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    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题05.英语词法之形容词与副词
    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习   专题05.英语词法之形容词与副词01
    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习   专题05.英语词法之形容词与副词02
    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习   专题05.英语词法之形容词与副词03
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    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题05.英语词法之形容词与副词

    这是一份高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题05.英语词法之形容词与副词,共26页。

    A. absurdB. abruptC. allergicD. authentic
    【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,给我们的生活和工作带来了一个突然的变化。A. absurd荒谬的;B. abrupt突然的;C. allergic过敏的;D. authentic真实的。根据常识可知,新冠肺炎疫情给我们的生活和工作带来了一个突然的变化。故选B。
    2.(2020﹒天津)Accrding t Prfessr Jhnsn, we dn’t have t read the bk if we dn’t want t, as it is ______.
    A. wrthwhileB. necessaryC. ptinalD. serius
    【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:根据约翰逊教授的说法,如果我们不想读这本书,就不必读,因为它是可选择的。A. wrthwhile值得的;B. necessary必要的;C. ptinal 可选择的,选修的;D. serius严肃的,认真的。根据”we dn’t have t read the bk if we dn’t want t”可知,这本书读不读都可以,由此可知,它是”可选择的”。故选C。
    3. (2020﹒全国卷I﹒语法填空)Landing n the mn’s far side is 62 (extreme) challenging.
    4.(2020﹒全国卷II﹒语法填空) 66 (certain) during the hliday perid, this plant is a must.
    5. (2020﹒全国卷II﹒语法填空)Branches f Plum Blssms (梅花): The 69 (beauty) lng branches cvered with pink-clred buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decratins.
    6. (2020﹒全国卷III﹒语法填空)As the small bat mved, 68 (gentle) alng the river he was left speechless by the muntains being silently reflected in the water.
    7. (2020﹒新高考全国I卷(山东)﹒语法填空)In the 18th and 19th centuries, ___36___ (wealth) peple travelled and cllected plants, histrical bjects and wrks f art.
    8.(2019﹒江苏)Nwadays the ___________ fr travelling is shifted frm shpping t fd and scenery.
    A. prirityB. ptentialC. prprtinD. pensin
    【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:当今,旅行的重点从购物转变成了品尝美食和欣赏风景。A. pririty优先;优先权;B. ptential潜在的,可能的;C. prprtin比例,占比;D. pensin退休金,抚恤金。故选A。
    9.(2019﹒江苏)Unlike traditinal gyms, app-backed gyms ffer peple ___________ ptins t exercise.
    A. casualB. regularC. flexibleD. tight
    【解析】考查形容词辨析。句意:不像传统的体育锻炼,有app软件的体育锻炼提供了灵活的锻炼选项。A. casual偶然的,随便的;B. regular定期的,有规律的;C. flexible灵活的;D. tight紧的,密封的。故选C。
    10.(2019﹒新课标III卷﹒语法填空)On ur way t the huse,it was raining 61 hard that we culdn't help wndering hw lng it wuld take t get (get)there. It was in the middle f Pearl City.
    11.(2019﹒新课标II卷﹒语法填空)Her years f hard wrk have ___63___(final)been acknwledged after a custmer nminated(提名)her t be Cheshire's Wman Of The Year.
    【解析】考查副词用法。根据空格所处位置可知,此处应用副词形式作状语,修饰谓语动词have been acknwledged,意为“最终得以认可”,故填finally。
    12.(2019﹒新课标I卷﹒语法填空)Scientists have respnded by nting (nte) that hungry bears may be cngregating(聚集) arund human settlements, leading t the illusin(错觉) that ppulatins are 68 (high) than they actually are.
    【解析】考查形容词比较级。根据其后than they actually are可知,此处为形容词的比较级,故填higher。
    13.(2019﹒新课标I卷﹒语法填空)It is difficult t figure ut a glbal ppulatin f plar bears as much f the range has been ___62___ (pr) studied; hwever, bilgists calculate that there are abut 20,000-25,000 plar bears wrldwide.
    【解析】考查副词用法。根据句意和结构分析可知,此处用副词prly修饰谓语动词has been studied,意为“研究很少”。故填prly。
    14.(2018﹒江苏) Despite the pr service f the htel, the manager is _______ t invest in sufficient training fr his staff.
    A. keen B. reluctant C. anxius D. ready
    【解析】考查形容词词义辨析及语境理解。句意:尽管旅馆服务不好,经理还不愿投入为员工提供足够的培训。A. keen敏锐的;B. reluctant不情愿的;C. anxius渴望的;D. ready准备好的。故选B。
    15.(2017﹒江苏)The disappearance f dinsaurs is nt necessarily caused by astrnmical incidents. But _______ explanatins are hard t find .
