    第二节:根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(共5小题,计5分)
    Napga is a 12-year-ld girl in Ghana(加纳), Africa. It is hard fr her family t get clean water. Every mrning, she leaves hme at half past five t get clean water fr her family in a village far away. 51. She has n time t g t schl r t play with her friends. Millins f peple in the wrld are facing the prblem f water shrtage like Napga. They can’t get enugh clean water t keep healthy.
    Earth Day is April 22. 52. The water we use is the mst imprtant natural resurce(自然资源) n the earth. Water cvers 70% f the earth’s surface. 53. We can’t use it fr very many things. Fresh water cvers nly 1% f the earth’s surface.
    54.________ But that desn’t mean yu dn’t have t wrry abut water. We all face serius water prblems. One f them is water pllutin. All kinds f things frm cars, factries, farms and hmes make ur rivers, lakes, and ceans dirty. Plluted water is very bad fr peple t drink. And dirty water is bad fr fish, t. Nw, 34% f all kinds f fish are dying ut. 55. First, they pllute the air. Then, when it rains, the rain water cmes dwn and makes ur drinking water dirty. Dirty rain, called acid rain, is als bad fr plants, animals and buildings.
    Scientists say that in 30 years, mre than half f the peple in the wrld wn’t have enugh clean water. We have t learn hw t save mre water fr urselves and ur children.
    A.Hw d cars and factries make ur water dirty?
    B.Unfrtunately, mst f that is sea water.
    C.Pllutin has led t serius prblems f water shrtage.
    D.But n all ther days, we must als remember it.
    E.The water Napga gets frm far away is t salty t drink.
    F.Yu prbably feel lucky that yur life isn’t as hard as Napga’s.
    G.It takes her six hurs t get enugh clean water fr daily cking and drinking.
    V.完成句子:根据所给汉语意思, 用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分)
    I ______________ ndles t dumplings.
    That sunds simple, but ______________ it is very difficult.
    Dn’t ________ yur sn. He has tried his best.
    ________ thers is bad manners.
    I regretted ___________________ t my mther this mrning.
    VI.短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次。每空限填一个单词。) (共10小题,计10分)
    hear friend ntice tw afraid answer quiet mean yu wuld
    The exam hall was very quiet. Pupils were 61. answering questins n their papers at their desks. The nly sunds that culd be 62. were the sunds f pens scribbling(匆匆书写)n papers. Sally was sure that she 63. get a gd grade because she had studied much harder fr it.
    As Sally lked at the clck, she 64. smething ut f the crner f her eye. She sn realized that her gd friend Eric seemed t be cpying 65. frm a piece f paper held in his hand under the table. Sally didn’t knw what t d. Reprting(举报)Eric wuld 66. getting him int truble. “Time’s up! It’s time t hand in yur papers,” said Miss Tan.
    After the exam, Sally tld Eric that she had seen him cheating. Eric was 67. and he asked Sally nt t reprt him. But Sally didn’t think it was a gd idea. After much thinking, Sally said, “Eric, it was unfair t thse wh had studied hard fr the examinatin. Yu shuld be respnsible fr (对……负责) 68. and wn up t(向……坦白) yur mistake t Miss Tan.”
    Hearing his 69. wrds, Eric went t Miss Tan and tld her abut it. Miss Tan was nt happy at first, but later she praised Eric fr wning up. It ended well with Miss Tan telling Eric that she wuld give him a 70. chance t take the examinatin again. She said, “Make sure yu scre well, thrugh yur wn effrts this time!”
    VII.任务型阅读:阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容, 完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分)
    In the past, many students practiced English with their pen friends—they sent letters t peple all arund the wrld. Hwever, we nw send emails t thers and chat with peple wh live quite far away n the Internet.
    Here’s sme advice n hw t succeed in yur nline language exchanges (交流):
    Hw t start a cnversatin when speaking English nline? When yu speak t smebdy nline, start by asking “Yes r N” questins. Use questins such as “D yu ” r “Can ” r “Have yu ”
    Remember yur gal. Yu are trying t learn abut the ther persn. Think abut things yu enjy and share yur wn experiences t find that yu have similar interests. If yu nly ask questins, yu will sund like a pliceman r a plicewman!
