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    牛津沪教版九年级上册英语 第一学期 期末测试卷(含答案)
    牛津沪教版九年级上册英语 第一学期 期末测试卷(含答案)01
    牛津沪教版九年级上册英语 第一学期 期末测试卷(含答案)02
    牛津沪教版九年级上册英语 第一学期 期末测试卷(含答案)03
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    牛津沪教版九年级上册英语 第一学期 期末测试卷(含答案)

    这是一份牛津版 (深圳&广州)九年级上册(2014秋审查)本册综合随堂练习题,共17页。试卷主要包含了 听对话, 选答案,听独白, 填信息,完形填空,阅读理解,根据所给汉语意思, 完成句子,短文填空,任务型阅读,补全对话等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共30分)
    一、 听对话, 选答案(20分)
    1. A. Abut NASA. B. Abut Shenzhu Ⅶ.
    C. Abut Shenzhu Ⅹ.
    2. A. T France. B. T Germany. C. N place.
    3. A. Three mnths ag. B. Fr three mnths.
    C. Fr thirteen mnths.
    4. A. Yes, she will. B. N, she wn't.
    C. N, because she wants t d husewrk at hme.
    5. A. He hit his head n the wall.
    B. He hit his leg n the wall.
    C. He hit his head n the desk.
    6. A. The by lst his car.
    B. The by fell ff the bike.
    C. The by fell ff the wall.
    7. A. T the hspital. B. T the schl.
    C. T his hme.
    8. A. The by can smke. B. Smking is cl.
    C. Smking is harmful t the by's health.
    9. A. Laughing is gd fr ur health.
    B. Laughing is harmful t ur health.
    C. Crying is gd fr ur health.
    10. A. She threw away the ld shes.
    B. The ld shes are under the chair.
    C. She has never seen the ld shes.
    听第11段对话, 回答11、12小题。
    11. Hw is the man ging t the City Hall?
    A. By bike. B. By car. C. By bus.
    12. Where is the City Hall?
    A. On Park Rad. B. At King Square.
    C. In Lng Street.
    听第12段对话, 回答13~15小题。
    13. What is Jim interested in?
    A. He's interested in electricity.
    B. He's interested in reading bks.
    C. He's interested in the envirnment.
    14. Des Sarah always turn ff the shwer when she is washing her hair?
    A. Yes, she des.
    B. N, she never des that.
    C. Yes, f curse.
    15. What will Sarah d when she ges fd shpping later?
    A. She will take her wn bags.
    B. She will turn ff the lights.
    C. She will drive her car.
    二、听独白, 填信息(10分)
    16. Linda cmes frm a ________called Fxby in England.
    17. Fxby is ________but beautiful.
    18. The peple f Fxby cme t the park and ________ ________ ________ tgether.
    19. Peple in Fxby like drinking ________.
    20. Linda expresses that she als wants t learn abut ________ ________.
    第二部分 笔试(共90分)
    Yu shuld try t have a gd relatinship with yur neighburs, because yu never knw __21__ yu may need their help. If they d smething t anny(让……不高兴)yu, it is __22__ t discuss it in a plite way than t have an argument (争论)abut it.
    Fr example, if yur neighburs are playing lud music that yu d nt like, ask them plitely t __23__ the music a little instead f __24__ the plice directly fr help.
    Trees and fences(围栏)can als be a __25__ f disagreement between neighburs. My grandmther likes sitting __26__ in the sun after lunch, but her neighbur has put up a high fence that __27__ sunshine frm ging int her yard in the early afternn. My grandmther des nt want t be __28__ with him, because he __29__ her a lt f supprt when my grandfather died last year. S she went t talk with the neighbur in a friendly way.
    Then, her neighbur lwered the fence just enugh t give her sme sunshine __30__ lsing his privacy(隐私). My grandmther cut dwn the tree that was abve his garden and drpped leaves all ver his lawn(草坪)in the autumn. Finally, they reached an agreement which made bth pleased.