    A. alternative B. aggressive C. ambiguus D. apparent
    【解析】考查形容词的辨析。A. alternative可供替代的;B. aggressive好斗的,有进取心的;C. ambiguus有野心的,耗时的;D. apparent显而易见的。句意:恐龙的消失未必是由天体灾害引起的,但是也很难找到其它的解释。故选A。
    16. (2016﹒江苏)His cmprehensive surveys have prvided the mst__________statements f hw, and n what basis, data are cllected.
    A. explicitB.ambiguusC.riginalD.arbitrary
    17.(2016﹒浙江) A sudden stp can be a very frightening experience , ______ if yu are travelling at high speed.
    A. eventually B. strangely C. merely D. especially
    18.(2015﹒浙江) Mst f us, if we knw even a little abut where ur fd cmes frm, understand that every bite put int ur muths was alive.
    A. steadily B. instantly C. frmerly D. permanently
    【解析】试题分析:句意:就算我们很少了解食物来自于哪里,我们大多数人都明白,放在我们的口里的每一点食物在之前都是活着的。A.steadily意为稳定地,B. instantly 意为立即地,C. frmerly 意为先前地;D. permanently意为永久地。在做题的时候,只需要理解最后一句话就可以了was galive根据句意及常识不能得出答案,在吃入口中之前的都是活着的。
    19.(2015﹒浙江) Listening is thus an active, nt a , behavir cnsisting f hearing, understanding and remembering.
    A. cnsiderate B. sensitive C. reliable D. passive
    【解析】试题分析:句意:因此听是一种主动的,而不是被动的行为。它包含听,理解和记忆。A. cnsiderate意为考虑周全的, B. sensitive意为敏感的,C. reliable意为可靠的,D. passive意为被动的。根据nt可以知道前后是反义表达,所以选D。此题的关键是有一个nt这是表示否定的,这表明跟前面的active是反义的关系,根据4个选项的意思不能得出答案是 D. passive被动的。
    20.(2015﹒四川)Little Tm sat watching the mnkey dancing in frnt f him.
    A. amaze B. amazing C. amazed D. t amaze
    21.(2015﹒四川)Andy is cntent with the ty. It is he has ever gt.
    A. a better B. the better C. a best D. the best
    22.(2015﹒福建)It was________f Michael t infrm us f his delay in case we gt wrried.
    A. careless B. cnsiderateC. patientD. generus
    23.(2015﹒江苏)The plice fficers decided t cnduct a thrugh and _______ review f the case.
    A. cmprehensive B. cmplicated C. cnscius D. crucial
    24.(2015﹒安徽)I’m s ______ t all thse vlunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.
    A. specialB. superirC. gratefulD. attractive
    25.(2015﹒安徽)They gave mney t the ld peple's hme either ______ r thrugh their cmpanies.
    A. legallyB. sincerelyC. persnallyD. deliberately
    26.(2015﹒湖北)The girl used t be shy, but is ____ getting active in grup wrk and is mre willing t express herself.
    A. gradually B. usually C. previusly D. merely
    【解析】试题分析:意:那个女孩过去很害羞,但现在团队合作越来越积极, (比以前)更愿意表达自己的想法。A项“逐渐地”B项“通常,经常”; C项“以前”; D项“仅仅”。故选A项。
    27.(2015﹒湖北)Even thugh the cnference hall is near his apartment, he has t hurry a little if he wants t be_____.
    A. accurate B. punctual C. efficient D. reasnable
    28.(2015﹒湖北)I dn’t think what he said is _____ t the tpic we are discussing . He has missed the pint.
    A. faithful B. parallel C. relevant D. similar
    【解析】试题分析:句意:我认为他所说的和我们今天讨论的话题无关。他没有抓住要点。A项“忠实的,忠诚的”;B项“与……平行”;C项“和……相关”;D项“和……相似”。be relevant t“和……相关”。故选C项。
    29.(2014﹒安徽)My gd perfrmance in the jb interview left me abut my future and abut what I can d here.
    A. puzzled B. sensitive C. ptimistic D. embarrassed
    【解析】形容词puzzled困惑的;sensitive敏感的;ptimistic乐观的;embarrassed尴尬的;句义:在工作面试中良好表现让我对自己的未来和在这里能够做的事情很乐观。根据My gd perfrmance in the jb interview表现良好,说明我对自己未来很有信心,故C正确。
    30.(2014﹒安徽)It's ur hpe that we will play a greater rle in the market place and, ,supply mre jbs.
    A. hwever B. anywhere C. therefre D. therwise
    31.(2014﹒大纲卷)Raymnd’s parents wanted him t have ______ pssible educatin.
