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    1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
    2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(临澧一中)

    例: How much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15 B. £ 9.18 C. £ 9.15
    1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A. Father and daughter. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.
    2. What are the speakers doing?
    A. Driving a car. B. Crossing the street. C. Riding a bus.
    3. What is the woman’s coat probably made from?
    A. Man-made material. B. Wool. C. Cotton.
    4. How long will it take to get to the dentist by bus?
    A. 5 minutes. B. 10 minutes. C. 25 minutes.
    5. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. A TV remote control. B. Clothing buttons. C. A TV channel.


    6. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A. In the woman's office. B. In the man's house. C. In a warehouse.
    7. What will the woman be doing?
    A. Cleaning. B. Organizing shelves. C. Recording the data.
    8. What is the man’s opinion of his sewing class?
    A. He thinks it’s a waste of time.
    B. He thinks it builds character.
    C. He thinks everyone should learn it.
    9. What did the woman choose for her project?
    A. A neck pillow. B. A stuffed toy. C. A purse.
    10. What was life on the nearby planet like according to the man ?
    A. Animals B. Cells. C. Plants.
    11. When does the woman think other planets will communicate with us probably?
    A. In 25 years. B. In 50 years. C. In 100 years.
    12. How does the man think we will hear from other planets ?
    A.By rockets. B. By computers. C. By telescopes.
    13.What was the man probably doing at the beginning?
    A. Reading a magazine. B. Watching a TV show. C. Doing some cleaning.
    14. When did the woman first use AI today ?
    A. When she drove her car.
    B. When she woke up with her alarm.
    C. When she bought some things on the Internet.
    15. What did the man's parents just get?
    A. A new car with special cameras.
    B. A piece of cleaning equipment.
    C. A smart watch.
    16. How does the woman react to the Roomba in the end?
    A.She is uninterested. B. She is amused. C. She is amazed.
    17. What caused the holes to form?
    A. Humans. B. A volcano eruption. C. Global warming.
    18. When does the lake begin to fill?
    A. In the spring. B. In the summer. C. In the fall.
    19. What happens to the water?
    A. It disappears forever.
    B. It floods the highways.
    C. It appears in the valley below again.
    20. What do we know from the talk?
    A. Experts think it’s better not to fill the holes.
    B. “Lost Lake” is formed due to global warming.
    C. The state of Oregon is famous for dead volcanoes.

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Harvard Summer Programs for High School Students
    Are you a high school student aged 15 to 18? Then consider spending your summer at Harvard, where you can explore a variety of college-level courses, live and learn alongside a diverse set of peers, thus paving the way for a successful college experience you desire before your real college life. It is also an opportunity to expand your worldview, meet new people from all over the globe, and gain valuable knowledge and skills.
    Pre-College Program
    A two-week experience featuring noncredit courses
    Join other curious high school students on campus at Harvard, and explore topics as wide ranging as American law, philosophy, public speaking, the sciences, and writing.
    The program features:
    ★On-campus housing with fellow pre-college students.
    ★Structured days with weekday class meetings and pre-college activities.
    During your two weeks at Harvard, you attend class for three hours a day and participate in college readiness workshops or team-building events. In the evenings, you eat in the dining hall, finish homework in your room, and attend social activities.
    Secondary School Program
    College courses for credit in a seven-week session
    This is your test-drive of college. At Harvard, you are fully involved in college life— balancing time between classes, homework, and after-school activities.
    The program features:
    ★College courses you attend alongside current college students from around the world.
    ★Credit you can transfer to a college in the future.
    ★The choice to live on campus, commute, or study online.
    ★The freedom to schedule your days.
    You may choose to enroll in one or two courses. Outside the classroom, you can attend workshops, take trips to nearby colleges, and join in activities like sports and musical pursuits. A healthy balance of organized events and free time allows you the independence you will find in college.