    21. A. after B. befre C. while D. when
    22. A. mre B. best C. mst D. better
    23. A. turn dwn B. turn up C. turn ff D. turn n
    24. A. ging B. shuting C. calling D. getting
    25. A. crner B. cause C. result D. message
    26. A. inside B. int C. utside D. nt
    27. A. stps B. pens C. shws D. steals
    28. A. lnely B. silly C. angry D. awful
    29. A. tk B. carried C. bught D. gave
    30. A. within B. withut C. alng D. abve
    Once there was a king and his daughter. The king asked his daughter hw much she lved him. She said that she lved him as much as she lved __31__. Her answer made the king very happy. Salt is a simple thing, __32__ it is very imprtant. S the king thught his daughter cared a lt abut him.
    Salt has many __33__. Our bdies need salt. If we dn't have enugh, ur bdies can't wrk prperly. We put salt n icy rads t make them __34__. We als use salt t prduce ther prducts, like paper and glass. But fr many years, salt's mst imprtant jb was t __35__ fd. Like ther living things, mst bacteria (细菌) need water t live. Salt takes in plenty f water, s mst bacteria cannt live __36__ a salty envirnment. As a result, salt prtects fd and many ther things. Fr much f the human histry, this ability has made salt __37__. Every ancient culture frm Egypt t China depended n salt. Even tday, the hard­wrking, useful peple are __38__ as “the salt f the earth”.
    Fr centuries, salt was als hard t __39__. Its usefulness, tgether with rarity (稀有) made it very expensive. Salt culd even be used like __40__. In fact, the wrd salary (薪水) cmes frm the wrd salt.
    Tday, salt is used mre widely and it will play an imprtant rle in ur life.
    31. A. salt B. air C. gld D. sugar
    32. A. r B. s C. and D. but
    33. A. frms B. secrets C. uses D. skills
    34. A. wide B. safe C. smth D. thick
    35. A. prtect B. prvide C. prduce D. prepare
    36. A. in B. utside C. fr D. withut
    37. A. hpeful B. cmfrtable
    C. valuable D. successful
    38. A. saved B. dreamed C. invited D. described
    39. A. sell B. get C. take D. keep
    40. A. mney B. medicine C. earth D. fd
    第一节:阅读下面短文, 选出最佳答案。(15分)
    A pr by nce went t a ragged(破旧的)schl, where his face was well washed. When he returned hme, the neighbrs lked at him in surprise.
    They said, “That lks like Tm Rgers, and yet it can't be, fr he is s clean. ”
    After a while, his mther lked at him, and seeing that his face was s clean, she thught that her wn face was dirty, and she washed it at nce.
    The father sn came hme frm his wrk, and, seeing his wife and his sn s clean, he thught that his face was dirty, and s he fllwed their example.
    Father, Mther and sn being clean, the mther began t think that the rm lked dirty, s she went dwn n her knees t scrub the flr clean.
    A wman lived next dr. Seeing s great a change in her neighbrs, she thught that her face and her rm were very dirty, s she, t, quickly set abut cleaning them.
    This stry shws hw tw huses and their families were made tidy and cmfrtable, simply by the example f the clean face f ne ragged schl by.
    Children, as well as grwn­up peple, shuld always set a gd example. We never knw hw much gd may be dne in that way; nr can we tell hw much harm results frm a bad example.
    41. What des the underlined wrd “scrub” in Paragraph 5 mean in Chinese?
    A. 取消 B. 擦洗 C. 分离 D. 装饰
    42. The wman next dr cleaned her face and rm because ________.
    A. her neighbrs asked her t d s
    B. she lved t keep clean all the time
    C. she learned frm her neighbrs
    D. her children asked her t d that
    43. What's the best title f the stry?
    A. A pr by and his parents
    B. A gd example
    C. Gd neighbrs
    D. A great wman
    In ancient China, a wman tld the best stries. She married an emperr(皇帝). Sadly, ne day, this wman became ill and died. Everyne thught the emperr wuld sn find anther favurite amng his wives, but the emperr was very sad. He spent mre and mre time in his garden, and less and less time caring fr the needs f his peple. Everyne in the kingdm was wrried.