    A. gd B. better C. best D. the best
    32.(2014﹒大纲卷)Henry was away frm hme fr quiet a bit and _____ saw his family.
    A. frequently B. seldm C. always D. usually
    33.(2014﹒大纲卷)--- What did yu d last weekend?
    --- Nthing _____.
    A. much B. else C. ever D. yet
    【解析】本题中的固定搭配nthing much没什么,很少;nthing else没有别的事情。句义:—上个周末你干嘛了?—我什么也没有做。根据句义可知表示的是否定含义。故A正确。
    34.(2014﹒福建)With nline shpping increasingly ppular, the Internet is seen as a(n) way f reaching target custmers.
    A. temprary B. cmplex C. accurate D. efficient
    35.(2014﹒湖北)What was s ______ abut Jasmine Westland’s victry was that she came first in the marathn bare-fted.
    A. awful B. essential C. impressiveD. bvius
    【解析】A糟糕的,可怕的,极坏的;B必要的;基本的;D留有深刻印象的;D明显的,显然的;句意:关于Jasmine Westland的胜利给人印象最深刻的是他赤脚得到了马拉松比赛的第一名。根据句意Jasmine Westland赤脚获得第一名,这是最让人难忘的事情。故C项符合上下文串联。
    36.(2014﹒湖北)Instead f blaming the child wh had brken the vase, she gave him a ______ smile and let him g.
    A. cautiusB. grateful C. tlerantD. wild
    【解析】A谨慎的,小心的;B感激的:C宽容的;容忍的,忍受的;D野生的,野蛮的;句意:她并没有责备打破花瓶的那个孩子,相反她对他宽容地笑了一下,并让他离开了。根据Instead f blaming the child wh had brken the vase她并没有责备他,说明她很宽容。故C项正确。
    37.(2014﹒湖北)Hardly had Sabrina finished her wrds when Albert said ______, “Dn’t be s mean,” pinting a finger f warning at her.
    A. dreadfully B. guiltily C. indirectly D. sharply
    【解析】A可怕地,恐怖地;B有罪地;内疚地;C简接地;D严厉地,明确地;句意:Sabrina一说完她的话,Albert就手指着她严厉地说“不要这么苛刻吧!”根据“Dn’t be s mean,”不要这么苛刻。以及pinting a finger f warning at her。说明Albert说话的语气很严肃。故D正确。
    38.(2014﹒江苏)The idea "happiness," , will nt sit still fr easy definitin.
    A. t be rigidB. t be sureC. t be perfectD. t be fair
    39.(2014﹒江苏)I can't meet yu n Sunday. I'll be ccupied.
    A. alsB. justC. neverthelessD. therwise
    40.(2014﹒江西)Thanks fr yur directins t the huse ; we wuldn’t have fund it ___.
    A. nwhere B. hwever C. therwise D. instead
    【解析】nwhere任何地方都不,无处;hwever然而;therwise否则,要不然;instead代替,而不是;句义:多亏了你房子的说明,要不然,我们会找不到的。本句实际上是一个含蓄条件句的虚拟语气,表示的是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,主句使用的“情态动词+have dne”,therwise=if there had nt been yur directins t the huse。故C正确。
    41.(2014﹒浙江)Je is prud and ______, never admitting he is wrng and always lking fr smene else t blame.
    A. strict B. sympathetic C. stubbrn D. sensitive
    【解析】Strict严格的;sympathetic同情的,富有同情心的;stubbrn固执的;sensitive敏感的。降雨:Je很骄傲很固执,从来都不承认他错了而且总是责备别人。根据never admitting he is wrng and always lking fr smene else t blame可知他很固执。故C正确。
    42.(2014﹒浙江)The aim f educatin is t teach yung peple t think fr themselves and nt fllw thers _ .
    A. blindly B. unwillingly C. clsely D. carefully
    【解析】副词blindly盲目地,没有目的地; unwillingly不愿意地;clsely亲密地;紧密地;carefully细心地;句意:教育的目的是教会别人自己思考而不是盲目地追随他人。根据句意说明A正确。
    43.(2013﹒安徽)David is ______ animal fur, s he wn’t visit anyne wh has cats r dgs in the huse.
    A. curius abutB. allergic tC. satisfied withD. fd f
    44.(2013﹒安徽﹒T33)It’s said that the pwer plant is nw ______ large as what it was.
    A. twice asB. as twiceC. twice muchD. much twice
    【解析】“两倍大”的表达方法是在表示同样大的as much as 的前面加上twice,成为twice as much as。句意为据说这个发电厂现在是以前的两倍大。
    45.(2013﹒安徽)The Frbidden City attracts a _____ stream f visitrs every day, especially during natinal hlidays.