    21. What will the Summer Programs help the participants to do?
    A. Adapt to the college life in advance.
    B. Become a would-be college student.
    C. Get an admission to Harvard.
    D. Change high school courses.
    22. What does the Pre-College Program allow the participants to do?
    A. Organize events as assistant teachers.
    B. Study together with current college students.
    C. Get credit needed for college courses.
    D. Live on campus with other pre-college students.
    23. What feature does the Secondary School Program have?
    A. Some job opportunities are offered.
    B. Students can take courses in a flexible way.
    C. It provides chances to explore the world.
    D. Specially-designed tests are included.
    B (常德市一中)
    Many people prefer to have a bottle of water with them wherever they go, and most typically they use disposable (一次性的) plastic bottles for this purpose. Despite the convenience of this approach, it's worth considering a move away from bottled water.
    Plastic water bottles significantly contribute to the environmental crises that we're currently facing. Of course plastic can be recycled, but only a small portion of waste is processed properly and reused again. Most of the plastic packaging ends up either in the landfills or in the oceans. While our world's oceans are faced with 8.8 million tons of new plastic material every single year, we must acknowledge that plastic water bottles share part of the blame for this problem.
    By using disposable water bottles on a regular basis, consumers create continued financial motivation for the water companies to keep producing huge amounts of waste, while it’s nearly impossible to monitor how the bottles are manufactured and which percentage is made of recycled plastic. Many brands advertise a variety of beneficial effects, but in reality bottled water passes through an industrial facility and may be polluted in quite a few ways.
    On the other hand, the impact of water impurities (杂质) can directly lead to serious health problems if such water is consumed over a long period. Some of the water impurities may be of chemical nature, like chlorine or calcium, and they can damage the skin. In rare cases it’s possible to trace amounts of highly toxic (有毒的) materials in the bottled water products, which apparently results in dangerous consequences. That’s why it’s highly recommended to use both your own portable water bottle on the road as well as a water purification device at home to ensure that the water you are drinking daily is completely free of anything that could harm your health.
    Now that you’re aware of how bottled water is pretty harmful not only to humans but also to wildlife and environment, are you ready to say good-bye to it?

    24. How does the author feel when it comes to plastic water bottles?
    A.They have caused terrible impact on the earth.
    B.They should have been recycled to great extent.
    C.They have created great convenience to our life.
    D.These bottles have caught most people's attention.
    25. What can we infer from the third paragraph?
    A.The bottles are made from non- recycled plastic.
    B.The water companies are seeking for high profits.
    C.You should choose the famous brands of bottled water.
    D.You should be cautious when deciding on bottled water.
    26. What is likely to make the consumers worried?
    A.The bottles made of different materials.
    B.Water in the bottles kept for a long time.
    C.The bottled water with a lot of impurities.
    D.The complex procedure of producing bottles.
    27. Which of the following can sum up the passage?
    A.Why You Need to Break Your Bottled Water Habit
    B.How the Plastic Bottled Water Is Actually Produced
    C.How Plastic Bottles Create Influence to Environment
    D.Why Most People Have a Preference for Bottled Water
    An author who surveyed 600 millionaires has claimed that she found the secrets of getting rich. Sarah Stanley Fallaw, the author of The Next Millionaire Next Door & Enduring Strategies for Building Wealth, got her findings after she surveyed many American millionaires. The book is a follow-up to her father’s research in the 1998 bestseller The Millionaire Next Door, which Thomas J. Stanley wrote with William D. Danko.
    Stanley Fallaw argues that resilience(弹性) in the face of rejection and strict goal setting are important to building wealth. “To build wealth, to build one’s own business, to ignore critics and media and neighbors, you must have the ambition to keep pursuing your goals past rejection and pain,” wrote Stanley Fallaw in the new book, according to Business Insider. She added, “Millionaires and other economically successful Americans who decide to climb the corporate ladder, or struggle to create a financial independence lifestyle early do so by pushing on without stop.”
    Stanley Fallaw stresses the importance of setting goals and sticking to them, especially for budgeting. She says that living modestly even as your income grows will allow you to devote a greater percentage of your income towards savings and building wealth. “Most millionaires we interviewed highlighted the great freedom that comes from spending below their means,” Stanley Fallaw writes.
    The author says that the temptation to keep up with the spending habits of the people around can be highly harmful to building wealth. Particularly in the age of social media, when lavish vacations and new purchases are broadcast for the world to see, the perseverance to live thriftily is important, Stanley Fallaw argues.

