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    1. 本试题共10页,满分150分,时间120分钟。
    2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,监考员将答题卡按顺序收回,装袋整理;试题不回收。
    第一节 (共5小题,每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. ₤ 9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. What’s wrng with the by?
    A. He catches a cld. B. He has a headache. C. He has a pr hearing.
    2. Wh will have a birthday this weekend?
    A. Peter. B. Ann. C. Jane.
    3. What des the wman think f the cat?
    A. It is a bit large. B. It is ut f style. C. It is t expensive.
    4. When will Jack prbably get t the ffice?
    A. In abut 20 minutes. B. In abut 35 minutes. C. In abut 15 minutes.
    5. What is the man prbably mst wrried abut?
    A. The wman falls asleep. B. He lses his glasses. C. They get lst.
    第二节 (共15小题,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Where des the man want t g?
    A. A gift shp. B. A supermarket. C. A bkshp.
    7. What might the wman be?
    A. An English teacher. B. A htel cleaner. C. An expert.
    8. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. G n a diet. B. D mre exercise. C. Have a gd rest.
    9. Which can be included in the wman’s dinner?
    A. Eggs. B. Vegetables. C. Fried fd.
    10. What’s the man’s attitude tward his grandpa’s visit?
    A. Annyed. B. Wrried. C. Happy.
    11. Hw lng will the man’s grandpa stay with him?
    A. Fr ne week. B. Fr tw weeks. C. Fr three weeks.
    12 Where will the man sleep?
    A. In his brther’s rm. B. In his wn bedrm. C. In the living rm.
    13. What’s the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Mther and sn. B. Father and daughter. C. Brther and sister.
    14. What did the man d in the afternn?
    A. He went swimming. B. He tk a walk. C. He played basketball.
    15. What did the man bring back?
    A. Leaves. B. Birds. C. Flwers.
    16. What was Bb ding when the man saw him?
    A. He was fishing. B. He was running. C. He was swimming.
    17. Why didn’t the man talk t Bb?
    A. Because Bb left there quickly. B. Because the man didn’t like Bb.
    C. Because he wanted t g n and take phts.
    18. What can we say abut the reading club?
    A. It was set up in 2008. B. It has 9 members. C. It’s the ldest club.
    19. When d the members f music club meet?
    A. On Thursday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Saturday.
    20. What’s the benefit frm jining a bicycle club?
    A. Reading free bks. B. Building up their bdies. C. Perfrming n stage.
    第一节(共15小题,每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    San Francisc is a wnderful turist attractin that ffers many different things t see. The best way fr a traveler t get a gd lk at the city is t take ne f the mst different turs there.
    Tur the City n Ft
    When turing the city by walking, yu aren’t ging t walk much. What’s mre, there are far mre benefits. This tur allws yu t appreciate many buildings f the city. A tur f the city n ft fcuses n a lcalized neighbrhd level, which is interesting in many different ways.
    Hit the Waters f San Francisc Bay
    The waters f San Francisc Bay have been imprtant in the city’s develpment ver the last century. Turing San Francisc frm the water is a cmpletely unique way fr yu t see this wnderful city.
    Take a Bus Tur
    If yu want t see a wide variety f attractins frm all ver the city, ne f the best things yu culd d is t bk a tur thrugh ur cmpany that ffers services here. A bus tur f San Francisc is ne f the mst cmplete ways t experience the city.
    Tur San Francisc Frm the Air
    While it is ne f the mst expensive ways t see San Francisc, turing the city frm the air is the mst unique way t see the city. Seeing the city frm high abve allws yu t get a full view f the city. If yu decide t tur San Francisc by air, yu’ll creat memries that yu wn’t frget frever.
    We are a travel agency prviding high-quality services. Fr mre infrmatin, please click here.
    1. Hw shuld yu tur the San Francisc t appreciate the buildings f the city?
    A. By air.B. By bus.C. On ft.D. By ship.
    2. What can we learn abut the Waters f San Francisc Bay?
    A. They have high quality sea water.B. They are explred n a lcalized level.
    C. They were nt in use until the last century.D. They have helped the city t develp further.
    3. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T intrduce a bus tur.B. T advertise fr a travel agency.
    C. T shw what t d in San Francisc.D. T welcme peple t visit Eurpe.
    Malala Yusafzai, the yungest Nbel Prizewinner, is a Pakistani teenage girl. At the same time, she is als best knwn fr her wnderful and amazing wrk abut prmting(推动) the educatin and rights f wmen and girls in Pakistan.
    Brn in 1997, Malala grew up in the Swat Valley in nrthern Pakistan, where the leading party gained cntrl in 2007, and educatin fr girls and cultural activities like playing music and flying kites were banned (禁止).
    Despite the dangers, Malala cntinued t attend schl and became an utspken speaker fr educatinal rights fr girls in Pakistan. In 2012, at the age f 15, she was sht in the head n her way hme frm schl.
    Frtunately, Malala survived the attack and cntinued her wrk frm abrad, eventually becming the yungest persn ever t receive the Nbel Peace Prize in 2014, at the age f just 17.
    Malala’s stry prves the pwer f cultural diversity and the imprtance f fighting fr equal rights and pprtunities fr all t the wrld. Her unshakable devtin t educatin and helping wmen and girls fr their rights has inspired peple arund the wrld and served as a reminder that even in the face f great adversities, change is pssible.
    In additin t her wrk, Malala has als funded the Malala Fund. This fund aims t prvide educatin and resurces t girls in sme f the wrld’s least develped areas. Thrugh the Malala Fund, she has helped many girls get equal rights t be schled.
    Tday, Malala still cntinues t be a leading vice in the fight fr equality and justice, and her stry als serves as a s pwerful reminder f the imprtance f preserving and celebrating diversity in all its frms.
    4. What des Malala Yusafzai want mst t achieve fr girls in Pakistan?
    A. Their rights fr vting.B. Their chances fr receiving educatin.
    C. Their pprtunities fr jbs.D. Their chances fr imprtant psitins.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “adversities” in Paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Difficulties.B. Cmments.C. Designs.D. Success.
    6. Which f the fllwing can best describe Malala Yusafzai?
    A. Patient and strict.B. Respnsible but careless.
    C. Brave and determined.D. Beautiful but lazy.
    7. Which f the fllwing is the best title f this passage?
    A. The Experiences f Malala Yusafzai Abut Escaping the Killing
    B. Sme Interesting Facts Abut the Nble Peace Prize
    C. The Reasns fr Seeking Justice fr Everyne in the Wrld
    D. Malala Yusafzai’s Fighting fr Equal Rights fr Females
    As early as 1894, the newly frmed Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee (IOC) cnsidered ice skating as a pssibility fr the first mdern Olympic Games which wuld be held in 1896.
    In 1911, a member f the IOC suggested that winter sprts shuld be staged as part f the 1912 Olympics in Stckhlm. Sme ppsed the idea. At last, the IOC decided t hld Winter Olympic Games in 1916. Hwever, Wrld War I brke ut in 1914. After 1920, the natinal gverning bdies fr winter sprts in several cuntries began talking abut the pssibility f a separate Winter Olympics.
