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    第二部分  阅读理解(共两节,满分40)

    第一节  (15小题每小题2分,满分30)




    Though very cold temperatures continue to trouble the US, an act of kindness has warmed everyone. In Chicago a young man provided a homeless old man with the proper footwear — from his own feet. Jessica Bell, a passenger, saw everything and posted the story on Facebook. According to her Facebook post, Bell was taking the train home on Friday when she noticed a homeless old man sitting across from her. Bell wrote that the man was wearing tattered (破烂的) shoes, and many pairs of socks to keep his feet warm, but there was blood seeping () through.

        On the same train was another man. According to Bell's description, he was young, was carrying a bag and a suitcase. He was wearing big black snow boots, which looked new and expensive. They were built for a Chicago winter. Then he did a good thing.

    Bell described that the young man took off his own boots and passed them to the old man. He opened his suitcase and gave him a pair of socks as well. Then the young man put on a different pair of shoes not as nice as the ones he had given away.He told the old man to try them on and helped him clean his feet and change into the new boots as quickly as he could, and then left the train.

    At the end of her post, Bell wrote, I love my city. I love that in a time and place where a quiet act of kindness appears without warning,

    1.The story happened__________.

    A.on a train      B.on a weekend

    C. in summer     D. in a shoe store

    2.Which of the following is TRUE about the old man?

    A.He carried a suitcase.

    B.He was sick and weak.

    C. He wore many pairs of socks.

    D. He wore a pair of big black shoes.

    3.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

    A. What the young man did to the old man.

    B. Why the young man helped the old man.

    C.How Bell praised the young man.

    D. What the young man looked like.

    4.What is the best title for the text?

    A.A poor old man

    B.Warmest boots

    C.Best passengers

    D.A journey home



    In the United States, there are many species of ants that are red in color. Many times people will call antsred antsbecause they do not know the correct name. However,the ant that is most often called the red ant is the Red Imported Fire.

    Red Imported Fire ants are black and red in color, measuring from three to six millimeters in length. They often nest in soil and other moist environments such as the edges of riverbanks and ponds. Red Imported Fire ants move eggs, or pupae () up and down in their nest. A red ant colony () may contain several queens and thousands of worker ants.

    When attacked, Red Imported Fire ants are aggressive insects, but they are most often seen building piles of soil outdoors. They feed on seeds, young plants and small insects. They may attack and catch small animals, first biting them and then putting venom (毒液) into their body.

    When you are beaten by a Red Imported Fire ant, you feel as if touched by a lighted match. After they bite, the ants hold on to the victim and deliver their venom. Most people experience pain and red bumps, while a few may experience a serious reaction. Emergency services should be contacted at once if a person experiences sickness, headache or difficulty breathing.

    The Red Imported Fire ant has become a major pest worldwide, spreading from South America to the Southeastern United States, Australia, China and the Philippines.

    5.According to the first paragraph, in America_______.

    A.ants have many different colors

    B.red ants belong to the same species

    C. only Red Imported Fire ants are called red ants

    D.people don't know the true name of most red ants

    6.The underlined wordmoistin Paragraph 2 is close in meaning to________.

    A.new     B.clean    C. wet     D.dangerous

    7.The Red Imported Fire ant usually catches small animals by_______.

    A. using a web    B. its venom

    C. its smell       D. setting a trap

    8.Which of the following about Red Imported Fire ants is TRUE?

    A. They eat young plants, seeds and insects.

    B.They can only be found in America.

    C. They never attack human beings.

    D. They are all red in color.


    His app could save lives

    Nikhil Gopal is an 18-year-old boy who has invented a system that helps diagnose (诊断)and treat a deadly disease. Heres what he had to say to Scope.

    Scope:  What inspired you to help people who are sick with malaria (疟疾)?

    Nikhil:  My aunt. She lives in a small town in India. She was diagnosed with malaria and got treatment at a small local hospital,but the treatment she was given wasnt working. Once the doctors put her on a different kind of drug, she got better I wanted to help doctors figure out how to more effectively treat patients like her.

    Scope:  You invented the Malisa app. How does it work?

    Nikhil: You put a drop of the patient's blood on a plastic CD-like device (装置) that I created. If the blood contains malaria, a chemical reaction takes place and the device changes color. The intensity (强度) of the color corresponds to how much malaria is in the patient's body. Then you take a picture of it with your phone. The Malisa app uses the photo to interpret the blood test and tell you how much of the malaria parasite (寄生虫) is in the blood.

    Scope:  Then what?

    Nikhil:  The idea is to give the test to patients many times to keep track of parasite levels. If the levels are going up, then you know that either the patient isnt being treated or the treatment isnt working and a new type needs to be introduced.

    Scope:  What is your goal for Malisa?

    Nikhil:  Here in the U.S. malaria is easy to treat. It's much harder to treat in poorer places where there are few medical resources. The system that I created is a lot cheaper than other malaria tests and it doesn't require electricity, which means you can use it pretty much anywhere. I'd like to see it used to help people in poor areas.