    A. cnstantB. mainC. pwerfulD. shallw
    【解析】cnstant 不断的、恒定的;main主要的;pwerful强大的、强有力的;shallw浅的、肤浅的。根据句意选A。句意为紫禁城每天都吸引了源源不断的游客,尤其是在法定假日时。
    46.(2013﹒福建)Thse pr and needy teenagers were excited t find a shp at the crner where they culd buy ____ priced bikes。
    A. cmpetitively B. recentlyC. reasnablyD.affrdably
    47.(2013﹒湖北)Peple cmplain that decisins t apprve r deny a permit are ften ______ rather than based n fixed criteria.
    A. apprpriate B. cnscius C. arbitrary D. cntrversial
    【解析】apprpriate 适当的;恰当的;合适的cnscius 有意识的,神志清醒的;自觉的,有意的;arbitrary随意的;主观的,武断的;专制的,独断独行的;cntrversial有争议的,引起争议的,被争论的;好争论的;句意为有人抱怨,批准或拒绝许可证的决定往往是任意的而不是基于既定的标准。
    48.(2013﹒湖北)He didn’t selfishly keep fr himself the mney inherited frm his uncle. Instead, he made a _________ cntributin t help the cmmunity.
    A. cmmercial B. generus C. cmparable D. prfitable
    【解析】cmmercial 商业的;贸易的;营利的;generus 慷慨的,大方的;丰盛的;cmparable 可比较的;比得上的prfitable有利可图的,有益的;句意为他不自私地把自己从他叔叔那里继承的钱据为己有,相反,他慷慨的捐献以帮助社区。
    49.(2013﹒湖北)Dn’t defend him any mre. It’s bvius that he ______ destryed the fence f the garden even withut aplgy.
    A. accidentally B. carelessly C. deliberately D. clumsily
    【解析】从上句“Dn’t defend him any mre.” 不要再袒护他了,可知他是有意破坏花园的篱笆,accidentally 偶然地,意外地,非故意地carelessly 粗心大意地;草率地;淡漠地deliberately故意地;深思熟虑地;clumsily笨拙地;粗陋地,故选择C。句意为不要再袒护他了,很显然他是故意毁坏花园的篱笆的,而且甚至连一句道歉都没有。
    50.(2013﹒江西)What a terrible experience ! ________, yu’re safe nw ------ that’s the main thing.
    A. Anyway.B. Besides.C. Otherwise.D. Therefre.
    【解析】此处考查表示上下连接关系的副词。A项“不管怎样”;B项“而且,此外”;C项“否则”;D项“因此”; 根据句意:多么可怕的经历!_____, 主要的事情是,现在你是安全的。可知答案为A。 句意为多么糟糕的经历啊!不管怎么说,你现在安全了——这是主要的。
    51.(2013﹒江西)There are a small number f peple invlved, pssibly ______twenty.
    A. as few asB. as little asC. as many asD. as much as
    【解析】本题的关键词是a small number f(一小部分;少数的),排除C选项与D选项,它们都表示“多达……”;题中peple是可数名词,因此正确答案为A。B选项中的little表示“少的”之意时,不可以用来修饰可数名词。句意为只有少部分人牵涉在内,少到二十人.
    52.(2013﹒辽宁)Everything seemed t be ging ______ fr the first tw days after I mved t New Yrk.
    A. vividlyB. generallyC. frequentlyD. smthly
    【解析】A. vividly生动地B. generally一般地,概括地 C. frequently频繁地,经常地D. smthly平稳地,流利地。本句中,g smthly意为“进展顺利”。故选D。句意为在我搬到纽约之后的头两天,似乎一切进展顺利。
    53.(2013﹒辽宁)This is by far ______ mvie that I have ever seen.
    A. an inspiringB. a much inspiring C. the mst D. the mre inspiring
    【解析】本题有两个提示,by far意为“非常”,用于修饰形容词或副词的比较级或最高级,由此可知A,B肯定不对。再根据定语从句的修饰,关键词为ever,“我曾经看过的”,自然是“最鼓舞人心的”,所以使用最高级。故选C。句意为这是我曾经看过的最鼓舞人心的电影。
    54.(2013﹒上海)It’s a ______ clck, made f brass and dating frm the nineteenth century.
    A. charming French smallB. French small charming
    C. small French charmingD. charming small French[
    55.(2013﹒天津)I think watching TV every evening is a waste f-- there are ______ meaningful things t d.