    28 . What was Sarah Stanley Fallaw’s book mainly based on?
    A.Her own life experiences.
    B.Her father’s research.
    C.Her father’s friend William D. Danko’s book.
    D. Her surveys of the American millionaires.
    29 . Which is vital for building wealth according to Stanley Fallaw?
    A.Ignoring others’ critics. B. Learning from failure.
    C. Sticking to your goals. D. Sharing with others.
    30. What is the topic of the third paragraph?
    A. Consumption habit. B. Determination.
    C. Ways of making money. D. How to save money.
    31 . What is the best title of the passage?
    A.The Importance of Building Wealth
    B. The Significance of Setting Goals
    C. The Secrets of Getting Rich
    D. The Book of Stanley Fallaw
    Dogs need to go on walks, and walking is good exercise for older adults. Seniors who combine the two---by walking a dog---are healthier than people who don’t, according to some research.
    But a new study by University of Pennsylvania researchers offers a warning note. “Strolling with a leashed (用皮带绑住的) dog”, it says,“gives a significant and rising injury risk in older adults.”
    Between 2004 and 2017, it found,bone fractures (断裂) associated with strolling leashed dogs more than doubled among U.S. residents 65 and older. Nearly 8 in 10 who suffered fractures were women, and the most commonly broken bones were hips,wrists and upper arms.
    The dog-walking fractures were reported in a public database published by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, which records injuries reported at a nationally representative sample of about 100 emergency rooms nationwide.The number,which increased from 1,671 in 2004 to 4,396 in 2017, rose at a rate significantly higher than the overall number of fractures did, said co-author Jaimo Ahn, an associate professor.
    Just why is unclear, although the senior population has grown as a percentage of the U.S. population. But Ahn said he thinks other factors may be driving the increase. Baby boomers are more active than previous generations of seniors, he said. And although he said he knows of no data that quantifies this, he believes health-care providers are increasingly suggesting dog ownership as one way to improve health.
    “We make all these recommendations about pets, and yet we don't really understand if there are potential negative implications, “ Ahn said. “There are things we should be aware of before saying, ‘Hey, you should get a dog and take your dog for a walk.’”
    The University of Pennsylvania researchers, whose study was published last week in JAMA Surgery, focused on only seniors, a group Ahn said would be most vulnerable (易受伤害的) to this sort of injury .
    Ahn emphasized that the study is not meant to discourage dog ownership --- or dog-walking---among seniors. But, he said, health-care providers should discuss the risks with patients, and older people thinking about dog ownership should talk about the idea with friends, family and others who know them and their lifestyles well. Dog training is also important, he said. “We occasionally see patients who are seemingly doing a good thing---trying to be active, taking their pet out and then having an accident they never expected,” Ahn said. “People go skiing and think they might get injured. But this is kind of surprising to them, and it turns their life upside down.”

    32. Which is the finding of the new study by University of Pennsylvania researchers?
    A. Women are more likely to get injured than men.
    B. Dogs are the main causes for the old people who get injured.
    C. Old people who walk dogs are healthier than those who don’t.
    D. Old people who own a dog pet are more likely to break their bones.
    33. Which of the following is a possible reason for the increase of dog-walking?
    A. Somebody’s recommendation.
    B. Improvement of people’s life condition.
    C. Increase of the senior population.
    D. Changes in people’s life style.
    34. Why do the researchers only focus on seniors?
    A. They have more time. B. They are weaker.
    C. They have more pets. D. They are more devoted.
    35. What is kind of surprising to seniors according to Ahn’s words in the last paragraph?
    A. They can get injured by skiing.
    B. Dog training is needed.
    C. Walking dogs has danger in store.
    D. Trying to be active is wrong.

