Unit 1 Welcome back to school!(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语三年级下册
这是一份Unit 1 Welcome back to school!(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年人教PEP版英语三年级下册,共6页。
三年级英语大单元整体学习学程Unit1 Friends from all over the world审核:_________________审批:_________________班级:_________________小组:_________________姓名:_________________ Unit1 Friends from all over the world单元概述【单元主题内容框架图】【课标要求】能围绕相关主题,运用所学语言,进行简单的交流,介绍自己或身边熟悉的人或事物。本单元要能够通过听、说等活动在情境中询问他人的国籍或籍贯并回答,并能简单介绍自己及他人。(语言能力)有与人交流沟通的愿望,能大方与人接触,主动问候。本单元要在学习中感受人际交往中英语的表达方式,并在活动中增加对其他国家的了解。(文化意识)能通过对图片、具体现象和事物的观察获取信息,了解不同事物的特点,能从不同的角度观察周围的人与事。本单元要能够从国籍或籍贯、性别、身份等不同角度介绍自己或他人。(思维品质)对英语学习感兴趣、有积极性,喜欢和别人用英语交流;能在学习活动中尝试与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。本单元要能够积极主动参与情境交流活动。(学习能力)【单元目标】By the end of this unit, you will be able to:1. know new classmates from other countries by listening and watching the cartoons, and realize how big the world is.2. introduce your friends and yourself with pictures or drawings, meet more friends.3. make an application of the international summer camp, exchange your card to make more friends around the world.【学习导航】 【我的单元目标追求】Stage 1: Know new classmates1. 【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标1,学生能够认识来自不同国家的新同学,并写出国家的英文名称Get to know your classmates.Name:Age: ten Country:Name:Age: nine Country: Name:Age: nine Country:Name:Age: nine Country:2.Get to know the symbols of different countries. 本活动指向学习目标2,学生能够了解各国标志性建筑或代表性动物,尝试向他人介绍更多的国家及特色 I’m from China.I’m from ...I’m from ... I’m from ...Stage 2: Introduce yourself and othersIntroduce yourself.【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标1,结合课本动画,明确如何介绍自己的姓名及国籍或籍贯Find out “the same person”【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标2,通过提示,在班级范围内进行反复的问答练习What’s your name?Choose the words from the word bank to finish the card, then ask and answer in class to find out the same person. My name is...Words bank:Mike Amy Sarah Zhang Pengeight nine tenthe UK the USA Australia Canada China I’m...years old.How old are you?Name:___________Age(年龄):__________Nationality(国籍):______________ Where are you from?I’m from...Draw and introduce your friend.【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标3,结合文本和提示,介绍朋友的姓名、身份信息、籍贯等,在对他人的介绍中加深对朋友的了解This is____________.____(He/She) is a _________(boy/girl).He/She is from _______.Stage 3: Make an application and your own card.Make an application of the international summer camp.【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标1,通过申请表的形式,让学生能够准确介绍自己,并尝试用关键词或完整句子介绍自己的老师,在对老师的介绍中,使本单元核心内容逻辑化Basic information of yourself:Name:___________Age:____________Nationality:_____________ Information of your teacher: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________Fake youMake your own card to introduce yourself and your country or hometown, make more friends from all over the world in the camp.(二选一)本活动指向学习目标2,学生制作自己的特色名片,可以是真身份,也可以创造假身份,在夏令营情境中交换名片,多方面介绍自己或相应国家,结交各地新朋友。Real youStageLearning objectivesTask1Know new classmates from the other countries with the cards.Find out the symbols of new classmates’ counties.Know new classmates.2Introduce yourself by using “I’m from...”Find out “the same person” in the classroom by asking and answering.Introduce your friends with pictures or drawings. Introduce yourself and others.3Make an application of the international summer camp and show it in the class.Make your own card to make more friends from all over the world in the camp.Make an application and your own card.