    The twn f Chamnix, in the French Alps, planned t hld a winter sprts festival in 1924; at the same time Paris was t hst the Olympics. The Marquis de Plignac, a member f the IOC, suggested that the festival be frmally recgnized as the “Winter Olympic Games”. The IOC didn’t g that far, but did agree that Chamnix culd call its festival an “Olympic Winter Carnival”.
    The festival drew 258 athletes frm 16 cuntries t cmpete in bbsledding (雪橇比赛), figure-skating, hckey, Nrdic skiing and speed skating. Charles Jewtraw frm the United States wn the first gld medal in the 500-metre speed skating, but the festival’s her was Claus Thunberg frm Finland. He wn five medals, three f which were gld in speed skating.
    Weather has ften been a majr stry at the Winter Olympics and s it was at Chamnix. The festival pened with rain and the unseasnably warm temperature turned snw and ice t mud. Then temperature drpped as far as 25 belw zer and the mud became ice.
    Despite the weather, mre than 10,000 peple shwed up. In 1926, the IOC recgnized the Chamnix festival as the first Winter Olympics and decided that the Winter Games wuld be held every fur years, just like the Summer Olympics.
    8. Why were the first Winter Olympic Games nt held in 1916?
    A. Because the IOC didn’t agree t it.B. Because it was still under discussin.
    C. Because Wrld War I brke ut in 1914.D. Because sme peple disliked the idea.
    9. We can knw frm the passage that_________.
    A. ecnmy has ften been a majr stry at the Winter Olympics
    B. peple frm 16 cuntries watched the first Winter Olympics
    C. Charles Jewtraw wn the mst medals in the first Winter Olympics
    D. Finland gt 3 gld medals in speed skating in the first Winter Olympics
    10. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A. The Winter Olympics depend much mre n the weather.
    B. The 1924 Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics were held in the same city.
    C. The Winter Olympics were held every tw years in the beginning.
    D. The IOC agreed t recgnize the festival as the first Winter Olympics in 1924.
    11. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The develpment f the speed skating.B. Hw the Winter Olympics came int being.
    C. The stry f the first Olympic Games.D. The imprtance f weather in the Olympics.
    Sme students get s nervus befre a test. They d prly even if they knw the material. Sian Beilck, a prfessr at the University f Chicag in Illinis, has studied these highly anxius test-takers. The students start wrrying abut the results. And when we wrry, it actually uses up attentin and memry resurces(资源).
    Prfessr Beilck and anther researcher, Gerard Ramirez, have develped a pssible slutin. Just befre an exam, highly anxius test-takers spend ten minutes writing abut their wrries abut the test.
    The researchers tested the idea n a grup f twenty anxius cllege students. They gave them tw shrt maths tests. After the first ne they asked the students t either sit quietly r write abut their feelings abut the upcming secnd test.
    Prfessr Beilck says thse wh sat quietly scred(得分) an average f 12% wrse n the secnd test. But the students wh had written abut their fears imprved(提高) their perfrmance by an average f 5%. Next, the researchers used yunger students in a bilgy class. They tld them befre final exams either t write abut their feelings r t think abut things unrelated(不相关的) t the test. Prfessr Beilck says highly anxius students wh did the writing gt an average grade f B+, cmpared t a B-fr thse wh did nt.
    "What we shwed is that fr students wh are highly test-anxius, and wh'd dne ur writing interventin(干预), all f a sudden there was n relatinship between test anxiety and grades. They were perfrming just as well as their classmates wh dn't nrmally get nervus in these tests."
    But what if students d nt have a chance t write abut their fears immediately befre an exam? Prfessr Beilck says students can try it themselves at hme r in the library and still imprve their perfrmance.
    12. What d the students start wrrying abut befre an exam?
    A. Whether they can pass the exams.
    B. What ther students d during the test.
    C. Whether they have remembered the materials.
    D. What kind f prblems they will meet n the test paper.
    13. What is the slutin develped by researchers?
    A. Making the students fcused n the test.
    B. Asking the students t sit quietly befre the test.
    C. Having the students write abut their wrries abut the test.
    D. Asking the students t direct the attentin away frm the test.
    14. Accrding t Prfessr Beilck, thse wh thught abut things unrelated t the test ____________.
    A. became less nervus befre the test
    B. were better at cntrlling their feelings
    C. did wrse than thse wh wrte abut their feelings
    D. did better than thse wh wrte abut their feelings
    15. We can infer frm the last paragraph that ____________.
    A. writing abut ur wrries befre an exam can wrk a bit
    B. we can nly write abut ur wrries right befre an exam
    C. the best place t write abut ur wrries is in the test rm
    D. it desn't matter where we write abut ur wrries befre an exam
    第二节 (共5小题,每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Travel shuld be enjyable. It makes yu take a break smewhere different, away frm all the usual wrries f life. Hwever, yur travel is ften stressful. ___16___ Here are sme ways t make ur travel mre enjyable!
    Bk well.
    ___17___ Dn’t all these amazing htels lk the same? Hw abut lking fr a hme where yu get far mre space using that mney? Camping trips are als a gd way f spending yu vacatins. S determining where t live can make yur travel mre pleasant.
    Find fun in yur air travel.
    We knw that smetimes air travel can be annying. In fact, airprts are amusing places. There’s s much t explre. ___18___ Frm watching peple t enjying wnderful advertisements, yu can gain great pleasure at the airprt if yu travel with the right state f mind.
    The best things in life are simple and free. Make simple travel plans that make yur travel mre interesting! Yu learn abut the culture and engage with (互动) the lcals as well. Mst f the time, yu wuldn’t just walk with the tur guides wh make yu g thrugh sme places that just aren’t t yur liking.
    Stay fit
    There’s little fun in travelling if yu dn’t feel well. If yu wish t make yur travel mre enjyable take gd care f yur health befre yu mean t travel. ___20___ Get all the medicines yu’d pssibly need.
    A. See a dctr and get yurself checked if it is necessary.
    B. Mix with the crwd.
    C. Yu need t keep an eye pen.
    D. There’s s much t d t make yur trip a successful ne.
    E. Keep it simple
    F. The places yu bk will surely determine the kind f trip yu’ll end up with.
    G. Als, yu can get a fair idea abut the advantages and disadvantages f the place.
    第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
    Muhammad Ali was an all-time great bxer. He was a three-time wrld ___21___ champin and an Olympic gld medallist. Later in life, he was made the United Natins Messenger f Peace, and ___22___ the United States Presidential Medal f Freedm.
    He’s widely ___23___ tday, but that wasn’t always true during his bxing career. Ali was a ___24___ ,clever, Black athlete wh was ___25___ t speak his mind and stand up fr his ideals. That made him very unppular with a lt f peple in 1960s America.
    In 1966, Ali was at the height f his success as a ___26___ . At the same time, the US was fighting a ___27___ in Vietnam. Ali was drafted (征兵), but he ___28___ anyway. Thus, Ali lst his heavyweight ___29___ and wasn’t allwed t fight. And even he was given a $ 10,000 fine.
