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    2020届湖北省武汉市高三下学期3月质量检测英语试卷 Word版
    2020届湖北省武汉市高三下学期3月质量检测英语试卷 Word版01
    2020届湖北省武汉市高三下学期3月质量检测英语试卷 Word版02
    2020届湖北省武汉市高三下学期3月质量检测英语试卷 Word版03
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    2020届湖北省武汉市高三下学期3月质量检测英语试卷 Word版


    2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,请用黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上对应的表 格中。
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    4. 选考题的作答:先把所选题目的题号用黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上指定的位置, 答案写在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。
    5. 请学生自行打印答题卡。不能打印的,可在A4白纸上答题,选择题请标明题号, 写清答案;非选择题请标明题号,自行画定答题区域,并在相应区域内答题,需要制图的请 自行制图。
    6. 答题完毕,请将答案用手机拍照并上传给学校,原则上一张A4拍成一张照片,要 注意照片的清晰,不要多拍、漏拍。
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。
    例:How much is the shirt(
    A. £ 19.15. B.£ 9.18. C £ 9.15.
    1. Where are the travelers(
    A . Beside a river .
    B. Along the coast.
    C. Nees a lake.

    2. What are the speakere talking about(
    A. The medicol equipment. B. The medicol treatment.
    C. The medical examination.
    3. Whath the woman's attitude toward the invitation?

    A. Interested.
    B . Embarrassed.
    C. Su;ased .

    4. Why does the man make a coll(
    A$Toyeaen abouiasotenitsi B$Toboeowsomebooks$
    5 .Whatssthewoman dotng(

    A . Applying foe a job .
    B . Asking for some money .
    C. Working in the community .

    C Somepeoaesoes
    C.Teaoheeand thudenh.

    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;
    6. Who will the woman tall to(
    A. The man's acquaintance. B. Her faends.
    7. Why does the man have t。fill out the form(
    A . To take his responsibility .
    B . To show his famiiy background.
    C$Toeeooed hithithoe.ooadophion$
    8. What is the possible relationshin betaeen the speakers?
    A . Manaaee and employee . B . Agent and custome 9. Where would the woman like i live(

    A. In the university.
    C. On a bus line.

    10. What will they do next?
    A. Look at some photos. B. Buy an alr conditioner.
    11. Why does the boy come home early(
    A. He wants to have a break.
    B. The school is too noisy to study.
    C. He wants to help his mothee with dinner.
    12. What does the boy think of Alexandra(
    A. She's hardworking. B. She's easy-going.
    13. Whao surprise wilt the boy give to Alexandra(
    A. A graduation ceremony . B . A leving party .
    14. What is the title of Richard's new book(
    A. Power and Beauty. B. Family Album.
    15. Where does the conversation probably take place (
    A. In a restaurant . B . I n a gallera .
    16. Why does Richard thank Marilyn(
    A. For her tost in hit work.
    B. For her fantastic pictures.
    C. For hee share of happiness.
    17. How is humoe viewed today (
    A. Its highly vvlued. B. Ms urgently needed.
    18. What did the ancient Greeks think of humor(
    A. It was amazing. B. It was aggressive.
    19. What has Rod Martm found about humor(
    A. ttayway8up8etothee.
    B. ttoan peomoteyoueheayth.
    C. ttha88teength8and weakne8e8.
    C.Goto8eean apaetment.
    C. An expensive gift
    C. A Collection of Photographs
    C. In Richard's house.
    C. Ms stupidey ignored.
    C. tt was admirable.