    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(汉寿一中)
    Family is not always perfect, but it is important to build family bonds that will get you through the tough times. There are quite a few benefits of spending time with family .
    Spending time with family strengthens family bonding. Strengthening the family bond doesn't always need to be fancy activities that require a bigger sum of money. Even home-based, low-cost activities, such as playing a board game, gardening or playing outdoors, have a great effect on the “health” of the family. 36___
    Family time improves child's academic performance. If you, as a parent provide necessary guidance through your child’s academic school years or encourage them frequently, this will definitely have a positive effect in the future. 37 For example, spend time talking about their daily life and praise the progress they have made, which can bring them pleasure and a sense of achievement.
    Spending time with family helps kids develop parenting skills. 38 So if you set a good example on how to behave with your children, your son or daughter will definitely remember that. And they will apply these “parenting skills” in the future with their children.
    Spending time with family results in conflict resolution skills. Every family is sure to suffer its share of conflicts. 39 Therefore, it is usually good for them to learn to talk through things together. Thus, they can learn how to solve conflicts and learn to forgive.
    . 40 Youths who communicate more with their parents usually behave themselves well. Because they can learn interpersonal skills from the way we treat them and others when spending time with family.

    A. Kids learn by example.
    B. Family gives you reason to push yourself to succeed.
    C. More family time results in less behavioral problems.
    D. At times, children seem born to argue with each other.
    E. Spending time with family results in greater happiness.
    F. There are some ways to encourage your child to learn well.
    G. They make everybody in the family feel emotionally closer to each other.

    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(安乡一中)
    As temperatures approached 90 degrees in New York City last July 4th, three police officers ducked into a Whole Foods Market to get something 41 to drink. What they walked into was a heated human drama.
    Once inside, the cops, Lt. Louis Sojo and Officers Esanidy Cuevas and Michael Rivera, were 42 by a store security guard who asked for help with a suspected shoplifter. The woman in 43 didn’t have the look of a career 44 . She was obviously scared, and her 45 were wet with tears.
    The cops peeked inside her bag. “All we saw was containers of food. We didn’t see 46 else,” Cuevas told CBS New York.
    “I’m hungry,” she 47 quietly.
    . 48 red-handed, the woman no doubt expected to be cuffed(手铐) and dragged off to jail for the crime of being hungry 49 poor. But the cops had 50 ideas. “We’ll pay for her food,” Sojo told the 51 security guard.
    There’d been no discussion among the three men, no need to see whether they were all 52 . It went unsaid. 53 , they picked up the woman’s bag and escorted her to a cash register, 54 each chipped in $10 to 55 the bill. She would not be 56 today.
    All the woman could do was weep in 57 . Covering her face with a kerchief and drying her eyes, she 58 , “Thank you, thank you.”
    She wasn’t the only one 59 by this act of compassion. “It was a very beautiful, genuine moment,” says Paul Bozymowski, who was at the store. He was so taken by what he’d 60 that he posted a photo on Twitter for all to see.

    41. A. sweet B. hot C. cold D. delicious
    42. A. requested B. approached C. shook D. yelled
    43. A. question B. belief C. difficulty D. case
    44. A. journalist B. nurse C. teacher D. criminal
    45. A. hands B. cheeks C. fingers D. arms
    46. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing
    47. A. answered B. told C. quarreled D. explained
    48. A. Caught B. Blamed C. Found D. Criticized
    49. A. since B. when C. while D. if
    50. A. other B. another C. others D. the other
    51. A. moved B. surprised C. satisfied D. cheerful
    52. A. out B. up C. over D. in
    53. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Consequently D. because
    54. A. when B. why C. how D. where
    55. A. lend B. pay C. help D. check
    56. A. arrested B. released C. stopped D. praised
    57. A. regret B. disappointment C. gratitude D. sorrow
    58. A. shouted B. repeated C. screamed D. responded
    59. A. touched B. missed C. remembered D. honored
    60. A. heard B. experienced C. understood D. witnessed