    Ali returned t bxing in 1971 and ____30____ his heavyweight title in 1974. After retiring in 1981, he spent much f his time in ____31____ different causes. In 1984, he caught a disease named Parkinsn’s (帕金森症), and raised mney fr research int the ____32____ . He traveled the wrld ____33____ fd and medicine t pr cuntries. He als brught his ____34____ t many different rganisatins, including the Special Olympics. Thrughut his life, Ali set the ____35____ f being true t yurself and believing what yu believe is right.
    A. basketballB. bxingC. ftballD. vlleyball
    A. madeB. exchangedC. gtD. designed
    A. requestedB. attractedC. stppedD. accepted
    A. braveB. shyC. anxiusD. injured
    A. frightenedB. cnfidentC. suitableD. bred
    A. masterB. teacherC. dctrD. bxer
    A. raceB. matchC. warD. shw
    A. reachedB. refusedC. graduatedD. applied
    A. titleB. experimentC. tpicD. slutin
    A. wn backB. gave upC. turned ffD. lked up
    A. breakingB. cheatingC. supprtingD. revising
    A. statueB. diseaseC. brchureD. park
    A. bringingB. brrwingC. sellingD. tracking
    A. cmpanyB. strategyC. kindnessD. castle
    A. requirementB. packageC. siteD. example
    第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    In China calligraphy (书法) ccupies an imprtant psitin in the traditinal art. It is nt nly a means f cmmunicatin, but a means f expressing a persn’s inner wrld in ____36____ artistic way.
    Ancient peple paid great attentin ____37____ calligraphy. It was necessary fr a candidate because it culd shw his literary talent in the Imperial Examinatin (科举考试), fr it gave a first ____38____ (impress) t the examiners.
    T practise calligraphy ____39____ (require) the basic tls f fur treasures f study (文房四宝). ____40____a persn als needs t cncentrate n guiding the sft writing brush and writing n the paper where the ink will diffuse quickly. Once the brush mvement slws dwn, a black mark ____41____ (create), s speed is the essence f fine artwrk. When writing, many calligraphers will frget all wrries and even ____42____ (they), cmbining all thughts in the beauty f their art. Thus it is cmpared with Qigng. It is als ____43____ (help) t make peple keep healthy.
    Tday, althugh many mdern ____44____ (way) have replaced the riginal calligraphy created with a writing brush, peple still _____45_____ (extreme) lve the riginal frm and practise it untiringly.
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 为鼓励更多的学生参加体育运动,中学生21世纪报英语网站现面向全市中学生征集体育故事,请你以“My Sprts Stry”为主题,用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 你最喜欢的运动项目是什么?
    2. 你多久做一次你喜欢的运动?
    3. 这项运动给你带来了什么好处?
    注意:1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My Sprts Stry
    Gd mrning, everyne! I’d like t share my sprts stry.
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 读后续写
    There was a girl named Emily. Althugh her singing was pleasant t hear, lacking f curage, she never sings in frnt f strangers.
    One summer, the neighbrhd wuld hld a singing cmpetitin. Her best friend, Lucy, came t invite her t participate in the cmpetitin, but Emily said, “I’m afraid t take part in it.” Her mther said, “It’s kay; just d it bravely.” Emily fllwed her mm’s ad vice and decided t have a try. The day came. Emily and Lucy went t the cmpetitin site. But she was t timid (胆小的) t walk nt the stage. She had been waiting until thers finished singing. She shakily frced herself t stand n the stage. She started t sing, but her vice was s lw. What’s wrse, she was s nervus that she frgt the lyrics (歌词) after singing a few wrds. Being laughed at by thers, embarrassed and shy, she ran away frm the stage.
    Sme bys ran after her and said, “Emily, cward (胆小鬼)! Emily, cward!” Emily didn’t argue with them. What she wanted was t g back hme as quickly as she culd. Finally, she rushed int the huse, hugged her mm and cried sadly.
    “Well, my pr girl, dn’t cry. Tell me what happened t yu,” asked her mm. Emily tld her mther what she had experienced.
    Listening t her, her mm cupped her face and said, “It desn’t matter, girl. As lng as yu practice singing mre in frnt f strangers, yu will becme braver little by little. S, my girl, dn’t be beaten by a failure. Yu can g ut t practice singing every day. N matter wh is listening t yu, g n singing and never stp. I believe there will be a harvest fr yu.”
    注意:1. 续写的短文词数应为100 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Emily listened t her mther carefully and fllwed her mm’s suggestin.
    Ging n singing, she walked int the park.
    听力答案:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B
    1. 本试题共10页,满分150分,时间120分钟。
    2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号填写在答题卡上。
    3. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    4. 考试结束后,监考员将答题卡按顺序收回,装袋整理;试题不回收。
    第一节 (共5小题,每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. ₤ 9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. What’s wrng with the by?
    A. He catches a cld. B. He has a headache. C. He has a pr hearing.
    2. Wh will have a birthday this weekend?
    A. Peter. B. Ann. C. Jane.
    3. What des the wman think f the cat?
    A. It is a bit large. B. It is ut f style. C. It is t expensive.
    4. When will Jack prbably get t the ffice?
    A. In abut 20 minutes. B. In abut 35 minutes. C. In abut 15 minutes.
    5. What is the man prbably mst wrried abut?
    A. The wman falls asleep. B. He lses his glasses. C. They get lst.
    第二节 (共15小题,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. Where des the man want t g?
    A. A gift shp. B. A supermarket. C. A bkshp.
    7. What might the wman be?
    A. An English teacher. B. A htel cleaner. C. An expert.
    8. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. G n a diet. B. D mre exercise. C. Have a gd rest.
    9. Which can be included in the wman’s dinner?
    A. Eggs. B. Vegetables. C. Fried fd.
    10. What’s the man’s attitude tward his grandpa’s visit?
    A. Annyed. B. Wrried. C. Happy.
    11. Hw lng will the man’s grandpa stay with him?
    A. Fr ne week. B. Fr tw weeks. C. Fr three weeks.
    12. Where will the man sleep?
    A. In his brther’s rm. B. In his wn bedrm. C. In the living rm.
    13. What’s the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Mther and sn. B. Father and daughter. C. Brther and sister.
    14. What did the man d in the afternn?
    A. He went swimming. B. He tk a walk. C. He played basketball.
    15. What did the man bring back?
    A. Leaves. B. Birds. C. Flwers.
    16. What was Bb ding when the man saw him?
    A. He was fishing. B. He was running. C. He was swimming.
    17. Why didn’t the man talk t Bb?
    A. Because Bb left there quickly. B. Because the man didn’t like Bb.
    C. Because he wanted t g n and take phts.
    18. What can we say abut the reading club?
    A. It was set up in 2008. B. It has 9 members. C. It’s the ldest club.
    19. When d the members f music club meet?
    A. On Thursday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Saturday.
    20. What’s the benefit frm jining a bicycle club?
    A. Reading free bks. B. Building up their bdies. C. Perfrming n stage.
    第一节(共15小题,每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    San Francisc is a wnderful turist attractin that ffers many different things t see. The best way fr a traveler t get a gd lk at the city is t take ne f the mst different turs there.