    20. What should we do to become humorous(
    A. Acquire some skills. B. Bong joy to others. C. Make our lives better.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,(分40分)
    Have you eves expeoenced any inconvenience caused by language barOers while traveling( Have you eves thought how awesome those language courses would be ii they didn't cost so much money and require so much time(
    Translaty is created to sere this purpose 一 without wasting your money and time on language coursee, you con instantly become * fluent" in more than 40 languaaes with this geniue device,
    What is Translaty (
    Translaty is a simple yet lid-changing invention that helps you t overcome any obstacles caused by foreign languages, whsher you're in a business meeting with an inteola:ional client or sunbathing somewhere on a Spanish beach. This small but ingenious devico is able t。instantly recognize and translate over 40 dgferent languages, making intercultural communication completeay efforless,
    What language' can I actually communicate in(
    Teansaat hasmoeethan 40 aanguagespeecsnstaaed, soPouteeabaetousestthemsnutePou gS it! It provines fasS and accurate two-way communicotion and allows you t instaH some other anguagesthatyou msghtbemsssng.
    What make' Translaty so special (
    * Makes travelling easier 一 forget tanguage barrieia and become *0uent+ in 40 ] languages.
    * Helps in business — strengthening your international business relationships. It's easy when you speak thesameaanguage$
    * Assists in day life 一 allowing you te overcome language dinerences with your foreign faends.
    * Convenient and easy te use ——lightweight and simple design ensures it's there when you need itthemost.
    * Offeia 100% accurate, two-way translations.
    * High sound and recording quality
    To sum up — get it while you con,
    ensure there are nr misunderstandings.

    21. Translaty con help users
    A. better understand foreigners
    B. leem foreign languages well

    C. spend less in lerning a language
    D. build relationshigs with colleagues

    22. What is special about Translaty?
    A. It's secure.
    B. It's strong.
    C. It's reliable.
    D. It's affordable.

    23. What's the purposs of the text?
    A. To report.
    B. To advertise.
    C. To appeal.
    D. To reply.

    Teenage life is quite dramatic but that doesn't men you connrt enjoy your life in thess yeers. Even with youe dHy troubles, your life is not vere hard if you know how to dd with ihem.
    I know exactay how you feL Life as a teenaaes con be hard. You are not a kid anymore, becouss you are smart enough i observv and analyze yous surroundings. Howeves, you are stiH not an adult becouss there are still lots of experiences that you ned i have and lessons that you need it lees from thess expSenos. To top it all,the hormonal (荷尔蒙的)imbalano in yous body con really mess you up emotionally, l have been there. l was in it for 6 yeers exploeng what life is about.
    As a teenager,I had a major problem completing my chores on tirne. And at that time,Cl that I needed t。do was t。finish my assignments, study for the upcoming test and clen my room. Now, I have much more things to do: cooking, cleening and working while striking a balanco between all my relationships related i work, family and friends. That really is a lot of work. So,I will just give you one golden tip,quoting from Benjamig Franklin, * Neves leevv lhat till tomofow which you con do today. +
    Life becomes much esier now becouss I finish all my work on time and I have enough tinie 1w Id my hais down. HalO the problems as a teenages are becouss we hate doing things. WSd go and have fun than sit down and take core of our duties and responsibilities. That is why you have so much trouble in your life % your parents won't Id you go out wilt fiends becouss youhaven't cleaned your room or your teacher is always criticizing you because you haven't finished your assignments.
    24. Whaf does the woter mainly wanf te tell us in paraaraph 1 (
    A. Teenage ^7 is tough.
    B. Teenagero can't enjoy life.

    C. Teenage life is changeable.
    D. Teenagero should Wean more.

    25. What plays a key role in making teenage life hard according to the water?
    A. The adolescent changes.
    B. The lack of life experiencc.

    C. The failure of conccntration.
    D. The unlmiliar surroundings.

    26. How did the writer fed about her teenage life?
    A. It was diCicult. B. It was simple.
    C. tt was enjoyable. D. tt was boring.