    A. less B. mre C. the least D. the mst
    【解析】B. mre. “较多地”修饰形容词meaningful;此句是一个比较句型,后面相当于省略了than watching TV这一活动;C. the least.“最少”D. the mst.“最多”。句意为我认为每天晚上看电视是一种浪费时间的行为,还有很多比这更有意义的事情可做。
    56.(2013﹒全国新课标II)It may nt be a great suggestin. But befre ______ is put frward, we’ll make d with it.
    A. a gd neB. a better neC. the best neD. a best ne
    57.(2013﹒全国新课标I)Tny can hardly bil an egg, still ________ ck dinner.
    A. less B. little C. much D. mre
    【解析】still less是固定短语,意思是“更不用说;何况”。句意为托尼几乎不会煮鸡蛋,更不用说做饭了。
    58.(2013﹒浙江)Mary wrked here as a ______ secretary and ended up getting a full-time jb with the cmpany.
    A. pessimisticB. tempraryC. previusD. cautius
    59.(2013﹒浙江)If we leave right away, ______, we’ll arrive n time
    A. hpefullyB. curiuslyC. ccasinallyD. gradually
    【解析】根据上下文leave right away和arrive n time,应选择hpefully有希望。curiusly 好奇地,ccasinally偶尔,gradually渐渐地,均与arrive n time 无法搭配。句意为如果我们立刻出发,我们有希望按时到达。
    60.(2013﹒浙江)If what yur friend cmes up with surprises yu, dn’t reject it immediately. ______ , imagine that it is true.
    A. ThusB. BesidesC. RatherD. Otherwise
    【解析】根据上文,dn’t reject it immediately和imagine that it is true说明转折关系,用yet。句意为如果你的朋友所提出令你感到惊讶,不要马上拒绝,而是要想像是真的。
    61.(2012﹒北京)Many peple have dnated that type f bld; hwever, the bld bank needs _____.
    A. sme B. less C. much D. mre
    62.(2012﹒全国卷II)Next t bilgy , I like physics ________.
    A. better B. best C. the better D. very well
    63.(2012﹒全国新课程卷)This restaurant wasn't that ther restaurant we went t.
    A. half as gd as B. as half gd as
    C. as gd as half D. gd as half as
    64.(2012﹒福建)Anyne, whether he is an fficial r a bus driver, shuld be respected.
    A. Especially B. equally C. naturally . D. nrmally
    65.(2012﹒福建)— Can yu lend me the bk Gne with the Wind?
    — Srry. I returned it t the library just nw. Maybe it is still ____.
    A. availableB. affrdableC. acceptableD. valuable
    【解析】根据前半句“我刚刚还给图书馆”和下半句中的still可知这本书或许还可得到的用available,而其它三项 affrdable“支付的起的”;acceptable“可接受的”;valuable“贵重的”均与题意不符。
    66.(2012﹒浙江)Mike was usually s careful, ______this time he made a small mistake.
    A. yetB. stillC. evenD. thus
    67.(2012﹒浙江)The research lacksevidence, and therefre, its cnclusins are dubtful.
    A. slidB. fierceC. severeD. ptential
    【解析】根据句意:研究缺乏实证(slid evidence),因此所得出的结论还有待考证。fierce激烈的;severe严重的;ptential,有潜力的,均不符合语境,故排除。
    68.(2012﹒安徽)Queen Elizabeth Ⅱis ften t be richest wman in the wrld. , her persnal wealth seems rather small.
    A. Besides B. Otherwise C. Hwever D. Altgether
    69.(2012﹒安徽)Interest is as t learning as the ability t understand , even mre s.
    A. vital B. available C. specific D. Similar
    【解析】Be vital t 表示:对极端重要;smething be available t smebdy表示:某人可以得到某物,列句:cperative medical service is available t all the members f the the cmmune. C答案specific 不能与t 搭配;D 答案 similar t 表示:与相似。本题可以把定于t understand 省掉,也可以把后面的even mre s省掉或还原。Interest is as t learning as the ability 这样可以确定B是错误的,D更是错误的。Interest is even mre than the ability t understand.
    原句: Interest is vital t learning 互联网对于学习极端重要。变化之一:Interest is as vital t learning as the ability t understand 互联网对于学习极端重要,就像理解能力对于学习极端重要一样,互联网甚至比理解能力更加重要。
    70.(2011﹒全国卷)The frm cannt be signed by anyne yurself.
    A.rather than B.ther than C.mre than D.better than
    【解析】句意为“这张表格只能由你本人签字。”rather than而不;ther than除了,相当于but和except;mre than不仅仅;better than比…多、好。选B。
    71.(2011﹒全国卷II)It is ne thing t enjy listening t gd music, but it is anther t play it well yurself.