    Tur the City n Ft
    When turing the city by walking, yu aren’t ging t walk much. What’s mre, there are far mre benefits. This tur allws yu t appreciate many buildings f the city. A tur f the city n ft fcuses n a lcalized neighbrhd level, which is interesting in many different ways.
    Hit the Waters f San Francisc Bay
    The waters f San Francisc Bay have been imprtant in the city’s develpment ver the last century Turing San Francisc frm the water is a cmpletely unique way fr yu t see this wnderful city.
    Take a Bus Tur
    If yu want t see a wide variety f attractins frm all ver the city, ne f the best things yu culd d is t bk a tur thrugh ur cmpany that ffers services here. A bus tur f San Francisc is ne f the mst cmplete ways t experience the city.
    Tur San Francisc Frm the Air
    While it is ne f the mst expensive ways t see San Francisc, turing the city frm the air is the mst unique way t see the city. Seeing the city frm high abve allws yu t get a full view f the city. If yu decide t tur San Francisc by air, yu’ll creat memries that yu wn’t frget frever.
    We are a travel agency prviding high-quality services. Fr mre infrmatin, please click here.
    1. Hw shuld yu tur the San Francisc t appreciate the buildings f the city?
    A. By air.B. By bus.C. On ft.D. By ship.
    2. What can we learn abut the Waters f San Francisc Bay?
    A. They have high quality sea water.B. They are explred n a lcalized level.
    C. They were nt in use until the last century.D. They have helped the city t develp further.
    3. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T intrduce a bus tur.B. T advertise fr a travel agency.
    C. T shw what t d in San Francisc.D. T welcme peple t visit Eurpe.
    【答案】1. C 2. D 3. B
    细节理解题。根据Tur the City n Ft中“This tur allws yu t appreciate many buildings f the city. (这次旅行可以让你欣赏这座城市的许多建筑)”可知,步行之旅可以让你欣赏旧金山的许多建筑。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据Hit the Waters f San Francisc Bay中“The waters f San Francisc Bay have been imprtant in the city’s develpment ver the last century. (上个世纪,旧金山湾的水域对这座城市的发展起到了重要作用)”可知,旧金山湾的水域帮助过城市进一步发展。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“We are a travel agency prviding high-quality services. Fr mre infrmatin, please click here. (我们是一家提供优质服务的旅行社。更多信息,请点击这里)”可推知,作者介绍游览旧金山的四种方式,是为了帮旅行社做广告,吸引读者使用他们的服务。故选B项。
    Malala Yusafzai, the yungest Nbel Prizewinner, is a Pakistani teenage girl. At the same time, she is als best knwn fr her wnderful and amazing wrk abut prmting(推动) the educatin and rights f wmen and girls in Pakistan.
    Brn in 1997, Malala grew up in the Swat Valley in nrthern Pakistan, where the leading party gained cntrl in 2007, and educatin fr girls and cultural activities like playing music and flying kites were banned (禁止).
    Despite the dangers, Malala cntinued t attend schl and became an utspken speaker fr educatinal rights fr girls in Pakistan. In 2012, at the age f 15, she was sht in the head n her way hme frm schl.
    Frtunately, Malala survived the attack and cntinued her wrk frm abrad, eventually becming the yungest persn ever t receive the Nbel Peace Prize in 2014, at the age f just 17.
    Malala’s stry prves the pwer f cultural diversity and the imprtance f fighting fr equal rights and pprtunities fr all t the wrld. Her unshakable devtin t educatin and helping wmen and girls fr their rights has inspired peple arund the wrld and served as a reminder that even in the face f great adversities, change is pssible.
    In additin t her wrk, Malala has als funded the Malala Fund. This fund aims t prvide educatin and resurces t girls in sme f the wrld’s least develped areas. Thrugh the Malala Fund, she has helped many girls get equal rights t be schled.
    Tday, Malala still cntinues t be a leading vice in the fight fr equality and justice, and her stry als serves as a s pwerful reminder f the imprtance f preserving and celebrating diversity in all its frms.
    4. What des Malala Yusafzai want mst t achieve fr girls in Pakistan?
    A. Their rights fr vting.B. Their chances fr receiving educatin.
    C. Their pprtunities fr jbs.D. Their chances fr imprtant psitins.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “adversities” in Paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Difficulties.B. Cmments.C. Designs.D. Success.
    6. Which f the fllwing can best describe Malala Yusafzai?
    A. Patient and strict.B. Respnsible but careless.
    C. Brave and determined.D. Beautiful but lazy.
    7. Which f the fllwing is the best title f this passage?
    A. The Experiences f Malala Yusafzai Abut Escaping the Killing
    B. Sme Interesting Facts Abut the Nble Peace Prize
    C. The Reasns fr Seeking Justice fr Everyne in the Wrld
    D. Malala Yusafzai’s Fighting fr Equal Rights fr Females
    【答案】4. B 5. A 6. C 7. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Malala Yusafzai, the yungest Nbel Prizewinner, is a Pakistani teenage girl. At the same time, she is als best knwn fr her wnderful and amazing wrk abut prmting (推动) the educatin and rights f wmen and girls in Pakistan.(Malala Yusafzai是最年轻的诺贝尔奖得主,她是一名巴基斯坦少女。与此同时,她在促进巴基斯坦妇女和女孩的教育和权利方面的出色工作也最为人所知)”可知,Malala Yusafzai希望为巴基斯坦的女性争取受教育的权利。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据文章第三段“Despite the dangers, Malala cntinued t attend schl and became an utspken speaker fr educatinal rights fr girls in Pakistan. In 2012, at the age f 15, she was sht in the head n her way hme frm schl.(尽管有这些危险,Malala仍然继续上学,并成为巴基斯坦女孩受教育权的直言不讳的演讲者。2012年,15岁的她在放学回家的路上头部中弹)”、第四段“Frtunately, Malala survived the attack and cntinued her wrk frm abrad, eventually becming the yungest persn ever t receive the Nbel Peace Prize in 2014, at the age f just 17.(幸运的是,Malala在袭击中幸存下来,并在国外继续她的工作,最终在2014年成为有史以来最年轻的诺贝尔和平奖获得者,年仅17岁)”可知,Malala的故事告诉我们,即便面临巨大的逆境,也可以发生变革。由此可知,划线单词和“困境、逆境”相似。选项A“Difficulties(困难)”;选项B“Cmments(评论)”;选项C“Designs (设计)”;选项D“Success(成功)”。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章第三段“Despite the dangers, Malala cntinued t attend schl and became an utspken speaker fr educatinal rights fr girls in Pakistan. In 2012, at the age f 15, she was sht in the head n her way hme frm schl.(尽管有这些危险,Malala仍然继续上学,并成为巴基斯坦女孩受教育权的直言不讳的演讲者。2012年,15岁的她在放学回家的路上头部中弹)”可知,Malala是个勇敢的女孩;再根据文章第五段“Malala’s stry prves the pwer f cultural diversity and the imprtance f fighting fr equal rights and pprtunities fr all t the wrld. Her unshakable devtin t educatin and helping wmen and girls fr their rights has inspired peple arund the wrld and served as a reminder that even in the face f great adversities, change is pssible.( Malala的故事证明了文化多样性的力量,以及为全世界所有人争取平等权利和机会的重要性。她坚定不移地致力于教育事业,帮助妇女和女童争取权利,这激励了世界各地的人们,并提醒人们,即使面临巨大的逆境,变革也是可能的)”可知,Malala是个意志坚定的女孩。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Malala Yusafzai, the yungest Nbel Prizewinner, is a Pakistani teenage girl. At the same time, she is als best knwn fr her wnderful and amazing wrk abut prmting(推动) the educatin and rights f wmen and girls in Pakistan.( Malala Yusafzai是最年轻的诺贝尔奖得主,她是一名巴基斯坦少女。与此同时,她在促进巴基斯坦妇女和女孩的教育和权利方面的出色工作也最为人所知。)”以及最后一段“Tday, Malala still cntinues t be a leading vice in the fight fr equality and justice, and her stry als serves as a s pwerful reminder f the imprtance f preserving and celebrating diversity in all its frms.(今天,Malala仍然是争取平等和正义的主要声音,她的故事也有力地提醒我们保护和庆祝各种形式的多样性的重要性)”再结合全文内容可知,文章主要讲述了Malala Yusafzai面对困难,仍然一直致力于为女性争取平等权利。由此可知,Malala Yusafzai’s Fighting fr Equal Rights fr Females(Malala Yusafzai为女性争取平等权利)适合作本文最佳标题。故选D。
    As early as 1894, the newly frmed Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee (IOC) cnsidered ice skating as a pssibility fr the first mdern Olympic Games which wuld be held in 1896.