    27. What does the writer advise teenager; te do?
    A. Abandon their fiends.
    B. Go and have fun.

    D. Shoulder the burden.

    Yellow is usually the color of happy, joyfl emotions (情感).But according te a new study, not all people associate the sunshiny shade with good feelings.
    To find out what factor; might play a role, moher tested a new hypothesis (假设): What if peopleL physiccl surroundings affecC their feelings about certain colors( For example, O someone lived in cold and rainy Finland,would they fed differently about the color yellow from someonewhoeieed nea;eheSahaaDesee?
    The reseerches looked at color-emotion date from an ongoing international survey (调查) of 6 ,625 people in 55 cunlrms. The survey asked participants te rate 12 colorr on how closely they wero associated witli feelings including joy, pride, fear, and shame.
    The reseerchero paid particular attention te the date for yellow, and analyzed how dVferent factors 一 including hours of sunshine, hours of daylight, and the amount of eainfall 一 lined up with Uc emotions people reported for -Uc color. The two bet predictoro of how people felt about yellow were lhe annual amount l rainfall, and how far they lived from the equator (赤道).
    Overall, people were more likely to associate yellow with joy when they lived in rainier countWes that lay arther from the equator, reseerchero reported in the Journal of Environmental
    Psychology. In Egypt,the likelihood of yellow being associated with joy was just 5.7% ,whereas in chilly Finland it was 87.7%. In the United States,with its mild climate and amber waves of yraia, peopleL yellow-joy association levels were between 60% and 70% .
    The reseerchera also checked whethea associations changed with the season — whether,for example, people in a ccaWt count; liked yellow more it the wintea than they did in the oummee.Theyoound ehaeoptntonoabouecoooeeematned oateoyconoeaneyeaejeound — eeen when the wethea changed, the date on yellow-joy associationy were as good as gold.
    28. What did the researchera do before the sueey(
    A. They went te Finland. B. They made an assumption.
    C. They studied ceaWa ccIo;. D. They analyzed some date.
    29. Which of the following affects peopleL feelings about yellow?
    A. The changeable seasons. B. The length of daytinie.
    C. The geographic position . D . The amount of snowfaH.
    30. How did the researchera ccrre out the survey(
    A. By interviewing participants.
    B. By studying the date cdlected.
    C$Byteaeeotngaeound thewoeod$
    D. By looking at cclor combinations.
    31. What ccn be the bet of the text(
    A. Finland : A Countre AdmiOng Yellow.
    B. Yellow: Asociated with Joy ConditionHly .
    C. Coloe:An Important RcOe in Good Feelings .
    D . Color-emotion Data: Collected IntemationHly .
    Royal Dutch SheH is launching a $300 million and forestre program, at a 91X10 when an increesing numbee of oil companies are putting money in carbon dsel (碳*卜偿)plans te mol climate goais. The company wili spend the money over the next three years on projects te store ccrbon, including laree forests ia the Netherlands and Spaia, and wili start oWering motorists the option oopuechasingcaebon oosetswhen theybuypeteooatthepump.
    Theetecutieesoothecompanyetpoained thatthesecaebon oosetpeooectsweeeanew
    businos opportunity for ShVI, as weli as a way te mol its climaty tareets. * We believe that woo
    time we will be building a business, because these carbon credits will become more valuable as carbon becomes more limited,'' they said. Shell recently decided to cut its net carbon footprint (碳排放)by 2-3 percent in fiva yers,which includes emissions (排放)from the products it sells. The company plans t。produce carbon credits from the forest; projects, then sell these credits on t customers buying its oit and grs product s , or apply the credit s t its own operation s toroweettarebon footpetnt.
    Plants absorb carbon dioxide as they grow and restoeng forests and other natural areas is considered one of the sinipyst ways t store carbon. However, the voluntaro market for carbon credits based on fore stro project s has it s。皆!!。a , as projects in developing countte s can be hard Ox monitor. Shell's move has also been criticized by seme environmentalists. They wooded that there was a risk of * greenwash + when companies invested in forestre projects. * There is an
    entire debate about whether forestre projects truly reduco emissions or not,'‘ they said, pointing out that planting in one ares coull cause deforestation (滥伐森林)to anotOeo.