    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(西洞庭一中)
    The driver, Zhang Sai, hovered (踌躇) outside 61 apartment building in Wuhan, the central Chinese city at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak. He 62 (order) not to take food to customers’ doors in order 63 (minimize) the risk of infection.
    But the woman on the phone was pleading(恳求), he recalled. The food was for her mother, 64 couldn’t go down to meet him.
    Mr. Zhang relented. He would drop off the order and get away as 65 (quick) as possible. As he placed the bag 66 the floor, Mr. Zhang said, the door opened. Startled, he rushed away. Without thinking, he said, he jabbed (戳) the elevator button with his finger, 67 (touch) a surface he feared could transmit the virus.
    That was how Mr. Zhang, 32, found 68 (him) speeding back to his delivery station with one finger held aloft (高高举着一根手指), careful not to touch the rest of his hand — a quarantine in miniature (一个小型隔离现场).
    For many in China, delivery drivers like Mr. Zhang are the only 69 (connect) to the outside world. Once a ubiquitous but invisible presence on the streets of nearly every Chinese city, the drivers are now being heralded as 70 (hero).

    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(常德市二中)
    Dear Tom,
    I am sorry to know that you are in low spirits because your poor exam grades. I think you should cheer up. Your previous performance is proved that you were a diligent learner. However, due to your addicted to the computer games and laziness, you gradually lost your edge over other student. As your friend, I think you should bend all your efforts to catch up with others from then on. To be specific, in order to arrange time proper, you should draw up a learning schedule and stick to it consistently. Besides, when facing with difficulties, you’d better turn to teachers for help timely since every small step contribute to a big leap. Lastly, I suggest that you hold a positive attitude and regard failure with success in disguise.
    Look forward to your early reply!

    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)(汉寿一中)
    假定你是李华,你收到外国朋友Peter的邮件,他想了解你校在新冠疫情(COVID-19 epidemic)期间线上教学的情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Peter,
    I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days.
    Best wishes.

    语法填空:61. an 62. had been ordered 63. to minimize 64. who 65. quickly 66. on
    67. touching 68. himself 69. connection 70. heroes
    1.because∧ your poor exam grades的because 后加 of
    2. is proved 去掉 is
    3.due to your addicted 改为 addiction/或在addicted前面加 being
    4.lost your edge over other student 改为 students
    5.bend all your efforts to catch 改为 catching
    6.from then on 改为 now
    7. arrange time proper 改为 properly
    8.when facing with difficulties, 改为 faced
    9.every small step contribute to a big leap 改为 contributes
    10.regard failure with success in disguise 改为 as

    One possible version:
    Dear Peter,
    I’m so glad to hear from you and know about what you are doing these days. I’m writing to tell you how our schooling is now going on.
    Actually, we are having e-learning at home, studying in the “classroom in the air” all the academic and non-academic subjects. The holiday schedule runs from 8:00 am till 4:30 pm on work day, with more and longer breaks for rest than usual.
    Personally, I’ve got used to online learning, which I think is a creative form of schooling, and also our own way to fight the COVID-19 epidemic. We’ve come to realize how important computers and mobile phones have become to us! But I really miss the days with my friends and teachers on campus. That’s why I pray for the end of the epidemic every day, and I believe it’ll soon come.
    Best wishes .