    A. quite B. very C. rather D. much
    【解析】句意为“欣赏好的音乐是一回事,但是自己把它演奏好完全是另一回事。”表示“很,非常”时,very用来修饰形容词、副词或分词形容词,much用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级、最高级,也可修饰形容词性的过去分词或描述性形容词的原级;quite和rather都可修饰名词,但rather多用于贬义;anther指的是anther thing,这个名词受quite的修饰。因此选A。
    72.(2011﹒全国卷II)Mr. Stevensn is great t wrk fr ——I really culdn't ask fr a _______ bss.
    A. better B. gd C. best D. still better
    【解析】句意为“为Stevensn先生工作真好,我实在找不到比他更好的老板了。”否定词culdn't与better连用,表示“非常好”,等于最高级;still better不能用于否定句中。因此选A。
    73.(2011﹒上海春招) Yu’d be expsed t a lt ______ pllutin if yu mved t a twn with pure water and air.
    A. mreB. mstC. lessD. least
    【解析】句意为“如果我们搬到空气清新、水质纯净的小镇去,我们受到的污染将会少得多。”空格前的a lt修饰比较级mre或less,根据后面的语意,选C。
    74.(2011﹒江苏) In that schl, English is cmpulsry fr all students, but French and Russian are _________.
    75.(2011﹒福建)Nwadays, there is a increase in children’s creativity, fr they are greatly encuraged t develp their talents.
    A.sharp B.slight C.natural D.mdest
    76.(2011﹒安徽)_____, I managed t get thrugh the game and the pain was wrth it in the end.
    A. Hpefully B. Nrmally C. Thankfully D. Cnveniently
    77.(2011﹒浙江)The prfessr culd tell by the ___________lk in Maria’s eyes that she didn't understand a single wrd f his lecture
    A. cld B. blank C. inncent D. fresh
    【解析】句意为“根据Maria茫然的眼神,这位教授能够看出她对他所讲的内容连一个字也没有听懂。”cld冰冷的;blank空虚的,茫然的;inncent无辜的;fresh新鲜的。根据后面didn't understand,选B。
    78.(2011﹒浙江)I’ve been writing this reprt____ fr the last tw weeks, but it has t be handed in tmrrw.
    A. finally B. immediately C. ccasinally D. certainly
    【解析】句意为“在过去的两周里,我是时续时断地写这个报告,可是这个报告明天就得交了。”finally最终地;immediately立即,马上;ccasinally偶尔地;certainly肯定地。根据but it has t be handed in tmrrw句意,选C。
    79.(2011﹒浙江)My schedule is very ______right nw, but I’ll try t fit yu in.
    A. tight B. shrt C. regular D. flexible
    【解析】句意为“现在,我的计划很紧凑,但我会尽力把你安排进去。”tight (安排)紧凑的, 紧密的;shrt简短的,短缺的, 不够;regular有规律的, 定期的,符合规定的;flexible柔韧的,灵活的,可变通的。
    80.(2011﹒四川)——Hw are yur recent trip t Sichuan?
    ——I’ve never had ne befre.
    A.a pleasant B.a mre pleasant C.a mst pleasant D.the mst pleasant
    【解析】句意为“——最近你到四川的旅行怎么样?——从来没有这么愉快过。”否定词never与a mre pleasant连用,表示“非常愉快”,等于最高级。the mst pleasant是特指,需要有比较的范围,但是这个范围并不存在。因此选B。
    81.(2011﹒陕西)The new stadium being built fr the next Asian Games will be the present ne。
    A.as three times big as B. three times as big as
    C. as big as three times D. as big three times as
    【解析】句意为“为下一届亚运会而修建的体育馆将会是目前的体育馆三倍大小。”表示倍数的词做修饰语时,放在as的前面,即“倍数 + as + adj + as”, 因此选B。
    82.(2011﹒湖北)The ld engineer’s eyes still shne bright in the wrinkled brwn face and his step as he came acrss the rm was________,thugh slw.
    A. shaky B. heavy C. casual D. steady
    83.(2011﹒湖北)An unhappy childhd may have sme negative effects n a persn’s characters; hwever, they are nt always_________,
    A. practical B. avidable C. permanent D. beneficial
    84.(2011﹒湖北)The state-run cmpany is required t make its accunts as_________ as pssible fr its staff t mnitr the use f mney.
    A. transparent B. reasnable C. secure D. frmal
    85.(2011﹒江西)——The film is , I have t say, nt a bit interesting.
    ——Why? It’s ______ than the films I have ever seen.
    A. far mre interesting B.much less interesting
    C. n mre interesting D.any less interesting
    86.(2011﹒江西)She has already tried her best. Please dn’t be t ______ abut her jb.