    One day, a priest(牧师) passed when sme children were playing with their dlls. The dlls made dancing shadws n the wall. This gave the priest an idea. He knew the stries the emperr's wife used t tell him. Why nt bring thse stries t life?
    The priest made a puppet(木偶) ut f bits f clay(黏土). He painted the puppet t lk smewhat like the emperr's wife. When the puppet was finished, the priest silently walked int the emperr's garden, carrying his puppet, a candle and a curtain. He placed the curtain near the emperr's chair. He placed his candle, his puppet and himself behind the curtain. He waited fr the emperr t appear.
    The emperr did nt even ntice the curtain at first. The dancing shadw drew his attentin. As the priest mved the puppet behind the curtain, he tld wnderful stries as the emperr's wife did. It seemed that his wife had been spending time with him. The emperr was n lnger sad. At the end f each busy day, the emperr went int his garden t visit his shadw wife and hear her stries nce again. That was hw shadw puppets first began.
    44. Why did everyne in the kingdm feel wrried?
    A. Because the emperr was t sad t care abut his cuntry.
    B. Because the emperr culdn't hear the stries any mre.
    C. Because the emperr's wife died.
    D. Because the emperr always stayed in his garden.
    45. What did the priest d t make the emperr NOT sad?
    A. He played the puppet t draw the emperr's attentin.
    B. He tld the stries that the emperr's wife had tld by playing the puppet.
    C. He culd tell wnderful stries like the emperr's wife.
    D. He culd tell mre wnderful stries than the emperr's wife.
    46. Which f the fllwing was NOT needed t play a shadw puppet?
    A. The puppet. B. The candle.
    C. The curtain. D. The clay.
    Almst every Chinese can recite the famus pem, “Every grain n the plate cmes frm hard wrk (谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦). ” But sadly, many f us dn't actually get the real meaning f these lines. Dn't waste fd.
    A CCTV prgramme, News One Plus One, reprted that the fd Chinese peple thrw away every year is enugh t feed 200 millin peple fr a year.
    D we have t much fd? N, accrding t the UN Wrld Fd Prgramme, there were 925 millin hungry peple arund the wrld in 2010, especially in develping cuntries. Nearly 6 millin children die f hunger every year.
    Chinese peple are well­knwn fr being generus. Many even feel that they will lse face if their guests have eaten all the fd n the table.
    Luckily, a number f peple have realized the imprtance f saving fd. In Nvember, 2011, Li Hng, a waitress in a restaurant in Nanjing, became famus because she tk sme leftver(剩余的)fd hme fr her sn. Many peple std by her side and agreed that it was nt right t waste fd.
    What shuld we d in ur daily life t save fd? Here are sme tips:
    D nt rder t much in a restaurant. Only rder what yu want t eat. If yu cannt eat all the fd yu rdered, take the rest f it hme.
    Dn't be t picky(挑剔的)abut fd. Sme fd may nt taste great, but yur bdy needs it.
    Keep an eye n what fd yu have at hme. Dn't buy t much, especially vegetables and fruit.
    47. Accrding t News One Plus One, Chinese peple________.
    A. save fd enugh t feed 200 millin peple fr a year
    B. thrw away lts f fd every year
    C. get enugh fd t feed millins f peple every year
    D. have t feed 200 millin hungry peple every year
    48. Frm the third paragraph, we knw that ______.
    A. we have t much fd t feed peple in the wrld
    B. there were 925 millin peple in develping cuntries
    C. because f hunger, 6 millin children die every year
    D. there are nly a few peple getting hungry every year
    49. What shuld we d t save fd in ur daily life?
    A. When we rder t much fd in a restaurant, just take the leftver fd hme.
    B. Eat mre fd that desn't taste great.
    C. We shuld nt buy vegetables r fruit.
    D. We shuld keep an eye n the fd we like.
    50. What's the main tpic f the passage?
    A. Dn't waste fd.
    B. Many peple die f hunger.
    C. Dn't be picky abut fd.
    D. Eat all the fd yu rder.
    第二节:根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(5分)
    Father's Day ffers peple a chance t thank their fathers. In many cuntries arund the wrld, peple try their best t make their fathers feel lved n that day. 51. ________ It might help yu t give yur father an unfrgettable Father's Day.