    Shell saio it would rely on the third party to ensure its forest program to med the Voluntae Carbon Standard and stOct biodiversity requirements. Mark Lewis, hesd of climate change
    investment mreh at BNP Paribas, said, * Planting trees to offsd emissions, as far as it goes, is a step in the right direction. +
    32. What is popular among oit companies these days?
    A. Studying climate changes.
    B. Launching forestre programs.
    C. Working out carbon oXsC plans .
    D. Attracting motorists to buy their petroL
    33. How will Shell Company make profits from its carbon oLsS projects?
    A. By quitting the emissions of its products.
    B. By reducing its carbon footprint by a quarter.
    C$Byatmtttngtheotaused byttsown opeeattons$
    D$Bypu ttngcaebon ceedttsttpeoduceson themaeket
    34. What concerns some environmentalists about forestiy project?
    A. Thepeoeectscansteeaa stop caebon emtstons.
    B. The projects are hard to monitor in poor countries.
    C. The projects may lead to deforestation in other forests.
    D. The projects havvn't met strict biodivvrsity requirements.
    35. What does the underlined word * greenwash + in paragraph 3 mean?
    A . Discount . B. Cheat . C. Decline . D . Change .
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项"
    36 One day, when I wac perhapc six yeen old, I wac walking with my fathea on a crowded street. Ali 1 a sudden, the normal Qow 1 pedestrian traffio backed up as peopie tried to avoid a lane objecl on tOe sidewalk. To my astonishment, the objecl turned out to be a human being,a man lying unmscious against a building. 37 . Certainiy no one made eye contact.
    As we walked by ,my Qtheo — the model of a loving, coring gentleman — pointed t。a bottle in a papeo baa and tolk me that the poor soul on the sidewalk juss needed 1u sleep X off. Then the drunken man began to murmur senselessly. My faheo warned me not t。go neo, saying * You neveo know how he'll react. +
    38 I had spent the previous 12 months traveling in poor Asian cities, but even by thoss standards this was a scene of miser In addition 1u being desperateey poor,the IocoIs had It live in the extremely hot climate, ridiculously huge crowds and a fairly strong wind blowing dust everywhere. Suddenly a man ccrrying a huge baa 1 penuts died out X pain and fell t the ground. 39 . A half dozen sellers ran from theX stands t help, lewing unattended what mighthaeebeen thetotayityoatheieposesions.Oneputabyanketundeethemanlshead; anotheo opened his shim; a third questioned him ccrefulfy about the pain ; a fourth fetched wateo; a fiOh kept onlookers from crowding around too closely; a sixth ran foe help. 40 The
    perfomiancc could have passed for a Onaf exam at a paramedic (护理人员)school.
    A. Ithen wstnesed an astonsshsngs5ene.
    B. Not one of the pasers-by seemed to notico that X was a man.
    C. This was totally diXerent from the bXter experienco I had in New York.
    D. Within minutes,a doctor arrived,and two other locols joined in to assist.
    E. . soon come to see that day's lesson as basic knowledge for a New Yorker.
    F. I'll always remember a lesson that I learned as a boy growing up in New York City.
    G. Yet many years lateo l had a ve; dferenl experience while visiting a market in Rangoon.
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
    Last yes,we moved home and l began my junios yes of high school in New OrWens. My birthday was just a few days after my 41 . Whiie l had a physicai home, l feii 42 , and
    my thoughis went ie children 43 for shelter whoso birthdays fell by the wayside. In an effoO te find my place in my 44 town, l set out te 45 an organization of teenagers te hold
    46 birthday parties for children living in homeless shelters.
    The 47 began and there would be a party each month. Getting the work off the ground
    48 our team effort. Eveiy party was 49 as there were many 50 that had te be
    managed. Rolling up our sleeves, focusing on 51 ,and connecting with each othetwe made the business a great 52 .
    Ofering services te thoss in need teaches 53 lessons often not taught in schooL At one
    party, a little boy and his fathet came up te thank me foe 54 what was the boy's firsS organized bnthday paty. I then thanked them for teaching me something too. The fether, who lived in a shelter with his son, looked at me 55 as if he was not worthy of teaching me anything. I 56 te him that he taught me te have the 57 te ask for help when needed. I
    wiH 眼'^ 58 the hug and the lesson he gave me.
    Experiencing the smie of 59 on the faces of homeless children who have never had a
    birthday paty before is a( n) 60 that wiH never fade.
    41. A. survivvl
    C upset
    43. A. preparing
    D quid