    In 1911, a member f the IOC suggested that winter sprts shuld be staged as part f the 1912 Olympics in Stckhlm. Sme ppsed the idea. At last, the IOC decided t hld Winter Olympic Games in 1916. Hwever, Wrld War I brke ut in 1914. After 1920, the natinal gverning bdies fr winter sprts in several cuntries began talking abut the pssibility f a separate Winter Olympics.
    The twn f Chamnix, in the French Alps, planned t hld a winter sprts festival in 1924; at the same time Paris was t hst the Olympics. The Marquis de Plignac, a member f the IOC, suggested that the festival be frmally recgnized as the “Winter Olympic Games”. The IOC didn’t g that far, but did agree that Chamnix culd call its festival an “Olympic Winter Carnival”.
    The festival drew 258 athletes frm 16 cuntries t cmpete in bbsledding (雪橇比赛), figure-skating, hckey, Nrdic skiing and speed skating. Charles Jewtraw frm the United States wn the first gld medal in the 500-metre speed skating, but the festival’s her was Claus Thunberg frm Finland. He wn five medals, three f which were gld in speed skating.
    Weather has ften been a majr stry at the Winter Olympics and s it was at Chamnix. The festival pened with rain and the unseasnably warm temperature turned snw and ice t mud. Then temperature drpped as far as 25 belw zer and the mud became ice.
    Despite the weather, mre than 10,000 peple shwed up. In 1926, the IOC recgnized the Chamnix festival as the first Winter Olympics and decided that the Winter Games wuld be held every fur years, just like the Summer Olympics.
    8. Why were the first Winter Olympic Games nt held in 1916?
    A. Because the IOC didn’t agree t it.B. Because it was still under discussin.
    C. Because Wrld War I brke ut in 1914.D. Because sme peple disliked the idea.
    9. We can knw frm the passage that_________.
    A. ecnmy has ften been a majr stry at the Winter Olympics
    B. peple frm 16 cuntries watched the first Winter Olympics
    C. Charles Jewtraw wn the mst medals in the first Winter Olympics
    D. Finland gt 3 gld medals in speed skating in the first Winter Olympics
    10. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    AThe Winter Olympics depend much mre n the weather.
    B. The 1924 Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics were held in the same city.
    C. The Winter Olympics were held every tw years in the beginning.
    D. The IOC agreed t recgnize the festival as the first Winter Olympics in 1924.
    11. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. The develpment f the speed skating.B. Hw the Winter Olympics came int being.
    C. The stry f the first Olympic Games.D. The imprtance f weather in the Olympics.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B
    【导语】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了冬季奥运会是如何产生的 。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“At last, the IOC decided t hld Winter Olympic Games in 1916. Hwever, Wrld War I brke ut in 1914. (最后,国际奥委会决定在1916年举办冬季奥运会。然而,第一次世界大战在1914年爆发。)”可知,第一届冬季奥运会没有在1916年举行是因为第一次世界大战在1914年爆发。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“Charles Jewtraw frm the United States wn the first gld medal in the 500-metre speed skating, but the festival’s her was Claus Thunberg frm Finland. He wn five medals, three f which were gld in speed skating.(来自美国的查尔斯·朱特劳在500米速度滑冰比赛中获得了第一枚金牌,但是来自芬兰的克劳斯·桑伯格成为了这个节日的英雄。他赢得了五块奖牌,其中三块是速度滑冰的金牌。)”可知,芬兰在第一届冬季奥运会上获得了3枚速度滑冰金牌,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Weather has ften been a majr stry at the Winter Olympics and s it was at Chamnix. (天气往往是冬奥会的主要议题,夏蒙尼也是如此。)”可知,冬季奥运会在很大程度上取决于天气。故选A。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“As early as 1894, the newly frmed Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee (IOC) cnsidered ice skating as a pssibility fr the first mdern Olympic Games which wuld be held in 1896.(早在1894年,新成立的国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)认为滑冰可能是第一届现代奥林匹克运动会的项目,该运动会将于1896年举行。)”可知,文章第一段引出第一届冬季奥运会,接着介绍了第一届冬季奥运会的形成,由此可知,文章主要介绍了冬季奥运会是如何产生的。故选B。
    Sme students get s nervus befre a test. They d prly even if they knw the material. Sian Beilck, a prfessr at the University f Chicag in Illinis, has studied these highly anxius test-takers. The students start wrrying abut the results. And when we wrry, it actually uses up attentin and memry resurces(资源).
    Prfessr Beilck and anther researcher, Gerard Ramirez, have develped a pssible slutin. Just befre an exam, highly anxius test-takers spend ten minutes writing abut their wrries abut the test.
    The researchers tested the idea n a grup f twenty anxius cllege students. They gave them tw shrt maths tests. After the first ne, they asked the students t either sit quietly r write abut their feelings abut the upcming secnd test.
    Prfessr Beilck says thse wh sat quietly scred(得分) an average f 12% wrse n the secnd test. But the students wh had written abut their fears imprved(提高) their perfrmance by an average f 5%. Next, the researchers used yunger students in a bilgy class. They tld them befre final exams either t write abut their feelings r t think abut things unrelated(不相关的) t the test. Prfessr Beilck says highly anxius students wh did the writing gt an average grade f B+, cmpared t a B-fr thse wh did nt.
    "What we shwed is that fr students wh are highly test-anxius, and wh'd dne ur writing interventin(干预), all f a sudden there was n relatinship between test anxiety and grades. They were perfrming just as well as their classmates wh dn't nrmally get nervus in these tests."
