Module 6(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年外研版(一起)英语二年级下册
这是一份Module 6(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年外研版(一起)英语二年级下册,共9页。
执笔人: 备课组长审核: 年级主任审核: 学科主任审核: 中心主任审核:二年级英语大单元整体学习任务单M6 Body Class:_________________ Group:_________________ Name:_________________Module 6 Body【学习目标】 1. 通过多种形式初步识别身体的各项部位名称。2. 能够根据不同英语指令正确指向各项身体部位。3. 通过小组合作以及对话表演等形式进行身体部位的相关介绍。【学科大概念】能够用“This is my/your.../ Touch my/your...Point to my/your...”介绍身体部位。【课程大概念】了解身体发肤受之父母,爱护我们的身体。明确每个人都是独一无二的,勇于悦纳自己。【学习任务】Task 1: Know the different parts of the body.1. Look at the pictures and find the parts of face.Can you say other parts of the face?2. Draw my face.3. Look, tick(√) and say. 4. Listen, point and say.Tips: This is my / your eye / ...mouthnoseeyeear5. Read the words of the parts of body. Step1:Introduce the parts of face according to the picture.My nose.Step2: Point to the parts of the body with my partners according to the instructions.Touch your nose.Task 2: Introduce the parts of the body.1. Point , write and say the parts of the faces, know that everyone is unique.A. noseB. eye C. mouthD. earE. head2. Introduce the parts of the body.Point to your_____Point to your_____Point to your_____Point to your_____A. arm B. foot C. leg D. hand3. Play a game: point and say.This is my mouthTouch your mouth 4. Read and introduce the parts of the body.Hello,I’m John.This is my head.This is my eye.This is my nose.This is my mouth.This is my ear.This is my leg.This is my foot/ ...Task 3: Reading for fun. Task 4: Exercises for learning.一、Listen and choose.听音选择正确的选项。( )1.eye B. ( )2.nose B. ( )3.face B. ( )4.earA. B. Listen and tick.听录音。相符的打对号(√),不相符的打错号(×)。( )1. This is my eye. ( )2. This is my nose. ( )3. This is my mouth. ( )4. This is my foot. ( )5. This is my leg. 1.Listen and number.听音用1-5标序号。 ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) 三、Listen and match.听音连线handmoutheye mouthfacenosehead