    Hw t keep a cnversatin ging? Listen carefully. In that way, yu can get t knw smebdy well. When yu knw him r her well, yu will have mre t talk abut. Then ask fllw-up questins. After yu “listen”, use what yu “hear” t learn mre abut that persn. Use “pen ended” questins, such as “What d yu think ” r “What was the mst interesting ”
    Besides, remember sme basic rules fr nline language exchanges:
    Be patient. D nt try t find a gd friend right away.
    Be careful. Dn’t give any persnal infrmatin n the Internet, especially yur address, telephne number, and even yur real name. It’s very dangerus.
    71.Hw many pieces f advice des the writer give us?
    72.Wh did many students practice English with in the past?
    They practiced English with __________________________________________________________________.
    73.What shuld yu d in rder t find similar interests?
    We shuld think abut things we enjy and ______________________________________________________.
    74.What des the writer think f giving persnal infrmatin nline?
    It’s ______________________________________________________________________________________.
    75.What des the writer want t tell us?
    The writer wants t tell us ___________________________________________________________________.
    A: Here we are! Ww! 76. !
    B: S it is. It’s the mst beautiful twer I’ve ever seen.
    A: Wuld yu like t climb it?
    B: 77. . Let’s g t climb it right nw.
    A: Uh, Nina, wait fr a mment. 78. ?
    B: Gd idea!
    A: Oh, bad luck.
    B: 79. ?
    A: My camera desn’t wrk. I think there’s smething wrng with it. D yu bring yur camera?
    B: 80. . It’s in my backpack. Can yu help me get it ut?
    A: Sure.
    假如你是校报“英语之声”栏目编辑李华,请根据下图提示,为该栏目写一篇题为“Save water”的倡议书。
    1. 语言规范,语句通顺,可适当发挥;
    2. 字数:100词左右。
    参考词汇:水龙头 tap
    I.听对话, 选答案
    1-5 BCABC 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 ABBAC
    16.children’s 17.undergrund 18.clthes 19.taught 20.funny
    21.A 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.D 26.C 27.A 28.B 29.C 30.D
    31.A 32 B 33.D 34.D 35.C 36.B 37.D 38.A 39.B 40.C
    41.B42.A 43.C 44.B 45.A46.C 47.C 48.A 49.C 50.D
    51.G 52.D 53.B 54.F 55.A
    56 prefer 57 in fact 58 be hard n 59 Laughing at 60 talking back
    72.their pen friends
    73.share ur wn experiences
    74.(very) dangerus
    75.hw t succeed in ur nline language exchanges
    76.What a beautiful twer/Hw beautiful the twer is/The twer is s beautiful/...
    77.Yes, I’d lve t/Yes, I’d like t/…
    78.What abut/Hw abut taking sme phts first/...
    79.What’s wrng/What’s the matter/What’s up/...
    80.Yes, I d/Yes/Yeah/…
    Save water
    As we knw, water is very imprtant t peple, we can’t live withut water. Hwever, peple waste a lt f water in their daily lives. I think what we can d is t save every drp f water as much as pssible. Fr example, we must turn ff the tap immediately after we use it. We can use a basin t wash ur hands and faces. It’s als a gd idea t encurage ur friends and family members t jin us! Only in this way can we live happily.
    第一节:听下面10段对话, 每段对话后有一个问题, 读两遍。
    1、W: Yur friend Sally has changed a lt. She's very utging nw.
    M: Yes. She used t be a little shy.
    Q: What was Sally like befre?
    2、W: Jack, what are yu ging t d fr the cming hliday?
    M: I want t g n a trip t Beijing, but I have t visit my uncle in Shanghai with my family.
    Q: Where des Jack want t g fr the cming hliday?
    3、W: Why are yu in such a hurry, Fred?
    M: Oh, I'm ging t the railway statin t pick up my friend.
    Q: Hw des Fred's friend cme?
    4、W: Hi, Tny. Did yu g shpping last weekend?