    But what if students d nt have a chance t write abut their fears immediately befre an exam? Prfessr Beilck says students can try it themselves at hme r in the library and still imprve their perfrmance.
    12What d the students start wrrying abut befre an exam?
    A. Whether they can pass the exams.
    B. What ther students d during the test.
    C. Whether they have remembered the materials.
    D. What kind f prblems they will meet n the test paper.
    13. What is the slutin develped by researchers?
    A. Making the students fcused n the test.
    B. Asking the students t sit quietly befre the test.
    C. Having the students write abut their wrries abut the test.
    D. Asking the students t direct the attentin away frm the test.
    14. Accrding t Prfessr Beilck, thse wh thught abut things unrelated t the test ____________.
    A. became less nervus befre the test
    B. were better at cntrlling their feelings
    C. did wrse than thse wh wrte abut their feelings
    D. did better than thse wh wrte abut their feelings
    15. We can infer frm the last paragraph that ____________.
    A. writing abut ur wrries befre an exam can wrk a bit
    B. we can nly write abut ur wrries right befre an exam
    C. the best place t write abut ur wrries is in the test rm
    D. it desn't matter where we write abut ur wrries befre an exam
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. C 15. D
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“The students start wrrying abut the results”(学生们开始担心考试结果)可知,考前学生开始焦虑的是他们的考试结果——是否够能通过考试。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Just befre an exam, highly anxius test-takers spend ten minutes writing abut their wrries abut the test”(在考试前,高度焦虑的考生花十分钟写下他们对考试的担忧)以及第三和第四段的实验过程和结果可知,让学生写下他们对考试的担忧是研究者研究的解决方案。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文章倒数第三段“Prfessr Beilck says thse wh sat quietly scred(得分) an average f 12% wrse n the secnd test. But the students wh had written abut their fears imprved(提高) their perfrmance by an average f 5%. Next, the researchers used yunger students in a bilgy class. They tld them befre final exams either t write abut their feelings r t think abut things unrelated(不相关的) t the test. Prfessr Beilck says highly anxius students wh did the writing gt an average grade f B+, cmpared t a B-fr thse wh did nt”(贝洛克教授说,那些静静地坐着的人在第二次测试中的平均得分要低12%。但那些写下自己的恐惧的学生的表现平均提高了5%。接下来,研究人员对生物课上低年级的学生进行了测试。他们让学生在期末考试前写下自己的感受,或者想一些与考试无关的事情。贝洛克教授说,那些写了担忧的高度焦虑的学生平均成绩为B+,而那些没有写的学生只得了B)可知,那些写与考试无关的学生的平均成绩没有那些写了担忧的高度焦虑的学生的成绩好。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“But what if students d nt have a chance t write abut their fears immediately befre an exam? Prfessr Beilck says students can try it themselves at hme r in the library and still imprve their perfrmance”(但是如果学生们在考试前没有机会写下他们的恐惧呢?贝洛克教授说,学生可以在家里或图书馆里自己尝试,仍然可以提高他们的表现)可知,考试前在哪里写对考试的担忧并不重要。故选D项。
    第二节 (共5小题,每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Travel shuld be enjyable. It makes yu take a break smewhere different, away frm all the usual wrries f life. Hwever, yur travel is ften stressful. ___16___ Here are sme ways t make ur travel mre enjyable!
    Bk well.
    ___17___ Dn’t all these amazing htels lk the same? Hw abut lking fr a hme where yu get far mre space using that mney? Camping trips are als a gd way f spending yu vacatins. S determining where t live can make yur travel mre pleasant.
    Find fun in yur air travel.
    We knw that smetimes air travel can be annying. In fact, airprts are amusing places. There’s s much t explre. ___18___ Frm watching peple t enjying wnderful advertisements, yu can gain great pleasure at the airprt if yu travel with the right state f mind.
    The best things in life are simple and free. Make simple travel plans that make yur travel mre interesting! Yu learn abut the culture and engage with (互动) the lcals as well. Mst f the time, yu wuldn’t just walk with the tur guides wh make yu g thrugh sme places that just aren’t t yur liking.
    Stay fit
    There’s little fun in travelling if yu dn’t feel well. If yu wish t make yur travel mre enjyable take gd care f yur health befre yu mean t travel. ___20___ Get all the medicines yu’d pssibly need.
    A. See a dctr and get yurself checked if it is necessary.
    B. Mix with the crwd.
    C. Yu need t keep an eye pen.
    D. There’s s much t d t make yur trip a successful ne.
    E. Keep it simple
    F. The places yu bk will surely determine the kind f trip yu’ll end up with.
    G. Als, yu can get a fair idea abut the advantages and disadvantages f the place.
    【答案】16. D 17. F 18. C 19. E 20. A
    前文“Hwever, yur travel is ften stressful. (然而,你的旅行经常是有压力的)”提到旅行会有压力的问题,后文“Here are sme ways t make ur travel mre enjyable! (这里有一些方法让我们的旅行更愉快)”引出让旅行更愉快的方法,因此D项“There’s s much t d t make yur trip a successful ne. (要使你的旅行成功,有很多事情要做)”符合语境,承前启后,起到过渡的作用。故选D。
    空处位于段首,需引出段落内容。标题“Bk well. (预定好)”建议做好预定,后文“Dn’t all these amazing htels lk the same? Hw abut lking fr a hme where yu get far mre space using that mney? Camping trips are als a gd way f spending yu vacatins. S determining where t live can make yur travel mre pleasant. (这些很棒的酒店看起来不都一样吗?用那笔钱找个空间大得多的房子怎么样?野营也是一种很好的度假方式。所以决定住在哪里可以让你的旅行更愉快)”具体介绍了预定时的考量,因此F项“The places yu bk will surely determine the kind f trip yu’ll end up with. (你预定的地方肯定会决定你最终的旅行方式)”符合语境,强调预定的重要性,呼应标题,引出后文,其中的bk与标题中的Bk是同词复现,determine与后文的determining呼应。故选F。
    前文“In fact, airprts are amusing places. There’s s much t explre. (事实上,机场是个有趣的地方。有太多东西值得探索)”指出机场值得探索,后文“Frm watching peple t enjying wnderful advertisements, yu can gain great pleasure at the airprt if yu travel with the right state f mind. (从观察人们到欣赏精彩的广告,如果你带着正确的心态旅行,你可以在机场获得巨大的乐趣)”分享在机场可以做的趣事,因此C项“Yu need t keep an eye pen. (你得多留意一下)”符合语境,承前启后,起到过渡的作用。故选C。
    空处是段落标题,需统领段落内容,且需和其他段落标题一样使用祈使句的形式。根据后文“The best things in life are simple and free. Make simple travel plans that make yur travel mre interesting! (生活中最美好的事情是简单和自由。制定简单的旅行计划,让你的旅行更有趣)”可知,本段主要建议让旅行变得简单,因此E项“Keep it simple (保持简单)”符合语境,契合段落内容,其中的simple和后文的simple是同词复现。故选E。
    前文“If yu wish t make yur travel mre enjyable, take gd care f yur health befre yu mean t travel. (如果你想让你的旅行更愉快,在你打算旅行之前要照顾好你的健康)”建议照顾好自己,后文“Get all the medicines yu’d pssibly need. (准备好你可能需要的所有药物)”给出具体的准备好药物的建议,因此A项“See a dctr and get yurself checked if it is necessary. (如果有必要的话,去看医生,检查一下)”符合语境,承接前文,和后文是平行的关系,其中的dctr和前文的health呼应。故选A。
    第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
    Muhammad Ali was an all-time great bxer. He was a three-time wrld ___21___ champin and an Olympic gld medallist. Later in life, he was made the United Natins Messenger f Peace, and ___22___ the United States Presidential Medal f Freedm.