    9.Why did Nikhil invent the Malisa app?

    A.To try a long-term treatment.

    B.To support his aunt's research.

    C.To improve medical conditions in India.

    D. To help treat malaria sufferers effectively.

    10.What is used by the Malisa app to find out the blood test result?

    A.Some CDs.           B.A plastic device. 

    C.A photo of the color.  D.Some chemical materials.

    11. What can we learn about the Malisa app?

    A. It is a bit expensive.

    B.It is convenient to use.

    C. It is widely used in the U.S.

    D. It needs considerable medical support.


    Waylon Klitzman's legs were shaking. The 15-year old from Evansville, Wisconsin, said he is not really that social and he especially dislikes standing in front of large groups of people. The auction (拍卖) room at the Wisconsin county fair was crowded. Klitzman took a deep breath and thought about why he came. He was there to sell his pig, Roo. He was there to donate the money he made to Beat Nb, a nonprofit organization working to cure neuroblastoma, the most common form of cancer that affects children. He was there for his favorite teacher, Kim Katzenmeyer, whose niece was diagnosed with the disease a few days before her fourth birthday.

    Besides, it would be over soon he only had to sell the pig once, right? Wrong.

    Over the next hour, three different bidders in a row bought the pig and donated it back to Klitzman, who finally raised more than,$10,000 for the fight against cancer.

    I did not see that happening,Klitzman said. Usually, they just sell it once! So my dream got bigger and bigger every time they said, Give it back.I was pretty proud.

    Klitzman bought Roo last spring. The teen belongs to the 4-H Club, which teaches young people about farming. He planned to sell the pig for meat and for a profit. Then he learned Katzenmeyer was leaving Evansville High School and he changed his mind.

    Katzenmeyer loved her job and her pupils, She said there was only one thing that could persuade her to leave hersecond familyat Evansville High School her actual family.Katzenmeyer's mother and then her niece were diagnosed with different forms of cancer So Katzenmeyer decided to join Beat Nb full-time as a fundraiser (筹款人), taking a

    significant pay cut in the process.

    As for Klitzman, he'd raised $10,070.And Katzenmeyer rushed over to give him a big hug and tell him what a great kid he is.

    My heart is bursting with pride for him. "Katzenmeyer said., He doesnt know the impact that he is having, and I dont think that any 15-year-old kid would at this point. Someday he will.

    12. Why did Klitzman sell his pig in the end?

    A.He desired to help his family.

    B.He planned to sell it for meat.

    C. He wanted to join the 4-H Club.

    D.He hoped to raise money for Beat Nb.

    13.What can we infer about this auction?

    A. It quickly ended.

    B.It attracted few people.

    C. It was unexpectedly successful.

    D.It was important to Evansville High School.

    14.What can we learn about Katzenmeyer?

    A. She was prepared to earn much money.

    B.She made up her mind to fight cancer.

    C.She regretted working for Beat Nb.

    D.She was eager to leave her school.

    15. What was Katzenmeyers attitude towards Klitzman?

    A.She envied him.

    B. She doubted him.

    C. She paid no attention to him.

    D.She gave him plenty of praise.

    第二节  (5小题;每小题2分,满分10)


    When planning an effective presentation, there arc a number of things to keep in mind.

    16        Once you are clear on the reason for your presentation,it will be easier to organize your information.

    If you are not used to giving presentations, you may feel nervous. There are a few things you can do to fight against this. Rehearse(演练) your presentation several times until you feel comfortable with it.17______ This will help you relax. Stand up straight and look your audience in the eye.

    18  ________Pause often to give your audience time to absorb the information.

    Before you begin your presentation,remember to check the devices you may be using. 19_________    Thus there will be no interruptions due to breakdowns (故障).

    The location setup is often overlooked, but it is very important.20 ______


    A.Limit your time.

    B. Talk slowly and clearly.

    C. You should provide support for an idea.

    D.Before you begin speaking, take a few deep breaths.

    E.First ask yourself,“Why am I giving this presentation?”

    F.Make sure everything is in working order before you start talking.

    G.Make sure that the seating is placed so that everyone can hear you.


    第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)

    第一节  完形填空(20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30)


    Shopping is a necessary part of life which very few people can avoid. It is a daily 21_____ for some people. Some people shop for 22_____while others go shopping to buy the 23 items in order to survive. The weekend is usually a 24_____ time to go shopping because people have free time from work. At this time the shops are usually 25_____ because people try to get the best items for the lowest price.

    Some people go shopping more regularly than others to browse (浏览) 26_____ in shops even when they do not have much 27_____ . This is known as window shopping. It allows people to plan ahead and 28_____ for the things they want to buy in the future or wait for the items to drop in 29_____ . Some people spend a lot of time 30_____ bargains while others do not think of the price and are happy to spend a lot.Some people believe that the more 31_____ the item, the better the quality, but this is not always 32_____.