    Have a picnic. 52. ________ Take the equipment(器材)fr yur father's favrite games r sprts and f curse his favrite fd. D everything t give yur father a happy day.
    Learn a skill frm yur father. All fathers lve t pass n skills t their children. On this Father's Day, learn a skill frm yur father. 53. ________ Fathers will always lve t help their children learn frm their experience.
    54. ________ Cking with yur father can be an amazing activity. He might nt ck ften, but he always has a lessn r tw t teach yu. 55. ________ It wuld be mre exciting than having a meal in an expensive restaurant.
    五、根据所给汉语意思, 完成句子(10分)
    56. 那天他被一物体击中头部并立刻昏倒。
    He was hit n the head by smething and ________ immediately that day.
    57. 当火灾发生时, 千万不要保持不动, 而是要尽快找到紧急出口。
    When a fire breaks ut, never ________________ but try t find the emergency exit as quickly as pssible.
    58. 我爸爸想给他自己买辆汽车。
    My father wants t ____________________ a car.
    59. 最终我们到达了山顶, 看到了日出。
    ________________, we arrived at the tp f the muntain and saw the sunrise.
    60. 晚饭后, 他继续做作业。
    He ________________his hmewrk after supper.
    This mrning I tk a bus t schl. The traffic was 61. __________ than usual and there were mre peple n the bus. At Xinhua Stp, I saw 62. __________ ld man get n the bus. He lked very weak. I std 63. __________ and gave my seat t him. He thanked me and asked me abut my name and my schl. We talked 64. __________.
    Later in the 65. __________ class, Mr. Du came in and asked me t g t the frnt. I didn't knw 66. __________, s I was a little afraid. Everyne was lking at me. Then he tld 67. __________ what I had dne n the bus this mrning. He 68. __________ it because he gt a phne call frm the ld man. Mr. Du said I culd be a gd example t my 69. __________. It was really a gd day 70. __________ me! I was s prud!
    A yung man entered the last interview f a cmpany. The directr learnt that the yung man's grades were very gd. “Did yu get any prize in schl?” the directr asked. “Nne. ” The yung man answered. “Did yur father pay fr yur educatin?” the directr asked. “My father died when I was ne year ld, s my mther paid fr my educatin. ” The yung man answered.
    “Where did yur mther wrk?” the directr asked. “My mther washed clthes. ” The yung man said. The directr lked at the yung man's hands. He had a pair f smth and perfect hands.
    “Have yu ever helped yur mther wash the clthes befre?” the directr asked. “Never. ” The yung man answered. “I have a request, ” the directr said. “When yu g back tday, wash yur mther's hands, and then see me tmrrw mrning. ”
    The yung man felt that his chance f getting the jb was high. When he went back, he happily asked his mther t let him wash her hands. His mther felt strange and happy but with mixed feelings. She shwed her hands t her sn. The yung man washed his mther's hands slwly. His tears fell when he did that. It was the first time he had nticed that his mther's hands were s wrinkled(有皱纹的). He realized it was this pair f hands that helped him pay the fees.
    The next mrning, the yung man went t the directr's ffice. “I washed my mther's hands, and I knw that withut my mther, I wuld nt be the persn I am tday. ” He said.
    “This is what I am lking fr, ”the directr said. “I want a persn wh can appreciate (感激) the help f thers t get things dne. Yu will be a member f ur cmpany. ”
    71. Did the yung man get any schlarships in schl?
    72. Wh paid fr the yung man's educatin?
    ______________________________________________________ paid fr the yung man's educatin.
    73. Hw did the yung man's mther make mney?
    His mther ________________.