    He’s widely ___23___ tday, but that wasn’t always true during his bxing career. Ali was a ___24___ ,clever, Black athlete wh was ___25___ t speak his mind and stand up fr his ideals. That made him very unppular with a lt f peple in 1960s America.
    In 1966, Ali was at the height f his success as a ___26___ . At the same time, the US was fighting a ___27___ in Vietnam. Ali was drafted (征兵), but he ___28___ anyway. Thus, Ali lst his heavyweight ___29___ and wasn’t allwed t fight. And even he was given a $ 10,000 fine.
    Ali returned t bxing in 1971 and ____30____ his heavyweight title in 1974. After retiring in 1981, he spent much f his time in ____31____ different causes. In 1984, he caught a disease named Parkinsn’s (帕金森症), and raised mney fr research int the ____32____ . He traveled the wrld ____33____ fd and medicine t pr cuntries. He als brught his ____34____ t many different rganisatins, including the Special Olympics. Thrughut his life, Ali set the ____35____ f being true t yurself and believing what yu believe is right.
    A. basketballB. bxingC. ftballD. vlleyball
    A. madeB. exchangedC. gtD. designed
    A. requestedB. attractedC. stppedD. accepted
    A. braveB. shyC. anxiusD. injured
    A. frightenedB. cnfidentC. suitableD. bred
    A. masterB. teacherC. dctrD. bxer
    A. raceB. matchC. warD. shw
    A. reachedB. refusedC. graduatedD. applied
    A. titleB. experimentC. tpicD. slutin
    A. wn backB. gave upC. turned ffD. lked up
    A. breakingB. cheatingC. supprtingD. revising
    A. statueB. diseaseC. brchureD. park
    A. bringingB. brrwingC. sellingD. tracking
    A. cmpanyB. strategyC. kindnessD. castle
    A. requirementB. packageC. siteD. example
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他是三届世界拳击冠军和奥运会金牌得主。A. basketball篮球;B. bxing拳击;C. ftball足球;D. vlleyball排球。根据上文“Muhammad Ali was an all-time great bxer.”可知,穆罕默德·阿里是一位永远伟大的拳击手,因此他获得的应该是拳击冠军。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,他被任命为联合国和平使者,并获得了美国总统自由勋章。A. made制作;B. exchanged交换;C. gt得到;D. designed设计。根据空后“the United States Presidential Medal f Freedm.”可知,他是获得了美国总统自由勋章。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他今天被广泛接受,但在他的拳击生涯中并不总是如此。A. requested请求;B. attracted吸引;C. stpped停止;D. accepted接受。根据上文“Muhammad Ali was an all-time great bxer.”可知,阿里现在被人们广为认可。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:阿里是一个勇敢、聪明的黑人运动员,他有信心说出自己的想法,为自己的理想挺身而出。A. brave勇敢的;B. shy害羞的;C. anxius担忧的;D. injured受伤的。根据下文“wh was ___5___ t speak his mind and stand up fr his ideals.”可判断,他会为自己的理想挺身而出。由此可推测,他是个勇敢的人。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:阿里是一个勇敢、聪明的黑人运动员,他有信心说出自己的想法,为自己的理想挺身而出。A. frightened害怕的;B. cnfident自信的;C. suitable合适的;D. bred无聊的。根据下文“stand up fr his ideals.”以及最后一段“Thrughut his life, Ali set the ___15___ f being true t yurself and believing what yu believe is right.”可知,阿里非常自信。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:1966年,阿里作为一名拳击手正处于成功的巅峰时期。A. master大师;B. teacher教师;C. dctr医生;D. bxer拳击手。根据上文可知,阿里是一名拳击手。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:与此同时,美国正在越南打仗。A. race赛跑;B. match比赛;C. war战争;D. shw展示。根据下文“Ali was drafted (征兵),”可知,此时美国正在越南打仗。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿里被征召入伍,但他还是拒绝了。A. reached到达;B. refused拒绝;C. graduated毕业;D. applied申请。根据下文“Thus, Ali lst his heavyweight ___9___ and wasn’t allwed t fight. And even he was given a $10,000 fine.”可知,阿里不仅失去了冠军头衔、被禁止参赛,还被罚款。由此可知,阿里拒绝入伍,所以才会被惩罚。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,阿里失去了他的重量级冠军头衔,并被禁止参加比赛。A. title标题、头衔;B. experiment实验;C. tpic话题;D. slutin解决方法。根据下文“wasn’t allwed t fight. And even he was given a $10,000 fine.”可判断,由于阿里拒绝入伍,所以是得到了惩罚。由此可知,阿里是失去了他的重量级冠军头衔。故选A。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:阿里于1971年重返拳坛,并于1974年重夺重量级拳王头衔。A. wn back赢回;B. gave up放弃;C. turned ff关闭;D. lked up查找。根据上文“Ali returned t bxing in 1971”再结合上文可知,由于阿里拒绝入伍,所以他被禁止参加比赛,并且失去了冠军头衔,而1971年阿里又重返拳坛,并于1974年重新夺回冠军头衔。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:1981年退休后,他花了很多时间支持不同的事业。A. breaking打破;B. cheating欺骗;C. supprting支持;D. revising修正。根据下文“In 1984, he caught a disease named Parkinsn’s(帕金森症), and raised mney fr research int the ___12___ . He traveled the wrld ___13___ fd and medicine t pr cuntries. He als brught his ___14___ t many different rganisatins, including the Special Olympics.”可知,阿里做了许多善事,也就是支持了很多的事业。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:1984年,他得了帕金森氏症,并为该疾病的研究筹集了资金。A. statue雕像;B. disease疾病;C. brchure小册子;D. park公园。根据上文“In 1984, he caught a disease named Parkinsn’s(帕金森症),”可知,阿里患上了帕金森氏症。由此可知,他是筹集资金研究该疾病。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他周游世界,为贫穷国家带去食物和药品。A. bringing带来;B. brrwing借来;C. selling卖;D. tracking追踪。根据空后“fd and medicine t pr cuntries”可知,阿里为贫穷国家带来了食物和药品。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他还把他的善良带给了许多不同的组织,包括特奥会。A. cmpany公司、陪伴;B. strategy策略;C. kindness善良;D. castle城堡。根据上文“After retiring in 1981, he spent much f his time in ___11___ different causes. In 1984, he caught a disease named Parkinsn’s (帕金森症), and raised mney fr research int the ___12___ . He traveled the wrld ___13___ fd and medicine t pr cuntries.”可知,他是将自己的善良、善举带给了很多组织。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在他的一生中,阿里树立了忠于自己,相信自己的信念是正确的榜样。A. requirement要求;B. package包装;C. site地点;D. example榜样。根据下文“being true t yurself and believing what yu believe is right.”可知,阿里树立了一个良好的榜样。动词短语set the example f意为“树立了……榜样”,符合句意。故选D。
    第二节语法填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    In China calligraphy (书法) ccupies an imprtant psitin in the traditinal art. It is nt nly a means f cmmunicatin, but a means f expressing a persn’s inner wrld in ____36____ artistic way.
