Module 8 Reasons(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年外研版(一起)英语六年级下册
这是一份Module 8 Reasons(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年外研版(一起)英语六年级下册,共10页。
主编人: 备课组长: 学科助理: 包科领导: 年级主任:六年级英语大单元整体学程Module 8 ReasonsClass:_________________Group:_________________Name:_________________Period 1 Retell the story of Sam and his classmates课标要求:能理解常见词语的意思,能认读、翻译、拼写,并能在语境中正确使用以下词汇:cup/classmate baseball/bring-brought/ more/ mistake/ word,短语:make mistakes/put on/play baseball。(语言能力)能领悟基本语调表达的意义,能用降调来朗读特殊疑问句。(语言能力)能读懂语言简单、主题相关的简短语篇,获取具体信息没理解主要内容,通过跟读、小组练习,能正确朗读课文。通过听课文回答问题,能正确理解关于大明及他同学故事的课文。(思维品质)能围绕相关主题,运用所学语言,与他人进行简单的交流,表演小故事或短剧,语音,语调基本正确。在理解课文的基础上,能够分角色进行表演Daming的故事。(学习能力)Learning objectives:Clarify what happened between Sam and his classmates by ordering the passage.Retell the story of Sam and his classmates by perform the role-play with the scrip(剧本).Talk about what we should do when we meet some difficulties according to Daming’s story.Learning activities:Where is Sam’s bag? Look at the picture,guess and complete the blanks 观察图片,猜测并且完成填空。 Listen to the tape and follow it. 听音频并且跟读Think and say 思考并回答Why doesn’t Sam see his bag?____________________________________________________The story between Sam and his classmates----cap or cup?Watch the video and order the sentences. 观看视频并排序Finally,they went to the playground and play the baseball together.Daming told Sam they planned to play a baseball game. Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps for the game. Then they put the cups on the heads and laughed more.Sam came into the classroom and saw some classmates there. They had cups on their heads.But Lingling brought some cusps.Sam asked what happened (发生).( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Read the passage and answer the questions 阅读短文,回答问题What did Sam see when he came into the classroom?________________________________________________________________Why did his classmates have the cups on his head?________________________________________________________________ What did they plan to do?________________________________________________________________What did Amy ask Lingling to bring? But what did Lingling bring? ________________________________________________________________What is in Sam’s bag?________________________________________________________________Check your answers in your groups.组内检查答案Read the passage for the 3rd time and think about the questions and share with your members.再次阅读课文,思考下列题目并且与组内成员分享答案。① Then they put the cups on their heads and laughed more. 请把划线短语翻译成汉语 ____________________② It’s easy to make mistakes with English words.(翻译成汉语)________________________________________________________________________________③ Sam says” I make lots of mistakes with Chinese words, too.” Did you make mistakes like this? Can you share us?________________________________________________________________________________④ From this passage, what lessons (道理) can we learn from Sam’s behavior when we made some mistakes?________________________________________________________________________________Listen and imitate 听并且模仿语音语调朗读Where’s my bag?Why can’t I see it?Why do you have cups on your heads?Why are you laughing?Read in your groups 小组展示朗读Role play the story. According to the paper, role play the story of cup or cap. 根据剧本,将故事扮演出来组内分工角色,明确每位同学的角色是什么。小组合作,进行台词练习,注意语音语调,可以添加肢体语言,以及活动道具。Character(角色):narrator(旁白)、Sam、Daming、Lingling Cup or Cap? Narrator: Sam came into the classroom and saw his classmates there. They had cups on their heads. Sam felt so strange. (All laughed) Sam: ”Why do you have heads on your heads?” And why are you laughing?” Daming: “We planned to play a baseball game.And Amy asked Lingling to bring some baseball caps. But......” Lingling: “But I brought some cups. I feel so sorry about that.”(All laughed) Narrator:They put the cups on their heads and laughed more. Sam: “Take it easy. Boys and girls.It is easy to make mistakes with English words. And I make lots of mistakes with Chinese words, too. Now, look. What is in my bag?” Daming&Lingling: “Hooray! It’s baseball caps! Excellent!” Sam: “Now,shall we go to play baseball together?” Daming&Lingling: “Let’s go!” Narrator: They put the heads on. And they went to the playground and played baseball together.Evaluate the performance 评价小组的表演Period 2 Finish writing the Lingling’s story课标要求:1.能理解基本句式的表达,能在语境中正确使用why-because句式来提问回答问题,并能利用so来进行相对应的句式转换。(语言能力)2.能领悟基本语调表达的意义,能用降调来朗读特殊疑问句。(语言能力)3.能在学习活动中与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。乐于参与英语实践活动,遇到问题积极请教,不畏困难。(文化意识)4.能对语篇内容进行简单的续编或者改编,利用本模块所学知识,头脑风暴将玲玲在公园里的故事进行续写。(思维品质)5.能在教师引导下,尝试欣赏英语歌曲,韵文的音韵节奏,全体学生能够学唱模块中的歌谣。(学历能力)Learning objectives:1.Talk about the reasons and the result with the help of why-because by practising.2. Finish writing the Lingling’s story after finishing the mind-map and share in the class.Learning activities:Talk about the reasons and the result.Watch and find the wh-question from the video(观看视频,并找出视频中出现的特殊疑问句。)Watch the video again and find the answers of the wh-question. (再次观看视频,找出活动一特殊疑问句的答案)Practise why&because.Read and write. Then ask and answer.(P46A4 P48A3) Read the examples and complete.__________Practise the dialogue with your partners.与同伴练习以上对话Share the dialogue in the class.班级内展示对话Watch the examples and imitate it.Examples:Why are you wearing a hat? Because it’s going to be hot.It’s going to be hot, so I am wearing a hat.Why are you wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain.________________________, so____________________.Why are you wearing a dress?Because I’m going to the theatre._______________________, so______________________.Why are you wearing a T-shirt? Because I’m going to play basketball.__________________________, so________________________.Share your answers in the group and practise the exercise. 组内核对答案,并且练习变形。Read the sentences again and think “What is the most part of each sentence?” 再读一遍上面的变形练习,思考“why&because”和“so”这两个句子重点强调的分别是哪部分?一样吗?Play the game”brain teaser”(脑筋急转弯)Match the answers with the questions and use “so” to make sentences.(P49 A5) Eg: Why did the girl go into the space? Because she wanted to be a star. She wanted to be a star, so the girl go into the space.What happened to Lingling?Read, summarize the structure and finish the mind map. Lingling is in the park. She is going to have a picnic there. Then there comes a big dog. The dog is running after Lingling and she is running and crying..............Share your brainstorming in the class about “Why is the dog running after Lingling”&”How does Lingling do then?”Finish Lingling’s story according to the mind-map.根据你的思维导图,将玲玲的故事续写完整。要求:逻辑清晰,故事衔接顺畅,将故事的前因后果表达清楚,符合正确的价值观。参考时态:一般现在时、现在进行时参考连词:then, after that,finally,参考句型:① The dog is running after Lingling because...... ② She is crying because.......Lingling is in the park. She is going to have a picnic there. Then there comes a big dog. The dog is running after Lingling and she is running and crying.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Share your story in the class. 在班级内分享你续写的故事。The standard of the playscoreStudents can tell the story without the paper./can not/Students can add some body-language when they perform /can not/Students can speak English fluently(流利).Students speak English with some pause.(停顿)/Students speak English with correct intonation. (语音语调)--Wh-questionStudents speak English with some mistakes./Students speak English with correct pronunciation. (发音)Students speak English with some mistakes./