    74. What did the directr ask the yung man t d when he went back?
    He asked the yung man ______________________________________________.
    75. What's the best title f this passage?
    It can be “______________________________________________________”.
    在空白处填入适当的句子, 使对话完整。
    A:Hell, is this Mr. Rgers?
    B:Yes, it is. 76. ______________________________________________________
    A:I'm frm the package delivery cmpany(快递公司);I have yur package. Are yu at hme?
    B:77. ______________________________________________________
    A:Actually, this package needs yur signature (签名). Can I bring it t yur ffice instead?
    B: 78. ____________________________ I dn't have time t leave my desk.
    A:I see. 79. ______________________________________________________
    B:Yes, that wuld be better. Can yu bring it t my hme at 6 p. m. ?
    A:Sure, that is fine. 80. ________________________________________________
    B:Great, thank yu s much!
    九、书面表达 (15分)
    白驹过隙, 2020年已去。聆听着2021年走来的脚步声, 感受着新年贺词:“每个人都了不起(Every persn is remarkable. )”。这一传递温暖和力量的话语让每一个平凡的你我都有触动。请根据英文提示写一篇不少于90词的小短文。
    提示:1. Tell us a remarkable experience yu had.
    2. What are yu suppsed t d in the new year?
    第一卷 听力部分
    1. M:What are yu ding?
    W: I'm listening t the news abut Shenzhu X.
    Q: What news is the girl listening t?
    2. M:Have yu ever visited France befre?
    W:N,I haven't. I've been t Germany.
    Q:Where has the girl been?
    3. W:Hw lng have yu learnt English?
    M:Fr three mnths.
    Q:Hw lng has the by learnt English?
    4. M: Wuld yu like t g t the cinema with me this evening?
    W: Yes, I'd lve t. But I'm afraid I'll have t d my hmewrk at hme. What abut tmrrw?
    Q: Will the girl g t the cinema this evening?
    5. W:What was the matter with yu, Eric?
    M:I hit my head n the wall just nw.
    Q:Hw was Eric?
    6. W:I heard yu had an accident. What happened?
    M:Well, yesterday mrning, n my way t schl, a car stpped in frnt f me and I fell ff my bike.
    Q:What happened?
    7. M:Oh, my Gd. I hurt my ft and I can't walk.
    W:We'd better send yu t the hspital.
    Q:Where des the girl want t send the by?
    8. M:Mum, I'm nt a little by. Can I smke?
    W:N, yu can't. Smking is nt cl. It's harmful t yur health.
    Q:Which f the fllwing is the mther's meaning?
    9. W:Laughing is gd fr ur health, isn't it?
    M:Yes, it's true. It's said that five minutes f laughing is as gd fr yu as 15 minutes in the gym.
    Q:What are they talking abut?
    10. M: Have yu seen my ld shes? I thught they were under the chair.
    W: Nt any mre!They're ut with ther rubbish. I've been cleaning the rm.
    Q:What des the wman mean?
    W: Hell. Infrmatin Service.
    M: Hell. I'd like t g t the City Hall. Hw can I get there?
    W: Are yu driving r taking the bus?
    M: I'm taking the bus.
    W: Right. Take Bus N. 8 at Lng Street. Get ff at King Square.
    M: Just a mment. Let me write this dwn!
    W: Take Bus N. 8 at Lng Street. Get ff at King Square. Gt it?
    M: Yes, thanks. And then?
    W: Then yu'll see Park Rad n the left side f the square. Turn nt Park Rad and the City Hall is n yur left.
    M: Thanks.
    W: Yu're welcme.
    M:Hey, Sarah. Dn't frget t turn ff the lights. It saves electricity.
    W: Oh, I knw. I usually d that. I was just in a hurry. Why are yu s interested in the envirnment, Jim?
    M: I always have been. Lts f peple think there's nthing they can d, but I just read this bk abut it. And there are lts f things the average peple can d.
    W: Like what?