    Ancient peple paid great attentin ____37____ calligraphy. It was necessary fr a candidate because it culd shw his literary talent in the Imperial Examinatin (科举考试), fr it gave a first ____38____ (impress) t the examiners.
    T practise calligraphy ____39____ (require) the basic tls f fur treasures f study (文房四宝). ____40____a persn als needs t cncentrate n guiding the sft writing brush and writing n the paper where the ink will diffuse quickly. Once the brush mvement slws dwn, a black mark ____41____ (create), s speed is the essence f fine artwrk. When writing, many calligraphers will frget all wrries and even ____42____ (they), cmbining all thughts in the beauty f their art. Thus it is cmpared with Qigng. It is als ____43____ (help) t make peple keep healthy.
    Tday, althugh many mdern ____44____ (way) have replaced the riginal calligraphy created with a writing brush, peple still _____45_____ (extreme) lve the riginal frm and practise it untiringly.
    【答案】36. an 37. t
    38. impressin
    39. requires
    40. And 41. is created
    42. themselves
    43. helpful
    44. ways 45. extremely
    考查介词。句意:古人对书法十分重视。根据所给句子分析可知,此处需要使用介词t构成动词短语pay attentin t sth.意为“重视……”。故填t。
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:练习书法,需要有“四宝”的基本工具。根据所给句子分析可知,此处需要谓语,主语不定式t practice calligraphy表示单数概念,且表达一般事实。因此需要使用一般现在时的单数形式,故填requires。
    考查时态语态。句意:一旦画笔的运动速度减慢,就会产生一个黑色的痕迹,所以速度是精美艺术品的本质。分析句子可知,create作谓语,与主语mark是被动关系,根据上下文语境,用一般现在时,主语是单数,故填is created。
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 为鼓励更多的学生参加体育运动,中学生21世纪报英语网站现面向全市中学生征集体育故事,请你以“My Sprts Stry”为主题,用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    1. 你最喜欢的运动项目是什么?
    2. 你多久做一次你喜欢的运动?
    3. 这项运动给你带来了什么好处?
    注意:1. 写作词数应为 80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My Sprts Stry
    Gd mrning, everyne! I’d like t share my sprts stry.
    My Sprts Stry
    Gd mrning, everyne! I’d like t share my sprts stry.
    Of all the sprts, I like table tennis best, which is the mst ppular sprts in China. On weekdays, I usually play table tennis after schl and I have learned many practical skills. I als take part in ther sprts activities in ur schl, including running, basketball as well as ftball. On weekends, I g cycling r climb the hill and I have great fun.
    In my pinin, nt nly des the sprt help me build up my bdy, train my brains and keep me cnfident, but als it helps me make a lt f friends.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。为鼓励更多的学生参加体育运动,中学生21世纪报英语网站现面向全市中学生征集体育故事,请你以“My Sprts Stry”为主题,用英语写一篇短文投稿。
    参加:take part in→participate in
    玩得愉快:have fun→have a gd time
    我认为:in my pinin→as far as I’m cncerned
    原句:I als take part in ther sprts activities in ur schl, including running, basketball as well as ftball.
    拓展句:I als take part in ther sprts activities in ur schl, which include running, basketball as well as ftball.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Of all the sprts, I like table tennis best, which is the mst ppular sprts in China. (运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】In my pinin, nt nly des the sprt help me build up my bdy, train my brains and keep me cnfident, but als it helps me make a lt f friends.(运用了部分倒装句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 读后续写
    There was a girl named Emily. Althugh her singing was pleasant t hear, lacking f curage, she never sings in frnt f strangers.
    One summer, the neighbrhd wuld hld a singing cmpetitin. Her best friend, Lucy, came t invite her t participate in the cmpetitin, but Emily said, “I’m afraid t take part in it.” Her mther said, “It’s kay; just d it bravely.” Emily fllwed her mm’s ad vice and decided t have a try. The day came. Emily and Lucy went t the cmpetitin site. But she was t timid (胆小的) t walk nt the stage. She had been waiting until thers finished singing. She shakily frced herself t stand n the stage. She started t sing, but her vice was s lw. What’s wrse, she was s nervus that she frgt the lyrics (歌词) after singing a few wrds. Being laughed at by thers, embarrassed and shy, she ran away frm the stage.
    Sme bys ran after her and said, “Emily, cward (胆小鬼)! Emily, cward!” Emily didn’t argue with them. What she wanted was t g back hme as quickly as she culd. Finally, she rushed int the huse, hugged her mm and cried sadly.
    “Well, my pr girl, dn’t cry. Tell me what happened t yu,” asked her mm. Emily tld her mther what she had experienced.
    Listening t her, her mm cupped her face and said, “It desn’t matter, girl. As lng as yu practice singing mre in frnt f strangers, yu will becme braver little by little. S, my girl, dn’t be beaten by a failure. Yu can g ut t practice singing every day. N matter wh is listening t yu, g n singing and never stp. I believe there will be a harvest fr yu.”
    注意:1. 续写的短文词数应为100 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Emily listened t her mther carefully and fllwed her mm’s suggestin.
    Ging n singing, she walked int the park.
    【答案】Emily listened t her mther carefully and fllwed her mm’s suggestin. The next day, she began t practice singing utside. Gradually, her curage became greater and greater, and the sund f her singing was als luder and luder. Mnths later, she culd sing as she was walking. A naughty by wh had laughed at her befre cried t her, “Emily, cward! Emily, cward!” Emily felt depressed. Hwever, she chse t ignre his behavir.
    Ging n singing, she walked int the park. Many peple were singing and dancing there. Hearing her beautiful vice, sme stpped t listen t her singing and clapped fr her. A grandma smiled t her and said, “Oh, little girl, yur vice is really beautiful!” Encuraged by the wrds, Emily felt pleased and culd sing cnfidently in frnt f strangers. In the secnd year singing cmpetitin, Emily walked nt the stage bravely, and her lud and beautiful vice f singing mved all the peple, including thse wh had laughed at her. Her mther was delighted t see the timid girl became a brave ne.
    ①嘲笑:laugh at/make fun f
    ①自信地:cnfidently/with cnfidence
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Mnths later, she culd sing as she was walking(运用了as引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2] Encuraged by the wrds, Emily felt pleased and culd sing cnfidently in frnt f strangers.(过去分词Encuraged充当原因状语)
    听力答案:1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. B 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B

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