    47. A. career
    B ionteebuteon
    C. projeci
    D. procedure
    48. A. directed
    B. doubled
    C. rewarded
    D . required
    49. A. complee
    B. . amplete
    C. t
    D teoubeesome
    B deshes
    C taegets
    D . . mergencies
    51. A . relationship
    B teeendshep
    C detaees
    D. decorations
    52 A toetune
    B. dOferenca
    C atempt
    D suaaes
    53 A speeih
    B eete
    C. . ducation
    D eanguage
    54 A enuoyeng
    B hosteng
    C atendeng
    D postponeng
    55. A . puzzled
    B satesteed
    C shyey
    D poeeteey
    56 A whespeeed
    B. i ntroduced
    C eepeated
    D . . eplained
    57 A ihanie
    B. .xcuso
    C aoueage
    D ahoeae
    58 A eeueit
    B toeget
    C aaaept
    D beae
    59. A . relieS
    B beteenes
    C sadnes
    D. delight
    60 A hope
    B memoey
    C maek
    D ateateon

    Today, many people are worried about endangered species. But isn't it just normal for some animals to die out?
    The situation today is different from 61 of the past. In the past, animafs did out over a long period of time. When animafs died out io the past,it was usually becauso of the wether or other 62 (nature) causes.
    What is happening today is 63 ( totaf) different. We are killing millions of opecies to a
    short tirne. The result is that we are killing our future, becaust so many species 64 ( kill)
    in such a short time that even 65 fittest can't survive. In fact, there won't be enough species to chooss from. Without enough anOnais and plants, evolution cannot function and nature will get
    66 ( bad) instead of bstee.
    Many of the species 67 ( disappesr) on eerth are unknown and few people even know
    that they are dying out. Thess animais and plants started i live on eerth long 68 us and we
    have no right i kOl them. We may als。need tUesa species in the future. We must tiy t。keep
    the endangered species alive. If we allow these species 69 ( die) out, we are in fact
    becoming endangered 70 (our).
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,)分10分)
    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或 修改。
    增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( #),并在其下面写出该加的词。
    Wang Kai lived next to Granny Liu, which depended on the ambulanco to take him to hospitai for treatments. However, things become diCicult on cold snowy days. Though Wang Kai had cleered the driveway the week ago to make way for the ambulanco, more snow fall on the ground last night. Wang Kai knew he had to help with his neighboe clem up the snow and couldn't finish it himself. So he colled four of his friend for help. With five boys on hand, to clear the deveway only took 30 minutes. But it ment all the dCferenco to Granny Liu. A snowstoem could esy turn into a dangerous situation for he Thanks to boys, she was send to hospital in tirne.
    假定你是李华,在英国参加夏令营,所在地有多国中学生夏令营团队。当地计划为你 们举行联谊晚会。请写一封邮件报名参会,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 你们的节目;
    3. 合理建议。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    第二节:6-10ABBCC 11-15 BCBBC 16-20 AABCA
    第一节:21-23 ACB 24-27 DAAD 28-31 BCBB 32-35 CDCB
    第二节:36-40 FBGAD
    第一节:41-45 BCDAA 46-50 CCDAA 51-55 CDBBA 56-60 DCBDB
    第二节:61. that 62. natural 63. totally 64. are (being) killed 65. the
    66. worse
    67. disappearing 68. before
    69. to die
    70. ourselves

    Wang Kai lived next to Granny Liu, which depended on the ambulance to take him to hospital
    for treatments. However, things became difficult on cold snowy days. Though Wang Kai had
    cleared the driveway the week ago to make way for the ambulance, more snow fall on the ground before fell
    last night. Wang Kai knew he had to help his neighbor clean up the snow and couldn't finish but
    it himself. So he called four of his friend for help. With five boys on hand, to clear the driveway friends
    only took 30 minutes. But it meant all the difference to Granny Liu. A snowstorm could easy easily turn into a dangerous situation for her. Thanks to A boys, she was send to hospital in time.
    Possible version:
    Dear Mr/Ms,
    We really appreciate your kindness to host such a nice party. Thank you very much! I'm writing to tell you we're glad to accept your invitation.
    We have two programmes, a group of five boys singing a Chinese song and three girls performing a Chinese dance. The Chinese song is about how teenagers are strict with themselves and make every effort to achieve their dreams, while the dance is about how Chinese minority girls looking for a better life.
    By the way, we'd appreciate it if the party were on next Thursday, when we have no other activities.
    Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.
    Yours, Li Hua.






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