    A.special B.respnsible C.unusual D.particular
    【解析】句意为“她已经尽了最大的努力。请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。”be particular abut 对…挑剔,是固定搭配。选D。
    87.(2010﹒福建)–Vlunteering is becming ppular in China.
    --Yeah, peple are nw aware that helping thers is helping themselves.
    A. naturallyB. successfullyC. splendidlyD. increasingly
    --是的, 人们一直开始意识到帮助别人就是帮助他们自己。
    只要知道词义即可得出答案。A. 自然地, 理所当然地;B. 成功地;C.华丽地, 壮观地;D. 逐渐地, 慢慢地
    88.(2010﹒福建)Drunk driving, which was nce a ccurrence, is nw under cntrl.
    A. generalB. frequentC. nrmalD. particular
    【解析】A.一般的;B.经常的;C.正常的;D.特别的。理解词义后, 根据生活常识可以得出答案。
    89.(2010﹒上海)It tk us quite a lng time t get t the amusement park. It was jurney.
    A. three hur B. a three-hurs C. a three-hur D. three hurs
    【解析】数词+连字符+名词的用法, 连字符连接的词作名词定语且用单数。意为 “三小时的路程”
    90.(2010﹒安徽)_______, she is the srt f wman t spread sunshine t peple thrugh her smile
    A. Shy and cautius B. Sensitive and thughtful
    C. Hnest and cnfident . D. Lighthearted and ptimistic
    【解析】Shy and cautius意为 “害羞的谨慎的;sensitive and thughtful意为 “敏感的与体贴的”; Hnest and cnfident “诚实的与自信的”; Lighthearted and ptimistic意为 “愉快的与乐观的”。句意为 “愉快与乐观的她, 是那种通过微笑把阳光撒给他人的女士。”
    91.(2010﹒湖南)Father ges t the gym with us althugh he dislikes ging there.
    A. hardly B. seldm C. smetimes D. never
    【解析】A项意为 “几乎不”, B项意为 “很少”, C项意为 “有时”, D项意为 “从不”。句意为: “尽管父亲不喜欢去那儿, 但他还是有时和我们一起去锻炼。”故选C项。
    92.(2010﹒江西)Cmputers and mbile phnes, thugh they are indeed making ur life ___ and mre ___, have reduced the need fr face-t-face cmmunicatins.
    A easily; efficient B easier; efficient
    C easy; efficiently D easily; efficiently
    【解析】make +life+形容词, 而且后面为比较级, 所以说两个空同为形容词同为比较级
    93.(2010﹒山东)Mthers hlding jbs utside the hme shuld have _______ schedules t make it easier t care fr their children.
    A. heavy B. smth C. flexible D. cmplex
    【解析】句意应为 “在外工作的母亲们应该有灵活的时间以便照看孩子们。”表示 “灵活的”用flexible 。heavy 表示 “沉重的”; smth表示 “光滑的, 滑顺的”; cmplex表示 “复杂的, 难懂的”。
    94.(2010﹒天津)Peple have always been abut exactly hw life n earth began.
    A. curius B. excited C. anxius D. careful
    【解析】句意:人们一直对于地球生命的起源感到好奇。根据介词abut后面宾语从句的意义, 可以确定前面表示的是好奇, be curius abut 是 “对……感到好奇”的意思。
    95.(2010﹒四川)The schl was mved ut f dwntwn as the number f students had grwn t .
    A. small B. few C. 1arge D. many
    【解析】the number f 意为 “……的数量”, 其后的形容词应为大小, 不用多少。又据句意学校被移出了市中心, 应该是学生的数量变得太大了, 故选C。
    96.(2010﹒全国卷I)I’ll spend half f my hliday practicing English and _______ half learning drawing.
    A. anther B. the ther C. ther’s D. ther
    【解析】句意:我将会用假期一半的时间练习英语, 另外一般时间练习画画。ther一般不单独使用, 其前经常有冠词或其他形容词, 如B选项的the ther, ther.., 用于一个整体的两部分 “一个……另一个”, 题干中将假期分成两部分, 一部分用来学英语, 一部分用来画画, 符合题意。anther用作形容词时表示 “又, 再”, ther's没有此种用法。
    97.(2010﹒陕西)Studies shw that peple are mre t suffer frm back prblems if they always sit befre cmputer screens fr lng hurs.
    A. likely B. pssible C. prbable D. sure
    【解析】所填词做表语, 主语是人, 由mre来修饰, 意思是:可能, 选A。其中四个选项中pssible和prbable也都 “可能的”之意, 但他们做表语时主语只能是物, sure在此处意思不恰当。
    98.(2010﹒全国卷II)The island is__________attractive in spring and autumn because f the pleasant weather in bth seasns.