    Text 1
    W: When I’m 67 I will get Social Security payments from the government.
    M: That means you have twenty years to go and then you can quit your job.
    Text 2
    W: Could you turn the TV down? I’m preparing for the final exams.
    M: I’m sorry. I'll watch this movie later.
    Text 3
    M: Answer the phone, Lily. I am writing an article now.
    W: But dad, I’m washing my hair. Ask Kate to do it.
    M: She is watching the football game on TV.
    Text 4
    W: I hardly ever go to work by car now. The company is within walking distance.
    M: Well, you’re so lucky. The place where I work is about 5 miles away.
    Text 5
    W: Why don’t you wear your new shirt for the meeting?
    M: That reminds me. I have been meaning to exchange it for a smaller size.
    Text 6
    M: Sophia, quick! If you don’t hurry, we’re going to miss the beginning of Dr. Smith’s speech in the hall.
    W: So what?
    M: Don’t you want to listen to it?
    W: Not really. I couldn’t care less about his speech.
    M: You should have told me earlier. Now, I am going without you.
    Text 7
    W: My work is paying for me to teach for a month in Brazil, so I’m leaving next week.
    M: Wow! You’re very lucky. What will you be teaching?
    W: I’m going to teach English in an elementary school for three weeks. And I’m going to take the last week to travel through Argentina.
    M: I went to South America right after college. I traveled in Peru for two weeks. I was planning to go to Brazil, but I ran out of time. I’ve heard it’s a beautiful country.
    W: I’m excited. I spent two weeks in Mexico a few years ago, but that’s as far south as I’ve been.
    Text 8
    W: Peter, I need your help. Judy’s coming for a visit this weekend and I want to invite some people to meet her. The problem is she’s really shy.
    M: OK. I think if we try to invite people she’s got something in common with, it’ll make it easier for her. Do you agree?
    W: Yes, that’s a good idea. Any suggestions?
    M: I remember she likes classical music.
    W: Then let’s ask Mike and Janice. They both play the piano.
    M: Sam takes violin lessons.
    W: Judy’s in the drama club at her school.
    M: So am I and I have lots of friends who’d like to meet her.
    W: Let’s invite five of your drama club friends. We have you and me and Mike and Janice and Sam and your five actors.
    M: Now, let’s think about food and drinks.
    Text 9
    M: What do you think of our new house so far, honey?
    W: It’s great. I’m also getting used to this neighborhood. It’s so much quieter than our old place on Baxter Street.
    M: It sure is! We don’t live next to the highway anymore. I’m actually having trouble getting used to all the peace!
    W: Let’s go to explore our new neighborhood this weekend. We can walk north through the park and then go east towards the church.
    M: Good idea. I think the bakery I saw that day is by the church. We can have lunch there and then walk back home.
    W: Is that too far to bring Reggie? He likes to walk, but that will be almost five miles.
    M: It shouldn’t be a problem. He isn’t a young dog anymore. He and I walked 10 miles once, remember?
    W: That was when your car broke down on the highway, right?
    M: Yeah. But we made it. Anyway, I think he can handle a jog around the block.
    W: Should we go on Saturday or Sunday morning?
    M: Either is fine for me. But the Rockets are playing basketball on Saturday, so I want to watch that game.
    W: OK, we can go on Sunday morning. I’ll cook dinner on Sunday night. So, remind me to stop by the farmers’ market and get some vegetables.
    M: Great! Let’s have that pasta with tomato sauce you make so well.
    W: OK. Now, I’m off to work. There’s a company meeting tonight.
    Text 10
    When you take a walk in any of the cities in the west, you often see a lot of people walking with dogs. It is still true that the dog is the most useful and faithful animal in the world. But the reason why people keep a dog have changed. In the past several hundred years, people used to train dogs to protect themselves against the attacks by other beasts. And later they came to realize that the dog was not only useful for protection but willing to obey their master. For example, when people used dogs for hunting, the dogs would not eat what they caught without permission. But now people in the city need not to protect themselves against attacks of animals. Why do they keep dogs then? Some people keep dogs to protect themselves from robbery, but the most important reason is for companionship. For a child, a dog is his best friend when he has no friends to play with; for a young couple, a dog is their child when they have no children; for old couples, a dog is also their child when their real children have grown up. So the main reason why people keep dogs has changed from protection to friendship.






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