    It is sensible to buy items which are 33_____, but some people use a credit card so that they can buy the items they want right away rather than wait until they can afford them.

    Sometimes shopping can be stressful when choosing a gift. It is common to buy a gift voucher (代金券) 34_____ a friend or loved one can go shopping themselves at their own 35_____.

    People who have a busy lifestyle 36_____ shopping online, because they are able to 37_____ their necessary and luxury (奢侈的) items from the comfort of their own home, or even on the move. Delivery is usually free and items are often 38_____ than in shops. The only 39_____ is that the item description and quality may be different than what they hoped for. This could mean the customer may become 40_____ and will need to return it at their own cost.

    21.A.show      B.routine      C.service         D.struggle

    22.A. food      B.insurance    C. information    D. pleasure

    23.A.necessary  B.similar      C. valuable        D.beautiful

    24.A.tough     B.good        C. right           D.challenging

    25.A.busy      B.empty       C. closed          D. dirty

    26.A.signs     B. gifts         C.products        D.menus

    27.A.time      B.energy       C. knowledge      D.money

    28.A.fight      B.save         C. apply          D.borrow

    29.A.sales       B.grades      C. price          D.support

    30.A. bringing in B. looking for  C.checking with   D. preparing for

    31.A.expensive  B. important  C. attractive       D.useful

    32.A.effective   B.easy        C. safe            D. true

    33.A.specific    B.affordable   C.personal        D. impressive

    34.A.as though  B.even if      C. in case          D. so that

    35.A.cost       B.places       C.convenience     D.directions

    36.A.prefer     B.practise     C.admit           D. remember

    37.A.try        B.send        C. order           D.collect

    38.A.bigger     B.heavier     C. fresher         D.cheaper

    39.A.problem   B.choice      C. mistake         D. solution

    40.A.confused  B.shocked     C. disappointed   D.worried



    第三部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)

    第二节  (10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15)


    The Isle of Man (马恩岛) is home to the worlds most popular motorcycle race, the Tourist Trophy (TT) race.The race was first 41._____ (hold) on May 28, 1907. It is so popular 42._____ it has become an annual event. Drivers race along roads between stone walls and old cottages. Their average speed is 209 kilometers per hour, with top speeds 43. _____(reach) over 240 kilometers per hour! The addition of over 400 twists and curves (弯道) makes this a(n) 44._____ (terrify) race!

    In 2003, sports writer Franz Lidz 45. _____(view) the race for himself. He described it as38 miles of terror ... a test of courage and speed 46._____ is a very dangerous event. The TT race can 47._____ (certain) be dangerous, having resulted 48._____ 146 deaths to date.

    In its 2018 race, over 45,000 49._____ (fan) from around the world arrived 50. _____(witness) this breathtaking event.


    第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35)

    第一节  短文改错(10小题;每小题1分,满分10)






    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

              2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Li Ming and I have grown crazily about swimming ever since last year. Last Sunday we decide to go swimming in the Water Cube. So on my way there, I met a little boy, which was crying loudly. I came up with and asked him what was the reason. He said he got lost and that it was the first time he has gone out by himself. So I sent him to the nearest police’s station. Not until an hour late did I get to the gate of the Water Cube. Li Ming got very angry with myself. However, after I explained to him what had happened, he calmed down and made apology to me.

    第二节  书面表达(满分25)












    1-5 ACABD 6-10 CBADC  11-15 BDCBD 16-20 EDBFG 41-45


    21-25 BDABA 26-30CDBCB 31-35ADBDC 36-40 ACDAC


    1. held 42. that 43.reaching 44.terrifying 45.viewed

    46.that/which 47.certainly 48. in 49. fans 50. to witness


    第一句:crazily----crazy 考查形容词。grow变得,是系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。

    第二句:decide----decided 考查动词时态。根据语境判断用一般过去时。

    第三句:So----But 考查连词。根据句意可知此处是转折关系,用But。

    第三句:which----who 考查定语从句。非限制性定语从句中主语指人,故把which改为who。

    第四句:去掉with考查短语。 come up表示走上前来,而come up with 表示提出,故去掉with。

    第五句:has----had 考查动词时态。固定句型:It was the first time that从句,从句中用过去完成时。

    第六句:police's----police 考查名词。police station 警察局

    第七句:late----later 考查副词。时间段=later,意思是多久以后

    第八句:myself----me 考查代词。此处是李明对生气,所以把myself改为me。

    第九句:made后加 an 考查冠词。固定短语:make an apology to sb向某人道歉



    Dear Mum and Dad,

    Now I know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously.I can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion because words have failed me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me,especially since I went to Senior Three.

    These days I have been studying hard and have made some progress. And everything has got along well with my college entrance examination.I have performed my ability in this exam.I hope you both can set your mind at rest.

    After this exam, I intend to help you do some housework which I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person.

    My dear parents,everything is going on well with me and do have a rest!

    Your love,

    Li Hua















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