    M: N, I went fishing with my father.
    Q: What did Tny d last weekend?
    5、W: Lk! There are s many clrful rses.
    M. Yes, but I think the white rses are the mst beautiful nes amng them.
    Q: What clr f rses des the man like best?
    6、W: The weather here is changeable in June.
    M: Yeah, it was raining just nw. But it is sunny at this mment.
    Q: Hw was the weather just nw?
    7、W: David, please listen t me carefully. Dn't lk ut f the windw.
    M: Srry, Miss Liu. I wn't d that again.
    Q: Wh are the tw speakers?
    8、W: Yu seem t be much thinner than befre. Are yu n a diet?
    M: N. I walk 6 kilmeters every day and I have lst a ttal f 12 kilgrams up t nw.
    Q: Hw des the man lse weight?
    9、W: Excuse me, can yu tell me where the Children’s Park is?
    M. Yes. G alng the street. Yu will see it behind a bank, between a hspital and a library.
    Q: Where is the Children’s Park?
    10、W: The weather has been nice lately. Let’s plan a trip t relax urselves.
    M: Dn't get t excited. It's reprted that it is ging t snw tmrrw.
    Q: What will the weather be like tmrrw?
    第二节:听下面两段对话, 每段对话后有几道小题, 请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。每段对话读两遍。
    听第11 段对话, 回答第11、12 小题。
    M: Excuse me, may I smke here?
    W: I’m afraid nt. Please lk at the sign n the wall.
    M: Srry, I didn't ntice it. Oh, culd yu please tell me what time it is nw?
    W: It's 3:10 p. m. ⑫ By the way, the visiting hurs are frm 3: 00 p. m. t 5: 00 p.m.
    M: Oh, I see. Thank yu.
    W: Yu are welcme.
    听第12段对话, 回答第13至15小题
    W: Hell, Peter. Are yu free this weekend?
    M: Hi. Jane. Yes. I’m free.
    W: Wuld yu like t cme t my birthday party?
    M: Yes. I’d lve t. When is yur birthday?
    W: On April 3rd. I will hld a party at my hme.
    M: Wh else have yu invited?
    W: Sme f my gd friends.
    M: By the way, can I ask Paul t cme with me?
    W: I have invited him but he said he wuld have t g t the training schl that day. I'm afraid he can't cme.
    M. OK. I will cme n time.
    Hi, I’m Mary. I can’t believe that tday is the last day f junir high schl. I still remember the first day f Grade 7 like it was yesterday, Nw I’d like t tell yu ne f my special memries at junir high schl. Last spring, I jined the schl vlunteer prject. I chse t wrk as a vlunteer in a children’s hspital. There were ver 150 children at that time. One weekend, I arrived there with tw ther friends by undergrund. The children were very glad. And sme f them stayed ut t greet us. I gave away sme new and nice clthes t them. Tina was smart enugh t bring sme paper cutting and clay art pieces. She taught them hw t cut paper with scissrs. Jack was funny and active. He tld funny jkes and played games t cheer them up. We stayed there the whle day and enjyed urselves. I’ll never frget the meaningful experience and try my best t help peple in truble.
    Special memries at Junir High Schl
    When and where
    Last spring, I wrked as a vlunteer in a 16. hspital.
    Hw we gt there
    I arrived there with my friends by 17.
    What we did
    I gave away sme new and nice 18. t them.
    Tina brught sme paper cutting and clay art pieces and 19.the children hw t cut paper with scissrs.
    Jack tld 20. jkes and played games t cheer them up.
    Hw we felt
    We enjyed urselves.
    hear friend ntice tw afraid answer quiet mean yu wuld
    hear friend ntice tw afraid answer quiet mean yu wuld
    hear friend ntice tw afraid answer quiet mean yu wuld
    hear friend ntice tw afraid answer quiet mean yu wuld

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    2023年陕西省咸阳市武功县初中学业水平考试模拟(二)英语试题: 这是一份2023年陕西省咸阳市武功县初中学业水平考试模拟(二)英语试题,共12页。

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