    A.partly B.merely C.nearly D.equally
    【解析】只要知道词义即可选出答案, 该题较为简单。A, 部分的 B 只不过 C 几乎 D 同样的, 相等的。
    99.(2010﹒全国卷II)Mr.Black is very happy because the clthes made in his factry have never been________.
    A.ppular B.mre ppular C.mst ppular D.the mst ppular
    【解析】否定比较级相当于肯肯定。类似的还有t, enugh。
    100.(2010﹒湖北)In this lecture, I can nly give yu a purely view f hw we can live life t the full and make sme suggestins abut the future.
    A. private B. persnal C. unique D. different
    【解析】根据词义可以快速排除A和D。A表示 “独特的”, D表示 “不同的”, 只有B和C比较接近。 “private”表示 “私人的, 私下的, “persnal”表示 “个人的”, persnal view才能表示 “个人观点”
    101.(2010﹒湖北)Mistakes dn’t just happen; they ccur fr a reasn. Find ut the reasn, and then making the mistake becmes .
    A. favurable B. precius C. essential D. wrthwhile
    【解析】 “wrthwhile”表示 “值得的, 有价值的”表示犯错误是值得的。A表示 “喜爱的, 赞同的”, B “珍贵的”C “本质的”, 只要知道词义, 并联系生活常识, 该题还是很容易得出答案的。
    102.(2010﹒湖北)If I find smene wh lks like the suspect, my reactin will be t tell the plice.
    A. physical B. immediate C. sensitive D. sudden
    【解析】根据词义可得出答案。 “physical”表示 “身体的”; “sudden”表示 “突然的”; “sensitive”表示 “敏感的”, 只有 “immediate”表示 “立刻, 马上”, 等同于 “at nce”.故选B
    103.(2010﹒湖北)I wasn’t blaming anyne; I said errrs like this culd be avided.
    A. merely B. mstly C. rarely D. nearly
    【解析】 “mst”(大部分), 所以 “mstly”(大部分地, 通常地); “near”(临近) “nearly”(几乎)= almst; rare(稀有的) “rarely”(很少地, 几乎不); “mere”(仅仅, 只 不过) “merely”(仅仅, 只不过)。全句意思 “我并没有责 怪任何人, 我只是说类似这种错误是可以避免的”。
    104.(2010﹒辽宁)Jim went t answer the phne. _______, Harry started t prepare lunch.
    A. Hwever B. Nevertheless C. Besides D. Meanwhile
    【解析】句意:吉姆去接电话, 与此同时, 哈里开始准备午餐。前后两个句子是相同的语义关系, 在时间上表示同时, 所以用meanwhile。
    105.(2010﹒辽宁)We nly had $100 and that was _______ t buy a new cmputer.
    A. nwhere near enugh B. near enugh nwhere
    C. enugh near nwhere D. near nwhere enugh
    【解析】句意:我们只有100美元, 他怎么也不够买一台新电脑的。nwhere near是固定短语, 意思是 “差得远;远不及”, 相当于一个形容词, enugh做副词用, 修饰形容词或副词时, 应该放在被修饰词的后面。
    106.(2010﹒浙江)I have been cnvinced that the print media are usually mre and mre reliable than televisin.
    A. accurate B. ridiculus C. urgentD. shallw
    【解析】分析四个选项的意思:accurate 精确的;ridiculus可笑的, 滑稽的;urgent紧急的;shallw浅的, 肤浅的。根据句意:我确信印刷媒体常常会比电视更准确、更可靠。
    107.(2010﹒浙江)D yu think shpping nline will take the place f shpping in stres?
    A. especially B. frequentlyC. merely D. finally
    【解析】分析四个选项的意思:especially 特别, 尤其;frequently经常, merely仅仅, finally最终。根据语境:你认为网上购物最终会替代商场购物吗?
    108.(2010﹒浙江)Playing n a frzen sprts field sunds like a lt f fun. Isn’t it rather risky, ____?
    A. thugh B. als C. either D. t
    【解析】根据句意:在冰场上玩耍听起来很有趣。然会不会有危险呢?前后两句之前是明显的转折关系, 所以选择thugh。

    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题09.英语词法之并列连词: 这是一份高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题09.英语词法之并列连词,共3页。

    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题08.英语词法之情态动词与虚拟语气: 这是一份高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题08.英语词法之情态动词与虚拟语气,共30页。

    高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题07.英语词法之非谓语动词: 这是一份高考英语(2011~2020)真题专项练习 专题07.英语词法之非谓语动词,共48页。






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