    M: Well, yu shuld turn ff the shwer when yu are washing yur hair.
    W: Oh, I'd never d that.
    M: Yu wuldn't?
    W: N, I have very shrt hair. I'm nly in the shwer fr a few minutes.
    M: Well, every minute helps.
    W: What else des it say?
    M:It says yu shuld take yur wn bags when yu g fd shpping.
    W: Oh, that's nt difficult. I can d that. What else?
    M: Here is a gd ne. It says peple shuld stp driving cars and start riding bikes.
    Hell, my name is Linda and I cme frm a twn called Fxby in England. It's small but really beautiful. There is a wnderful park with lts f trees. It's very busy in the park every weekend. Peple in the twn cme and enjy their time tgether. Fxby has lts f interesting buildings t. There is an ld church and a large castle. I smetimes visit them with my family.
    I knw many Chinese like tea a lt. But there aren't any tea huses in my twn. We drink cffee. There are a few cffee shps in Fxby but they are nt s gd.
    This is my shrt intrductin and I hpe yu will let me knw smething abut yu. I believe it will help me t knw yu quickly and learn abut Chinese culture as well. Thank yu.
    一、1~5:CBBBA 6~10:BACAA 11~15:CACBA
    二、16. twn 17. small 18. enjy their time
    19. cffee 20. Chinese culture
    第二部分 笔试
    三、A) 21. D 22. D
    23. A 点拨:turn dwn“关小,调低”; turn up“出现,调高”; turn ff“关掉,关闭”; turn n“打开,发动”。
    24. C
    25. B 点拨:crner“角落,拐角处”; cause“原因,目标”; result“结果; 成绩”; message“消息”。由句意“树木和围栏问题可能也是邻居们意见不一致的原因”可知,答案选B。
    26. C 27. A
    28. C 点拨:lnely“寂寞的,偏僻的”; silly“愚蠢的,没头脑的”; angry “生气的,愤怒的”; awful“可怕的,极坏的”。我的外婆不想和他“生气”,故答案选C。
    29. D 30. B
    B)31~35:ADCBA 36~40:ACDBA
    四、A) 41. B 点拨:词义猜测题。由本句中的“clean”可知,是擦洗地板。
    42. C 点拨:由第六段可知,邻居之所以洗脸、打扫房间是因为看到了男孩这一家的变化而跟着做。
    43. B
    五、56. passed ut
    57. keep still
    58. treat himself t
    59. At last
    60. went n ding
    六、61. busier 62. an 63. up 64. happily 65. third
    66. why 67. them 68. knew 69. classmates 70. fr
    七、71. N, he didn't.
    72. His mther
    73. washed clthes
    74. t wash his mther's hands
    75. A yung man's interview
    八、76. What can I d fr yu?
    77. Can yu leave the package at my dr?
    78. I'm quite busy with wrk nw.
    79. Well, can I bring the package tmrrw?
    80. I'll see yu tmrrw at 6 p. m.
    九、One pssible versin:
    “Every persn is remarkable. ” Everyne is tuched and impressed by the wrds.
    Never can I frget the experience. I used t be afraid f swimming because I thught it was dangerus. Hwever, ne day I was frced t attend my P. E. class in the swimming pl. I was struggling very hard t keep my head abve the water. A minute was like a hundred years t me. Just then, I said t myself, “Calm dwn! Yu are remarkable!” At last I made it.
    In the new year, I am suppsed t challenge myself by ding smething including learning t play the pian, getting t my dream schl and mastering a new skill. I believe I can d well.A. If yu knw where yur father wants t g, then have a family picnic at that place.
    B. Yu can buy yur father smething special.
    C. Ask yur mther t jin yu and ck a great family meal.
    D. It culd be anything such as swimming, fishing and playing ftball.
    E. Ck with yur father.
    F. Here is sme advice n Father's Day activities.
    G. The present yu make with yur hands must be the best present.
    busy, why, an, three, they, happy,
    knw, fr, up, classmate

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