第二单元庄子”无用有用“主题作文讲评 课件---2024-2025学年统编版高二语文选择性必修上册
这是一份第二单元庄子”无用有用“主题作文讲评 课件---2024-2025学年统编版高二语文选择性必修上册,共23页。
作文讲评庄子和弟子们在路边看到一棵直耸入云的大树,庄子问伐木人,为什么这棵树无人砍伐呢?伐木人告诉庄子,这是一种无用的木材,所以才能够长那么大。庄子深受启发后,说:“人皆知有用之用,而莫知无用之用也。”但在现实生活中,有些人凡事都会问“这有用吗?”“这能当饭吃吗?”,这就是庄子所说的“莫知无用之用”。对此,你有哪些看法?请结合以上材料,写一篇不少于800字的文章。 要求:选准角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于 800字。庄子和弟子们在路边看到一棵直耸入云的大树,庄子问伐木人,为什么这棵树无人砍伐呢?伐木人告诉庄子,这是一种无用的木材,所以才能够长那么大。庄子深受启发后,说:“人皆知有用之用,而莫知无用之用也。”但在现实生活中,有些人凡事都会问“这有用吗?”“这能当饭吃吗?”,这就是庄子所说的“莫知无用之用”。庄子 大树伐木人无用无用之用无用莫知无用之用对此,你有哪些看法?请结合以上材料,写一篇不少于800字的文章。优秀标题关键字垃圾标题关键字①有用与无用②知“无用”之用,做国之栋梁③沧海桑田须臾改,“无用”修得万木春④一“无”山河壮,一“用”草木生⑤追知识之光,逐华夏之阳⑥“有用”之风尚凛然,“无用”之力行致远⑦存在即合理⑧借“无用”之墨香,润(填)人生之芳瀚⑨“有用”为根耀四方,“无用”为叶四海达⑩有无相调,可为用之⑪“无用”晓得铺膏腴,“有用”修得万木春⑫御“有用”以行远舟,知“无用”以启新程⑬“有用”之树葳蕤开,展鹏“无用”引蝶来⑭桑田碧海须臾改,“有用”之风不可移⑮读庄子之章,论庄子之理⑯品“有用”之真理,嗅“无用”之茗香⑰以平凡之躯,成国之栋梁⑱始足下(“有用”)以致千里,行“无用”以赴长空⑲“有用”化作春泥土,“无用”修得万木春⑳以“无用”之精神,书写瑰丽人生 标题展播添加你小标题01、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here02、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here03、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here04、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here201520162017201801、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here02、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here03、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here04、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here添加你小标题添加你小标题输入标题输入标题01、输入您的小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here,Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here02、输入您的小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here,Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here输入你的小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here,Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here02添加你小标题BDE输入标题输入标题输入标题输入标题输入标题AC输入你的小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here,Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here03添加你小标题01、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here02、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here03、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here04、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here输入你的小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here,Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here04添加你小标题75%项目名称A0152%项目名称B36%项目名称C030201、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here02、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here03、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here添加你小标题01、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here02、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here03、输入小标题Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here. Please add the text you need here感谢观看